CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Oct 1911, p. 1

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A ta LAKE COýUNTY INDE'PENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUNe 1 VOL. XX NO. 2 TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLB,- LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FR!DAY, OCTOBELR 91 ONE TO BIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE. 1~EEL AdMNT8BE- LU rvt amEAIED Park Cirrieu Bibe About and DoclamRes inl C VerwSctelî The hearlng of Dr. Frances 9. Park. alieged Wauiegau veildes' of the pois M vo., cbarged wlth haviug vuitten a louter te W. J. Smith a"t Mm. os- Mud Hooltein demandlug $300 black- liait, wusaTuesday ln Chcage h.- tom Commlmlonar MareA CPoo ceUutiunti utISsturday afternoonail 2 O'Clock, wheis tie trial vii ho helt.ï The rmssn for thé, postpone. ment Wa& the dosire ef Specisi Agent Bragden for the gavons ment te Ott à misslng witness fronu Wisconsin te testify in thse proeo4*on. White the manme ef the wlhness vas nt given eut and vwss care- fully thieild, ti,1 la bellevoti that thse wemun who wlll ho sekedt t appeur againt Paria la Mise Ruby Miller of Lake Bluff. Miss Miller la a echool teacher n0w et La Crose, Wis. USe camnes ef an aid and hoiloroti tam- * ily. What *tory the wll tell la net lnown, non what thse goveru. mont expete te pkove b>' ber, but it le known tht sho la thse youngl w anw*,o rpuleed Parte, who, -*Ithouah à, mors5a4 fan, le naid te have trieti tae Ww ber atten- Wj the SUN recolveel ait auany mnous letter f rosi Lake Bluff. bearing Cao thtc Holistein cae. the faderai agente hegu a ninvestigation ln Laie Bluff, and white tihe vulter of the let- te may not have beau tisScvareti. It la believoti. that Mise Miller wll ho nu Important vituesa agalnat Parie. Few attantied the hearleg thisl mora- Ing, axrsng them belng Muse. Holîstaln, Musr. Weymocuth. Attorneys Welch andi Bdwarde and W.J. Smth anti otirere. The knowlcdge of the, if ehe I kasa any. by MlisMller, a ragarded 1 sa puraly innocent ant iincidentai and1 *he la flot ln any way thus far, at any tataeausp.ectedi of any comîtlictly.but lit La suppoeed thsa ha le the mys- loriots girl f rom Wisconsin vsont the Sderal agent will ask to appear. Tise goverement now appears ta lie confitdent of a convict ton of Partia and a Jolilsentensce. Hie regstratlins lu isotlairegflters. ie signatures to let- tes,s a.mleso! bis hendwriting. have been gathereti galora andi are ta ha IStar>' of Parie Case. Parke was arreeteti t bis dentlstrY mointe at 322 Norths eneeffltreet le this clty a week ago tat Saturtiay. andi tise tact& becosme kaown tJsa'folowing Mlonday * Parie le aorueed of haviez wrttafl ad malleti the precedlng ltrlday an ai- legeti blacloialleng letter le uhicis. vitis hie naminl the lette, and signeti teit sas '-. Parka," halea ailage t t bite usadie damiagng statemens about Mrs. Conradi Hlltelu, vîfa of the tiuuggs iate iaCorner of Wash- Iezton and Coufty streets lad W. J. Sesitis. former Gazette ownier. deinut- leg $300 hush mouey or thse wrter sait ha wosld make 'expoetsree.' sit la belbvd abatIf Parka wrotel tIc troubles and ber letters to him are sld aiteramely to reituise andi wel- - mhm. Fedeeli Agent Bragden