j x TORPETUffNHERE ZIsHelen stoverIMI i Portuguese, Âfrica tIn lahlgly probable lIat 'Miss Hel- SSoemédical misionsrY, vIa Wqm fruitWaashegam wvlh ber motiier ,»j"is vitiber paenta lu vork for qoeAqiclan Board of Congregatianal i--byOSugfl Milons ft Beguélla, Portu- gaine BostiAfles, right cear OUe O tà#' gréaI Afrlcan ports fm vhIbld bk»bs are akun rom Ilie îcsinland Zo lelan cocos plantations and made *I- ili aslmre, vili bu obligeS ta ru- tom tho Ibis country, anS liii Wau- -8ý kcs ii se. lier once more. "ebétruth l, aordn 10 lettérs ne- $1ved hy friénda u Ibis city, Mis jwrm. 1t o l-.bé medical misaonary i.tétwr.mof Béaguela,ha buee i >j*M>hmince ahe ban bée le trlca mâi nd Afnlcn forera cocuei- 1twiu er, Imtters etate, un- 14lêmifste bus buuu rsusférred la j& îtlu' poolintethe hope o! benetit- b,'$4her t'lsth. èmtmluy thisend banot ben se SOmftpJIced.as reports hbueret tathé qS duOt a Mrs. Wesley Stover, ber Motber, lu eneavorng ta induce ber ,.0rture permanectly ta tIisrouue- *y MMtu surrender ber mssonar la, *bois. poiy forevur. I% «iisdi la nov looked for. *àt ii bu readled that Miss Stover fuW to prel±y, gelaut liMte vomau. r.-. m~vls a n accomiplibd train- îoà - hwm le <litscitY. vIa gatve uP ~t - po!ésioélcareer hère, a big thDSSlbgo to dart Afica sad ~t amS a nieica.I mlssloaty. Oase for 11, bostile ber decided t& the wurh mil ber herole sef Vus'Mo. a 15ber paenta have MI..Iamoles ou théeSoi-k cocUi fi mofellIse thilty gé- ai Mis »BHel vas hom la At- =4tb. tah. vau @Mt lm a - !*ldt o tbi m aaii7 o bé reMi-é - J mm as lath Mdaati -~ -thé Fm eetuU a 'Bro Pgme PSd «b l4Atteora« ai Wm th gÉn *éwée ke cue. Bande d- dom é *t bplet t lii-oa. la iii. M4 04940 1o* plae ho gultg aua vme ou Rober à&ia*dMàblatam smi e.- la o ~the cSé et Rb«.t leDs,- attiwuaw toile é~4 hé enuisagim i..&M a i d <thueé lm. orge vlt tic «- '0let lIn. IL qw décideS lIai ou. o ibefm ir lpldm nugt lu fsnela ti eam - 1- -4- il - Tbm OPU 5tg xx- le n UN t N ewso f FRIXND KIDN4PS CHIL "KidnapQr" of Hlghland Park Girl Proves Frind of Fàmuly A mysteniaus kidnappinu, ln wbicb figureS a l1111e goldéu haireS girl of 6 years of age, a miyseonous woman lu black sud the police of the nanti ahore, emanated <rom Highland Park1 .ehortly aller 10 o'clock llocdaY marc- log. The police o! thé ahane suburb vere uotlfied that Cjaudieu Dock. the six year aId SanglIer of Mn. anS Mna. E. W. Bock, suporictendeet cf.the Chicago & Milvaukee no&S, had bée piched Up by a voman dresseS ln black sud carrled off ta paaun- skeovui, there te, ele hlS, It vas sus- rpected. for a bandsothe raueom. il The.police m&U alog the norti ahane vewre notifieS and tbld ta vétab OUIl for vt-leHé uisegirl sud thé mymluifla istranger. Laten the ston? took on a 0iuuionous linge, vhéc it vas léarned t- tstbohemystérfolie vomati ln black vas noue