CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Sep 1911, p. 1

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INDEPE NDENT WAUKEGAN -WEEKLYSUN -VOL. XIX NO. 52 TVeLVRFAIGE8 LIBERTYVILL]E, LAKE COUNTYS ILlNOJS4 FJI)AY, SEPTI waas vas la tise.fronat seiere danger ence of Use n~,,Orus \1asxbray gang i W&A ln liheraid nt Rouand laan sd in 190 prcsved lbic brasisrY andI effclecy lisJ miwlte.foTllrme uîessr insu>'tinte 1 vtise daY ln wbittb from tinter-to»slp, sared wîtis ha eltu il tis titSe ixteen vere ...$7600,in ord 1ýîftJe said, 't em"eur Overvorked lea tiotir effort te locate - $20,000 l cgl~retssuswisicis mie trace of ,»uey. l'oter bdo o i ulle.cbm- Two nm., one of! viosula belleved plalned au t*Oe ghisaittornes. Wil- b> tise pole. 10 have inowlsdgeaof- item DRia. * te ielndictment ie the murder et kOhsueffetsr Fs'eerlci of Potterli tb5 CIMcuit court. Potier WIjmer«trOm whl obçdy vas found was neyer aml0fd. Suuillie refiised lus tise Fox ne sr1 Cary. nt., seere to dîscusa the, isBpe ver tise telephone BUS r5I W L RORj(~ arwmted Thrls-Aâs t EotQd Ite, lit. HG L X P R .NIbis morlb 9. Tise' ves b~.sgt teCiscagaisyPorter la n' W eaecordlng te Di DUR tXo ?4XEN AT detectives from u opector kAnut'a cf- STUNL iSK " rcrd ttb me. station ai Rock- ftce.Otieet tse FboIorm i ~5.d btord, Ill.. Hmdisgten, lod, and oia, de.OefjViesoaers teeecued slne,86te0 EAUN Ah avemade <ibnd missio eters..ALMciigei. lt ird. tIl lachayged, Joisace a ormr csivit, ud aitr - Owlng te ite élever manner lu Johson a ormr evie. ad Wlteisicis ties.tro _ ons ware made, ¶TW e"' BEWald. TE R tslocal Pouice boufidiest tisaI Pot. JoblmpatSud. Wmd vus 211s tnspec- bin 0ne of tI#: eievarest crlinuales, to'ItWelsesede ugbt. OHe de- and blleer. sI1dA*i3ature I o one0o talle a.qUenehnt Dav. Barry tise grestest ide0»Wlismeute ever X4uuiugJohn R«am«IerXy tu oburge ea rusd of detectîves tetls Po a ea aI y iedgg t of justice. Ch. Ra Be. grdre ad go ton" jAbw viere Johnuson aud 'y'._______ Waid, thse Inspector van Ilformef, o .qd. Ofce Nb IE Throwon Into Lake Do. Nt We.î,t Arrest.AlgdS inlr V E At Wasskegao tise Chicago deteot- Ai~dS IlirO - ivs wre met tsy fuient' Green of' N OM E Gr 61I05.n Chcago dotctves, heuded Lai.e onty andI tise tisp froin tisera vise b>' Detective ISergisacta OKeefe andteo Round Làâke was made ln automao- Up lu tise office of Justice damses aIld Barry Tiraday of tast weei raisfmd bilez. Weicb of Wauiegisn, lntise archives1 Gather_ et Veqp Lake to t*o cett»gsa of thse Corrfgted Soo Johneou and Wald were fourndiis a are papersa bs rougly suggeal. htisa View Fle'Bite of the Old l-tic Mla Workwcsusiisaer settîsment aIut ainerA.msr & Co.S te bouses. George Wshilngton Pont, alias Potter, Pweossi5-Rome.Le Sour lae, d beesgt t Wsie'They offeibd no resistance te arret aillas a bunoarasiOrner names. sud hie so gin, ud Ae ieean rd, Mtifo bWaung' Hut This Ri amiaer DeatI. gang of interhational land and mini EiorWho' iaedP o i gai, ntir loe ger. &th flloinÏ' Ater inspecter Hunt isac]L alked %awludIers for Once aSt leasi ugda dtrWh tdPr-ta PETIES JOI4NON, Chicago, allegmd vils Wald tise Inspecter sald bcse h- pier gme aud alded In tise allagad ject is ft~*Atic Over n labos' luger et-hut Cit. ievOd tIsat Rier s'Ai deatI. Ramler Svlndle of a Laike couny usais. Jamesag WATE W WLO aseo!Chcsolived ai 3534, Weutwortis