CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Oct 1911, p. 4

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à4 OFFUCIAL PAER 0F LAlï wr ,?Hee 1'lohoee No. 1. AIor's eidenoe T*eilO NsO. 114L1 IOttgUa Sthas Enioed a e pcLue Palose LbertyvOIe, ELi. as 8600 Clbttr 11U0 WUUKLT.AUV5CRTnNUO"sasie iIÂ'dKmOwn out AnLciwaoa. -SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANOE 1 W"AL. H. USTR- ..............................................................E dità, FRIDAY, OCTOBEII 6. 1911. A BRICKBAT ;ROM OVER THE FENCE. This paper commcnted a few days *go on the intense nationailitsmumni. M tted by the Canadians in the recent campaign. There remainsAo add a foot. nocte ta history, relative to the anti-American sentiment there dlspiay.d. "I A recont writer In the Engliali Spoct sat'ciVls the whole story wlien ho thug expresea the Canadian attitude: .*The American idea, and very posaibly fromn their point of view rigitly no, la to aborb the wiiole of the North American continent. On the othOsr hand, the British people cf Canada willI burn their asat cartrldge to proent ençh forcibia absorption.'t Thie Canadians are a fine people. But they alightly exaggerate their own Importance. Uncle Samn would flot explode a Juiy 4th firs craclttr for an>.t Canadian territor>. that did not brlng It the hearts of the Canadien people as afrrc ltt. It nover occurred,to the people who oppcaed reclproolty on thlas, l" oaf the lino to évoke any unneighborly feeling. They fought the. treaty merely boalea they tUiought it was a bad trade. But the Montreal Star and. otha. ~»nswpapprsaifut t neceasary ta cR11 us tiiose "Impudent and arrogant Amnen- 4Aw%." When people cant discuss a moe. exohange of goode in terme af "agand cents and relative value, they are flot well quallfied for the. glve a nd~ tilca of commercial lite. Canada lias been histerically a bail loger. The. icot that the sot raiment of the Amarican revolutlanary Torie was sxciinged for a germent of ter -and fathera bas neyer been forgotten In thie» 130 years. And thei fact ithet Our aoW4rs lnvaded Canada at that tima and n the esar of 1812 m ' 19M w.ll l. ontttad frone the platform of Uiv. j"esg 100 years luter. And It la not ?.rgotten thatth. Canadien commissojcs pe¶d te sgn th. arbitrai *gr. Moaven the. Alaskca boundary. clg atit &~s go, though as a mlnorlty they1 dtW4 tbu expocted te bow te he wll of th. wtiole cort. Canada w»thebr superb lndustrIý Wsath and saibd"*tit fgtuw ba. tb~ as ie hha àprftet rlght. Th# hoarte aof ur âcing people, wtf »* apsoinof th. Panama canal, wil urnCSf',fibl',and rmor, te the mtthwiard,j 4oid Canada wilU miss seme Indlutrial opparrtunltlea. THE DýtOP IN TH£ S-11706 MARKET. Ordinaanily the. busness mon pays aboutas miact attention ta the. shity 1 ilu"latliM cf Walt stresS saca pans mindeil travoler dosa otahe swirl of the. r*q#qtg, whist et Mente Ouils. At ime. of imunbsathe %vider flutations af the. markit atrs the. shadlow do~Wis *e0o@lmie aveAto. Early I 10, for Intace, et a Cimi whon ousi* Olt~*o Maklneovertirme and aur bank ciungs wr. enormous, he stock nOIssaUiyy drog farecot theu panle ai of théityear. -Aln the spectace of crumbllng prices la wtncaa.d, andl business meni :» _ oth«r Inxiosty whit t may ail port.nd. Wh.1, Cwelvs loading -19c01M have talion tram an average of 98 te 75, her. lauflcloseil a wlde- 04» mif , whlth cf tselt canstltut es a hiard. SMody a persan l4rngs on tmeniasurtouta physîcal milady almply by worry- jA4q lau hoequr. 