CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 3

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r' Tbeu wt~ w i.......i ebxng of ime.Dorothi' Ch4Ideeot, "e ..........28 0.1Vis, Allen la havtng eletrit ltgzhta put jmrdGuss io, une.............. 20 lu ber bouse. %nsOot ae........2 ,Fggar EWtrowd, Chicago......... 24 Mr@. Plere. bas rskrneJ VO ber home Bert4C rat, mm.............24 4n Chicago, a! tir sponding somna tieru e Anderon, port sheridafl...21 viJth ber grand dagter. Mantter. lrensBelley, Goodlsitd, Ind ....18 Wm. Mec Outre sud daugb er Ethel aud Mru. Gun>%le otre and hlte sn TH1" riN(G$ TO B Miihuru, sçet Frlday at ý. J. Uiooko. Ms. Ada Whftetunre sud Aima Rose PET. EhBERE vlelted rWM% st a ke- Villa Thu radai. Mr. and lire. Eliedre cpi-t kSinday> THAT the . stcleaut and coolet wli.h ilntaChiego place ia towvu t'Oget your lt-s creani Vies Eiogm S tuder tof lDsKalb, jlaodu la l asatthe Drug ators. epening erveatio homýTHAýT tihet place to gt the pursat s1eaiag er vcatili tare.and cleanes dru"a la fron um Darov * Mmp Ada, Whtmore eatertajuted tbq'îiJu. W. C. T. U,.on Wesd a>'. 1THAT we rr a fuîtlfine of Park@ The Genutery Assocation pietewa Davis & Co.. lue. and toilet goods., on of Vhb ut Pharnaeutldîâtbouwes weii atteudsd and a good time enjoyed in iIstence. by al. . TIAT W@ bave the agenetes for the IdM its aEliedge of Waukegau, 1t1 Boxait & NyaJ remedie, a tatl goarante. vitiag t Wit E ledges ethis ee , gos. vlth qaclh package. TIEAT ir e rr a fuîtl fne of ail the tateut magats, perlodicals and the tte Copyright bocks, LAKE VILA THAT vs baie thpl *2eVtbing la Obituary. atatloneiy. postale and souvente. TI4AT we cerrn aotblng but the ver' George Franklin Rocker vas bora lu bétis brande tu box aMd hut:chocolat@. Avon tosobp Sept. 18, 1864. Re. vAs THAT vs are vbolseale dealer@ ta uaarrid ti Edth Eminousof Autoeb, tee aqd tlees em .your orders vîiibe lob. 1, 1888. and dled Aug. 10, 1911. pvomtY attended 10vea tfi ith ne R, e veetuVo l elmts n n- a& th Gmysla ePharmaci'. -dr, u. LlisBaritalemarode THAT 8h. Ihrya&»office o thea dieu Mi. LtiaBarstele.ManonsLIII Coes'rr f itpgsqDErtla al; Our and i'3oeg, aleo mother. four sster. end »om two brother.. TIAT ve are agents tor th. Kimbahl lie lvsd la thIte ommuniti' ait hiol Ile Piano Co. W. oeil and vent piano. '- and viii h. mi#essel h !i« ran fetnda. THAT vs apti eonsuMtton rairoe' tý:itte.-Icl lesti ralirundm. Banal t An 11etîllliids I siflate>' TIAT w- sar,'e ue ir the Mli- Bundai, Anu. i13, latme i , Ce sijo wt.uks Le jchaisýtoub... auc Co. depar:ythi Ibslle Noy. 24, 1904, and THAT we testt îdar and Bi daugisier Lcttae Insu. wbu died Sep, 1 youir *Aaâeso. Al wiriz gîîraiitsed. 13,1595. THPTtho0fficoiti Wi5t$MT v t h Card 0f Thsnk& l gad to altae ot yonr mousi' orders for We vlabtothaktîfred.îliltir and elaverr for tiitr kiaduesel in the nit-k.1 THÂTve area.-at« rit.l. Rurlng- uf«suddeto f utîmIveîonl.auadryCGo. %tii i .îraitteed ne. au deia if ur el-ilttbur. jand îpromspt detIv4-.