CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Oct 1911, p. 5

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'AX, OTBR' 91 Coffee It la umý et that thea4 onrueîrea, un y~'6I -be good ta unt it lb. excient g,54e et caBas wblchvie «Il Not Egquafled for et nsd arome, aud jet, ur peeame Dot blgher thon you have probbly beau peylng for t:s: o hr knd. We are experte lu buyiug sud you get tha beaet, thatatt je. ELI TRKI GS Phone 25 Phone 3 1. -1 j i ' , l ~k~re,&FOR RAINY WAH ~~i&W E H A VE A GOOD ASOTu0rr 0F RMIN COATS FROM $4090 UP TO $1500O RURDER HATS, RUBRER BOO1'S AND RURgEJ RUBOER IN AND SEE EVERYTHING FOR MEN Phono 14 J. B. MORSE & COMPANY, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLliNOli TOUR BABY Will need its PHOTO8jtakenIý now the warm seather là hare NEW STYLES Bath large and smal azea of PHOTOS we can show you at Low prices. PICTURE FRÂMES We have juat received a new line of pcture frarne mouldinge and can trame your pictures on short j BESWICK'S STUDIO LIBERTYVILLE LOOK! We will Exchange plants with you. ýBring your Geraniums, Iletc.,, to us NOW We Will returu you a NeW one in the Spriug for each one yoü bring us Meredith F10ower and Vegotab1e Comnpany aef e libty¶,WwlIes dotât 10 lad toknow thst a coin- Ilr signal flaga *4ulb. flome m *4 i*ctory of thé Fouldas Mil- 0 Im a emade mrnm.nawllhA4>aWether Bureau at 9pvlng- té *"Islh them wlth, rep.rts aélîc). Wwllh the forèeat 'of the ~m~fr c. colngtwenty-four hours and havib furnîshed thern iith a W. reproduee hwe a eut of ach flag and b.low show what ach flag Indcatea L 1. 10.. No. 8. No. 4. No. 5. Whte Stuc White snd Blck B lack an md Fias Fleg Blue Fleg Flag Whte Fleg No. 2. alose. ludlctea rain or now, tatlontr ânpratur No. 3.,41.. indcatea local rein or aow, W .ay température. No. 1. with%o. 4 abova Il, indicatea fair wmaf.r-Wrrer. No. f, witb No. 4 below il. indicates fair waather, colder. No. 2. glth No. 4 above it, indicatearajn'or sn.w, warmer. No. 2, lelt No. 4 below Il , indicates rein or dr No. 8, , No. 4 aboya if, indicats local ral orSowwre. No . =1lt No. 4 below il, indicatea local rein or»now, cofder. Thoan lnt.retud in thessignala. *. would 4àvIsé Cutti ng outthia plnce In the. ansd koup for futurs referente. ILIBERTYVILLE BRJEFSI LOCAL AND PERSONAL ME NTIoN FO r HE WEEK Toiniure publication in the Indepen- Depnt Se9i Limberry ip attending d.nt% copy muat be in the office no tatarerOSUlOrt Wauk;sena thl. weeh. tisa,, tueaday cfeach week. Adver- tsais, eapeclaily, are aked fa take PrtlCuLar notice ta thîs off cl. wt u ira eau div ati Of1 and and mie pro Mr (lhmuie IFarbrlcb Vieled <iver Suday lt Llbertyville friand i. U. L iubbard moved the bira of tisa sik là bis cew home an Lak. atreet. an md Mira. Franx Warren of Righ- %bd Park, vWmlid Bande>' vltb Mr. and Fa. FdCroker. Uha»l VerNMitaHUce af Phicaga, vicited " '4670 tii fare part of ibIs meek i* i ende lualbertyvlle. àb&rA. ~B. 