CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Sep 1911, p. 10

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VUe)1~0< W TERY IN CASFÏ_______ (Fromn WednesdLY's SUN.) BULLETIN <Prom Wedunday'm SUN.) STATEMENT PROM THE MOSPi- TAL OF THE COOK COUNITY JAIL YHIltS FTERNOON - l8 TIIAT DR. FAMNCIS E. PARKE WHEN TAKEN THERE WAS 'CHUCK FULL OF HOP," MZANINO I4VPOSERMIC IN- IBOTION8 OF SON! DRU0, ANS0 WAS IN A STATE 0F CQLLAPSF FRCAMTH 1E DRUGS WHICM 1HE MAD 'ZKSI. bg 18 NOW IN AN IMPUQV. UCONI>ITION BUT MAS MADE NÔ STAIEýt NT. IT IS REPOftRTES TI4AT.ATTORUEY JAMES WELCM vtWiTED Hlm TODAy. HE HAS MlAO NO OTHER visiToRts. *~10 Uit8TIONEO AS TO WHZ, 11¶ký fRKE MAS ATTEMPTF.V ~1RtP!rR WAS TOLD THAT Hé AS NOT. HE MAS MAS NO WCiIMIN visi-otOs AT ALL, TlHus FAR. New rystery was ljectedino theb affaire or Dr. Francia Parke. dentist. accused of wrltlflg a defamltory Ietý ter la reard to itrs. Conrad Hol Ïtàlit and W. J. Smith today when tu~ ffiJI ecavod an anonymous lettenr1 Wb" e wi.'riter ruahed ta the de fieîNMo! Dr. Parke. JO)utents o! the letter are lucoher- oetad sucb as to mak-e its u-e irîos- .151.. beingin oulSDe parts vithott MMIOilowg la9<the vay the ltter Wltlon a~wst etrui*d tablai .gPt, -bath aides. ýjWWlnla Lake Bluff potofice 4aSWIP0denvelape but ksring ltb aIl the. MY through art ~I1, î h' itead o written, fnet tu a i r, z London, Sept. 27.-The aeropiane ýmail s&rvice beween London and Wndsor bas proved a uceese. Avis- tar BaCiel carried 100,Q00 postal cards mmuw ---- J on his firt trip, on whlch he landed on the. greunde of Windsor catl. à- bicycle messeuger took the package o! mit rom the. mooplan, and carried Il to the Windsor postoMfce. ~*Y~i0.fuses lu the letter to tell what he cas e wth the SUN la hapeless. l*tter la uneigned. oneova The. vyter o the. letter claims te "Mun lacru, bt apllig Te SN mkes im hisoffr- bave Inslde knowledge or tthe enlie -là oeng i. end , utainla TeSNmkstmtsoe: Park. affaîr, but contenta bimael! witii *Wooo euly, whlch ana> b. of a Cali ýat the. SUN office ln por- scorlng the. SUN fer its neya tonies non and toit your *tory, wh.n the of tbe case vuit eveaing viiere MI uvowatIpek"dcre SUN wili tcy ta verify it and If the faut la. Tii. SUN lu vi4ing te Il *o aba t 1 sp(ek erct,,t. verfIcatlon in possibe wiliiprint give the. vrIter à square dealif ho USi*) omIy a hat you tbiuk. It y t vîli corne hall, ay. WM« N uwW."\ 'if you are araid te ca;ilait the What Physician Baye. 'ibe uqkuovn vnter,- who la bc- SUN office, toiephon City Editor, Tih. Wankegau proféss1onal mustu »~< te be a pjossible meadento SUN, nt 1 or 2, Waukegan, any wbo repcesented Park. as a pbyelciszi MglUit. th of which tomj time durilig the, day or 1994 any stateil yeterday te a SUN reporter, J& .*etblit .raaed vut a k,.!!. rom tîme aliter 6 o'clock ln th even- on condition bis naine bo omttted, due, $'0e 1VolpO fm e a te have a gradgé Iiig, and tell your &tory. to a desire flot to be connected vit>.. >ibli ietaix, Waukeganteu the _f deir. t lai way, -your the case ln any ver. that bholad rnu à"i refers te a tbid party ln the dovit every stor>' that bas beau gomsip- identlty will b. held sacrodiy con- ~ bu b iyiicnelo w * l fiential, but unisas you make pdaotteet ncneto il Uscre ti, edeons. of Parke, yo,r..if known ln *orne w,>' and Parke, and t» bis alloseqdWaredit, 4 izla ,817 b ,Iut ne- çan ortfy your atatam.nts, aour and !ound evenr eue of thom baselesa ~ a ipiJ >' Y as fac as be could determine. ne. placed lu his lassilfimtign: St6rlea of allegod mitnatiiiSit t of boy*, proof of which ho aid 50ME NEW ADDITIONS he couid neverlaes The tory that he invitei TO OUIR churcb boy ta Viit the. Chcago levee. The .tory that Parke had a I1~v ' r~r~ Ls lonthacane ditease. il S o ckThe, stor>'that Park. was an ai- laed degnerat. iB g h ~ .He etated flat-otedly thathodc K80ar nders for neotbelleve -ly o! liese yarns, and 4% Victimt ef goeslp. NHe stated thât SWater j«j tS for !Park. la In ne vay physicaily a.