worked here upou t4heue an d ln succesion three womlen, a c4aIiV<yant, a former land- ladyland L a ke Bluff girl voee a- peoted of kuowini Soenething about tho aliar, efforts boing mode to looete lse maystea1ona womoa who Monday aftmoft mathe blackmaflnh Iletter apoeetUd, teiophopeM Ms. Hollaton to »&%« &rranqmemts to got the huah mon" aikde& uglng off with the etatoemt tlmt Ie w» tilrough with tbe a#aIt and aelmd o! bea o<»a- iffl WUI parb». Tms a woan ha& »" ubasos doond nidait boy., bave bes iropped. Hta# Local Attornelys. )AttMDSYS ZJamesO. welcb andi C. C. Bedwarda repweeonted, Parke ln tihe action.Mondsylad Ch»a. P.De- Woody, expert goverunent secret c- vice mu, wlth fédenai agente.lMr. sa" Mrs. BSith ad Mrs. HoilI*ein, am' prosecUtlflK No case bas attract- led aucb comment lu Waukegan in yeaiu. EnterIng thse re!Pepytlon room atte Cook ounty lail hospital with a Blbl'e beneath bis art. l'rancee E. Parke, alleged wielder of the poison peu ln Waukegan, Frlay. made a staWe ment wbich bas become public andi which la calculaied tu inake aveu more Intense the absorbet i ntereat whlch Waukegan has pali to his case, the blggeet stury O!flthe week. Itseterrible," he shudlared fortti, "te thissk that one la ln such antid dalgnlng, diabolical, hilîlsIl awful close quartera, shut up, no oe oijtside te do a tlslng for you, people trylng ta get rîid ef Yeu, by rulnlng your busines. "Dy the etetvula-lf Ilever Ilt out of hors, oobodY's te puy for this acharme and ju.t the. very pea- pte whao ncocted It wili b. run dosen, flnally. "I wll go bock te Waukeglin and woric on thse Itreets of thet community, but what 1 wlll vindi- case myoelf. My enemles *hall net have every blesseti thlng thIjei way. u#erhap&a, cter ail, it was Inevi- table that scandait shoulti corna, but %voe ta thOm thrOugh whom iK comaes, for 1 amn an innocent man and arnconvinceti 1cat. prove Si. ."I were botter for thoe who have conspired against mç that they should have a mitîstone about their nocks antd were cast iut hses. "But the consolations of rMY re- ligion art vety blesseti to me ln this, my hour of triai. the hour of the Melng P0t, for me, andt1i IwIi always remember that 'Whorn the Lord loveth Ho chstlîeth." Thus rte deettet. accuseti o! writing a blacknallflg letter ta 'Mrs. Conrad Holistein of ibis city contlnued. in his etiltati. affeCtaduani*r of talk- lng. almoat lalytike. .'i ha"1ý5nt for rny wife andi Franceg," a saiti, îuddeniy ho- comlng confidentiel. "Mati they corne ta me when 1 wanted them te I might not have hati this burden on top of ail thse ôthers. Mrs. Weymouth, my landi- lady, ha* one key tu rny quarters, whlch have bac yenrs of-th* larne ta ru,,, with rent paldti têOctober 1, and my attornecys the other key. My wife 1Iviant ta take poucs-l ien cf my reoma when ahe carnes. "Meantime, i have sent my wife a message. At saya: 'Cheer up, tion't be broken-hearteti, littie i girl.'"I 1 Continulng. Parke tolti a tale of aI- 1legedi persecutlone by several people In Waukegajs, namlngthef, but mai- lezn charges whlch are belleveti basa- leas, the product of a mmnd that et times galoms allnost normal, at other Urnes unbalanceti. "It'. eutrageous," hoa hormed. "Suoh a charge as thmy nuake CI ganit me la Insarlty, abeurti on 0the fact of 1h. They hati ta con- tinue the case ta gmt evidence. 