CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Oct 1911, p. 2

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ROCKEFELLER DePAgi- T. F.SWAN, Croepo" d ~aiAgeîM preut Baungarduer, a former section tonemen, spet a tev risys bore last ireet. % Po.tmastsr Kigge made a business trip ta Mlwauteeslaet Thursay. A. L. Bonahars vas home rom Chi- BD. A. Aynloy maveit hie umfilv bhr ftous ntuksgalait aturday, l8 1viMgfor iwoyleursita thaiplams Lacelils Lndquiet spat Snuday a st home la Chicago. A ninîber of h boys vent davu ser Prairie Vev Saunday afýeruqoo sud gathered six bage of val atot. Tis item lais eonid lu he literete of h aioosed boys e"d tisai nome o!tjon vis. a notic e .brao stalned fiu- Smis éd sWt vorny about the terrible ravages of tise clgermte habt luilts Hegffl put saflray sit-r OadO"di Souls i vhsBlanceBonDur Simplen VacouniClaner for rent WiLL A. RAY. 0.-1- Lat Wadnseday a) pariy ai little girli ssrprleed Aima Tegtmeyer, and &peutà TM17piesuan atarvoon. Tisa Myatic W onters et 1Ivaubo bai bils out for eunihsr ni ihein jntly pop *uerdancon ai tise Woodman baila s IvaohSon ouOctohor 12, andi nf cours tisOa ul cravit ram br. vif attendl Ehad N. C. Jensen'& auctiln ais pobice lu suotiser columu. Tier. maj b. .ometilng h oie janat. J. L. Irving bas bfgnu vont on hi buin uth propety l'o receni parebaseit tram J. B. Hiocomis ou ia Bl4trObt en thse So Lin. tracts. Jai supecis $a bave i campled belon. coli visih anda tthis - vii enable Mtm t vo* t- aiforbacsail vinter matirl sommtisioesionrnet stmmrs vomi Invitatons bava heein lsseu y 1M ami 'lis. 8. L. Tnlpp, fon h. marnlej a<i hoir danabton Badel ta LEdvaid E Bk"huen Oulober i1, 1911. Tbs gL btMei 1 <the prospective brida teondone 11 ehowbaer aitCth. parmouagm Thurse »e an~l sd many beeul artces wvo Quitte. litle exctement vas canae PRldyajittnoon vhou a hanse holau àbagtu, Vient mm-uofn ai condas.i -0c u nmneh.gsban sd etarted ic ho» at a pao. machen ceedlug t .I*Wel iit. Th. dniewsy hoete nom,* Asaloa sud the barber shop wé mot vide eriougi for h pace -sud t Iuggratrucktihe corner ai h. bufldin tIIrOvng lis driver ont sud vhan tt 418110 turD iota tise tret vas rsaclid, - -uw .a-saoe nd Chmsv tisaboevIsi NT wus na ete rtastitl msd tram the tangw . The bmmess40d rlg'wkre BouSe. what dauagod, but fortunately un one vaswt lnur*d. 1 -CALU MET BAKING POW'DER BRI$S GÂLME1 REULÎS and Calumet resultR bring gratification. Calumet is an exceptionally good, wholesoine baking powder of the very greatest efficlency as a leavening ffet and je absolutely pure in the cari apd in t.he food. It's unifoîm strength and quality niake it always dependable and you ca be suie that the resuits from every spoonfu1 will be the saine. lu order to introduce this bak ing powder we will, beginning Saturday, for a period of two weeks give a'way aboolutely free of charge with each purchase of Ceresta Flour a catu of Calumet containlng