CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Sep 1911, p. 3

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29. 1911. e: ~ ~ .Ll~*of lava., btte TI» âftMoooWIenterae ite J .lItàm*fli iWsad. eeowlle0a joryPbeo» lie WM&penrÀsoodp Mis~~i~ rnghlat hi*Iqlei~lelqr*s. C. hen '~~~~~~â Albesbat êIa InPrt Ma. te mm rlaoe iaI. bet sirbhou '.ta lm oi, "s lle *> M. h" 'M. WL. Mmla Mu*nk BofMilibud r. byrorabmi!l'à@ mmupJwl or aeLl g reip.eS l be bo UWWW f~e areda.t ttn Tb Milseoe N WDAW slentetaWinUa isry hasitise vas aI "t. A oet pr.qdefl v. vseader Tralto'vt as marisd et ILdaL bt. 24 . NI.. Fornla Dtn'y mlb to e oe lorir omp. ToIs iai. Ollo lal Mr.bodse.aseDaOadre Thoer amded tslb 'vstn. KY". wh. ce ows> forlda coddl*a& 10 . 'ec O mnulyaioae O"grath baloet st.0Ssag ileit eessdaWml ta atn ew ol brnagulafi 14W E Baret.t. 5. Coaeael oenaoouas4 edmalter a lb eur lvessilom one cman 01 n Srie SuWibrand brouet heoua )epusasd Lux spet Sadayar' tlir. l lien,svhdoetldr 1.1 i ilsir oue loMtoa Juote Wl.. ineueao tiei h N.PNET h ~r.wDte t e el am tcirula i o ln formeprllooelsd"we Tou:A Grmt. J. aiishort Yoaugt Thefaasrl Dogo" @octl theIi. MyE wbuleh wm aboiS letPtaya 0 'l Elt. P aulknee wiynve ot tx)hi Scbfa ool oee gî Wdoda ie Tii-re bas ena eev.ral ràbidd lgm ln tbig setion andS evernl bead i frattie liave benkilled &@as & ruit bitten by thein. RUSSEL The..Ladies Ai& solet>' ciii nit on Tiiursday moralag. Oct. 5, witii irg. A. C. Cornie. A cordial Invitation i ex teud- e to ail intere-ted. M re. Melville, Alvin aand M.ay 0f Kenosba, epentsudaiat Will melvillen@. lira. VonOyeti of Chicago, spent Sun. aay vitli My rtle torrls. randma Mlevlleiqutapoorly. Hër sou and vile from Wesi Alite, pent Sun- day wltis ber. R. B. Lewina calisS on bit father, Dr. loAvA, on Tblu'da>'. I RUSSCLL Lilifber Yard Forn Fgures on BUILDING NtATERIAL Miy pricoe ane nght and grades gond. Wbtiser you bu>' or Dot gel My figuese. nu, lm %tiu Welm fa DesPim H, c mblmd be Ut.L.M 4 Jovis l aentsMl Lilm #l kvUI I 1 of Va ese tly iwI4 U.* ompi a.wue6le qfllaljq dorer E r«nbi.. Dm sud.,Jouté m d- les Ou 11f; onw. a biag lre Cha. lfls fS.syve latteae Yraymond durlug ber jUSi.. M ia.Wi Obomle entertalolag thoir lrli mesB. A. Blank of De@[-lalns., 10'4 i.,Wst. ok- Arthur Prout and fred.,J. C. Glilman &%d 8. IP*yue., metoeS froiCheffo Uay aMdretaoSd tbe nexi dae. Mmre Cbarlty R Eaugýva a guest 0f Graylake frians1"aitweek. 6». Boovali. a, a 0bIeawo c thé laé of the wus. Rodoli& Gu(164116 sub6" toscbleam blo#W la X& larowaa autowbsm bb dle 8»&Wa. gerbai tWatboIu osa.. tory U~uruiai., e leb..Ta*tejr.Wet to a bosollaila Chicago lManiay wbers h. eut Mms.Loui. secM 0ofLIb.TIJTIIleMW Mr. asdMms.@tout af Lake Bluff. ejtn Suadal s an eak Ilara. zB ia îrIdlespending a week ai A. ài. *bt.