Y A -lirm nliiMgtt TNTTkBl"'.IiMrXl' WTflAV nflTOBElt20.(1911. P-ne -~ - ~SA~X!~ ~ ~ ie r?~4 sw " <~.'. - J"'~ 'z" ~ .. '~~-~' _____________________________________________-un frAblihe a8s'-ltxt Faim . ........7w be ftie 5114lorlng Also- X nex r nt ... ... ... . 206O JuneÏS.Pig B.Mcfofld fer pinti @nao roof..1.0<0 4iy, 4.eýothfer repitrins a2.à0 J& sidfralght.. unbarrel fIle, ...A- . 69...ýn 20 July 19 «I>;.rssontrn front ïton City' for E. Segret-. 1.10 Juy 19Pald Werner for mnap ef -out s'P tate............... 19, 20dW::Ix au 011 lCo. for g5u c~OIlis.720 July 21. leur; ote o Aug . , éitsnSelet o for 10, is lWnetn......5 Ans.S FId freift lfctn .25 Au ~ s,Pam e ton t are te forsaIk. .....n....... .136 1 . 5PsdJamea 9 Kirk Co. IjUSBI -~shig podei 10.84 AUg.W. Vid lwaumbah for t'uss ilM u.o a....27 Sept. 11. Pil A . HEt bl 100 Total Amount pald rout. igs"oG Total sjoount rcvl.vd.... 9. 16 à~.tdue C, A. Aplley ..... $ 1.91 r Meyer moyed thl.tht-e Bosrd méset t h County Tarm Bat- U06i0i Sept. 16, 1911. =el:or Meyer moved to reter ail MOotioncarrled. 8uoonWler ick. oovl od a dJ*uri unii 9.q0 o'lock tQlOmrow morning, .%001011 carrled. THIRO DAY. Waukefan, Ill., Sept. 14, 1911. BoesalMet puralent to ajouuneW WM b AbirMIM G(ishampreidlng LI the toliowing ntembers PrMeUet: Su Peryloors Brooks, Chttenden, Clark Conrad, Demorest, DeaCOn. Eger Udwards, Fiche,. Ferry, tlraham. lor %okeffr. KIp&E Meyèr, MBtIbTr, Priat lSUOIxt Welch-18. Absent, Supervieors Krchner an Wynn-2. mines. of preceding onotig rea ad upOUmotion of supervtsur Meye sp»ed. Bupervisor Conrad moved thaVt t Chairman appoint a Committee0 Tr, ta Ilisthle compensation outht Pwoba±loemOffleer. Metion capleo. The. ChalrDiLil ppoilted as au( Codiitte. Supervisons (Conrad, lteYe and Ckrk. The, toflowing comnmuncation -9 re.d: St&,e Aaoillon of Stipw-VVIO cotty Commissioners and Count Clerke. Off ie of Serretary. Pontiac, Ill., Sej.t 6. 1911 To thse Cotnty Board: Thle 14h a.a.iml con vention oft ti 80*0. Asociation of Superviaor County Commlsalnflrs and Coun Clrk i to b. beid thilaYelr1 Tayiorvîliq on October 10, il Sand 1 Accordini tothe M, riesothtiiAss (ànion .ach eoaty là,.no.itied toto delegates conslsting of the Couni Cierk and three Supervisors or ti Comosleuluera. and i earnestl), quent your honorable body to I4>1301 delegatee to attend thislameting. The PrImsry olsiect of the 4--1c tion and undoubtedlY th ressort I Une organization was, al Who sho>. participai.. wauid b. mu.susly bel fited- Thoêe Who went, however, h sucli a gond lime, Olat before long9 aeemed tbat tise oDlY Objeri.w8 have s goçd time. , For this rema rnany ofthie eouDItieg quit sedII delegatei; and quit paying the aems ment for epein»es. IIIthe lest fE yeare, however, thle good tins.Part k bas been confined to îwo eveniné with the regilk that onucit good la been accomplshed. At thbe isat t conventions mue. 0-n 60 ost were répresent-ed. About 40 ofut ti Wer repreeentedl by regularlye polnted delegates, and in the nele borhood of 30 pad tise as- 1mf $1000 . ast yeur, onaccut Ofti meeting coming go close ta theD venter election. rneny were unable attend wbo therwise woold bave iii present. but thua year i0lali expect that et lieest hrec-fourhs of! oountlei, will have delegaes presi In My Judgment thus, the. Il yesr ince the. orgRtsIzatlOn oft Assotalon that lu s reflEeatatl could say te you tisaitii organizati àliad doue eomtblng wicb pute i jars end tents loto everY cou' treasury. Cook County excePted. comostte appointed by Oens caused ta h. piaced lu thei. ao book a new free iaw, and I belk your County Clerk wil1 agre wtb that under It the tees charged1 more equltable an Obos11e Who have them o pay, and tbat h. also agree ta thse pr'opouition 5tîst1 addtloal money whlcbh. ahwi1 lot se couty treaaury in any( yer under t-bs Iaw will b. more ti you wlil pay for -th. expeeeOfutd getes