î> The ChiId&eia THAT vs are su-hi - l giWing __________________________Brow, tissm bail and s xiVlîtiOii lTÂAT at autnytie vonare dia- a e atlssfid #iII.aaythlug t4at yon bpî GU T YOUR SPRJNCA Wmu lynwl o sinWw ii be ouy o îiad Vo make iV ri.Our 1ND UUMERSUI ealores.aim tw he plaes o1 reitaBtiti. I______~~ ilonare nol getting tise bpct ood for M AD T O R DE R s os' quare deal and courteouis treatmsut vs vautto knov IV. zome -~ ~ ~ ~to us. Our competitoro caa'I square di.... frea.. lïPr..u.g ma.tlidomm.. i ýWm.Jahnsf it1 DRUCEDRUGCO. 1 TMý"Sm Gmysié e Edkboeasd Round Lji. T. Grsy" Rcda.Eé*iaer 8*l tiw rviug HOLLANI) CREAMEIRY Bl »"leR you are servirig tbe rot SA NITARY buttm- iolia,* jr, ij. tIie ouiy butter chuined. eut, 1.îixLwd titand wrapped by machinery. Our roomt;i rp modul8 oY neatness ,and leanlines8, with ail employees in white uniforfi. Holland braiîd of butter is charned in th couîntry from selected pure cream and sold in pound cartons by ttearly ail first grocers. An essential awd satisfactorjy adjuuct to every meal. The 1'tst sprMad e(lfal to the first. A f air trial will demonstrate it's superiority., FOR SALE BY W. W. Carroll & Son Wm. Walrond Corlett & Fredericks LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Geo.Herman, J. C. Merchant & Bro. M. E. Smith & Co. C. Steiiik ap A. G. Taylor, WAUKEGAN,-ILL GEO. W. LINN &SMN CUWAGO ESTABLISHED 1869 Excluelvo Wholoeti. whrou Not a nsv brand, as thon. e sm«os i"lt Biutter s»W I Chidego oà- Wlts7"t4o MW e h ua P. J. DRISCE, EdRio MEnoN T 1-Old0. Yak"n for Job Work Advortisinng Ratia On Application Oscar WbIItalsore oi Wisconein, l e be on a vlatvithhls mother, )àro. Elizabeth Wbitemore. Mmra Edlth Darbi' of Wilmot. via lted rinonds bers laatgaturda>' and Sada>'. Dr . B. Rani'.>' toared througb southeru Wisconsin luet Son3da>'. Mis Zeta liasse>'a vieiting friends bers. R. B. Godfray of Antlocb," @peut Tues- day bers and atiiended Vhe Episcopal Bonda>' seboot piente. lira.Win. Bullocit and daugbter oi Waukegaa, m. the gueiseoîf Nîre. Garvood Sonda>'. Mr. and Mm .Arthur Pace>' and daugier Ruth @pent Saturda>' and Budai at tise B. J. Lof tua home. lir. and MUn. Harry Smithî bave moved lab "bor novwiçm. lins. Drago »peutt ast Saturda>' lu Chicago. Leonord Hook vas a ChIcago visitar Mondai. Mrs. Wm. Mdoore transacteà business lu Chicago lit.aa&" ira.m . DooLittIe and danghtar Ruths drove Vo Chicago Sun- day andi! itsse.ed thesairahipe. P. D. Datlrabslland famit>' accont- posLd by Marquis Bhalfer, took a trip oiror Ibe EWgi auto race coarse udai'. Don Peterconri vas a Iru-st of tir. andI Mus.94. Doclittle and 'iantghter in thoir auto trip tu Chicago unda>'. U, M Ifs- p ..