@. Mabal Forton of Chlcago, wa. a 90s-t at dam lItweiWer'. home Su.Say. Waller White muS vilesuad Frank M.ekeral of RoundSLake, attendeS tb. Elkboru far VulSay. WiliI foslmg made A business trip to Olesgo TuesdY. idartin Tbalen Cae a Chicago viitor Sund&Y. Frank Rlly spet Bund*y In Lberty- vile. j Clara Koome an alec., Manjie Kocoe, of Wlntka, fil., spent Suaday at Peter Elary's. YORK HOUSE li ru, o. pauidîag vilted la Chiago tise latter part aiflbhe.ek.- Tisere vas 1no service ber. Su ady a. Il Wa. qnarteniy metiug at North prairie. Our peton, 1ev. S. W. Stabl, vili preacit hie, farewell sermon next 8undav. We Wini ail miss lm rsutiv. Mise Editb Itya e'spending a vsek witbhber aunt, Mire. Edd. Clark, at Frank ButterfielS of Uibertyville.c@peut lbe week wlub hi@ uncle, David Adams. Mir@.Omar Carmeno Béociety va. cel attend.d. Nira. Augusta Crman and lire. Ornce Coil@ are vîsitiug ber. Mies Angusta Adams and Mise Alle iugise.epeut a day la Chicago lnsu wi-ek. John Johnson of Gryei4i-, clied ou frinne rs inday. Frank Brook'@ sister, Idilie, froua- Kenomba, and lire. Edgar Brook@ 'roua Zion Citi, vlsiled hlmn this e i. C. (C. Nonne anSdlIre Carrie Levisori ef Chlcugo, and LeRo>' Alcoci 0i Rugceil, visited ut 10. W. Weleâ', lut week. 1 lin, anSdlins. Biot Bacon @eat lion. day la C4cago. , MesCuamings of ltuà..ine, epent Son- da>'ait J. L. Burria'. Ir, rt <,tf t lie ,atu-t.î a t ttbai l? Il so, wby not hit ne priaI Sour bilil»! YeTon kovithe'prIe.. of tbe but. tnclude a notice tu lie INEoPeaoxmv th ppr wltthIe iargieuclatigu la norhhera lilnois. Beidee we GIARAN- TEpollfation. INDEPENDENT "Want Ade" blng resuite. 25 conte an Insertlon sand you reach 80SM readene R, 1d Camb layiag Sens t SolS oui>' hy Oneor ft t'et ioda>' OP A HONM Ad. >liel liaâh the Sest for uhaie. egsa btter Siavor. YSLKtýDE-PMTMENT Orgisknbo for Job Work Adverolm f nApictc Mr md Ibm ÀIShako are the guetae of IL 1. birIt M4 fanly setHane Claa i..aiWwukogaa, vas a Sm as seUry Iubhker home thisl M1r. m00lis.M rpao&L'btcaeo. were gu.S*I4 lia. o Ib ja*Àksat Gags Cbae.'-'&la AfanîUy', Who baiva"bun 4 mlcgsver weeks on tboir farm, -rt49W dto Ibeir home lu Chéfl go sdag., 11»a «Peskut and George Fralzer reud geeuret from a tllebin trip la borthu wbins»In.' UaW UlbedavisiteS relative@ and frwqssin Lo.s VOISlaMonday. Georp ell3sieaud transacted buelnes tu Cwimr uaday. Frmlk 9P0ralofnislconsin, le spead. lng a eays wtb hie nephew. George Nfr. X'st amu fainlly are movng inta tba*aIsb«rs 1".Henry Edwarda store. Vvýub Lawsons recently sold hie cottgs on thée lake front to a Chcago lbM Ivais and Aldah Lotus anS $rap Waters vIsited at Waukegaa K.a ire. Chester Alleu and Evrett lààhausdalnof arass Lake, speut .u*ýIw 1 spâwttLb1r. and 1fr.. C. Allen. *Wy arusrouts for <Jilfria. Mdo«,mlea t specteS home tis weg fru xstesPark, Colorado, chêeeb. bue buta the»& KLmr. e etob rourued ta bar boue, Oàw Cllqs1& venlng alter spend. la# lb esÎiclIbber st.ters, lirI. Go"lien dOW Turner. Mfr. aMo Wp-Y.Turner ai Aalloo. apealosÏ* ehbp wcl t lier da«gisere, Mie. Guidas fié. iesTurner. . JE *Bi£ler anS ea, Migul