CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 5

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L&KIE OOtJNYIN»rMDENT, FRMÂY, AUGUST 25, 1911. Our Grocery, Store cames &bout asu sar meet- lng 4very' want lu the G roc- ery lin, as la peasible for auy store ta provide, and EVERY ORDER large or .,n&ll will recelve ont bat attention. A trwiaenet will convince you tbai we esIl onlY 8UPIERIOR 00008 ATr MODERATE PRICES j.eU RG Phone 25 Phone 3 J M ADE-TO-ORDER clotiieo tlat .atidfy alaould Et Your fr -and suit your pocketl>ook. w,-,thout overlooking style, ,workmanelaip and quality of woolena. Our CIica0 tailors. EJ. V. Prce & Co. strive to put ail thes gooclau. tl2îy cau ato the sclotildilhe auj holi tteïr cutomm <romm year te year. W. e .hemM eo fl . .. te eh- P, *um. Tkre.BetouNv.ySos acft 'OU, dlp ftoutN. 741 J. B. MORSE & CO. LIBERTYVILLE, IL- Everything For Men Gol d Crown AND ARISTOS FLOUR CORLETT & IREIERICKS EVERY SACJ< OUARANTEED Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE *HOT WEATHERIS H-EE 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE b * eRefigerator o b e ave * fulli une of genuine Charcoal f illed 0 t 0 Refrigeratora Prices from Fin drk$14 TO $26 b h Finedarkoak calumet guaranteed to b h 0 moit ice aaving refrigerator on the market to- *day. A FULL UINE 0F GENUINE 0 PHIIIADELPlIIA. LAWN MOWERS Price 0$2. 95 0 Oenuine 5 pi, 200 b.'t . I liose 12e foot iH HB. EGER mil 0 il mi Ire. John Raseulmelmer. Jr., ai Schleseimgrville. Wle., viite-I Suday wlth àir. and lire. Charlesl Lavec k. lir. andt lir. Bils Wright retuurd lfasi Sturday tram Elleudale, S. D., wbsre tbey have tissu vstmug their itaughter, lire.8. J. YouDgý 0. 1. Luce & Co., are imuproviug the appearance o! thir store front hy a fresb cost of palet. lzarry Galloway m, doifig the work. H. B. Eger undt Fred Euderlin this week bad a concrets gutter put lu lu ront of their places of business ou Mîilwankee Ave. Scbauck Bms. ibis wee'i soidt ta Julius Reimer aud Remue Albreclit of Prairie Visa, i-aih a usw 1912 tire passenger Ford touriug car. They wsre delivered here which wa@ to bars been beand taitay (Friday), bus bheu droppeit sud the cau, taken td Waukegan. Sunday noon Deputy Sherill Limberry wam catied tîo Rackefeller ta settie a dispute over a aum of money saidtot bave tissu milu by a Chicago Young man frotthe managers teut ai an ii,,rphunaxe eaoesn ment 0onltbe West <bore of Lake NÏW The Young minu was f ocated andt wb.nquemtlonsd iei big gîmili. but upon ourching bis pereon lbe money was bound sud returu.d to the onur. A ilote, warrant b iss meeui-d for hie ari-flt, but upon returu aI the mouey, the niattiet was dropped aund the young man etarted ou big wuy bai-k ta Chicago alter having beeu warned not, ta rtmm imiter penalty o! prosenu- tion. Mies Irene Howard retuurd to ber1 the Foul<f eMlling Company entertaîu,-d bomerne uChicago the latter part of i, i plyeal Llpplncott'e hot,-l at lat week alter having @peut the week Fox Lake. fifteen automobilee, being st the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. ired as a mens of transportaton. Wright. The pzdrty .11t Libertvlle at four oelock Mines raco Croker bas reëned hor in the afternoaii arrlvlug at Fox Lake dniss at Wrn. Walrond's grocery and about six o .