avenue. I)avidean of Highliand Park. aa WATE W OL, 13 f hi* ' We do nal suspect Wald of comn- and,~ a ai lsoae " lbr alugcsry or isa langhe HiglandgPark an aid alioregedn aslUgglede ofWeu- ýmovIng Pictura main Who accused WaukeganfltflLead in Cere- 1 e, 90hmo*e mp mi i.sfl Stdo knewing uerairowm'@ rder." aald Inspecter Chartes xer, Opera Hous m ne tt<8t npc t sontetitCfabot Jth, e mbi', s dt.Hunt'."He la a member o! tise Arcis- lm, ciChIçAgo, a 'eait>' peculat- dolsa M ieIspc ti semmtIsiabcot John Ratblr oua Itecturs-l lronworker'c Union. or of mn aiteg.d "biue. ai>'" deal, oo "-fMy men learued tisat a certain Chii- Il> whlcis Davidsen trsded hie five -- wh tiwiwd ttatulm evidesice ln te j bu ag ae-beauceeu lu ortbree a- coft thonter sglit and unsen luhi CisSago labor el case sin wlsch torneysave ee tnulnth ise Post ho * ->"fer papers, côn- Deep IaoGoneDsrb uismf a "core lnlotmests mere '. Iltyoflbouiid e re driv- veylng land on wiclolveaua ituated ed as Or the Puri- 'w turned agnaiistI» odr s alogod t ge uatmôia. u ! ielaw- &blsckamith ahop, grocery, au- a001 1 yeras ba seoxn ldentbflad s'ls laisor lon and isotel. uppod tocb. at pos l»Ouglt. coin ha," cuntsnàianad abetted îlug' Cses-Olbbessville, Da-TIse thester wsate1i anad Who ieras éen le cerne volued nt *M0., Devldeoui aya h. A i-amy lmnpr«eve crowd gethpred A' triàl, 0111ly te dsappur suddsnly and fu dtheD FiI;vitt IahoTpu atDelep atin os t se d epeudent rnystr*sly. B D I R ÉA mWtotvle ft1dn t ttmetfo iIPPFP-E SIIK o!tisedei.Order o! Vikings and tise Ladies o! coi eaA torn e s tate.eW.t faon' UNS Iix0dte eend o! one of tise pa Vkinugesereaiet tise laielooklng over a ' Stats Atorlmy Jhie . W Way'anPers vicis are aleged th have convei-lise land tisat tise eombisned societies pai of Go" ouosnly Tisuermdy afternom Home of John Ochxw,.Ckel, a md tise rePOrted IdaisO bIne sky ave uitetS'I)e aefrts ov.r lth, long disatiect t uactipflhLtrac in Ilsn la Use uisus.«MGeorge W. Pom, hv ogtota'eplk o h be Oftelal gv lngbom ehend e D BJ5 and Ponl la lisenaineof tise king o! oid peoples home.- o! Rmie hv lon bsc nght mcdDesroyd..con umen ouîo vlsosstise Chicago !ed- Aa sas een t*W I#l Ibis paper tli hae, wlt the Chicago oflbcrs belleume___ ers' auUsotles are banging an tlgist* Iefore tise above ms*sstiiffld ocetias lthe tisaIth*e mosin 'a>'have beau mur-. om o -'---17retuint5 $600A Cash hall. n Home of lnptbiAAA Clb, Thse paper le a grant to Idaho land have bouAlt-bg±sa 4et -ut r $6.500, by SeuWhso diesppesred at 1:30 on Sycamore, MI., is Alo a iletI. sfgnlflcantly enougis by Post or Deap Lake belug lin Leke pquaty. Tise me, Potter, lu Fou du Lac county, Xis, local lodge o! WaukiLU fèt tisatIti A àuffl11 en o womne àtraa la e Pey T e t Oala of Papai'.. ougisî te be faimi>' repraieuted and Wat ha ee ePa Incd e! awitm Tisste pra conveolog tisa Idahso land "ho hsmbea fend wa a ltussagh1,ota ,vdson appear 10lbe tise blggest teoîoui lu iusses, sobiesand o Mialce<"Mss>") nrgli, wlte Hed rusof WO bicgojoke on record, as tise> purpoet to ny tise eectilc rond snd tise shoisong ss Stea'ens, Johnt Regnend ntes othr ai. Girl Rusorters Igmted by -couve>' ail tise rigs t Iat tise' gran- vas a .redit«to thse ommy. ut>ls icisA leged tabou. miger, sud wth hi ld ski S'.~o tors bave, if asy,' lucorporated in a Use oid peuples bouse'Of Use 1. 