- Edward, ac'uour Brewor aud Mies trip tri Chicago i nîpbcbîae. Mr. and UMn,,B. tp Aida anud( treatud te au an u lir. and Un,. Lee Williamss bave me@t îètuned front a tour through Iowa, Kanfea, andismiuri, visiug points of interest &long the %big@lmiDpi and Musoonririvea. Fromnthere hs>'toursd ths sasl vtlng [iiiito oi intersat inl C.inada, Nov York annd %.ihigan . Tb@ Episcopal Sunila>' chool beld their atinol picn(uti aRlound Lake Tusday ou 0. P. iteuehanus beantiful grotuds vhIch ho kîndi>' let theni have for the occasion. Erervune euloyed a fine outiyg. Joseph Turner taok over a ha>' rackt fond oI'cblldreu and parents. There vers thirt>' lu ail. Idr. and lMta. John Wasiiburn drove lao Oak Park gaturdai' and took in hs airship obeet Suda>'. retarnfug home M onday. Robert Paddock çud tire. \elli- Wood o! Charlevoix, Milchigan, bave hi-en hfrs tao visît their mnotber. ,trm. Paddock, vbo le ver>' 1IN at ber home at Fort Hlli. Ellolt Flua.>' nd boy lriend nturned witb John Waabharu 'and vife front Oak Parkilionala and are spendiug he veek vlth i. 8sd dMre. Waahburn. ita. Uitt ais by l>'of Wilmot, Wt., and Mdisa Bk" Ecok of Rtollns, calted on frends ber. TneadaY. The Graylai #t>eneter>' society viii met at thse bogue o! Nire. John Wicke, Thurada>', Aug. 8lsV. Misa Louise Boules o! Waucouda, la a guet et HMui ardiîîîer. Malins Ellitt Viwil sup 10,-a î-ake. Càas. Amos rsturned Weduesday from the bospitalinl Chicago. lira. Edmpnd Gerry and childreu have returned fromu (iary, [nil.. and wiii make Mlîburu their future home. Mr@. A. K. Bain and l)orothy will returu he last of the week froni Dakota. Win. Liarsellîs let Thureda>' for Port. land Oregon, Vo @pend thîe vinter. J. S. Denan spent Saturda>' and Sua- day at Rochester, Wls. Mrs. Flale Lawrenee and daughter of Taboîr, Iowa, vlslted relativeg and frieudm lu thîs "viit> the put wsek. Mir. andl Mre. S. Il. Bonnereutertailied relatives froni Chicago andl Lake Foreet reeentiy. rMsse« Anal. and Josephine Dodge and Mise Benton o!f[Detroit, %firh., leave this week for Peoria, 111. tir. and tirs. Joe Nie Crorne of Wauke- gan, epent Sonda>' witb relatives bers . A. K. Bain epeut Sunda>' with frieude Iu Waukegan. Mrs. Louise Stiepard of Warren, and Mir@. Lawrenee of Waukegau, caÀlld on frienda Mondav. The Miburu Sundai' echool beld their pieute Thorsday, Aug. 21, in Brewersa grove. Bruce LaRe. Mr. and lira. L..El. Edwardi- att.ended thns fanerai of a relative at Lock port, Ili., Tueudey. Maaî front this vinit>' attended the Hickory pici Tbnraday. Farmmer are buay threohîag. Mor.. Frank LM'eYra and daugliter o! ('bîîýago. i-petit a day tast ve5k at the cottagte. ipanlsd hy M1r. Joîhn F rank- Sbea and L.eo Lui, where rity 1 iEditn Darhy. Vook a GanuinS Fa.etory visitons Mondai'.1 Suaday la Mr. Bixiers h aaa atovt o uuu A nuaiber ironi buesattended the play' at tiraielake vlth a pay roi! of seventi'- et tbe Schwartz Theatre, Wauksgan,1 B. . L.oiîus and daugh- lin.- aiu besidss ibooe vhu are daing Sonday i lbt. (iraudpa Loftas vi-re. riete vork. A. soon as Vhe cotrn i.luIn Peter .lortînaon and famly, of Okia- 1 itu ride b>'F. B. Doolittie rc'ndins« u t ta siu4f(iens uppli' eau homa, areiîere ou a visit. a trip Vo Wllmot, Wi8. b e pt et th.e bede. tva lino@e viti e A. Truax la moving on the Hommes Sand son neturn sd tri tatsd and about tbirt>' aoresme en-tefanlaths bouse rééent1y vacated b v alter epeuîiag Boine listed on Vhe pejrotll i-aide extra pli-ce Fred Hay,. eat o! Wadevorth. ie f Mm .Grey'@ parente, rLntbeip. Emb yar Vhs lact.ory puise lis Clara Lux I. speadiar the week lu àKa.