I.A~KE C.OUNTY, INDEP PNDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VLXx .4 sIXTmmNpA LIBERTYVILLE, LÂXE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRDA Y, OCTOBER 20, 1911. ONE TO EIGHT $150 FER YEAR iN ADVANCE. to look oser the boola0i h o pa ylltt of Whck lue wu 91=ut110=che. and bis flasir etood on end as lie dis-IIIhIt Yý Cvrd eak" 'sedoshie a-i'q~ p111 u n n i fl iIdelherately fosgsi "Oer onea 1fwhicb Ith~Blwn 0 hcg ft râ hd sdvait0ed the money fIlJIJElsie B*tIIIIof hicag lin ontMoiiey alreidy advanced but LakeJum 1240 L ak .erV III II whicb Endcrlin dd sot know bac!Lk o.tPr WMA hem P&M I. WILL INTEODUCE MÂS R~ e"and - e asMANY HORSES STOLEN iAON dnita t Ail The Report. URE at N an4 ism el fioM Sch waaU E AR E r ÂR.*~~~ê~~I> » ~Hoit, conrofnted vwththe. books and N X S I N Dsnae rn col  O B  M R FW U N N the lleilled conditions, laesaidto bave 0IF CONGUS Probable Om u. A ND OFFiCIALS throiwu up bis bande and admitted g erFlo that Enderlln's d&»Overtes are true - Rumfors of M TlrFlo - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h e1lI~BBATR Ti rree« foliowed. FinRCdTOUITE INOVEwith a DETECTIVES ON THE TRAIL -GEORGEZ USSE B - MIed éMM nV 0m o od WÂNTB DIVORCE C t L S ASCainwThe body of thie 70»9 Woman which #ao d lvoies t ood --(Jonty L . Âsocatin as found an the bosch near Lake Leoka Like an OrganizAd 81 eObtain Mney- FurdY's of!Wiland Park Paes Resolutions at Forest Saturday wàà identflted Piii Gang and Thefts are 1 day as that of Elsie Buldwin, formerlyt Adm itS h= ISTIrIO Al Have NaritWa Convention a teacher In the fairraut;school, a ho Many Troubles bac! been compollpd tin ge 1 position On seCOUnt Of I111iieaith. She I)rar y bits books and records ecrecy surrotroding papers for di- The exPeCted han happened. la beiieved to bave committed suicide \Vhoiesaie raidsn ofhrse, thiet es à'b scsriet lever quesrent-me, dur- vorce recently niled in thbe Lake coun- The Waukegan movement for a tive hy JumnPing Into Lake Michigan ffiday 1alOrig the Lake couitty border line, ini ý'b which ho won; coauned te is tY court wass lfted ln a mouture Tues- Mile dry zone about- naval and miitary nigit. strengrb, sweeping froýlt village to vil-1 1~lW. C. Hait. Libertyvllle. Ili., day whcn it became knos'n that t-lche ervations Ini this state ba, broati- Tbe coroinese verdict of "Probable lage and 1001111g barn after barn,. dai ~sj~t bonrhed of Hlit lber,,pties te thle divorce wbIch lias been erred finte a national one tbat wilîîli suicidai deatb' dlslloSd of the mur- iug capture and even deat-b in msrad- B~Vri1 of. wool douter%, tg a fIied, were George Busse, a farmner ci fougbt out Ln the halls of tbe national ýder rumors which »s4 brougbt Lako îng by wbst la evident-iy an organized -pftsoner lu the lIse ounty jsli, lac- Cuba township, aud tbls wife, wbo in cougroe, . county authorities ilt4 act-ion. Tbe gang Of thicyse, bave arouscd t-be1 a jgàhssring et LbetyvleBSat-urday sued. filu1Bat gOing ta maie any differ- verdict wagrsturucd stter an autop- s1tir u etenpr ILk 'mcharges of ouitalaing money on Tii. George Busse mamed ln declar- cube vbetlir the. Illinois legisiature sy and Inquest Bumday morniug et couRty s neyer before, and aithte tis prt-nse, nd ortlt aeeni c t henoreltie e F'edor eogo imta ,ihor lndt, as rongress wîîî Lake Forest. requeeted ufthte marsbal of vill3se1 tUrne ln i lits, li la aliegéd. la Busse of Chicago. the. former 1sf. suroly ]lave offered b tisncib a bill. MssBaldwin w»a the.daughter of fram Higbiund Paris etoBsrrington facies:Prison bars atter wliat is "aim.