CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Oct 1911, p. 9

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LAKE COJJNT INDEPENDENT: 2 WAUKEGAN -, WEEKLY SUN ÎVOL. X.7-NO. 3. PAST TWO. LIBEiRTYVThLE, ILL., FRILDAY, OCTOBEII 13, 1911. FOUR PAGES. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVMÎM Boy IeIES AS RESIJLT 0F FALL FROM IEVY WAfiON Pracis Wright Victixa of Âccidmet that Cause Remorrhages Boy Falla Prom Wa gon Lsti ThuSday at Noon on His Way ta Sohool. il WIIi serve Indtrminate Sent-IGOlden Halred Yaungster @no@ lauthe 81,1. Rolorm jDies This Mornlng of His Soeol ai Pontiac 1 Hurti. <Fresu Wedouedap. SUN.) Aller on.o e ib ardent feuglst bat- tisa on the.patIo! AUoruey James G. Welch sud BIaIs' Attorney Ralpis1 Dsdy.SJohn Stanstrom u vsroend gultp of assasst vWtis tent ta com- mit à crime agaluat Misa Estelle Churcinlf iy Circuit Jury le court to- dap. luasrgimenta ieore tise jury yes- terday, Attorney Welcis states! that lisere isd leutva crimes commîitted. visicis hm d sounuenlîbesln coun- usd100 vitS Ibis Case, oue for sel- llng lltjor on Bunday sud anotiser or sellilquor le minore. Slsnstram *IÙ lnet ha given Into tise amof Probation omlear Elam Clarke ne thse statut., do flot naine Ibis crimeas one of thse probationsry of- foncés. He viii serve se Indefnilte tom i athse reforu. sciso<g at Poutise. Formai motions for a nov trial Wers enteras! by Attaorney Welcb sud lhe mtter viilibe srgued oee eek1 from satcrday. lu reternlng the ver- dIoestihe Jury vus polled, Ihat ila scis meier wuas asei if Ibis vas i. ver- dict snd hie verdict at tise pressa t tglu. Buaisone teapondes! "Ye." Thse s*ancer docket viii be startas! Bon OIL , PURCHASIE (IFIS FOR ARMY NOWF (Frrore Wednesaasys SUN.) LAst Tisursday nom, te gel a ride back to scisool, l111e Francis Wret aged near 6, sud tva alLer small'my-0 bopped enta tise teaing wagon of John Throssel. two on tise rear aud. Including 1111e Ftrancis, aed oee nta tise seat. By some miscissuce little Francis fell trom tise wagon, hecmme enta:s gIed le name kInd of vire, vas avuzfg agaluat tise spriegs. it la probable, and vas picked ep s limp uitIle iseap, un- able te mova trou. Grand avenue rossi eear Jackson treet by Tisrosaei. vise bore tise lad Ieederly te bis home. nearby, sud diS ail tisat aep eue could. Tise boy diS eût appear at tisetlIma te b. badiy hurt. Saturday tise condition of tise boy became verse, braises snd inJures paflng hlm sud a Socter vas calied. TisaI sanie day he begau to, vomait. Tise tle visite lita fiuttered oct Ou tise great tide o thie BeYond Ibis moreing. At an lequeest eld at tise White Hol- land sud cemPauY reams thia mornlng tise verdict vas tisat tise boy camne ta bis deatis by sa talitram Tirosse's vagon, tise driver, Tbrossel, beg ex- jouerated of ail blaise. 'Y <Frosu Wednesday's SUN.) 1 entry of decre ... L.AER-lsehealegwasconinu IUnpald Intereat coupons ed ERTh until rrfuacntinu- due January I.19 . ed unil.F'May nF'l ve per cent Intercst on Tise bastingr over tise affaira efthtie said $126.000 frein .uIY Chicago, and Milwaukee Electrie rail- 1,199,to entry or do- rets! vas resumed at 2:30 o'clock lei eroo................. the cout of Jndge Peter S. Crosseiî()n unpald Interest eîîîp- this atternoon, and Jit lasaid tisere are osde Iur ý1mi tew chances for a real decision before lulereal on aboyeat aIper adjourument tonigist. :pcr cent from Jaeuary 1, There are bye ulcrees ta be entered 19, to eutry of Ibis de- by tise judge sud 'neitiser one. so far, cree..... ........... bas been abaoluteiy acceptabîle b lioth tise Illnois sud Wisconsin factlofis of tise bondisolders. Tise road viii