111 nover, for helits of me, wroe such a 1 tter as was malleti. 1 wons a etunneti ever My arrest L that 1 cotilt not gmt myseif te- gthor until todsY. Now ilm feel- g like mysolf again. Why, 1 nev- er knew te, woman referred te. 1Iviould not know ber If 1 shoulti l ste ber now." fftu I "Fand8~ Cl lu& re wDtp se> i c-I c-9ý BU81T GAND JURY INi YBARS To EMUR vol, PERSOIlELOF THE JURIES Waukegsn Baoon Cs s Nost Imnportant tc be Con- sidereti Laie couaty*o blggest. bucet court term epse lai Monday accortilng ta schedete andth ie trsîth wilI ha self evièenti*er tetat day that tise heart cd*L41ke ootsty eas at the court housse. The bggeet ingla fetara vîlI ha lte voofe! bgrand jury, uhicis ulîl ln ail probbillty hear evIdence ta tise effect that ties aloons of Wauia- Mma bave boee open on Sundaye, vît- noIses belug heaut i athUe rata o! aav- enty-live a day for ans entire weei or tan deys, aveu Olve hunduati iaving beau aummoueti againet tise eighty- ine saloon men iselti Thora are tvesty-seven dis sort-tc- , os tas h. heard asefollowse Oendy va Christina Johnson. GirL>' va John Wrght. Marie vu Marahal Scisolar'> Nomta v Michael Mines. Frank vs Annsa yods- Doris va Wm. Hla1lren. Elle vs JO$. F. Jones. Thomas va Agnel Hileck, Rae va Floyd Will1iamns. Tiseodore S. vs Matlda Oison. Arna va Thootiore Jajolnbuske. Ethel vs Martin Milson. Auna vs Pter Pearson. Deay>'va Luntiay Ruasel Jeela MI. va Taylor M. Reagan. Mary vs Michael M utiry Victoria H-. vs Martin Sorenbofl. Chisltne, vs oscar Johneson. Sopbia M. K. vsa.Jacob H, Elseler. Mea-y va Fred Salvatore. Albertina R. isa (harles A. 1-CeiIL ('fera Ys Edmunti L. ic Nansara. Rébecca vs Jac-ob lianedt-k, John vs Anna Graif. Mary A. vs Wlils A. Gardurier. l.1lian vs Clara H. Roll. Elizabeths va Ottio Alfredi Ecistranti There are alao eleven. cases ln whicb thea Waukean, Rociford anti Elgin TractIon eompany la coticerried- Tise comning grand anti petit juunes. Grand Jury. Sunmossad for 10 a. ni., O0t. 2: Wý L. Tamlng, Bentton ;B. E. Simmone, Bantan; Michael A- Hogan, Newport; NordIs Proctor, Antiocis Frankt Bock, Antiocis; George Stanford. Grant; Henry- Dombeki. Aven; Frank Burke, Warren: Wm. C. Parker, Alax Wisan, John Bealey, Carl E. Saylar, Wauie- gan; J. G. Boeae. P. P. Wenban, Shields; C. S.KeirI, Llbrtyville: R. F. Rouie, Framont, Franki L. Carr. Waucanda; A. M. Meyer. Cuba. Geo. Hoaft, Ela; Wallaca Rltzentisalar. Veunon; C-W. Pettis. West Deartialti, Wý E. Brandi,tisas. Ni. Schneider. DeerfIeld. Petit Jury. Suminoneti for 10 a. m., Oct. 4:.P Alhrtght, James A. Foeland, Bentan - Jame Datamore. Leo Lux, Gea. B. L.ewin, Newport; A.W. Harvey, Avon; Jobn Campelal, Abner Taylor, Warren; E. P. Bîtilugar, Etivard DIII- aubaci, Gao. Effluger, Pter Gootibout. Edward Ingalls. W. L. Lux. Harvey Larson. John Mayuard. W. O. Saint> son, Hensry Seigai, Robert Tbroaei. lma Wora!olti, Wauiegan: Thsomas Douglas, Jane Jansen, Shialds; J. S. Grldley, William Spellman, Llisarty- ville; Louis Rradite, H. W. Schwar- misu, remont; John GosselI, H E. Matais, George Benvell, Wauconda: George Ps-at> Cuba; Arthsur E. Brlggs. Otto litsk