allier than Mis. Thomas *Canlen, à lifélaeonfIeci a! Mns. Bock, vlia bhad picked Up thé 11111e girl anS ,takén lier la the home af a ulster cf Smit.Carie, living oin Deerieid ave- inue, Highland Park, tanS Ibère keat b- er far neanly an bour. A brother of!hli 111e girl, Il ap- neure, lied met Mra. Canlen au the er atret mnS epoke to bar, and Mit. Cr- 14 lé« tated t-bal sitevas an ber vay ho i- thé Bock home. In front af tbe P houée, il seels, mIe met tl111e girl su ad then inctaS of goleg tho the Bock d home. turneS atoutS snd veutt hO br ie ulster, laking thé 11111e girl vitI 1er. I for a Cali. ëf Thé brother sav ail hlm talle Place. re bct diS Dol knov vioc. lie couple à- hsd goe. Whueft mrrszived 51 lié à ovu home sud saked for bi s 51,r, lé 1dbcorered lIa a"e v;» »ut the. sud a lice vas not certain vietier th. vo- id mam hé lad méat vas Mmira.ries or a but tIi vas éxplmited a ew misnutes un aé Bock hué vitI Lb. gili. ln the mema téhe palie "dS bhu nodim m amnn ah. tbepoeth clore and lb. e hhé Mr et théeirom " m1»»tla a statR w1scopected w«ustékidnapping Of heu Wsukegan Banks High Wmhatnu D. C, Aug. 21- p-lmlaa *satent Outhe l eusl reuIts ot lie Tbhteceth imieS s1*1..C enussof Manufaauurera et tb.he i tWmukegm, IM wovaslacued today by Cens dirctor Dur&S. If vas îwepareduder thé Slrécl o f William K I tffuintciii.!tstltidis for mmfaetuue, Bure"u of thm cen- am. Théefigumam resubjettahoimch aec'laiauas y b. noecarstor a fui-lier examinltion of lie orisai ré' 4ffheé u. e 59émaisamnénts lu IMs. mdthé valué of product lii $l$WIM slanaverage par «"b»$>ai mm et approitliy $=,MO00 Thé vlue a pnoucta roprmméls tboir Qf v9ce or prie* et, the planta s adeily lunei out hi thé laifiorleadaloathé e nuai7gr. sud ho thei m1 t asmfor liaI géar. Théevakm. ani« te4gboaSmime tu clethé amonas aroecvéd frvr dcéon mate"lsfurnishé ha cl.' PrtIer *s etalas le Srwnfio bomuurmm Who lie - 'the mammani Wb" Lolove: Numbér1 i é piéf t âOtgity tiép lutOrf tabhabienc76, capinlvete& wQ4, chaobus bi pt'a l gésliti. $17.utoSZOO Cam tor maierlal me& , as tueS $*M an cams ou euh814,164,00; slaiS"suvagua,. , 4vo cumul, théetotalbing $W susO; MUisehaséua épeémés. $1,, 250.000-, rainé ct pcadocis. 819,804,- ne -I - - nminos céeufy w*5'vaine admd b>' unctura e. d-CSOhé 01 tieCobi>'(prodaiiti léSa o»of imgg.ul .$5- 'whid l v ib. t ieS sOr. AIl gUO. ; unuber aofsaliS officiai n héping omu on staday. sud cutis, $ft; Mcd afflage sambor tici- 111* wli U t&*h a Sp'ro of vag.esi-rnéra eulopéd Suul*t t ladS theotiér &UllegSwBadai >.. .,o,. wa wiU camé lintecomrt&M do I. le tkwno ut flse ~ ~ < a siret nerâ, ta theémm mmf-BSt atuu lad plant hofolovtie BOUaM 09ci &.OOaPahiOU' gl PéW- 0é, aiet eDêranmot o*mb et. 1-,G1e-n24nc Smion01içlias u&IM ibéir uséhisévithot fgt LAamot ihlanidsPu a* t tvgb>c QMM qm.la néni.. hounilopymat v ire as -»è9 _______________ as blue pedasm afd vbig;4bo aemval of m wo lmme.Lm U !Y~AV~1b*OWed & morale; u im vaiting tehé w - Mr. b~nk T Jover su- ai--i" o o rotqided à no»bl ee M.e' lié Fmaggmut 0< hithe s ddý st uxpr tuea tuNl àtw m« M". M181 ~OIr ho sud lu tca Tom DeiaeSioél» »-. K90Vy a9.Wmmýquau- recly ait té caset 1of 1, aodstg dÇto hé,i4 Ih 't.Pt &d l 15oely sa ab sao é tu»*aai- à"114 .