ln several years. Tis s h tmue, It seema ta me tiat yoiz gsi DotV heetàe in êppointtng dallegat For sev"m years prOr to1 years ega Vthe Association WU5 able ta pay tram Ils treasury anyc siderable Dumn towarde the expe ofthVie meeting. IiIS th. lestý years it Uiaspai4 for prntIng Pruc juge, paid thse Senograpber, and1 te exiile et oriiecomnttee.1 year it ali.uU nfot onlY do ibis, eisould teke Coe Ofutany t-er 1il =ate eipanse. This cen be don tise coulaties whicb appoInt- deug willlpay te $10.00 Wlslcbheti. ASB tion regiiests. And If you wil pa mse ta eet inasmucb as thse A clationi±l ronglsit&bout a COD&l whereby aoc" tisen ail thi. expel or deke&t4O, plus the asseesament ta fixsd It w"vy yur treasury,1 flt unreasisuable ta exPe43t-tiat moli appoint the delogates and pay dues. Tu me XV appears ta be9 business »unse ta do s, and cou ,mal. t the mtetlnig, end bvlng bsk-das.tbel seiteil t-ao, s«, Loti oonmpd 4thIa reId Wei piove bene4eèe.l. Pissas dk" Btpe3'nsnt oftte tôllovl.igaidt âbt tise e your cierk o lise*n oyirtin jn vor Clerk lh. direoteitou isse orders fon ut L. L. Newton, 'erasurer, Psatoo- h. s.'iôrol ausouIt la the clains, nuc, HancorS ('uunty. for $1000, but to-vit: Ail firet audsimut Important- a! sîl, pes.. Name. For Wiat AmOt. Iittel iappint delegatos vie vilI attend the Peorla Statle Hospital, arr ut paients.................. .$6r,.z5 i ouveton. llin la Sctoci for tire Oeaf. rare rot '<ours t-ntly, lide............51i W W KNYSocnet-ary. Ai Total ........_.... 67 26 M. Caunt-y Cerk:-WiII you please Alo hc srsýcfjysb ailvise t-he CountI' Clonit o! Christin Etvati ona 9County outhle action taken by youn R. W. Cotnde. port Board, viseuer fa.Qprable or nlot? R .Citne. pr 18upervIson Brooks uloveti thaVtihe H. C. W. 7ieyer. pl Cislrain appoint- four delegateatou Supervhmor Ms.ther nlbved tiet the Mo naid convention lnclutiing iniseit sud report- h.e coepted anti adoîrted su] Cierk, audt that- tie Clerk he dtrected %lotiton carrleil. untîl Dta i»»u a varrant ton $10,000 mveTnig Tise folloviîig pétition vas present Mo ssmo opt. ead andl reail: Motlae carIleti. I, tise underatigeti, Antres Due. re DTise Clbairmasin appointeti as sucil sldlng at tise City of Chbicago, Courir 5Commiittee Supervisons Brooks aoutut fCouk andi etate o! Illinocis, anti 3Meyer, viti thVe Ciainian andi CerS. being a citizen uf salIsI ourty and Bo fiepervisor Cittentien movedti -at SI-at-e o! Illinois, duolrereb) nake ap- vît-i 0 Oie Board appnupi'lte thi~e gm cg plicat-hon for t-be purciasa. friot the th $76.10 for tie Farmrs institut-e ani Couuty of L.ake Ot a paccel o! lant i n Porl I-baat Vthe Clark issue a warrant in par- Pistakee Lake lying sud atjolulng ta0(Cour t ment ort tii.fsme. th.NorVis and eatut ftue folovlng war Motion carried. desllibed land: herv t Supervisor Moyen moved t-at Use Begin.niUg st the Nortiieaot icerrer ,ERMC1 6 il of11a Arthsur Young & Ca., ton $25.00 of the Nortisweet uarter (N.XVW.4t/. At b. laid on h. table. ofthVe notieasit quarter (N -. l) y Miotion carrieti ot fra.cVonai Section nine (9) Town- ou e Supervlaor Etger, Chairsan or Ju- shIp forty-five (45) nantis range nune Peud dileary Committee. subosltted tie fol. (», Fasut oi e Tirird (Indu Principal J.B Ioviug report-: Mridien, running thence West on tho MI i 50.1 o!Ilinouis , Count-y 0( t-e.e. s Norths lina ut aid Quarter quarter s a BoSrd uf Supervisons. Sept. Terni, section un salilUn. iruduod, tourbl 1911. hauuired niu«ty-six anrd four teutis tChe St-eteoftIlîlinois, L.ake County. ss. (496.4) feet-, Ihene Southi 47 tiegneesg tlS2 nM. ('iairusan anti Gentemen ufthtis 23' West nine uundred tveuty-five flOt 'Boar-d o u pgervsors: and elgisit tnObs (925.8) teet, viîcis i 9. Tour Conmmtee on Juriifl point la tise point of h.ginning of II M'alins voulti beg leave Vo repart th« pliffertY herain describeil nunin< (2Coli tbey have aoxausned l al clael pr- tissce soat-k 2 degrees 95, HaSt- ous the seuted iefore them anti r n ipu ndredti hiry4twu anti four tanths sSOi the peymeo.tofuthVe totlorwugand oisi h5(132.4) teet, t-ieuce South 35 degrees SOI IL th. (Ienk b. direct-eitI ssue ardens 33' West- three hundreil fort-t-iree Io i o thse severai amounits ta th several (843) feelt-.tieuce North 72 degrees Mr. - claîmais, to-vit: 20 West- une buntimd otirty anti aigit BI kI' Nain- For Wtat Ant. Sout-ha (140S8) feet. tienre nortait21 Y, ýr J.MOre G. Weici. Jiatietes.... 