CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Sep 1911, p. 11

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O~4ÂII UINEI )iTr.hawke Davies of Houdon, England, Asks ior Âlr*ip Ticket. Xe Fltted Ouft &lright andd la Started on Trip Through Ar to Bàghton. Aviator Lamded Ber Bafely at D.stlnaUo After go- 7 ries of, Âdvntures. la Clab3q4 5h. inJfr.t PumsigU to Purche a Tickt and Ipde in Air. rom a SUN.) Tlsere bave been ficttieus accouDts of vuyafem te the monondmofthtii piosser travlors under the sea, issYs an Ensiaitb nevapaper recenîl>'. .Tbe tollowIing. iowever, la au ah-. lh.ntic record oft yul la belleVed tu iii the irst booked pasienger tnlp onû a rturu journey trom H-endon tu0 Brigbton b>' aeroptane.e The. paseuger vbo msade tlii.Inter- eîting innovation va. Mie Trehawke Davies, uf il, portland place, W. Onu Runday evenlng lat Miii Davie» walked It thie Houdon offices ut thse Aoronauttcai Syndicats aofIlendun. sud as calml>' as If mie bad beeun booklug 1tisaheCrystal Palace bY tiese overbead eectric. aoked for a retorsa ticket between Hendon and BrighstonI on an aeropiaIiO. The. request dii nul take thse books-1 Ing clerk by surprise aud nu difficul. Ic, ver. ral.ed viec mi&Dyl. auggeted-,JdtlsuughIl iaas ilgular tbiug for a pahengor ta do-tisaI the lgbtht enhd begin at ô oclock nex .uoruiug. Mii Davis. Inu novice In aviation. iaving made sevenal Dot utlm prant cross-country Ilights on a1 "Valkyrie." M.uls Davies' pasiage was dolv booked and on Nionday lait. at five minutes before 6 'etom IlabtheMura- jus, Mr. Barber, oft Tbe l.lylng grouud,- Wet lHeuden. took eut the. 60-h. p. Gnome *'Valkyrie" racer, ansd ascended wlthsbis paietiger lu a idigisl breeze..Mgklag onlIY to cîr- si t fthe aeradruu0. e qulcîl>' aI- Uained au altitude-utof4>0 teet, and C nctualty ai 6 'ciock paaeéd over the, undary 0( ;bcha ltg grouud lu the irection t Brig4en. Befoyere mslatz lf'arrow the winl bad consiaderabll tncre;ied f rom lhe ioéth sdboilt ARisour Paiied betore lthe sylaturs arrisel over Bropklands tracis a an atitude o! 1,500 tt. OvlPg tu the îtreng bead ind 14Mr. Barber deemed it adiable 8Io descend tisane lu order te repleniah b thoPetLMtassi. CuUlui4 off bis engine, iesuaode a lonig aprai volane, Passîng cloue 10 à îwlft Nieuport Miachine. and landed aear tea &group ot Bro<landi entisus- laats lu ten minutes tise fuel tanks vere repienlahed. and, aulsted by trlendl>' aviers aisdmechis.Xlt, Mr. Barber wa. oece more on tie vIcg and haad- lng for Siorebam. An altitude utfi1- 4w f eet wuvasIxntained; hliber op tie vind vas found te ho ver>' airon tise haremeter regsteritffdrepe ut 100 feet in a fcw seconds Wben lu slght etf Lanclng Cllege and Shore- hans Aerodre he <opetrel suPPIY vas exhanited oving ta a ilrpug iuad wicd and the plot made a forced de- icent near Steynieg In a tour-acre feld surroistidetI b>' heos. To a"0cid frons sucis a restrlcted space ieef1 taled a fiue effort ut armanabl). but inr. Barber sicceuded lu flYing through a gap in lise troes vitis only s teet ta spame. and Ine Ove eminutes be ianded ai tise Brighton and Shome- hans