'Cokreturmad 1ai veek i.m Meelde, N. B., wbere @ho b.d basa modleg tht sauner miti relates. «M«e resta are due sud muai ha pald ýor befare$hoe15th oai bs mntb. E. B. CpaLmr, Village Clark. I.ginang nwxf Sunda", October 15, otb drug etaras vill haopen tram 8:00 a)l. as . anî>', axcept lu amergency am. Thle Ladls' Ceusetor> association wtll oet vils lMm..F. 0. Kimbell this (Fr1- &y mtierisoon 4t 2:300o'tlock. àA mil ieçdame adaered. Jobe Bubliz of Wbealiug, bas M"aed Ed. Appla, hie revidauce an %lb.yegr liMilwaukeeaend Nawberrv avaOee@ ad movad tIbareln lest week. Uiederick Decker ot Holland, Mich., mid Martin Docker ni Grand Rapide, fh., ame epeuding e tew daye tht. rek witit W. E. Docker lu thia cit>'. George Lyncbhbhs rented hi@ reaidecee aMilwaukee avenue ta N. R. Ladd, roîrietor ai the Palace Liver>' stable. r. Ladd wîli taka posefflwie et once. MmL,. IR. BrYant vipifed relatives and friands le Obleago Monda>'. Mme W. Wylght of Fast St. Louis, [Il., la vlaitug raltiveandi trienda lu this City thia week. J. 8. ]Xyt t iis week pqrthieed ot gcb&uck lgete.assaw 1912 Ovepaaeeger Ford touiug car. Mir. d 4lir. J. A. Lethruîp returned home liaivW"niThureda', tram san ex. tended vfa it t relatl yenat ai PI, N. Y. Balsar Swan la sufferlug tramx a seVere attael of qqMluu. À nurse tram Elgin le in &tteDd»ibe. ad at limt reporta tihé patient lea o.valecet.. Neit smmis', the lSîb. ai the fair groanda iii lbortilé Ranthieva m croe baute miii ondot luna emal gAin. AUl ais ordlallî lmfled ta atý- tend. À goaigrAme la proisimi. Tisa LadlW Aid aoclety of tise X. E. chumeis Ul MBsat tbe churelh purlora FrIda>' afterson, Ocioher 20. at 2 Ve'lock eiavp. AI] meinhers are re. quesed ta atbstd am there la sçark ta ha doue. i4 E. B. Dools>' of Gurnea, desajer lu ram furs and bld..otfsaUl kide drove into, L.bartyvlle *d*sy, lu hie aew over- land car aend Wave ibis office a call, imci- dautall>' ailrlune$1.50 for a yeer's gusberlptlea. A"y oas having ram fur@ or bides ta eaU mlii 4 o litotme Mr. Dooléy. lie ]&t lgisedt market priees. Preebyter" 'Chxirch The attentioc of the people of Liber- tyville 15 celled bu, tha service. et tbe Preehyteriau eburcb. W. invite al ihoae who are not afiîltpd wltb an>' ot the lacal churchue ta worahip with us. You *'e * -1 i t Mre. Alma Baldwin and little daugh- ,tty 1sue tof a co.i&I eet e~ioni. ter ti Chicago, @ont the lare part of tlte FallowiDg are tbe servicesf ta r next t afyalI> meek visitinir lu thia Cilty . BlmnSeabath. tictober 15. M n a mas tîîrmerly Miss Elle Minleb, o! thi. aitiig Worshilp, 1C0,am Sub- placecw: -"Baite Part and ours." Owes Hais S e Rues M. Taylor Mondai, eveung de- eigMorhîp, 7:8(l P. MS 8bjeî t. livered ta George A. Wright a -Chalmars "Te Pasng Crit. to the Buildin.g '86* byve passenger touring car of the Sabtiath stchool, 11:45. A lnstor 1912 modal. This le the i rot 1912 car 'ucerybody. te) be delivered je Libartyville. 'tours ie the Masteservice. of a haine becauoa Il ba@s ervad Dvcker & Bond ha,.. received tram the A Van degîbb«, Suppîrý as an auchor and keg riihm in a - straight line and away, pose. State Board ot Health a commisijon fou fly, tram the mas>' 'get rieh iee diftributlng station l[or-antitoxine. lDO You knoiw t til'q eey iLt 1ur qulict" echemea mhich are su Ts rtasywhen application le ruadea it coal, ffl lU good COal), withouît the pettltdyad~lb5 te forat itaxn. eomai>'byap annoyance of Boutad emoie. Juil pettl oa nýhjbs fe aecîkus prescription, iltt lie4 deli,,red givetbe tire ia 'ery littie airt611 ti). toeau red anisctor thros. B>' free. Dont check the stove pipe danîptr tit i tong IN YOJJtRq HeOME iliîaîiii octh' loffely.liee Prolite Waahed Nut 'lou TONyeoti areIN lInJgiHOMalEs The fRoy al 'ieighbor.'dnain c tée e t riiiiithe Home Lunetier sui tOWpeule an with v uî~e Lake Bluff orphaea.gewîl take pîlac.e