ei4ough powder to make 100 biscuits as per a special recipe by a noted Teacher and Demo»strator of Domeatic Sciince and Economy -whiclh recipe accompanles the Gift, Calumet cornes in sizes: 6, 9 and 16 oz. cana at 10, 15 and 25 cents. IKEF~~ L L. A. Murrie : IWNOIS S. L. Trlpp, R. F. Roua., Irving E. Payne,- Proealdt. Vice Presidant. Cashier. THE CITIZENS' BANK ROCKEFELLER, ILL, t1 Dà nas e Cas Cetiflelsaof Daposi drawing thyme par ent in±«ee Oédmtaiv the si couvsmeoiJand ecno-ical mas ofcie. .dAUUM bya&. ara prcouaherae. Your Sau<wami sudfl&0 s. ewmu am vited. W. afa, ampla Security. Couenisoca »d rdhhllty PARTNERS AND IRECToRS: tL. Trwp9. R. F. Rlous. Irving E. Payne.' Ml. MUSr. J. L. Taylor. J. S. GrIdiley. r**Wp oouid..slbIy ApproxlatoJy $100,000.00. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - awAkwawauw4m Coumil Proceeding a Thrty-3rat uegus mein the Bbrotirteg"t;fSth. vilageom Aie t the e viR ebIMandel~, O tber Rouas., e1 ui~~IW 9, Zr 1lemIis. Wof ther luvm a Nusetin d sud kw as uovel by.Wauxo' arnd Weus $0 approve. M orid rhTe ..ur«t rond bis rouh MrnbI reportand atérr«mewi thse diamce <ouait.. fIt w.. uped 11Ru1 md ul toacespt. Thé foowl~ Ill i. e Iae Bank, IISeC.$6 58 W. CGai., ts.smlg ..... .... ....... 8855 Tho., rn si.kes.......140 LJ A. Sili lbo.. . ................ 215 S . o r fjSho s er . tio.i l 2 5 WC....lhfsus, l....... P. . MuIaN4 Ih.. ........ Moe yWells'and Joam t hais M bille b.ho wa rrant dzuwa o tiasoer orCh.ea..Motioncarnied A meolutfirn md tao traeer on. bIs dred dollars from-the tbuldig fund t th. rond "Il bridge fond sud seienti seven -dollaistsia x ecestrou tp Il building fun4 ta the contingent lund 1Moted by Louée, snd Wells hai abov reolotion b. .opted. Garried. Moe 0 beyRonsd Wells toadjoura. joMotion cwanrld udmeetug etool sk T. F. SwAN, Clerk. SJohn Feund and sister Anu tr p ort RI, @peut Sun day with ML Barbaa, Amano. L Ulm Aima Myins returned ta Chicsl f unmday ater spendina few mouthe lahome 1.L Qute amber f rom ber. attended t ji fouerai of Frank IMoyen et Falfiold. ýd Ums Cannie Thla le quit.e sck etb y home boe.. ro A. G. Schwerman1was a Chicago v tar ecntly. ed 31n,. J. J. Moyen and childreu Aga 9- sud John wvesvisitons bores aturday. SMiss Barbars. Amaun le quit. ulck iber home. he en Tbeir will ho a dance gvon by- es Mystic Wonkers at Ivauho. Thosde hoOtbén 12. Eve.ybody vilcme. Co. ho R o iseat' Mssb th beetf laylg bns ake «pa botter av it Bold cly by LIBicaTYViL LImBER % Ch 25.t nt thug ttre"ltwantLunch ai nOO . , ls tae e ___________trias_____________________ IL,~ J. BÂnrmmry, étai. am__and______'__'Y__à __Wu._________Aticilonger. siy rrhome_____bol>__ l1s uderlanndto br Our p wljr a flaUwolWrday and StWdfi. tel t ou 5. triGé0, b ! , Ingdc brillnt "a àùwJ. N vanne-r su ou 'lk41a te reprit $von "IÙI -'M,--inimii apentoseueralnaye'- a _.dW n .