Aerodrmei. trous Ilulta to warnuam court and aighted on the lawn lmmediately lu front oftl atiebue ta Pick up bis 0Ff JAMBES PX1LTILIT no more inrenvenlences than had ber __________ 'âtor drtven up to the front door. hum Warnbam Court, Mr. Barber Ohicage IDi nare Drown- made a nonstop flgbt te 1-tndon. ar- e f lh*i ak rivlug at 6:10 ln lhe ring ofe d f Igtý ak Wedneady.eld Béat. LIFE SKETCH 0F mRS. R. E. STRIPE Was Born at Hall Day, 111. ln '1849, end lia% Llved1 Waas- Iceqan for Manv a Yftr- De- talle. (From Wedunday'i SUNJ Mrs. Rnby E. Stripe, wiose deatit occurred lent BatnrdAy, waîs1 lgh ter of Latbrep and' Luibera B. Paru-i hem, and was butin ai Hait I):., tht. coSUty. Jue 27, 1849. fier earty Itfe wu ,asied in ber native vIllag- and as, a teoier ln the public scbe)Is etf 14*0 Muaty,mthe be<'aure irornuctt la edlsesiOnal affalia, la 1"44 ber tat.or at amily re:;nved to.Waukegan, wbere sihe bais inte re- i4ed. lu 1885 the wai marrhid te AI- fred E. Strîpe. aaeor tWaukegan. Wben a )> nna woman. qh,- v as convertfd and joioed theC (,,crega- tianal burcb at linit Day, and atter renioving te Waukogan. united witlt a cburCb of the sinme denemnilon In ti clty, v. bre aie haý sioce re- nialned a member. iheleavea il buabtitd, a aister, %Ir% Ba Crowe, turnierly of Wichita, Kan- mes, but now a reaident ut Waukegan. a brotiier, Latbrup P. Farnham Of eblcago Walter Fambant, au adopt- 4d son of ber tather and Stella Stripe a ltter daasghter. HOLD$ DIVIML t1EAýING SER VICES (Ft mWedeiday'î SUN.> Mn .Jane Dwle. wldow et the. laI Dr. John Alexander Dowie. tounder et MIon City', held ber firt divne beai- iug meeting lu ber iummer homo at BIeu MeacLiutMieni. nreur WlteaaU, ibis afernoou. This la tbe second meeting over wlb se hamprcaided ince ah. raI aunouueed ber decalon te revie tise religion of ber iusband over ln Mlch- gan. Bunday aie iseld a meeting. the finit. lInviich seoutlined lhe plans mat t -* xJ, .84 '-p mo,,u* 0" *y jou t wS Actgý luqitat PLIIMGES DO'WN 12 STQRIEç. Min Delibeately Lisp. tram TOP et .141gb UaIlding ln IKanas Ciy. ýKanna City, Mo, Âng. 29-Plung-t Lng 4ess tihe top flor oethte twelve-e gtor>' Rialo building E. IL. "Dnfet Li&mvmfwOtb. Itan, vis kllled on thse1 pavAMipt 200toim below. Tise talling1 aI!4pdoçeel a imomau paing iq thse1 etreet b>' Ivu feet Thot uthl. balsv #made vlth uIdi del latent vas eviéent ttum <lhe teiti- mon>' of a vorkman empleyed lu tise building,' iso iaid hb. nw (oin climi t. lise .iadow iam. pausea moment, tien lee.p litiith air. Causterfiter Admto Gulit. Rock Ilantd, 111., Âug. 29.-F. L Hall, a former Constabîle, cofesed makiug counterteit 5-cent plecei,ý viticis vire otquttaed exlenaivel>' lier. iX»vwu taken to Peorlia ad ,.151 h. arroigped lioore tte United Peavey Grain Ooipany the Real Owno, -sutd May Have to qell that Seat. Seat l el s AÂsset, and Many OsIeare Piled Privato Papers have been DeettioyeG at,: Amount of OlahntgaIndefmite. iFrtnu Wedopaday'.%SU N. IihreuiC'.W. latt, ,attorney tor <tc '-a'.y raie (upaliy or Mnlueap- Oere F. Bleue, aecr<tar: ot thse Bard of Tratie, i,,Ia iteIlrece jack- ewNvr'aud L0. W.