et pany. It beds ilosele but liizhtly, auJd a ee-ple w b o ar.el. the next afttrooun meeting, flitober 18. eaves ecougli air epae lu inhe tIir ta teresîed l pe yirwîtame in. Ail meniners are eareestly rpqu(>sted ta hure aIl tute gases that would 0lhera oie d ino Vontuccsa iesbth donate anythheg le tho lune ot truit, teeake coole anit smcoke. lit tth jellesorcothngwhih i tobp rouht1mak oot ad Aake 16tf ui'tesicI iofthes about yau, and tra, eohle i ivttyliogt.tic more ,ucceeeful citizen@ a lowu t a r Bophe hall it rs o teA uction. Bils ane oast aof le botter place il Hawrd oye rturec rIe fetut ue Tfhe s.agii ifur action sales ie a oil iibe. Ail the lunîber me have week frtam a thiree miieths' eîjouru et hanit and we lueke thliel eaup of reîîîînîi lu oîur yards wae p4rchaoed witIs JobanMrot. acosiiia oad .o uireaders of the tact me are le a the view of giving 0cr estouteëre JoheMllerfontHiiîon HoardhasPosition ta serve yauî* vaut, ln that hue lîînemt values, andl whein you de- a lucrative situation in a ptanîng milI et wt eteeat tptb eae ii'tibii ewe ali Hobson, and axpecte Iii move hie tamtly tharoeghly eqnîpped ta ture out cent, moiire abouit aur mnethodo. there ti@ fall, where he w i1t tocate per- attractive sale bille, lu tva colore, reit meesel>'.and black, and rOipOCttnllY s0tii'it, Ticete se giîid demacd nejw for medinm Arthur Meyer, aged, serecteeei yeare, au order tram ati containplstrlcg ivrîg iuliiii'es- eee t bu@Y, have tone ready îaunget on oi Mr. and M rs. Hermen a sale. We guarentea satisfaction. ir flusole. Soe us. Neyerofi ibis City, met with a ver>' pain- tl accident laat Frida>' whlle parformiig Your litile chlîks m'l Qisllive il yoiu Libertyvile Lumbor Co. bisàsutleà et tîhe Fould's Mlliter Cam- food Red Cumb f'htck gtwrter. Salit întyJ PHONE 47 pany's plant when -ho had twa fingers b'Co ryvll Iube-V. f5il J Downa h ld Dlepot. ot bis rght baud severed le the kneadlug ________________ machtne. 13e was taken tua Dr. Taylor'@ Evei-y Item of uoieto hc vera ho was atteuded b>' Dr$. wYOU golea cuneoue yua clty I TMylorand Galloway. At preseet sesit- sverlng trips wilUlibe VtEMu' ta you EL "" *P CI tug ha in daicg ieel>'. -perbaps te ueexpeeffl maya. IE jiE hT vanedIn voir houai or barn, nov that the nighits arc growing Igager and muoh lighit is needefi et the right lime and place. llandy, dlean and only wben vou need it. Tbiek about it aow aînd de- Anything you want in the Electrice lina. Eetimates et once upon re- quoet. IPhone 131 R. JA E try Il for a Day. DO Fou hecinto te day martes thon? -Thla daY I wil!l Iv. As becomesaa MAe.I 1wtt!ho fIllied -Wltbgond chue? sud Courage. 1 tlil do wbat la rtgbt; 1 mtlii mark or the . best; I wiU Dot *Msontto every handgrsap. evefy Malle. *Tery expresaon-luto aIl mi .ork.1 Il Illv. taeatily my alla? "IL». TOU thlnk Iltu 5essy. Pyiy l for s daY.-Elbert }lubbard. Culture WilI Out. A Young man conflned lu a Nonnuyl, "aIa&Jal Proed hua refinement hi uslng a SPOM If0 Dk. bis cail! loch and ascape- Well bregi persans never for, get their table mauDis ra esmo n would have naed a knlte bad lIai beau Rituated as thePnayvfarlee was.-New York World. Value of Early Tratnlng. Train up h caOUd lu the way ho should go. and evan shen ha la old ha wlU not depart t rom IL-Proverbe ot solomofi, xxl:6 Obituary. MisesHamret CooDec waE lborn tn Eng lind ln May, 18,31. and died et Lib- ortyville Otaber 4. 