~Aped da~at~ ~ '~. trocit- L&ai-o l c eg-., Dr.îj ut 'th Waakemai ~ml 97e beye étook ah. l&ad bvt ho'O élitksov asa aalMiV LuD-4L. Seti-day muorcthe da ocnorm ~I~le.uS nulolsi~mPgt.Wqdécded Ibat ho cav, tbé ot oe W ovpu 09 lcWmaPrOPflea .4 émopwatlon voulS hé neoesun Mcémauk., - _ _ ti1 beow apse lman, Il mai- rei a short qlags a& planîacttic L"W.-c«* Vaut AdvehMtlil a ld lia IcS due ror% cblaigrI%&W, acevorh ym-re ooig is, »U t L gîp tilsuvti htWcibU# t- 11' von ifuIà aLONG eBmpMagof ,IV 0-" Qui ot r pot a "0o9 n, ethi Ma <aler, John W. Svauhrougb and vife. The nainS western automobile man Sundsg alteiSed the aviation meut la Chcago. adlau ils vag ta De- troit, Wbere hoevIIi attend a mana- gevial conivention of ihm Hupp carPor- itlon. éeviiireteru bore ma" at- tend thé Elule automobile rafes. Mn. Svsubrough la the part ovuer and mnagaer ln Denver of a uns- forli mile motoMceeacer lrack lIke liai st Rivervlev. exempt tisi lis angle lu greter,. fcrlg-nine instésalof forty-tvo dégreem. Thé Denver sucer la tventg <et vide and las ies foui-lae fret hlul. Mr. 5vasbrouh la veil scquaictéd vi».hdaxing Artiur Stone, arlater vth lié nev Queme nopianst thîe Chcago meet, sud ln theeamriy Sa"a af automobile racing, vleu Stons vas a changur,-. as ln the sme arn eth Stoné vIes me accident isppeuéd vh$ch aerieuiiy injureS M. Svan- brougl. tan. 15er appui-éd lu van- dcviil lb.the iobe cr deti'."aa tel glbeli.ln vhck le radé a moforcyclm. Igp*Mbelboi ck viha »«du met - '"if I« slg oedéfts Sun li raitmeet lut Svmnhrougb M»,*40élm b <ienS la ait se a yag as ag mmu at tié meet and youdS fly la béaitioni ail If hé coald. serve 11=7 Sunimonas. BMiveathlre.*'a"alIve lundi-oS anmoosesare blngaseeS«onWans-1 haumtam th appeur léforéth* grad Jury a! tl. Oclobér tenu of tthé circlit uait at 9:30 o« lis morltg of Ont"« g, omcd Ilelathe gesom be Bei »d kuoview lgo tt»timmamoné- me au IssueS for viilaem à% tI* Caa ocucérsltes éBnds opuns O! caloce. la Norhli il amtSw&>- huas, ove, ulgt- Iu mmbor, c&A mw bolS on oonty écart laformudi prohohi>' ho le trssand . te 'tIc il- cuit cotilIéh grand juy rétê, Tihéesalpomnas.bélvée m s"s ly- cm b getrqaom o>,, à* g4loy lh.mdwa'1-ec.hl et arlm, om mmmm-Jaté IwOM 4111tu * u ha ceaus e te àwmep lt 961#00307ugiybth md a = p~ üt IPiscqla tot4pýX b>'the ~p pff ta ']?"a BOud7 ai saluos. m béIéV« 4-fa lép9çt, f loi a 4t qu- 9194Wsicondwtio ial w alo he Il> atrik b>' a Streé l aiht