CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Sep 1911, p. 5

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won we WII Seili conomçjy Jars at Cost. Piuts,* -75c Ibozen Complete *Qùerts, 90c Dezen Complete, 2 Qars,$1 .25 Dzen Complete j.eU TRIGG Phone 25 Phone 3 ride tu~ adu mt eutrlt &WIs or ob,Pa f Mie*.îni TrH Store noted throughmdt the ntr -ont for banding nothing but the vey best in EVERYTHING. FOR MEN t 1 iii need ils PHOTOS taken n0w the waemn weather is bere dBo large and sail sizes of PHOTOS wl cen show you at t L~o* prices. 1 We have just recelved a new lino. of picture frae mouldings and can frame your pictures on short notice. BESWJCK'S STUDIO LIBEIrIYVILLE Meredith Flower and Vege table Company t! ~ Bçwd oiWn.ltil pteeen, wlio iasttuted L.5i.FiI~JV 5lim tbooah invetiatitu outa&l milk ~ dinbtdt OUand&il thesoeurcee of the tity mllk Kuppty wîth the resoît that the kmu t~ia otulet st o ni[les wllbe proprletor of one depot was ordered ta ce th iecorg c (h.PontinuCoiangthe delivery ofmllk. This tbaies. ar ae top lotairen as a prfcaution ta prevent ue~. kh ds- W athr Bueam Spiogfeld, IllioMS, to tIl op-ad -f scarlet lever of whieh fswnlh t&Mitwith reports em* 4é' wltth hle orecas f d n"our ity.eac'Wbt lt css 'he wohea for the coming tweMpgfoer hours aifid have Lat Saturday even ing Edgar Wello, !uruds.themu with a complete set of (legs. Who tae exployed at Armourla. te country home of J. Ogden Armour, waa We reproduce bore a eut ot eech fleg and bslow show sehat each flsg indicetes painfully injured. Mr. Wells had been 5 operatiug auelectrte pumplng apparstus No . 190. 2. NO. 8. No. 4. NO.-5.ueed for tilling a large resrvoir froni a M W deep weIl. It waadpsok. and lu order ta ~Ib.acertalu how much water wae nu the ILI ~tank he @truck a match and held it et 111h'W'the top of the reservoir ta iuruieh light. The Instant thei match was piaed over the mouth of the rewryvoir an explosion White Blue White and Black Black and accurred of gaj whlch hait formed fram Fiag Fiag Blue Fleg Fiag Whte Fleg th water. As a resuit tMr. Wells 18 uow No. 1. atone, indicates fair weather, stationary famperature. nurmiug a terribly burned rigbt hand No. 2, alone, Indicates rain or snow, stationary temperature. foreaitmand his leIt band la burned and Ne. 3,.a"o.e Indçates local rein or t.aqe, tatonary temperature. the Cight @ide of hie face blitered. He No. 1, with No. 4 abo'ie if, indicates f* wethsr, scarmer. will be laid up for some timeý No. .wth No. 4 below it. indicates fair weather. colder. No' 2. wth No0. 4 above it, indicates rain obr'.iow, warm1%. No. 2. wth No. 4 below it, indictes rain or snow, colder. No. 3, with No. 4 above Il, indcates local tain or sfow wrmner. No. 3. with No. 4 below it. indicetes local rain or enaw, colder. Those Interested in these signals, we would advise cuttng out this piece In the paper and keep for future reference. ILIB ERTYVVILL]8BRJ%,EFSI iCAL AND PERSOM'Af4,L. M N -I1CON foi IA fil is Teoinsure publication in the lndepen- lire. .B. . Fike wae lat aturdaY dieut, copy must bo in the office no lafa'r apott4lapon st the Jaffe MeAlîter D tita Tueaday of each waek. Ad,er. hoepllain Weukfgan for aPPendiettls. L tisea especlally. are asked to take At preou u'tting ohe ia conveaecing. partculr nticeto hisaffet. SiLerq of the Lake (ounty Agit. parinila ntic t ibs ffet. culirl»pd,@q annance thett 1h07willlb paej&i-9ftidms won et thie years fair A O.A. Newffam spent Buuday lu at the Ubertyvîile town hall)Seturday d, Chcao.moraiNt 4«tl 16, at 9:-00 o'ciock. t Mrt. and Mrs. Fred Croker @pent $un- TeLw f4 Ald of the )i. E. church day et Elgin. Wif n .i a he home of Miss EUs MIme lots Churchill leit Monday for P ii4mTUe6y, Sept. 19. A large Appleton, Wis., where eue wili attend attendanà .