5-,degrees 'M'Hast six bundredti rty- vii DenrisLImirre. Constable tees. - 2. r- Dreti. .imbrrrY. etaýIt,- ecis . q76ilEit (638) teeS. Iheuco South 77 do- tYE Ir, W-rr 'eshmore coutrblefer- .. .. .40 gros, 20# asit-on.e isundredtithity- ferr P. A Hcauo i tOuer>s bIe fseS ... 5.90 Oet anti seven tentisa(138.7) futha', idFranO.k nietd" king osan to n t. Waokegan................7.16 ience South 12 degTees 40' West t-vaan F N Bakes"ee. r.g lrlrreit bundreti feelto th. place ot begtnning mer id ai eleti cntat . 200 the sane.containing <mou and ixehont J, Il.-e. repyutevdroe 6-.0 tentu (2.6) acres, more on leastiA J'- S8. ia. usticerfs-s...........26s beng in Lake Cauniy. Illinois e James C,, Weteh, JutIe tees ... 1400 1 male ibis applications under sud ln mit ofLeai.> A W.-Ir. Couratbîs fOes. 9. M'accorcdnevtbtr aoat eua be ste ýA.Wtrnuntabie tees. lîlO1 ,, odacverigtite pnaseandt suai >, ewis A. Wi.-r. ecnveyritg prisn togcvrn h ucaeo wm r. ... ... ....... .... .00 lands, sai parcal atteand tor wviicil1 <eh rg Ooier erst-bie tees ... 7.600malpe application viii 001 exceed one i Jcît,îr Betnvald. justice tees .... 10 - R il. lie,tstord. justice tees .... 8.40e sud on-bai (16) acre t-be Surveyunr'ai er IV M. I'etersvn. onveying plat- anti legal description wiii b. given M pi-sorr .............. ...........600 le your Svsup landis Committee vîti t8 W Wriae . siteesf...........3.75 I o d .Cor Cltin C.e trr. i.Se1uly Sher-it ..200.001l ondy Frncr J Green. boarditig prison- And 1 neseetuîhy sait that tise saiti Fln s s .ee i ........7052 Brard authorizes anti direct tbe sm llsr r-.n.oei-vi, ........... 43 Chairman and (lerk o!fsid BIoard to r.:4 Mark Lette, lusti-r tees............O 20 maire. execute anti deiver lu tue, In rep Johs> Nelson, Irstire tiCs ..... 27-95 tise unume o lt id Counil-. a goutanti V AiTirail. ý.... ...--$1712113 sufficient deati of conveyance uf ail mub Alf owh ir a sipecttuIIy ubusit- nîght-. titI. andti nenest whîch said Sul lie s'e-i Counts' bée, matie or may bave lu antid r rs. Il. B. Eger. to tise above tiescribeti landi, upon 1c52' 191 it J G. Deusres. ment sy use of!hsu ffiuso! Fifty Dot- et Ii. eacon. Iane, blng îhe minimum psymesst te, i2- Soîrvlsar -Meyern movedti -at the lie matie upun port-base o! svampco go- repott b. accepteti anti adopted. lands under the Iavsg anti egulatians s isi Mcitian carrioti. uaveing th sale thereof, and heing r e it Soîervisor Conradi, Chai rma n outhVemore fisan the sumutf1,.25lpenrae re. Sîs-cial Conmmtte., subruttedth Ve foi- for the lanti o o 0b. purhased. re- îowing report: ANDRES 00OE, r.r ItX Staeu o! Illinois, Lake County s 2116 Alice Phare, 1 Board of Superviaurs, SepteinorChicago.R, 111. E in- Ternu. 1911. Supervisur Clark niavedti ta ly the Pi 'or. '<u 'airînan anti Gentlemnen o! the ,peltion un Oie table utIl the Der'em uIIn Id Hard ut Supervisons: mid ber nmeeting. Su iL- Vour SpeclO.l Comute, appoIna Motion carrîed. Et 'ad Vu ix t-h. satary o! tiie Probation Of- Brîpervisun Deacun. Chiimau of!1 ;It tirer ut Lakte Csunt-y, Illinuis, moonît1 Public Buildings comoittee, suimit--M r t-O reconinent i haOt-bhe salany ut oucil ted the foloing report: son officer b. ixed at the sumous tHglit- Board of Supervigors. Sept Ternus. 