(ai This action w:a taloen rt OLe i qwst (if hltauk- eras coscmitt<ec. itas <barge et the Jiereal.a(it the sarIoiis inauclil nattutions credito, s of the grain cempanti. Ait ut the mains ,,are îBaid te be imali. withthie < xÇ< ti<,ii ot that agalnat Jackson, whict aiceunts ta $ 104,000. Accordci te Frati, 0,W tnore of the Firat National lUenk oftCiclago, one et the Inttutions -whIch toit tbreugb James Pettie. drowned t,) Lake Michigan July 8, te etairn agaInît Jackson la based ou hia ce- tusia eplace on sale bi@tBoard ot Trade memberuiip. iaid te be ewned b>' the Peavy Grain compaur. Boa«d Momberîhip ne Asset. "The varons bankstatt <at this wtemberabil) vas one ot the asseta ot the grain cmpany, asaid NIr. Ilet- more last nigbt. "and that it eught to bc trned over te tiens. BSeerai weeks ago we beld a conferecce ovar the matter and Ateorney' Lace waa iu- itructed tisatIif ha could not secure lhe Jackson oetberahlp and place agaluat il with the officiais of the Deanî! 0<Trade." The bauker tate liaItishe claie, agaînîl lhe bmker and ipecuhaler va, large. but saciti e dtd cet know tlhe exact a&Mount. Il la saltd <bat Jack- son acknowledges $20,000 efthtie lu- debtedness, but that lhe 884,000 bal- ance la a feuge entry made by Pettît. John tC. F. Barrit! ot the Board of Trade autmtted last ulgit that the claims had been flted, but retused le diseusthe amsuonta Invlved or tise nature efthle demanda. Al efthem wili be iseand at a meetng ofthtie beard of dîecters neit Tueday. Pefttt Piper* Dsitruyed. The tact tisai Pettil deatreyed near- 1>' &Il ot hie personal papera betere bis deatb vîlI make It extremel>' dît! ficult te determîne the exact amount ot tise dispated claim, emptoyes ofthte Peave>' Grain cempan>', bowever. ad- mit tisaIt te late bead efthtie ceeceru kept a amalliso ueis ivscb waî en- ered certain numbors and lusignia denoting thse names oft(ho.. wio de- stred ta lake "flyers" vithout ieconi- lng knovp. fi ev wu rd vas taken fer thse amount et margin liat vas te b. aliowud BROWESCHOOL MAN~ DEAD AT OAK PARK Chq9Rbip~er Scçhlund, who At, ténded Sehiiol Reunlon After U*iY-Uft Yt4ys of Absence, Oies ait Hme. FlyilS ip the Cloudz. Ilsý..à- -- - (rmWded sSN Tie neturs joornpy W. begun atChriatopher *Schlîsai, Si years eld, 7:56 ~ ~ ~ o onTee> otifS uapt t05 ci the carlieut residents et Oak a 20-mile-an7bGOT w iud. &t an altitude DELAWM1E DESI ADYS WRECK rk, ho a oth sie we acler 6 ot 100 feet the aviatOri 1@w tutu . , rulna otrr.oao atr6 tic cloltds and thse vind ineased ilu te fa&jSattleuhip T ... àSettled seasu utor bs.e and vie made a over Se Miles anuI1iour. Tht. wuvas Forever lu Guis Prîctice. speech them-e, allihe time. dhed yeaîer- Vroved b> thse tact tisaI ln ont>' len- day et lits resideutce, Lake atreet acd mxiutes the Vakyrie vas oser Hems- Norfolk, Va., Ang. 3M-About twen- Harlem avenue. Oak. Park.1-e was bam. aMr. Barber desceiided en th t>' batt*«iepsa, cruisr andiauippl>' bornlah Baalainl 1830 and came te golf link, une and a' quarer mileililps of te AtllafljL et i ettrned to Aseia ln 1848. He ratired trom Uertis utHorsbaais nd altgisted a 8.7 