ai~ ,~esNor& Jilaler aeê Uàt~~M ~ei tlt gautay fer Yobm I& tu Mrali. Bixl.r'a auto. Tbay muds -t» Irip intwo deys& 1r. Blaler a4mui ul are remaiaing for tbo week. Mis e lir and Miss Wbeelsr retnrnlnag Muimili b>'rail. SProS. C. la. Uacciltand transacted bualaseu t hMffl Saturda>'. Jedge Pi*, trmescted bueineteslu Chîcugo Weâmeefy. Fraisi V&ùgierark and qiter fram Dakots bave been riitng irienda in erayalake md #elnty. lire. Chas.Iaple baa been staying vush ber Zesui4 ire. Raymoud at Volo tise pest «0*,v11. hma been quite 111. Ire. IK 14ë pb- attendeS the fuer4j oi ber fugienj t Wudworth Inet Fridmy. lin, and lUn. SDt.anS iamli epeut Bfauziay anS 80.45, ut Keuoeha. Tise vMy jl il% 10tationar>' usa ur clme>' laiW box pape aust 80ea box. prune.DMaftCe. atone. ldis. flB*gï êWst aeeral days wth Ciise hs Ibweek. Tbeie Mns »atbîentertained a irl frieuS. <os - *##Mot Manda>', cho t. mWubg Ob ton de Uniiý-d Bates citis Ob «-mist owia.__ FOX LAIS C.- M&rbis trauteS bnsln.ent mBlesuad FriSa>'.1 MMs. l priug 01 Ltbertyvîlle, @peut seonple 0<Sa» lth relatives bore tht. Among thoos who attendeS thu. Mlk- borie fair from hmbore i: Mr. anSdUns. and Mmfr..Fak Marvin, Ur. and Mmr. C. lorrilL i" l Ariette Marrill. J. G. Brows, 1Mr. (iruslsr. Red Jobnnett, J. Larsn Jr., ad Mm.Et. W. Kitchon. Ufr. aad lira. Clarence bamen and ebuldren of Chicago, epeal Saturda>' and Banday visrelativeber.. P. Sevineit estertalaed relatives froin Obleagobvar Bandai. Mmn. 9. à. Stott returned fromn Chicago MoDa>. Dr. Bnddy retxaed to Chicago Sun- day alter spendtng a few monteluthia vlcaity. 0. Neyer and FI. W. Kltc4en tran- sacted busimnl Chicago Tassda. Umn. Barry DunnilI aai sou of l5EiLeary, are spedlog lbthesi vîltk U r@. F. Gerrelsea anS faunil>'. TOo LATIC FOR LAOT WEEK. Mr. and Mmr. John Balle>' returned home Prlday alter spnding six weeke at Atlantic Clt>', N. Y. Mm a.James Halpîn and ,daughter, Katbryn, wene .chicago vicitors salut- dar.f Mmr. Gue B-andtnerruturled ltaturday alter apending a lew dai cwith.-elatives in-Chicago. Be. SlIxm&i, bhd i. farwell ar- monliea u~4~ê.Tiser. wtl h. no ssrluee oie gla'.ThBounda>' s*er mua>' SêuO1ý . A. M. folowed b>' erle.ProedbbgaIt7:30 la tise sveu. Jing. AU corne. Inr.maSdMn. p, 8. Webb attended lb. weddlng a! Ihêgelc, Lncy Basiel tu IL Z. ÂsiSsp.Whlcis aiplamoal lb.e boote l hsfe1aCSgo. lin. Web roturned hbae. Ijeaugi>'hile Mn'. Webb prolongeS ber YWÏlwlth other relatives of the Ciy. Mies FiàoseKennedy vioIted har sister, lUn. EM Mlbura lhe latter part of lbé esi. The Wadeo insetetd la crganlîiug a cemtery eclutysi M reque@suod ýomet ut the churcb Ttoçiay. Gel. 8 et 2:80. Mfine Mande Wilson et Chieago, va. lbe gue.t of Mimé Cova Edwards IlAtI week. Mise ESCarda aocompanied her home Saturday. Mise Babara Ebert l pent Saturdmy and Sunda>' allie home ofiMmIra. ary Boy Ian. Tise LadIes Aid saelV lil meet wth MlU.eui"Pickles. 