1911. igE HuntirsetiDllars per yeftr; andt has Mn Chalrusan anti Gentlemen of tha v s5- tIre iounty (lenk lbe autuonizedtiou ls- Board ut Susieavsors: lha le surse warrants lu paylnt o ut b your ('ousmttee on Public Buil- hi Of saiary, uuarterly, ftssVie date o! lugs ta mooro vas Intrustedthe i.mat-.m( kg. the allsontosent o! suci officer t-er o! iaving certain repaîns anti ai- Cl 1Las Al 0f moiic i s rebPetttItY Oub- eratIons ab.mti n i OunOr vo0 itteýd>Jail anti Court- Bouse. beg teave t-o te-vis Liee Etivart Co<nad. port as tollove: env H. C. W. Meyr. That t-be nev cage o! oelse on tiheN. a-T.'<M. Clark. md Saur o! the jali andthUe vauît- In To lgh- Supervison Eger movedt ta41aY't-be Vie bain- ?tbeCutTos hiv ILf report- on tise table ontil toaoroW beau finisileilasud omplet-eti vît-h t-beJ t-îl mring at- 10 o'clock. exception ufthte phsiing anti stesui z NO- Mtuton carrieti flitiug In tise lait, sud h. place ufthVei ta Supervimor Ferry, Chairman uf Cous- shelvlng lu Vie vanit In Court House. effl miteo' on Cunly Farm Autiting sub- Andtih-e Comnmittee recummendied ted oitteti tie folowing report: t-bat upon the completion ut sncb -ý t-be State o! Illinois, Lake Caunts'. se. plumbisng anti steaus fittiug andtihie 'ot. Boar ut Supervisors. Septemxben Placing uOfsiselving In t-he o-suit-tise E rgt- Ternus, Sept- 13, A. D. J911. Connty Clerit h. autborîzeti. upon pro- W t-he Min Chsirisan sud Gentlemen ofthtie sentation by t-he Conmitte o! bll W lv. Buard utfSoipervimafs: for snob voait. to Issue vwarrants au Jo lon Your Cemmsntte au CountY Farm the Couit-y Tre&auren for Cie payment-A dl- CFaimss voulti heg leave ta report- t-tof qsnobills.t uty tbey have esamineti ail clal.ifl pro- B. DEACON. H A senteti befona t-bous anti reconatend. E. A. PIck. S ba h. p&yusant uf tise tolwilx ng. sat iHi . W. Ferry. tG hite tise Clerk lhe direct-rd Vu teste e uders Supervison %loyer usovedti th Oe W love tor the several amounts le Vie sevrsi report lha accepteti anti atopteti H me lalusats Vos'i-.Motion carcledtiEl. Rire ttrces For Wist Amit. Rupervueun Hacreniergen. ut Special t- will C. A. Heydecker & Cou, grorerie. 3240 J mllI Rey Furniture Store. rýttmese .. 1260 CoissuIitea, subuittedth le tloiing R 0.t Lue & Co.. turniture.... 48.9 report: Lt teThromson BIras., silo cutter ... 17.00 Waukegan, Ill, Sept 14 1911ý pay North Shore IEtrir Co. ight. osimnat ateen o! t-be powe an ig..... Ig7 Mn. Sospervisorsnappoînteti LhanW.E Dore is, dry od...s...s : 2'0 Boardtif upevsos i corett& redeles.ugroceniea . .. ".6s Tour Special C.rmmttee pone m lelo- E. WParkhurst. dry goi..-1100 t se w tiite commîassionera ufthtie J ing W.W. Carroll & Son. CTrY goode, 60.47 t c i OuJB Morses & C'o., eiothing ... 710 Town o! Warren in the construction Scisancie Bron., hardwareý......... 77.16 ut a brtige uver Miil Creek on t-be Lf. H. B. Eger, hardware.......... .9-8roami ieadiug tram Vaukegan t-o Foi tOu Chis. H. Kaiser. bamos .... flot W. C. Trlggessosa......... 15 Lake, near t-be townu hue roati in sali tN North Shore boas Co.'sas . 080 Vavu. beg leave tou report as tolhows:E coun- J. Kil TrIggs. flour-................ 1050 We met- ait-heiteu!f the bridge.an M sse P. B. t.orell CO.. d mg ............ 62.25 May 21st- 91 n eie obldJ ,Wv JEIi Tri %. niat anrd groerIes. 404 ,17.at eiit - îii Derker & Bond. drUg .............4574.60 a concrete anti steel bridge, andthti Lumbe Co.lumnber-..... 229 Cenk vas instructadt o ativetise for Hoid m lackesttg..... 24u bides. H. A. Taylor being electeti This liber-tvi rLuýber C. tme bt andfred.....................îgss harrman o! sali Coumitte anti L. but A.1. Drer. uerles....... .6275 F. Fenlun, Cierk.H giti Max fhrr c~to ........... u . etaano t-erd aya le ifC . .Appis' anOsud aismtaalio h Sddyo gt s ervices....................... 470.0 Jue t (urne., Illinis, anti opetoatiH 0.0.5__ bida anti lt t-be couI-r6.t tao tse Con- 1621r Total .. . ........... 