CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Oct 1911, p. 4

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DaCte lepik o 1.. L E4iel5asU"e gI5I41*No- tt1raeiwa'e o éaf m%«"s et the ?otoee et MLi1qo*xbLa - » lMUM WUMLY. éDBaWt eýAU'1sse xoM. on wJfi.cKoq SUBSORIPTION PRIOE 01-50 P E UR 8TWtOTIY IN ADVANO PrIANK H. JUST ................ .......................... . .....Iditor1 R ~L. HUBUARD .......................................... iy Ediiori FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911. . TAFT AMONG THE BRONCHO SUtTERS. There la somethlng about the. rarefled air of Wyoming'* wlnd awpt illa that nerves botii man and beast with thé. ual cf-conflict. Thé typloasi "tren- tier day" whicii Mr. Taft wtneased ut Cheyenne refléo a rad bleeded pue t la a picture of a lits that la passinq awaY. If w. don'f se 0e" of thune per. formances within the next decade, w. can nover se. one. For the ebçol$4y o the. typical wiid west show are a ver"- 1ie fcm of rtoua old WyOmii. The cowboy was the natural evolutIon of the atruggle between thes out. poste ot ivilit5tion sand the untamed force of thea prairies. Winter scttered the cattie over à tiiousand hili. Only by heroie endurance ot mman ad beuet coul dtiiey b. rounded up alive. Thi.e eterfi homie, bred among the tuxuries of stable and cheter, could not stand this &train. Only wiien the wild mus- tang ofthte praires could be eubJsted te human wll, ceuld man contend againt denti and the. desert. No ene wiio nover saw oeaot tiese rosi tro.tier show. Caà t.alile the litho wickedtess of these rearing and, plunglng brenciios, fier the. incredlible $kilt aolquired by the. cow-man ln rduclng tiiem te hie contrel. A cý àr*çttr of immeasurabie dafing and unconvetîenallty hian been the. mocut ofthtise conditions. Tiie cowboy handies hiii. un- as, you or 1 de a match., As w. take reasonabie precautions, net te tiiro* à bumldng match mbo ,awaste basket, so he takes a littho pains 1ha1 hie buliet doe net land in your Ton years trom today. &ay the. prepete, tiere wili net b. soft s cattle ,'ranch et *ver 1,000 acres in theii.lited States. -Thé, cewbey wiIl fit'tii. new cenditions about as vieil as cabby îakes te the work efthtie automobile chauf. mour. Turning him Intel an intensive fermer wili b. about t1ilse puttlnq an sept* ito a cansry brd'a cage, and fsadine.him on bird ed. There se à pathos about the ddlsappearance of liAs mnIy type. Te une hie werds, it la tee bad that ho c"nt e-"rop.d r.mpect»bý« IWce sud tiirowob. fair for a finish." SMtJGGLERO *ouQGIT TO TiERaS. Thei. comasrecord t Nsw fVo*show tht téaUom"r .01 ineumimgpu*. seugers wiib acknowedgsd dutltbI goe duielgs ýopo twamoetu twce. the nuber et a yerailet. r $rW l~ ~"metla~v h" aff.m.d ueuy wobbit At the. sme ime tlie.mum liéa hat et I"r 1 i Woresuit 11galii glatiton Otier bIity te kuep ttWer f5ptJa ieght la the *rseoe « sEtihe.