0 V. bon aisey nlght have been convicted. quit daim deed. iu -Tis aisuof papera deposited Pl l e ibelocated. a Wisen a gasoline alOve. freebiY lit; Davbdaon run. for tise alleged Idaho Tisera liera repmeBeeutatlvem front ail tis Rosnd Lake may yet bc draggad for ezisioded lu tise Johu Scisuseckel tract:' Chicago lodges, KenosisS. Aurora, Dest9 traces o! John Rasmier mlsslng Ciî- '5t6 ragoeisisor slugger vituens lu tiesa smmer retidence on tise north Shsore B. E. Keeney tb D. A. Htfleld. aud Kalb, Batavia and otiser lodgein o! tise couses ag.alost -Water Stevens. Maur- o! Nippersni Lake unday alter- lu GtIuiOnEvllle. re Alhaagodtisine-pa Ice ftrigist, and Jobhn Regmu. noan at six, tisa mountlug lames D. A. Hatfllad te damas McCarthl' ode. iinl isad a g odthue olu ignp bOueau detectivas train tise central lantI lu Gibitouelacea.uamui Sud theifondlin te tise fOhloWiiig et Chicago office Inspecter John Tsdp incu. s uOtielc crislut Jamas McCartisy ýo George W. POst. expressions o!flise foliowug People air faled Thumday te dlacover a trace o! lumbermni's borne, tise curlîns ignit- land la GISONVILIE. Idaho. Prebentad isy tise master of lise day, wol &M ballai-d lu have beau tiseme, es th aise el, and M. andI Mm. Sebu- viltle. vdolndi ibn-Mr, Oscar Sandetrous of Wuiegao. titi damplle-Lbe acttisai very nook vas seciel aud !amlly isad te fieesfom TisaPont convayance la hy George Ensil Carlson o! Waiegan Wss i ses oui for traces of a secret bidbng tise cottage for thias'lives, as il vas W Peut. and Leella, is vifa. 315 tiret catied uion and me doume e-tet place or for evîdencas o! alleged foui a massa! roftrlng liâmes. lagaea 0dsrpin ioîa ak bu iepesf fbv n Play wvicis le suspected. 1 lnug st ecitoams ak bu h laue fhvn n Hwever. il laeiintedthtia Detactive Tisea feet ava>' andI vils no pro- dupicata o! tisat lu tise otiser papiere.,ttsa oltI peoples home looatedi lu tis'.of Bergomnt Barry, blu cbarge o! tise de- tection, tise Hampsire club a! Syca- le:"it htpe adarnofldctiyweew avouhmeog O latwt egatO'Keef. Induced -more. Ill., people, igiited fraus the "iia ic u acio adcunysbr eIaeo> oeldeo Peter vohson, geit atrW at boupded ou tisa norls isy Boyau, thoen andI asebld tise reet o! tise vistors Th auPeter o.taln , l adtatRaoid ek- ScisueckealtimeandI vas alto aoon a anutiseri>' ong Use West ide o! An1- valcome. le »mai ha$osind or corne blt o! ie taiete uceo! Usine. TisaDanlais sud danois creek avenue a distance of A quartet o! singera goà stis arempiu àt"âld. Be~~~~~Dlle Pinte clubs were aved aftes' 152fotadthsdUe loI sud paret o! land mn ign oit «Wuea i Johinson le saidte 1bchaan ex-couivi e su ad w timedw o! UosehomCpedty >'Bus sud 1vaos' back- misrklnln oIl d auia fau de vils a record of bal lengtis. andI Fox ILaie bire departinenî. isicisaar- amllkî%hop thence West s distance o!fisaaded b>' Oscar Bjomi tidre ofs Wold'a record la et yut uninovis. &bout 100 teet trous saitI Anderson songe saI s'era greati>' ippreciated pie Said a a rnniOne. ri'lrdon tlese es.taI iva minues t- ~fceei avenue, togetiser vitis buildings ythse crowsi. ow coring le Wguskegsu before 7 a.ns- ter tise-first alarmnva sgent lu. Uerois, ail mtuated inteseTown O! Yh one fth l èpes husaBarry sud bis crovd calletI TisheatI dresem ansd bai, Of Ivo Gbaoavllm, Idahso. This Instrument Ts one ! ieodpo le'. TçSeifG« n ce i oCiaogr oireswr gie ivsrda'en astI accepted vîtiseut reps'.