CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 9

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~A KE CONTY INDEPENDENT( WAUKEGAN IWEEKLY SUN YOL. XIX.-NO. 48. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., F1UDAY, AU(GUST 25, 1911. FOUR PAGES. $I. PEIR YE.AR IN ADV"&N4I. I. a~à TrflD ' àTI C DR1. IILALKIUK BIAS MANY CHANCES- FOR STUDINfi'MEN Get, Race Congress Now Open in City of London in Remarkable. Sheldonhurst School Wonian la One of Main American Speakers Reomakable Procession of Races of Maukind to be Seen and Observed. Sheldon School Expert in a Gharacter Analysis la One of Those Âttending. WRIGHT BIPLANE WIT11 DRIVER ANI> TW() [N PASSENUEU ('ý ARRYIN( AVIATIO'NM Fl N CITY 01' ('11 IUA(O. (ON'I"}I' X INR(EN ' NTERNATION:-\1. -iARE POPULAR A-T Boy and Girl ResorteriDel. uge Other withWa- ter in Glasses. Sport is Popular, and Begau Quite Accidentaily, it Seema. New apecies of Fun Making at the Lake Resorts 18 Catching On. Al Boaking Wet, but WIMa Are the Odds, Wheu YPiu _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ laMade? e-otlrre&y Chicago American. (Praa ededa'i STN) tint. a Finaihlady snd Prince Kra- lbeneath. Wiren, for Instance, Nir.. 1h lSocially ihey vere alnosur nnitre-s iii 0regt on tire foiiowig lending oh- The gre-at surplus of appiee Ini îihi (Froin Wednesdaya SUN.) bows the nature of the big ra~c ili ' Nearly ail tire sîpalier nations, I ndia. and wiren agairi the f heitfrturorir-si. rît oone 'rdiat relations anÀoug ail ritîsions irr conditions as it relates t0 cider.,hoaeprte,.dcmpn..rI 50rgres, Dr. Blackford. scientiflc char- even 10a Monaco halone or more ciel corer tireiisrsionary hýiin frParties anditioîtrear rcrcempiengrî l nte, ndtht a ha Lce analyst of thre Sireidor scioola egates Prom Amnerica camne Iveut etsriirng hi houle as a irier lrgeolor or creý-ed, the cider jrrers whilii ormierly was a have ail sorts of traies, gaiahas wld Rockefeller, la attendirrg 01er lu re colored peiple. irciuding tire proes hr -er rrtet peS. Prîde of a Brahmin. part of tiee-qripmaelit of many fartis. Ming contestaewatermelon rass < ,ondon: Mdent of Wlberforce and Cbsau Andi onty man la vile' tire sanie an the tirreshIrng machine corn roasta. Oton thay sinella metlu Whe treLod eadae peedStsar o trei'iid taesary. Not Pecular ta America. igi at rhîr ri i earfIbD VM ~ Dand th irrower, la ntow a rarjty among hammocks or iu blankets isuder. the les Crituinversel races congreosa in retlre-d: frou tire white wold came Tt as evelturnes îriggestr.tal 1ilr nisd inveîîed wife- Sirtrosried nrerfl ER Vfl I IlGL IRItÙ9 fariera of Illinois. Tire in ICstars, sometîrnes tiey car. for gal ýh great bal of tire Unversity of Presld-ut Thire ng, Edwln D. M.ead. tir ecod cogres le- heldtri wre lie wlh Inquiries eonreerring tire yenrslnwhich tire scarciiy of appies Lnorecently. ire looked upon a John E. )lilihoiiaud. Professor Baie s If suh a a thrnshir. ou rie-e- prer nbim uthe IUnirirtedSates. Ii U Dq i made tire cider lpressa atiselesa Pieceldu nId hî w okn u irouand faces representlug flfty races of Wellesley;. Felix Adler andI John.lie"hadit wu crttin,î r ot igge,;ted-tIf0tirem rentatitl a direct oLia'av~ f machine-ry, iras led mauy farinera have no eud of variety, but lit wust yfmen. No oneeIntinrately associated Greenleaf Eliot . u ceii e- S airtathyI ndîie îitre-r..tir tire iisa. D R~ ~ ~tale t heir apparatus of lins kind ta for a number of Young. People ait aus itir tres. rmen and woureu for tire Engllsh Newspapera Satirical. e ti d-'o f Fragîrir voters. lie- d:e-se lîrîrîe-if jjDU IG HI YE RIriraior rot awaY. Now -tirey are lu lulantI town tohave a vater fight unr days andI nigita of meeting yul iHere tiren were me-n of tire ider (tirelruîîrtoi ai