123077 inent-aI Bridge Company for $1,590,00. rmii W. bave exaninedth -e report o! We again met- at tise bridge on JlIs .560- C. A. Apptey, Superiutedint- et th 28th fatundtheii bridge complet-rd in tion Courit-y ht'Lm sud fud th.sinlecor accortiance wîtb conitrart anti accept- uaes rect, andt ut- tae1I due hin frontu . the sane. We met- ont-be î4îis day t is bAeCU rînty i t-b ec tf 1.91. of Septeinher. St- Waukegarr,hilinis,V it- a Al 0fvhiit s rop.ofull sus- o audit the hbis, ant inSd the t-tai yuu mitteti. cent of saiti bridge o be O-s folovs7 yiithe0il. W Ferry. Continental Bridige Ceo. rotrart..1iSSO 00 good M. Boûauberger. H. A. Taylr~t conusitîrse orS.... 9.111 usiti- E. L. Smone. John Eioger, cocstCe rk_ 21 00f Fred(Sillngs Oit........... .o5 s, t epot e acetti anvI eltat. t .eF. enio.9ccîk. 0 E GUIflng B ....... 90 O lairnîan Glrsiîam caleÔ Supervis- 9.liltt Fi îbor (Co .,tion for a iitlOd MLu . 0Q or Meyer te the. Chair and pîeslented F Repoîss 6 we find thagt sl 3.80i W Churühlil, u * ' n11 the followlng resollîtion s.W>-îs<. Rd "f îtetîo, 75 ( o "July SOtÊ,i, 91, 01? le Total.. .. 9 74.70 Tii. Legislature la ta assemble W. D, Browns-maln ! -b aaemumefl, Of ut îý lhh a repec<îfulIy sub- agîn as Springtield on October 2d1, LtFri ...... î 601 therefore recommilenld th"t ui; * Nî md. W nd ass underslansd anotiser 11mou r e tpl '1-,,2 2.6 emade. ta e mil .Vany, M. ioreni>erger wlll b. made t us-.tetymî- CtY of W0 ..keg-, Al of Wh"l t4@111e01111IW 111 Edward Conrad, lion dollar bond iluebilil for the Ad(. le Mlo 0 3 E. I.. sinsous. construction of power plants between Coorî î>-vorîîog 2û' H. C. Bdwards. Fr ild GlllingB Joliet and flics,Ililinois. A Iitog0i0 H. M. Prie .l A. Taylor. Whereas, Tiie People ofthtIe State Srie o a srM. u11.5U56« John Elebluger. of Illinois voted for a bond IssuLe for North l, ,,eý"l(I 4' W Superviser Welch n*l* ' L F. Feulon. Oi*rk $20,000,000 for tise construction ot a G book> . . ae j2 rprtb cStda ipervisor Eger maoved titat tie re- &del) commercial watvrway front the B S. Lyon & Bon.,, Mution carried.à Lb. a0cePteil and adopt-ed and bil ks ttiilit u ple al . iie b.Ih ubth e JUt 1as allowed. And IViereas. This was a î,rol ect POneatI c e 0 ee . .d yth lton ai rrled. wbl0h would tenett ail of the, Peu. L_ Potter & onp. mttee. SuperviserBr upervisor Eger moved te adjourn îiC of the Stateof Ilîlinois, PlantaB . kn..40 < iati.rlsbs I 9:30 oelook tomorrow moruing. And Whereag. If la now proposed insurarce premium <. >.ILI Co tise bill be allowed form lotion carrted. te contaruCt instead utf a deep water- Burnougz Aidlsng maohiv, Motion carrled. way, a sater puower plant lu tise LB:;sJOsly,55 4-51 Siarlif Green bUItdt.U> FORHDYnortiieru part of Illinois for the bene- Fumigstlng............. <,, lng petition: POURTM DAS'in.,lft of certain localities wlslci would A.I. MîttiOore. Waukegan. Ill' Sept.là' liSept. ' e0 obnel OLk .ut. upIs .. 1 i il80 To tise tonorable Board et Woa l pukg a n t.adj oS lm ,ntA ndv so rs: osrd59e pusuan Voadjuroneut AndWiereav. The.construction o of snltiee work ......4Of) 40 ,IinrJ reSeNl Il OiVman Grahams preiding and tbis water 1,0ser pliant wil exhaust A t'( Courson. 4 '4l ouuty, h Gen reb i !onllig niembers Preeent: '%u- thie entire $20,000,000 abîcit was vo IHFs&rvrfiý, .honor. 1Afl 10Çý abl body Vo mreb s IOeraBrooks, (Chitendtn. Clrked by ithe peopîle outitis State. leavlng 5Huitssrawar 20 i obl o i. s its lrd Demorest,. DeacoP, Sger. U<I nothlng wbatevr'r fer river Improve- H .W Ferry. oieT rs, Floke, Ferry, Grahamu, HoI'sn- mnent- or deveîopment. Comujtte, work ..... 3,0 3200tLake County In serving p~ ,eKIng, eyer. Maetber, Pr1i, oWea, ti xeseo ubConrad & Hart. turing criminels and l lI Wer, ec ig, AdWces h xee rac i lurlals &tranmportallon 45m0 46.00esryusl unelo Leua Wel)cri-i0, rone adwater powser planrt would bave t-o ho848W8aehlngîuses nLausdry.o beetStpesîor Krsbur ndborne by tie sariosîs counittes ut tise IIonr..........4 .48 Office. uu-2. ~~State ofIlilinlois In proportion,.to i.