â deired ai the annuelI Lawrence Colege this winter. election oË gýnere will take place. Mi. Frank Effinger of Chicago, in Red fttebWHRod. an aperetta, te son viditing et the home (A her cousine, to ho gitan fy honme talent under thea t. snd Mre. Robert dttz. sulâeu'f the Lakenide Cemeery lira. M. Armntrong o! Cleveland, Ohio, Assoclatiog with tirs. Alice Baker 'le v'atltng ber son, W. J Mudesud Moare, demsodent oi the origual Baker fexnly. larni1y, eadli'etor. Watch for time aid ise Elvire liundee entered th!@ week pace. I upop ber dutise as teacher oi the Giier lire.A» Baler af Spring 'Irove, Il. fchoal. proprletrs.s01 the Lotus Beauty PanIore. Mre. iecCuaig oI Chicago, vietited wai et tr..tair lent week wlth a dlaplay relatIves boefsIst week and attended 1of lotus baid p«Inme.s; ad tailet articles. the fair. The perfme bhjs an odar which, white W. J. Wprren of San Benito, Texas, 18 at tiret somîa- ouewhat peculiar, ie vsltlug relatives and friende inl Uertýy- par tculary swesl ad pleaiant and la ville. 'rapidlyzgelulugia fgyor. its a perfume lire. F. A. Gleatelu of Chicago, valted which if once umel wli be always used. friands lu this city lait week and it a- Charley MaeGr*o if BSan Bernardino, tended the fair. Caliornia, @pentVoney iu town calling W. . Rwso ofSoln Mlle sputon oid friends, mIeaf Tuesday for lest week visting Ltbert-vville relatives LFyte ni» hr owl ne and ttedinxtheWr.Purdue Universty. Mrs& Maitregor. ard atndiuMr@.eGranillr. fPotwho baibevu hse-uveral weeks visit- lin au lis. ran Miletai orting relatives and !tlsnds In Wadeworth Btyon, Ill.. returned ta tbeir home alter and Libertyvile wtileturu to Califortiia spending s 6ew dais with relatives hore. the latter part af the month. B.,1B. Egen returned froqà 8t. Paul, odyenlga ut93 Mien.. lust SaturIayelavlng @pent the lodyeeifgaot93 ire of week et the Minunesota Stan. lFair. injateniolii origla dssitroyed the large horse hern, granery s»d tool eheil on The Lakeelde Cemetery Association the John Lancaster larni east of this wifl mut et the'home of lire. Hoared ct Seven tous icdnç.w hav. about Massn on Frldajy afternoon. Sept. 15. 250«hushels of acàta end ail tho tools The W. C. T. U. will meet with lir@. togethîr wth the ban wre a total los@ Delta Foliett an Tneeday, Sept. 19. eetimated at about #2,"O. The build- Basket lunch. teesg and tools were usitllt coveredby The Ladiee' Aid Society af the M. E, 'Gourance- cburcfrwili hold a bakery sale at the John E. Ballard lest BSturday nlght 980 Office Saturdsy, Sept. 16, from 3 ta atteuded a egular, etefied eommuuica. 6 P. M. tiýoa r vuL sA.-F. &-A. M. at Philip Bautweil hai reoigued hie Wheeling, and aus4% lest aster of the pomttin ai Waraude grocery and re ladge wae preemted wlth a Past sutned hi@ studies at Waukegau Buineses atee nwe.Te idge came time Cojîe. a&go voted to preil eacht living Pait Master with a jewsl of the office. Mr. Ur,. sd lire. Lee Buson of Vola. epent Ballard wa8e orthipfui Maiter 01 Flday with lUr. Busones pareute, tMr. Vitruvlue Lodge-iii lie yeer 1872. The snd Mire. Fred Croker aud atteuded the leivel je a beautiful gold embieni of the fuir. fateraity set wibh prenions stane and Mmre. lugh liauuey and daugitter have lie very valuable a9 ek$ePeake. retnrned ta their home at Tacoma, The Lberty ville Board of Education Wash., aMter viutlng wtth tir. aud lire. hasilsmued the order it aiaI puplie muet Wut. Whigem. paeitively be vacg»nted befare entering AUl thoe bsving bill auatut the Lake school next MopdAg ,nmoing. The Oouoty Agrcultural Society are requeit- Vil lage Board of Trust... and the Board ed te prmest tibernita the eeretary not of Education ".eduy held a joiut 16ter then neit Manday. meeting with at's of the State MONEY ORDRS Our BANkERS' MONEY c~Sare the Most Convenlent, SAINEST an tST means of mending money through thÙ ei"ý Cal and ask about thein. Ii UXýt Do«e 10 The eo*t, OTfiçe o pm Mditional LUbertyvWle L.W. Kramer and fenil, of.St, Louis Mo., are vieitiug at the home of Mr. Kramer'esaunt, Mr:. C. FI Avenull for a ew dayà. Rlobert Litwller sud a party of