CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Sep 1911, p. 5

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IT~'FEPTEMBER 22, 1931. for the 64dance of theStan sô.m we, WilI Self Fcqoomgjars et *-75c Dozen Complete 0 q; irts, * 9c, Dozea Complete Z Qüarts, $10'25 Dozen Complete J.~ EL-RIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 f tIr.. W lIre e5*~ liges BIyOI ~f tb~ mu»'. 1911. but 51-3 i I i i O O i i O O I.. I.. :1 O If. le. I,~s. j', 'O e O O O O r, o o o o I. *0 O O o o o e 'e. LI S E RT Y VI L L E, 1IL LIN 0 1 r I Meredith Flower and Vege table Company. UIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LANDA PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE* WEEK To lmirwe jwbfatlon ln the Indepen- dent. efflInustb. ln the office no Inter hsin Tuesday of @*ch we.k.' Adver- Iserà; esp.clfsly. are aak.d ta takey partioular notlcs to fuis aff ect. 0 8Sia. rmad Wardsn Flod of the 8opreurê Lodgi. O O.0.F., vas Proett as tbc e muler meeting a! LibertyvUle Lodge No. 9M 8 lt Mauday nlght and rendeed sm .zcelient talk for thes good of the ordes'. TIre obWet of his vîit vas Iao érote enthnsiam andi inspire uew Charle W. Taylor.liCN Chaeries W. Taylor vas born st Hay- torvale, Devonshire, Englaird, October 17, 1854. Ilie boyboad day. Woe spetin Eugland. Ategasvnee hecarne tathls cauntry vhore Iro ni&& Iis homne with bie uneie, Stephen Taylor, at 8%,scyvulie, Iowa, nutil tIre Jear 1877. During *bis preld Ire atteuded thes Stacyvîlle publice chools and Isa.r tire Upper Iowa Universlty, as eli&a qualifylfue for the proleesion 01 tels- grapher. Followlng this Mr. Taylor and Clara 0. Triff. were United li Umise KUly A. Bush Ua @pouding thirl, Internet tu b ehal! a! add feilowahip. urarriage Decernher 2, 1885. iu 1887 -sait vltefng relative@ and friendd lu Evei7 Od« FOlololdge lu tIre tauntylire and Iis wite left 8tacyville ta make Cbica«a. was re*rOMet#d at the, meeting. Lakeiand, dionu. their home wbere hoe JamuOtaford a dagernglyIlias W luIntIre service ai tIrs C. M. & St. Jarue Saffod l daneroely II t Fliaving ltre lat re-gular meeting oi Paul railroad as telegrapher. IrIs Iorue!thleclty. Chicaga physiciens thre LIIrrtj'vifle tetr,'lait lodgg No. 588 lu 1891 'Mr. Taylor resigned bIis bl! a consulrtton Monday. Irld la tirsr hall lest Friday evenlng tire position lu arder ta taireIie family tu MWs Luella Palruetlsr ai Hur-boit members and bbeirfiacde were treateti Libertyvilie, where buo.iarued a partuer. ]Park, Chicaego, le vleoitiug with Framrk toaa ue mu»"a and lltunary entertaîn- #hip under tire naure ai Trigge & Taylo r, Nichoime sud famllv. nient, Misel i lics havis, MMesIrrlats which eontiuiued lu existence until 1904 The LiIrtVlle BRamb4ers play Wauke.'1 LOdgu ad Libertyvalle Male Quartette atwvIrtIrtiruehIe acehrfed tIre position SgatItIre ai' grounds Snnday at the rgndering several vocal selections Band a! csiler tar thre Firet National Bank MUSai me. Mrs. Knigbf reudering three readinge. a! Libertyville. lu1908 Mr.Tayli)r wae ThIe L&dWe Aid society o! tIre Presby- At tIre close o! tIre entertaluruent le appointed poitruaster, wbicb position -rearu and cake werer served. [t grieé bu beid in hounatal Ir death. terian ehurelà wull serve a New Eaglaud'j..itbour saying ttrat ai; Ireseut greatly Mi'. Tyo evsta mour Iis loue à dIunDonatthse chrerh Thursidas, Sept. >8, uujo>yai tise oecu5ioiiife aud tva o ns, Rase M. and Lloyd J., tram 5.80 tiIti 800 