.IAKE icuirrY CoUNTY ~4R 4UP15,q 6, 7, ý8, INIDEPENDENT VOL. XIX NO. 49 T'ULVCPAGM LIBERTYVILLE, IS&KE COUNTY, [LLINOMB.$IDAY, SIEPTEMBER 1, 1911. 01E TO EIG'HT 81.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCZJ. Mui court. - ý7 It jury shal hot day et'cacbi taem he court may Ix e sthall ho set >m a de>' ectula of ail atter»es cal]. except that t dîscreflen pioase ofthfe triai oa11 - ci shaN itep a e kuevu as Lie vilch ahal ho andti ttle ot tic proceedînge coin. Gthfe naines ant pective atterrie» ug bill. peti 1cm One. dernurrs, otier pieatUags exhibits or otier ,nibing the. sane' oemesa> fer Ide:,. tLi ne permit the >rcoedlng or,-aM ifo, te ho taes Pi as prevld#t% earlier th:n*3 Don and uet-e> ck lu tht a!ter tieslring the a>. rgc ot a recpi.vua v. tht Intcreet.d e May ho, ahovis I ti, case 'wtti of tiie tti -ant ta the juq oi r the appicafitn or discarge of ters lnt Chair"'. r a meferenota t mastoc lu cisti-. .0 take- teeaoiW or fa take tiefi e saine nu hhlm te the. Cot h n ici suchtaw n, and ln <ca5 ne cicuing et prô«Ot tereno., then tié ompiete the tnlre_,. forence la nmde tu tae anti closei LbIn thirt>' tiys gl testlnsony %lsin v ithin tfeu hés taking of fient by tie master'ho -cd praper, t# nithik suci.- iimaster ýrto ai &i ia» wortb7 y Ot .= tc:~ Lopin, andi tboutgts MmliD ensimn hemr, aise a depaty ahenif, asj Sul.dlte the sesn. asti looketi Over tbe. graold, net eveita %fint icent èouli bo piciieti up sud there la no wayettracing the. obb.rs. Tû eOX4Ot*redthétuestore, ln whVLilb tiie xicte¶ila locateti. bY "e DÂrN8 ÂT bi ot tbey opened leasi ,oeNiJ~ iairihuy *e M ot5. Thoe .le a 'WXW O",&VWr»J4zor, ff te ealway t*seing loto the tw'e on wWcb the skeletxie- keys BT ~VU.GLARB tafe& »m thon rocbmeeus.d other To set aroanti theprlng ieck sa" B O RONDOUT POSTOFFCE 1 i"d,,thth I.. I rldntihe door outi «Yfeothe J5priffl ookCbaek aU thie rtuIeD T SWM Get $15 hi Cas anld altihogh broire mce of the atout IbInges. About$50 'Worth of Once inside. th7 eut the. telephone vires the Otralt thng tbey diti, probe- Postgestamps bly. even going tastar as toecut iii. lent! wlres te maire renewal of coin- munication impoesible tf îhey were Two darlng alegea ty bo burgiars dtainc .d- bavebee ffgedin 1leLak contY Thom they gel bus>' and no one in use eenied<d l tialÀiO Conthebovillage heard s sound. the pot- au afas à reault of two burgiaries on master dîsavering the robbery when tic succeusive nits Monday an ntw> ue am.e dewn te open the office andtI "ay' st Wauuoftd%. fI. ien the M. begin work. et W. Hughes hardare store and the nRi Daims rotbftgrocery sud generliB R U N Ni store nere oetered. bcSUL P R The. culprita are tmo runavayas.l rho, it je ssaerted at Wauconda. de- Horse and Carrnage Ba=r1 e Xberateiy piotteti te enter and rob the Detoy Lait Thuruday stores millier than appeai te as unlelt for anjtance. One of the sinaller bhlZ n OitthtM Thoèai et f0 the grand 1017 t tamino! Samnuel Inaull o! Lbertffle si' Wabiecud.b> Justice Joseph, Hua sud ant aboimmcd tethe ground Thnnsrday w 11o* lu thc count>' Jai: last week, the tire origlnating from mncI PELIX MAYER, *astvlile, III unkunu source. The ire we. iret h JIHN YODILIS, Wansaukee, Win. iscovoreti by ue etftthe uperintesd- N yodlle wss the tirait te mia aaY- enta eoftCe farm, and the. alarinvas hi n.woent from Wanaskeo te West- »pr.ed Iothe. famiers ..ud iabout. M vill. nier. hae persus4diMyer.hils Ai wh> coulti prmi ydropped Io comis, te go ntih lmn. thir work andi ith che6iicals strove O.. ster>' it t the Maor boy 'tô chec the ftianeaa hlch threatesed ,WU ianother fiat b. vould ti <>fthe destruoien le home cf tii.e gave hlm $12. The. ofier la that be sight o?'