00eL.11, lh@ second Wedwedaî et the..mGAptit tuil e Zualnun vIsiteS lise Grace Tlllotson anS Mise Flormnc Kennd>' lest week. Ira Bnigas, wbo bas speltheieot year at D. B. Wehb'a. vent ta hie home at Kankak... for a ttvo wecké vacation. TAYLOR GROVE TÀlaffa ite X;an...ssess. - Co litre.. I. itchen apet Sunda>' unS a. rA."'-'wr-. u"'-o-- 0 lionday dIt relatives aI Librtyville. a'new Piano. Chas. Richarde of Antiocis, and IMises. Mise Stella Shea atten4dSthe quartely 0 Lilian anSdliai Spring o!fIlactu..,Wi., meeting ut North PraIrle fluday, b 'Visit4 reatives bers Bnnday., Mise Blanche Eddy lapeS ber echoola lins.E. B.,Scott, wbo underwent an ut wadsçvortb. oui- o.'iier papilie avi-gz operalloe ulthue German hoapitaliole earlel lever. re porteS a. doing a.asceii as possible. lr.P ' m- n osrtre lir@.(0. liorrili returned home Sunday bome Tueuday alter vie"Siui saule lime mter epeudiag a lew days cltb ber lu Wisconsin. parents au Wooster Lake. lire. Everi-it Lliy a»d augitter Ile . liorrilli vus a Grayelake vitor vîisiîng ber parentu.lbare.E Saturda>'.a lins@. C. Id. Spriug cent to Madieon John Duncan will have a saile Thurik- Wim., ta spund a lev Suys. day, Oct. 5.t . B. Scot cg a Chicago vieller DeunumReuBduon etertalad compan>' Tnesl~y.from Wankegcu ovorn vnay. H.L. Scot raueacted business ut The Ladies Aid eoc4ty cýlUmet with Chicago Weduesday. lin. B.A.Bien. They wU begin to ,ew Mn., ad lMns. Thatcher open t te irpI fIor uc lir. itmemiteeare requesteil oth eks Chicago. ta com, anS he. ý-AlilSopattou cilii aI ~ ~ ~ ~ b l.weahogladi>' accepteS. Jo.. Fscher returuM' - riSa>' alter WARREN eopeudlng Ivo wveskloa vapeai t the lire.A. M. Oven ol Nrwatk, 0h10, le Delle. RIO muni fri.ndu'he glad ta oee litlng at tbe Race home. hlm bock ou bis mail raMIs. 1. 1The 1i1tie daugîher aoflin, and lMr@. 0. It Ia reporteS there ;1 bta a frni-rs N. Vau wva. hurried Satunda>' lu the teiepboue lUne tbraugliberW Warren Coeter>'. She va. four montb h anbs - freet old'unS bd never bean welIlunber short fiTnhe inbs tlo ;étl ares i r l.- 1 -ln hersIs yLiciTaYVILLu Lumau 5,0f. The Warren Ci-met-r>' accolation wili 2-f moet di irs.:Allen, Wedesduy, Oct. ie bue places advurtod far The 1f. W. A. and R. N. A. bolS tuier vouuii maie TOUR I1[ND Annua fir liis ceni. E. nenapi.The u nues W, C. T. L. met wth Ama ____________ Rame on Monda>' and the foiiowing djuicaionNotte. supplies of depurtinet8 electeS: Ati Ijudicalan Noýt he. b-Narcaties, lMr@. Leach; Contesi, lino. tum 0 enni- te Este (,f Laie; Evangelistie, lire. Lake; Flower fSeeoscéSviiM lenu the County MUrrier, lir@. Wieldlcoml.s; Frunchise, ~~~~etke ,ùy.Mà e . hroiAima Rosi; liotierà meeting, lire. tî ngWhltmots, lims Lamb and Mr@. Mile M&Un;Prne anS Llberativee, Mary 5. fc~El.>, tasslmsatil lieai; R.IL conk, Rab>'etaif. GET YOUW5-$PRING AND -SUMMffl S1ITS MÂDE TO 'ORDER ~ ith. e W4leelgas to 1 » ' lewoàg,,D'euag and LWrn. Jahn~ ~ir~i DO YT1UGROW ALrALPAP 8tate FariuorS institutioct Wnts Yom' Name to ruea WANTED-Every fariner or land 0vaer, lu Illinois ebo bau bad experi. enc. La growlng alflia, aucoafufly or otierwcla ta tend bic name and P. O. auies ta Il. A. Mclteene, aecr.