o'clack. Telurn)\,iii eep fmn Zdte aigpeee i Watcii for date and nature ai a home TeIuarsr', iarcptomay Ia agre trlIalgpeee l talent play tu bu glven iu tIre near cammnmtlans. geueraliy unuigned, lu 1907. There are aIea tht-et brotheras futureby Llbertyvilis liebekah Lodge No. Iitt.riy criflkilung village officiais, tIre to ara Portland, Ore., tIre otIrer lai doctore, sMd men lu anthorit-y because Jobanesburg, l:. Africa; aIea one ulster ai tIre emlurg uuchecked @pread of l'à Engiaud. Mr. andl Mr@. M. B. Colby are ependlng scarietfeveFmn thre village. Next Week, lu 1893 lie joluetitIre Methodiât saneie nl Michgan. It in ruruored vu wili publisir onu ai tIre communica- chut-ch durlng tIre pastorate ofi 11v. J. Mr. tliy cantiplates buyrug ruai tions pi'operly signed, lut wiii nat give B. MdacoulSu. Hure ire vas a consistent ensuie tiere. publicity tu those fillng tabeuar tIre 1nimer taking active intereet in chut-ch Warren W. Grumeitt, Who bas bot-n naueothe aitbor, Bowever, iu this vark tbereatter. He vas a meniber ai esOiyug a tva veeke vacation, seul connection,'ve Bay frankly it le urne tIre choir. reuineblsdutieeaassauewran for IMarobal wbatever blame te re ie, hoplaced wsebere hliîfe, bis habit@, Iis personality ?lem à (I. nex t veek. it belanga. TIree ro excuse for tbere jesan aimple record otcanscieutious- Il.-s. Clifford Smirth, vIra for the peit Liburtyvilie ufferîrat front an annual nes@,ai devation ta duty, o! e-rupulous sab manths Iras beera remidiug lu Chicago, @courge other villagcre and itioescape honeutY whicb In oulY reeorded 49l tboue returned ta Lîbertyville thre tare part ai witli isucoenliy. There in ometIring great souls Wbir are God-ieatiag and et bue week. radlcally wrong Irere, arid public senti- tIre same tîrue bave for humaulty lu vstned at over$800. ail tfwbch vas ruentis e leers Iu ite c-fleure. We bave lu generai and their !smiy lu paticular caneureti by tIre ames. It vas immmrd neyer lu aur expenlenci- bure encounitered a weath a! lave buyond expression. Ta for $285 lu thre .tllluru Mutual sncb urilverad reeentrinrt. Ont- obeer- bave kuoa uhlm vas tu have kuowu a Issurance tiorpan!. vatlon ile 1 &gre as tva vI r u- at g.od e-an,onue o! God'a chaicest gifle Frane E. Wire Iran accepteti the muan. le responsible. It a,. iune tIratwvas tu the world. A man vIroemuer Momrent aifa mine vitIr beadquaters detetruineti. purpose Iras rinso veli expruseed by ho envr, olo, atixpete a eove The Ubrary 'Comruittee, vitIr money Yrtoutttrm eut ourt ourne on ieesud Iis iacaly ta that rity la the near future. recoiveti frais nese subscriburs, bave lelace WUil McEuery, farthtrspast tbreyear a pnrresâd belioina nue books for The foc anee urcmeier. esuployeti as pricastathue offc, Iras the librarj, Md tbey are iv wreedy focr inbol' -otm* ' ila" face lu face bis osiion na tis Dae a 1h.autot- Wbeu t have cruue<i the bar. nusigued is oiinadaccepted a irculatlou; term fth u r-Funeral servicse vers beld from the aitnatnn In m areaproom f thea i.iiaesiUYtht u , C AREFUL. DRESSERS are Particular where the, S buy,aid that isas itshould be. We amto Carry thie Latest and Best in Everythig Meni wer, front aliove your bed to below your feet. If w. pisqse you tell your friend, if flot tell us. EVERYTHING FOR MEN Phone 14 J. B. MORSE« & COMPANY The First National Bank 0f Libertyvillo Nmxt Door ta The post Office Open Saturday E.vening rsedenein Park odaY, Sept. 17, at 2:80 p. ru., thre Bey. W. L. Wbhippie