ýthe tie vas nurely gmincea tee ca.awanmd Liai he atele the paurlng out of one o! the windows, Mf10sy*. f utdeniy. nithout any warnlng. the At any rate the two vert flat broke ctir. structure hurst hâtoe, ae, driv- wh.n i eY reaciietiWauconda. uhere lng the. Deeubaci fràla the structure, YoMIis useti te live ou a tarin anti aud keepng hein se far away thc) moner- andi foodi beraie a necesslty. couiti de lttie or nthing. oue suggeei"ýd that an uncle be The i barn was uned partly as a peaied te. and tht other. It la chsmged. «omhues for ha>', anti h te expecteti rcpiied that he voulli nt ask cela- tht spantaneott5 comibustion started ses for aId. but suggated robbiug tii. conflagration. a store lusteati, toc excternent. 1 Beidie bay, the barn contained a Then the tve, NMayer being 13 and number of carrnages andi wagons anti obe other 15 years O! age, sein o (eeor two speetai drlving berces ef bave plunneti thelr alleged crimes't place. Ail the. wagons were pusiied leverly. ent ef. tbe burning structure by tht The iti. W. Hughes hardware tore volnteer firemen andi the berses was broken Jtto Monda>' nIigt, a tact tiriven loto a pen, flot one belug lest. vitich dit! not became knewn te thej The lire burneti for about two or vilage officere Outil TuesdaY T etire. heurs, sud wheu the last blase boye ber. gem a pair o! eiectrlc 8&m 1hati dlet eut ut htng vas lit uofthe iWhts,.-viilci at iret tiiey deciaredihmbtapl !snlelgetes diey bai bouglit. 'They as1alithat they b ar utale kof smoneriu e s bougt oeeand oee as giron then. barn at the Urne the lire sfarted, or The.oeilt nlght &fier ben.g . iiutibeen Imalte for orne Urne befere about the vllasge leokîng avec the ex. Tie bay whilchbhad!hotu eut eu tie taeretoftth Daimts store for most o!f fatao! the Riectrie King tuis year the day tboy bld lu tht grass back rvas stereti there. sud Ih probabiy bho et the village churci untîl 2 ociock lu ý amhetod mcd startod the. ire. bêt onItiti. Wblo Uihern vas nt the largest Tien, it la saidt iey ralueti s latider ion the place, it vas a large structure te a winoevil the store. broke a anteIse at heur>'. Tiie tact tint pane sud unfasteneti the catch audth Idwsbwigarnlfon entered. inside thoy gatheroti shees, thse tai, doubties saved tht in. steeldogs, nocktlea, suspeudera. 5tv* honte e!Mr. sud Mrs. ,lnsull freinde "rs dollrs wetii o! postage stampe. trucîlen. about six rente lu peies, grocele. ________ andticlt o! other tuif vilch Over-j Iled thein sud tisen made their get- Auto PluLngeti Into Caniai sway. When an automobile teurlng car Outalde the village tic>' put on theiburstd a resar tire on the Dertield shoeesat bekna&nd otier rond Frdey ulght jut as it vas about juifaibge~te hve eensteen, andt te b driven acrs the Union Drain- eo4udo u teirvu>. gecanal bridge hetweeu Hîgilanti nhe Disrobr vstscovereti Park anti Deerticiti.te macie ca- ai one andi au auttomnoble iota etOu- rennedi. butnpedti trough the. bridge stable and village officIaIt gave ruling andi turneti over Into the canai. clise towards Bumnngtou vwere a, vhtch sauret the lives erthre tour occu- tralin could lis prOtSwed, linain Opesta. two baye ýPoggitg ý AY&Y tldway ou'i , stanel>' Orlon, driver, and a paseen- si. rond betweenl the two Villages. 