- mayar of the big Cit-y. and not iq aniy hJ dyRv a.Mclns F .Blwn 10 ot ldsnsagtbe border Cbicago detect-ives 94 te lie an unparalleled exemple of way t-o lit connecter] with tbe Chfi- . civ9d à lutter front Cengrees- treet. Tbe fat-ber veut t-oftke bave been det-alled ou. tbe cae, as tWB5Ingratitude te man. cage Busses.Tbe parties am iow- mon B-le-HP. 1, te men wh charge of t-le body Vodx ier(0k couutY lionte owners have aise Th ?echarge au whlcb1Hfut ln beid ia ever, veil kuow- 0 lnLake nd bal hrber, 'statlng tilt ho -Intended noon. iionBldwln W5 3() years of suffered, and desperate attempta are ililt lie swindted bis bentactor. couties. when congrtu e osvsd, te Intro-i age, site bcd refsse t live wtbhefu-ig nmade t-o capture tbe raiders. Ti. specffie offentses chargcd are The chargesarsie safid ta bi statu- duce.and push for action a bill ber faîher, be said, betteuse of a wbim The tset raid wss made lbe- flint li forged Invoices of gouda "od tOrY. estsblishing s five mile dead line no hat]Prd Mderla.a 19)etyvlle Stte' Atorny RlphJ. adyla for saoons sabout naval stations. !and lie was kept Ignorantut- wbere tween Monday night and Tuesday seta re ndri. ,bctvll tae ttrsy api .t1ayl Tbis meens tbat tbore la te lie a site llved. mornuig and uetted the thieves Mejos keoer, advsnced mouey ou attorney lu t-be case. The papers were two edged figlit for passage of the bill. Calied on ieir Pther. teri hormes lose of which la thug Mm anto s e hoIfft plant rnnning filed morne lime igo.but wit-b the pro- one ln fthe Minois legislature, another Tht Young womax was last seen far reported and possibiy more, "sd tbst lbe sltoulien bills for gooda ces; as accourpaniod with groat ln Congress, aud ftati la probable-, 1 ~belote t-be matter ln tbrough witi. alive Tbursday, wben thc called et ber This raid atone s the mont - vrere psid by credfitors, neglected ta secrýecY, as; a resait of wbich a con- that every lquior Iuterest-aud every tablihers flat on Madison street. The spectacular lu twenty-five ysars tori the money oiter te Enderlu, ta fusion of nameaset firat regulted. dry interestithefi country wil eï-body vas round ciotbed as she was and ha@ set the entire country wbam fif vas due en a acer. ta I AdZ y Makes No Statemeut. ined up against and for lhe hbis Ilu dreased then. agog, as nothing like ln huastison ?my> Reacli Thossessde.Aotl divorce proceedlngv tlht-e respective bodies, the ight beglu- Th___n tbs lel e e niug InIlilinois and stretcbing fromt Miss Baldvtni tahagiat tbe Farra- known miuce the days when ths The moun ai ic aicge d a n crated aa"m54rn55iaU15that- 0fon>1w ere ta Washington. gut scbool, Spauldisig avenue dai cry 'If horse thief k"as sfamiliar tations le noti, noln. but nMay reach ittePry fHgln ak n I eadt h eiltv e 1bqtw«m n$4000 and $5000 s Moklifsmu-i- Itb uds0 -ibadPr, u l eadt h eiitv Twetyftourtb rreet mit-l Jonwnuit , ýw i ent been for î4erstooà In admit- thbat-h. bas buis-I bcb thbe vite sues bier huabaid niaI.