P. W. Meyer, Ela, J. H. Eleler, Vernon, J. H-. Brady, Wm. <'ummings. Deerfielti. Oneahundrati anti inety cases a! aI- legati Illegal votlng anti alegati et- tempta to vote Illegaly at ZiOn City alectiot April 18. Elgtsty-nissa cases v hera saloons are allegedt tahave kapt open an Sun- tisys, levolglng sIxty Warîkagau sa- Icone or evary one except two, thOse et James Nîchole. Southi Genee etreet anti Thomas Grati>, on Norths fGenetea street, wiso bave neyer kept tspaSs ou unday. anti twanty-nlna North Chi*lago seloons. Twanty-threa cases o! allaget Laie couxty blInti pige, scattereti attover taecouety. T1'effl are otiiers a! tise big !eatstres to comae tp dulug tise Octobar term. 0 Dtalle et the naw docket are: a 161 tiLe prosecutions, or peoplais rcsues. 9 Onie ludltmestt remainlea againsi I Voive, Friand anti Fred Rosa for ai lageti Ulegal voting. tý 76 oe*eS for allagadIllagal vot4ng 1at Ziofs =t. 3.56 ciaM ofet clflgtattetnptlng 811e 109 oid aommosm lau cases, 46 new. d 182 olti cbsner casees, 51 neo na. )t- eThse liat1 tOaibMietm«te rturisti*e nsÔe'M0d*~~ asrtiJ.reportoni bi a-«râ«ý»2re",6= üwlet he.e W, Hurd Cleutiluan, Aleon A. Walker, Lots Filin conssttracy. l' Waut,.gan caustiserclat associations boosters who have bean dtrecting tise course of avents in regard to tise loca- tion of tisa propoaýed uev state in- Bane asylum lu tis ilcialty aasert tiset tise ra.ce le now nlp ast tuck ha- tween. Waukegan anti Rartiorti. Lawrence Y. Siseri5ýms, former lieutenant govarnor anti;- me chaIr- man a! tisa commtteappolstedt taBe-2 test anti buy tha site o! thel nea asyluse. vas haro hvo daye ago anti after an extended Iinspeothiat Incluid etiUanaval traning scisool anti landi norts anti soutis of tte clty de-i clarati that Wauiegan listIse spot ise liskeshast, hacause Wauiegan isas al tise natural ativantagas rigit t hanti, wîthout tisa neati o! any trttgcial aia. For instance water, for which al tae stata Intiiutlone have uffrati, le at baud ta tisa axtent of aIl Laie Michigan, anti rsed nt ha pîpeti to ta proposati Institution wth an ex. ý pensive pipe lina or tuonet, Mu. Sherman, who as eisarmnan la golng ta have a whola lot to say about tise site of tise Institution to ba, as- satedti iat tisa angineer ot Uta coms- mssion would vIsit tisia city wthis the naxt !aw wveakaand' îuroeytae grounti whch It la propoue t t use as e tiset. Wauleegan wulli fot kunow hetisar or not it has iean selacted, untîl soute fine mornlng ail tisa thiotcatous more acres of landi are nalted dtitau nnder option, uben tise ewa ulU. liébroken, tlsat tu, If Rocifouti doat *s&*t thara firt vth bath tet, a coetiisgeney not go- fOSatet.- liecifôr, hovaver. 1b. Q1» clever "*te poltdelais and- 1ý* 40eaa formt b rvlfor fajtý Illinois ç1ty totstb The 'aaoa anti 'e te Ii-up ef Charlea Baxter, con4uene gaine. Jullus Brgga, horsetealing. Aoois Schwartc, Joe Rata, 'H. W. Nelson, burglary ad rceny. Mary Rose Latanto andi Sullivan M uto, adulter>'. John Kunso, emnbecalement. John Coyle, larconY. F'. Duaenberry. ssaul it Rh deadly weapon. John Youdille oand PFoi Myea, burg- lary. Irving Hewitt, rave. C. De Muynck snd Mary Desnedt, larceny. Charles Dtsba, IL Jucko anti W. Skulltsil, lgM. P. JockQ, . Sielu', C. .loenson and Carl BekerstmOO4 lsroeu. George Bnslth. orgory. Ju Leckle anid Mlles Warren, sa- salit vitil dea*ly eapôn. W. Hamiltan, burglary, etc. Volive bill Long. The Voliva indlctmeirt onslets of 232 pages clOsly typoti. The main wt- ne8sereagaluat hile are tai ta have been Mayor Bidnger, Olisar (onro. lt'rak 'tcCane, loba t)ep, George Andteson, P. Herberge, Charles Je- Lion, Frad Rose andi James T3 rrell. 