1 gem. Edward Miller, fie latter of Ciii- Waucenda la qut. arotei vec the. c5goý ere badly !njuroti anti taken te daulel burgiary. the trt eue bing 1fPrt Sheridan icapîtal. Mller vas didtvred by autice Haasa, vieti he'ahi. to e e xt day. The driver vus thl e ti boys admit that ticy usa f aken te a Chicago bespital later anti afuien thse tro lectric earhiiglits. vili recoror. Tii. Occupants o the vhilch they hati ebtaineti te aid lu the car struggled lu the. shallow vuter sud Daims burglary freontich Hughes ruendo the canal fer soin. ntintes opre.before rescue came. . The ruineti eut hue been f aken te Highlandi Park Borne ture Friday xnght or the neit nomma cever prf0!eional tiltVe, io « 3lu fl a t veliiiail et the evidouce tt ellgzO 'TB Utl a8tii .aters et their gai, ne. tereti and, . V3.Pangbumn, eadgartinr eJ4h rohiied -the POa*GO00 ut, teudemit, naval tatloil. bas rooeiotinY .tioi UI, and theigeneral stoe orcfA. o. ptlmnmUt où the fiw« "d t oi *eat Uee i vlii ta t t. 1ft thl,,e tation. ole ip oe uiepienis $toe o qp 110 ntoi tbon * t -- 'r LIVh mLTwxUPATNORTH tBhëýiMNAVAL 1=000L tBOYED TO0-U.S. HOSPITAL )sew$torProm U. S. a Petrel on conditio4w a i stale puy the traveling ex»bb.$«,back lu North Cii- cage, If Wh.l~iiN ... dentiot gullty. 1. mP~sA gree. Tii hefl @felda county wue at thefiatle5 ts message vas hein& tran3We&tý nt he returnedti t Onelta coity;t# consul it vîtheii state effcle tI f At length tuis plan vas ara by the two terc- es, the n ti tht state, and Wedneesday ras lton trou the. brig 4t It»" station, anti ac- corpnpe I.i éieritt. vas teken, back to ewoq'. stand triai. It fouiAd tht charge of the thett, tiare, r charge whlcii ntotgh t se.not hlm, upon rtoia. t fou ot his outIs. Esci apphiogf e uavy le requir- et te taie bis that tiere la ne warrant oeut f« or thahut bla net hiable under fi. or any offense us far as la I f9~.I he lis preven guilty. sud --d~IcO. thîs charge couiti be preterTe« aguinst hlm. upon bIs releaft. OMWCIS NE"GOTIÂTINO POR I8HIP AT- TRACTION GOOD SPERD PROGRAI ELiverybody GOeing and You tyvîlie tair, vilch qpens tnlglty scon. àiid iLake counfy people are promîeed tome auiazing etesail the air, as the. Indiana insune vo ilii buluashae5r-- Splane te Uic fuir là eut after recorda aud wil dn bis beat te lift tiin. He ry even go atter thc vonild' endur- auce antialaitude records: altiongi the. exhibition nIll have isating ot an officiai chamucter anti ifs record voulti net be, cecegnized, probabi!, by fh. Aero club et Ainemîce. Ncvertheless the. exhibition viii h. oeeof!hiir breadts daring and bra- vel'yant i viiiCreate a raisensation. If It lg aecureti. Races t e DMeatEver. lu the. mmds ot ratng expertsa uer. la ne question niietever but fiat the races wIll ho the hest the, Lake county faic han ever huti. with a greater number o! event and a grenier nom- a xear.A.go. Routine OaiIy Re=4i et tstation. BIiou.IG Pln10136 ber of apeedy herses entereti.