-borne M. ritiof lalmkvlt5 editor of!i ~ Sui!!Qi-au ud ika îsm t Ciicag gil rssoter ves inl*d b' %naice ot ais>'nature, sîmpi>' cou- tise CiScgo Svadiais AMaoleen madeti go wlUs thesn on a burry>' p Job. Tise>'sre but tise> vera not isurt, tise veying suds rigls as tise grautomes ans enrtbusatic speech about tisa idea se vere,-al beavlil>' arisd. as vas tUes aise.belng patted eout- TisaIl vas maybave, If an>."an ewo tthdb1ndi ndP ubelff sud %tarted trom Waokegsn lns tiat gave rie.tu tise report that tvo Pbdad IOflcers Tale. sdUevmitalaIbsedu u meversl carnages sud ais automobileChares De Woody. faderai agent &180npia vryoyg~, ad erriing t Rond Lke sas 0 t beau bsured. vise eautsred Post sud yiso Ionov ail Use>' could le geltise clii issoples tIs riing sRund la" oe 0inyrun- TisaFrank Com!ort sud H-tllnSsoieking li*beautiful vifin sud aone bouse lu fiuashape beffrs long. 1Mr. themoringandaitonc surouLd-reaortg are aio igit.nar Usa Ivo Bageun A. Stesilff. vise uay nana lng tise tve cottas ro ntatirsdcotgsvscbaea oaebv eKt ilaoI uUeHighsland Malmikvlst. standing *vii bu baud th. laie h>' Use Corrugaed Siseal Met- uudctaewihaeattlby l«bPUtilnhe'lum dtf 51 omirm usici o tse ea aie oea sd tsa liseos ole hnotfa Pci asIIin w-10 h-be Davidien stretébied oyard tis e rluirese AI U se i n n.8t tis aie lo u 1 e and'.te 1cIusci l 6 ei sJut core vas ndod"u te alga 'overIhaIcimdent on bhi@iearera tisat evmyoIs o n îug « th lae nw te ArourIceawa. Th Elbjmkêl h1i Jut cme ro is .a Chcuge af e sitar îIng 10 Use ondin bail104e holieceuld bonnes. into tbeu- assinner bomse from tise laie frieds b" Once dIisuaded in, salid Tise cottages. vils a lent, are ln a sdvr Igith ie gazoline slave i -an Interievlê viistieSaUN tismtg realus. tisaplan as Àelas pos- Pl lenel>' spot Invisible frein tbe rondad wr Ih hnte*_n htpn rpte n i tlbcueI atet ,bt ee minthUe ewscago detoctiv'eeantlcî,;p atart thse fi-efor coffeevii i se e, orn ts t ol Pter budbiUle batdiectein olaUse tistigde cn aboIlle royal -'ils gus ftgters.aýéete&tcrpace.vih *"Mn#luabut international dente, Asuerista, etsîde o! tishe *ufcisEmand theeicdn oipae 55c~5!g iemia u ih i ia drcii !aSeti rI-l battis visicis did Dtutaass.tisepria- Tisecottgs ver. on a bill visera but tisaI hi.uigit have InietI bic baud a h aetm ihtigo tw osera vers.e knilie 15551>. tise ilgitet orant bresse alded this t lioujmai ylie~su d mîgis aveu P., tUecm iavists ôt lvl #;aé',tu e 'este. 5Gieu and tI ters Uiasdts aoereanrt raglodsibly.- <but flt probably,. h ie noer- do for ths euiemesotftb*.Ordar, ricis a r * tb 4re t close ltu sud tiesa ramion ndtlwhl ouaJohn Boc, bero of tisa Wedge or p~oo'. o o tise detectI'es cloged lin ln a uet wlis Aaroiesd. gasi .Rmi-wr lt oeb h cte r U e u, fe a in i l a o u ffi c t. P o stal__ _ _ _ t iij5 0t0 5' J am s aiS tu a rt, c h i ai R m r a v r esf~ s ' t s Exceptlsg te ud Raier, tise 1po- c ieipectors mad a lie state- premident o! tise Ordar o! Vikings and b »n e founud ali tie Io ar eted, John- De troit * n »L oum Theatre meit. tuart p nned tisa errent o ! OtierS. nen aud Wtld. Tise>' ere aIocetglnngB(m>' oon .Ma-tise vbel Poil gang, but De WoodY Eves'ybody feit Usa>' had a good Begiiain Sunay. orto IL een"a os -have "butted lu' vils tise lUmeansd ere satisfled to go bock to separted ils diffreLs gangs or! de- ster