îk A very elaborate market alter a two week' vacatfnd eLuppr-r was served In the botel diing whic b eh, pent with bier Parents al room aller wiilî boat ride@ ou the lake, Lancaster, Wis dancing and other amusements were Lyle Rond of Crle Mont., lm visiting iuduled iu, cai oneeeumingly enjoying relatives and frieuds berp. Mr. Bond the occasion to the Mulet eztent. AiU in las boen made adminirator of hi,;,al the aflair was a grand succees and lather's estate aud le bere in the luterest oue that wîl lm long remembered by of that appointment. thooe who attendud. lir. and Mmr. J. B. kSwan, Mr. and Edward G. Harrison and Mie@ Esther Mmr. F. J. Wright, Dr. and lire. E. A.I Berglund were wedded ai the homne of Crane and Mr. aud lMre Julius Treptow lir. Harrison ou Saturday at 9:30 a. in. Pnjoyed an outing at tooiîd Lake Mr. Harrison lma reeldeuttfLîbertyville. Snnday. living alt tii iîruer of Hurlbutt Court Sunday alternoon et tIc home <of sud Fourth street. lies lerglund, WjÎlliami Lavcock occîirreij the- christen- wbos,- home im lu Marine, Mînu., bans iug of hie tan,) grand childreu, W illiamn lived for somû ttons in Waukegan. where and Charlee, sons of Charli(- Laycock,' tlle Young innîple met aud agreedîlta wba recentlv moved here from in MI-nlle and walk together. After the wauke. Bey. Van de Erve offlcated. , 1 remon)y terforiid by the lier. W. L. J. T. Robertson let Sunday fo Whipplo the roîluîg couple departed for Morocco, flld., where he riteîle a couple a short @ta in ihihgan among rlà- o!f days, rsturung Tuesday aceoinpanled tires oI Mr. Harrison. by is wife and two chjîdren, who have =Jamies Deiani-y. Iormerty ernployed oîn been makiug an exti-iid iwi vst witbonue of the Wirtz tarmsont lu Freiiiont relatives there. townehip blew ia Libertyvilie limes- Mir. andlMre. J. A. Latlirop i)lt Wed- day niglit aud imrnedlately proeeedi.d to Desday for Pis, Wyoiming vuîunty. New niake the rounus nf the .sçoons and by York, for au extended visit wlth rla ime o'elock had amceeded lu storiug tlves. Wbile there Mir. I.athrop wili away eîough dre water tu, malle him attend the National G. A. R. Encamnp- feelgood.' He thonnetartedloiut opaiît ment ut Rochester, N. Yi the town red, inut trnfortunati y rami I Your Banking Business And account with this Batnk j itl" a aound, ably managed and progress- ive institution, goverened in ag'il ,i departmnents by only the best banl&int practices and giving careful and cmn- iderate attention to the needs of &Hi cuatomera alike. New accotants î'nvited. Thie First National Bank 0f Librtydlo I N.xt 00cr 10 The Pett Office Open Saturday Evenêng appeuars tre. angmen pusbed ont auto the water ou a i-aIt aud two af thein weut lu bathing. The third urut being abI, ta ewlm, remalned on the. raf t watchiug bis two computions lu, the water. lu sme manner the ra.t tlppèd preclitatlng him into the water. Belug welgbted itown by hi& clothing anit not beiug able ta .wlu, bie was powerless ta kmep himel aâiman d inimeitately .auk below the surface. Hie companions, for nme unaccountable reasou began mboviug the raIft Imom hlm aud Ioward the shore. Harolit Bartbalemew, who batpsuned