JA-KE CcLNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGANJýWEEKLY SUN ÏVOE.-, -N.49. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLEr ILL., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911. POUR PAGES. $ ~ PER YEAR 1N ADVAINCI!. VACCNATION FOR TYPIIOI FEVIIR, OJDEREI)FOR EVERY SOIR AT FORT SHIERIDAN New Army Qrders are to Vaccinate Every Soi- dier Under Forty Five, and Process May Point Out to North Shore Means of Fighting the Typhoid Cases ' .(Prom Wdnesday's SUN.) t 19VOry soldier o! the United tatesc "M br.timmt tthe miitaay pont st PO*t Shealdan and under the aile of M y.aa wiII b. véceinated for the. mi ention of« typhold fever at once, t1«w dat* bing as offlicsiy Sepiamber 1 15 Mud M . The- precesale the s5es» othat for antl.amalpx vacci- noâw4 Wad conelatt e! .inocuation cf tU». body wnitheh proper toxin. Up t. thii tim. orAuy recruts havre bees V&OMnated, but new army orders made tise widoipw*ad vaccinatio@n impra. tiv. - Vooclnations wli b. by compony,1 Onan Maftrman fllnIn nsnd being ln. woodisated. The. United Stites goverrnent, threagb Iti army grgeons la socm te poIt out <c hi clty and the otti sbere a moral on lhe mîtter of ty- PhaM fever that it wiii oct accn for- get Ordera thst every man lu th armoy b. vaccbna±ed te preventth. typboid laver apply as viii to Fort Sheridan mi to other pensalni the country and bave nov been a ded tw th. Iitial or-- dam, firmI bold Ja tb.elSmD. tuat ail re- Cilla Inut b. vaclnaaed. The .emo osers ape a triumph for Uatcitien for typhoid. asitbey vin- licite tii. poicy o vacclnatins re. ruts by extendîng the ruIe <c every amuy mai umder forty-five: Tii. orderm: Vtccinston against typhol fever wu ade oompulmoay Monday by tie var depertunent for ever oflIcer and eullutmd man under 46 years of age lu h Unted Staes at-my. Tii. nly exceptions alove by the var depart- giBts order are tiiowe ubo bave had tue dises.., or wbo have already been vaeclaated. Tlhis action vas taken by Cie secre- tiry of var oni recemmendation cf Surgeon General George . Torney. Tihe armzy pipicians are enthusiaatic aver tueea.fcicy cf tue antl-typhobd Inocuk lation, They point te the splendid homth record cf the manenvet- divi- sion at lin Antonio. Te%., everY mem- ber or uhich wusa vaccintel againt WEALTIIYIOWAN SPI JYX1ATED AÀT DEERIFD ILL.~ Tuer» Gus Out, Then Turns St On Agmiim, sud Dies as Resuit camne te Ciain tother, Who M-as BenResidina With Relative Iregedy etthoe Night' Clains Mon SaId toýe.Po"uesed etofRiches VETERANS GATIIER FIN)(14WIL AT W SEEKINID0& WAER Annuel Encompment of the tKNiIÀE Soldiers end Sollers et Wau-ý I CU tonds Starts Toea, wth _______ Camp FIre Tomorrow Morn. Ing. iThird 011Wele4 Lake County - Is Fouade« Highland lltrom WedneadasvS I!N.i _____Paf___ About sventy-five of the soldiersl and salors of Laîke coenty gathered this rnornfng at Wauconda for their annual eneampment. A Grand Army drum corps from Chcago forined the musical entertainment of the day, the the disease, wich is regarded as one -hog h ono acnat h of tbe greatest scourges of armies. mtsiof tithewn m orps.na o For eveal onts eeryreeuit Tomorrow morning. at Ford Grove. received Inte, the army bas ben inocu athe4 otetwnfWucd, latedwiththe vrus.wilI be beid the annual raliy and1 Fit Tred ln Gormauy. capfi ,wicii wiii b. the biggest Vaccinaion ln the army for typhoid featur of the. encamprnent. Tornor- was firt tried ln the German srmy. row afternoon there wil l e speaking. and came to tIlla country about two foibwed by a generai good Urne in Yeats ago for a trial. 