'The Laie couuty grand jury, witis Chales W. Petits as foreman. just at 12 o'clock todaY returnati a partial report on its labous to tha affect that twelve true bille ad four returnad as flot true bills voue reatiy. Whileiat waa fot au tated at the tima the partial regort vas matie thfii noon. tisera la reoson to belleve that aIl but thse Waukegan and Norths Chi- cago saloon openlng cases are finlaheti and that among thse irst indlctments returnad vere new (ues. it is gossip- ad. against WIlbur Glenn Voliva o! Zion City, J. W. flen&i W. Hurti Clan- dinen and Captain Alleon A. Walker. ust as soon as te lndectants vera raturnati Attorney C. P. Bernes wth Attorney George W. Fileld represeet lng Voliva and followeI'sle the crimi- ual actons for lleged i csinvrary andi Illegal votlng, madie hiqulrie.a sato whether tIha caplases verto ta ha erv- eti at once, thus t la bellevei that re- tari the îs-indetcmentî la eaw coin Jutige Whistrreý and Circuit Clark t 0. Brorisa' receivedth le ludIctinents andi reî,ort and the judge orderati th,- grand jun backk o reaume Ite labors. It bagan on the Saiitay saloon ait- enlng caaes ilu Waukegae and North Chicago Tueaday afteruoou. The entîra time oft the court was talË an op !sontiay andi Tueeday hearing naturalisationl 1,wttons, elghty-nlne lu number. Over in MNcHenry caunt% they bave but foti or five a court tarm. WÂUKEGÂN AFI!ER BIG ABYLUM With Rockford in Raoe It is Hard to Pick Winner Tise e.ll adal 842,350 ln monay ta Lake t-osnty'a Incarne and redut-a ail taxes a corraspontieg amount. Tise total misela tise tavi) o! Wau- kegan as ta appralsati value la $319,- 146. jlgseet rmlees sera lu tise follov- sng towistt Heu ton. Shialdse. Deerflid. lI.barty-ville. Vernon.' Total of Ali Tewne. Town o! Benton......... $ 2,879.80 Zion City.......... ...... 787865 Town o! Navport..............630 Town o! Antioch.. ..........7,14.85 Town f Grant........ .. .. 4,59?.9 Town o! Avon ............ 6,41.00 Town o! W'arren ..-ý.........5,195.75 Town a! Waakegan.........6,844.95 City a! Waukegan ......... 28,702.40 Town o! Sields ...........15,432.65 toun o! U..ty ....... Town o! Fretoont... Towntto! Was""on d a.... Towsn o!fCuba ........... Town o! Ela ....... Tovn o! Ver on .... Town or! Watet Deerfieltid Trown o! Dearfielti... City. o! Highlandi Park .. 10.496.60 4.885.30 3,581.55 4,564.75 5,9,27.05 5,509.20 4,254 6.14,.6 16,397.90 Total ................. $17157936 Ail Assetid Values. Benton- Lande--------------------...$19435 tetos--------......... 42,815 Personal................... 42260 Telegrapis and Talapisona . 8.. 320 R. P, ILane-----------------.1.00 R R personal............... 100 Total.................. $287,980 Doge ...........................5i ,Zlon Clty- Lands....................$88,59e Personal '-... »* ....U6ý' Telagrapis andtitelephone ...(4ît ON MRE Total ... .......