norfDe sîllt, Il vas ttes! and tise tva decrees, upon Isoer etrance. yl merely settle lise date ot thesaslee ftise road. So far tisere bave beau no formai lIds preseeled, or accdted, aitisoughis Io known tisat tise Elevates! Rallvays merger of ('li- cago viii mare s streneous attempt 10 purcisasatise road ender lise hainnier, te ferm tise canuecling link between Chicago sud Milwaukee. Upan thse entrauce of tise lecrees it le expected tisaitthe Judicial work oif lise Highland Park juriatst ho corn- pieted andi ha vîli step dowe Item tise bencis. .Tise decrea liy Judge Grosaeli viii slmply specify tisaItishe road is teole solS, sud tisat It muaItlie aold on cer- tai terme. Tisan tise actuel sale fakea place la- ter. Tise fisal arguments vere made Ibis moruiug betere Judge P. S. Groescup lu Chicago lu tise affaira o!flise Chi- cago sud Mlwaukee electrlc road, tise old A. C. Frost systees visicis la tise biggest trade feeder Waukegsu bas and bas isauefitted Ibis Cty Immenae- ly, on that tise decision. isanded d<ove liy tise judge today. motus averytblng te Waukegan. Tise arguments consumes! tise ntîra, Muse too Eurly Rlght Nocw to It vas dlscovored tisaI tise t aî had morming antels atlernoon et an ear- Cacas!d a terrifie Iemorrisage near tisa 1y heur silil contieued, tise Wisconsin a"y Chrlstmas Presents dUoauprlzngisitetes baud boiders seamlugly eût satiolies! For Those Servlng in js Tise deatsofethtie fair, golden haied wbile otiser elemeets of Investers Landie In Army and Ne"y. graioasvinsome lttle cisap ls tise ver. aIse inclineS le roteat. aads!est lu a Yserand thse hearis of ail It la possible tisaItishe roas! map lie IL lis-nou e early te purcisasa parents go out le sympatiiy toe s aîit mbIntwo divisons anyway, tise pou rCisltm-- Presents for friends heéeaved. George Wright, tise fatiser Wisconsin division rou. Milwaukee viso ara sarvIug ln tisa army aud uavy le a bluamîtis anS partnçr tirtise firre in Lake Bluff on tise west side, tise in th Philippines, Havali anS Guam., ef Burke sud Wrigist, Souths teuesee Illindis division rou. Evanstîse to ln arder te ha On Sauta Caus' scises- Street. Wsukegan, tise Wisconsin di i sien get- ie for tise armuyuns! navy on forelgu hep rak Waukegan antrauce oîer tise stations, il la neossarY te bave yeur ols! Fax Lake line. Prsents deliveres! ta the depot quar- Evanstons cnueil test evenîng Hever; tise generai torms of tise terMASter aI San Francisco by Neveu.- adoptes! au ameediment btisthe auto- settlemenî are pretty veil kiiown anS bar 1. 'Tise transport visicis baves mobile ordinanca vhicislu future viii are explaines! about as folîiws: SOM IFrancdao.Novomber 5. la tise lest prohîbit auy eue under 16 pearso! Thse s!craa in tise adjudication of One reacoinlg OUr bar eateru posses- tge trou. drlviug an automobile witis- tise Wisconsin division o! tue ('hicago- abuns betore Christmas eve. lu tise limitaetftise city. Tis ameud- Milvaukeaeiectric road raceiversbîp Lest peur Cilslatmai vas postpoued ment, lb Io believes!, yl tend 10 les- isafora Judga Grosscup, wbîciî becamne On thse 1sland o! Gesinfrom. Dacember sen accidents, ManY eofvisicisara due kisovu ]sat veek, soved liat tisera 25 to Jsuuary 25. This vas liacauae tb iiemperlences! Young drivera. Tise la Sue and payable on $10,000,000 mort- tise healti autisoritles vould not allav amaudmen abieen uder considera- gage bonda and interest coupons of th. November transport ta landts!a tien &Ince lait Juno, vas trameS isy tisa company tisa ollowing semas: Guamu on account of an outbreak efthtie corporation counsal sud presanted On principal of bonda ... $5,000,000.00 sinailpoz on tise siIp