§ fléeg tos. Leiii voice efulinment are h*qj.d frem tftvels'., regrdine tise Oeh@fieglu rqqJ5mu fth t ie 4mW, and tie Iénbaeisvesptwesmte eut' 1 omneesn 4istas.go" eoetthse qomiç ituroisipriaI huirt rendi43e pieure ab"sea.wego Wh ream oiqd liji mon .jmIl . ~,te uildrffl,4tthe pUb lcliy ef tise eteai- eh§@Wharf. Out se very eue muet know, wea ety undressn vle te b dons, iltub" olase iu a pevale main befere&A I npeter et teliemun e»X. A tichs hawl *f duishie ode ile .ouaed itl*l?,ey frut l.Sien wi ehave lie muame ao aoclty ~qss âd lokiee iirgiiilwys seA.deicpa,,. _Atm plrier aperneeeof IM Ie< i 'Wnetera eg.ueu4i t -« y etlfa lie. %heoe leteiî-tal't nla Iitchiai*ylids and -helgitenea voler and aty voce. %A~iiýtil eiril of prevareellon lsoesa on alamge sectien ef Our, boe- C55t Ivery touie Ioisffluoeedte delarete nutmier et parcel cf bd$- gago #Wtlmeic awa> vltb u n sd te numsi ho broupit homes. Cillaes ouppoesd te osnl.rtalu lofa>' Idea*,sef eviîrlue wli advise fellow passgers totababy tblrdepieatien by reportInq thse sarnie uumber lakea abro"an sd 4» -nwuoliei' Vbught home,, as su Increasn laiageg.excites the suspiction Afler ail, a lle le A lie, and perjur>' le perjury. W. leaci eur boys liet meo liercs n sgentleman. We festitau appearace ofrankuse lanuet cd te gél on in the. worid. But an>' old kindiat deallag sI goosi enough lte Cod adi Uncie Samuel. THE STRAIN OF THE STOCK MARKET. Innewldsst ecenesafer yosrs wers witilessed in Wall Street on the recemi '1shakuo dovw. Twsnty-lva thousand lots were tcascd around ase if il were "esuy snt, sud tihearob et brekers surgcddu if every on cf themn were mern 'bors of a football line. - Fow f un who live lires of simpAe.toi, wiisre our auccous deponda mealiy en aur own industry and fidelit>', a realize iow moral standards fade away "~' uder surit train. Fragile busean natuft was nt but te tarfil sudden aiiocke. Itle slow orderiy evoiçton, sud whien a telepliont, boy 'aïquires a $5M0 apsrtment on Rlvrald-Drlie in six menths, and Jeter SnIMA te lie tee y and unsiiora vus turcefthlie bueket shop, the orderly procesees b! natures gfewth are sbatterci, Soen or lae the. peculator r'uns up agninattisi propostion. He recel nizes tisI he le ruined if h. ilot lgit. Why net as weil te iiung for a fieek of siieep ese a'measi>' old mutten? Why not 'as woli fait for a millior as for a iiundred thoutand.. Can b. e e any worm. at the tsars eftoot h unrd ruined widows titan from these ot hon? Be he takes ail on one ttSr of the. whcel. And yet, al lbh prjecte for preilbting speoulation have se ter corne Ic naught. Much was made et the effort et Ormsany. ln 1896 te check i. Spec- -< laters wve.required te b. registoresias auci. lb 005 beievedthbat thil %vul * . drive mercianta off lhe Bourse, 'as eho disoitdit would iiut tl)elr butinee Sbut tii.