andi Han->' Barman, thseatnlci recuit tisat poil alone vas taken. tuctîves sud tirddegreed on Usa spot. tsrhm@tlIgt terfinsc After tisecocttagems w«eraided thea men o! Detroit, viso bave beau lliste 0. &. Potter, tyled thisntg o! cou "therdue ltgilug't hin ne finand Wreouds ver. smai'bed. chowas'inesfor usu>'y ears, are l0i- mae, la beleved 10 have beau tise usm ian ,s re epseigasbeîs Doerlptloit o Ssn'I&i'. sr !ts csat saa ots h>slo dWlim C. Wedge o! te a qulci succese. Ramier, w, Uo et 0Ag rmiigthis ts 113, 01outo about $3,000 on a taieh vlo asisse c 110Au. embugtise yeare o! tise lante tern dem, tise. saine deal visicis sasV Ilt ls,h 5yaarc f A#e2ve fat sven trous Use ovuers, tisa Pabst Bras'lug pulletIofet vIli equal succams lns otisi Acio'Bhl Inufues. vigi 1;5 Pounud.a, taeli.l>' ciiet othlistata. A cil ul leoing.lilupg, bsa'a bllet vound Comspany. d th , Wedgs. ih la sild, bas nul madeIet- Tise ra i bis left reast, la cusootis cisven. M. Moeter auted on Mcna'ts at e dnl> oir r ot sh es for nuctime s la ee sud s'on. a blac danrby. dan gra' a' o cf!oiertaerwosd ate isie u ssy ple, aPs tis maband sdv aeIi oaeo eld nuit, bine shirt, sud uie ie s'ban ha îaep open ail tise lIme. Tise bet t-vse>vilnle au, butcestisaltemllamtty Ing ou.' madere of tise lauis vsare lu a vaniised or vas taken sua>'. traciona etf a musiacal comedy or tra- o!flise dents of tise great 'Get-Itidi- Position te serve your vell ls t ,lina Be caries a StesSflttars' . A. card 11b fee n nteQikWligod h eod"lnswt etoeadde*é.W r ,tr4, resddda'Kt 34 Wetvorth ave- mate typaeaI .a we su u te 9beWaullnt rd. lise tS en areanm uddmaei.W r 31w, Chiscagoulgita visea suffil oterlugi areint Idaitical,Ol!tsItset' e r tiorougbi>' quipped OI 0fos ot neat, 'Itanler voissiteered s a wituema madeatise tiseater W,,, be open tes mcv- 0. ).X Pottes'. ln evus as tise "Get- attractive sale bille, lu *5> colore, mcd IW to 5ate's Attorney' John Wayman l iwe wifu el Ricis.Qssck WaILibgford" o! ceai lfe, sud black. aud respasoli> Solicit Mti~~anI slsemes uons le giv oieht ls sdbualaa jsg ste isins morestos h0000,ve auorder trous ail ccooltnslatlsg avingT r i -peuiiie motive for bis aud& viliihagiveu. The admission 'aIlbe vas a&rreétasin luiscago tMondai. juuu s ale&. W. guarautea aW@ctlou. j, - J oqe bud woric. 6 cents.. .Water Street yul bha ulm- bers aa18 u . ieWiII Cosninsu_______ cath ptlicaltwit vlsieacial llitansd Use amns bis Victme, gai'.tisa Jout er-eHý l'il Ighi osetiseaid. JOUet pelle. 5.1ev. tisaI b. maIl !ItVS a Job !fora8;551 adIDON'T - lie Chttas, ecerg. &I- tit6ur vIli ise gai 'ailsligitsioves'> avebeuis folle$t duru: tise prea- LEÂUVEIT TO A PL&A»~ 'EMBER 22, 1911. 0NETO'EGHT Olu MOU[ T0 BOILO POWFR P[0N18 ýsolutions Introduced By Graham Denounces State Nove Planned. «clares it is Not Right to (ak. State Pay for Local .Benefits. 'wenty Mllion Dollar Bond Issue is, Jarred Very hairmau i f ouuty Super- visors Leaves Chair to Get ResolutiQila In. Supervisor TisomasW Grahsam of' rnt, cissirinan of tise board of super- ors and of the board of review. day left hie chair In aise super- sors' meeting to lotroduce a reso- tion, which paaeed unanImously, Sdeoîning tise movement to paso a ;nty million dollar bond Issue for rer pulants for 'the state. claiming at thse propoeled plantasisenefit but a gle locality. Tise leglelature la to assemble ain et Springfield on october 2, d, 1. undersand, anotiser moye li be made te paso the twenty-mil- i-dollar 1,ond issue bill for thse con- ruction of power plants isetween iet and 1tica,Illinois," said lIr. rham,,In introducing the resolulion, hici foliows: g'beress. Tise people of tise Plate of Inie voted for a bond Issue for $20.