- fight, thc Lake Cdunrty Sunday , n i di eiiA llie ne mo ic tan ansre'afest ~q51bis eaZaSer,%Birlti, ever Ing chat et ateged Intideli stif nd s .00 a nolsfou dab ahe - l,iviat -be Oskdaime el mo ne b t - allgbt-oft due t mi Ucidic uede= = hII$ lm f lne a'fming eritous co-respoudents. the followine two resolutionu, on. h a iige h adl oe, N n a h lgts lei lmce t-e late r osmed ta bis t aid lu a a Cba.favering the five mile limit. the 5648 Làke street. ithe gang wbjciî operated between ktWin fIsancial diceger. N SiEt a other commeuding State's Attor. Discsrded Her Purs. nd1ngt-acdybrkTus WhM le bac* of Hots aztiona l itquiy t Baiugton developed ney BR' J. l3ady fer hie good work Ja bfr sevntt to ie tTbr a nt t-bd slibteaktduea ýtbI@i case or, lnone other allaed thliai bsn'o18, fit1.i sis±ed n Gecrgeau geInsa the Subay saloons ef f~f~e o h np kn a-Bscl ht 1lg rl h ou Wapkegan. LakeFûresteshe tbrew away ail pap- 'them. The tollowlng, vît-bt-be vil- oir rikr f Cb.sdfla h eretGog Whereas, the saloons of Wau- ers snd an empt> purse, wbich caused lugea ucar whicb tbey are locatesi, i t learned. Not-% l rner t h eiiic eog egan and North Chicago are a the trouble in Identiicatih of the'aie hovi-ver the names of loosers and lagond feiiow apparent-iy. 5attigit-y Busse la tfiteenmutles away. et Nfounit. menace te thue morais sud eficien.- bod!y. teaîeo hi nmi amooti talkor, an expert In bis huai- PopcIl.na rigo egts c ftemnl riigfrtetevleo hi uml ma, binePlaidyngwa d thbre ben..d Pltt.ndtileie5 <f del'muse of oursceuntry at Fort r Staternts tfromt creditors and lier- Shermanvile- Mirs. Hubbard. kept house. hli sioner, wol .itdt i hcg cole ot hcgwas vithout money. Thefaitberlf- uf vilage, tsttwo work horses, hivte being dead. Boit-s ces. In a genu- Wuse.he la i!tea te o ecaed 5Whoreas, a movemeut ha* îalet-bat lie bas always st-ood ready value about $600, Meuday night or b:ite puzzle.1Buss Helsaitelecncel beau inaugurated te request the la Expert at Butiness. vitb a bank at lbotmt Prospect, Ili., gevernm.rtt te e.tabliih a i b t assume ber obligations, Tuesciay merniug. Hksprincl capital let-be lact, reartbiery ba" receutly hep,, mie dry zone about said posta, The apparently hrusied forebeasi. John Bechiel, samne village, lest t-bat hoela an expert- citbe business o Resolved. that we, the dole- sîgnificant of a biow wbfcb mentt ne vabuable herse, $300, came iaking vool damiers. Very few lun fepe. ee eth .k eSund'y mortier, proved tobhe the resait et a nighl. t-be count-ry understaud as lie does Sho oveto sobdesat baw ta tan wool for tbe maklug of tic ]pEMO» JDfl<T LIbberty-ville gîve te the miovement fumnortraiu whicb ahi was jsuffering. Deerfieic- dusters. uur unqaulified zsanction and suip- William Huehu, fermer 'ueo H-as Hart Other Troubles. QUASH MOTION Port.AuoTrsT timle wstfvlaeette HoIt- first nome fram Chicago fe "Whereais. thcloons,,io a ke utoTwo hdemi erses afd unae caritage Nortli Chicago. ubere lbe aart-ed a Bloit utalGo ceuuty hac defied the Ioa o f Gesi A man iiared Fit-la, sald t- hoa wr horsealod tne,000ai tld factory. 