> soon feund ways le desl la 'eccurities threugi bsnks and forcigr brokers. *On the preduce exchanges the reulîs actuali>' were barri-futi n Importan- partîculars. Thore blng no reliable quolations, h. farmer seld grain 'In asdl organizesi way, and local mIddemen bouglt below real value and made lnomsl nate profite. Tii. law was unsuccesafUl enough se liaI ils more drastlc teà tures were repeaied in 190. ~8Ieie ;tie 0l. thle me~ier slu'es'libth0uhIlb. ne diveWe., Tus, la ItL15teqOeto s iâd, evs'dla the ni boliok bi1 jooeXhMdillPsieron, q!eltle H6*, attiés tLisprUu b? plAns otte eYoung vI ifé41 l h51 a-veines ÇO01d bear. tien caet s ier le rstlpl aaaAeàt the. enliialals tradIton ot te cburcb ad mari" liemani of ber chelce, wtb vbôm keecsui pieérve ber seft! esDe,' dlrercingber tuas- band in dote or etchurch niad Alil serte and lconditions of People le tlii. country- and le Lake countr>' are readtnt, lbe bock right nov eud l le cousn« &Hmlinds et taik e e.,as the. autbor le Josephi McdiiiPattQrson 01 Llbertyrille, "Squlre" Pattermon ot Weatwood farin, Mlwaukee road, au, Lier, scelailist, PliYwrlgit, geetiema. fariner, rural echoot irectOr. if yoli Wlxb te apead a mlglty live iy, it-upimi twoher4.@et "Rebeillon" soine fine laga .vens and iread Il. ultng ln tii. 'rurilsitrocker vti »mre geed mmokee et band. Plrst iewevber,. varned. It la no01 a volumie for Bilii asses, molli oeIlles. el milds, or weakiînga. Nt est lmJgt not do lieu goal, but I)teracu bas ýa coflrted habit of 9dlppng dovu nto' h»ie setiiing Ma à! llt-viiY It h0etoseet"hopariel0 ulrl, n ne mbas ever llscoere- ,andbrIningup. b<tb badsfull et oraleb raw, PalPtallaahum" a ntmr. at ko!bt *bock solo people, jùémat ls, »0"» metiey lee, ery 7pwostv hem &aM beroia.. a%* tbi. eQuafli go. Mv. rlait aui¶emut.1boti obvicu.> >- I &elimbt *àU bfe gaudu ~but lie iutrestriennplalleula 1iclirît t - s4MPick ou e Cialeis. 1%1e thii Pillemm . b"x. "itemeI a we d 1 . Tiiem -endure a ride 1. me ee4y oraing or aveeing id-v a ChIcaneBooth elfee eevatel brus T« eu ciiick 051 tSV ehara«the ii ~ LherlyVit~ an-e isistthat hi laitb< ffm Llbirtivlie--ham but Slat is hVolume.' nom. tbey aue:. Genres, Cono N steaerbsr. la mieXrlsd but poseSas d aumiarried t<; bod ber Job. Preti Weil drmes, deciedy Interestlng e- Dlaguated wfti married tfe for a re e son-ber buaba" rmmlnIY. la Jlm conner, Wrd héeler. Hand. 'a senné but a "auàer," a "ceeOn." tox e th. yard boses, veai. a "b-oo igit is et," vol' latentleno nyer eteadv a & job, mot an earner, but a ope-der. kt ad adforth and 00 on. Georgla's bue 1band. Mason Stevens, lnauriimce Mn ,oit of te klnd vlt a bull do& letermn allen 5an1 a Taie bei peraltence; al vais gela vbat he noe Siter; neye nuudertanda a rebutf; la a n'one] re aker but flot muci of a spender ýmpbltloua. Mm. Tabot, Georgl's mother. GeaÉ tI ldseul and ail bounsi up in thf Chrci. Father *sri'eY. oneofthle kiid a' PriessWho are1' thane, te 1ord. t( li e fouel In et lIfe vth commend abte tequeiicy. -Sticks te hlm priestli VOW of povert>'. Alweys doing goo< INeyer burttng any oie. A bellever I bis churcli frein tb. depths or i! rerv esni. Dn Theme you