ta ho en the shore af tho lake, tank in time situa- tin ut a glauce sud realizietr i h. danger the yong man wffl in plunged iii î he water unit ewam ont to bis aesîetaiiie reacblug hlm just as he was einklug for th. third tîme. He muccoedin lureicuîng hlm undit hrugfg hum tii @bore wbere alter hall hour of harc work lie wae resuecitâteit Muchptrals ledue yung Bariboîsmew for th,.hi-raf- mauner lu which bo mude the reeue. (,iA[IiTIOtSAb .OCALM ON I'Aiil. SIX) Ramblers Lose Sunday Onus of the wartteteaisvsr sustalueit hy the home isutu wus admnbiteret aset Suuday by the Graylake Athîstie. Nether aide siorsI for four innînge but alter that beavy bttiug hy the vietore unit poor fieldiug by the Libertyvilîese inuit a rather lop sit gains. A base on balle ta iBenuett, soins tug buse runuing and P. bit by Smart gave the locale ibeirtret rmn lu the t111h iDnung, to whi-h they uddei two mors lu the plntb lu a belateit hnttlîng ralîy. Longahaugh's pllchfng wae the great stumbhing block, three oI the seveu bits boiîug mmade off lini in the nth Ining wbillbeetru-k out thirteeui men. Wiukle leai t withfounr sale bits. <IERYiLLERAH IiiA Eil A frliii1. if Yiire icf To(î .ii i iii dM0 iii Wiiuk id 1.1 i inuiiiîiid lui i Hoiiiu imili Weli i <i i-on-n c ir<niliii. cI Liimueabai.Sii mi n i 2 401 i i 2 i i il ii lu i 4 - I 7 4 1 J ii i ii o i n 4*' I iiO i il 2 I i J il 2 i 12 1 04 2 0 2 0 12 2 00 0 4 i -, 27 I3 6 1:1 7 P, A YFPl0)ABi EH OH 2 1 0 i 2 1 0 il 0 0 0il0 00 i2 21322 O i 0 .4 1 3 0 0 O i 0 .2 1 0100 22 lîî&i 43il 14 17 Il 2 8 2 Libtrtvi lie ..:0 00 0 1 0 0'ýI Orarnskc . O O0 2 r, i1i1 0-11 B bses ou al-Yore, A. Nely Bcnntt, Burge . Hook, Murrie three. Two hase hit--POw8rs. Tbreehalle bit-Bloni. Bit hy pitcheit bali-Kapple, Powens. 'I-or Sunniay tbe Ramblere pisy Itondout on the fair groundm. Bel Comub ieat liauli the lieut for layinghlens mbkes Mg$ a botter flavor. Salit anly by Lii3ÉuPVvLLm LiimaUR 1.4 26-1 IDo The Right Th*n And Do It Right NOW We urge you to, start an account with thia bank into Marmbal Liîuhberry bleore lie had - ,-~ ~ -~ ~ ..,~.,~ ompleted tie li. He waéi lîîdged ln L i ~ I 1(1 Y VIl I4 L I~ I~ il Z I' ~ the city juili wlerî. he rminanedt over uîghr and Wpdrieelav iiiorimngwas srraigned belore Iustii.e swick sud L.O AL AND P ER 8C>N AL M NTI1O0N fiued $.0and ts itelitl was paid. fumt where Delarie s îîîîw ii.dont 1 i1 To inaure publication in the Indepen- Wrdu nlfilyrîmEg, i odnWells a( a l f li, L.ast Satclyng Swrii Fe dent, càpy muet hbuln the offace no laler ifrove up lu their imtii Sunîlay to veil;turday n th tîan-resor Eer than Tueaday of each week. Adver- Mir. Wels' paren., tMr. and %Ir@. E. H. wau, ot'iled "îY tel@piretiÀ nisn tisers. especially. are asked lu taire Weil@ and famly.Wîîrdlii retrned to nrwaruingloe tRnd t Elgin Sunday nîglît. while tirs. Wellstërrorîiog tlîe iiigbborhiiid and asked particular notice to this effect. a ndt sou will romain a f-N, dave. that I)e providi- sorne wty lfor taking ___________________________________carie of hiu. NMr. l3ger advised tli-,îî Coutrary te au ainnunieinsut tuade iu bring hlm to Liberty tille anîl in the Pbilmp Boutwell sud Fred Ca ney epent thee COlInUMU ast we-k to the eflet meantitiie