180 " Mutal aud imsnregarding the Sabbat-h homer n theChicaottie dopi-t-Hame oght If ls allcged tbat lbe varked a W ar, ¶l anowsd, ebrothCicgfI dp-- sa nh. begmn uman, just- s;lie did Enderlu: Tra N w"Whoreas Reiph J. Dedy, tatee ment-, vaes Inlured sud fourot-ler men Hail Day- snme yessmsl, but t-be Wankegan a ttorney of sldceuuity la maklug thi-own to t-be grouud uclioan uitto- Twe fermera test eue two aul- vbn Wola eoW v"eitliy, hen ever Ctuinty Judge PerryL.Personsin Iaudable efforts te comspeil them mobile in wbicb t-ey vere rkUng ai,1. terssngeanml tii a tu ift L but a tissue ~ o aqsl -b nitmnt gîs Reselved; that wo, the Lake oertradntteo fe aue IalIugit. goul aast li l smn mane~nv- dnt unitelnknnsaant Ce ty Sudey Schoaî Associa- larut, ner Lihot-yville, TbUi-aday ai-î And noperion sigbted thecavalcado r«tahiedasud psobabliy neyer wlî. tbe salonlkeepers oI Waukegan. The tien<u convened att Liliertyvilie, eu- ternoon. bct-eUeestutlremles .vsing a reputadli for ef*udIng bise motioni vae ontered by Attorney Geo. dorme.his action and give te hlm Fîve young men occuplod t-bee cars us av mdeu Svinta WimpDW eyd.aIn rJy forUiasloiî cur esry orl. sunt ad lu fui-utng a corner t-be Machine of ihef r borgs as t-bey gat-ered them Vin rvsd s Dta y lu pe. W il, tonyfoahUaooU. ea uprt h a Hoveoroneot-er nutnceof I -s, c!dt-he su-guments for tie m chneyo dooet kiddod toto, a dit-cb, overt-urned anduriiomt fields and! barne, andc!itotract Howeerone tbsr intane ofal-Themacblnery'of the fire mils dry threv t-be ccpants out-. cf t-be animais bave t-bus farhe leg ked crookeducérs on thbe psut- of Hait quasuing look aiPtht-e greator part- of zone moremeut villilbe as foHlows: Fitta vas badly bruised and mit, dlacovcred. .1 eIr l lnowvtas ta drt-ails. alt-bougl th mornlng- Every churcli sud Sunday and vas fakten ta t-be office of D%~ li oanstifut-es a l e* uot iee InJtdgoPormone overtruleiit-be mtion ucheol lu 'the county, Ucludlug Smîtb of Liberfyville, viiere bis lu- Te cap theclimex. thtree, HO on a formsurttle psideut-ansoc! oh case *astne ii.rm or mauy Cathellc congregatiouc, la lunies vexe dressec!.motsaohevprsmby Ps. f -e Bot M nusturn ud tii rg nlzed bte e 1e au te get te The machine gras o wurd madc! 4ufe the &ore baud, sw ev .dd wn up-ý limanae f the tiol M unov ovngdTckrand Cravord la the he memlntryhe a ptitIOn. b a nsunaed lbhe, iuoo. li .en otr± d b' W s h S lis t aatd t u o r v s oug ag The petitienu are bsbng ext-en- cag . Ail escap d In ur>' vit-h th e x- ou Shermauvible a d eteo l three Cisicega nurnuer O Peope trom theCchurciies sbvly slgned every dey n the coptioui aofPit-t-. The machine va other herses, making tweUve to It vas cliarged twêoër t-hie. YOM erproeot eath e seo y, count>' and adeug the north shore. sigbtly damsyod. date which they have uetted, rny- âge, b> Sulian tbat 8.k rlpulat-- eda, The powsrful l af Father E. e d the books andc! ed ~thebmordu an sd lt- ia exxetetd t-bt ven more vili W. Gavld. Church 0ort-be Immâcu- - cliug ru bolduesa the acte of thili. doing blm eont-oa bout 12,000. lie Prenent durIng t-be triai. stem Conception, Wauketgan, haXrMm Campbell Dies Mobys guerillas of the