CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Oct 1911, p. 10

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- OOUTTY tD~PENKWT. RIDAT. OCTOBER 6, 1911.-- JNL5N Garments a Year, Malk- I , wilng Wear Stend This Wintee' Gorf or/a b/y inil unsÏngwear MUNSINGWEARgi ves comnfort and satisfaction and is the highest quality at the price that can be ob- tained. This seems a pretty broad statemnent to those whoo i have neyer worn Munsingwear, but every person wcaring Munsingwear knows these words fail short in expressing their satisfaction. Vou'll be glad you started if you give Munsingwear a trial. 'lb t' 1 î'î'te i it i ' aii î f t . 1 e t lîa t V it l ii lit w 'asliilttit. Y\ttil as' i t i îl 'u li t'î'tîî1wîiaIi il14 htil i s It'\\ ilet' i ix 'sstax s. N î tthi itl 'x i ' tcitls ulltîv f IîIi itîl s iiv'tiiîNl iîîîiiixx (i' (-f1tt ift he ib'iilit \v a it l ot it ii i' i i ' iiitit loi' i'i, tîlt < Wear T/zeln. The Perfect Fittlng Underw'r 'hue ni gumar tizea are 5S C, 7, antI ext ra suies aie -,,sx t tain tileeci'd union auitlu iti highi iecit. long uteetes miii. e ia'ugui. thamdîtîluaeiLliti oi oîît trt'gîîar suz, s toiiltt Extra aIzeb ton $1.25 F'ait iteiglilt itui OUni osit 's iii gih i{'i k long ,leete' aud ant ,ieltitit1t for $ 1 vtitid Il1 2- L.lîitiied uitontsoti tf lieu toititn iItgit net R. long sleest'ss and aiitletegt ,rt't.ii.r 'ilso 'uextr i 5t $1 7$7i l'ant iount îionîuîîtti'it si i lItmdt Reitlit,' a oouoiti gcaciltng, natural t tl,t itgit ne, k. lng aleecesa i t tu'îi. for il ait andtixira s oi, l i A titree-quartr oouizt'trîuînu in nai ural tr a lu e.hitîiti tti long aleetes .înkie t~len'i at airinsîtctooli ataltet tunilonts'lt for $2.25 tegitian sues, $21.50 extra sizes Ailwluniîiont suit titilaties, fiue itubeil, soîi lli'iî, tu it it 'itg Ieaîti i $7 uttu aid $t f5 onextra', SiR xluîaing utîttoît SUIL C0otti ataiel lý14 ii t 2 andîul 41ou Whie waun iîion sutinuttait au'ibt, exrit ie *Sý. andti$,:ii \% tutti dacinig gai li ii iilite a unter or lligtaclit iontitt ir liait ati lit' acain su utc tant, dtact.lita tt'ttrito Ëniues aud aîili.'leîîgliî fti $>2 ,,andtiextraitflot $2.tut .xîîutler amoidanc i, î iit mtir for $2.51 andStii Siedii atight tttlimoiits. lonîg uticcts, igîitiii ik. tutt anîk le ta'igth patua iis iga rîututt for Suoc. emst .î t;le i irealît hlî'e ci inttt'tgle grieiit'lll iiib'thcolt a, autetit t for S5tcsexira s'z,its. t 'ream niedcci i t i ii anti sfoui sit t ladie's fic tfli Wooi ingle' garîn'il" alte(it'îîaîurai. long4al,'î'îe atctitîîgtî teck etsanId Su kit'letuigi lth artr $1.t0tiand extra izlia for $i.25 Wool,îi od î,'ýait'er, ihe' u t'i t Miinsoing gar- inptslacdiS .25 iutii uttttli sics tuti. Fine wooh garilitnos t n als nltvl5wahisye lailtr white I inirbe t$1- or54 a iesad$Iý, foi extra alites Miîanî"wahte t otion l lieî'îuei îont atitinfor iitit BOtYS' union suitia of grat leet'ed coliou ai 7.It xiuîrwllisbe ltieî'e'.ieîin the tlîilsing Y'util'îi garnîtte tla aRuown as utmuter 2865 for $1.lit 1'hhere ar' two wrighis iiti tigarutent aILiti ilt.itade csptt ci tlit for bitg boys. xxoo i îton sutl folurt-hiid cen i lai are sni tghi I s i t'ed iii ketît wsoot1 front airatching iti'-eliltren, utf $1r u Iota of i4. i5 or 16i tears of age ai lie nieresieul in tiis w.tol1otnion sat,l.Ieecvitifor $1 . 