- For the lufor Ion of the muny ...,Mldmway to Be Record la-faksr. at the Sehool curions ijultors vit visi te know ut .LUOIe At thtes"me tinte the iîtia> or what time »dstOeuse what procesesakte1auemn etro h - u~~~~~ft raining tht>' jiB slait the GreatPketh ams encetrt e Surendrln hiael Iothenavl akes naval triilg schooi ut Nort nt ldYouever live vs>' ont lu the' falc outalde tiie taubari acenu and the. uthnitt«es t the naval training na iaie ,cohe*ry ut couuty talc tinte cxhihut ef produce and cuttle, viii ho Iaon, Great Lakse.incaroerated th iefoliîwlo enpl..f. statement, tht tiret >utya onyfi ee brig et the station. ant i tlleul wîit ce- eser pubieheai h«4), of tht dally rou-.LIf ynu didu't yen have mîsseti viat lne u ur ioci leyta momn. avec thc tact tiat he lhed prov- bloc ailieheut;sbOMi which 1a mut- shoulti have bhontheti.happlest duys ever betore. es untmu. fa the colore ef bis country. - et yenr lite. t Ail Io ail lu le promIseti that fie RoceCooper Shephard, present fuirF»Oq A(F IX iluoacos - ___Win.__s now a _a-Tiet la nitre the led troin tht co ret ar wlliseta puce that if vili lent in thetUitedi taWes Guverumenr AUTO pOIS SH F thfrein lie bigtucconyehasut. hoapitai foc tht Insane au Wahington. a ad a r. e1ta a victim of the Mosct extreme nelan- Ifs gpeut sport. Frein tb. day that! OPERATION MAY 'holia. Reasons WhYCoDntY Should tfiteilow nilh iebibucket etf pestelI PROVE FATAL 0eserteti ut Mur" s llandi. Poiecr9osbsbgye os n Sli.cphurti, lula muid, tieserbeu frontPO ieCrsosis'ug uorJes o he Uijuted ti ates uhlp Petrel, et B- sîp a couple ot guudy pîctures on He"d Nurse Oit Tent Colony Mures halant. about a yeer ugo. snd With crirnlnalg escutulua almout our fetee fhe suspense begIns. YOUs n tCiaoH m succeéedtinlueluding Lhe suthoritîta, demly frotu the offies. th tht ait et can scarcel>' vait until faim Urne nia hSoH m Wia ver. ou thelhok eut for hlm. automobiles, adiuied chties anti cornes. Ge.. but thtetisys are long and Wuea pruo o iercoa l'lm.t atut etfe ielng s fugitive, Sbep-a hlane:rtofrtermvl harti. on Aug, 1911, caine le the Gr as seethtie morgi anti are gettlng the nigits. vhy lu seeins as If fiiey e een eiîel sacl Lakes Naval training station aetnioter cars far fisir siierliffsantip(> viii neyer drea aleng.pro' ossl sari Niocth Chsicago, andi there sumrentiereul lice chiefe, for un. on counury sud Ju cornes the day hofore. Motier sImpleo pecafion, It caine ntc ar&Naiug hiisel!letflice ommantlng officer, ati- cil>' errantis.. girls maiug cuatesaiM coou- tic dticalo! Mine Della Gahîglier, heati Mittctiis gujit and vas lucketi up Nen York sat4e, 'Penusylvanla, tet.trchleken andi tindthe use iceau- nurse at tii. Lke Ccunty Ttlberculo- hI tic hrig o! thie satfion.o! ene, h m plo .l£>istdpesfo »bglcheIntutlstvek seomInsane SeOn. <ttty o eo ,Ibre l"'agApe n er o h i lnho nttt et-e Tht lucarcerution ln fi. brig. sud have but gsagee tight ila connecticu Ibonbt. Da mcnd th. beys are olleb. lla Opiegiier ient teolicaoleuilt the fii e t tini osera4 brooti, on wnh the tcont y iglis, amcd ntailî * the.harnese and vaahlug the car-Mmisu'Oea