CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Oct 1911, p. 11

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~~~~'5~~~ J5J.D.2I1b J...>, .LUJ~5. __________________________________________________________________ gene elimita aern, ofhad been co- P~f~ ~,.y ~ ..aDy Lpo~ka~ ~ ithe ls on-hmltz caswa vlrully t>dilislel A n~~~..Làj S1 fi!w?, groun fthtle Snindctleitcolld flt gvrm k_________ csofThte Pticuth liegae lncrien d lîres woasthe r ani'>l a Do t rial In 1,Gu- #4~BIIaguof b. ,oofor Praîênt illbe i 18.aeneThe riroadae end en cou- ,Tdng hanr 41. faILi.iraito ted o c aedoa n b i ,bs ctllerae ,w.pu'su ays m.O. a d C Ian a» tcb. =11cTh, thlltz crpsats. svlt foirenthto deI=a _______ ta cýnh ag r aate wtt ew tll g olte'far c itnh and ûMod. otedUpo. 1stre ta n le wasayrofan au-tiressesi itIns Se.Prut Po- iroer tthad tio the ae rime od tandut resan] 010CmnitW&W D6RàodPeiiotWl Pi a pThrohitrchamen rts wive111, Id1ng te ~te Wiikgs Nw v Meezi a a clionstocsan onds fallOotfl. ier bruns, ther Co ille. anan ladc. cao lac ity coprinstllVforhira metatyt to hrgrate Uick state bo a fa r lot. d harve Wediieaday'a h V LB SUN.)86Prom W lne Day's PoN t o ter a nd met n th a r nd o o beu of iz Tire, meouberangealf rateswtateotate Jinis- triodomttaeUin oc t forci ta ++ ++++ ++++ a conset of btratoncomstion fo ic bîtreip M aa cnitiez. aftrnon ispetedUic+ IinrPe I Pulwo tIeIYcrv ut tu e cei Jbba ato hic laamoi tasecon' + THtCALFOR~dl AMND- 410fa undofer ter at eor re t d rit (Me oeed fo lednew Ba Is s a l taI4.MENrs! uîtaI wje s i it.a e diet T e dr (FLmW dnsMi cUN)rasd taIhe Three ember Of th etat admins. 1 ther aa ge of these amdien îsm ýofhs atg n cmtIlari ncfr t e, .mî.îe. . Di .de . s .sio . lutrabtain omesto frteuse T Iookisg oa r th a lt o ISpoff e d the ;e+ W n a a su f a e+ 11 J r d w r m n r e 4 e t v- o u 1 C UIssite w h ih l a Rn ckfrn d e o n . L uzT H E r rA L îF r N Iad A M E c N D .o l f. a u l ,o i pu ar tyov ero et n ('alî ort a t raee ell * 1d re o rcarriea e o pi a f r Ers. a m n dc ipatl 0e sta. p o! ib tî tim ti O ba nd pre ss9 Tn g . Y h e r u n a np rt a nl i l t t ît1 i u t t u e m 'i lt a t e , Y c t t n , T e d r UWInae. 1.Itrogi r+tcm d tiiutw ers .ria err s 458ý Dnile ixno CInta hoe rt+ ptI e .a nid apubltlie itlic goti o u 1nthe S 1> k'ra Ovethe s tead nst rdbtlon e< + * 4. Tn.3 el nclag juge n'ecIi. athate ,Inuepe -suented t VA»$ tieswh arse vaîiRockfod eut Im. 'r radîn ns ae om un+ n'ul OJ 4. - tinti Cli a awe 1r 1 a antI + carrirs.l+ andvPtsthesDaxonf e f19 ý ý Juge L Y. herm n, rankW .ip iCartri eritfts suri01 te ie P orssva dmivnisrto. ad cek tow ant an vie rilH o +îuda. t. omniaoy emprs. t -a lihei Aroat, H. c.I P tr P usn Tt Buare ct ug hsnd r t hercommn- , _r. wa nîa ive fr the o r fred 4Mtiof telie ommt attcbvled.+ Intiaivend frol duic iti Afilin Tfet underliothe g o Unita i ted coi ibotee f o r e vatingee ka or Tha1+ TeS. 4. asawer cve-la. t 100k gang'o,5"w , ymandte brouit 1viila good repor . VItatrg cmmsin gu .îcly ms w lr o pats ad rons e<le ifrm an )avîl oi s 0le lireer Satenicît 41lveplcee o ece ii li + o cIll e act ntI Ro frdthee c om aye + ClUncîîe o rh lîî o ii- 4+ t cUl r ai e gota, W5,5 dsg d o r.uet ben orln o le roost n-be 1 Aur.booreP aII ng was l.