1911, aged eighty years and fiue months. At the âge ot sixteen yeura ahe came lx) thw@ country mettling et Litt:e Fort, N. Y., at wblcb place abhe mearrlad ie Mfareb, 1854, ta Wllap Snîydam. Shortly alterwerd -tkey came meat la- ceting et Dlamond Lake woVqbey re- mided a lew years moving trons there to Mussouri, ]ster roturulng to Lake a on- t>'. and taking upthsir regidoncs on the aid Wîncaop farta, hnown me thea E. L. Davis property, nortbmeet of Libeit>'- ville. About twoet ysyara mgo the>' bougbt the place known au lia aId Hutchineon tarin mesi of Llbortyvllle whlcb place tbey have sine@ made ibsîr homea. Dive cUbldren mere bor 6U 1 bm, Fred M., John C. and Willim of lbertyvllo; Adophus of Chicago, mmd taon>'vwha died lua same>. lire. Buyetau wra vWoufflof klad sud lovlng dispositiona&sd mlit h. ah& t- ly> uslusd b>' a boat ot jirosda vIso asanhleseid chir atseW.b.C mý beau#1l 2ra1 oum iragi. Thfmriwm hbeld Otuj'ay ftr. noon troua the haua. iatsSaont belng made la Lakeeidè cemetar.. ,. W. L. Whipple, pator ot the Id. lechurch, offlelated. Card oflhaes We wiets to exprie or aaaethanka ta, the man>' friandesand r for o their kindneu and sympatIs>'ùWsxfg aur recent sad bereavansnt. A15ô do we wjsb fa thank those wba contr(buted flowers and the singera. 1. IC F11AMI LY.. Now la the time ta hare. your repair ng dace. At the sane ri me lot usnal ,yaur bernes. far you. $1.00 pa et for doubla harDese. We .gufftee our work. 0. 1. Lucs & Co. -46-tf W. have» btu* p aàmes liieebeas Fln mnd Lire h <MAmeaiLm.sami nRet. i th.e emffl eof mre"MO-MW îtheq'koew wuhoehi th. Rem ia.lameshM flmlu.W. ld'mab.oalamwe OlfIme la Lace 81 Sches &WImewu If Your Chicïk Wl-tvpDO te avi fi 4 T'11 ' FEED TH«~ ON GROUND (QRBEN BONI-44RO0U SI» FRESH E'VERY DAY LI BERTYVILLE', là once more wltb us. oMr fai and Winter selling gmasn buasbqolai earnest, ami the celler weether gloods are arrlvimg dailg. One juoatio in our atock wlll be the addition of a lSm of fine !urs sMW Misses and Childremes Coats. - We have chosen these garineots with -great care in regards to style terial and helieve that an -inspection wiIl cofivitce gou that it is wneces- . sary (o go outside of Libertgvllle for gour wants in this direction. Ladies" outing flannel gowns of qood quafltq cotton Ilannel andi ample sizes, neatly linished, eacli S1. The Ïew velvet Côrdolier Bags handsome oxidized siher ra. '"o cord handies and complete wimt coin purse, each $ 1.25. We have a lew of those 95c umbrellas leit. Get one before ther're ail gone. W. W. CARROfmLL & SONS CO.IÏ TWO STORES C.Buy a I-[mo and Stop Paying Remit, W. seIl hoes e imonthl>' payaient., payi remit %~e *ell Iota on a" lpayaient. at ow prie.. amd vitisct lnlerqa' Luma made ai cunront rates. Finrst ueta for ie mIesâti oiu .la udiueaspropai-I. Life, Adcd.t, aud fin aape sollted. Renfles andi ceeti"p. DYMOND & AUSTIN ' Phua 6 f.eaasje ASK THE MAN Who Chécks on thia Bank Which He Condocirs the Safer Way to Carry Money: Cksh in the Pooket or One of Our Check Books j The CHIECK BOOK ENYWA When Safety and Convenience are Considered ]LAKE COUNTY NATIONAIL BANK ,~ ~ ARtÙND REAL F i n ROà%D -'i kg o er0 rm"m o% SEND YOUR MONEY ,Y Baýnker's 'Mone ,y - Order. BEST AND CHPeAT. Tor Tho FirsVtlqýmal iMmk 4irtyviýz tieet Detof The PotO"ca Opea sàturd* kening ILL 1% - ýWanu*M 1

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