niotilled tepty SIuifi Lim- Snnday wth frienos t Warren ti,-r. R. J . BtiseCuthli woufd nt h berry tii meel thein ut the lectric di-pot. Marie aud Ida Haven are- nsitîng Preset toi couduct elaceîmeeting Suuday Themin %vans i-entually lodged iu the relatives lnu]Lawrence, Ml-h. mong, w, wisb to mte thiat ho will iity jll whero he wae uLept until rtunday John W. Lrneh of Chicago. was calliug bebeore aý s unal, baý ngmiiiade arrange- morrlng wlien lie' wns releasei sud nu ibutyv lefriait Wenesay. mentai wtb another pastor to iiccupy started! on hie way. It developo that nuLieryvTl fiedeWeir8dy. the Avondule pulîîit î,u thiat day. the particular brand f u ineauity the mnan The Finit National Batik baq qualitled sau depoutory for Uuted Statesl Postal White but If its is beiug ad regardlug wase afflictel wlthî was brought on by Sahflr eposts.I Liber tyvWBe's proposer! mamsoleuin, the au Over indulgence ulqo.Hwvr Wmn. Black of Morocco, litd., visiitpii promoten are busy perfectiug arrange- by Suday morniug the effecta ofithe les wek wtb is ephw, . meforlitacouetrimîtlou. Mr.Temoat, -'booze" hadt wîrn off en ihat the mnu Roberluon. ~~~wIio je now prmouitng the Waukegau u efcî as u irîeiui maneoleum,.w" inounr cty Saturitay Mar@haI Limberry éitarted hlm ont of làlo inz ad NttieMilardof:looking ovet the u.tuation and expres.d t,,wu udviug lItn, boNvecer, flot to Ouage. Ja., @pont Suuday and Mnnday I bi Intention of tarting w3rk ou the returu to Rouitout. wlch Ur. auit Mra, Frank Nitb)Iaoboe'.Libertyrjl- building thiâsfaat, The tlorm-Hougbtorl annual phit-i( IliluOlive Tiffany of Atitiou.l, tisited Tuesday forenocin Chartes Jochheim was, beld Angust 16, ut Sbeldouhuret, *hfw days tbe latter part of! iset weeki met wth a vety painful accident, bavirig naturel beauty @pot of Lake eouty. Miss laybelle igr.oube na ra mxrone bunitreit and two came at the -al liedaea ).FelriA and Joeeph Iwhite at wotk lu his (ailier'. bakery. of the iinner boil and est around the Labdon, of Antiocli, speut oue day Iset Dr. Smnih Wae aummoneit and treateit tables wibichwere laden witb everything week calllng on Liberty ville friende. the lnured meihuer- sud the patient la thst peiclcre appetites crave. Ater Mn. nd ireFre Crker isied ai premut dolug nicely. The ljury, dinnur the tîme hY the liter Onues ws M.k wfthMr. F drokervbroter! Jo hiougb veny paînful, je uini thought epent lu talkîug ot aid turnes, others w»k M M. Coke'a rothr, ohn rins.played bail, tennis or went bathîng lu ana amiy e LacaserWis 1 Wedendy moainit l)eputy Iberif beantîful Lake Ea-a.Wanconda, Bel- )ire. B. J. Cole returusi Saturdav rom Limberry was called ta a farm about videi-, Chcago, rayalake. Lihertyvî fle. ltidgway. Wls ,aIt(r nae,-.k's vie i us ebal! mile eaotothe lu imL Poulie nuit Waukegau %vers weli reprmis.nted al wlitb relatives thue.. i..xr rall Day a ow alleMA cd îlalu,îeuon le, a part of the &ni-e,. rii- the roprty f atieghtrr ad 1reoilM or"e and Houghtu, Wiho ramai Lent week William Walrond 8eoid tci a ti hoie 1roperty îuyi ielghVeirmont inî'36 lin. (j"ur ai Higcbl8Ld lai..a n e belilfegafly. The. aiin,rifl vrsereturlueifand'37cnnuety in ermiînt n '-'16 drvig ose t tat owuer and sait lied to de-teiuine »ud 3 thesectîvet re. Mahry dnlvlng homme. ~the ighfl tîni er Theî-case le called ltwou wasteoietpra hr Juitge Sheridan E. Fry amn! family of before Justice Beeaicek. the date oI the. belng elgbty il-e; L B. Morse of Liberty- tbnCh"à4. %îmeted SumduàaL the i ome o!fbcning b-lng bet for Tmicday, Amg- 29. Ville, eighty-lour: andt %Ch&&. Phiflipe W. 1 Mnnir. igbty. %Ir. Morse bavlugliîved iu Lake J. Muitlee.As an outcoe o finIthe- loubie, ast eountv oeveuty-live years le perbups ans Mmr. Stphen Taylor die-1 aibIr bine b oni.ed lla nmt wcL miàue, betaseu. o<f the oldeet reidentu among thoe in thie civ Tuesdav. oitfuary amilFrauk Duéebberry atiiuiJean "y M îîîîiuglto rl.e cnunt.v (rom otheri ulipear neat wsek. useonberry iras last Monday metd îts Beginning Sundes, Amg.27, there wiîî naul taken te Waukegau brni Wuia teno on ia hs be regular servike. t tihe îI.i@,pai furnlsbed boude@tW appear befoi e Justice nbet lnunrol cbmrch ut 2:30,. Suuday chool 3:30. tbodon Fia, pýbrfiret.Inainswe are nuaief0sun aro BiîtsordmesdaydeptIriorR inluLake Ma. Iti We know you will say we were right later on-You neeci the service we can render-that we DO render to ail aur customners. ILAKE COUNTY I NATION.AL BANK ICapital - - -- -- ---50.000-00 Surplus and Profits---------35,00.00. Be Ycur Own LandioVel end mvc mmeY. Our lut ci douki able peopertle. comri"t* ~ kind of rWeal stte la m le Md. coveta m0 vide a ange that w. e not JuLto have SMatWh. o s looking for. Schnaebele & Wheeler tuai Fit" & ImmaSuao ue Ofiulu Luce . 4&1 1 YOUR BRUT' Wiil oed ie tsPHOTOS tek", now the wam weather la h* Dclii large bandnadisizea et PHOTOS wu, can show Vou if Low pnieus. PIwrUu" FR&MM W. have juat racolved a mer w 100 cf picturs frame, mouings Îes0 cen frame your pictures on oh"f notice. BESWICK'S STUDIO LIIJERTVILLE The 'Home Journal Patterns- One of the most important item& in drgn' making la the pattern wherebyte mate#9 l s outo A good reliable pattern saveà vaste Iwhon you boy the goodsanad again when you out it. It Wasit dependability togother with "up-to the-paiuW' styles and simpliolty inutue, we were looking for when we bought what wo belelve to be the bout a» round pattern on the rmarket. THE HOME JOURNAL PATT3ERNS Ask for the monthly fashion shoot. AT THE NORTHI STORE FINAL CLEANIG 0F WHIT PARASOLS $ 1.&12 They were reuch higher ve&12 '4 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS, the new long hlp $ PURE THREAD SILK HOSE, Lsie Heels Tocs and Tops at per pair ................ AT THE SOUTHI STORE :We have juat received a new lot of the well known BeachNut Brand Baked Beans and, Peantat Butter ia ailszs Your littîs chiceuwilill leil , !you The wornnof tI.he opaS ehk feed Red Comb Chick Starter. Sold ouly will hold a bbiary " a t ?i>-1 by L bert.yville Lnnuber oo. 25-tf furniture at on OU sat r4a y e Now le tha tme te have your repair- ni, don,. k, Ihe MMrnetime let nsao011lRed CoA"tala 1 o*$060 your hameau for you. 81.00 per @et for tut wbat pleame 00 .OWOW r u double hamneau. We guntee eut 6beapevthanGerut m5l. B5 o work. 0.1. LuÇE& Vo. o-46-tI LiBsaTyvILzLE LUeu C. ' -'I -e AN NOW lit 0 ti b r IL t r t t IL t 3 ri J'l

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