south. ; ud:esac! 51114 1 10551 ,1111o tbl t 1tB The. cee of Caaqinter agalurst beeu whaehasihawy ilite& This t-ise It wu@ Peter Hu-pp ai thed etie niueeaonat-er Grena replaviasuit- vas stsarted !lu The petitionst, siguei dst-atest-- Coroner Taylor, of Ubertyvlle Fii- cf Shermervilie who bot t-he sud scta ion of lnit- iSI àlne- eed, wdli be presntsd te Preldeut- dsy afteruaon ondtct-ed ta inuet homses. Hee la do and eàhlii Ste wqqs st-aited lun(Cbmw.gobut- Boit-Caunt-y court t-o. .The. aberiff, It Hoiward Tati, Oet,28 whe ite ae i lho0 ra atgbei its<o hevlae , anemged In wviggls fr111*I itb servt n s n, attcdsed nome tarie beàmging oene thlnavalohorte-vrtebd fXrýCmbl n mle rmtevlae l-adsyin ook count>'- jt-I. soc!t-he te Car~iPent-oi-andthesuit le to e- The pretldefit wUUU refer them sged resident of Milburn. Deit-fi --- Thete lst-precedlng theft& vere s ndd vien suivan tock caver thora te Secrtar>' of War John S. Stimn- oeueed by beau-t-faliae reHis. Cau yer ago, but- are net- belleved te bave 1., ti rs -son. cîbighenIIoyaot--v "Edru41t5 UmU. Thiecloan esees, vit-h ahi t-h.Zian Stimson .wiboithroVer them ta tise - eittwo nyt-blng t-ado vit-b t-is lafeet-bandit it- vua ater Huit- aonuatidfrom City' allegod Illegl rot lng cases, llinols egele±ufet. gboni-s. eeytin eae ~'I àCompany Tt-je1t110 akc t-be caot-ycourt dceet t-be 'b Illnoisls eilture la not re~edc et- by eart lngakebcb lias f rtbns son e r rties' lnet4 s olarguât-ln inbstory. te use assag of the bbiil, but msy but_______ oir diaregar iIf lilscovor>' or asi- r"t caueOte a thP lMllt-be t, ..- ead of gun vengance. et- I l d, t-lsbiselng labffl Of o Bth theciicuit cosutrts ue lint, ,.seu-e lin t-be salotai, l»er, know- at-er hearng. and a decilsion in tbh eà mils, and an eight-h. et Hait- le 51 es t ltbs taMOUs case of Lordvs:. Ried vas to Repres lvs Hobsen w1yI ntra- Henry Shepard IoDe" Belcved te Work nie Wisconsin. bere plched bina up and e bave beetihomard, but te attrvas duce the bilUlut-o congresu. Henry Bliopard, of near uvnec, It ls believed by the marshals ai .*umae.Satrdyvain n- There wili be a hot- ight upen Warren tovnsbIp. died Tuee4ay al- Deerfield and Sbermerville thuat-t-be vos fe tva oe eowcUnderlin Involces cOntinued until St-idavie a- t. 1 bllesofai lM *foi- oode, sold sud ct-ber day of t-be legal bat-tle for Uic Whet pengrese wiil do wlth t teruOn Of crepîng prels7is, of thicaca are strangiy organized, bave litvas One 7%d 10 tbe avueraiip of a fat-m -et tutioclu 111 and t-ot ela abig problem tisaI l la hclbe bas hoci 111 for mauy amuuie means of making s getaway, li fteils =,W en dt p eed . ou the kuees etofate. mont-ha. He la a vel huavuand knov bow t-o bandie herse*. are-oold te tecgat ceH Botit- fled Reprecent-ative Itolson sec!s ici prainent member of su oic d b ands at- the game, andi bave a va>' gIt- e-er as rtidiras btllfvernasgent ta lntroducing the five mile bihl respecteOc Lake coont-y fansily. of escape markcd out for flien, ail zzone bill liefore congress fron va>' rcady for auy omergeucy, aoc! they 5 derin hed el'the- cnfidece ln mtate Inspector COmlig dovulu.AMaliama.muevnheanutoblor-o i-Id la 0ioklt-Wh wu fvas egond titate Inspecter iU. J. i*offman