$787,8e5Q I Nmber o! doge ......... Newpsort- RSE 9 A $2,922,285 INOREÂ8E I8 RESULT 0F WORK INTERESTING TABULATIONS County Han 9,790 Borse, 27,062 Cattle, 11,591 Sheep andi Hoge Two mil lion aine huntiredti tvnty- ýtwo thousanti two isundrati aigisty-flva dollars increase le tisa aaeaead valua et,sit LacoueIlty proprty. Thraa h undrati ninateen tisousnti ana hundreti !orty.slx dollars Increasa in tise assasati value o! Waukagan pro- perty. Dacrease lu grass parsanal tax o! the county anti lucreasae!faveu two million In tisa asseeseat valuas o! the landa In Lake caunty. l'orty-two thouoanti thuaa handrati flftv dallera atdadtiet the tax Incarne anti revenue o! Lake caunty. TisIn.lutabloli forse, ls a tatament of tisa final totale o! theahuuenet anti hardeet vorklng board of revîcu which thia coanty evèr hati. compris- ing Thomas Graiam, Long Laie, tise chaîrman anti damocuatit candidate for M inorty rprsentatva ta the leg- lelature; Thomas Morton, Highland Pari. Daniel A. Guatiy, Wauiagan, and Bert Austin. chia! clark, Mies Etiltb Ries, an expert ou the tai booka, as- sitânt. Tisa boardi officially entit r work Thuraday, bat tIsa clarks hIave aome vorli still ta do._ No board axer workad qaitea a s ard as tisa praeet oua. The boards ist inmportant task wsTe increase the taxeti vsluatlon of the corporations anti the weai- thy, who ahoulti beau the huude.e, andt te ut the tax burtien of the poor man. No factories, however, have hein raiseti. FinaIlfigurea of tisa board o! review are sfollons: 1911. 1910 llt>rsnnal .$1St2.224,910 $11,765,211 Rteal estate .. 9,248,895 36,786,309 Total. .... $51.473,805 $48.551.520 Increase In alipralseat value o! ail protserty ln Lakta Courtt................ $ 2,922,295 Total .................$2870240 Shialda- Lands ..................... $6571390 Lots....................... 510170 Pereonal................... 372,490 Telegraph andt tlephone .-. 81 40 R. R. pereonal............. D07 Total................. $1.5432656 Numbar o! doge ................. 29 Laike Forst- Lande .................... $ 61.115 Lots..................... 1279,150 Personal................... 724130 Telegapis andti tle)houe .. 14,140 R. R personal............... 50 Bank stock................ 37.500 Total.. ................ $2,106,140 Numbar o! doge ................. 6 Ubertyvlle- Landse..................... $575526 Lots ....................... 181,090 Personal................... 265,480 Telegrapis anti telephane. .... 61800 R. R. lande................... 880 R. R persona]................ 5,570 Bank stock ................. 32525 Total................. $1,049,660 Numiber o! doqs................. 189 Fremaut- Lande ..................... $388930 loûts ....................... 12,250 Telegrapis anti telaphana-... 5,00 Total................. $488530 Numbar o!ftiogs ................1441 Waticonda- Lande ....................208910 Lota ....... ................ 62,555 Personal--------------------.83,146 Talagrapis andt tlapboe . 3,45 Total................. $3581566 Numbar of doge............. 96 Cuba- La de ..... ...... . .