îvry, Bd.0fr Revielv . 0.0 6.0 SprvsrEe oe lupervisor hast ber moved ta sus- tiseir assessable saluation of çraperty. 2.55e <".Telephone , 6.0 Sprie ir mo id tise rudes te consîder the bill o and th,. proport ion ut vaid bond lessu evc..........3.74 tmatter bc laid over ta Vise Joio Carried.1 againot Lake <rsunty, camparaei ta Cerkservices ..449.60 499.60e nd voeb.n loLs are .are Countîs îîrolertion of lthe en- Grfflo's Waukegan Garage. yan Novtben eMÉ ê lupervisoir Conrad xoved t-bat tbe tire assessed vaiîîation of said State ilivery......... ........7490 74.00 SuSperviser Egers motion W""- eto J. B. Neabaus b. referraei < will sruuunt to tit. eum ot $174,686.- R. Jmarson . . " by th. foliowlng vote: Tisa. J;IdlciarY Comnustta. for Investi- 5 ...sv 24.50 14.50 A.ye are SUperviqor& ros DILLoarpr beolki is mter- And Whereas, sri water pawer Services ............... 4345 4111 don, Clark, Conrad, DeirL, 31. piant would h. o! nu benelit wbatso, B. J.Maon 50 1.0 lwi.s, Plke, Ferry, Kotf , crieilevn - g out TS.sce1.0 1.9 Kig, Meyer, Miettisf, P.oeli ,upTV$Or bitendu. haîman<>~ And Whereas, the. effert of the con-. toosmitteemoueS 500 5.00 Tsn algN i inatse on Education, suhmntt.d struction of sucb water power plant Gev. Hornsan. havtn oa um #, tàilow115g report: vullSupplie., Jait............ .0 oDecr udWIi-.3, .0e Of Illnois. C-'ounty utfLe.ke, s oudbe to seudi domn a greater mun<'». Buperviso9r0 Co6rnai meandsmi* et Spervsai. 5p. ~ quantity of water Into th valley of Pneumsatlc- keys 500 .00 b.atwedaIsu &Td 0 Bfflv'sm-Sept.TerthseIlilinois, alttisat taling any pro- Mului.n suppiy C.. 1«, -uhrie oi' toit.tic ey............100 1.00O tolAte several CILbûmt@ 1e Obstinanand entlmen t ~.caution Io prevent-TIts doiîîg damagl, Thomas, Mortor>, «iSiie'wd tO % baruman enlee O h y deepening IiB cilanuiel fur ralin"SbillsR of evieo 4300 5500 Motincarie Bard oftSiupervlsors: 105 banks. ansd ithe rasoir ould be h@ sDEcl d. of,[, C3,0 aý0 Mtinct ~oartiomîtte anEducation t' loodlng of mucb land thon.altusted. lr or------2 2 uevsrBlad loin Ohe bill ofT. A. Simpeo.(00aog ~ dmg tb nr nd 1,utCoTM.î,visr 30 0Jaurnite Ileet et tise Couidt Supernuter>dent utSchbols was re- cupanta, K W .,k moWrOW iiig aLt 10 06D&0 mois, bag leave t-o report t-bat va Now Tiierefore Be Tt Re-solved. That HeflrYV&.5O ....... 19.60 19.60 Motion carried. ,te exainied said bill and vouchers we denouinoe sucb plan of building Cortn, ok8 > 9 0FFH DY I Sudtisesame c r sun e ans-and construrtiflg s vater power plant Edmard (sur-cl ud thLt h. C.unty Cokisea tts xeneu I iecuîe f . .....t~ rse . 1 80 12 80 Liberlyvilll,,i., Bept. If. 1ehr Sla pameutof$15.2sns5 . thse State ut Illinois, as being do- COusmittRe w,,rk--.... 040 10.40W Boardl met pursuant to thu Sîpau fr $56 5. structive ofthUe waterway leglation Rosît Ficke, Itis Obirman Ortasu Ail ut 'lcls terseS tuily 5ub mhîcis mas appraved hsy the people o! CoMmlto- work .. 20.800 2080 Vthefollowlng inmusSe lt .t-is State. and being au unreasonable 1, .W Mev-r pervisars Chittnolen, tted. Const.s, work .....13.0 53.20 rest ecn gr R. W CbItb@nden. and Inîproper expense onu-the p art o!rK A. FIce.. Dao, gr James F. King, al the people uftht-e Stat. of Illinois, Cmmiltte, . erk .... il6240 62.40 Ferry, Graans, Hrh~ .BEgrfor the devetopusent- ef a partienlar h T0n'ona tve ....4ûti o hans, Meyer, Maetiser. P or.~ Supervlfor iMeyer moved Oat thse îocality eot te coet oft th. enire state, tDanilA Gscî ,port t>e accepted and adopted adw rqeoaur repneenativ Bar t'eir...... 0.00 11. Absent, Superviera BwDXkS. M.otions carried. In the. egisiature ta Oppose such plan Bro~wn & W,,,,. rail, Kirscbuer, Wyn-4 50 tng garbage .. 5. 