lip a tiday evnlngaI-a éany hour, mil car and vuiheahothée ity. of Mim Murray la tle vanious hogpl- tala sud stationg. NO report baS bée set lu exceet the one ly ilim@msvem uahleg the police ta héép a loch ont. Euely mocday il. m. Mr. lugalé sund tour firéamo véci ven thé maraiy gruanuSnorth theIbmcity every Inch o! X. lu & ainlu eardli for cerna inqete, Un-. Murrmg'a vberéboats, bul lu "ain. Al the relatives have béeheard freanuniv, anSdl la ksovn liaI lMra Murnaylà pot vletleg aclyof! hhém coe e casé egins ta loch ratIer Mmu Sarah Field Dieu TlunaY moreing about 4 o'clock ai Sherméerville. occumn'md tih. Seath o ax àia-ahF ield, sthé uc aof 76. geai-. Seati hélcu canéeS hi cempli- cations, due tb advancedl géBIn. Jri- FIelS as bore lu D"dhi Unu- land, ln 1836, anS camé to lte UnitéS Blat en thiae vas but tivo ymau o! ige, settlua, illi bei-reula lui Nev Yor-k .atm@. film reuovd th WiUXOuken lu1846, seS rqatelde lubil uIW ti-t>' yeanm, vhéa ah ramuoved -te U"Miton, v"hlc6b1md-ýÀ.ber home. UV ho a !ev monlis Ugop. " h40lua Iplv.d b>' tiioseghlera, MW 'b" White Ok h*i.lit auS. lira.Charlea Boct, Juràa0o. touri ululerami". xY.:i.oIpstai-,Pumt ville, la, Mm n.%rsnPlump', Leulir, [a., Mis Aile.Wrigh*. Boston. Cmiii., and Miss LbIhléWnlah t i im cty.. o»a brothr, Wilia mu ht.reme lu au AutcnidoT-nég. Tb* fauerai vas iélS train li wWté-l>olauS cedestakiu mon xumay astemnoon at m0 u"Stram thé cqpetry at a oaoloh, lai-a a Ioskvood,. Am Evauton a ninmtevii omde&a 09. tbChar cl, et a p Sv~M élUM t«& en«buttfsîg .*e e*WL 3 la .800wmlct, emma nl &4w;'W utrtwd h b rusý abqiiés laomitelâ ;i- m trir. U~* c5,4"A t tn e aue t c-olu s Iii" b.*eauh*n..iirufQ ,b irbéa id*er te Wl 490 d u&sq e oLic dbcore P d h o i l e m - a axai North, Chicago mai ouzid la ob& <~o ieo Unconucloiuby Police W e a 3ames Chambers, of Waukegan, Althotimi Mi, Fed L. MurraY, Mur- vas pck.ed up on theIii.devulka o!0, bock, td" chy, dieppemxéd roui 14th stinet, North Chicago, about elirapar iatita Um.ar7:30 fldc-Y eVe, en Sunday niglit. He had evident- flîl& l0 notF5Aebéaas yet beei feufld ly bée tbe vlctlm ot a brutal knlfing of tel-, atd reiml'e are rapldly 9l-1 attack, wblch la satld o have taken lng UV >h04>e ,,1 place l. the Park at Fourtméth atreet Mr. H la Muiiiy, the wire of Wlien found Chamberlain vas un- FrOd LU MU!er. oonected with tbe cousclnus, sud cufferlug lntenseiy Ides, Fuel ObiflD8itý'of Chicago, and. frm m everai vouflds. Ou. eye hed iiothét 0f. M i tbét m. Ingali ad been slached néariy outt and tihe aROf WllllU C. M4ray. the latter con- of thal membur lay on bie cheek.,' Il iected wy»lthé ?illebury Flour Coin- la reported. 