11.Sîmilari>. the ndustriel world may become paraiyz.d 5ýrVM4MIY througli tsar, regardîssa wiithar the fear la rational or not. '. . -thestock market ahould nelt ho taken toc cartously. Tiie purpase of Stie .t& li. moaeprices move, becaua. t Uq.,lmy tiirough fluctuation that the. <priç.can mokae mono>. . Mfuian hop».and fours are hie marchandiae. Ater <Iret~e aeoIn thaîr hope. andl flndlng nc ready sale, ho turne wltii *quel >» 50e Wi *»O e li butiIr fours. 'Tii. powamr thiat deprouses the mrket fflit».a ncii Ch. pudgrniant of traînsil fInanciai experfts asto rosi values, liRq- théa balet of upculators tiit people are In saniood ta take counsol of their Au for the dasàger of anotherl19ol, rosi panicsafater ail are bor,,In people* beps rather han hoIr foars. TueraIo sanie iack of ballast In hunian Ilie t hat I*sdmon wlian ance the skias are fair, teaict as Il no torm ooufd evor t$W g.n rimeon tiie horizon. The>. Ck* on salI that almoat upeota thoîr craf4 O rmd*r the, gatia breezea f airlweatiier. At the first aquali tii. top iieavyt .thhMilgog«s var. But In days Ilke Clisse, wth the eterm clouils lowerlng off f.when w.e are ail sallilng undar double cci.s or bars polos, actually the suQtI oet wortiiy than under failr but deluelve skie. ",VELO" 24655, 44784' IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Illinois StalIion Registration No. A.9625 renewed. Velo Ie a black homge weighing 1900 and of tinusual quality. lUe le abt;OlUtely sound, sure and hi@ get are of the very 1$ghest type of draft animale. H1e is a horse that bas iproven himself. Velo will make the seaoon as usual at the Hanson Stock F7armi PAIRIE VIEW. ILL. -MILWAIYKEE ROAD V FEE $12 to insure _____________________________________ ____________________________ - _______________________________.__1 W. Repair The. Most Deicate Parts of an auwt ttho mime kl st-h Wv--r-. atome »te beavier port-tousoft-the-l-ocaf-. Olerrep¶ulatin ouuSs not et it-tnet-tn . 4-p ability .t-o put ou a nov tiri clurota- -'aobut aima on ourslrillinl rejunrins -lâinksluan>. part- of tho machine. i ye ~totItnk aythiug ai your auto you ,,bosld have ue do yunr repaiinag. Wm. Laycock Co. Labertyvfle, HLI «QE -ftiý 126L Shp 4324 WR WILL EXAMINE - . t-bat wtat-b ai yours and t-cil you ju.t wliat is rteuessai-y ta te dîoe aud, bat il viili atolaptut Il in Perfect Rut-ning Ou-des- tbet-î ,..u ct-n lt-ave iî or nat-,as yan please. lt-t-1 ai h-rî-iofairepair- do oni>. t-he vriv tst-vou-k st-d you eeed have rio liesit-..rît-v ît-u is-g tho finetat-itle in ru oitr tare. A. hIUSS JEWtLER Tibrtyville Ill Ieoes enmaOWçtnity tW wlileh la a01Wtwe talela l Ieth ouL Michipan ajeaue alon* ta s"Y Poo, .agof at-bar tredi, ý 4cain on t0a attire tor ,tlieingual fait oiuolag aiý tho Chiaiga Àiitoamobi Tre*Annoc- ledioaawdhe bgins Batutdi>, Oct- ber 7, and coutinues throogb Baturda>. Octobcr 14. show on Slpot. lu reslt-y It la a fait show alang automobile row, tic exhibts beg n tia vaiaus atarpça mat-sofailuaa show buildine. Elaboratq decciative saheunes ara being var Mdont, the ehiaif belng the lightln&Ï f the eut-Ire tisarongifare iram Ildi to 28th atreets -Juat two mlolo-with festonna of electrlc light-c atraoed soi-om the street every 50 ta 76 feet. In addition there vili ho t saab cross Street- and whore streeta wauld ho If dit thj-ng-iaur 18-foot pillara In whait-e snd gold, wlth bcautiful colored lan- terna hanglng thereto aud on t-he top of %vbloh willl ho Immense globes, lighted. F1rm 6 util 11:30 the atreet willl be ablaze, and ln addition each place of business wlll 1)0 brlllisutly llghted and alundautly decarsted for t-he oc- casion. 