1 the ranks et the soldiera and sailors. The new orders prove that the triai bas been a auccess. May Aid North Shore ClUies. arn d Mrs. Augutit Pearson of Due te the fact hat north siho.e chien, particuiarly Waukegau, bave long complained of epidemica of ty- pioid. o far as auch a diease cie be epldernic. tbe werk cf the govere- ment wth the army wIii b. vatched wlth interest and If fil la a succ*:.m may ibu shtyphoid fromt lie nortla shore district forever. ubat with tiie vaccination and the, sewage purifica- tion and water plants geing lu. Port Sheridan Io juat finIilng wVi ter and sewage purification planUà. sud the naval achool bas aIvays haxi tbem, North Chicago la nstaing sep- tic tanks, Highland Park ban bth eon- veniences. Liake Porets private va- ter compauy la up I te,ala. n every north shore city except 'Wanke- gan ix getting buiy trying ko correct typhol by correctlng sources of cri- gin. vaccnation Climax. Nov alon cenes the vaccination advocated by army experts, and the solution cf the. vexiug probiem ocf years appeers to be et band. WVsukegan wyul especiaIly hall the IIOw vaccination. uhIci bas flot as yet been trbed bere, because for tb. pat tire. or four yeara at least It bas had a record of s constant series of lyphol cases. varlously ascnibed to water. minerai waters.. jnilk, sewage pollution of Che laite, and wbat not. It la weil known <bat yphoid fever la a seuige, or filti dîsease. snd en- tirely preveutaile. Vaccination may be a cheap uay out of lie trouble for hia dtty, viicb ap- pears ta have been reluctant bn the pust, at lesat, to ake other measuirea. FORMER MAYOR .SUES HOME- CITY, Amin i4ke. of Elgin, FrmerIy Mayor, end Contrector, Sues For Non Payment of contract PavIng Cost (Prom Wednesday's SUN.) Arwln E. Price, rnany uies lawoyr andi paving contractor of Elgn, veil- known lu Waukegan celebrated his uixty-firet birtbday by Miing a suit for $30,000 damages againot bis native citY, allegfing a violation of the stat- Utes with reference te the w Itbd-. Jng of fifteen .per cent of the con-ý tract aiowit* for a pavlng job in Wal- nut avenue, Elgin, whIcb was not ac- r ____-_______ vpteu.uy te1it. Verdiet 1Cre ,eg"jUryIS AC. Attereya PIsiet-, LuCher & llealoy1 e! Elgin arerrepreseting tue former cidentel Djlth Teday stat, represeutative and tihe suit vasf 4t DerfId iî.u lun tue Circuit court et Geuev. _______________ The cty cf Elgi iliegea hat tii. psY- XJFYWrm Wednday's SUN.) Ing vas net up te the. speclficatiouis. ' $ obe Itubbs, Waterloo, Sous, 8s fwealthy oumn,uw" - accdetally as Wht the Cookc Was Doing. i Piuiyltd aitue home of Mas. Mmr- Whie a certain Rchmoûd fsjnily1 gafet Vedaer et 'Deerfleld, Il., lait ver, lu Europe Cie duls bouwebasid1 nigu uWhe,star turnlng out Cthe ga atd as caretaker. andl more tban1 lni bis room, ho eema te have tut-nd once aii receivedlnk tue dnlng rooi Il b g ain. Re cae te Deerfleil te a admlirer the tipersan of one Houai 'tak te Waterloo viii un bhis iged Morgan, os-b driver. broCher, Martin Sius. uho has beaui On. evening au the ms-i d ultue mnikiaihi. homte vii h.eVeders, jebu ver. maklng met-ny hoemm-* "d wo l toall dea. -TheVederéfrom, tue kulcien a psInful .ct»d m~nd ho i totaly dmi. Ti. Vlder ftmd John lttibbe desai <is mtna. dat noise An de kitoipi" Who e erdlict wus, accudetai les.