-Pe. ril more intprovomenta. This year tour waukegau. id Gos. Soblosser wers large motors, ra>reseuîiag 4>0 .oni-e Yatbsr Folsi', bas gane ta Indiana, tVo yvie Sonda>' pu&vsr, have bou inaialled; alan a label. attend the retreat. I and vile bave retarned iag machine auo thirtfen hskiugilàercow aee tthBoe nnachiuq, Deelde Ibis îaoch extra AlagsodgahrdtteBov "lm' visit lu Vhe eaet, I Scoo renton lent Thuradai'. lan>' buildinghba ts ing on. ltiaaflgd s onlr n oahrbv e ew î â Alsî ughter Viole. that auxt le" qu rorraddition vili oodenlr adlchrhvlgae ay mi Watikegaa. bi!tadkig*II i iî jwiçh brought back ma § Chol ~ Lofins viaited ftli.bds >nt carrled on. A tâ'p ihrditilj tfetorni' uÔmie. Tho &dY *ae enjoyAd'ý arday. Ievtery inte"Ug ud educatindj *pont and ail departed hoptur Vo meet agaluneit jear. tire. PranitPettie, o! Kanasa, ta vîsît. hig relatives bers, J.-.-AKElir. and Mr&. Piip, Benainger, ai ». Orley ttovard @pent tirs.(ieorg4 npe andduhe ietvle ale I red e@ts D'ovin'. Mîldred, epont 1'buli'sday itti relatives wvei. vile sud son Raymond, in WaIukegan. 1i 1 lad Parlk fecenli'. louyo and Déolitte, t busy vith icoif and lia>' Fiait ci their ha>' press. -r - R ited e the bano!ofPeter, Stante>' Ciiyo andl lamiiy of Wi&ft ila Ruth Elaulon vas caltes] ta hir visiter! relatives hm et1w e st of tht home iu Canada, lest veek b>' theserions retarned Vo Waukegan wveet. fineSu o! ber brother atter epeading ber tva Mr. and Nire. Bert Paikinson anîd Mi. ànd JArs. C. 0. Northrop have bei-n a ers. !smlly o! Chicago, ver, aven Sanda>' entertainng compan>' irom Michigan. ut service@ vere beld an vistoro with Mr. aud Mms.Datph Chard. Mias Blen&he Oliver anîl sister Ida have slawu Suaday and man>' Several fram tlîî etiaS> attended the- returued front a delightful motaring trip aviation meet in cUbîcago. tant vsek. Vo Aurara. dattend-d the vvaudeville Misa Mary Amanu tla vloitWlg friendo lu The Cemeter>' mOieti' met vitb Mie opera bouse Suuday Mivaukee. Weicb let Wedneadýai'aiternoon. Tb@ Mn. and tirs. Everette Marsh and meeting vas veil attesah, bad the imiofortne Vo famil>' veuttVo Cransbout Staturda>' tu We are ait glad to se Ltcns tarr' in recentl>'. attend Vhsevi-dding qI lMr. Marsb 0 Roieernans agaîn, and to ses bien iaoking rd of Waa'kegau, ulsited sister, Mies Luella Marshto, M lr. (le s 80Weil. Peter Fiery receutl>'. L-arsen. Mr. and tirs. Larma le t for a Mr1 u is ena r -f 1er! viaited Mmp Jack trip on the Great Laite, and viii bc at Mr..a.nM@.CrlseniRren? iehoepital iu Chicago home at Evauston, alter Ssptsmber lot. tertaling campany froin Chicago. Misa Mary Lewis Waukegau, bau bei-fl Joi-ep let-her and i MsaJohnson, oft esding a tev day at the o!ftir. and ad vite visited at Geo. Zion City', spent Sand-y a in ta evýcùuty. Lire. J:gD. itinray. Iy. Mtr. and Mrs. George Kapple, enter Thresbiug in this cicluit>' la juet rom. ion bas parrhia6ed Mark Vained relative, front., Montana and pliest bovýiug the >'ieid af grain Vo Le i and rented it to Oea. Chicago, lest wi-ek genereli>' ilght and quâhit>' ver>' medium. Mir. and Lire. VillIIKahler, of Grays- ttenlj Shea proelinnd as cthampion n o! Woo)datock. hi-e lake, spent Suday,Coomb's home straw stacker o! the seaman. a fev days et the home of tMr. and LIns. Fred Chard, and famîl>' Sanda>' visitons lu the villageM were vlsited Mr. and tirs. W ' lt"nn fltchinson Mire. Ben Hogan and sou at M. Hogan's, wnattsuded the aviation lu Waukegan Sanda>'. ,,. Mr. and tirs. John Stealian, Ir., at bis 0lest week. Peter Streelman bm %m tVo Chiicago, fathereo.7 for a twa week's visil. Misses Pearl, lBertha and Miale DOR GROVE Mlsses Ruth and Alice'Moore of Lake Faulkner callptd on relatives and friande bDieler o! Anna, Ill., is Zurich, wvesvisitors vitb âtre. Car- bers neceuti>'. re@ and fn-ende bere. michani on Toi-sdn>'. -Wuo. ilaji o! Waakegan, client a Allen Starr and laiti>' ouaecoant of the muîilpt[clIy o! di-. daY oi hie iarmu nonth of town thîs ie Mr. Slarr ts repeiring madE made on as fonlahephone service week. ibis farrobers, ou botbhulies, wevi- Wnou iis date, tir. aud tirs. John ilemoriet of se Eddy is eutertaialng charge lice cents fon alkm#seegee deliver- Waukegan, Henr>' Ieacan o! North OU DeKab, lit ed. This dues noV Ibeàlde 4h, regular Chiîcago and Jaune@ Welch passed tbroaoeb u o! Chicago le vieîting toit charged b>' theue tr ae' pf on points the village, enrîlute for Antiorb and Fox er. outalde o! Grayelakg ani! Round Lake Lake. tiau and Clarence Puhaltertoy Misa Martha We'Pntwortb bas returned lu Mou Cit>'. Ar 0 11. ' C. AiES. Vo Aurora 10 rearule hi-r atudias 'alter àd la ver>' bus>' tbreehiug speadung thte 8nier ut W. Oliveres. Lpo you, know t iae.ay Vo tiarn Carl Joîhneonî le havlug quite a serions in"gs viaited relatives lu soit cn t 11it'. goodoQaJ>1, !nlbout the ine with tousilitis. la>. annoyen;e of soot W pié4aoke. Juet E. S. Faulkner bas piîrchased the aid In la painting Vhs Biddle. gins the lire a ver>' fi*~~r on top. Sid Hunting fana and viii move soon. MiseJessie Bdd± vili i Don't check Vhes to* ff». damper tonIo saienv ires vwsre hed aetVhs M. E, 55g >ear. 1rioset>'. Use Pyroilie Wàuhed NoV. YOU church ou Sudai' on accouni of tbe v as here on bustness'ean gett !rom thseRIcUe' t1mbsr Cou.- townehip Suad'ebhootl ouveulion et pan>'. IV bedaoloewl**t llghtiy, and Rusail. Bktr.ettveeuough 'air 5pn 'ftithe lire 1 _______________ *Geo. Lewin, lir. ad Ir. m ail an Vgenou tkg nmmothervîse lv - r. inu avitina Make saut and smake4 If' ti %nu# ' su uda' vtb _______ la>'. . , jJ o, ! eblou hlcn da-.Liof. bpr rnoon OquCo slb.lsrê vhloh you Ilve ~ yn du -uàdla tse aa odai. yo-pasbap. ýlu a *o4 aya. Xany a Libertyvije House- hold WiU l nd Them 80 To have the' pains and aches of a bad back removed; tii e entîrely iree [trou> annoyîng. dangerous urînary dis- orders ta snouithto niak.. any kidney sufferer grate2ul. To tell how this great change ran te brought about will prove comforting words to hun- drede of Libertyville readerm. James Duggan, :l:18 S