boai t er., th un5usp -hm hif huit oîte, and tii.fact fiat care. 4sam.go an opecetienfor the ceanrai ,o!fihW edciernoés the Uitea Sttes al t Lee ceunty, ibIse tat., vies. aiber. But tiat nigiit betoce. Yau go teo edtuse rcanaofncfvthim a macn ititout a country', et eg If vwas here Jbai re0ently, sets aside su 6 o'clock. intenting te <ci a gond bt boeras~ us pe»ereints. c he etli',mc is Geag Mr vs f --- To Our Subscibersj One week frun neat Tuesday, mark& tihe olng of the GREAT LAKE COLJNTY FAIR and jeu are umdoubtedly planning te attmuait et one day. We nil tu" yea as usisal, bave a tout on thc grounds uni gcdaly invite *il our subscibers to uake ns a viit. Wc ta ethis unans of eaâieg to, the -ida ofounr subscribers the tact thatilcttmats oncy te, opatce ea ipr s&Md would respectfuUly requcotI that yen examine doseiy the littie yeli leI"ulmou our paper and if it shows yen to be in arear.ont your subscniption we wooli greaty appreciate it if you wssld- Ç&H ai or tout and »"Jte. WeIl have a repraaive there who will tae.&ail he mnney you may offe hlm and <jve you receipt for it. brougiii on the deePeat nueisucholîs, $6001 a year for trantsortation focrie wniicig-ev deeper aut deeper tvtty sheriff day. Ht nouidti îtaI day un tht brig, Bheriff Green. Il is non bclng urgeti vith hlm face lu hlm bande, ant i nti ne thcugiit exceput tsat i. nus e de- by many peuple, shoulti have an auto- setter train tii. nu'o! tht country mobile. i t*- le e ti r'¾ ,1 whilc vas île0w2............Te Ian duses nnoolge bhlm tn boy The broodfings et length brought an lnunît>', andth Ie mnu.lost, lu the B s 'he Isgoing to geL s lipset aud deetructionof!bils mînt, thet errtble buggy foc use, itîsteai, If tise ceîînty for over a jur. I vas sten that ttre If &Id talla e corne- whrs nort t etic was nothing te ho doue nti Siep- liard et tie naval etatien, anti he ras et at a critical tînt, ho cannaot t insuis!rced a ton tiesugo. tu thse bianset, but te couaty 0e".t tnited Sftates Hospital for the Insane Lake county bas 66,00 pel, lt t Washington. Here he nîli b. kept business ta consta.n±Iir gronlng. de- until ho eu bo tilcharget as cureti, or iutil deati relleves hir. He vas manda on a eheriff neyer csse, and t porfectly>' eu. ren hoetieserfeti, but ls belleveti tht aitrif ocan ehewnonces- te coùtant fex of tetectuon, ant i s ity for a motor car. lgth Lie detention ho the brlg are _________ muid te have canseti s mental break- dow.Nillionafres ym Lot Wheelsr Sack to New Yock. AcodigVeurrnpst mtas F%4 W. Wbeeler, overt nom ti atheAiring oe$ lier Wetjtt otite a"i-naional authonfihes heldelgit Chics-go inlh4Iiejl i ave mxaS>'a session e te isedisposition prcset*ttes Whg oitsbth w4 féllen fa Ontida, New Teck, b>' lict e i iti *ae4ol&ninatht tie shenhit etf thef couuty ou Wednes- xmoer oountry cllti* as-e aoetht dato.t tnd triai tor allgad hv o nahgoua thaet a jlIvetci value! at $100, wnihulitinte the land.w* aplt luto whi'a daa .tohaveo sIl:u frsm . liq, ecidesignelfàri anumiser. e M bfoe h& ecdi millon st1~ ep op nmdt, ý - tui a bs-atlt iy a 1 F Manti cui- gnlîsta Affor *Ttueft ilnlug ithe lip - opWaie ouI. Wheer, t ia clalmedt, Stele thý Tie slip vi cigwie à Psrei o! vatci. phd lien te escape detti, land on wiîch tihe 1 *nui buîta ebtlteçi la ft ,nar>'. at CiIcÈgo ne- rO$Mmeece to et s$nt~ 10 ,000 .and ws~gui a a a19"4tu fl .