& tIe nt Elgip. Rd aug work11911 , MOI49M nt P.m.'bb ofCi . e o f $ a Uîtm 10 i Ment whic>e5 VS d train ke.x lu urv ,f e~leg pnsiF Ob eýý 10f c18 bu ai t. éebse a ,« iloutibi 5~l vi(,Mr YMn a4' Mj51.Slshq5 < ho~4 itin (SUO1tBIUII< ~ . NosUur!5,JNO5 10 uriltles UUIismus 'lsat UW"«E,Pr. la eléMc. V do.uléQT Aeoser. rý think wtithCompany aille unas 10 Acoringta astes foinMn.sud~ b. ~ t~05l~ avia clod a qit srmng bveelsne Isegmoacraid dsiv.r be <Wnatouon PA~y O*-net20 vFuirssu#snmoeu «sOd eens noslndvi si ipblcse ab.M(5>eL aeae _,ako o,.ciga o ca*t Mi. . an fos avilIvaih tr A b "atonsi ey rs o b h yna30 art2%ver , srefaptaOtakr ololgpaas: 5bn ic N ~Duîr ar noyu hirvcilna iitlcacios e u,.1lCe eon ieseubee iROstVieas4.1 blsvalu ochn,* 5en nom,1iiwmte.ti ie ~~ùW yeymch oepeît esCeni pnto&a sfomd fiiCieh0i0snrieatl(imroWdaes, de lsor clo .nc .ebaac liee îalu Bit motaaath4aiv h.tamîu n >C.1,ctmslu i1 'lca t aot rnwsiiut, 1oo miti a lotaabhageurCh Auf. W. eaiW X 5or asl h onyte ~ alFbusscscoi à gol byrak. agnbze, Itanuyas lggb ,0. i aureor r 4~~18k.. Oumy dilem-5yPrm ad. elà î e15t ta mels Jspevasi;bt ioas athaeHltluhuShil ' bi. siîg, oI en cl,4ysai.v-Wt1.0, TieLkeZmfhbl eu aetst. ;gteail ht, u"'Jip;. i olg erai;8coc ois o 5.*a ôilebroE a Ok bod1aa vth jgabu10 for theable --o jetc»Cormie utaMtr I Mouie0cer= 1ia404r RatleMWenMoiebosbaao vesdE.yoebo' edluC. OO > =ie hot aot ot »4 on*& rmiet 6 eut 2 sot of doublebbawhisee gari Cia eaan ta4 isy hve ~5ii1 ontfsii sov ted1:1= 10 bis at.t î bld. 6ta; comc caipirodutA ubea hbs,1 H .en adr2wlkn tlv.i cadoln Mr.o d ~Upts,~ ts antîo i ahro,~ i ;1pfe 1les 2db; ffl, l unltr. 2 o ola ra.1coL bsuviPie 1 tanulîii'8 tom ishir hLeakte oet seas. Gyra Plf.d suda mr piaiadIduiin nv ia; Ru mrsuk po eoe.con toe bn fae 1 see o 'dsalatomhayt lie,=l ai Mr. lluknormaii 1gM'eup ber soi-Ide"UIltfhCy Cla utiatr 2scton hirv ds a 1neroa ame o.Mg. i bsy rant 1nui v kni Ibu a~n v *»Mon. .mW.R. Wt.oA. bon »Marqué.10 lît caa. tckta nk. 1 coaligtarnk. a Mr.Rand id C..W&bae r> oPe60daI.miie tank«e banl"qd tosttn; Mr- vMdt. (imeri" Abides.bendd b5 air wao.roé -bd : b.aH. ack, nov; mmc.m Apnl lCh ait taMis Cane hJouxi trew &aon, 12 _________ WThe a out 0<)huil BeIp ilea,,publace. &0 eFrti , Pe Ji t yrad Atsn lftan.nea Lae Zri. sd rsp ugg. uli waonaoCbos, om uceilt anr.ny .ilpr tune bi on " ti a eecaldo pltuy u io.blua ileequee vitistole 5ti oo lan0»Bkor . bug staidmp Kvig ete nyt J, Or erBnIra u on te frtentlo n se m . Mt ol0eelt gadjuyluW ns nt a 90stock vison b a nsia . uinf. tatheiribllesras.y siwîîsUatpbic Iaof, Ltà.Fr i llbet and23 i i«suhr 01- rovnshfp. Rie am, o eoptoit h ank5ta 80 fl to uimthy hsyu hao, C e monte, oatunt Je re n liwu .L iEL hmaNRiotbrp sudlefuloysdtaps t e ndouIsehmany tied. TiedufY nera mvatbed ae p0 ih c milacet puble r lsii., AI mle norrsai liencs_________ ta ar'splcenbs orarbatad. h ,risuGr"tuuuheanchncsrikert, bndr;tU cnesu1coin.00aner o "brsay Otbir1lerm n.e . haiggoTau av ll Uns alof.ield, Mev. Kast b llca OIma u anledttJonW 1log 6oesol -cl tll' foka.n1 , tise îi W o al n poald ry: tei ivfiiattieAt w. (enorig Klep .vocatio taos l toton 1 oi esei l,5 andS fl teracon 0tion range01 larg e ha ac 2tb tsrn o uer 80ptry 9 hIedly < pubIc Auct Bew2 miles e sr et Our-d 3d. 6000 an. e~ n e r Lo g n ve o h e n d a l e , ie *h Icb h. uai y i o m m hOîd t 1 clS & .M nov n u , i t uc kv 1 Barrowb ut s e . 