friends tromýtSl city "uet Suuday at Taylor Lake whpre they eujoyeit the pleaenre oi sheing. bir. Litwler provcd blmsell the bst fisherman by landing two large pickerel. one weighlng twentr-twro poundu %md the ather eight pounds. It la Wed they are the largeet teken trani the lake this seaman. In the ce aofGens Rtay vs. Frank Duaberry the particulars ai whlch lihertyviUians In general are familier with, Dtmeaberry wae liandsy bouti 1" over to thegrwid Juryln bondeso aif40 before Justice Botelord of Wsnkogsa. Attorney Pope wmas ttorney for the efenée, and Attorney Welch representedi the etate. IL R. Chnroh Services 10:00 a. nM. Clam Meeting. 11ev. J. B. LecOniffin. 10:30 a. m. Preacblug by peetor, W~. L Whtpple. Sub)ect '-The Power of Elisha's Boitai" 12 ni. Bible School. 6:45 p. nm. Epworth League. Subject, "The Perite of 8piritual Ignoranee." 7:30 p. mi. Preacbing, Rev. W. L. Whipple. SubWet, "The Spark-boi of the Devil." Don't Take It To A Bnnglar; a akilled mechanie le what yau want. Bring It here if your automobile need repalring. We will repait il go thet it le ai good as new. We guarenlen Out worh. Our customers are alwaya satîs- fied with aur wonk and wtth out prions Ynn will be satisfleit if yau send yaur work heme, heesuse we do onli goad work. Wm. Laycock Co., Libertyville, 111. PHONES-Roaidece 126L Shop 4324 Many a Man Owes His Success to the Building il Il as an auchor aud kept hlm luea etraight liue and away, pose. ibly. from the mauy "get iîcb quick" echemea which are su plentiful today and w hloh so otten meau riches only for the smaath tongued pranictare thersof. By lnresting IN YOUR HOME TOWNyou are dealinx withvalues and people with whaM Yau are acquainted-peaple who are lu. tereeted ln yotir welfare he-. càuee your enecees méats tlw encres aiofothere abaut you, and te more tsua'eefuloltitene a town tan boagt ofi the bitter plane It a ivili be. Ail the Itnber w. have lu aur yards was purchgMid with the vlew o! givlng aur cuétorere Liffest vaiues, and wben yau de& cide tui build wee want to tellI ya mare about aur methods. size hausee. Gsi busy, have on. ready for fallesie. See us. Libortyvmle Lwitb" Co. PHLONE 47 Dova by the.O01.1Uie The growth of this bank - w the beà evidence that its policy and methods are ini accord with the demands of present day business needs. The farmer, merchant or invm*to seekipg modern banking connections, wl ~ thia bank as liberal in its dealinga as is consistett with ound banking. We are at ail tixnes prepared to discuse your requirements with you and invite consuta. tion. ILATKE CO-UNTY NATIONAIL BANK Looking For a H«»e? YOU wM ltuvdl à 1bqwv - bicorefty Mmd lu& ng y=uslu.u te xia mud enlisiouiet a wý WC cm0«» 'ou e eq vis ë;uesbyou 0 . #j Ofie la Lune Bldg. bÀa mmase & israeUe., i'ie slag If Your ChIdkmEnI WHY DON-T. ~..L....t S - FEED,'THEM ON ,+ROUND' GRBIBN BONl£-RO.JND FRES E VultY."4Y LIBERTYVILLE, S BLANKET Now's the time to thiuk about heavier B ding-On Blankets and aU 'Comforter mater"als ' are stoeked with excellent values and eau offer y<w a flue weortment to oelect from WOOLAP BKETO 1 Hsmlly Flaed Cotb". UM4 Corne InHandoe Pfid,IkmtsGry, Tani. auid wb c 1mthelngail tii.bafstunes ground itPm.:à Cq mix ales and nicely ') s ervioeale Bienkt U flniahed, parI P ir I ....... Yard-Wide Sitkofines lnlilght Cotton Chalîles, 24 tIonal"pteFrnsra apanvJ. tt dslins bth Cotton Batts in ail sizes front 4 lb. up. Wide Sheeting, Pillow Case Tubing, Reg4p *Made Bheets and cases as well as Ticlo Cretonnes, etc. ' W. W. CARROLL &,S( TWO STOI%]E8 1 -. ., ý l Buy a Home and Stop Paying Ràëe W. »fil k«4a« ea uma-hl3 paeeis, "s» eas pssub u i. self lobisop" elipejuit tlow prie.. sel *ih ,« Losas made At mnfete sq. Firs nt mimoï OLet sel. q &alleied. Rentinasn leqthg. DYMONO & AUS11N- Pham. Ê4 OEIl.. Eh 'I. ~ .1 i.j B. mMRE & COMPANY 1IB ER T YV1L L E,1ILLINO1S 1 of &.é b.0 %

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