are. ne Here's te Story Tee. rn weil. viten you . open the boet trouble la Ipmmnent betweeatin ot 'o to cor anrd hIR prettv wife. whose chlii ýu bas eroeaed thie DIvîde. JinnIR a OUI 'ieoe of iJe, gay boys viien "ie liasi m load ut," a nrovellng. apologetlc. r4 gnl peetant. îledgetakleg cuss wlien b has flot, * Georgla bas tound bilm oui ilt that lie ul not lie gondi, that be rea ýi 1>' dr.a flot WiabtotL',rylitaI lisneVe 'imeaus wliat lie Sa t laIite atwat Se our national Mente Carie ha* te go, but the true nature ot the gamoe should b. better reaiized. T~flTflflIIlIfTU Ielr harveat tasses have corne fiom ~ ~~t) irïthe iîst9sOft tleves wbe cen le hi Prlced. automobiles. SLast year lier, vas seme talle of gaîîlzlng a mutuel protection eo-i ciel>' amoeg the fermers of ihis coane-a -- y wllh he b, oeco! PUttiBg a stopE Tie farmefr is u 1brqt insu ibis ime [O tiese losses, but nothlng came of ofteva, bttfie- as t tak-es part It, but unless a vay la found ho prose' nI uhu e"'.cote ribis clati of lilevesthienater I! hie tifletate rottm iitîttîf Itiitinia> le takee op again tlus fall. thr- huniers, nutltg Iparties andth Ie An erianization wtii a number ef! lbilenu-s wio caoin uIt roni the til depulN sheriffs among le members1 tuIr.a' in a winîer supltf O! Pall 'anti wili île embPrs pedged ta an-i aegtallc', erlIrutstron ~ ~ swer a cal] foi- helît ah auy tne vould ti,'seraî 'itall rows wicli tni.,e'ti, t"lttlsquiele stop tatethe operaflomis o! develop tu iet )ething s oOls 1av,'1 he t'h ileves. It du-es seem as if the sireal>' ltîen rertorteild dIt ouit r, gular law 'efficers couid liandie the1 surpr'ise eoau'n who bas any leowl if rthe farmers eroul co'op- edge of tihe xelent o! this tbwlvery 'aL ii tîîIem ta te Sam@ extent1 '*bdI te botties, of tic Ibleves te îe-ar;1tî tisetr îlp saci othier, buti tkgtWmtusIndignant farmer itas te- if t he i'îe o una> for the farmers tû ',imegusesita a abot gun and bucksho tat l orilonl hc l r vrotect hlm property. eTIMIelintidî'r the laie ithout organ- Thie tarmers wîitin walking distance izig nooneii- te blette titemt for1 et thd eily are te woret sufferers, bul forulnýg arnlirîrd of an aseociation * lie tagmrmany mles ron tn do lier lbelle'i"' ahi do the work ael 'D ot botRte ta declare that somue o! lave tbeir ironluce. t>'. not fit erer 10 lie married te a vo- man wlthIliael. Sie imakes up ber mind Liat ai. éarreot play Lb.he arimneal gaine witi lm t» a 1âermfer a longer tîmue. and learfeshilm. WVorkieg ln a "Iee' in$urafle Of- fice as stenogiapbsm, business Ilirowa ber le vltli Maaeu Stevens. *-Stevens la bard bit from thefIrst; fleailly ho apeaka te the gIil, becomea acqualnt- ed. deveepe lie tors sifair, finIs responson ber part, and propocs mnamrisg« teber. Tiien tiromea lime problem. The mont' of Georgis, overcome b>' tlie Iredîllon of aMes sud ef life iWl4th regard ho her ciurcti, tie Cath-. oýlorevoit» a i te lIseof dîrorcîns ber. b#shind. FInahi> Gives lier