rteii)sig'Sithtly andI dirs dark face darke- reat debiaud and every tartiner who Tt ail camne about aceldergaiiy. r0" &oon forget thre pecuiariy new sens. venld. stroug lu feeliug sud enger ini:are tiecuia rend bur.ra.drction-r iled -I wouid flot îilk or appealingi bisea few apple trees ou iisPlace of tire girlis was lu alam>ksu f bumanlty tirat gradually dawned purpose. Tire eetting. of course, vas af oeulir aI ~ n i Tr ti dreEuishirrrireeadcoidmkehinel qauly fcîerby aae br a issa of w a pan ors. Englair, bt 00 s coldy sud roiti nre ou tre oer bd teahiscole- ar i ieirtye-ris peh His cser uintEeCdrPesa. in oun- ad lae hase îegaqar iof eyieharink. Aussheriaed taofp ita lin R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l s n ru ara ftr i. Englisir as one migit have aun-] tthwroli oaacs asord evidently very strong snd ye- it try la Being Tuned up to thre appiauces. t)eaiers vro iaudle boy kept mnovlug the ir.moOkrçoý# f Parta, le qrite ant r e ee tiipte. helarge audiences @sein- proble-m;that rire question of con md .omehiug ta refit on, as ',ra. Beo-orking Order. clider rille have sold more of thram that. aire ould not drink wfthoat 0fr, *iL srkaSdki»4iy man and kiiow theed uausrally patient aud syaapatbetlc. tc ireen dlffering niasses as aflt s atrick on chiid marriage. tariî riais sason than auy year for aL de- îug tire Wlter. pant ho plsyed in tirat drama from Iis Wthout thre walle vas an audience tact ten a e-rî lýmaeas the e-itaof tire system are, tire lmi- c ade. "If Yeu don't stop bt itI tbIow lit rvulis.Tir Io ura vreuns-legs entirely sympatlaetic, wvic Iaooiu groupae !mu abru at Prae baeIndilana migirt veit orse0 orecdrkeafesroiys yu'vshrtaataiga "n ipe Th tw Tuksdereorm- citbal aitheningiiushgnkncuriFr Ysityth Ssudty ft8Oftiree ederiilectiousny aion0fu tirehr tireate-et ieUf "Dfy capable men sud frank of speech e tire-a 'r g uroit adhomorld In our day. a h 5 stos ftewet ihort rime, but tire average fariner Thon came -a ceai Jerk oftheirà=ý. nu trchne. ereerîsîv. îtrappreliension. What. afier ail. it ait Tire were nturalit tirreeglscf least eind marriage leaves no rîuhrn- Apples in Country Made in otirer years user tire cider for tire mock and abe kuaw ire vas nt laa rI claver wvîfe. vas a mau of unusuai cd, sas rire-practical object of brnu corutries: Triurpiraut Japinis a lir -eed girsfor wite me-n 10 de-iauch; TeeMii leausl purposes whiie aweet andI tirera qittlng humor. TiraIvshe.i4 trengtlr. cgtr ed ~larise iy liseif:tirten rorrutries like- u euen opeli f rottrarreled liarge uratiuelsansd let if lenge as airewrr tire wuv ater i Tire Mut Srikinq ludian. Implossible bot . od Teproper I China. Turkey, Persia andI Haiti-dif tii-aiTt 55-i sncb considerstronF ta [turn loto vine-gar. In that atata It la1risface. It bit hlm ,Qrrly r E&ssly tire moft striklng Indien vw attitude toward most of lire peotries frn siyaogtr-nemssdbrorîghr ronrinuilsuggestion dririg irept Indtilnitely. 1Tt le said(tI tra relh saof the wortd, sald tire Mornln î ein g vost.j mng te-- of ne-e- itire- errre-is tirat tirheet Iran mrîeh This Vear, However, EVerY are farinera lu tisîeviclnlty io havel particularly sopping rasulats heudy le vas a a ludark-brovu mau, vîtia ou tire rst day of tire congresa. la 1i 9îou frigwhttiout on farofpttatge- ol fth e.Fariner with auouple of x e iea ntri elrsWih hefehsItfot aflowlng white beard and kiudly en- contenpt; onl tie second day thir front ithave Cider. ve l-[ as made at teast teu years ago. TireloWater ireeai activa, tira girls tabý.r, irsatl ys.Asuen fvet-nTmes bail s haîf sarrirai article; yet t iclete internai probleins cf gro tir Interesti n Haltîcurs. Trees Ma*-y hv adr upply o! saci stored ivnegar, irv- log sidea against tire boys. The beys cencelire had