$29.705 (ciwuaoS PÂmelTassaB) 00. SUPERVISORS AND NKAYOR TO M1IET, OCT. 28, TO BE HOLIDAY GEORGE E. PS il CHARGE Wlole cosmty to join in Welcome to Nations mi Every mayor o! tise eorth shore and of Laie county, anti every town super- visor, are to patlser le Wauiegan on1 Thrstay. the th. to talk plasafor teh frthcomlng visit of Presldeut Taft. Mayore Bidiluger o! Waukegaas andi Shervin of Nouths Chicago, got to- getehr Montiay wlth the recuit tht laît nigistinvitationa to tise conter- ence wera malledti t the followlug:. John C. Entier, Matt Horenhesrger. Desrfielti. John Oliver. Highliandi Park. H. B. Eger, Llhertyville. DIajMO*d Lake anti Rondout. Richard Smith, IRockefeller aid surroundlng towus. R. C. Kent, Waueeuda, E. W. Brooks, Wauconda andi Vote. Mles T. Lamey, BariezutOlq, F. P. Claike, Lake Zurich. Emîl W. Fl Iche.Laie zurich ap i 1, A. G. Maether, !'ralrle .'!ev, me Day. Aptakislc. Buffalo Grove, Laks, Zurich. 1poeul sCorsera, George Kirk. Wtttrop MgbW E. N. Richay. ZMon Cty. t J. G. Walch, Rosacraus, RUssel, Wadevorth, etc. r Chase Webb, &Lt.. Simos, Ajtio>b anti Loon Lake. J. W. G. Brawe. Fox Lake. Thomas Graham, luglealie antiLong, Lake. F. D. Batterahail, Grayalake. W. J. Roslug, Roundt Lake. J. W. Mllnulck, Hairneovllie. Frank Ham",Ir.Lake Villa. eR. W. Chtteuden, Gurnee and W ' John H. Howard. Laie Bluff. John T. Plie, Jr. Lake Forest- R. P. Ekheaebele, Uhbertyvllle. Letten Maliledtt Each On*.. Tise !ollowlng ta a copy of the lettes, which aach otea recelve t iis moral«g - aS rasult et the oomprehenal,'e pl=a to organise Lake couasty sa, thoroglsy that only tae bedrliden andt tis val- Idet I vll net ses thea preident,-whim he cornes to tise naval sehool: Sept. 10h, 1911. Tisera vill iea ameeting af the May- osa o! Laie count>', anti lu villages ahane tisera le no such offlcer, thsua- parvIsor vîli act lentat capacity, &t Lise Councl Chamse-,aecqnd fluor, 107 Washington Street, Wauiegas, 1lu.. om Thoraday. Octaber 6, at 10 o*c1açk a. m. Tîte purpoiae of titIs meeting ull h. for the foration o! plans for tihe rist of our President, th isaaonorauMe WiU. llam H. Taft, to the U. 8. N&ygt Training Station, on Sats-day *iter. naon, October 28. You are oaruaohly raqueetedti taie present a h si m.e«e Ing, fou a rare oppoz!iaslty bu lie sented Itsel! to tuecipzem of et caunity to meat the ppjeM oat <tb*., Uniteti States, v ise vîieh. utisusa * t- seVaral hottre on titis day. No defoi,- tisa citizene lu your locaiity wouitiI1 tu availthemat-ves o!ibis apporta.- ity anti ene of the pointe to h. dWa cueaed ai Lidmeeting r'!,l ha tuse ia. since o!f-. proclamation craating the atternooin o! Octoiser 21, the day et the pteeldent's visit, a liait bollday throughout Laie cor:nty. Tisaeklug you le avaace for yoo1 t kinti conalderatlon of eus' t'Ulest &suý hcplng to hava tise pltamanteof mesh.- lug yau isere, va remain, Yours Most tresi>' J. F LW~ Mayer or< wawmaOs, Mayor et Nartit oeb. Anctlan salo uetloo la the lidepudeut uV*'us t coqae. We b,S tis * o VIIIgut thb aIaug ti le ltter ho di it ta get even vil -e H euonmentlonati W. J. Smitis as Smitis, visaas Gazette owunar. isatheUtaHollatelu "chauffeur" anti tott of & h.. is runnlng te Dally Gazette. In- thretened ta "expog" Paria-a'«ge ferring ibat Dr. N. J. Roberts and .lntletacy ult maît boys. sînce indu- Smt i bai it ln for lin, ha tatati catadt ta e vith but sight founda- tat ttsey cotinuaily badt isir heade taon. ît