9 1912 Modela. Branch managersansd agents of the hundrada of automobiles handled Iu Chicagot are pushing fascrIes ta have on hauod q full Une aifail 1912 modela, no that t-ha buylng public mnay bave a chana. ta Inspect the nov gooda and plaoo osdOranow lus**ad OfIrait- tug until spring, wban fatortesamar crovied ta tébe lit., aa4ctlootare vl b.he-rer>. mainer o aibe tartiais dtylimshaownu abt-rie Jig ont- fto,,an&SUailsortea sumaner aofn»W and navelt timnu destgaed for the oorniort of t-hic sotarlgt. Min>. of the 9~ « clarai siniig for coorpreloaalvc exhihlite et tre- piilcawon the. last- everal yegrs, and vhere possible nmre at the vell- kilown racIng cars and that- were the forerulnors ofibthapreceut day ioaS loomotive Picturs Show. One concorn te srrsngifig for a pic- ture show, sat-ber vilI have mOving pilctures of tire rnaking, and t-he fumous and original Mchelin t-vina will heoan exhibition. Escli dealer on the "aw" bas agreed te, keep open ail day aud even- lng ta show prostpective purchasera ail h.>. care te, me, and lu addition each dealer wvIihava lu service ai least One and lu msuuy cases several deruonatrating cars. Theee wîli te keptriuntuug St aiHtirnos sud wul te for the purpoue af carrylng vistais irom One paut of the row t-,a mother, à ticket- system for wblch la belng ar- ranged. Great Day.. The trade assooiat-ion bas arrauged a program for t-he ontire week, a; Saturday, Oct-. 7-Opening day. Monday, oct-. 9-Chdcag'o day. Tuesday, Oct-. lO-Owuers day. Wednesday. Oct. 11-Club day- Thursday. Oct-. 12-Dealer'a day. Friday. Oct. Il-Ladies day. Sat-urday. Oct, 14-Chîcago Associa-ý tion day. The expeuse of t-hoe tree decora- t-ons alone run ta pract-lcally $10000 t-o gay nothlug of the decorat-lous ta lie made by the Individuel dealers. ëade-ts M Test Six copanles of naval recruits. composed of about- 500 mon. gtarted Mouds>. on h physical test-a, t-be tests belng requfr-ýd b>.t-ho lava of t-be ai-nyi>.a-d uer> circies. Ever>. -riree montlis t-le 0aIt-ors oi t-le navY ai-e requl-ed t-n talle a pbyscal test. t-o niake aune t-bat- t-le>.au-o up t-o t-ho standard lu phyaîcal condition. Pie-r hundred rocruits, bheqded by t-ho naval station baud. st-auted on a tee mile hike ta Lake Pou-est- sud ro- t-ttrt-t. The bayastlIed out-ai t-le saioln in t-be norniug aud, cairyiug rifles, proceeded t-o mardi t-a the arittocratie- nouth shore sut-u-b, gtviug tbat rit-y lt-o fret gliltpso of thbe naval re- Cru-its. Tht colomnemarched lun egular fou-m. Ibe saie as If t-ho>. ore on au act-ual cnzupalgn. The music ai t-le baud aided t-he baysan lu rarhtug, sud aa opi-vided a nuafical t.s-at- for thli t-li aumber ai«u9onsli t4%o ia lt6 thurty-four, Chist eer aloos in tha ait-y W opura4ag l llegay, andti -la the oroinge .'governUg «W*OO la VOIS, la thé t1nêtread applctton ai tihe teSt t pia dgqsilof judoge triéa glysu la the oIlt utcourt aturSs>. at- tarSoonla thée &urora Caca. Pufte CanuBu. la hie daciaiou hed: That théoi 4u1Mft, pad b>. t* Auira, C it-y *canctl februar>. 