1Hlm noue, monhl aud ueck 9517 In i 1meé, hua been nI i i ha lad asmo been cut In mmny'places. Dr. cémPlint mkintg n19 us 01e xbaustloD Jolly of North Chicugo attendeS th for arbolt tir.yem man, and dresseSisa hbipries. Frday vlug ie leber fkmily The police of Noth Ubcago arffet. wsUthe tistb villiber, %ho ed cne man, vilo gave bism ame S. uftlPS su, ev y omre tri!. Levandusbi, but tbe. mat djuaiam higetSnui4 im ulbe" een a&U knoledxe of the. affar AttoraeY mince, cor huas xwone developed. ex. ChambIers dalmed 'b ldentlfy himi.CeDOt lat a wbUMure béerdng ber déc- Posllively. The, police ame nov vatch,- critilon'it IDkiOVu t bave bougbt a lcg one other mari. vho la said to have ticket tii Chicugb aud prohmbly took been mireS up I thé affair Iu the the 8 : 30 tralpi there Fnlday ehit. park. Mn.- MumaLY bâd no relatives ln Chambers vas removed tu hIe home, Chicago, althoaghere are rellilre and in maiS ta be le a surloascandi- at Elgin and Dfton, MI., and at Bàt- tin, veak trom thé loua of lood The tle I4ke, Munit. eYe vill ual be Ical ta the mau as the Relattymu Auk Aid In Sesrch. result of the affair. and thé other lné Au Inh locale Mr$. Murnay. rela- aianjured. tives «aPPemil toWaukegsnlînmsud to The North Chicago Policé thought Lake oouetY Pepe o repot lu cuch Chambers desfl when tbey fIrst fonSd cues as they may have rt-n écrasa, hlm. sud tO aid ln e é earch fcr thé lsg- Rtelatives claIm tht the yonng man tng woman, s0îo belongs la one o! thé vws ihe victimt of a brutal hold up, in oldeat snd moet promineut familles ln r hlch h. vas terrlbly beaten viien tbis oty cnd lu northeru Ilinois. tht roîhers faued that they could gel Wbei île' ieft lere. Mrr. Murray, nothing. of hlm. He in lu a lad con- vho la ftv fet taland vélghe'about dition at his home. 100 pounds, uWs attlred In a white Tire. 'men ame saiS ta have iump- crêpe valut, a black and ville check- éd upon Chambérsansd lesteand cul md sirt viti, a Ilack barder about l, hlm. 10w black shois, and a long biue coat. ier baiïr 48 gry. As far as la keovu ILE W. Bwnbrough H«ee h. lad but qa l11W. mouey vith ber ihen chu dlsdppeared. r IL W. fivaubroub.Dener utomo- This noan notert M. lugalis sud ble-mansd nov mwaafmr a!thé Oounty Clerk Lev Rende. returned *Hupp-YeMs a Eectric Denver., olo<rom Chlcsgo, vier they sougît trace vere huocked oansdhils ladY bru ed sud Iseeruted. Hic nervona ail tem w vs hackéd, hé aya, andS inc ltat lime ho las bée alck. lame an more, sufféring intense Paie anS ir guimh. lu addition ta bis persona] Injurie im leau..bis daim uPan the 1loua a! a avercoal vain"et $45, a sunît at $1 a SaiS chatiR at $4 sud $60 lu cas vblhie »vas carryng. Q**éman lImé la Mlaukee.. lfigbl4ntI Pak Bank O-Pffm ThétIghlanS Park lUcited Stale pw[uW a ings hmuk Smpaltary opén S&tainday. TIen... vére miné pig Vie tu e e lthle opeuug bout,1 #Wck panat&ound. and ane o! th am totadépoIt vas 015 "JlmmY W1mrd. & retireS vtéran of the Warc lIe RM>lion. vbo dépoited $1001 gqîS vil Pctniter A& W. Flétcha