le helieve t iat Parka isoardti tgether. Ha also mantloneti a Wau- &ecibts reat andi vrota Lthe ltter t, kagas clarvoyats name. asd ti tted got ven maingbot vitom ofhizthat ho beleveti si hati aladeti la gat- gatave. mkltg btS icttuso! isttug hlm Itt trouble. Ha dlaIms tc revenge. hava preserveti eard messages f rom, Esacd Lunatlc. tbr, tr-lnging tam on a n3ail. "sîndel Pollovlng Paries arret It vas tiis.the coocoo dock tn Uta opratl4l coveed hat o ws esape. frm N rofru)î." Tisa mail, Iftaera vas aey, bas covrat tlatha aa scaedf rm Ns'been removadt t storage. Tsltvn, Pa., insane asylum. Sept. 9 Parie. when ho madtet steitemant 1909, seIng diîsctsrged tea montha appeareti brigiter asti botter anti rosi lter as uniprovati. Hae aye hie ee- 1> createti more o! a favorable Imlsree- &Ion tisat h. bas any tInte ho 15'. been cape was mraculotsaz but vaulti not ln wanicagan. ttllnov ho effecteà iIL He la cossfiêet ha vili ho reeti sel t hsa.also beau dlscoveredt tat hWa Itla e nteratooti, wiil"iet ot wXe an sd cilt, Frauaa, repieat tu bha iuevst tat h a viatah ue time *t»>ti. Oho andt t ho si »M conm ttedto e a yltns. ont for' tha.ltWhou Ma'ut4. # W» à Ate.m inute 'îtruulM i vrt1, tw"lSo 'whoi» buhim co -»t a$ 'aa a-is osus. tsa a., , - . '-i T t r Lots ........................ 2955 Personal .................... 81.790 'lelegrapis andi telephone ... 3,980 R. R. lands.................. 1175 R. R. persoal................ 106 Total. ý.................376630 Number o! doge ............... 146 Antloch- Lande ............ .........$444,585 Ltes. ..>.......... .........îes,19o Persona]i................... 163.6"0 Telegraph andti tlephone ... 8,710 R. R. personal................ 100 Benk stock ..................6260 Total ............ ......$791,U~5 Number of doge.... ........... 164 Garnt - Lands......... .. ..........$194105 Lots ........... ............ 85920 Parsonal ....... ...........68700 Talegrapis anti telephona ... 5990 R. R. lande .................. 5180 Total.................. $59895 Nutubar of doge ................ 90 Avon- Lands.............. .......$356.070 Lots .......... ............. 119.876 Parsonal ................... 163480 Telagraph andti tlephona ..... 2,8651 R. R. pereonal................. 95 BanIk tock .................. 11825 Total ........ .......... $654100 Numbar of doge ................. 133 Warren- Lande ..................... $406765 î.ota ........................ 8,696 Pereonal ................... -98986 Telagrapis anti telephone ... 5,120 Total.................. $519576 N'tîmber of doge ................ 144 Town of Waukegan- Landse.................... $273.940 Lots .............. -........254,106 Personal ... -........ 1"245 Telagraph anti telephioie. 9200 R. R lands................... 1,195 R. R. lots.................... 160 Bank stock .................. 8,750 Total................. $684495 Numbar o! doge ................564 City o! Waukgan- Lands .................... $ 196,720 Lotsa...................... z,48970 Pareonal................... 43,870 Talagrapîs andti elephona . .. 35,155 R. R. landsa................. 24850 R. R. lots.................... 540 Pereanol (R. R.).............. 135 Bankt stock,-,000

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