-, tarY. Ilis Fermer@' lastîtule, prin gftd, Ill. W. are beginning a campalgu for thse .ncon.ragrnet of alfalfa gractag la IlUlnois-lise trop tisai yul do more tisan auy otiser tovard imklng mon.>' plentlful la a community. W. vent tise name and poatoilice addreea o1 every persan lua Illinois «ho b"aÀ Il.d ta aueceed in growing, or visa lwh&tungrow lflf. W.. belleve vo can tncreaae cealt inluli-1 nais by maillons lu a few years-will yau belp us? We are preparlag data and direc- tion. for frisdistribution, visichis f caret ully folloveS. vllI make liaifa grovlng au sucoemsful lu Ililuais U It la elechere; ts value tu the 4eneral public la vell understood. A.sowon au thse name aftiiose vho are fionda are secured they cl ho listed by carabes anSddistricts. su!. a letter fram thseIlîlinois Fermer%" mdl- tute. Few icruers lnIlilinois know, anS a smaller nurnier are clllng tu admit, that mu a ato, ce are far behînfi smoineaithe less favared and poorer state la tise antan ln tbe matter af yelSsa per acre. 'It la true tise aggre- gate aiflise ferra crope ofIlîlinois amount ta mare than tisase af any Otbor citaie, but tise mgregate lc large onIy because oi tishe aiofthe state. ad the. large proportion ai thse land capable of caltlvatlan. Le«s of à Corn Ut. Th"saWe Thlnk. Caca Io the great ereal af Illinois muid for years tiese tate bas exceiled ail otisers la tisee mounaloai tii"crop ai gold" banveetod. Compered to nm rnethilb. talt taI ,are lée.favor- ed, me far a« sof and lImsat. are con- cerneS, wce SudncaeWmfor self con- gratulatlou. Wblle Illiois roduces 125 acres of corn 10tu«Cisacre grovu la' Connecticu.tithe latter state for tise pat ton ymsas bheenou gettlug 1% bumiele on tbe aMMesre that la luluole produces 1 iseel. Double ViolS un Pooner Selle. coca le nat tbe onu>' grain lancisîci ce are exolled tn yleld per acre, for la visoat productloV, lthraugb tItI- nota grave 130 acre. tu eyýerY On. la Maine, tise yild per acre lu Maine le mmlt double that ai tise Illinos field. Main.e alo praduces one adsix tentis bumbelsaof auts on the arne axeatisat Illinoia saimta Produce One buehel adcisen It cames ta tise production aofisay the. States or Con- nectîcat. Maine, Nec Yark, Nec Jer- sey and oven Dlaware produan au mach or mare tons pet acre tisa aOur boasted state of Illnois. Semail Potatoes' ln 'SpuS' ProdUCtioet Wbea ce compare the yleld per acre of potatoee la Illinolcislihs ta of the states we have alread>' mention- ed, ce fiad that out tate produces 3-5 as machs per acre au Connecticut, a-8 as mucit per acre as Maine anS a trille hec.e than three fourth asa heavy a ylelS as Nec York. linois Ahead ln Naturel teeoure.. tt la ucelees ta\ ack, la ther coilt bçtter thoan ours, or Sa tbey bave bet- ter toolls citis wiicb ta cors uit. Or uven Inquire whether thelr eaona are ucuali>' more favorable titan tisase ln the Misissippi Valley, ince ever>'- oneau> kowsth artculrs.ntbhn inuis f thmîng BteowStndrd Illmuctibo amitt 'elowtbutadard.