beasing tisa gitta at tise meeting by Alderman James Five par cent ou $5000,000 to lise soldiersansd sallors. P. Smart of tise Tird yard, tram January 1, 1909, to ---------------------- ------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0-0 Saturday's- SP.ecials Black and blue ail wool Broadcloth Coats Satin lined throughout, for 9095 Saturday only ..... ...... Regular 14.00 value Fancy Mixtures and double faced goods-long shawl collar-made in Modifled Polo styles, for 7 5 Saturday only, regular 12.50 values .... ,7 Coats for -Misses and Children In mixtures wlth velvet Éhawl and sallor 5 0 collar, for Saturday only, regular 9.00 value.. %O il Total due ou principal l T Neiq var agr cree ter ver 689,523.331 10,364.58 125,00000 17,239.581 DYNAMITE SIIELLS FOR LAMP POSTS AT NAVAL STATION Enipty Dynamite Sheils Have Been Asked of the Navy Department. it convenient in order liotis decrees at tise saine lime," saitd hie attoreey fer Were Designed to be UWe A. C. F'rost, lohn R. Tisorpson andI other Intereests havieg daims for $4,- in Pnoiunatic Guns of the 000,000. "1 speak for neariy $4,000,. Battleship Vesuvius. 000 bond isolders lu thse Wisconsin di- vision." "I vas drawn leto tbis malter butAd ir. Roa a Chc o late at night," said Mr. Scars. "and d mlRs at li fl the deee. I bave reâs! part of tise decree, and tise banlt muat object t0 tise decreea as It nov stands. beesuse tise question la leIt open as ta visether our coupons were purcisased or wse- and letereat to entry 1tiser the baek pals! tsere.' of decre. ........ . $-07,127.491 "A delay to have determîlnes tise rh decree vas furnilbed late on vaidlty of tise coupons means a deiay ýdnesday ulgist li b ton Jacot) le tise entr>' of tbis decree." aald wman, but counsel rcpreseulîeg tise Judge Grossculp. lues Intereesta were uinabla to "Tise îaek advaeced $21.000O on tise se upon tisefiuaI draft of tise de- $400,00 intereost coupons," aaid Mr. , before Judge Grostsciii). Tise lat- Newman. '"and tise master le bIs re- declares tisaI unlesa tise attorneys port says tisat tise coupons were not re nrenared ta sulînsîr lie decree te iaiS or canceles!, but purchsed." ' 1dm Saturday they wouid have to lake tise matter bp!ore anotber judge, asuliet Isill net wltbiseld bis resignation lie- yond tisaI date. Vigorous objection le tise entry of1 lise dicree ai Ibis time was ofered bl> tise Soverigu Bank of Toronto, Cana- da. bolder et $400,000 of inlerest cou- pent. It ban not been doteruilned wbetiser tisese coupons were tiaiS iy tise lisk or visetisar Isay were lper-' cbaaed on au luvestimeut. Tise lank1 cliastise latter. Natisaniel C. Sears, counsel for tise banis, 101d Judge Gross- cep ise bail not liagîrMne te ban 'oSe- tiser is client vas falIy protectes!.1 "Bonda Scaied to $g6.000,0Il. 1 "Tise decree le tise Wiscoesin dl- vision is ail tisat ln lavolved bere." saiS Mi' Newman te tise court.'Tisera are no controverted questions ln tise tlinois division. Tise decrae bas tieen prepared along lunes sugegaîed liv yoer benor respectlug tis a slidity of teis Wisconsin bonds. Tise bonds, bave bain scaled dovu lu $5,000,000." "You moe." saiS tise court, 'lthat tise $10,cooi,000t bonds bave lieen scîl- ed dowe to $500000V" "Tyes,' raîlicil the attorney. 