1Iampton rmaes trom Tingler »usnd, business iveut>' years ago. Tire. a. m., etactl l i tÇ%58~. fler leaveg vise.tihe dreadnoughtt Del&vse >rc-deuoitera survive hlm. TIse tuceral ghorham haingtraveled at a aîieed tical>' dealnoyled ever>' parti-,. O-rliii ill be betd ai St. Lubes eurchisni heeas vigold btestip Ban bMarco. (Tex isa Rt>' s tmro mrig of abost 95 MIi Pr soun. Immense that va. viaille abeve vater. a ~ra ourwmrhg Interest vas ahqWn b>' tionanda 0f Tise Delaware ssed fer the i llme people trom the snrroundllsg country.'ber ntirehatte"i et 12-uch gons at Grand M aven, Miels., Aug. 28.-Fed- iiait a gale ot vind blew ail day, a rangieetf r0111 2.000 lu 16,N40 yards, oral aullloritles vise are guarding and l oui>' <aimed dovu ai S8ciock, on the. old stIp. anud It la %aid ta, bave Wglt« lio, r e iics roabl> viien Mr. Iafietdeoldedte givo a settled terevar lthe tate Of lb. BaX w i l al , s.physicens te admiaatel demonstratîofl. : oM1ý 6,000 fflpie Marco«. t fod b>' force t ltse nman wbo laIe avatled îhomelv* 0of lhe OPPotuihty sebl ThueBatur4a>' aternoon tbrew hbe aweel- et exanlalg tle. a-=uplane and 5J*i * $0100 h> o t Gra Rapîait"verad lu îd- Paislusa fit et an alttue or 2,0(W0 1*0 *WW taset Grnd Rapids, nierbPrin mid- 4W , heppeeed ver* giveus1te Scm.-- ot- ~Bîe *d. mum CI ti o.stai. m. Barber P m o e -"ne ede liC rnival S ...... 4,reat 95çSoile will be held at thisstrf dy only, SATURDAY, September 2nd.- The.-à snof'this low price, or such high grade mercL~ dize is, we are determined to make a cleamn swe ç ,P aIjll summer garments regardless of cost or < mer values 4q-tmiw Titis G13, o, The ircatest bargain event of tbe season Serge Coats 95c f5 M Ladtes' Short Coy*rt Coats 95c~ f'Ladies' Long WOM Coats 95cf ~1ies'French 95c GIOI'W Mite erle OMesses 95 Ladies' Lawn or rcafé Dresses 95C rFine W'5 95c, fêr Fine Wash Percale, 'Wâd L~ 0ressin 4swfth bilah or low neck esic . I0*s tively wýO for %)êO these two aonly Naow iffli 95C for fifie Lifijé Waïsts 95C fer 8Wk jetW coats, 95ic for Coate, 95C bfr qP - t&a Near Post Offce, $gg<ip and coatis A splendId lét of Sultg'and Coats, the balance of our sprlng stock, ail on one rack, ta lues as hlgh as $ý30,6 9 Iem- 1---- gala of New Fail Tailored $1 As a special inducement for Satur- day we are golo nt A ac o1sleé~ magnificent lot o new fali suits that are potv Worth 25.00, for Saturday oiuv, o....Ic of $hoes li aàIS$a 1wÉ*u 1j~1~*iv.appçi j ~~ colt. CheetiIf taken et onceuvers.. 1O odply nce Il 21,Barlfgte, II.seller sort , l~ many ter ber work 10 reoiganîze the cburcb ot Zion Cit>'. as Ita original founderc inteuded,.and toucheid but ltgbtlY Con tise matter of divine bealiug. Tus attemneen, iovever. divine heallng waa the theme of the sermon and it vas delilvred be<re qulte a large audience. - Mr$. Dvis bas practically tbe aame metbed ai ber busband attempted. He. lu 1992, held meetings at tise Eut>' tird itreet entrance te the Worldià P'air a« Chicago. aud hua apread bis teacbîngi ail over tise earti. 4 ul the Ume I17 b"m5 Zle- re. Lor& 1~ - w 1 . -If-

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