offliatiug. A large repreutatiou of the Masonie order were prmect and took part in the servie,, Bt thre grave. Thre shall-I-stay-here-or-go-tbere va- catloulst may b. able to Up the. acale, of decision by studylng tho .4s today. Don't Take It To A Bunglar; a ekilled'inachanle le wbat you want. Bring it hem if your automobile need repalring. We will repair itmsuthat it le as good as new. We guarantee our work. Our customers are ai ways satie- liud with aur work and with our prices Yyu wiii bu satisflvd il yau @end your work hure, beauee we do only good work. Wm. Laycock Co.' Libertyville, 111. PHONES-Rcsi<ince 126L SIrop 4324 Mauy a Man Owes His Success to the Building id a irnie becaume it lias eerved am an anchar and kept imminea erraiglit lie and arvay, posa- ibly, irue- the many 'get rich quir-I" scheures wlalch at-e so pientlful today and e hier eu atten uîea#. riches oniy for thesanoofh tongued promuturs therot. By lnveetirrg IN YOUR HOM TOW/Nyon are deaiing vitbvaluse and people vîtIr wham yau are acquainted-people who are lu- tet-ested n Syrrwelfaiu lie- cause Sour iieeffl means tIre euceee ut ofothere about you, and tIre mare enuceeseful ctizen@ a towu cari ioa8t of tIre btter place if will bu. Ail tIre lunîber we have in irur yards was purchased witIr the view oi glving aur enstamers honeet value, and wien Sou de. vide tu build ses vaut ta tell yu more about aur uruthodei. There le a gond demaud nov for muedium size bouse. et îusy, bave ans ready foîr fali sais. Sue us. Lubertyvile Lumber Co. PHONE 47 Down by tire Old Dupot. ~ W! WILL IOLD A SIG--FALI OPENING SALE AT BOTl STORES GRAND DISPLAY Of NEW FAIL AIND WIITER GOODS AND MANY SPECIAL BARGAV lIN DiffEREINT lLlNESâý WATCII !OR FURTI1r.R ANNOUNCEM W. W. CARROLL. & SONS C TWO STORES Buy a Homie and Stop Payig Rent W. .t ous-nemoatly psyments, »se M as eisgrom. seil lSobsona«»B paymnts eaI buprime end sadwmhet iâun Laasm mde atcorrect rates. Fîrst nsetgMe. liv " en ViDagceuwsud st.pmpertv. LifeÂAcientmk*adiP z f solicaed. Rsnfing anqd eeee. DYMOND & AUSM ' Phone 26 Office la Os 't a. Waukegast Daily Gazette. i re book: Audour, Mark-Claire; Beach, Thre Royal Noighbors wili attend tLe Pardners Boeber, Mies Gabbie, Ganît; (3urnec fair, Frlday efenlng, Sept. 2j). Day, Skipper and Skippod; Deland, Dr. TIre bus w lSve Bocklerans Blarber Lavendare Po9ple, Oid Chester Tale.; sliop ate6 olack sharp. Ail members Dillon, Mies LjUyington's Coupaknlon; anrd friende corlaily inuvlted. Eliott, Tex.s)Ne Bonnet; Faruol, Edwin L. 8berman, a distant relative' Broad Hlgl4w.y Fat-restet, Thune o! G. B. Scbanck 01 thira. ty died et Preston Twins; Gale, ltrlenlahip Village Palo. Park, Id., thé reort of this week. UIBe5, Potask>Me Wlnutter Barri#, Tb* e niais, W-or shpped bers and ln- Crcut lie i,.oauCamlera Larrd in Lakeelde cemetery Weneda'Fiend; Jewett, Countsy o! tIe Pointed Die.Iephaven; joirefon, Long Roll; TIre W. C. T. U. will meet ulir Mr*eetr rdglJdsKpig at Delta Follett u Tueday, Sept. 26. Con.. ragos; Lincosipl C iaker'e Oonveyancee WMil leve Irauk corner and Pflac ; Louke, Ul.r w o! Cleea electrie station at 2:00 P. Mr.Place;do ckdentury jof e Jak8pu Nrrrî WELC, ~ lIck. Prodigai; Lolt,1(atrd Fisheruan; Suudai eveang at about 10:15 o'clock Lut&, i>haebu Deanej.Mfebsl, John Skier. tIre bat-n on the C. C. O'Heorn faim eut Wood, Iroumaster, Uarrleh, Bob Hamp- of, Liberty ville burned ta tIre groad. tire ton of Placer, My 1,4dy af tIre South; canus