4. î1Ow, llittingt-the aumberor aI Salon ta fort-y-t-rasvia void because it crgated a monaol> by 'giving t-o *aloonkfop. ers who ha»lilgense befors t-he pas- sage et t-haeuirdinnce s chance t-o con- tinue. thois- llanaos lndellnltely. Ail hould b.e Fquitl. That ail ehauld te given au oqual chance ta secura haounses even tbough. It- vas necesasy t-o draw lots when thbe nurnier af applicants totaled mnpre thon fort-y-Chu-es. That- the rovIsion le theIlîcense or. dinance rnslclng t-ho saloon licensea Payable lu two lnst-llmeuts of $500 oach waa directiy opposite to t-be Illi- nais statut-e aud therefore the ari- nane lir vol#. That ail saloonkeepers who have noV poiS tht 1.,000 lu advaneeand wha do not psy the additional $600 al once ar-o sellile lilunar legali>. and sare hiable ta ar-est and prqsecutton. Elgin Law* are Bîmilar. The ct-t> ordlnances ofBigeW are 9ari-t-o t-he AurcaaIssand lîrnît t-he numbeor ai alais flurs t-o tit-- four., The calconiçeepers pay hir license, in lncalmmsts aof$"00 t-ice ycarlY, and never la advsnce. The n.xt- la>- maent la due t-he latter part of thbe prisent rnath-b-W fe'r the Tatsix mont-hs. irtay NRia" mois Rnnpltr Jusi the. isgiedpnts n.eded On belld up, stm.gtbén sud rmee h é bld e w of t. peperolforbeokd aehg oS 5.woaoailcualp Prapeuile fer Local rnipvwvum.wte. BealeS proposaistviiha' rocelvaS b>. t-be BoairS of'Local tIuprovements ai t-le village ofaibehrtyville, LaIt-eCavun- t-y, Illinois, ont-l 8 o'clock P. M. enl Octobes- Ot-h. A. D1. 191t. t t-be vil- lige Hall In sald village o! Libei-ty- ville -for t-be const-ructla ionofthbefol- lavtug limpu-oveinelis bas a vhole to-vit-: A counect-ed systeni oi seWers vît-h flushes, mauboles anS houae coneet-- tian sîsuts la be const-ructeSlunis-ct- St.. iraint-elierusection of t-he- cent-si lineofaiPi-at St-., produced nort-herly b>. t-be cent-or lineOof Broadvsy, sud runulug t-bout-e out-beri>. siong t-ho cerneu-oiflnoe of First 1St. a dis- t-auce of 795 foot-le t-be Village o? lîlbertyvîlle, bLke Couet>, IMIinois, more fuît>. deacrilied lu an ordinanae passeS anuS appravtd liy t-S ea Ofia Trustees oi t-le Village af Libertyville aforesatd, an the 4t-h day a!o Septen- ber, A. D. 1911, a cortllued cap>. O! vhic-ule t-tttached t-o t-be pet-ltIon a! sald vilkage ofiLlertyville t-o ev>. au assouamout- for saiS impuovemeut Iled lu the Office oi the Cle-k ai t-be Coun- t-y Court oi L.ake Count>, mlinois, sep- tomber 61fr 1411, sud dacketed in saiS Court- as liertyville Speclal Asseus- meut No. 5 Said systein ai sewor pipes t-o te furrusbed snd put lu accordifng t-o plans aud speciications ut-tw on file lu t-le offie of the Presidfent ai t-be Board ai Local lmiîuoveinent-s or t- t-be office ai Paul \lact-hiffie. attorney., Lake Countuy National Bank Bt-dg, Liber-ty- ville, Illinois. - Puopoaias rmust homaSo out- upen blanks iurniusled aith -e ahave uanied piace,and lie addreased t-at-ho presl- dont ai t-ho Board ai LocalIniprovo- meut-s ai sald village, eudoreed "Pro- posais loi St-wer System, sud te accomlîanîod 1li-x cash or a certIfieS acht-k parablo ta t-be aider of t-le Presldont- of t-be Board ai Local IM- lîcavements oin sainie responsilile t-ank for ?n aUlot-unt- (,quai t-o ten peu- cont- ai thle sggrtg