11iPon boe 1 ,B o st einf a rren& usi uanW. Tb, hie ivdheeagwagoni. ais1benrd u C. .17 et r. luchetuno. uce:svlubotter esnlncuirrs, 15fletryanWedetenteOtOle *i5 ailse ie etadfli fLk lelle, Ck% d o!, aoontbom th. c. Je roeeiai22 ,-utue. jseidwigtaot20,dnvu pr et ay~~~~'br MnnPetrst i Vlag, u Et . is ta retend onetat lo 5 Pgn as. Auctier u er. 71y0 .1 , oth4 ers.wlb Oaod(asl abrcvr is,aeex L lh ta be epsenatvs orrnn fiad va ldl iotCoind-H.F.Bus. lnt 14 0 ol heses.4obote, ri = tand 6yl ouae ,i esi r C3,W0. 1 asy 'in- tmmAenca Dep'W&lPmp. erlalasne hrub hosltusasu datbout ra c olt boea eodsg1 -y Boy rocker i dlfflg tableiud 61,150; tb a iers of heeA . W . ea rtise rilla e to! t h é 'o od s n u t e a t on Ravmil uar &U o e k d ny f r f r s e , o r oe I m, 3si séor dba, hsrneoe; h. 1 1 al i ol t, 4 iea n od, ltcbet 1 h200 for Bo a k e tiug., cobitin d vlm t e e insu! hma eiclfu sl r ultal e. g- ere lvi2sue t bl ci onll on b tte boa Bwed-lht bout 2 ay tait. d oze Misonw rlrln [dan, i llcan i 'or Bard sant lat~ling C. pup sud t a tn m i. ,and hteu e p a Apr mlses g M ld; ac onthes entu, hces. imul ok, iisb.. îîoseeacar: t~ uc fe i.0 motan toonothr sotiansa onvillage v$m inkchier syout4. tusess. DsI Fne 6. taov2. d-11emil Sconisleet o!Preir. oty1,0ho s i stgond dbill c on Uoî400ane;I rting.msu The__________________bissta__Paraer onYse;6bdayOcobe 1. n, ise,1 cnga seaeo,9 op cuornI bru kode, stenlàwsîl otaie. e aucefeter Tibo a b rilvrn 0oer IL eyr brp.eal in the t w frr-scom eabuca t 8 1O;10 ocioc é t 1 eA doble rne. 1eo l îîeu, 1î1t h e r 2lu ps and Cakny p . , gaîboliers 2astockhbull Hoistve Pinsonlmoeb,,pMdwuearlywitem bis parents tu e01 dlkk, 2 mg;of0double uabhrei MisM hl oebge a cepd Bns i n, ov gu tée16 2 as CCrikccol*"15, lktat, ucbedeagomi incit e, ,... o-i.Iietw,2kw- oy tes1. ,nrfiw M onday. wn gna. dsugratuiatleas bevmlen,6epiges y uitr, k t ale plev bey rdluao t,. I elkng botuse cîce ad n [ :: a Bou, Btta M . s d ee s n y o e(s1 o t Mungc 1P ô;.* u o il l r o el r poi onl efollen tA anaoffi le u tMryofb s . a he r t ta enati ee., l5 sud ( i serni , 127 ;die oe îbld ug itu, lsgondng gi ang~e cc , 200 P o nd m awsfl.r a, c sur- being 5 t. ul alvai caxnuvepau y d euitr,-pete 6.' b~ hors..9 ynsnd t 150sulyabI b te.eyb sus, 1eoe i cornat eeouîstorew ale;sug o a nad -aboisepigh an lyrst o o ld, t 1870,»; boatswt0 sul oney atenk bn ais t erzer set hn t ra o1l.i l ky 10w. vit - x %g , t geheL e ie ' M i s on r ea ie y Ch 1 D r n t à ud re. bc y iare uver n m I a kt . leu ro P 1 c gleuhan 34 yr ai , le er ou cu a plm en .tdipn. îda , gule a «, l e a rnaut , et ueli re B Ttnenbewl l nivbupr bemat - t h ope&scdavnib ria i ielite onmn4bo clJery b o n otb ,ev hado n er- Bd r ê c l . 