- i0,000 for tihe construction of a deep is)mercial waterway from the LaItes 0tise Golf. And Wlereas. of tisSe was a project hicis wouid isenetit ail of the people the stete of Ilinois. A.nd Wbereas. It le now proposed te 3struct Instead of a deep walerway, water power plant In tise nortisern rt of Illinois for tiseisenetit of cer-, n iocaliies wisicis would ise of no enelit to Lake County And Whereas. Tise construction of mie water power plant wili ex4aust ue entire 120,000,00 whlcb was eoted ylthe people of ibis state, lenvIng oting wate'rer for river improve- ieot or developznent And Wbereas, Tise expense of sncb ater power plant would have t0eise rue by tise vartous8 conUes of thse tte of Illinuois lu proportion te their seasable valuation of properlY, And W'hereas, tise proportion o! sald nd iseue agalnat Lake Couoty. coin- ared te Lake County's proportion of le entire aaessed .valuatigu of sald tSte will amou*t te tise suin of $174,- 6.51, And Wisereas, sucis wetèr power sunt would lue of no benefit wis.t8ô- ver te tisis couniy. And Wisereee, thse effect of tise con- ructIon o! such water power plant vonld ise te send down a greater quai', Ly of water loto, the valiey aetubli tois, Wlthout. takillg any precaution oprevent Its doiug deamage, by deep- uing lie ciaunei or raising Ie s auks, id tise resuit wouid be tise flooding )fmsh land sltuated. 10tiste damage ftise owners and occupants, 140w Tiserefore, Be it Resoived. iset we denountie ncis plan of isnild- .g and constructlng a water power slat at tise expene of ail tise coun- es of tise state or Illinois, as behsg setructive of tise waterway legis Jon wici was approved isy the peo- le o! tise stata, and isuing an unreas- Dnabie and Improper expense on tise art of ail tise peopie oetithe state ol Illinois. for tise devaloposent o! a par. cular loalltY ai tise coit of tise en re state. sud we reqoeat our repro, sentative in tise legiuisture to op pose sucb plan at ail times. and te d( il In tieir power to deteat tise saine Want New Churoh A oas' Catbollec ciurcis, to replace tfe oltI structura viic bas gtood for issus> yeams as thse cisurci bouse, nortiwsset o! Wadsvortis, le being plauned b>'tise memisers o! tisaI churcis sud ail are s'orklng isard rlgbt n0w to ralte tise moue>' naceassi'> for FINISH $4,000 Fox Lake-Long 1 Now Open for' Distance ietween CiiW of the noriheastern 1111 snrtta bas hoon ahnria, $1.,50 PER YEAR ÏN ADVANGEt POAN L IIA PS Lake Canal OR LN Traffc RIIS icago andI all-- I Ipis laie e B l u n., maetal byL' Bise cmpetin steelc of s ca- nal te e Lon astdFox Lfaiestis cnal beien Longed Foxs Laksthlie cuna moong, wisenortise jflret luto huainowrninpulle ove tietdam and bearîtwrds l5'edov e. h a n eTIsed coaal Foxeaetc. ecin Thé mctrnat f rtcongctaon depot ofbtise S t. au rLiondgt0Jske Leoandflie etiare iino! not~ Lakeindtlaiet irehnott - Wte,or Ileinoilesa, a ind t cisenr-11. teemile away. n a.4Hny l. Tsevnmly eali W aa lgats Thmpetonyof tie towlleying a etise danpletise w te