-ereaC ued. men L daiiveof th cilybs aneellhent chane 1. + Inglra d om isin+ Slmn g o k' r A d vanl ages+of R o if o r d a oIle li c e t ilof a s 4. en.. X I. O . .- A po r e ctîlla r n ts re î Ti wJhneie s a o nsleri + Proldlngl n oon c red taew odaya ag ouiùgThe cn P r' pettate u g a.f r tl E axB ,'w ieltI, s ar icEs A d espqclall bogod Incausod e q ic a54. e cav -i n I een a m a nofor the s vrm ana lferelno dl a poatu the t 4..4..4.commissionidig o ago%- atI co l anld cueu ctiez a mndnîînty hfor m a n utrock srmon:" t lf+ Oc 1.-A it e pli cemen tu reove , in h re btock on 11 ua r af o n m te r oosbi in g be l oMi c f ir l ron rs SiVl eg itlala tur e s l n e g ýr , w% e d g O t 8 b abandanisc, t onli en an xellnt hnce + in.t 10 Uc pepe o! (a Ifonla o ld Musigas ria e ns ou . e to 'flanite isth i s a e o p l tî i c s,, ar corpra tI onl ero m s tae t sion th+condtcor, enjami A. . ppe ointive by go ero. a e enty fr wo asom. s +ommitîcentnctiidlngent oftap- Bio, I. lai',d o t, l. A cultarbis h oe ti Mrown a The han iter fl o ieri. Aloon et. 0 Ircsden +Taden thisclly. a_ ___s oonth l *rage. The ater Pr. lern lertd.. d. .. .. ..t .. . Ig. 1 a to, anlba. wro dition.e t uken ito -oiiiderat()D b hewrot n ct.10 th o ple ami Ca liauef ori Su d a e tzto Ia e oug h. i i spection party bt ii valesI'Rorkfocd blmaself how the atoli' vlews iegisla-1 perîshed. lu an effort to betiure a gDotI sile foc tive mallers whici ilte hwsu coademîted lie eW inase ioiiltl. otu in public andI prîvate. New Philippinle lndu$trY. Afer looking avec lie John tarin imaking îwo biadea of grass gros thte visturs wece met i> autîomobiles iTiiere are 23 propoged anendments viocs oniy on, grew before baa been -and wre lakeu tack 10 Rockford. l i iaecntluit1tteetcn outdon Inth le culture Of sllkwormi Tiare mert- on ai tsitua slgIt-seelng! ters largely'in six. in the PhiPPinca. Ceyles aikworma un ueattrnonThe recail foc att lected officiais, whilc produced cocoona ot a brigtit .pacly ste incladlng judges. golden en coai The nititiv andrefrendni. wihlie Japanes reed. tbe reagil Delly. TîOIIgh.Titlliaisrndreeenun beng a pare wite 00000 livIng a Dar 10bewiS yu aesudte Forblddlng ncw triais an technirlai- copof iii nnensimes a Ysear. coic iea Isan reulgiu wli a guiotI grace ai.1 is1taied wIh lie ususi two or luiSE j $ba yon ar flot ant inl belleve In your 9Nlaklag railroad commnislosio ic crpe of the J.apaneae andI Cites. ovu Indlyiduaity.-Amliel. Ipontîce. wormIS- Ciupnc-ago MIark, et 133 N. Oenesee St. WAUKEQAN, ILLINOIS. Rockford, lit. Racine, Wis. IN&ANCHLS: Waukegan, MI Chicago, MI. 'W. Are Goivng to Malie October 14A IHummer Pr1*s OU H*#F, ive~'Yd8efr Faq Native Pot Roast . ï7eand 60 Fanez Native Rib Roast 9 and 7c Portrhum -Steak ..........12 siri9in Steak ..............lic BonIoa................ 8 Hin Q~at*el~Muton.... 11ç ..... ..... ... . .9c RQaat t MItin . ....10 fsUgar Cured UAms ......14C I5tt1». Fig H M .........9c Breakfast Bocan .......14c Boneleas Rump Corn Beef 8c .. .........12t ............8c Mrte w 1......5c Pork Bau8uge .........9c Sait Pork Kettie Re ,d Lard i... lç Nq,,%Pail[X ...........12e Gàod L*Uk Butterine, 2l.