- nois farmlng le bolovi etandard, or lu other wordc ce bave exerciceS our brains tee llttlu boecaumsof oun fertile, tractable.,oei. The ylelde obtainuS are cecurud dt ton ilttte tbaugist boih for thte preaunt and for tite fu- I uire. Thoughtiul Fermner. Aviake ta Their Busi ness. ý%t au> ai tise moct tbougbtfut farm- i-rs of Illuonostbose avlng tise keu- es t business acunen, have already sources and bave begun te cail atten- tion ta the ni-idu and posbllltleS Of Illinois oil and Illinois iarmlng. Il farniers ',ho recognlize the latent pos- nbltles- of btter coIlttreatment, bet- ter mehd ,o cultîvation, btter seed, and ail the otiter requlaltOm for lncreased ylds per acre than do the bankerfarmera of thse state. Farmer-Bankers Ovin and Contrai Muclu Land. The banteer-fariflOrs o'Éthe sat@t are "dlcectty responalble for thse farmIng or a million and a haIt acres of Illinois land." In a ciretlar r.- cently issued by the Bankera Associa- tion we read: "Thse great Etate Of Illinois bac grown rapldly nicis and woefuliy wateful; we have been spolled wlth an over rtCb soli, cblcb ls new crying for bettgr treatment; for the use of lmproved methoda tisat wtll hait itt deecilang iertitity and ~brlig greater ylelds; that wlll do tiIs tleccost; for every buabel aSSed t. the ielS uer acre le almost clear profit. National Profilgacy oi Natural Re- sources. The Agrlcullaral DePartment Oi tise United States ectimateo that ln the sh cort ifs oi aur nation, tisere are ai- ready aver 4,000i,000 acres a I lantisa' bas been nou dtrtoyed isy baS cuite. ed mentbhad and eroelm tisat Its us*- faIs se la gone forever. It aioea ea- Mates tbat more titan Sif1>'pet cent af il tise agrlcultural landÏ1 la culti- vatian bave already markedl>' detar- lorat-eoIln intrlnclc value fron tise Meu.cause, lna a najorit>' of cam cwe bave tkken everythlng tram, and noerneul aatbing ta, tise soi. It-ham beaun et.ted b> tise boit autisoittes tisaI tirepeople ai lb. UniteS States bave Diean more prollîgate la the..s- Icuian ai their natural reconrcts. mund eopecially oi tise fertillziag sis- mente la ties oi, their muet valuable materlal me thobmbave an>' people ai an>' tise. Danlel Websate once saiS: *'Let um neyer forget thâtaIe us.cltivation ai the. sali la tisep. uSosl imprt"tl-labar cf man," anS ut t. qulle certain tiset praper education for tis labar in vital. Vocational Edocatlon« a Noessty. Vocationat educaton la one ai tbe crylug needs la ageucuneailues lu the country, la Induttlail ime. ln tise cît>', and lu tise borne eonosUlcelu botis. Progressive forelgu couiria MPIY pravîde for aIl tis and tise vruq boy when be reacbeq lbe point che be misat begla to bo a bria viaer. la prepared for his cark, ItiltenS of havlng boen