çcortilsg toe i1 telvereti fl ýo( u cffi.Greitl.eke. A rument Witia # o 'Rffghncod. tJi~ttile tt ea utanlfes w lii rfi ou. vari ous Neew>' $ YoTri, oin- jets'et ente. ns eto ~ thé ffiaisetfthe na- - ticps oadehiver in-W m1-t wr j ma accûsmeetThe Tb*ri ciscte ie.'h rto ak tie 140 he se a lcnSwu "e te b. tosuti fixeaecr YOi,* toilhagaineu- :x beR * - fr~~~*~e,:4, fhIts Ste.p anti svke ut) hefore the tIrt cnver ascroneti. Stetît. why y00 sy anake snd thînkabut tht fuir. You ley there anti w.huîsier te yoursttt , .Non . If i cao onîy tIll asiottu, whn 1 wake up It wilt he tînie te go," But you cantt eti. At 4 o'clock dtadtiylis. Yîiu do not waît for tht second cail. lu tact yu are downtairs hefore the- echo bas tihetiaway. *Dutianti tht boys iurry licougi the cho-es andi hici up the teain Xothtr anti tiie giclastmpiY rush wthh le houatanrl,. Tien cornes tht drefsIg, Billscent flot bilsce! nerluthe. Mary bas ]cat e haIr rtbn. Datea collec buttons rails unter the nasi stand anti mother bas ahi sortsetftrobe nîti hercocrset. Finsliy the preparutions are complet- eti anti tht fumlly le off. Out on thse cent titre le a long string ot igeansd tuaI, pleut>' et It. Alilof the iegh- bers fer miles aront are geing. Bill Joues 15 tiriving tils fhree-year There s a race ut course. Evecyboti> la laughltsg 5ad talkiug. Tilt oflebig day la ebeandt Lt>'are Folng te en- joy if otei fullest exten Boon towno oors na sigit. Tic gicle snd the. boys iastIly brush off lie tuet, stralgittu their bain antise their haIssiait. Alilmust look oatby niien they eaci torD. Tiien eut te, the. fir grounds. But viats the uset Everybeti>' mars wvat happenS fier., If's tue eue day of teyer. Arràngemsentq véro lust asut Jôns peteti toda>' for- thé appearao. or an aviator vifi bis hpae t theoUbor- ken te han home In Chicago on uTe>- day. A tew heure aler Mien Galagiier vas atbaeked b>' ieuorrhagea trous the. tiroat. whlch lastot several heurs Al appliaue veM ueti te staunehi the iitmornhagos, but al tallet sad tit vas feareti for a turne tiat MiaeOel- giier vouitiblotti te deatihotefre fie>' coulti be.jabppeti. At leugli fie hem. orchages subsided, andthti nurse b. gan to impreve, altheugii ehe vas tory veut. As a result fteoperathen andtfhe toilowing complications, Miss Galle- aber wilI be absent frein the Lake louuty Tuberculosîs Institut. untîl teiret et Noveinhor at the tarhiet. bu ber abseuce her place le behugabahy filieti by -MisGladys Portei asnurse from Milwaukee. TEACHERS I SESSION Attendance for Two Initial Days Thus Far Beats al Records. Oneofetthe largeet feacheca Insti- tutes for tht tutire conu>'ever lunsea- sion la new ho progreas lu tht aseti- hiy oins o! the Central clty sciicol. iMisa Mabel I Crbin ot the West- tort, ha talrlng op famous peems anti prose ciasehes for stuty. J'rotcsaer Douglas C. ligeley, te- partment et geograpby. Illinoies tata normai unîverait>', la teachlug that fie trivîna hoetfetthe funtavuentals ln a>'timetlc lae êstvtil, the. impres- slng on lie puple' mîntis o! au'tition aubtracthen,nmuiltilcatio, aud se torth. Ho aise Inetruefs lu pedagea>' anti geegrepi'. Misa Auna Ducm ef the