8.00 5.00 Mni.s !peeing Superqisor Chttenden, Charman of at ailtîmes. and te do ail lu Visir A. j. AosRt.nnte.fprcd 'm.nitOee on Education. ta visom tise power ta defeat the saine. Siensps Board oflitevica 14.w0 14.00 and upon motion etI- inanclial Report ot T. Arthsur Slmp: Superviser Grahsams suvei that t-he l4ort Shocre - ',<oczp0nvd >n, Ouperintendent of Scholo . as Resolution b. adapted. (']'cte.pay. 33...15 3-16 Luperviser Pion, Cbalrm *t lerred, uimitted Vie tolowiug Motion carried s rosent isrtc .....314 go 31480 iTittee on Prlning siubmhte tbfl i ýpot: The time bavlng arriveit for Vhe A. A Vechisîi, lowing report: WVe have examined tie above report consideration ot th. report uft he WAW>îosss,4.10 4.10 State o! Illânols, Lake imltted by T. AK Smpson, Count-y Special Cummittee appointedt tafil Matur-tel and os,,rk ..12 s 12,&6 Board of Stq*rvIera. petntendent. and finiltithe same.Oie compensation or a Prubation Offi- Rf'.Pernne, rnect, ibis 14tb day of Septeinber, crer. Superviser Conrad moved hat Lee 22 40 gh21.40 MrBoad of and ersisos: 1.-the report ut Commîttee h. accepted Plum±bing ......611.93 &11.93 Bourd o upit-o on R. W. Citttenden. sud adopted i.Lee Mebo)ýnoo,leYu ýogtb James F. King. Sup9ervlr tèiser moedasauPtmheg r 6240 62-40 wotld heg leave o r9 « H. B. Eger, Committee. amendusent tiat Vie compensation hc. Wtk Kau Ic,,,ohave examinod& Mg Superviser Denmon moved tisat- the flied aI. $500,00. Cece llicrî40.6 6.1 ietore tisemta 1 port b.e scoepteil and adopted. Aye and No vote beîng caIid for SHrWierry. ý .... 3imetoth lkrUiM Niotin castqîithe motion te ameud mas lent by th. H,-,W.nFrry. ook .149 0.6CleinS Se orected t» las"; Superviser Deactas mnaved t-bat- Vie toîiovlng vote: R. A Rvokma. tiese everal aonat S port be artepWe and adopteti TioseC votlng Aye are: Super- W.rk ailt ....11.45 13.41 cîaimants. ta-wlt: M<otion carriesi. visons 'bittendon, Deattun, Eger 7307 60. Nie. orv At MA Snpervisor Msetisen, ('halrflmanfl Edmardg. Ficke. Horeuberger, King, T$7b3î28otC7ty$6550.23n NWtill For anke . S 551. ton Comnltteaumitteil tise ollow, laeim-06nal1 pox bisl$205.69 andi Carre. (l- A.rI'tgl i ireport: inloareuevios tt for services $34.130 we refaritsack Insttut. ýp .... L ae Of Illittis, Lake Cuult-y. se. Brooks. Clark.,(Conrad, Demnorest ta the Boardas a Commtlatteofthe Callagisari& ,e icr fSuprvIsera. ePt . rlu, Ferry, NMeyer, Prier, Sîmons, Wec- wC. je0lte S$ei ............i111» i~ isrdutSept- 14, 1911. 9-e C.e. g5td~ ,fCiairman ad Gentlemen of tise Vote nerurrtng on thie original mu. Itespectfully sitbiitted. ClioursePsio a... & Boad fe toioos:R. . floci« Jýktee............... 4» tioed u Suervsor: ton iisane wa canle byR. . Clltantsl. IlUnole Pinting Co. Youn CommIttge on Poor Claluos lowing vote:AG.Mehr2 mx.........4O vould beg leave ta report tiat t-bey Thuse voting Aye are Supervisone.G.rahr.IIde 70 Lave examinait ail clamses presanteailBrookts. Clark Coanrad, Deusorest. Dea- Supenvison Conradi muved t5iat Vie 1J1ois ffrtino., ýene thens and recomnsend te pLy- con. Ferry, Meyser, Prior. Siuons andi repart 1be accepted sud adOPtoi afîr .tj'rn.g Co. eut ofthOe tolloWlng. and t-bat t-be Weicis-10. Motion carried. rseed record ..... .4& ler b.dincte taIsse oder fo 'os, voting 'No are oSpervsera Suiperviser Conr~ad moved Vhisai theIlunois P'r-btirsg Ca. se severat anDau taVotOe several Chittendeu. FEger, Edila'd Iek., nites bc suspende-i VO allow tise bill of 53.ur r r9U C. aimants, to-vit: Itorenberger. King, Mae.ber-7. 'amrie GilietO '<viicisvas referred Dî"tirecord .&..C... IBM Am. Supenvîsor Meyer moved t-bat the back ta t-be Board by t-he M15eII515 PF.. ettbn o. lae. FOr WhaC Ami.States Attrney lb. requesald o ap- eous elula Ooosmittee lu Lot 1u. P I. Ptioe&C mealsWteher.ine-l.........56 pean betune thi. Board I-bis attenoon. Motion carrieti, andtiet-i.lbltwLai a- Notices ........ 16 heRseeete 0. grnes .. ..212941 Mi ~luveti. ueo. D. Barnarsd& u 5.. Ferodr..i& ....ti 49.05 Moio - re. Fs. bock ...... 