troey!Uln aeh Tise a trolle oab e ad oerLtise danetroteycoad ed la tid wer ahd da, bldathend tselntp mae t ossi blat In m tortaedtoi er s os nt iisv taoveab motae ts batsusos therolliale sae wslisat cesieomh tisel wlndaka ler isie a ctie fbow otse ilsoa adis hoed bo thle baued oftise topo!atisendamheubots line.dt theiastootse mteinsida e. t watder.onteohr ieIt h wTie cnlieîn tts S.Fu e pTh aLnlgiaie St.ePaulrde- pts aiemL ongea i rie aid Lppi cth isk oteua taFox ai te nd hec a scurthanel ata InLakîe, analisea pumr cards. ti nsemidneantel ts'o miles long and i dractîy connects Foi andI Long Lake, sud tioeir ehalu o! mreeoits. It sîso maies possible connections 'ails Petite, orage, Marie. Katharine. Cisannel sud othar laies about tise Fox Lake district, Costing about $4.000, a bi11llaid b>' resort andi property ovuera o! tise dis trict, lhe canaîja Uirty feeI vide andI six fe deep, vlsh five test o! valeT lu il at prasaul. Il viii serve tW open Chicago railroad facilitiez as neyer b.- fore 10 motor boats on Loskg Laie antI ovar 300 on Fox Laie. in ad- dition to otiser 'types o! piesssiie Cs'afL Tise deptIs o! tis a snel lea ucieut te cary a fl!ty passenger boat. Dly establislng tieseoale dire« ata- er conuection s'iti tise cbain et laies. s'lcb tise St. Paul only serves, tise canal 'aIldo ava>' 'atis numberlesi hue antI coacis lises and open up tise resomt raglou. Iu addition te Ibis. over 1,000 acres of 'abat bas alsesys been swsamp landI. on whiIst lbas beau Iruposible even ta paeturpcstle,' lesnov dry as a boe and fit loai ploving. Tiese amp land la made Into arable landt. Yoder & Schwasrtz, Sitokie canal cortractors, aiio didtItlm s'on 10 ,con- neçt tise Isies. IKOTO)RNAN BU1IED Chas. Ohlinger May Loue feed vire nortiso!fZMon Cit>' Frida>' nigbt, b>' 'aiicis ail cars vers tietI up ou tisa Chicago &Mlwauskee alec,1 trie yseus for about tee houri, Mol- orman Chsarles Oblingr of hitgivod. la liabla b bm. se eilgisl et botS oies. The vire vau grensed lu maniapnp- inovu rAmne!, antI becanse tued tg oue o!flise ipls. Ùrmet epseai te lise train detImpScer for pov er e sent lu sud b. delegated Molcrman Charlesa Ohnger andI Conductor lier-1 haert Mead,. visme car aI flfdWUene yu staileduser Edisons court, le 'asti norlis sud repair Iths damag.. Baverai eura ye tallatI uar ~thse the building. sceue Of. tuc troubles, lbut t55dispat Tisa preseut structure lu siisied cher vas unabla 10 gain cousuunica- a lîttie norti aud s'est o! tisa village Ilan vils an>' e! tisein o! Wadswomth sud bas stood as a land The ts'o men proceeded btiste scene mark for men>' years. Il le claimed teo!oftise trouble snd found tise vire tisat se one o!tisae oldest CathIsoIic curcisa as groundad. TyIng s nope around in tise cont>, sud bas beau sisowing lis eand o! th iser, Motorman Oisling- the ravages o! turne for mnu>' ars. er attempted btismas' tise vice frin Tise nes' structure planned. le Otulise rack, but aucceeded bu landlns Il est ln tIse neigisborbood o! $10.000 on tise otiser rail oui>', snd waIll e a neat' but substantiel trumediatal>' s flash o! ligist riva- building. Tise ladiee o! tise cisurcis lug lise autromii lgiis fiasisesi p, sud bai-e plauned aL bezaar 10 be baitI at tise sames atruci Ohingar feullln the Wadsworth tisestaer part of Octoben, face. Ha vas compieteli blindet b>' at whlcis lime it le expected