<h th. mais admiré. '1Ips oimpyxlation. eIL &Wgtyl' te gi tiLt 8tubbsaie han boardedandail Doef je- uomr»" sa vqgo f wud iii <the Veederilifor 20, y"5 ml& * "fat as-i'tne n ls -Sit ff aiu&, *I-to-de. Te 4.51 mas ai de do'. iData de ecoki -'Vtl!a _600aerqm et laid, ses-r Watr' love klet era ooick"'p Sheridan place, Higbvccd, cetebrated tbair thirtieti s-anniversary thé, lSth cf Auguit. Âmong tics. present were Mr. aud Mrm, Chas. Pearson cf Wau- kegan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtisa of Hgbwcod, M. and Mas, S. TOPoppon et Winuetka, Misa E. Anderson o Keailîvrti. Mr. Nelson of Winnetka. Mr. M. Johnso of Winnetka, Nlr J. Dotr cf Waukegan. Mr. and (Ira Il L, Burke pf Hgbvcod and Mr. and Mrs. RIngeýrg cf Hghoocd, CAPTURE II3RE ~JÂN1NIEDUP IN KENOSIIA CITYI Max Heiscovitz Hés Narrow Escape From Alloed Horse Theft Charge AUJ Lenst îThat's What Police' And Kensha Man Assert, Stoutly Eiopod Wth Nag Whlch ho Neg- Iectedl to Settie For ln a Deal Caught by Sharpness of Plain Glothos OffIcer Hicks Hore (Prom Wednesdays SUN) Mafx Heiscovitz, a Kenosia and Chii- cage peddiet-, lat uigit iad the nar- towest escape possible frtont art-esC as an aleged horse tiief. snd offiy the villignossa tosetle th case o! John B..Pundt o! Kenoeba saved hlm fi-cm haviug Cie aileged chargea iodged againat hue, according to Che police. Heigoovitz, 1< appears, bougit a homse aid etfit from Pundt at Keno- sa, givleg ln return among oChet- Chiluga, a uote for $125. sgt-seing ta Yeterday, houevea, Pundt charges thastb. sktpped cut with the herse, Iuteading to, go te Chicago, he sapa, andi Âyoil Ciie debt. Pundt sounded tue slit-mail down Cie norti shore. aid viien Nigt Desk Setgeant 1. J. Bnd"wi of the clty police got the try i. telepboned It <o thie dtp of- ficeas on thelr beata. Plain CloChes Officet- CIaxeuce Hickse, vien ho board the tory of h. Ices, tecalied hat a main ansuerlng Cie description bal asked iilm h. vay to a llvery stable earlet- bu the evening, so hbe Casuel the Main o -the Courso stable, uhere ho found blm unhitching aid placed hlm under art-est. Helacovitz at once surrendered and sîgned an agreemnt te pay tie $126 to Commasaer Atterbury hors, foi Punlditu è agreement bebng hat ho go,tao ubîgo tu rrise ths amount, ai- ter settfemaent ô; uhci . v iii i. free te taiehiie outit awayp sud leave titi Ciy.- M r~V l.Wrs Other Twe et Ubertyvilie and! D)eefIaldBoth Flewlnu Highand Park WeII to be Biown Todsy Is the Report 011 Cialrned to be of Quallty Thot meas eOnt Bus - iness Here (Prom Wedneeday's SUN.) Weil drillera sinking a well on thxe aummer borne cf James W. Stevens, presîdent cf the Illinels Life Insurance Company, ln Sitokle mat-ah. near High- land Park, atruck petroleurn at a depth cf 300 feet yesterday. Late st xigt lit vas aaported the vell was fIlued wth a thick. black vscou liq- uid, wbîch experts declare vas pet- roleum cof a quaiity equai te tbe est of the Kansa.aid Texas fields. Far- mers la the. viinity are excited over the discovery. Tii. weil will b. *&hot" todsy. Two bat-els of excellent ouI were obtained up k lait night front the Highland Park veli. k la flot be- leved that tii. supply viii asat. The locale la the. old Rudolpb farrn, hilch, vas ied up as tW ownersiip Clou. poRt-s egu wlaeai te wornan ow- ,ner died suddenly. Lsteiy it bas been released andiStevens bought It aid la building a mmnibet borne upon If. it la on the Green Bay raai west of Itivinis Park and abuta on the Cok county fine lust aeuth o! Lake couty limita. veli near thb. convent 4d Bt. Marys of Cie Wlooda, noir Libertyviile. anoîbor on the Cap.iand propety given over to the Christian Brohers for a recrea- tion and vacation grouod, and anotimer near Deerfild, wbere theecli has been succeeded by bitter watera. uad te contain Epsomn salta, nitoral. The dlscovery of oeh yeuteaday at Hghland Park bas arouimed th norti shore, and it la nov believed that tiare la a deep lake of cIl beneitb ail of L.ake county, or benestbth te hkokie aud otier neegiboriug mirobes at lasat. The tbeory la te be tested at once. Samples cf 011,IHome