West st.. Waukgan II.. ay "I uan recomuiend Doansa Kiduey Pille tii anyoue suffermxg front kidney trouble. Two yeurs ago 1 book this remedy and the contentso! two baies cired meatter other so-called kiduey remedies hâd failed Vi) belp me n the least. Feor a long tiWe t suffered f rom doit, uaexlng pains iu the amal of mi' back. accompanled b>' a lanienese aud sorenes. ini'y loin@. The kidine>' secretion aiso passed too frequenti>' and were atlenâed hi' a emarting seniation seheu beiug voided., Doan'e Kidney Pille went directly tu the root of my trouble and soon convinced me of thel, eurati se powers. 1 canuot pralse thia remedy tio higbly.", Fn, sale byaldealer. PriceG50cents. Fo@ter-Miflbura Con. Bu£Wao, New York, sole agent for the United Ssatas Remeruber the nreDa'.-n ake no other. 48-2 YORK HOMS MMrs Cunming and daughtsr fros Jlaule. Wls.. visitsdl over Sanda>' at Frankt Barri'. Tbe Johnson brothera and tbibes tamiles iront North Cicgo and Lake Bluff, vielted over Bonda>' as J. L. Burria'. George Lewin and Um Is da Levin epeat Sondai' et Georpe OGratsi'. Lest Wî-8nesitiv liiz,teoioîc -tmck Georgel.-'ehîw-.q. d .rîa ies at the w-. lit .i. ltî ud rpmuiLrake windis,ý. Mire. iueri,, floehei tp' niet, Misa 8yrilda .,s,, L,,, r.lgeV-îls. W i . l visiting u.r Viii. wa-. Llghieniung struck Vhs cbimney ou Peter BliiiM's houe lestWedusaday. [t 'ollowt.d the chimney 'lo t he ceilar, Nirs. lis' Brock-oin's brother tram Diamoud LAke. la vîsiiting ber. Mrs.t aldwetili-ee Forencetic O(utre) from Dienver, Colo., ta vleiting ber iuother, Mr@. Thonuso Griffan. C. C. Povere. vbo basb te vi'iiting lu Iova, returaed hont Iis wook. Ira Poidrldge @pent Tusadai' lu Chicago. Miss Mande Hawklne. MVrp. Mary Hawkins and bier grand childran suent Monda>' lu Chicagot Mn. and lire. Charles Holdrldge @pent Suda>' at GrassLait . - 1b1e¶is aeured home ver; le ý; Iag et berV 00, 4. né ?IIMO wMs i bres cii#srent autos broke dovu vîtsin bail mite of York flouse eburch Tus.dayegbt. Can't la>' itto the roade J-or l sfine. BibI Bou's mou«erla vtltg hlm. Lfrs. Auna Adamts from Chicago, visitsd at G. W. Wella, tasu veek. Muas Augusta Adamt, who vas away' on D-erVacation, hau retumned. Mise SaioeA daine desirea to iiaik hek tbtiy >'fnleuidg for th>sln aid lunhellillil ber ta Matri of the QGiette coutst Dis. A&thou i **9 iI V. etorcl on fat Weduesda ', S e FÉge te vas wovet thirti' at tbe Ladis.- Aid u"êtfr gt ai". Fred Wort.h,@. lira. Chartes Wsver and'iau~ss Lois, Who bave been violtinghber paret, tir. and lira. E. p. Blanchard, has returusd 20 ber home at Lakte Zaricti FOX LAKE ID. Me Lean'and vifs attsnded Vhs aviation umeet Frlday. Bert Stanie>' and famil>' attended Vhe aviation ni-et Baturday., Miss Edith Stanley' returued Sunday iroin an extended visît vith relatives et Minneapolis, Mina. 1Mrp. Chris leaksen speat Saturd&anad Sulida>' vitb frieude ai Racine, Wta. LSs Lamb and vite ai Chicago, @pont a tev days vith relatives. lire. Wm. Nfgst sntertanad ber mother and front Chicago tbis week. H. W. Kii.chen trauecated huejuese at