Eraseten publicesccoole le Iuatmucting lu peIns- amy reading anti picture stîtdy, taklng op tome painting mtnairpioce "ei7 day o et lteehu's Inutitt 'ad glv- hua Its hlatomy anti mesnlng. Ie haut ncltiug Ciarles AX, Fuee le tcaching that -thie cîti ethotioe! teschlng pupils te tran Itheir letton muet ho gotton anuw 'ma" ssudti f cee haut and arin Mnons muât lie taught frein tic begimnig, Preteesen If. R. Languîtl la Instrocl- lut lunuMUSIC. The Inefîtute heurs ar fn m9: 00 le il-, 6 mnorings, viti four clusses dur- ing thse s«eson, 'sd troi 1: 16 te :20 afiemnona. MiffPE "'b fir 'WsietkAdi" brln u-emti%,26 emuinan IrAsetion . TBLLSSOR WOXÂN THIROWB NEw,- ÂT WÀ*IDà« ù" .a.ie tg a SUN reporter lest we* hi~ Mr. sud Mrs. Matt Moyr n~M~ Carl TIIompICu.ail wltueepe et Incident, the. lndependeutj14le el to~ glye the tiret exelusiyo n 4 st ry ofthe i&Aper l vIn w 1[ukr o! Wadi««orth * .urlier ln the w*ek, aud to »M.. ali doubte that Meyers waàis km, asfar aseany mnu oti dbe. The, featurg of tbe account4 )thý la inainly by Mrp. Cati 04l( Tllompsou, leatthe clenr thèt Tucker di# mne" oe<e au enelny mcdthat he vas È himseif accid»UWIY; met Wb e'l1 tryiug tc'club 1!Mei4êe ,hq but When the gAtt Mw stracX the vIxeal o e X Tuoker baylisoe1e Igit, andr bI hi ruti ras attachedai r 1teCOL Liti fiat h. vas omer iaysq.q [tydeeker place. go reailese vasiscolt nhlqb enu drivez çbnly tire. finie suat Meyers titi sot ce e* e- Lag, but Iphen Mm.TiionSp8= os 0' un tomr a ride 20 locaLe, ber hffl he contente&iand plie ip3ped lxaI Meyer% anti bis hlê iv ~Adt One ofthe liaect3,y sfttuy toi them Jaxms ¶cker tlig yo0l2gr ente atter Tiooeupa'tn %ii lg on the Renoier place, noa l ty vont over to, the sceneo o! the91110 Moyers tcok Mrs. Tic corners leading fo the ad thon ln ueighboring Uies eo drivo lierfo the tam.> Thé>' troe .loto the yard ut ala seven tur>',. duel. rieurp 4 trse dg no Renehaw, as liste ticfse$ out. Aeked aboutTcmpu, aud ho vas hacatetia*ll I Itappeure thut tie Uireawfr vr st the R.neihaw place hasie«d= Ing beer. Telle of Shoctlne. On te>' yback frous tii. bari., aber. Nir8. Thompeon, decicled to, ceave hem hambant sleeping, anti viul Meoyers nemuinet Inlu is rdg becafu of the colt. M'a. Tiocopsen maysa"i sn a shape et a -msu rush frosu ti Renehaw dwelli Suie dîdt fknon ettht Ure viio he vas, uer dtesah. bellOt. i.isu)M who thecallers at the place, XeM Bearîng u ls hie and w viat *;V,"t edti lbe ab gth upaitibdé atternurds taundt, fi Tueker rippeti ont a st:l4m apparent>' dmuni.uif kilI ail lu teiii. ad. r-, Bitsays fiat e uyr ao nord, and no tehow~ thaet ouher Tnirut uikei ing czp!oonandtiefise eXmrs Tiolapson iu" sitheuberd'a a Obl o t kmon viether -tli^,ps wu a vsTuicier or M tas I! i te th4cda, fld bottred et, as thse alb« ced Lo go lu hie direction, -ý tic -iret shat abe. v#lii, lia limetiman. cen tathé ifnall>' tiey refucu o t Sd er batilbeen abat. ï Tuces Diti Met KMOW4 LMoyers, Iu fie ela= nlared thet Tucker la ts ho Ikuevs, an ecuemy c ia bail nover heen titeif~ sian place, and fit tiiefP * Indice ag>fat hl WcrMW, gaye hie bellicves T*c.lke drinkt crazeti, mac 41d du vies e t-na ov lIy ki WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN =2= 1 A à à « & Kýdâi4,& Il d IL t 1 y fi 5 a