The oil vail that attracfad tue moat comment us <bat on the. 011 Bldwel pisce, forrneriy h. Rsdolpii place, where a weil dug tht-e hundred feat deep, deveioped a flo e!1oh hat brought Cie visçld flululte' vithin tise. or four feet cf the top, dark and smelliug cf ct-ado petrolemfi. The veli bas no flou <bus far but viien bleun by an Indiana expert may develop one. Sarnpl"s of Cie 011 ver. baought to Waukgan by Highland Park people today. The wap <o get to the scene fs Ce ake a tt-set car te Ravinla, Park and heu cross througb h. West gaies and stress Ce ie ldintethe »cene. The nrtt' shore la quit. aroused over the dlscovet- and lit la belleved hat there ls a velu or lake of the cil fat- beneath Ciie surface. TSESE MAY WED. M. U Demlng, Mlnnespolle....126 Bertha Oes ................... 23 HenryPF. Ringer ................ 3I Elsie M. Waiton ................. 22 Edus-ni Wagenknecit, Mlwaukee . 27 Augustas Sandusit............... 2 Franit Msrwig, Chicago............ 25 Annie Jeasen ....................215 T. Brdtsciinebder, Cilcigo ...24 Irma Jacs .....................1a Wm. Hl. Legg-ett, Malcolm. C...'.54 Eva Robets MacPaiuk........... 34 william H. Bstes, Ml*gkee...233 Darotuy Cohien ..................24 Henry KapVlan, Neenai, Wl ...24 R.ose MCAnck, Ba-en...........1A loti youag peoplie are ell inoun beri ~tue brtde hîviug boss a -muai- mmfe o mflumovlpig tiemmthea- MONSTIER PARADE HERE TOMORROW rElght Speclal Trains on Elcct- I rc Rond Alone Forn Chic- âge, Milwaukee end Inter- mediate Clties (Prom, Wednesday's S'N.) Pive tbousand Eagletro hag- Uand Miilwaukee m au. rmdit points, and frurn lodges within one hundred miles of this city wil 1 tornor- jrow jein ln a magnificent parade in onor of the Waikegan Eagles car- nicai,' now ln progreas. Eight speclal trains are to corne bers on the Ci- cago and Mtiiwaiukeç electric raiiodj sione, and others are to corne by stearn road, automobile, snd perhaps aero plane. ý CAULS PRESIDENT UNFAIN Spea ker Clark Charges Tat'. Hamil- ton, Mats., Speech Was Reekiots.. Quincy, 111, Aug. 30. Champ Clark, speaker eft the national bouse cf relp- resentaives, before ieaving Lare re- plied empiiti<aliy to President Tafts speech of dalante to Insurgent Repub- licans and Ilernocrats. deivered at Hamilton, NMass, tant Saturday. in a s4gned Interview lhe speaker accuged the pretident of flot stating facts .Fi sald be dif flot reply for the Insurgent Republicanh, wbo "no doubt willltake u:p lb. cudg.is ln their eus bebaf" He deciat-ed arnong otb- et- thiiga <bat if the tarif board la tw be uaed as a pretexi for dlaying tarie :evysion downward the ilernocrats Wiii eut Off ts supplies. BOY, RIDES IHORSE AFIER THE CÀTT-LE lIAS NOT RETURNED Paul Englemen, Tweh'e Years ot Aue, Mysterl.usly Missinu Frern White Dalry Farm Rode Farm Morse Into the Pas- ture to Drive Home the Cows, But Never Returns Morse cernes Back Mlone, Bear- inq Possiliy Mute Evidence of Strange Tragcdy Late Reports This Aternoon FaIl to Diaclase bny Trace of The Mlsslng Lad <P'rom Wednesday's SUN) A mysteirious disapearance, ln wblch a hotse, mute evidence though it ln, la Che onip tangible chie onu wbbch <o trace the ubereabouts of a 12 year-oid armer boy, arouaed Win- <bei-p Harbor Caday and accordlng <o Cie latent reports frorn the village, ne futher trace bas been fouud. sat evening, JusC before dusk, It la aaid, Paul Engieman, 12 years cf age, Cie son of a fat-mer teiding on Cie White dalry fat-m oer Wlnthrop i-trbot- went. as wns bis custom, to tbe pasture after Che cous, ridlng on h. back of oeeof Cie fatn bot-nes. His fathet- paid go attention <o the mattet-, until lv cime ime fer miiking, and