neglected b>' tie «Utt mund alloced ta flloc tise Mue. of tuait reelsance. drfut gtralC hcsap manisoodad ta mauy Istance, mbt undechable citlsenehlp." . Wisen tise keeneat and moot atit business men af the state tara front thier regniar busineas u lu 4 e ar tIm, and attention ta tise. En.ibon ai tise. prableras, au tisa> ÏII st tise ,meeting af the IllnoisBakers As- sociatIon aon Octaber IL le t. Ilno Ume far aiu citisena baâvlag tise celfaro af Illinois mi iseart W sentausi>'0«- aider the way% nmui Indag, thelr aWeltanôe Io advaneRMuf&Î-9aa eUli lIes? Ilflnois The. Kaystone t te. b-e ave beAof the e KOytolà Stef eirller daim, DII b. ec, théa reet, and chat ature Ilneffto bW te Kayelon. Statis, aeohli Snsnclally, colimorcli>" loulnalurtu..l anid market wcl I INOIB.' NEW SUITE FIL»O. Anna L. Pilli#e vs. John Unger, bill ta, foreclame. william Salmnon va. McPiseMxaz Bro-. thsers, trempais. italpi Cittenden vs. 9aMsPierné, bill to fareclose. ýClty ofciilghland Park vu. PillP Goldbeng, action for solUang Iquor. .Wler.the 8Blind Nil. roe. Bind people are nov peguIlfeS ride ire. onm the strent Cami. ai Oi, goc. Scola Thée local tleva. e1 cil bas dlslrlbuted eauplceut jm tokows amont tis arnketalt, 1* for aidina lb. blai. mad at1i~ car ticket la ci ves lu xla 1le a token la praieted by a NIa dendring a iren rido-Pýopuar liO chiie&s Ineulstlng sigla Th isetungot ltuattend»«ea Po8t~ Vsrlaus chuicles aid tise la* t 1p: teront on ths pa r yaung people iu religos matters han bithe at Lstlon af ths utiorltles of Bavayta.4 chers thse supi-eme court bas 4004"a tbat Parents mut pravide rellatOut lu struction for tisir elîdren aS nd t thse Instruction muai be lua kmep84 cth the f laii oftise partt Foley Kldney Pilla WiliIreaeli your Iadividuel ceu Il you bave au>' form of kldaey aud biadder troiat-le or urlnary lrregularltes. Try them. 'For sain ai au t)ruggista. F. BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F .Marble andGranite DIL A. H, 8iiclei8etetIn leA. . $ 0 GLASSES PROPIRLV DL C. IL GALLOVAt~: o,ïim ovun nOVU"niesuncu *oun.--tram i1 to83 uS 6 la o3 Li« ,b.utl. lifoos. PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY AT L.AW. Uàbertyvlllo, Iln DL GOLDING .DUMTBT flouis 8to 19 a6n-1 ta 4 P-gg. *lilisDr. J. 1.Tyorae19. 8..Pho»usOf * * ILILSM1TIL ' 1U i . TAYLgi&~ Dmsi. lv. ,MA" ffl<. ut%" OUUtuoti, tkto, t Lae*& OudeL W. m.e APPU Llberty'vIIl.,1#1. i PI4QNEmiI. - Hesnry'SiW $ 5 AiU Ktnda ni Horme. 1rness. veeseme £m a, . bor eouxuas eS4, B. F.WWL»Qd~ MouensContractor aoMWU, Monuments LBERTYVILLEUI. Cemetery Work of Every Estinees Frht Description Correspondence iolicited A.P u r 126 Genesee St O .Waukegan Rexali 8ehool- Tablets, Composition Books, (Jannot be Bqualled for the Monoy. Woidsoo Sehool Book.-We eau get you =1i book you, short notice If we do not have it lia @tx&l~ The Rexail Dr P. J. DRuO. so .1. 1 1 1 ýlq 1 me. , 1 ,. 1

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