1 u en. rdfuciîaor a ng clia Mis eeelBidestd bs etrnd er me bsa y moer u , ept ide. vti wapgonf veysrocd, 8 surfib mitl eab1sadr pîgs elo u ou t 1 bes lerta w1 ce -Ottpoge Piano raenebrdMnyerelandmcvrthura. bey totsripeLnke pZlbeut;r .ld. anderw tliaMtraeoioecobrnuen lie.Gerg e latisgb r aIs. il o milk n idr MCWiinn ete nnetnsti-hn.dc o be , u yhe nsaIbuggyar- Br iuebles hdçap g uyad Park. Taéar y lo aue u aad t u a k r l et o p h i nre e boc tain from acterw ofth ucin eru ess r leon inni ha tan Tr Doef neasd urlent Ch. nbytenu ter Mr. Hoie ass, h ise istn-a nk î eeb e, Jgs o i s boré e an, inder. ei tagodpu b i re beio, wih- relunrce, t t esîoa n lde, a Elburcwh ene 85a C.chne HPinsato n illedea pvoy eriouy ebc-rta»MeC2ontno b ns rat a r neban. nt es 14 o h e on reési von Milwk. rn, andober atiSCes100Nurrro s 'dinnr eid lai tusrsda Igbt. -Î i aorete andtmly m ws e ll p ie a b oddtr10 tile meutur amnrbapread5 eneCavnue, to mtereé hay o lus esc ti o n o;I.ýutt-er ans.9 Fred &«ens ý tensc Ldr u ves ; anytis s. Te eralebln.l m b ill on . 8iti t " r dne b o nl ln seud 1ml otlo err' the ues paeet formd e bCaWrttis w. î, tengurst u d tîuiennv -udes iknot. anu,d inc i i 2Con r, on uler; i Otubrn m-tir UM em hl dre uhvng leua vvd& als eninu, ROY . sd Teb hsa mi sad tti»det vagua nwib1 boar.e canaeel rtniles tee10 neo' ibo . ,, tit f vn a id . My aPHA1Ri> pDell e Ch.ore v nen 8ivrngaoot.fulo Usuel lre ueu 1 nrer ngrptrmy e. F..lucet n on. <nubleeRge oge24 l, Ale er ofGR- ai Movnn. sud Mis. Caunhau" sd"y mlY. vorste ewly punctais. ed tmrau e ph itof o uggy. rteswo. oe2 Cer,4 ih e agres Xn, l. Dîxon tIe n teSuhof.v bav mv nultatieurat aove heC. udtis tiower tsmou ui..1onagos.2 bb îegb5nanîyue, W A 'PEY.Aumo1e., nitmoue . s tor aelvilbr b e Ms. aylar ster a h ams. Houns ý-àldnchwetnane.sil at tmbllc an2ictrling ou tise mof advo rlot" t esnrltua b1,thnndy edran jarrci o r ham _____8_______id;___ Havlng8 d1ec>dedl, tSha qutheanîlng theor on om lup.s1niu . . ENd ICavs o. pflty B igld t aoult 2.8W, rI vilgI)Mpromse uou stieDoaiypa ,a , M .Btesn oCiagd1o, and . 1 e ns tet ed eue tn, sn uifvto , shvensîsa pbtuuIn ut'leie dd Gi l. n i e ; lîl ase r n ol ele me ai Ra. su Mre. oeoi. b. ld bd be falîS tie ci.. piv, p telo dlger, Chllege omu bons' a hamlernd ee i nti wLigrt~ ocker;a1t a! gt be W andntun chai~ boeTiuots LIbt a .v daye . 0f henslu-terer a iene bail te ul i layat eti lantr i esinarare btyvleot 00; c t er 18. 