Chicago 'rueida>'. tire. J. Heipin ,,utertaiued relatives f rom Racine, Wls. thie veek. tire. Franîk liyder af Binedale, iii., te epending a week wltb ber parents, tir. land2sirs. Hait, bers. tis. Chnis Kuovies and Mise A. Drur>' tranaacted hoaluesa lu Waukegau Mon. day. TOO LATS CFOR LAST Wrk The Larne o! John Stratton oo tbs sagt aide o! Fox Lake voes truci b>' lightuiag and bunned to tht ground Saturda>' monoiug. tirs. B. W. Kîtcben and son fldon,- atteuded thîe aviation meet at Gnad4t Park Sianla. Mrs. Jas. EHalpia enterVMled reativer froun Chcaga avenSanda>'. Born, to Mn.r and lira. A. Ttour, Aag. 13th a aine pouuid gl.- iBr, Vi Mr. and lins.- H. L. 'Scoit, Aug. 1Sth, a ten p'nd boy, tins Jas. HâÏqý' and dauÏbtee KithIryn @pont Wed-edây ai Obloago. Jackt Saundgrs4 uni!parti»a of Chicaoo autosuji VaFox .Laite flaurda>'evea!ug sud spent Sonda>' witUs frhd, bore. Foie>' KidusLv Pli!. vIl!check tbte M romeso your kidue>' and htadde; utile%:d bsql-bynreuuvlig thejîauoe. Try'theru. For al i'ail Dnugglet. tweendLong and Fla~e,~ ty, whieh lu ta cmunet he wh chaîn of sommer resart lakes, litaurk eastern Illinois, and raka -joasible a- motor boat trip froin the St. Pui rail-, ; road station at Long Lake chasr te McV~enry and other towua tvely. miles away, o!ll be finlahel tbSu week. Tva dredges. beionging ta Y* der and Schwartz, contraçtoru. Ngq> - anee, Indina, are worklng teuime* -.acb other, one, havlng begnn at Yýz the other at Long laite. Ther. are 00W~ eighty rods of dirt left ta Cxcayttê betore tbey meen- One of the dredges ta nev right ai the old Fox Lake road, wtdeh lela Leciii arros8. The lmprovem1Ut laÈ Pald for fiy resort aud sumoie!' ros i dence owners. Professioui Crd DR. 0. F. BUTTERRHL VETERINARY SURGEON. ASIWWÀWT @TATI VMNAMA. Libertyvmle. Iflinola. DR. C. R, GALLOVAY.- 01250E 025E LOVELL'S DavUmm&ON voïu-fbrom 1to 8 and6ô1o 8 . a Ltbslù h. Illini. PAUL MAC GUI-RN. ATTORNET AT r.w. Ijbertyvile. IMinute suouil sa DR. GOLDING DENTI8T goare 8 1012 &Mnt-1 %0 5 p... J. £Il Triggs Building with Dr. J. L. Tail op-l'hom lb 80e0. phone l10" libertyvlIe. luninl DIR. 1-LH.SAUMH avuaLà&&LVous"y bAmiONAL IAIý ous-d ktc 'A. Se . aMd 1 la à P. w DAILY. DY.1. L TAYLO 10ut-Y1t3 10 a. M. 2101 eail9 1 tOe '4 an« 1 $0 p, . 0>' 81SO0UL AIlimo! TO TEN-!N office Opp. 182n St . E1sc 1044a- iffld houe 5U84 Bels.rboi, " NORtTE CHICAGO. ILLINÔIMU Le PtLTON LIC£N(OiMALMb AND FUNERA.L DI RE=ff> ROUND LA&CÈ111iWNQSf Nlght uailo PIJHp2Iy Absa*d Tél Lady Attn-SeIlAtte*tlW ta Ladies and Oiltdren. TELePHOrE 28j. W. IHe Affl4 Auctlon*r i F.%Rril AS'tuON£ PMR CENT Libertyville, II PHONE 1431,. Hlenry Sine's Sait MO I V14ELI5lAÂAVE.. ZMONVtT. fi£ R.Jdenes U2M Eitbè AV. AiU KlnasoftHome.. tree Ms iesfor sais nr Exchanas a at'Juý e &UCTIONEERING FOR PUBUCr -,- B. F. WOOLR1I,ýIÀ- Contracter a&-coCe LBERTYVILLf ILL. Esimate FisuIwd RUSSELL For Figura on BUILDING MATERIAI. iy price ae lgsiat nood. Wbetà.nyoubsuy «P Bot gel ,m gue. iS. HemAMIF *~Oe*WWWUWVPWV~VVV~WU l.J~&. Mý -

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