-weak- Men a keos bing, but a trong man, and tliat tih* Mec a~Boys.oriy posible trouble witb hum ai ait la perbops a certain confusion of mImd Winter IJndenear. net lnsanlîy but au eacentrcîîy of! mind. He does not beloeve the, boy SweI ICW BISaffl i chargeasaganat Psrke at ail, b. sayo.. Boys BMats, 50C to fie madie no comment on the black- $1 .J0. maling latten part of the cae at ail, assaertlng that lie knows notbîng about Sereil Auto Caps, $1.00 it. Ma" qRefuaed Couiîne. Ma eqw patteras la Whetber it has any bearlng wbat- S150O S9u 1 t s and ver on th case or not, a loa dru- Overcoats. giet the, other day refutdil 10soit e- caine to Dr. Park. and ssonts that The heet 8iMe eflge b. ond tbat Parke, b>'bisi own ad-. you.e#cfr saW $15.00. mission, wau not a gradnats dentilt. Pai'ke aemandeii cecitie Aret onh: A new Uine of Manhat- ,enponsbllty, then on a precnlp teu 1.50* and $Z.00 tien allegedti t bave been faultil>' Shirs, mode out ,ad vas refauseuhocbtime. 0 M e neW $.00 le sald that ho could and výouid gel SomeceW 3.Othîe drug at other.placea. Sicratch Mats. Yesterday a waman In evideut an- xletyaked tbe lcâtion of th offie. - ~ .aa... of Attorney Welcb, and <bore la W~ 1 "4 UIU and Overcoats bOUght t this sIim dlue that ah. may poaibi>' bovq k pçeésed and kept in sha0e 'for one beea eeektng Wicb, Parks'î ttoi- >F8 of charge. ney, lu cennïectlon lîb <ie affair. Generai public sentiment la des«, Yêu wlâ ied litPays to trade at tlils store. aW.nât Parke, alttougii man>' sageet nov tbat the>' plty bis dIJ1icu1ty. <t - . . .l# net belieled that lie viii ever cameý -bock ta Waui<egan ta romain. Noa mn has avec gaineê ditnt. ibqmuse o! th.e eizeenço.o! liIs uv- I0l17. ress a n d imona iWuolttsheuveiy flaece on o4p side, 27 -,,Îuches,,big, range of new floral apà Persian patltecp,. aâso dots and etripes, tard. 'vs mniae of the fns niercerized t li r e a d, finnly woven, fuit as- 8ýrtmeîut of fashion- glIe shadinRs. eolora that ill stand the sun, per Yard ......... meisla at Sc 10 pieces of fuîll bleaelied muislii, 36 luches w.ide, firm hea- vy thread, a quality that is unbeatable at L61/.,, speciai price for this week 5c at, yard........ 5 ik X t St SDqi"i Iilaa i. t beI Vom» ha. bplirta10 Ve.uISAu1 Stité 1 ai WIlnioll.a"d U vàlhaby -thé, ruest ta.0* vtkg.tlât.n.a aura&eguiU tizs n. ànlh taailui ya FI w 61 veniuatUy ddist r itiere ame tWo reilue Mum along I1i~0&105sI.Iaitxi0etraluXl 5À 4pu$gvté greateram r o! <*s It la Dely petdof heavy work thatj W~ US O1*~ ~< tgpaot efW Wbeoiti to avvear. tJit ie bVe~ ~ ~ ai iet ataof grâai1e or oçcr0ie tuil. Sibediters jai~ ~ but oM ribber end ahollilb. treat oom bd wii aoordlngly.- .tarttl* oit the lIcllr trip wllaa ï'q uOB*JODJ ofifuffIci, t ia-s the 1 ii.bIôw4wt .sprtai.tte t tbAit tiOâ *94 itire 0Ver*ad18 194 orug tfres uwb > as a be ii i tl -,air ly 4IacV...4 li t4e "»'of 'eBibea- ~p"irigs 3*baloýuteIy,_ porreot,,.auf dOW M' utee te Imotoniitsby th. o~Ucq0 t lt eîqîO'-p vrai bMkhaeltn Tire Companiy of MliItown, twdm <i*nladed <ay dis- i&« New Jersey. Ï,t le Uttre. #trenobi.- Tb&t et.p- q4tU aps, with the . .bc tof eta ew P=rxo fb *lt mr F ti«,~Mneýte irtday of the Bé <11 ÜIsodO bats. a ti ,U Ut ~ WOO ~ tire's imrvlcQ..It,»dJeen çcoipp.ej dto terahtng préue ffle o lse1 M u@#.i carry 1au qvenwiigbt o! hSut ffl 0 Ofl&ouit ive bituali.Elies. Tt viii bbe two iuulni >.