'Ttie decree reservst for future deteriniîia- lion viseller the bonds lises! aie ail existing obligation ln exceas of $ýý, 000,0<10 Aîil niaibers have bean ii, poses! of excepting tisrae lntervening petitions. in w his certain proiiiriy le claimes! on coîntractailliens. Thte decree leaves for determînation any additlonal compiensation t tele paid tile former recelver ans! bis couisel. use trust compaey antSlils counsel. audie- serves tise question as 10 lisether tisere sould ho PaYmeunta 10(lier ceuinsel le tise case. Wlth respect toi tise presenl reeiver lu tise case, lis compensation is ixed biy on order iseretotore enteros!. Iu mont otiser re- spocte tise decree la in tise usual forma" Aska SlmultanaUI9DeCrees. "I bope tisaI pour boiser vîlI finS "If lise cbupons are flnally declared bo be palS l endsa tisIconneclion vitis this case," saiS Judga Grosecup. "If percisased, tisen lbey come lnuai$ lien isolders. 0f course, tisere would lie some difference as to priorlty. Tbleîs matter can lie cared for le tise Secree." "We are mereiy asking for protec- lion for our coupons." said Mr. 2ears. 'We are villng to give protection tnp way tisey vant it," saiS Mr. Nev- resu. 'Tisera la no disposition le aset out tise baek. We dont vant te delay tise ontry o!f Ibis decrea." Frank H. MeCullocis. represeeting tise Merchante' Loan & Trust Cou.- pany in tise Illinois division o! tise case. saiS!ise would lie abile te preseut ifis Secroe te lise court lest as soon as counssi voreabale to conter vitis hlm. ASKS ARRESIS 0F THREE BOY BANDITS, Father Kruzlous, Pastor of The Lithuanien Cathollc Churches, Clalms Boys Lie In Walt In For Children. (Froni Wednesay'u SUN.) I'iîing tisaItbree boys wcre woel toli lu namlis listebusisao! tise iýreekisn Washbbrn Springs, Fatiser 1-ruzius today iedged coreolaint vitis thetolîice against Frank Drulia, Joe liisco anS Josephs Koztuictis. lie 8ays hie bîoy s vaslaid ciildren paosing 10 and froiji bis pariis school, aud voeld tbow Ibeniinmbtiste creea or beat thein. All bave iseen ln police court before t la said and have tean found unvili- ing ta attend scisool. Tisey viiili e 1arrestad ibis evening. -.r -'%M %mupub Plans for Taft Visit. (nrom Wednesdays SUN,) Sixty hege sheils, wilci at one tîme net maey years ago, sent death and destruction upon a hostile City, bave1 been procured by the United! Staes1 NaVy Departlnènt for use as lainp1 posts attise naval station et Northis Chicago.1 Just prior te tise Spazsls-4merican4 war, a nev type o! var vessel waa. de-1 sigued, ted was put ta a practical test1 by tise navy delsartint. Huge siselis welgisine isundreda of pounda. verej filled with dynamIte, snd ves'e hurles! froin tbe gens o! thse new vessaI, called tise 'Vesuvlus," upen a hostile City. No powder was uses! te explode tbe gens, thseisuge shelae being thrown a great distAnce by means o! compts.- ses! air. These abelia, lts falling vousis explod-e. and tear huge hele le inwaile, and fortifications o! a City. It vas lu the bombardmeet of a City tiaI tise Vescylus vas especlally ue fuI. Tise gunes.tram wvblch tiesa alis were Ibrowe vere atatlonary, and il vas necessary te maneuver thse vestel, le order ta bring tihegens te bear upon aey objeot. This rendered tise experimeetal veesel o! uittle pructicat value le a ses elsgagement, and short. ly aller tise var, Ibis type vas aboi- isbas!, and the ols! gen powder vas uses!. Tise navy departreent bad on baud a large number efthtie shel. visicis were telie used isy tise Veauviua, sud slxty of Ibese have been askel for tise navy departreent. Tise shela are long, and yl lie placed on ans!, sud uses! as arnamen- taI lamep posta iSt thse station. Tise sixty viiis e scattores! about tise grounds, sud wyul aiseS more ligist tisais do tise present polos. Gilbert Richards, oethlIbislty, viso bas iseen assisting Paymauter Hiarris at tise station witis bis work, bas campletes! bis task, sud left tieseta.5 tion yesterday. Admirai Ross vas le Cisicago yes- terday, coeferrlng wIts members of tisé Chicago