tien dlaccvered that ne cowa iiad beeu dIrven in from theCie led, It le said. Starting ouit Imb h. pasture te look for the cattie, the fat-met- matth, horse whici the lad had ridden return, lng frorn Cie flied. But ne boy was on bis back. LESPINASSE OPERATION PERFORMED LASI NIIiIT AT SCALISTER IHOSPITAL Iwo Year OId ChiId of Mr. and Mrs. Minis, of Besiey Place and Home Avenue, Undergoes Scientiflc Operation at Ilospitaýl Last Night Blood Belng Transfused (Prom Wedneedayas SUN.) Btlood transfusion. the art of draw- ing blond from the arteries of aý Btrong burnan being and casing.it te flow loto the arteries of another, dia- covered by thç Ch icago phyisciao, Vic- tor L.espinasse, waa again tried at the Jane MlcAlister boapital st evea- this morning would show that It was a succesa as far as can be deterained. Chid le Stricken. Tiie year and a balf old son of Mr. and Mas. Mîinia, vie ceaide at the cor- ner of llesley place and Home avenue, vas auddenly stricken with bemoar- bages fronthe. stornacb lust evening. ,and teh famiiy physicien vas summon- ed. He tried every one of the regulir methojIlato stop the flow cf blood, but i< appears liat aIl proved futile. The,- physiclan aaw atter a feu moments thst mers stringent methodie uould bave te be ernployed te ave the 1f. of the child, and anotier physIcian vas caiied Into ceIusutatJon. Transfusion Wu* Necemmîry. Thie twe physicians agreed on tbe oue point, hast the blond transfusion wonid be the enly means of saving the Ilfe of the, cbid and the baby vas tak- en toe i. oital. The. father, of tbe boy offered bimself a weliing sub- Jeet, snd wept with joy when h. leau- ed <bat a littie sacrifice on bise part migit b. the. mean. of saving tbe life cf hilsbaby. Falier WIliing Subjeci. The operîtion vas peaforrned lutte1 iast nit.Tbe ftCher vas placed et the aide of bis child, who vas slreadY nearly dead from the. rs of iblond and tbe artet-les of the fatiier opened, aud, connected uth the arteries of the cbiid. The trong heart of tbe father ovtrtlowlng vith ths.nkfulness oser the fazt hat be migbt 'be abls to save lis chlld, purnped the. staeng life cur cent lnCo the arterlea cf is child, r.- pleuisiitng tbe aimost exbîueited cor-, puscles, snd aiding witb Cthe nîturai PARCELS POSTS IS ASSURED IN THE NEAR FUTURE, Posimaster Gênerai Hitchcock Favori the Parcois Post for Ail Cilles of Country Wili Ask Congress ai Next Session to de What Other Congrosses Have Net la FiTst Plan to Establish the Parosis Post on th. Rural Free Dlivory Routes By Working tho-Systom by De- grée, thé System WitU bo Sproad Throughoht Cillés Mr. Engiemnan was puzzled, sud ai oc. tarted s search for tue boy. (Prom Welnesday's SUN.) But no trace coul i. found. Tii. An otCline cf tie p-cgt-sm cf legis- round ln Cie pssCIfle vas bartdaMd lation for the postal service vhioii Effered no way ln ubîch the herse or autmasater Generai Hitchcock uli tie lad coul b. racel. Inquit-lesa 1t ai h ogest olwdrn b he neigbborung farma faui dte îeveb~si h oges< oludrn b op any traces, and ail nigitthCe farm. regular session Cc begia lu Decexuber sas cf the vlcCulty, It ta said, traversel Wâs indicaCed bp Mar. Hitchcock to- Cie yoods ln he hope of finding Che day. c j ll lad, la bils anuaIreport, uhtoh ulîl b. It uasa fot possible in, obtain the fu1Mr detale thus sftrnou, as na commun- lIdW before cangresiu Decemaber,Ma Ication ulti lie pst-enta o!rCii. lad Hitchcock ubl ecemmeamd the estab- could be obtaînel. It vas report- lishment of a pirceis pont service on el, icuever, laCe hia afleracon liai riral mail routes, the crystalllzation no trace o! the lad lhs-sbeaun founad as lato lau cf