Consent. Evenls sliap tiemeives gothbat eh. rhangee lier ieln and after a lime telle Stevens thal aie 'la ail bisown, and will get thé desîresi tegalspar- aratlaný Stevens leae4 for Kans Ciy10 "llJmmy" loome a bger job jfor the, girl andl ilme!. andi on 1h51 ver> nigbtGomgla le taken vîti thc typlil tever. t T -radilt7n Again le Fore, 1 Tiers, lylag le the beepîtal of the Cathoile sistors, ameug viol>' Catie. gisee ll$4ml*l4tll eMe l edtnepaytng barit~ J5 9eerék',.. back abd 61t levl ter a tlIme ,ui olutSe sood. , Thion tbee lnerltblfi hapiiells, 4 umerribegiy ffl wlîb deadly ACotýr5O7 thlie cimax of the bookovriela ils thîgl .14. Connor. th* husbsid lii vio bas stagbtoned Up ail net - touchel a droip for n lime. SgeU baçit in wltlm the poilîcal gang wlmlcb Put W bun 10 Uts bad befome. and begins 1.0 drink. 0 Meatlme a child bas been boMra a veakllng, lue te the ftber. IL l*es, peur 11111. mlle, early one bi aiomtiag lest as Georgia lBe ebolmig the tidbit 0f an old dotor Wbo at- îemded #wbbe, tuaI lis, iilleen la 'lammnttlî fr the. paretla As t4eugh tMeIs sicti vte not eleugh. as lie in>' tom laaid eut h on th bed. la slaggesaJin, the bus- baud, hait upported 1»' oqealît i drunkem ceMp..nions qeer«&gia igles ysterically. 8h. "èil Jm part atler te fhierml of the . bei. E't"Maisen Stevens Againt. .i I bnim e. 'Cýeorgia bai be ab- 1tO lately trus-tà ber husbaad. la vcr4q tbsuaft mi 'action, but bas net numr agol u <o idason SUqua. bî, caeeting l4êt one lai on, a StreetCari:, amirte uutuaiwlt Jin. assreil W«c thit b*e Wmul Côe n. venferSb* .d.d bitm., lu staki blagon one dMy vilifi ie1 matter drOl. lb. prieusl iallmating ta (leorgwa sb.èid ssiibar buabsida seul '1bjgc4*bacC te1WLS MItyff p utis lthemattèr np tu ber grnti m iia sure touci.lisH igIvns berthse chance lta e blu etO leste bui, '-tienam tierq.' 4' 4 Th> l'wviere the. reb"iliom ores Ner bueband living, th* verY thougbt o!1hlmI.rePilslve. blis tel- braites, distiono'r.ite - Itk4i tm a siame, 1h.egiW relela VM Mtsm r- C i fou a# te ch roi vhlbclx bave beld r br, and lesrea fer Crleva Poit, te- dians, lmnmediately #aler ]ber-dIvorce, there maptYiniMO, Steveas wiPrqvOice Iocuiem"i. . Tiieme ls Do question but tiat "Re- bhailon" wlti rovOe sail manuler et ,discussion, mach iof il bitter, a=4 there la De question but tia7 sou e! kt w il! be Justifiable. For lnatauice r Palterson laites the. Catiolle ru!. .y agalnat divorces andi tries te batter Il to pieces witb alfteXCeeloalosa.. As a mater of tact. andl ln ruai lite. id JiL ts probable liat the Catbpiic mle, ie geerali>', la a mîgti go"l thlAg. as lt preveots a lot-o! foi lega!lsépàra- I) tions where mutuel fonbeamaxielueI- tosteasi solves Lie dlfflcultY. d- Tie book and lus cotenta are. b1- [y over, very meal andi rus hoel!. and I- buman nature. "'Rebèellien la net ait In melodrsaalc. althbouqi Lt-a%"es On au the lb le edge. ts BS ratt.lmig .8004 thougbt provoker, and prObabui,1% oeorgta comors cage. t grPea Lb.' en!5' loopliole. ARRISI BFLIBOI Il IL G. Black et EarlngtOif, TU., mo-. tiotwd as one Wbo iîgt lare b.5,t connected wwîh the Weniirstmom Mur- der mytery vris-uIS Lat, vile be vas eientioned as cousected vIththe li0e me no oe n ssaid anytilUS aboutis diaconneiltion. He ObJectel eerQual> to b.lng called a berit andi Otb$r vii- comîîllmentary naines.i "[t la tIrue I1vas arreateé vblle working ah thé AudItarItUM ibVt01. 