tisaI ai- tise suddennese sud brigisînas eftise most enosugis money 'aIlha ralsed 10 ligisI, antI bis eyais sud face ver sea,- stamt tise wurl. ed b>' tise eat. Tise churbu bas a membership o! Il vîi be inu>'eaus, aitUese am- about 120 familles, and drave its con- liest. isefore ha 'ail habIele t oper- gragaîlon from lise faurie and villages aIe a car, sud for a limafi vas feared for miles around. Ibal bis slgbt vouid naveTrelouru. Auction mai n otices puilised la It usai requins a cisort "camDaigu" tise tudapendent viii recisfur more, o! vaut edvertising..te Sd tise kîns readers tbaa su>'otier paper ln tise cf von yonre teceilsa for. But it court. Ws bave the circulation; ion vould requin a LO< cspalgu o! wil et tise business. su>' atier sort of "lo*iag!" A tan minute "itM-ggle" lu vrlling A ton minuI te nggIe, lu vrmtng a vaut aS-eInd YOuUU se11 UsI PrOP a vaut ad-sumd 'ottl tell tisaI prop- art>' as cure am-taxeai ert7Bsmamure as-txes , ATT9ORNEY PAUL XKAO- GUFFIN MENTIONRD FOR SENÂTOR CONTESTIN1 IOST OFFICE Dady vie e]rokway vu Ra*Afford Strong- mst Conteot Wlististe next cou»ty snd Iegilgss tîve district campalgu as yet 1» t«M dim and xlaty future, a streneoiýâ gamie cf poitîce l belusg playesi rigt . nos', and saine mlgisty pretty ngist... are lu procsect, whlle votera sel ika** sonse mlgisty iWrplexing proUis a4Y cisoice to solre betweeu aO> eqnaily well fitted for blCIpoLdes Tise candidates tisemmehg have some miglit>' iard wprk cet for tisei and are aiready 1i gatherings. fixing poitical teaàW' getting thier maciinery lu, a big. big litue tisaI will «'W« <~ ovariono eH eyn',Beosid l4 bago. Fei' Stite Songtol', Beaides Senator u'Ol , o WC stock, reprasenting lta d*élt,. s'bo 'ahi b. a eaudldatq for PPlW4 vils a flght on hm ab4sa, A4mp Foui mactiumit !L'tel tise badint attonue' tf 5he» an t t!hli, ditrict, la beliS "'M' -and qrgeil ta o Mfo«- stIe"014S la Willt*M $. Buloeidrtqs me Wasskegsu sud jut nov a ~~ (looand Bulleci, visa -visell e *unsn as tIutmsa ataut ~ lb. mun andI çeotessld lI>'el 'mylng tisat bc-paitisSi-wffl seinetbing te »Y>'*bel * " s lt vas toc eanty aÏs>Wq'. Man>' for SsPMassslelVO. Frrepetieutaie ames loess Usose o! Attorney, C. T. ]i<e>'st onse o! tisedeana of lt" aolisý and for Ivelva e «M gste% Xut*I Josepis Truand, cbOtiiug înO'aisuid Bglvidere sud EDavid Jsom#ngu e'L Tisere la&ne doux at, bu* 'alli b. oliersi but I1* la Att omney 'L K. hIpatua ià *Il- tise ising, as ho. la rlle polîtice, Alteorne>' WitiasuP. W.ialm 1 t Po"a ReinS J. lOad f!r etstm'î aMpiqx aud fis. 00155101 psbot5m% ta'lm hem. tva, .- Cîrouit I"n irl ualtJo le a s vwo tur circuit 0sk . »ro"t*~ g»inlg Jeba 1 the,. s, att tor Masu' >'arà cierk oet lb. seis boardsand s modd o*é tisb* S Ifmn for sous. yea r ftt eMrLsu. ConradiMm e. ir PWla. For coroner, Udva4 Lu Oou, as pervlgor o! tSis cit>' ansi, os. *1 moil popular îomig , mbpep lO "f ýarome lu poiteica l " t uis tout>, viii have Do 0gatieu jrOmner J. L. Taylor. asl terme, la ta retire IIwI sys, b. a candidate fe« lle"bsbeen au eroslbât tisa peoplea 'abertaàs' kean>' regretd. No e tuir ISsus Dec TyWUb'iva.iek c sud b. retlt" f rôa sOswt, tIrade more iliisia tia startesi la long mgo. Hoe isg 15 O~U atted te, sud eWOs vata praollce. sort con .(ifIl e oda ewL. sanoyanc of soo tI c cI

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