lt-e proposai. Blds wilr lie apened b>. the Board of Local fimprovenients lu open ses- alon i>a 8 <tclou-k P. M., Oct-aber lot-b. 1911,- ln aaid îvilage hall.,tln sai Vil- lage of l.ilîout-ville, ILake Coant-y, Illinois. Cont-cartons wi11liebpaiS b>. spot-li asseamment ivariants, payable aut- ai Libertyville -ji-elai- amssmeut No. 5 conlIrrmod Soîterahor 26t-h, u911, t-he samne liing iii able 1n one lest-ail- nient. The Boatrd (itf Local Iniprovements roeerv-es t-le riglit-ta react- an>. sud ail bidSathe board rms>. abat. Carîtpajies or firma biddlug viii gve tho Individuel nameofait-be mcm- bers comlosirig t-be cotupsu> or du-mt wiih thein respective addresses as veil as t-heo ransd address oi the Ilitm. Il.P. SCHNAEBELE, tlt-les t-rough whicb, t-ho aolumn Preaideni or thle Board af IducalIKm- mai--led. Provoments. c-1-2 fi vas satîle t-t-be station Mouds.> t-at osai affloer ai t-ho uavy sud aur>. Proposais for Local lImprovseç)t. vas uelulr'ed t-o talle t-hatest- sudi Sealed it-oîosala vîli b. recoîvedb>. t-be Board 0o! Local Impravernts ai vas aiea decîdeel that thbe rot-rt-its thbe village oi Lîhertyvtîle, LakeoCana-1 should take t-ho aune course et t-he t-y, lliruOle. uiti IL .ocldck P. M. an sa me Oct-aber lOt-b, A. D. 1911, t- t-be Vil- ________________ lage Hall ln sai village oi Liber-ty- ville for the t-onstruction ai tho fol- James C. Dahîman, "Cowboy" Mayas- l.avng Iirirveroeat-s as a vitale ofOmîlia, "Throws thekinrlati to-vit: Mayor Jas. 0i. Dahimîn'at-ested hi. A couuecte-i uysteni ai severs, vît-h careor mss covhoy, suid le at- pi-scot'flush«s, nhoies sud bouse t-ounet- Mayor oi Omnaha, aud luas t-be foliowiug lion lauts t-o li conot-rucW Slu Third record. Sherifi oi Dawes Ct-., Neb., t-lres St.. fron t-ho Intersection ai t-te cent-or terrms; Mayor af ChuSi-ou, t-v tei-me; lineofa Third St-., praduced uart-heriy at-' sI Commit-t-corn. oigbt b>.t-be cent-eu- hie oi Orabard St., anS yesro; May orpi Omnaha, slx yearesud runtleg thence southoerly along t-he in 1910 candidate for Govornar o! cent-or lineofut Third St., a dsttance ai Chbicago, h. aya: "I bave taken F. 1.>L rt-yvijie. Lake Count>, Ilîlinois, KI lue>. Pille sud t-h.>.bave Rie" ne mre iully doacribed la an o nance gisâ,delo et- Ssy goi1s-aieS>mc ess-. isseSantdapproveel b>.t-ueoBard of recommend them." Yani-t-ml>. (slgned) Truateeo 6f tho Village o! Llbertyvihle J 4DR.-. DAIILkMN. For ,esae* b>.al!sUaforelald. au t-ho4th Sa>. ai Septe-an Druxgiste. hanr, A. D. 1911, a cert-ified cap>. of FraisU, 'Uahée ade ont bgps lilinki iuïwam d At th* #bore ,te pIgea alS"od iie sffl ta t-h&9 dent oi t-h, offlcur tai *"' leieaio sa4itIÜWrag. edorse4 [ '. posais for Uwr yta bsutS sce l la h ceh r aa oot-tSe ch** payrable tadiaeai-des- . af the Pyaldant 0f the Sor faiLocal Km- provemnaté on Borna reapanaibla hunk for in arnount equs.l ta ton puer cont af t-he aursegste proposai Bide vîli be opieS by thbe BoardS of Local Inlarovemanta len open ts- Sion ut 8 oclock P. M.;(Oet-aber loCh, 1911, le aaid village hall, lu calSVil- 1 ~ of Llbert-yvIlie. Lake Caunt>. 