mmuelr. amountas tram atbéts tallai 1~ Ban QWWb e b"rg18 ame NÔ E.héd on Fuct@ Thié fallovlng ImIter - las béen ne- oetvod lty State'e Atlhorney Dady In regard ta lie dances at IligIvooS sud feéme te, settle, the vexlng Question sud ti shov that lie iligîvood bas a colîinindablé désIre ta oley the la, a" lte orDhuee: 1 LIZ*vuod, Ill., Aug. 16, 1911. Mr' alph Ç*dy, etatela Attoraey, WafukegacL, IIl Deur 8lx:....i8repi>' ho 7001 of the 1st It lut..renarding oonmlaicte Co dacin.g pavillion ai Ibhis ettY. I viiih o, ay>'that tlie. osplaitl "e vlioul foedatltie. This place basu béén vatceff carétlily by Ibm PD lice and 1 ta"ve viiteS thiI.Place mycéli reglimaiy and have -nemi faund su>' causé for oeuplaInt. Wq lavé due oui- utmcat 10 CarrY octtlb lav ln évery respect hmre ut Rlthvooi andl I lelijove gon vlllgive un credi for dolsu mw. 1 lavé béat u-able t finS tuber. lhé lav prolîbits Samnc but If sud le thé eue Ié ilvi h promptly stoppeS but If ual againut thb iav thé people of Higlivood expes ta énjoy the same prIvIlèges as *1 olter parts of Ibm county. lu facl Mn. State's Atlarney, I. ln elaI the peaple of Higîvood do cal fee that th. complainte recelved by yc, are justIfiéS, and vé cordlally levit you ta vWat un ai suy humé. day s cight, anSdviilbu very glaStiat accel your opinion as ta vhether aur cIl la belug rue te a iavfuI maner.1 you oseéfit, cen gîve tis t the Wal kégan pros: 1 beg ta remain, yaurs trulY, JOSEPH SEVERSON, Mayor City of Hlghvco r ÂA ks ,00Damages FhlIllp (lugelus ba soueS île Cl cage anS Milvaukee Eledtrie railva Company for< $10,000 for injuriessa taieSon iDéc. 24, 1910, vlie. hé i lu"ges, île car lé vas on collided vit a repslr car anS bath vere burned1 tle Iracks. 'Gageman lm one of the Ient>' thrty allghtly InJureS vicUmnsa!ofIl félectric road colision and vréck lIé naval training station or ce théré, Christmas ae, sud nova lbi h. vas seriucaly licjréd caniedau prise 1ère as be appeared a thé nlght of thé vreck tu lé on éillilly inureS. BeaiSées "éxaggerated hue.," ai traumaUc neerasthenla, as spéciflh reuuig front thé collision, he alleg thaI bis head, ceck, arma, legs,.11ba0 Md an- les ae 15. e. 10 o! le )w-. 4,e Oc.milgliboy, Moue., lthe sSuof, AiméS ftM.éc. Sparment store nnau- eu'e. va« barred fi-casdépolticg la- qguai ot thé agé bimt, as lé vas ocy # géaro aIS. Ing more thon a cnutuleal. "itlel bld énough for me, authorlxed by the govérnor of the eiste toa astal- Inter capital punldlimént," calS Ibm chenlff. 