vithi 1.tire gluv and every daily lu London reportad tirh at di-ipeitNo orre-lnn the congrewss rtpiîd anar. l8ai tlow air, andth ie farmaers tuaik tire hire.asd igan tu spray 4te irean of tie ess. and hiris stiaropo- proceedings. e Egyptiaris Depressed. grenier personai respect tirait Geie-rut wîîî veicoine anotier year of prolîin girls. Tire girls rau luta, tire io rgirai discussion wasa 0f pecullar ln- Tiha Cianglng World. lu tire ht-iBr etwe-re-Egypt andI Legituime-of Iltuiti, andI hie b-rtirMany Farmers Keep Vine- attîte crop, vie-n tire-y rau raew the. at pitchers of vatar snd emptieul tbg errat. ant er rne iee isthoijldssd iu houti tese cases taue' darigiter, liai tr. o! cours.. puzzted tlire spply of e'luegar. contents efectively wvirever otap Afrcs, vas repreeented fron thre andi suspicions wiil scout lucomiara- coulti easily se-rse repre-salon sud a congres's Ir tîed a revolution drrirîr gar o e rT ev ntrrpcla etr-o ie~tnt laa.Oegr l a r '~~~~.aptsile b aro voEypiu il ve-ar5 ago tire coun r-heao. Tr-Egyjtian w sre Itire-sirriig9.Yen onecan tae-etliait YaswtotSoln rto l httr uni !ndrpeneil ta oirnlutire iboug5e vriialut sera tireravtir sTroEng i n eyuo!gras orultihase been Impossible hrdîy e-ar n. ailuforais epa ens litre- irgitirnre, ovier of unqures Yas tou pi g uade nle gls-ug rie qt a dem iafrteirrdtesuua ats 4 ngobod hltrithca e meTodsy tire mot strilrlug thirlg about tion. beiug for-er! hy ailthre- long pro rîtoned rculture adurer redlng. Tirrre r lotd arre-ta. ookiitg ont at a timril atonie- u<do* tire black member of tire Cape Colon, tire meeting vas îlei good iemtrer. Mont graminirto tire- laie afrerruoou Tirey udorritediynir ,h truthln lthie i unr _________________a ryvIUmjut ndrnat irrlamntsd ir had snaî o f tire delegaies se-e-me-nso overcose vve-ne too obviorisir derre-sse-dir y tir-h 0 ftr iîtesl ieeur-ssire toank hierrpiteuer of vatet'"d sciroL. The Lberiatu scrt r of ytire mere poasibiliir rof meeing Sppoiuiule-t of Kitche-ner irriug tire-Itirati Ier rotileiisare economic. rau irder sure-gar, tirere-ul article-, Nscessssy Labor. poure Iit ou trialmuaitrtabb iris ýas tri byPsvloktebge oe rttnrcaan olitf 'onpoiaîrallier sirîioid bch- serty in swheicir erYtiring vhin and abont risa Wbn&dorrviivslv, stae-a aligt Amerinan iooking mu- hey enarie tot thire îîs gai &lt attîug o! rtue-congre-as. ne hllprYcure u lt a comoîysirovatirai ineyer vas lutendedt t isaWe oro idw»oý iatto-nrepreseuled West Afrira. Pthelclleé erytihl o 'ras aatch owever. bot tiex' sud tire- Turuksso Thaîruet'eitra. ira eOptin gene-a ratcanirbe cefanrniliar mai s sould h ire b Orouieli t iu fUeierulS iah. Eurpean Aneica tnull ephsizd ndtht ire arîriui iuln In lurie eoug ltiis le-ar For uMailye-are irai ider sud eemfurt andtheetir eafresud lrp turared in tiret direction lusiauti>'. Ibe natonof urpe asacoustins, tiflinglireait. a varlety of tireir o lantrntrc-resn-e 9s'o! tie rcitits of liniermarriage- of egrleenukoe sahm r-ans !trs aon s i eun il ekt iescr Nes.nly everylanugaesmunir broken Englsir. et BU ieEytaaby alh Mongole and ErroPeats, Indians antIdîr trti o oie lset ii I he1man sirunid labor. Md. body, viranavar a boy sirciediis ieadl r repreaeted: Cermany ry ier sci- Bt he' tinbyshdobvious ueta tgtt i lse iha-u once, lu Vanr BuscIran, Von Ranke snd fos oriruril1 îruanpoErgîsîerreeanIviiewsennonforgotten til ike-ne-aI maple- el i uesufrat uio the trastairvay iravas met v-tir&:d.. pie attendedt each ofth long sesos h ndespeci soe ue u by a Amrican negro, coru irre-ud Idieneas, tireIbier liq a source of men. uge Tounis; raceiryPiotsudLaTie ludfs reen t andoeera a of iet e- He la tati sudduel. andtai sud moral offense In everybody - Fontaine. Tire iandsoine-mulaitcaTingirount meinsar nynco!itreugt