o a veaaeanatmbieoiw éudhejlt b-m'gat gfr0t-be Springfield, st-at-e inepet-or af Cctin- IMfe Czrushed Out In the Appellate Coflt ai their comtmand "W iv bc eerd t-Otry scitools, vilI l Ak ony n afl StatoousDy Att-orne>' l so t albJ.P bs Hla belleved, as stated today to a pu sta4l ak anI'o Hcltecube u t> is ti mt cred a soties of signal loeavirc- - ne MoinS i W r Octabor 30, anc! November 1, and dur- fug ent-angled lu beltlng oa ctipalo- tories in t-be appellate court St- Otta- SUN reporter.,uthi bbch gang works - sudenly Lbertyvhlie hsd au- ing t-is visit viU Inapect t-be sciiooîs ibing machirner>', t-ho remains Of t-be va, ah- acrordiug taecispatcbes <rOm a route up floto Wisconsin, clrcling ' but- stren OucP1deMIc Of t-rougbout t-be county. late Matt-bew Wynn, 2805 Elieba ave- f bat- cît-> decîsions In evoi-y one of hie over probabl>'tinfteNîcHenr>' count>' -ot S-rew cases bave heon afflrmed, as folavs- 't#e sq Ha~ cssti-ithe tbt Tbfis lupection cari-. ieswt-bfitsug- nueZian Cfity, vere Monda>' People vs. Mines, assauît- vit-b : and then taklng t-be roiadB f Wiscon- et bg ssliase- gestons as ta nietiiods ly wbicb t-be buougbt- hume ta hie vwldow sud 'five deadl>' veapon. sin hy easy stages and se bng t-be ani- -t-o bis honte ln scboein May lbe Imps-oved, sud a re- cbiliren frosu the factai-y at- Daveni- People va. Pilhip Diefmeyer, sserioua mals et- some fA, ava>' mar-ket. vlebft-h1p.ot Ui inapeetion la made faet-be part, Iova, and Uic lunes-ai f aahpacetCliarge. The farinera along t-be Cook count> - ~: People vs. Foreman, Barringt-ott 1W - is e!t Iisa <cettiteupriaendent- of Intruci-tioni. '1uesdy. cal option iquor sellibg case. - bordér bave aIl ai-mec! tiemselves sud are preparesi 10 give thbe telephoiie alsrm aud batile the Invaders t-hei u st-sut anc of tbem catches siglit of the s ~ band. IcI&VRigsus aWEI Until this latest- outbreàk of 'ubefis: if vas thouglit t-bat- the days ai or I IRII ganized horse steaiing ln Lake coun- - uIIIIIF ty were over, but- the>' arc baci vitit]I UUIE a vengeance, sud evcrv border fanm- or la speuding slfepless nlgbts oni guerd. WELL K1NIOWN RAILROAD Theonul>' thett Waukcgau han ex- perienced bas heen the tva Courson ]KAN TAKES H18 LIYE tlieft-s. both ai ahicli vere attempted TUESDAY lut daylgbt, but the oid Iasbiouedi meaus of getting horse flesb isaused ln the latest county zalds 'E[T-OAI EPCE JTobit Cooley, New York Oit-y, and llcýrr 'v Wilson, Toledo, Oialcge borcue t-lieves, vere broîîgbt t-a Watt- Ge)orge) MONinaM """ota kegan froin t enosha Thurida>' nit- hl n hsc 1cr Ciief of Police Tyrrell sud elutyýý sl M et t lc I tbe arrivai tiere heing -about 10:30, B U sud the prisoners vere ef once sopar- Bu y cted, one In t-be clip sud one ln tie cocînty jail. Despoudent over flic tact tâtat ho Thcy vere broughîta Waukegan aI- vas afujicte i vt-b a cbronlc allIment, ter having at-fempfcd a dorver ruse an for vbicb be belleved t-bore vas a. O)wen OHare. sharp Kenosba police relief, Gecrge McNamara,38 yers chifri sud bis aides. lO age, tehegrapb oporatarfr toi-th The tvao canzcd clotiies ta becomo Chicago. Milwaukece & St.Patul rail- mixed In ideutity so thaf bbc polite i-ondip, Russel, IIL, abat lilmot