beiug a mystery. In the barn w&ç Wemys, Peaple of Popliar; Wright, cousiderable bay, numeraue tuais, @e. Winniugof Barbara'Worth. which together witb the barn, were Tueeday a deal was cosummated wbereby John A. Johnson purcbased of Card of Tiimnks. Mm. E. S. WAarren ber fat-m aof81% acres We wsh ta ex tend aur elacure thanke two muksenorth-weet oi thia city. tre lta aur rnany fieude foe their gonerous consl4eration being$8,150 00. TIrhe' aissitance and brines. ta ne lu aur @ad was muade through tIre ruai estats ire- bereavernt aud ta thunes Who aeised of Dyruond & Austin. iu the sertvices, eepecially tIre Nfrle At tIre lest reunar meeting of tIre and for the ruany beauliui floral E. Ladies Aid society. Ireld at the bours aiteringe. o! Mise Elle Parker luot Tuesday &flot-- Mi.C- W. TAYLOR ANti FAîIr ,%. Doon, the follawing oaicers were elected for tirhe suing year: Mrm. E. F. Knight, To the Publie preaident; Miss Ela Parker, vice It has [)oeil reParted tIret i arn presid ut; Mm. H. B. Eger, ftectetary; handliug tIre rrîlk tram a bord ofi roue Mra. 1). A. Yoang. treamurer. ta aele. adme.Inaar Levi Whitney, fur years a reideut oi say that i1aur flot now an neyer have this city but a! late years residiug wi th Irandled eny sudli mllk, but arc securrrug hie daughter,.Mme. Fraiub Millet-,linruy rnrlk frai rmlaer@ ubu are wrlliog Chicago, died at that placeý this week 1ta have thein plac e pected at any Tuesda.v. The ronmains %verer shipped ta time ly the prope' anthar itioas Libertyville Thureday andi interred lu J 1). SCRELL, Milk Dealer. tIre famiiv latina Lakeoide cemetery. c-52-1. Little Red Ridinar Hood an operetta lu si% acte, wili bu premeeted by loual talent Office workur earyalns e under the auspicre oftIre Ladies Cemetery ,er laes Association et tIre Liburtyville town hall cure their posîtio ne through advurtis- Tbu-aday and Frlday evening, Sept. 28 le dune, Most always, in a 'business sed e. under the direction of Mrs. Ailes way." Baker Maure. Plan to attend and Irya dolngbelp a gand cause. Roserved 5eats R.ed Comb scratch food beut for boens store for Tbnrsday night and for Friday cheaper than aur *CMD. 8018 onlv y aight ai Docker& Bondsa. LIBERTYvILLE LUroexa Ca. -f-tf MONEY ORDEMS I Our BANKERS' MON!Y ORIQgRS arej the most Convenient, SAFEST and C"IÈAPrST means of sending Money through the mail. Calil alld ask about them. I E .4 4 E 4 .4 E 4 E i WaU need lie PHOTOS taken - now the warm weather is Iere Bath large and *mailiixes of *PHOTOS ws can show you St Low pries. PICTtJRE FRAXES Ws have just receiveci a new lin. of pîcture frame mauldlngs and can frame yaur pîctures on short BESWCK' STDIO LIBETYVILLE ___'g' - s- NDENT. Fir. 1 " The growth of this bank is the bout, evidence that its policy and niethodi are bm accord with the demanda of presept day, business needs. The farmer, merchant or inveutor'ý seeking miodern banking connections, will find' tis batik as lbeal in its dealings as is consistent with sound banking. W. are at ail tues prepareci ta dimsi your requirentests With you and invite consulta- tion. LA1KE COU NTY NATIONAIL BANK Mw 1 o e wgow heee à Ba ne 'e sven tune, wlbc Mli dmueradcbeur I' lesd"on asgO Owt ' but" j ou <u OdM to e Schgaebee& het RqsiLra"& hsuu.bne~ If Your ClickesU~t FiED TB.ZM ON GROUND; GIRECN -BOS 9-GIRO0U ND lF'RE8CH CVBRY DÂY COMMENON Monday Octobcr 2 AND COP41TINUING TIIROGOT rtIIf werk -ýi -1

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