ud eteaniatior italt .strong face, unîmpasaloued r- Pcobaiiy oct for te-n earr, ias arnuni leia@ta srisanca utrire angPrtglws eevd ih: rth wodi niovaTrdnient ascr- uaat amazeri me. More-ove-r, lorîdonll to he vdnest ode here- ieeu so oucta eider aire-ady vorît sud needsaatpment for Ile Aagnmarki. froin~LI Potglvsrcletli ailytie p deefeds Te-nl a e u irenaionnhrouirort yuTdor- lafile seiiclia ce-n tire white South R -ak plans., andtIltaly sent Sergi sud Cas-th iionhouhuttecon ade hi tire farniers of tin. rorîury public gond, Ilke auy othen source of tlu arpoa clotires may bhar resan e Rusai vasraracenscalîyaluly mrde pfeteligsud iredrentireurletîi vere-possioleui.iy taAfrîcu dnIfot istuna. The conclu_ and along lter lu tire- ceasen. sehe-i psiina.movati byyplaclua a dean damp cIaîb eron vas tirai rare mixture- of close--tire fr11 aud vrotrnr aphte-o ripe-r th ie- ponir e matarial anti Pressing vith represenid by aagoerurnteftyscIe-nbctd tireneillesfatrtirer. es irankiberatrnTtheeun l esenv cesible wa ____ ly re-iate-d race-s 'as nsuaiIy bo-tilqatt iIie aytmr -esen bbee e Tr ndpnial edasy varn. Iran. O I N tirat between wldely rernoved rares it ______ inight ire, but that thia vas uiri certain la tire absence- o! reliable data, sud -tirat suri data sirould b. collecte-ti Sentir Africa anti Amenica.Th o n t C r if' s~~~~~~~erserl to Introdijea tirarace probletr h eJ h s o nCr Îi of Southr Afrmra andAl merrira. The HAS the greatest power, the [ightest and tnost direct draft, saves thei, negro wsri eti raPresenteilasud md most o! tire eteakîng. Tira onîy se-pto most power and wastes the ecast corn of any machine on the market. inre-mreo!tirhe Cape Colony parus. WHY ? lament, tire president et Wilirer!orce, tiasa le8sgeariug, nu pazkers, rol sd one of thtiretiriof tire cotore-IJier irearunga. bras& bush bean ngr, '~ P ~ ~wouîena phiysiciesia van amone tire large-st maaiu wiaeel ou any bind- anMhEPeettin l er. uaturai inriluied elavatron andI., S c h o o l S*Lt .> i speakers sdtrsrsntto.a erai otiierimportant features tirougi periraps a bit oea ide-i, -'n wrii a-wîîepanîfowl . rertaiuly ciear and vWeil suatelue-d. 1t eail or write-. We kuow justwa W E W-ANI everybody in Lake County to visit our Boyps se-e-me-il ean tirt Amýenic& muet uoouî tia mahirinlansd wil s. l t - Dprmn.Altenew ste r now in.-Th uality face tire vonl it ilathe. burden o! a on triai ta suy ne-- deetintin as et ofle mn sspousînle fariner. and price will surprise yodeeuiiluion 1.0 try ea cloe Of e i Complet. stock ,rne- uuclitled ainiiY bcarse o tieirpairs et Milrwaukee. Boy's Knlckrbocker Suits. .. .................. $3.45 color. ail woi wtb pirs pnts 5 00 Tire positive- suggestions for pro- BOY SUtS w@ f mting Interracial frieisdlJaea w Boy's Steel fibre suits with pants fif e nd every vorked ont lu coufexiseoebafora tire seoi eamcd ...... . .............$500 actual nmeetng o! "tbe cougreesansd- rcinfrced ftarvprd adopied aàiar a full sud free - , .Sappy YoUng Mcn'sSURS........... $10-00 to $1 5.00 dacussion. Tiray iwelue for an lurn. ." - Boy9s Knee Pants 50c, 75c end up to ........$1 50 tLondonTi s d mniÙýîs ta tcouncl l Spadin JeseySweter ....... ........... 2. Laudner. Tin cor ýr.1 te astailisr SpaiinOJersy S eatrs 5.50 suaLutraclitl lstiý*bc aiai!: Ne do not deal with tihe, trust. W.hy should vou.? Why ne:t write TOUR $ does more hme this coin seum than lever bifore iOI'0 ml~ netg-- or eall on us befoié you buy any machine i Our ie is comnplete, pÊme lt'sto your interet ta linvu4igatet b!cIot I Î,>Oe. -~ ubii rprs are right, and we Bell on trial. Machines. vehicles, tanks, pnmps anti Parm p . .. . lightning'rods. .W Kc L R ê0.,G w sh Co ac t 1.4 et te se et

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