proposedlaIcresses lu sec-I pet, cor any taIl uhi coulai b. fol- oeaIis mail rates and the enaCi- lovad i viii y hope of dlscovery o! met cf h. propoeal lau prvdins the *hereabout letthe ftlaboy, -ir ara-dical chanea te atfem r clottlng faclUftles of the buman blood ta stop thae berorrhîge. Operatlon wam Successful. The proceas was kept Up for nmre tîne, and a large amount of blood vas transferred from tihe fatiier tô hlm cýhIId. and oon it vis apparent tuu for the dîne being at leuit tii. operA,- tion wa&s uccmaful. Trhe chld was rernoved te tthe home on Bemiey place thus morning. greAtly iniproved as the result of thie opWs- tion, and wtb îpparently ne igne Of erturning hoerrhages. Tt yl _b, several daym, bowever, befo)re the. mue- ceas or failure cf the blood tramatlW~ ion operation will b., deftiiily knoue, am there are many complications tixit muet be awalted. Yme father m*itu*%. enliy uffered few or no 111 effects- 0f the operation. outside a natural feel- ing cf weaknesa. Hat Bsen Tried Haro Onc. If tuis operation proves a BudCiU 1< wilii b.the fiuat Ur n ktii. iitorY of Waukegan that the operation has been succemsfully perforMed. Omce before the. experilpent WàS tred a»d as far as the oPeraticu vent, h Ia MS a ucces. but later It develoedLti the blood transfaieed litiIl. velas e the. Infant bîd heen Infect*d d. sel ti- cid died. As far au cmii be %M. .5W there vwili b. noue of tiieme coMiOebc- tiens k a&rise, as the father ba perffct- ly wellinl every respect and la sabbat to no. diaease. la Chicago Phyeiciml'm DIeO=v.aY. Tbe dicvery of the. art Of blOOd transfusion la' of receut dite. It hia boen tried ln a very feu cass but maay of tiffe h ave provOa n=Cc.tsL. The. Chicage-pbyslcisn LePkIa0. vis dlscovered the. art, tried It 1i1Mtdm - Imais. and It proved a succ..., Mid la, ter it vfas iried on hmm bebo.ga vii the aime remnta. The cbld operated upon 1I nUlt' at the, jane. McAJ.bter baspta la machl beiter t>ii. morning. but the resuits Of the operatlenare being &vaited tuy 1hf >pbysicians performlng it vii reat- est lterest. compeusatîfli the rahlvs-ys for trans- porting the mails. Establsh Systere on Rural SeUtt0.. Ma. Hitchcock expianed <liatit Iva bis idea, tirtstotesiablish parcela peut on the t-oral routes, In ordertht the1 administmatve details of the %stila migit be uorked out vitiioutt 11.84 vantagge Cc lthe postal service genersi' ly. Graduaily be vculd exteul the, part-el service tcunuban commuail-- Ities, go hat packagesanad paroqis mbght b. delivered locallp by eitY Car- riers. Suisequently the service vould be .xtended <o mcl, eralway t-ailS jiortation. "~The centinueus flou o! tfue mails, psttlularly th. commercial and bil- .... mails. cannot be interfered l wui,' and cannot be ailoed to b. dîstUris- ed,' sald Mr. Hitchcock. "Theineai- ution cf a pst-cela post eavci it si ternpted ln t-ut-aitertitorY and 1iiitI- cities sud ln Cie rt-mlin ails .sM[M taneouaip, uculal embara ioesPqt. tie uhole countrY, for t coule be ppt utbuaoperattIealui-tia4 , fashbon vithouit lutteai up eieme postoffice ln tue cotuntryp. Wil £xtend eavli "Bp vonkbng out a sysiten by, d grees, houever, vS ailî b. ul# extenal tie service ulti o ne laefli lene. or embarrasamfll o angle It vii require ai immns. ecaaerÎ i bath carrier and dlental fOrc, once esCabIl8hed, it viii b. cfet M Ous value to lie people. ', Mr. Hitchcock indbcateal th»t»q ministration expected t10 mdopt:' recommendatios ota!tue Mgh ouI-clasa postage rate whlcb bas been ilu ssson <Or-, weeka ln Newv-York. *TI..qe sienls report wv» b b. mlbmutêr grasln DeCenabe. ~gin lual le$- ran- the' hool fi, C4 tx t 18, gi 01 ti ti 08 ti 19