~r...........3 I1Y et tý4Valley Rut1r4xI 'a. Is f. r........ ............ lùt* iiBttrn . ......................2e L 12b1 Màji Pri Green Backs on Power ZNCITY V Prësès Heteaifter; Di1â it on hoId rsses Ir~ trle fth lair,,Rb ng of goltI or ilver certîhlcates on O io4y~Irta Iluestes bappen- &temsCari rocwlle f Rab1 power presses. ec lc d 10 step It t îe hotet tuatiun limue, vottî.. ucewli. ! Crîl ii. nd. At preserit 92 per cent of the total il la saidto1 sec 180 soldiers putrchase ren ail opinlinIbtit tiSY ri- Iss e of United States currsncy in cerc two botties o! beer sud pay for theu prinllng o! most of 1he tîficalia. The question now is ahetber T4o arrest followed and ini p<llceSLON CAý T-R ts patier money oniti IiOW te Ireaaury department wIll. lIn Uiccourt Belli*was ffnecl $150 and tI ORS L A S T 94R itead of an oId fanhloaed faceoe fthlie opposition of organized On Saturday another man was fineil- sea as at p;'saent labor, attempt to Instati power press- $25 andl conta for aeîlng boer f rom a (Prom WodneadaY' SUN.> congreas pasgsed illw tira- es luathe bureau of engravtng andl wagon and bis buainess auspended ait Thirty-oins Zioniteaa. eharged wi0i It aIl banda, ittitet, and printins. Secrctary lacVeagh believ- the samiee votIng îîlegaiIy or atteVatlng 10 vo', àtuld be prnted oit bond es Itat $400.000 a year cottld be saved ulawfully, apfliared ln Counly couir sens. The treasa ýde,part- hy putting lin power presseS. toaand gave bail o! $00 enab, Gsi îromlim ta irs- i teiît ____- ~ l IFE C AR ES eral Overseer Voliva golng on te ha , thia law repeailtso thal UB Y-1 tail. Motions 10 quas b.he nfotWtI. j.v bFINE BLIND PI({jjG*GCR EL tions will be heard probably brr ilzed labor buas aso--Jutke IJeWolff of Beividere, on Oct. ippne Fti»Quetin, E&VILY FOR SALE ,,,, Dmdll e5aek 30th ipîne1 Ras1us'n -Bacc e Only thoge who are In Mlon City o, ytic Phlipinellcgoserninent Divorce 11) CoMrto .tWor4e' linneanby cities wel'a C4lles Intocou:" ao issue shiver iertlficales, Frank Seille, Proprietor of the ter, Mass., By Message toilay and~ arraîgned. equestion tbrougtt ibtbr- Park Hotçl et Hjghwood la Rccelved liere Today. Tomorcow ltla expin«ed tiat arGt: itîtar afar here, ,hlether Fin"d $150O and Costs Foi menta fur 1,1e QitSashn of tbe lofe", Lu of engravîfli ami rinling SelUne Scer. HA LIED N W UKEA l. Lty vii be 'aken ap by Attrtuv' It theae centifittates an lie HS LVD I AKGA teet JIb elnu yAtre sses. deorgeW. 11.18. reclor o! theO bureau repaort- Le ould, savo $7,00(1 or $8.000 CAN SELI NO BEER <Itrom WednestIay's SUN.) vork if power presses wcrc __ Boston, Mass., Oct. 11.-Ito hmst.a- tSiU Sd'Tuaol c serety 0EtheIrcaaryperlor court at Worocater. much lu- 1tic question 10 tontrotIerf Dlaobeying lie manaate o! Marsallti ters la being siown, I the dlvom nCOae c 1,Who polaw ontt ual tic Hastes of HElgivoWs, 00%t Fraik Bel-case of Blanche Demediloà WSiiue 99 specifietI only bondâ, notes lie, an Italian, $150 antI conaaIn PO' gan, against Paul Demedici. A O ~~ sd il fil, c.He 11.18 liat the iaw lice court o! Highwood ycsterday. unedicis livesI for