Wh~re re, w4s Ofthé.] the ail '~ Mefomt of. we Itwa~ 8 -pk ~vf.me~.WE Isok tef era'à"vey tetit we m4kc ltç,va ~<anof tis end er urselvC3 et théê "blg deal" prle. le rgia pr kif IWd nd b hé tract., wthin a ycar. niOr IL . $T..~. . A4JLacGU *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W W.eu ecIt~~e ic u4~~ alaÂJcUn .~ take you out to the Nouna Lake Bazin at any of th. ~fr~~It $tkd ~ 1t'va armyo< vii b.beup i asd te o mfttouws.lf. A teye*sworth eadiugýAxmut é, tpprtuniti(ý and itlie~iioà f the cèiunîtry li the, e0 toe Va11eýr, k~wnas*ie "Lak B.aix. mYekwù o uinty, môn- tana, twefre piles West of Bili1!gs, ouly seven miles froin Co1umbûs, oi the Northern Paeifie, R. R. A beautiful1 elimate.- Crop failures ntver known. (lovermneût reporta show* that Montana- produées the highest aàveeaée grain eropg ef any State iix t'hé-Uionu, iii both quai4 sud qqantity. The surface of the siuToLmlounntty lWvarîed, "n<th to g*mtly rolling farniland, &) ýenît plowaail. Mxansd 0ai t uegpeeially desirable- or,stco'k gra, mg, being iii heavilv eovered with Buffalo and . 3ue Joint eglass, themxostLnutritious;grasses knuvw wý Wlt4A The soi] of this region is the most phenomenaly fertile aU4jpreducti-ve in ,the world,-.easily cultieated, "d wuUl Maeemarvelousyjeld a u seror qu lty utWb.t . g tabln and Fruto, in tact about everythilng aidni a temperat<3 dimate; the soi1 la voleanin.aîh; which.-W rlc iniail the sou lugredients that prouxote plant growtla . No xnarah.or.swanpto beeed malaria and ilekues. rtéa~win-- ter8 are idffl and ziot severe. The chlno4> windsawoýep airer the valley during the winter moderating the texipe- ature. Climatk Conditio n - To'our mid the best method ot expressing what the climateot Yellowstorw coujnty la like la toreféer to itprs ent status as a fruit growing section.. At thèu v&îiouaà State Fairs axîd t tIW National Apple Show et 8pokaiie this section was awaroed raiîy first prizes for the imper- iority of its apples, snil fruit and berrnes.,Tixe8e p ut do net mature to the miaximumi of perfection lu seversehcl- mate. Dur lands. are .located -but seven to, tes milý froni aie et the best orcharding tracts in the county. Iu the daffs when cattiemen '-were the onlyý occpants 'ut thege br<ad acres their'lierd& and fleeks were 10f t.-t ro ansd forage for: theanselvesf throughout t e.ý ent'le eesd the h, en even neglected to put Up au wixter':ï" for si*tock;such a rnid wjnter clixuate thstiei 1on!), thrcughftbe agency.'of the voêw cea Utly sweep over the .Ikly and foi1, s 'hflin the winter Season .uiltig the, snow and exposing the grasses for days at a ùiin. The avêiage snowfult ini the Lake 13asin section of YelloçvtonetSIoity is ýut twènty inches during the entire winter, and et tno tm'.t~Such a depth of"Asnow as to interfere'wîth t *nIig or Isý it imipoesible for five stock to uneover the linge girA"o. Te prin nioùtb* are>4 uaIly wet and baekwrd; this ipensatedtor byitue 18*611and long d.ys of warinth and %aih *u it~>sfitW bé'arnd fall menthtt Vpl- Government reports -u~ that Montana produces the, highemt averAgs'gý"ta crops ô& any State ini t Union, in both quality and ,4iiýùtity-. Cornparaï iv~ l4s-6 f»rýIOgcouil "fr theo- erIMe LOXentco% OW, el bUsed, by the 'Secrtary of STÂTE Montafta..............180f Iowa 0 M $16,89 Kano"'a ......... 1$ 18.0 147 ff1'45 -79 Nebask....'... ý c ~5 1.50 78 Micbia.......... 1 b0 114.1.7-5 M à .30 10 ot......51,.L .... à e 1t411. 2106 -. r ' Z Y 'AN iL Topgjb 4AI a4 .With liere andter reek e r~tttn ltetw fm of a guilh. [t bas a'àeà in aiie~1f êIwtn iver of aplpSxiMnately Mx hnnd»ed feet. The are no :Ph*a 0.tretinsto ibi euanud ee6pbee cult~niv~a- tion; any n4 ai)k" daof fai= maeline4y b09 ip1y, with a reasonable aniourdtcef power, elther animal pr me about 9" 00 ent. The Lake Basin experiment a arn at &oêr~ gives the following record for 1907 and 1908. lee6l'4I kt at Billings for a period ot twelVe years are apbptM tly the sanie: Annual Mean Température .......... Nunibr Bai~ Da ....................... 0 Nuniber Cléar Days ....... ....... Nunibor (Iloudy and Partly Cloudy Days..... .... Plrevailing Direction ot Winds-south West. It will be obéeiZvWi the greateatrainfail ie -]isiiyp- ing the gro.wing-montbs weil into midsuinnier; wth prkct- Caly two liuudred and eighty-fiio 'dàkp of clear b~~er out of a total of three hundred an(1àity-fire any' anèery kindof piaui lite shoild>deyelop to 11 tio under ih*iý ecimatie coiitions. Trhe, fimportance of tr us rtattiew lu a neiwem. ir* second to no <ther fea.tnte in gi41beuto~ufrti bgi1ýfti*.The bouc senth eord sg xlyut4i#týt thé fânner, unleap iee get thein tq ç mar oqtI wi peeMit a good nmarg iw pofi ili #k$ ~u tinenta1l ne of rilwair on ti the OU 0**wsid dîmt Patk Oty on tlm-e inherPaeific Wtwýeve~t Rese nthe- BlUina No#hl0« 1%4~ Therei kWted a5e BiliB'aXtheioi t4 ç stecen#ty ral t) iet sugarbeets it wo*,, and the Y*~~êVa »Oy, i.ads& ~*~n quJity an~d produe66of. ut ur hêa soc vol BenaCrop FI~r at" IThls wc piüpse ,t. do, nd i o L ,YV ,ý, Dr. Frui a dantiat m N. Gu '0.ok coui blackmaii the local Paier roi: Prks h circies. ai baya' Sun a lader tion cm;n The Ch 'Frar *Waukega clames Il tsken i Omeiers c mail te b "For m letters b«n rit dren ln ad aoc of the athled frm 0 * arresti The ai *gellsatiol * Tho I many V, Io a SI of ('onr one of 1 The lI $300O an watched waa pre h. knev The ne was glv The i gtvenhI Parki se mad He tce b>' Baturdi wbere UaLted yb1'ote o ral gr Cook C Hm et 2 C Coemi Dr. by Dr. mondi report h. de " follow Atti Parlis ln reg Jus been whot Stook Parkc that cmo persc 4(bl" te