ila couIc! take bbc vrong mati for Ut-b 4e èac!, dying instagt-y. t-heff sud tie case vauld fai dovu n prasecutian. bthe man vhcj d!nat-ta h cNamiara hbaceien t-be nomt f« tht homse, but- vba merel>' rade vit-h tBe Chicaga, Milvaukee & St-. Paul at the alheged tiief, taking t-be p 0 Rsel orsvea yaaiad * t-be neal tfuel and assumîng 'b Ruit ifrseoalya-s !c A cloh-bansd tamo. 1veil inovu thronghont bliet pstlut Thtec!odgc dc! not vork, t-anks t-o ofthbe rounD'y, as Weil as in Waukeèast. t-be sharp eyed 0'Here, and t-be t-vo Worry aven bie ailment-, It- jeSS«J& acuItt-ed t-bat- t ifddnot-. "oud balp qiought on.an acute attach, ad D. a Iiend, lon, vouldn't- you?"csked 1 bbc one trio bac! uggesfcd t-be ex- H. B. YouanIo Gure vas cafls change of garprouf s. -t-o t-be bouse Monday. Thiitng ua The route of t-he men seeis t-o have change of environmont vould ta"hW i ~u heen froni Waukegan t-o York liee minci off hi. coan., Dr'. Young blook rosd, t-bon caut fowards t-be- Bulîfras McN&mara bome vlth bim, heepins Inn. t-bon nortb lut-a Kenosba count>' and OHare spotted bbc grecenashrt-ed hiiti unt-il Teadal5 mornili. man tieo miles aut aIfifenosba. rccog- On Tueesday t-be doctor ves called a nizing lhe anky bers. on t-be tp, tram t-o attend a patient- ne-t-h of W*d»- t-be Waukegan police ac! affectoc!thew capture vlhlcbuihm about- $100. vart) sud tlook MeNuunsu-s vt-h hlm. The t-vo men lbldsi-e liuskyhylt-Thn, PhYtWoal ictt McN&ansrln- vIduals capale of put-ting Up a tight- change of t-bec buggy %bd vent- ita il&0 or a clever dodge, and vbule t-les' arehoe kept- ýeparated t-hein records are being loaked yt> Iut-he Bantemecitis, - A dew Im4wgt-5 tel- lA eat4 W'itb a ct-y of "Rand& yUp!U' cef snd runulg nt dscitêd !s t. of police Owen O'Ha a>' Kenoslia torM arthbe young man, and 4&Wues captured thle homse thief vin ls ciiarg- fomt-hoecat oft-ebe gy d 5h ed witi steahînga h om-e rom ic ý Austin C. Courson lvery stables lu heap. Waahegsu Thursia> at noan. He vas t-aiteut-o t-be Young hs At The man,. at t-be t-mec h reut-od t-be Gurnoo wbere an inqcest- vas bl- r' boise sud buggy, claîtued t-bat- be Tueect-y nigbt. vas going firougl t-be count-ry on an Rltvsc h on a tRo stlvert-lslng stunt for the Globe De- Rhtie ftb 'IigmnA-Re part-meut store ln Waukogan. but- att--sell st-at-ad tbait- thore vus e» er the man bac! gane Courson calleci knoov cause for thc eot-. MON*Ma* ccp the store on t-be phone, sud the>' ovned propert-y ti Rusel uiV# , , denled kuovledge of t-be man. .about- $8.000, soc!lit vaxsct-at-adlIÊt The lsrnt vas sont- ouf, aud Siou-- bis accounfe vit-h t-be rsilroad vos- 1f Green, lu an automobile. and tva o radissp. -r threc deput-ica on mot-Or cycles. ntrtcassae ntsc-ted to scour t-bt country> roade. Muan"tlmm t-be yard vas sont- bo hIe police of t-be Nort-h Sbore, and Dear 014 Deertield as aepn as tic Kenoeea cbiet beard InDotl ehvnou epkr et theP supposed steai, be started out ufcnih .haen es.sl to sccci thue roads near Kenuba. and no commercial ageneois, We ladk Abolit tva miles vest- of thbe rit-y abptit eacb at-ler ac! vc tunt 0"Ii -near- t-he Br-own roac-houso. be csugbt ut-ber. We fahk bhecause v. ami-eiter sight- af t-he ng, Iar lu