aeveral yeaxa *t m" u»b. fit 4i îîtly 10 notes lsacil b5 tic Betîle was accioseil of operating a Waakegan before coming East vie f 1* vers kno!n Mates proper andth is rullng blInd pig In the Park hotel and ferj Lt Worcester, Jane 21, Mrs. Deii T1iflré .e 1k, . ue way for the tise o! tih ething tiquior to Ivo soldiers o! Fort cisays her 4îaabaad deacnied bier. «heCloie sU Ou' tam 1W casses on ths Ptuili,tuci or- Shberidan.aislawîclvngn toah l. Aboum t lheear Several daya ago Mtarshatll Haestea frequently icat andI klckfl ber a n iol to be aioI l~t lasued explicit orders that no tiquai 1 tie'waswa rçlatIauive s osn ,k o u vrl1 LWlaRarov. shoald be soldin laany forai 1lu1the city, Sic also chargesnon aupport. the 1au as mtà go" d o alcroller foter l d thal uhe under Loy conditions. Thia order fol- luog iubo cti restrictive lu chacacter andI lowedtIhticordinance of the councl o o Mae *st4î. p« .4 :ýà-0 moat îtly should not be eniargcd l-tghwood, éliminatIng lhe beer depots Wo aeLaIU Tiere are nov .mnploYed A iuMkW struction 5 a a riembrace andI stopping sîreet sales o! liquor y o p<, csseswisereiîy Wood cas k me or clasesof prlnllig 001 wioleisalers. aitered lu character Ihat It b*0cOusi Wg 11etI.< gts.i lý ed therein. Certificates are Bellie is tic proprietor o! tie Park almost fireproot. antd la no 105M 1S5 1r5..Alta w pîdtriÈlt tiancd In the lav, antid o un-holel which hasmeen under watch for ble 10 dry-rot or sur o! lb. d"Î1181% tUI'W Yi IS f^ 6* W "0b11 r ý, controller's decislon tiers is iseverat tIsys, on thc suspicion liaI jons t.hal coma under the. beau o09 Ib.5W.*0 iiion in t11. lLw on the print- soidiers wcre reteving lquor there. decay.,i -"7 -t_îe 210212 NORTH GECNESE ST. The More of Qualily and Low Prices. The Lest Three Days o CQroad FaiC WiII live ln thelmenmory of <wr m.n long tlme to cone%Every express ofIIbeautiful new garments to rqI we sold earller la thc week. 0 a âThey are thé lateE" Handsorne, serviceablo long coats in ckeylots and fancy mixtures, $20 vaules, our price 1000 La41~'ces, coef Just arrived, au elegant assortrnt of ladies a.nd misses coats in fancy mixtures, broadcloths, etc., fasbioned aller the. iatest Parisian modls, eveisywhet tflr eai.wer fhord jmo $25. sur price...15( suite At $1~4.98 we ofieith1e season's latest produnctions iii ladies suita, made of serges, diagonals and rich novelty im9i- tures, worth $20.0, .14M8 pali~rs ýSaimple hoes, the Farmous vI once Bought, AlwayS B]ought: R »0 L a d 1es' W-I.*a dark aOd 4hb between 19. tut11 o dlock eacb O' tf sait We cArry a full Une of Ladies'), ý nsses' and Boys' Shoes, just bought 500 pairs of t4e farnou* KX-Z Shoe for chidren, a sam- 'pieline worth $300 and $3.W, at 1959 .5~&95Ç S lA4dies';ad '~es' wool serge Dresses, rncely trhimed i4h and satin, paxiel Ai I backs, hî4h w t effects, $10 value. .4.9 ChiRdren's Wool Sweaters, speciai at ............. I>açies WQool Sweaters, ail coloý worth $3. ...... .. . . . .. q I o 'i m Ladies' and mime~s suite in1the popcW~ mixtures s0 much sought afteag aiSel latest, 020.00 values, 9 our prico ...... ... ru-nvmlr.e iq imi- t 1 1 1 i

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