'but for ao» hooSfer hls ser- vices for thé paltny aunt of $26 lu hé- î-ocd me aud more than i dan under- Thé chériS vwent on ho $*y ltai ln th. futur. lic nomes 0ofa&l pémmu sondng suaitléttone yul b. pulahéd murdkoet *h vo liag mlght"hé. Hé @&y& liat bo la coing ho bang. Marlou himmelf and does anéeS odAcY oulcidO aseustmuce. "'L.ake Woods0ina NewiTown Magulse and Om',ChiUgo cead north, ulioré ralilty Praotana. have -Plaeed thé "d Sbetivme iéaval mabuol ea; NXortb Ciflo aSmi village f Iyk lnS, vwith ig l se <routae, on thé maraket as te lmtéo!fa faiue iséiSe- titi amadIou ls sthé norlk ashoréfor Deopié at vemth vIa deI-e aummer bomes anS thé district, Wb"i- *vig prohabli> bé a. loin sou. day. la béeOM named L[ah. woo4s hiMU& or lasignoma a m*0ýl ton é,1cjO5 It u!i tfl th i Ié' .a e ' L àks p~4fi*IétW..S . r7r77i c.* Narrowly Eacape Iw~ury Boosie Taylor. 18 years aId, empia"- ed la thé house of lietenfant C. W. WII.y, at Fort Sheridan. aud Frank Milite, a troopér, Jtcsl arrow escapes trom inJury Bunday _plght vhen the boma.chat Mlne vus drlvlug chied at a popeng automtoble. The buggy w»a oev$d«md and man aud girlveto thr.own to thé greand. They eemaped wth bruts".. The ccildect haipenl- ed fleur Dierfield, Ibre.=lilen vest of Migbland Park. "Maddy vais' voat do for &a.mlr- ror-» sur boter thA pavr0frBa 1i. cireelation vin40 »r B a M cd e- 14.A mUS«1109ftOWl MOTN XI? P'UM BSHOT XÂD OG ~- Terri«r 3saloinin to t Xudore !01 Q#»wion 1mw '- ave Noyers Kil ês Wil!.to UMsnp pt 8terday by Polici. 3. iel muît"oeîéolmu*d once fqr a A bult terrier, .héloufflns to a e n eori pém-ed, whils ajpéal wapýtukee Meyers veut suddenly bad M0ondayr 4 and fai.id, CWPPw 1,.Mal.,4Mr, nd bélote It could le %hot lbed itI- t clhroémé n &i~Md sow préiotar, Wton te evertl aller Saga, and bail snap- * kfllud hie commée 1gwwifm, a ZIoftpéw at'the baud of Officer Hicks, lac- *City gIri, la te hi lianoeS Ipténibéer atIcg the akin en one fjuger. 214 utWllkmébuirré, nnowy4 thé The apimal va. MlleS, sud one ofty W tuh w»a théeucene 01 thé. crn,, allaidog vhlch It badl bItte éfl amnd the test éhiptur l ln re tteplm* Simd at thé handls of the police. Thé edy i' étohb. writton. fer Marion kllIéd béa i ii nov ho ezamlned hy Voter- se t4 wcmén. tic bâsac mwaymi Fdo,. ha- ary surgeon Wilson, tu détermInDe )f =4o«u the would wPf t mu4 urival., il thé suinmal vas lu resUt>'afflicted CUptuin A146M ^. Wuule,the Mo. vith ruliesor inerely lii Ibe dîcease ta ter and boeolru cithe mur v"îlihba. been prevalent among dagi, m wamnpri sad mni>'ther Zion City peo- thua ae-aoc - pe tucr@ witneéM. ut thmq4ntlaa er. Thus fer Ibis summer- there have Se ingntmiWllkedbmiré ernMo ycarc ugobéet several doga kiled, vhlch. ou or oile w tkb *tiom 1whr snte ,è éf rot aluht, gave ail e#ideucea of bélng re tWioggWmu ,crgîully lelgamed thé mail, but vhlcb on examicaîlon vere le acmé elMari" hem desgg.d d qu thte.founS ta héosftn rounm the, effecta il Ifflrup~lon o01<facter inda. of "Sog dans." A Shorttlime ugo Chier t -Marion mared once ln a thontrl- Of Polio. Atterbery chaséd a dog LO cai atraction ln thalcicty. rom )&aison street 10 thé clly limite SDémrlng to bang George U. Marion, on