~ ~ <.<,~>madhe hi eontructinî iia c*n. <Prom Wedneeday'a SIUN.) tobna ýou 4»AiIPUC.U anhtd meat o rs.%batê1~enanrrq ablyb"iýljaiýocintlying4fl ms , g. wlch cuti.. Harrngton otad The. finit tlaag a drdà eai", is Wb" tbtle.wtii the.oceau, aud fixlnt as"rm, mne of hl& tires 'blots out la te look, The. faut that there was no overlomd 1 t e#hat th&. eut 0..ia. Itandsoniîe gray ix- tires, stripe and check effeets with a ricli viLvet finish, a heavv eloth and esp- cialky désirable for petticoats, 8 p e e i ai1 pri(e, pe.r 19c yard ......... -QSaâ It rnay seem a littie early. in the scason for sucli a renlarkable suit andà coat sale, but wc told you some days bacj< that you could look for the unîusîîal in this departient. We purchascd these garmnents for the exprefs ipur- pose of giving them to you at a liheral price saviug, and here thev are; al beautifully tailorcd garnients of handorne durable inaterials, miade iu the mucst popular fashions. Vji ILfSi, Made'of ail w ool serge .of s pl1en d id quality, black and navy, coat 28 jnches long, plain tailor- ed and lin.ed with good satin; skirt lias panel Ilack and front, sale >Price $1000 T4ey± art bwuties ini ap- Tb4earanI-e anda worth at. 1leaat 1-3 miore than this prie - 54 in<4ies in- lengtlî, mîade of all wool 'gorge in black ani navy, alsi> novelties, M'aiv I iii- ed, sale pric $I.dO ïim Serdt DNOSs-at A férorthy Price One of thc prettiest styles that wç 've seen this fali, rua"k of an. ex- cellent uality çf ail wool sarge in black and colors wth c niixtio'ii trinnnings, high waist eMeet, with ilk girdie, ltrge ilk' collar, renigrkable argaîu 0'çF Rouge Deaset 98e - Made with ample full- ,ness3 of heavy quatity ,perc~ale in pleasing pat- terns, higli coilar ýand long siceves, speciai offer . .. 98C 12 Gbt OWna - wo- me'St niglit g ow n P, large and roonîy, muade of striped outing tian- nel of heavy quaiity, ex- cellent val- ues at ......... 6 Ohldren'a Dresses - Smnart fail styles thiat, lady; well madie of at- tractiv.e gighams, andi per<'ales, ages 6 lýo 14 at ... 9% Spdc~i iaOu Gêeater Shoe Secâm- Women's Shooo-Oimaily these sl iurtai for $250 as hev are made frôum the mQst de dabIc alnd trustvorthy grades of 1 It'~~~~~ tt era~ osesteir sty le. corene gun-metal, pat- ent an~~~~~~'d iei-kidleathers, ail sizes, pair............. Boys' Shoas - Button and blucherî styles, inade of satini caîf leather anud guiaranteed solid throughout, sizes 1. to 51/. at.$1,5O; sizes 8y2A ½à to 131/2 at.................. L 4 inchitaffeta silk' r-ibbon wit$an ex-, celleîît finish, cornes in budwite au&à a futit range of coi- ors, 15C quai- iy at., fal sl&les Wividà-kid ai bQx caifle- th(es, lace aud button, good dumabi itialities, sizes 12 to 2 at $l.25; sizes 5 to 11/ at....... 3 yards Iongemre in ail dèsirti P ý la at ..... luches wide, 8,cr at, ard. 5ç î . âme 1 me . t 1 4iêxe¶à~ ~N id~4 cbf S.i I laie r.il7 f«rn 407 <o be ram wonm»,bàa h.MI1fr.quently Ida, u S,teai"0'otb voifeni themn jury dutj.-NoewToril Timn. 4. HEI + BE' Reno s mgrried malned returne him foi Petit, Il iiflth ne o O Probi Wife N stay ln vU. N( Protil York, v thae e againRt wbich M lcOrat Probl lug wil Prob 1>' viti )4S. I Prob vay-2 »tY p If we tien, ( potty e, you' I"dKb OMM *SaiEtngl 0< tus c to tbre. U.hed fr cents lu of the. r "ttot. Il colector qery DE ayesrao gazins. M any than ha homes, dOwn te the first ho claIr. tomber No on ed, has. rîne. as To or the 36 c admittec ney i ag he and nee Severi up wlth and src ters. ex had Dot vas flot

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