adrance. ad sud nec teradw -o wbipping up bis barnesectantec!hd s-c!l eilnhrsdv.tut b puruct. Tmn, seelng bo vas pur- cause v. knov eacb qotites-. We lw.ve aucc, iensost-arbcd ava>'et ful speed, M i tch ac! no poot, xno bouleverd. n but the borse vas t-mec! vît-bt-ho long banhs, uo Blum aond O loch-up. IAI< drive, ani aoon Chiot Ol-lara vaslasmetNLM ,arlog CIM close -ouaght toabut a commandi t-o l ipe b i i oi i hault-. Ue kluac. Th"- aa bimer *hmS 'Te man refitsec!et-t-be tirst ratil, t-b",-ekyscrappera, - cnbmvcyacn but viien the chil called "Hande b%~rci of t-rde. It le a sipieiid des- Up!' t-bu mon, aupposing ho voulc! shot- complied, nds-u! qpped t-be t-fn>'ta liv. Ini Decfild.- Deer Ricli Lbot-se. The ciief drove ahong sic!e. Farmon. sud tound tva mon lu thc nlg, and placed boti under arets. At t-be Kenoaba palice station., tbey . epmition CauseelChango gave f lcr namtes as Bai-ny Collins, Wht-h the, separst-op ix o yf .41 -ac! Henr-y Wilson, bath clalmnec!ta nier trom Wlills A. Gai-dinier Samstho bave eome fron Chcago. - Grqelalj. Times cornes a change ita 'hboy vere braugif hach t-o Wauie- the msnagentoft-bhe Qrayslake B>- gan ,and vilI st-and trial on tie tel. The bot-el bac -hein uni. t-be chiarge of borns. stcshing. The bor,ne mnaement of Ms-. Gerdinler foc, sex vtilclivas afolen la ou. cf t-be mn ïct-ensiyeahs but- nav, essea lut-o ise rainable ln Uic Coursan stables, sud opns-oi as usuafl hter nes.sar Ilu valed sit about-$50. Derkd n fan ttishcne nloegc FOW ER UTMn,.tGardlnier- vas ovuer ai t-e lie.- POWLEReynysd ;bus lion. t-bt vasa in lu on- FOR CONGRE88P neetiuvîtltht-e bot-ei; titis ho bu Pormer Editor Does Not Deny It Frank T. Flovler, lonuerl>' of Wau- h.g.n, la beiug taUked of as a prg-ec- sire candidate fan congre» framnthUi lentl, t-bf.. district. The former Waulcegati editor anc! publiclet, at preseut la cngaged ln magazine wonk, sud ahvays a progres- sive attended thc big Progressive convetion ln bChicago yester!ay at tbe invit-ation ef Med-il MoCouiik, satic was ait t-is gafiiering that vhis- pers vere beard of bis paible sun- bit-ions, Wlien seen Monda>', be smhflhigl>' admitted that lic beenliouapproacb- ed to run for canai-cealu t-bis dis- trice on a progressive plattorn, but voulci go no fnitbe-. Naturel* Law. The deuli-es sud longinga af mas su-e vant.aaîterultyandi the>' Doli hlm t-o hL-Ecivards. aloo 5ei9 taoMis. Uardlier sac!,sut" viii be aperated. for thebe honet <t-he botel lutbe future u ta t-be puat.i Recesitl> a stemmn b.st-fl t ste a installed ln t-be building vi mal-test-e propewt-y itne suIe.- couveniautandod omfontabhol% sl this et-len mincir imprurementa l mnade. sucb as papenugyaralubln Deiop Naines Commindsi Doseen t-cdc>' snounceci t-he ast 0< t-be specil icommikliocivitlci vi revice sud codif>', tent-atlyey>, t-be ai building taw of IlUlnolq, aus llovaS: -Archtects-rfcsm N. a. Riches, Urbans; Richard B'Ècbmldt, CMçAsý , Structurah EugIuer-W. C. strung, Chicago & Norteterlt vawy, Cbicago; Pýr0<esou I.Q.D$v 1'rbana. It-o Protection Espet-W. H. Mer- MIL. Labo Treat, Building (lontfdtoi - -Gowrge ýJlat-. Poaria. s lÀ>' Member-WIhUam E. Sta-tchu.tl cage. c' Ail are expertis lu 11f.> - - Hssfiiiil