1911t, rm ( tmls oi)eto Nrb t'se:._ insu!frisde ad sc '~s sllok sCCh. ical in ean Gave eiobr 8,sesson, innln .11. Heo b. miii ,meeingi ococi harp.nbotheiaiîg mue weatsurii mheair:h aiBel to Bala <so.eose i . - for te an a u i $800.Oflogerasclerow, 3 ecton ev i cr enà-.:Pl2moth, Rock@vo2irons 2 ted S'ndea reoeuedy c abe '0 Mor. rsoar d ab sud enat iton attooand MCe N D iii l A Plteo@T M YRy ailisrnv M C n ok 4rt e liter Ln m ty e @ id , 1s t godmdoublcowa a r k sal6ne9aget;clo i be n etoliovang u C h. iat for evaina p ge weber bs e t. b unaM LY. 1 ocoo , ,ah r .viics a d12 b. lp. Poth e ste of sora vothara se s, @netehi l , 1plugb a ri ra s t n it ngi;3 wah u s Mre.R. . Estl aIEv.netn, pea vii mndirct a tse icun gouno. insenglu ue 8o fi Gsudyboit, I 911a, 1nce gidoubl bmU 1 hoovelgit ons 1 41hat; amphansI san be nt. 1 tisepas voe luOesfeld . . R.BelvinleaiToudia tse 2tb on 5ellr, Fairtb10isle 1 a.0 m'lbhsosie, 55) tr, 8uskagnic iend b 1y, i eStei Io-] a e a nsiarta . Dn. E. .WllutuentneudMRonI ena !Ca131 eieta 4filhayprc ,2 e raiho, e uk y prav o4 aces ro-a lpu-sho1, 1 set wÉe lfft bot 200 black m re ys sudEns Usny stemeuSudMr ud Barln asMr.anda TeenMs'fersi 20.t l>r hsstankbtH lste in, a5 tou arbane.. 8, buggraies.1 2 ing Per l ut tas]. elgling900 p o d a nd UMnWI anssssndgrsay. Wel onatse so. 1 o 6s linoby ey, S oas laver babrey watgons , 6-lib v ainioind er, e v outnge 4yar iveas el tin u heBrtn veueafils ýoDtoMr 9d'dr. eny ieeacreul ad 6.le rconson , t bin dr sesbahorsi, baimo c netr., 8 ity caa, 2agonen,2 t n, 1 ltr. .1rýst Pal ailay omany ba rseh"k, 2 s ed eavy 1 ans0; a, et matls es, 3 ows.13ilho.rond leraxprer 5 1 runiabout, 2 Sulkyieli., I Deen- danghter, Septembiri26.bbo n es'ày e l igbS170 4do t t ivu agés ecin;ktio 12palnte,@ upe in lug graI n der , e er a rn. ow Th L des di lo ay o- y o t @1 Dr n M @ beae es En c )nt u roc 2 el ahrass ba 3 t fijsonetsd, 8 h1os. ari nbn rici te s ly powt vaiklng1 piov, i cultiva. the Presbeau.tuni cPeu.. methad thee boardsuGeras ta me t er. 1Usue l rneei au m -o, i tet lng ult t r, i paIn 1 htrh meT usa rlg et m achl g e (3 weev a tede;8 ex tenI n gte Jbl tiras . pl ao, rcp. i1 isIk rail, letoare » ta iglad ar. Uo.Gerg T ylr is i tig e a ble, VoTicta cn e indsoere, tee" r . b e r ,,0Atocks o rne ut ub 8, e xptrestsap, ai gari a aew; Th oe»Scet fte relyein te r H pta, h bdt1e ifo-m rtic e a Ynuis ohmnton. soebne. xr od 00bih h t a d o ubl exten s ti n desa, 1 ay chueh leaed 35 t te hià n pe týe ota] nd aa eryserouay u sual erm e. FAY râe , Amach e .n.%ai oufai my farizesi IvîIs etk doublead a e au i. îto iietl "fiL Bauseld It H.uraiay ul Pnap.inuchicgo aunmyyt nr a2]4pmile.d efit 2of outDit, ma bAboyta8inon tuse ne inbarn, sae MrP ettnadeidrnwr:t kô lei(rcvrn.tmbr. ago wt arnruu.boxlnk. soI thaF ilu'uesutray c, e ago iti oy al , 10ml 5 ~~~~ 14, 1911,flx ee, 9iritscoulrp, tirse alglaCtsaot 0 hct fcos th g*sua r n r,,eW eti i.LnhrtadW .Lnea lie, 2oilatu a w heo, 814 tmes betu1 bav bro s ., 40m suntionoherartCl. PA O r aymrigtuck aoanwitaH elx, aiagaI. pUïmldee. l Fmre, 1,200 pnonde s erea as veeit a Wthellg; 7 hases, bergney mre 1,20 poisud, est. Or laàls B. ARA, PionerReî. B M r aMr.C i ngamand sec i lN newp limse e offltnait P aetD ')u gye, vit 2.70 wagon-slg2snsma rs cOld 6 mOnibi on, C' Sm.Autoer baeovdinotbfataov het -ee how b4 isetwamen@bah yeare, 1.400 oev i 800pauri goods. asov~rds, jckets, god ok hoes, hgic men nh 9 igl,10itoujar, gieer. AJUdddICTON NOICE.rul A tsw easC t r s u de e r s. alo eos ub erso bots. ankne, 2<) cowja s and . 