0 t'blireîî's fine a oui garlienttisaeelai for extraquîili t, Si1-m MUNSINO SINGL~E GARM£NT8 FOR CHILDRIN. t 'i t'îî Iee iCottonx ganmenta lu izea up o 7 SOt ises 7 antti8 for 50e l'ait itool single ganielti" leeceti, ail sizes. for 50üt Fine wool garmentsi, ait suites 75c xlfe le él sngle gtrmtenisatai25c are jîîa tue ting 10 it tirelituldren 0out wit rigitt uow. Wîoi single garmenla. misses' veau atand pallisand'u boys' di acra 10 matcht misste' cesis, frolp i 6t14idyears ai 75c IIelpful News 1)()llit tf' heaiiti, liîhit, ap)lear>alt'e t1 1 t'e, the 'M t 11isifig LUndferw ea u li 1ltktirst anid inilit s '\,()ti' ap4)t0vai. Tlu saîli{arY conditions 115 Uiroufldit3g iti: thle x'ar-no tised in its iîaîiatî' i-( thie iwst that eau hî' tttaiiîtd; t1e gaiiîtiit's are mnade pttettiii, wht lut i abs<tiiîte<'iv sselIt iai ttt a weii- hit iii- ,g(Wll; anud the pî'oducttion of I),- 1$M 4)f t tilese a dav' las miade it possible t t i'uiîî'e the eo4t Per' garipielift t ilaxerv 'ist famoîs t'nderwear la mateien the largest iIttîrat ar faeiorxy Inte vorid. ai Milnneapolisa, and la solti ait over the lUnited States.liP8îtopularlty la due to itasterling wortit. l'iflt initia where It la manufactureti art'etîmnpile ln ,,' î'vdetail. Thes very ltist noftnachinery ihat motdern scietncehas deviseti, the moiti akllled lattor tai tan be oblaineti, combine ln the production of a garmenit tat inasaasatifactory asi iL l8reasonaltie in prive. Gise It a triai. One triai wilii onviii<e you of lia nei n d wIii sdd you to lialuiat of frlenda. We are sole agents In Lake County. l'au'! Zike lhi ,n Gordon Hosiery for the FamIIy hJanis, blac itt ins1(I.l1ut' fotr 254, IIack s'lt u' 'kiiîgS iti' 2--m. attI iit Woottl "itkîigs li'or Bab ' , . lca'xli>' oili ik. ".kx liîî'at îanîti îetlf'oil', pair t Children's Stockings. lt'îiitl 'l"et Stottkiigs tiiat ait' t'it l'lit otn andulliar fit wttxta i ttout, guirs',tiîî iiltltî'tl llîl 1tt\ ' îîiitiii i114 litaxv î'îlltî'i 1' il' ki lIg 'or(1ide 'i MIi"se>" Idatîll i 'lbt'îllisit stt'iig.l'toi Iîttx v s ltî lltt'lSttttkiiga 'in eîxtr'a sIZ4I'" îîîade fti' big lioxs, iii siZes 91", ttt IP a apa it' kt hi lîîtlîuî's sili. li-sît'stîtt'kiiîgs fi'- pil ixv att ltli 'î"111 t' ai' , a pi lait' 50t' Sili stîtekiîîgs xx tIilis,(,le lîtt fti'-tiiil n'ilî at '$1.10 Wo'otl sti'kiîigsý, îîî'îLîîîîîii x v ib 'ortii lIt'ixxxxttittt ttkiis.' l2 1 i 1ii, lioi. 25c a"nd' 'lblî 1 >a ib ca'e IIs iii> l l' 35 ["iecà s'e' 'to'kiîigs, fine tor' liaxvi1li) 1 t , Sltî'îial at 2t sttttkiiîgs ftiti' 'ltlî'în a t 5 il a air', StilI>' tf' thie la'ge'î'sies have t'gi'lili'i pri'et'î' ii18oe. Tilîî'.ISil lit'r el'glail ti il 4-t tiiilll'iil. Li gti wa ightlîtii'e ainçitings for 2.5c xietdi tstwetglît coi loti tockt ngs w tih [lia iniitiltfoi, itilbetel) oiblacki eottom aockiitga for '25i P'lainu te)oit u se black etion 'tocking.sfor t Rbiuîd t oot suze black sioekttga for, 95,, Ail ritie rttei oon. ereant mîîuo foot ndsudtrea hit oui stockings for ladies ai. a pair 2,ut Gai er top lilste aockinga for t5c Mied t tait or heasy a'eig i litl ot tonitori tac \ledîuln us iglut Oa ile 'dotkm g a ah gartet tai) loi Wh'ite foot garter top outîiaie .35c Aýil 3i5C tockil¶g.for la#4ms, 3 pair for 11.00 G aiioz lealcknga, oui t ize uior.5tw 'Pkt Rîop black stockirigu loi ladies ai 5t0e tilk boot aunekingi; wit hie and iteavy garier loit. douibe lureami heel andt ot'. ll; lor lant, a iopular