'Sa a suspect ln a j.vel' robbieri but 90 ver, other belintUn,ad 1»0 sroôtof lb. charge belng fou*&il1I va"reie* ed," he wrltes, "it le truc tkt, ibico saaned garmenîs wve.totuailIn 07 ce'bln afrer Lhe Wemnertmm disaP.- pearance, but they Wove.oC C.Otlet cee whki hMy ctt bail iother e big batcb of!"wev ittLena. 'The tYn ceat feund wa.a î'ne 1 vure wvi.1sa aCC_.ent 80 me Ime aMo, 5andthe k00' ver. nId oe%ésI hmasto t 1vth litdb A "Belhiilaways gotel i tlains for tiings," lie annqiUieCd tooitmIt. "The. lotels lou5, more thiéve liMOai do the Jalis. ont>' ier dont ov I, and vIe somnet2hn abt the 'fllftý one arrestîrd Io a he11boY.,' Pvert Item ocfà Mtc'nSOx _whAf FUglean ceo«rtdbit he ca r Whlcb youIre tgotiIs 70W id,'i sveteg trips vIt!bu tVSIWVL 10 -ou-penhsps Ili uexpewtei vgi ,Tb* twob '5ntl î tI westera n diqf$ws. tOtJPoste*1e0 be, arfli "la *IIL thon reurn 10 Wuiingtei.'-t The. -rii Ms bs ,bull.tined. IR pb lily UAme le, %binéte Itnbutorie'e, retrn 0 th*,0tO w tbugo VI etlrI tilIr.1q .b~t3~ italesms'uy tii Wood tu the i i l the rank'lipd 411*1 agtt b tougbt PaQut à suitar? dodtAoasln d' Iuba.jî D.puty Ceuaty Treasart i mes l . b iepburo, <«lY ol*T or liawood. tu hs met IV4Inas iCUba. l Metra tlnhm A t i ter, nmon. , h lsbr, tatsIt' Ilsou, aIcltre 1 teeVeah.treepaV.end otiier cab AI =d WE4 Cem~gte ~sdenst bon Ï4eufldWo& i. e A.. chls<"t tf *bw Ser se't*'dt e*ei armr "bu- tàUt. em et * Weos th~ b eais b4r f apýVifgo t q e r u b e T Wii lr h m e a , v ii oa u . Le i e Ta ti M i 1 u ti$ rb bgay lilIttis é li*Tlard. deis.Auted 10 boi0fâ-to n Buinhla tjý e 0p4met thé. TeuLb 10 ý4 wuso t ith lstititue or Pahau%iS l le I"y Cet the. ? viti bumsnt ho lthe fndle.a wy geaI. At l) a verti ettisses <ioiiiieed iti lie OffIce o th, clmer et starf maie Bach Si cu - wlt theb. tatchoWsuhlngtnOflf Secretary Stimson Mad Gênrai wffl le a lortnigit t> as pecethlaI a- nouaceinent viii b. Made of the. r«W ment thmt vii le seUe 10 PL.Benja. Min Harilwal. 14e Mand S4ssklng. President Taft wtt! ' e thé 1 ent' ter of e hand shakfi 'on4>0 be o- casion of bis Yisit to y]ttr.In- ig station, wiiqre lt.' uÏoQsaad people viii greet bils 44 evYMl- dustry will ttdoiM 4X'14» ite einty- tary. vI ido' the band ebakimg, aste president, 111int;bn a 2(4000 mile trili. 'Win b. 100, faulpiet ta be the conter o! 30.00 bend grips.a md vIli mers!