0loi.. Çontuacori wlll ho palSb>. apeolai abegameut- warrants, payable ont of i.ertyvtlle apecial aesasment No. i conflynued Sept-eutber 26th. 1911, the smrna-belng payable Iu one Install. meut-. The Board ef Local Improvernenta reservesthe rlght te relect me>. anS aIl bide the board mi>. lclt. ' Campaudes or firn, biddleg willl gir. the IndMvdual cerne ai the mm-. bers composlug tht compan>. oiAlrm wlth t-bei, resective addrences as weîl as thbe nummoand adâresa of the irin. R. P. BCITNABBELE. Prealdaut of the Board of Lt-ocal In- provemeuts. C --4 Prq)aaie for Loosi inpruvemenMs Setled proposai, vIli b. reoulvad b>. t-h ar ofS aLocal Impravemmeta dof thle village of Libertyrville. Làdke Cane- t-y, Illinoia, until & odblock P. M. omk 'October lOt-b, Aý 1D. 1911, et the Vl.- lage Hall lunsaiS vilk4oeofi Libert-t. ville' for thle cautiion ai oft-he olc, lovlng impravemmetsaitaa a vole ta-wtt-: A conictod systes fet-i Inch cuit Iran vater suppl>. pipes togethor vît-b lis-shydrent.. aft ton mvivad all athas- uoe.aany adjuncte ailS special coaiut teh.ouintracteutsd lawd ln. iiong and Undes- Douglas.Ave.. no exai emleti a ulqg st a pouinl t-liag Iiran ater auppfir pfies uow laid and coustructoS ln Division St.. vltb wblch lu ubali comuect Dy moins eta 6 b>. 6 b>.6 inchitee, vblchpoit là 128 test westerly, meaunred afous saiS omi tiru at-er suppi>. pipes nov lid 1In saiS Division St-., tram t-he vest- crI>. lne producod nos-t-bor>. ta t-he prcseet vater aupply pipes of Lot- 10 Butler» iMst Addition ta Butlcr'a Subdi-vision, atcou-ding t-o t-e plat t-bei-uf recordeS lu Book C. afiPPas on page 36, and 1heucere unleng saut-b on>. lu a straight hune 669.6 feet t-o a point- on t-belineof ai mtScent Iron water aupply pipes nov laid aud con- structed lu Park Ave., with vhch It sba.ll connect b>. 6 by 6 by 6 Inci tee1 whlci palnt teleg 413 foot vestorl>. from t-be westerly Ilne producod suth- erl> t-o t-te pi-sent waber suppi>. pipes ai Lat One lu gald But-era Fîrst Ad- dîtion ta Butlrs Subudvisian, lu Libertyvîlle, Lake Caunt>, Ilîlinois, mare mli>.deso-ibed lu anu-rdlnance passeS sud approved b>. tb, Soard ai Trust-es of the Village ai Libertyvîlle aforesald, on the 4th day oi Septem- ter, A.D. 1911. a certlfled copy ai whiclt le att-ached t-ot-he petit-lau ai said village of Literlyville t-a Ievy au asiseasmeet- for said! ImprovementilueS le t-te Office oi t-ho Cerlc ni t-le Coun- t-y Court ai Lakeotunt-y,Ilîlinois, Sep- tomber 6th, 1911, and docketed lu saiS Court- as Lîbertyvîlle Special Assesa- meut No.7. Sai systeri ai, vater pipes ta te furnîshed andSpltVnleaccording t-a plans aud apecIfIcat-laus naw ounIle lu office ai t-le Presîdent of thbe Baard ai Local Improvemnts or at t-be office ai PaulNlMac(luffin. attorney, Lalke Corint-y National Bank lildg, Nbe-t-y- ville, lilirrls. Proposais muet-te nmade out upon hlanlis furnished t- thbe ahove named place sud, ho addrt-ssed t-a the presi- dent of t-he Board of Local Impu-ove- mienla of saiS village, endorsed -Pro- posais for Xater System," and ho accompanted by cash or a certifieS checke payable t-o the onsi oi tho Pi-esld;eut- of the Board ai local Im- prou-orentaonotiue rsonsirlile bank for an imouint- equal to ten lier cent of the aggregat-e proposai. Bido viii ho opeeed by t-le Board o! Local Improvrmenls lnopen ses- slan at- 8 t-lot-k P. M . Oct-aber lot-b. 1911, la saiS village baIl, ln mid Vil- lage of Lihortyville, Lake t'ornt-y, Ilinouis. Coutractors wilIlibe pald by spot-l assessment warrants, payable out of Lbertyville speclal assessmeet No. 7 cauflirîned September lIt-b, 1911, tho smre belng lu one iet-all- mont. The Boardl ai Local Improvemeets reserves thbe riglit t-o rejoct arrî sud miU bide as t-ho board oîay elect-. Cauupanles ou-firme blddieg vîlI give tie individuel nanie aithbe mena- bors coniposlng t-he campan>. or i-m with tbel, respective addriesaca as voîl as t-be name aud address ai tht lrm. R. P. SCHNAEBELE, Presideut- at theBoard ai Local Im* provonients. t--- Proposaitsfer Loail i mprovements. 