Cisamiser of Commerce, relative ta tise plans for tise autertain- ment et Preîident Taft. vise ha cornes, October 28tl<. lOIN STENSTROM ÎUJLD4lILTY 0F ASSAULT TODAY Attwy ises 0. Wulch Maies Rmord IruoaIugPlaBe- fers Jury Yesterday JI ury çAbout Three Hou rs, ReImnd.g Vernlot of "Gouil. il as Charg.d" Saturday's Just a few left'of those beautt- l Al WooI Worsted and Panama Dresss-wine andl green colors, 3e75 for Saturday....................... Another lot Serges and Wash Dresses-prettily trlmmed with plaid silk and braid, 9.75 to .....610 Regular price 9,00 to 15.00 Ladiesq' and M Nisses' Suits Our Leaders-Worsted Sergç Materlals, satin lined throughout, for this sale, 8@95 reglair12.00 and, 5.0 values................. more juat in oftthose Panama 1951 'Swe&ters 100 Dozen white, gray and wlne, while they last .............................9 Waists Just in; Handsome Tallored Waists, regular 1.50 value........................... Q Crepe Walsts trîlmed I Lace Insertion alto < crochet buttons, regular 1.50 values...... Ail our Lawn Wait, sightly soiled, to close Former prices UP. to 2.50................ One lot Blackc Sateen and Swazette Wa4utos,ý stripes and others pleated. Ait si=e up ta SKIKTS Ail wool Panalia p. and bralded La 4 pa'ielq;çI.. SIIOE PRINTS 'Au TELL TALE CLUE' TO CITYBR Pane of Glass Removed fro.m Rear Window of Tewes Offce Monday. Burgiar Pries Lowse Cash Drawer and Locks Un- locked Safe. Cetral Drug Company Làoot- ed of Cash, Keys and a Revolver (Promi Wednesdays SUNE.) Thse printa of thse nails lu the 1a1b of a mn's shoes may leadt Ustiiae a»M ture of Wsukegan's Istest Mtàb*~t burglar, vhe Monday nlubteut ,a pane of glass trous the rear b»*t the Wàukegau escôimuy 09Wo Spring street, nortis. cllsubed Into $'î office loaving thse tell tale prh9p W startling distinctiseas, Prleqltbh eub drawer oa. frein thse cantOSI<00171 find tisat It had besu emmU.edot day'a recelpta sud would have, r be tise safe aave that he spouug tbei bluation on thse unbocksd sWml114- thua thwartlug hie owu sunds, ansi sale vas open until the. berr wbSp te bool viti tise combiiga±lon., .. It is flot belleved tisat tise louýt' Set a red cent. One hurglMand u e satteuapq>W . are incttlug the polies 10 ba" tive verk, aud boUs tile *ru 1%* b bande of Chie! et Po~oe 52p1. Friday nlght et tise Osubai store,.B. A. Bertdlinq. pr»g1p '* Geneseeansd Madison strq" buhF tara foreed tiseir vay thro«bas g W ment entrauce with skstet0a sud robbed tbe store of s àvý buncis of! Mteeu kaks, licludtagO4 to theseuah reglater aud asu d*U*l* money trom the open registr. 1 i It la believed tisat the tIllves pr& boys or young men lest etartint p lu crime. At tise Tewe. le oaspu»y oUçsý ou Spribg street burglars 410M eci**-P erly et ont a pane of vindow ýglm sud ransackedtise office gsUlsaa usth.. iug for their pains. A 1rrIeOmail Fgo" In NOM*&'u «But il vas Io tuay t "»ii. Ms Tissrs et thse au» Ume itis ne wà & littIe Atlauta girl wJso bu.v*7 0 test aud la vnSy pretty. 1 Ist o» day vIlshber ta visat hhy coa d s store over tise. ld on ibe Wug b&Qî ~ u)e stoppes! 10 looàý laIL svidW 8 heurs!, ber %hooutn1rued te t 'KÇ aurroundes! by a crSW of MesuM me& .They ver, startug aIetW, ticularly aI ber tu.tAnthlewu= tvouls! press net? sud lako bois!ttb bottosu of ber s15rt snd IlfI k aSM Qtiw ara vouls! try ta pluck lsthe lnmit« 2 tram ber sleee. The crowd gté« larger as vs nearas! tisa otal, MAsS orthlie people in.the crovd vone wept en ehoesud vo vers tlId hep1100 amaed aI thse nixe of MY fbîm$ ' feet."-New York Sun. ty- oer- de- ier ir'y eILs lu- die- Ifs- e tise ; k0 -i

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