auocklug beCiaise il la a ettîtfort-ubte. durabtle one, 50c> Uitt fot and i iste garler tolt sik stocitings for $1.tut Ail suR altocltngs for $1.50 aud $2.0a. Sit. siockIingi wiîl Ilsle toit snd foot, lîIn k,.75c W'tol alocktilîga for ladies ai 2Sce.:15c andiSu L.adies' ileeceti host, 25c. 35v aid tM Votîli lie mure tai pleaît ait h ilie large autautiG nintlu cuir stock ing tlt'ta tnitui.i We lhav e yo t' kti andi az. 5eTrest eMffr ICNT UNDERWVEAK- J(ande7inukiec Ili igli nîeek, long siceve vests andi<l ke iength italits for ladies, cavi '25c'; extra sîzes for 35e iin m tediumn weiglht. .\ îîtter speciai gaî'iiieiit iii totl w'eatlîeî' style', ests and pants foi- 50c eaehi, extra sizes 5 bu îîîi'diiîîn weight. \V bit>' flpeeced siigie girmieits fttr 50c aîîd ex- 1 rais at 60c. st l $1v,.00, anîd extrta sizes fol' $125 Sil1k anîd wool garioils, Iligli nîeck aîîd lonig slt't\ t' xests arn'1 aiikie Ieîîgth patits for' $1.00, ett llS$1.25. Viat wool sanitarY gitîlest foir $1.434) and the t'xtr'a sizes $1.503 i.iglît weight woîti silîgle gar'nîeîîts foi' 85to aid Lalies' black w'tîtt tigbIts foir $1.(X) anid $1.543; the extrta sizes tfor$ f and $1.75 \leîlium cotton union suiq ini the cool weater style 50c; ex- ir-a sucs, for 76e Aîoteîcotn union suit Ietcwit ilgh neck, long sleevs and ankle lengthinluail izes, regular and extra ises for 75c Cotton lleeced union suit for $1.0ii and extra izies $1.25 Ligîiti eight, bigb neck, long aleese, anlkie lengt., for $1.t0oi extra sures $1.26 Lghi weighi. wool union sita a i i gh neci'. long sleevstt or loit reck, no siceesanatd anklle lengili for $1.50( and exila aizeut toc $1.75 Silk andt wool union aniti for $.1t.ti and size 7 for $2.50 Iiatîts' baude of part wooi for 25c, of itool for 3u, and of silk anîd wooi with abeli finish for Site Shîrtut of Part wool tai buiton down fi-tint for 25c; of fine wooi for 50c, and eiik and wool for $1.0it The Ruibens Infants' shirt, ?,uit and :ke it tortlttg to ize, sud of wool for 45e and 70e ac'eordlng to ize. Thet' 75e and 75e shirts are for habit", 2 and :I yeara old. 'Te Vanta Veat fur infants and ehîltireit tiis un like a cent, aud for couvenleuce fasierîs lu fronti hla double breaatt'd, dotîltît thiekness over cliest andîwl t,, rioabttonst or pina to bort the baby, but tiefi wil tapet. Tlte'e tapea are gîtaran- eed flot te Corilunte aasîîiîg out ter bi'ng waahed. The Vanta liai & 8m$%gle plece lbacsi and a ai aniesa leeve tai la ahaPed at Wet*te keep Il frîtm lipîng. Tiese veets do net loe shape La 'aahijig antd are tht' test offarlng for Babies to le found. Xacîh veut connes iu a saaîiary package.,f ree front infection arsd dUU. Part itool lite Sic andi 45c,thie ail wooi veas for 6ri te85C, ad île atl and itool in alzes 1, 2 and i for 90e and $1,.00. The prices la regîîlaied aii ording to ise. Kinderwear pant.s witit draw stringi in t aek, bttons lu front- for extra warmit tolite litîtî-sizes)te î6oilfor 25c Per >fec5fitting'l Btevery thrie4g ttonso I Iao mm. A bsolittely the best underwear for umen ma*de. Every year the number of satiafle4 w*geruý has beeu increasing,-and 14k6 Oow4y MM are pretty f94, Men who are out doors al the t*akAlW&YS a re ,;ure to have Stephenson w" Us a l4 tpkA ensors overshirts. They are sure of the wputh, the comfort, and the long 111e of this beat un- derwear,-and in 'our stock there is just