8, calevesb i se , lita ahi. cl ait publpe kfoot vIde 1 Murat« oemudthe oft DandylfogberaomeerArorethîlce& y uq . hut pi, , he Doeb y lve rCha On M .a t ssulkys.avid,1dcidtahupla rain bdr,wl rmif nw andsh=1.1:es 8](142 s.srayeôbr Rster Hr caletnbatloaltdePni&tDsnlluue bey the ovl oilut p bliiautio on helnvi Gt- oeth miwsoh tisemit of rs.Bonld =Z ba be tii ù t. ity plwpattadin ,Ch llen2faogeo r , hay ct, 8 amire tank, 15 t e t nie t aotheai Gorgte L. rgreiudecesei, been Ut bu a lew da s ci brai -lever Paatine hal teaex ina play BaindanplaterutimnopeeeperiPrairieiec puilve i endaLa rotese 2-. 191iattend2%tisez Cout tyst Courtoah k 1.k k. MersLLS ndBR rt m GO ttndd Cr M eDAL Palatievry champiaron moemniy n4ovateborneat.bos damouW it ottcultivat2 ae, 6tt1911nt, at5nibt1 'lkShre f ab.lohd- 'th Stte ai etBprngiol. tie ee. but ltr 1 o'loc, étoer . b ob abrBucke12Ilyp.Pora edte, cfo- s ba tude, 4 le , 14 . stttigeban pl- v o at teCui oasl akg Mrl L.Haéin01 va bDn gentWitfor l r ct utesiue rud. loene. 8 Il,îbock rovetr lu cuti.14anc h vltng sl,25&oat@ nit fonithi 4 l ad ofCounty, on Ch. fIret M da. 2 4atora 2 acksn 2 @et w s,800-b x, v stale 1 w 4uSatsacorplnw. 4 oc1t ih bu 280 lckmr,8y mes. . a. inhomenteraine Mr. nu&a e kol 01 he,1i'ls rgi. lu01 er, wagous wra lmpe mser« 1 bis.tlo2mbet in fa, We tint, 1911du, vIons and Mrs. Henr OeUrman elal IdIrn and thgoIs.inbos oudneptr Vgemil-d wagans,4e 'mutCcane, tanlahtinobl vrock1 Wbere mailwperhome, 14 e& ing-claie- 011 esv~~~~Cai, itnsg wagon . tous p reraws, narrov is ritwgo ox1,00Aai6 al lsa ardnctls lad Mr*.Wil Oeb moaBand l 117 a bl l c*. oprneuty marre! iSn - pttchn,1ad csloe , 1 bah be -, 8'cuit!-reoumt 1,2t0 Poreesat12ise ad of o acre Cs it cafO rnse t i bole sts qbied esatda 1brn. «, 0 bei lacef, aY ,2efes Bim da nr am$4 gtdublle banse, about 115 tons ba2iluns 15acres curt fr ilidericathiiut 1 ou a u arse, e b anaise, 1 Dueqosaco ns tin.ersa ueler nmslafr 1Sige uTivtI ROGiDpair S I le V r @ale, Windsoof f 3-ailer B. B. ES ,Ada conoiL. 11st grvai d.mtieta sttl'I i s-a s t i I C I art t so n ieu amntpmh~a r oo ins6stansfdu lediu.. Oct. 2, 1911. Ul Ur e reue a no . Raigsl yfraI wl ell at do. . uble riw ÂttsBailli: tegt%. HICXA H HLrlr o - àeino yl%2 ie eto oti,1h Y igehreé i SA UR AY O . ,th- W. ETU.AûtIDOr-(iiûr % etofLae urch« lls inle.anes,1,or paner-1M 1 Î" ia lets Perno Telai 1 ver Lots Pero 'Teles R. R. R. R. ~W. Teleg R. R. T Nui 1De" 1*04, ott Mali R. R. *1 Hlm Ifnd erac la R.iR. Ion blead watm. eTI

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