1 SoeS eproposais vîll ho recolved by .t-be Board ai Local Improvenients ai Lthie village of Libertyvthle, Lake Cont)- t-y, Illinois, unlil 8 o'clack P. M. on Oct-aber lOt-h. A. IJ. 1911, kIt-bhe Vil- lage Hall lu saiS village oi Liberty- tville for t-be canst-ructilon of the fol- lowlug lmpravements as a vhole to-vît: A connect-ed aystflaif eowers wtt-h fluches, manliolesansd bouse counea- tien sîsets ta ho cousgtructed iu Douglas Ave., sa-calleel, commenclag et s mauhole lu t-le conter lIneofo Division St., saiS maubale teiug 116 1foot- west-erly, measurefi aloug t-he 1cent-er lUne af Division St., from t-ho ,wosterly lino produced nort-heu-ly af tLot- 10, lButler% Iu-at- Additiont-oi 1Butlr$Subdivisiou, acaau-dng tthde tplat thereof recordeS lu Book C.,. ai Plats on page 86, sud runniug thenc 1southtrly 410 foot aloug a lin, s by Çait o c- ertIl«, e ot-ha rdes-taIbo-, 1rmaagol ep« WooWbllo I aptouasmevivo t-o t-euper,-o ai t-habe gt preilqeL -Ifs vlI haOopuiieib r tii. Iw st-u At- 8 ock cP. M., OeSober 115h. lltu salI village halu, la sit*-VIi. le1t Libs-yvtlt, Lis COmt-y, Cob«s-atan vill b. paiS b>. spaci aogmnet warranta, paIl. out et LihortyvIlle upasaiusau t No.. a ceufis-ied Sept-embas- Htb, 1911, the Mmanieons Payable uinane natali- ment. The Board.-o! Local liproytamauts retarves t-he riglitto rejeat- aDY. "a &Il blde ais the board ma>..ict. Compante. or airme bldding vii gtva the Indivilduel"meafine a dsmou- bars carpoaing t-be colpan>. or fis-a vith ticir respective addree.a e. ..Il as t-ho naine sud sSSrems ô!tbt Bim. R. P. OC11NAEBELE, Presîdeut of h. Boas-S et Local lia. provoeets. c-1-9 Q7,#Oz w *QI . «Im:, J4VI tht~~~~ orbetoaaTc Ïw' b~soa in Cte Voima « wt~Iderîpj PO, X,1911, a 0ertfgd om o *iilch lu .attichc4 tg tho atitiai of;' iS village of tdbertyvil1. tla ly aus augosa11Maufor 8sud lmhrOuent 1ud9 in tlhe Offios theCarx of the Coîu. t>. Court et Leât Count>.. Iflinç. $op- tember Sdi, 1911, sud iock.ted tu sali CUrt Llborvllc Spaclîl Amsea 1 mont NO, & 8 Sald syatem rn o ewer pipe. ta b. furnlabed snd Put ln îecordlng ta plans and specliccClona now on Mie in office a1 t-he Preeldent of dis Board Of Local IMlprovements or at the office aof .Paul MacOuMui, at-torney. Lake County National Bank Bldg..,lbarty- Ville, lllnai».1 PrOapSîm~ust be mide out upon o e o o o o o o i I 'o o o 10 o o o o t ,WE'LL BRING 1Te * handled to ySur Mling Y want good deancu, bandled withouf duat or * die,. OThat's Our Way 0 1 0 ~and weasoict atrialarder ko iHome Lumber Co. Ie * Libertyvle, III0 10000 20th CENTURY Manure Spireadeir IS THE BEST LMONEY MAKER ON A FARM SCHANUK BRUS., JUST RECEl VED Prices from $90OOto$1 8.00 Thooe 2-p.oe Bo.p Sats, Kaicmkrocer pents, for $2.50 «erenomugls Juireceived à mew 1lof Meus Wwk Sbm oes1r $2.50 aad $3.00 MeW$ sweater Céats ire., $1.25' to $3.00 E W. PARKHURST SCHANCK BLOCK - »Of il

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