theý size, the w ciglit, and the style garment you de, inand. We buy direct from the factory, bel jom~ of the oldest agents selling Stephenson % wear, andl so save you the jobbers' piroffit.Tb4 iunderwear cornes to you at wholea~pi~ you can get the finest quality and aet lkip garments at the same or legs thai IeiI brands. This is the Lake Couutye Agency, Our offerings to you are listed kelw. MEN'S HEAVY wEiQMT srt~pHaNboN uttI9M . iT*:. Titose who htave worn Stephenson Staiey BriD6 d FIIi«er know titeir favorite welgbt andi style by number. 1 ilIII &ve you a satisfaetory number-wse au give =4 t~.00qii~t -tbe very hast on the market-any time, you ix Vià. No. 903 msiler gray iteavy ribitet union suit for 12.50 N. 904 dark gray beavy ribbed union suit for Sj.Il No. 905 part wooi nibed union nuits that cone la relalar sinoN.0* and atout aszes for $3.00 No. 910 a blue mixed titree-quarter wool unsion suit ribbi, for 84.00 No. 923 a lue nied fancy siikeliue eand worsed uaIoN. elit,, the inest part allât germent made, j&M Titis union suit corne, la regular and tifflo.ttuee& .~ No 1127 la Stephetnson lest sanitary gray Auatrailaawqsst union suit for $6.00 No. 880 la a medium weight fine ribbed garint for $3.00 MEN'S MEAVV WEIGHT SINGLE CAM,*~S Extra tiblkness ai weii as being a littho m c n~et Ne anme. make Stephenson shirts andi draweris eepepl4 ly ppa. No. W-45 la a silver gray beavy nlbited garm"iL at $1.25 No. W-50 la one of the mont popular single garâeltgand bai a siigbt Ileece to keep beavy rnb iWë,EOu *scratc. lng. for $1.50 No. W-62 lo a tan mixed garment. heavy riblied "d silghtly fleeceti. for $1.76 No. W-67 la a natural part wooi garmeut for I No. W-84 la a bine mixed fazîcy alkeline and wqtlt4, for 225i Fiat Web Stephenson single germent&amefvçtq !b wito Sud tse ibitetiunderwear tua ro"«'ý No. 104 la a naturai part wool garmeut for $1.0 No. 119 la a tan mixed part wooi germeut for $136 Those wising a double breaated shirt cia got t$ la thia number for $1.50 No. 117 ta a eeaniwooi garmeut and eau, b.liat inlo or dons, hie breaated; single for $1.75, double for eu0 No, 151 la a red wool garment, speciai for $3.00 No bit la a soit single gartueut natural of lamba wrdol a" oe be itaaidouble breasted; salule SUI), doulîi $2.26 No. 440 creani colored garment, extra beavy welg, ~4' No. 226 a sery ligixi tan garmeut of Australiawo 18 STEPHENSON4 OVER SHIRTS. Theae iteavy fiannel shirts, caliedt ut Jersey kaft II3US the' waruîesl, moat comfortable fianuel overahfi t'. Th le it addts to lteir usefulnus for they art ~d . men ike tem. Every number ta s.a No, 512 la a dark gray mixeti. with aide pocket for $4 No, 2-25 la a black shirt mottied with 'white for $1.75 t No. 99 la a plain navy blue, aide pocket, frtu .8 No. 141 te poittlar fait biaek fian5eI shirt for $L.76 Stephenuson Staley Brand Unde#'wear lanude exproipir foÇ mten. tietting it yau masure yowume1forfthe buet qîusMty u9 lte same on leas titan laferior brands. W. soU at lebb$ef 690004000 MEonly store in Lake County where you can be served with the besi Women 's and Chlldren's Underwear. Stout, Lall, short, thin, we have the Jcorrect size. Manufacturers of Munising Under- wear make the extra sizes are sure to b. pleased here. Let us show you. m No Sir! Ihere Is No Underwear Like Stepheoson 1 Ili

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