> meke bis' addrea, roin the glWtoiif Of lits esieclalcar etBthLefronit Oftse administrtion buling, 1 . êt lime n&. val atiOn, and teave, fôr Chicago agate.h Titis wlfl cete 3Gt isit ber.. It la probable' that e iie rth shore and La3ke couuty Vii, et bave 10 de a gi-eat deai 10 enltertaln hlm. as the naval aciteol 'programi la lu the. banda of Ilear'AdmIra! Albert RItu Thte nortb sbore'Ba miin tazle late get ut te e the.presldet teverY One Dlot a bed i rdOSo InNaiO. The gSllm»rofWod temurle lauexten- sive andi mportant On, e lit' wlti ýpotentIl retuita for 'nort Sb.grldae. gopé jêWefry i.s a onalblein sale a vise lovestient .-mrOiitsug tbe chep indid l a waes ýprt 1g a remsnuble msumiplto0 ring, for instance, la asuil esmemdêt for Dne lotin. Tbé rng iuints ho probne. thal lit Wini pe>âbyman'or w4>nu*fl 10cuitj vata.' ' éet. et la a "tr la bas absotf4 whiib aLWSlr toledo vilb qquei loq$b o. H1ods lee a a@tore fiat hý!wese.àafitr prIce. hora dépendfit articlie. isili sore that Rivés YOU a spubre tsIsey day lualb.hepar- A. IIUSS JDEMER 14bertYVU6Ie U be 4"ýbd baU. e t tuit _ _ _ _ Iiob fil tsaof pro 1tlyw e. ," " « e t t É rtal1 t i ut a àéem-o- e sg mt'atioas e ~~ tmM&41»1 B.s"89*11Of Loen LBsk. ht Who at the îir. webaer attempl"i tui addition t btakfng parties cfi MAU Ihtec a1fi Wvas omIOYed.bY einera ont t te i.plae e gnated, j n euad~t . Wmà *uain bl'Oail . 01k eefaru. the oeuffar weiex. prospective Vlctfma of thes tlunei »Ode il& verlus farm .diniisnitee*bdlad wadr.1em.dFtl<ay nlght frep >wdes lun %lumnp, p"l an md attis-ira. msrgafet Gieason aI Whos. home eork aid têaeh, tii. IIfttln&ctari> 51 Waahlegton plae, mi" esSxamaI en bOW tohdl d m«Ot« bad livedfreinJanuary intit Jnaet la sditiOU. reiar futUreLt at had caticO regutSW cowpny î? limC-fat i1h. poil tb. youug voman diirliig 4h84 aimfrent tyDeê*: eqdngt# la a a rturne. ibe film, trie 1t thester. 'thoIspieW*go lc, l cmt u tuires viiab*.ý dIlte au&j.owdlierlled frata JaAXO&y mai1Ji"e, tuMth* l the. makingt hieo'lng f or and pige. doctur b.d t. elearl#Y upou the la of a ebarft la Ou grecuf, the rock 7>'uflK veilaidur4gU tAtl lim Accordlnt ho lire.<liesou, Umi or a .taap, e epS. g orec ad mitsl al Dr. Welster vas o«- danserons, sud th*. aftor effectiLa mi te rng vçSmvbpee na1-m The moyeenninul lth. e monVide. ol irju mm#.buartb ttas. ases. giead ..e o. , med mi scah the bu d . ..W, Lmei'ioaa tnaeç boy te tetepie- uurieçhoe I..a b0ors.weigbg an4 d of unumIa qualftY. He la aIW.mI$oy sonadaureanmd bie 1tg 01t he iflb !Y b4gbet tye loi 4raft animal». He la * bora. thstba pro*,n biiids1t- Vejo viii niake the sea as ubual a.t the *~~ -~oStock Farm P RII I L ~ - MILWAUJKEE ROAD ~ FEf$Wto insu'e msyoulwst dia Munllot e« aInge emder of Ce lwilbe * bandied tc, your liking. * You vuit geod cluai coul: haadW d ithout dWe or I '~Thaes O'ur Way OO * sand wf. solicit a trial order frooe you. jHome Lumnber Co.. Libertyville, III. STEWART Stoves and Raigels, B3ase Burners HOT BLASfl? OAKS THERE AnE NONE BETTER. Rigbt Prices. IT'.s Corne and Se.. BRO& "4 il- t t' 'I c cý 1 It-el

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