Sherldan ruaS, finally ehootlug il. * ho chat blé commun iaw vIfé, Ptue-Another Sog severul veeks ago, was 5e Ces Le. Marlon Brooks.,vlioée math- caiituréd by tbe police andl képItlied or, rotoreuni uller eele sililu p lu tb. station for séeveral day.sud ln Zian 0ity, ut the Wllkegbarre, Fa., po-firtal y tent olita thé hmpy hutînsa 't lice station, tva yearm or Bc agu, vIeu ter thedogy theipolbtnfovur orti a Of hé caugbî lier vltb a rival lunlbtherted<bSbtnforr é el MeneIy, and wbo lu li> hé sxeeuî- doge ln various section of thé clty 3u odSeSptembér 28, a realdeut cd st Dongeshotld hé vatChed wiuh care e Market street, Wlkeharre, ea., hi.si-lut nov, as thé m-cali dog Sa> s Or wrlhten a leIter to Shérif. John Rod- are 81 band, the séason vhén maniv SP a offeing bis services for the ccu-doge become affllctéd vîth bydmî'ýh* ty slderaticu o! $25. bla. Plenty of water and a uitile cari. If Thé Imter lea as coyéw: vili miré thé anial froin Seat h. ald L- Wlkésbarre, Aur. 14, 191. pérbapa manY People fro euffelilîc Fred Itoida, High Sheriff Luzerne and flually death. County, Pa. HonoredsiSr. IPROIEINENT )d I understausi that thé goveruor of COUPLE TO WED aur taté bas fixeS thé 28th day af Septembér fer lhe execution of en# Jacob J. Bastian and Mfi38 Geo. IL Marlon. 1 beréhY muke aP- A c* y Skrto b plcatlan la you for tbm grunse Pomi- A3ienyu er v lY ion ta bang the. saiS Oto. L. Marlon Maied Hefre afor the. sum of $25 (tventy-five dol-- lb lars). Should you rosli ncinéS ta, er- Attorney sud kirs. V. T, Heyd.ckpr la cept my proposition 1 viii l -«t uu oUf 150 North park avenue, Weukégati péruonaily anS' anaké aangemtentg bave mnoued the engagement of ;wltb youansd viii conduci lb. hauInuthein youeuer daughtér, Mias Ale. E. or peraanally mysmîf. Very i'eeéctful- Heydecker ta Jacob J. Bustian. the ho ly.- I. A. H. Xnarrlago ta také place at thé home of et uat Market SL, Wlhémbarre. 2Pa- the bride durinu thé monh of Orta- w P. SI-iiBhould my létter ftul hno thé ber, 1911. &thands of! uevuier reporters You vilIi The bride 10 bu le pramni»nulsocial- tconfer a big favor by vltliholdlng m) ly MdS thé pomesor of mauy accomn onname. p)ligznte, $ho la nated as un ideali ly Wheu Be. ObSeriff RoSSa gavé a bomsteansd as onu af the lr,ttiéaî reporter a copy of the letter, but ré- ailS ment amiable cf WaukeusnaS Ad fupéed to zuake public tbe appilcauta dangbtera. bnaine et Ibis limes. He said tati the Thé groom résideet 111 oe rof mmn résIdelu a fiat on O&MitMarket Couuty treet. vlthi he parents, Mr. ýV' etrect lu thé tva hundrmd block, but aud Mrc. George H. Bastisu, sud ls yti could col ké Induced te, gir. thé came employéS as a clerk lu tbe loc.ap îaët do- but ftoits If ho -s'uld bu justifieS in office, vliere hé occupiez a reapousîble y%- nolng, as the man vbo deairéd ta position. a t ri 1