0...84.00 ebnn.a Smithi & Co., cool and Supenvîson DeaconMovodte &ud. Superviser Sîmaons Jovedti hat- t-b e <,D. Barnard~ & Ca., Wod.... ................... 41. un80ue ick . .btil of Usie City ut Wasskegan for tise Law docket ............ W o i mire. board ............ . 7 oto.cari)i.cane of amati Pox patiets h. laid ovarCo. carter Dept.Store. dry' gSOOOnd MotiOun Ociock P. M t-il the t9ecember meeing. grone............. 147.26 Oeid is- P To t..... $ 705.85 States Attorney Dady aildressea SurvsrCnalmv sa i Ws1siçaanVile Board In regard tu Oie legaiity ofut titutoe t- tih. bill or City of WU~. :Ou.. r. EBetr &fonC,,.rocries 100an appropriatlin to tise Metisodist keganbe aliowed froe-afor 1122- . .-. o w.Mgorai. iess. ..... 101.69 liter Hopit-al, atter wiich Superviser is msotion.C.ý> FF a. groc&res ......... 1479 -dwars trvedl that th.enatten be Superviser Meyer moveti as an e1.Onepj ..m.... 16.0 .ifrrd Jolcnn, imfk ............ loto6nIL. Se. orDreager. grO60l-so...... . aa la id oven until the. Deoensber meeting . amerldlletlut tisat tbe bill b. referred....«....9.0 i Mitl sr.zoenes....... .5178t Superviser Conradl moved &as an baolk teothe e Mscellaneous Clainist*ia 7scse Foc Irese troa14......0t ndment- tiat- the.bospîtal appro- Committee for Investigation and porF 55 ia . ...... o&4 D. Tý Webb, c Woo&ud ......... 605ralnbeli v port tonsrrov.P.... 10 loffocan Bros. %rocereis ........... 5. itin00lad e.Mution rarried. urrui GrocerY UlI.. sracerls..... 210 Motion rarrled. p &o & o}mbke. groceres ..... 96.00 Vote recurrlng on the originel nmo. Vote recurrIng ounlise original me- W. J yn&Snpcre . 00 thon as amendedth te sans. vas car- tien as amended the saine. as car- la, J. 1190 R.' . ag.groceriés ...........6700 rl0i Henr y sr gres .re.re.2 oc guats. fk.......... pex>o gnnaeitbsSuper- Supervisons Edwands, Obairman ut t. Dncrln grceie......... 10.2 visor Chitteuden b. appoînt-ed as a Committe. on Erruneous Aseessusents P 0.ninbef . 54 Globe Dept. Store, dry ... 1. laite o.1Idependent. J. C. Me, oSent .groosre.. ..... 7200 Com mttee o! one to lse. tiat a report subimitteti the followinîg report: pr-lnting .......... .... 1470 1, teartiors& WalnO ee, ... _160.16 vas made at ite meeing ofthtie board State o!fIlinois, Lake Couit-y, as. tiirayis.ke Turses. LakeS, ccTuberc rt.. eCam lu regard te the way the appropria- Board of Supervisons. Sept. Terru, j PublncSit.B.R.... 4 eM patientm a...... 1040tion o!fs$30h0ste elAke County Tuib- 121.Pub. notim . B R....... ..0 G-,, Herroan. groceries ... ... 16.00 eculoBis Catîle Test was disposed ot. Mn. Ciairman andl Gentlemen uf the Astiocit News, FmiiotsMercntilieCo.. groeries 901G Motion rarrted Board ut Supervisons: Pub. notie. SB. R .... 1.40 M. E. Smith & Ce., gsoefle.. 0.00John B550c16 Jon (ouries' & Co., >01 al 100 Superviser Weînb movati ubt tise Tour Commtt«o n Ersoneous AF- Pub. Poilue. B.,.. Wood ....... ................... .0 o Hard meet t Fox 1Lake Septele, 5ossments oili belin th.petitions ton R. S y8. e -- 3, 1911 ait ten o'rlu<7k te inveatigate rebyatf,of taxes ot East Benton Mo- Pub. notice. B. R -S.... U14 Total .....................$5179 thse property for whicb pettion ton marial Churcil. Estate of W. B. Wrenn ctotb icoe Fe &upphs'Co. Swamp Landl deetis bave bean fliidan d Thiomas Brass & Tron Compa.ny, iutvscsino fuel .. ý................. .... 19,55 LithIbs meeting. vere reforreti heg leavo te report as sait-ai. H. in.ragot. Matin J. Seal fuel .............. 1071 Supervsr Brooks.,('hairman oftht-e We bave examiner! the Aseaor's S p rIe .W 1S 0. A Cîsokin.gfuerls.........3.6.0 otin crriti.folue TýeCee L uers, tuai.........e Committe. on lticeiiaueotis Ciaillls, andl CoIieror's Books for t-be year the report b.e*ocepted uf ..tt ..t........ O10.0 sutsmitted tite tr}lowiilg report: 1910 for theTn*ofTus to-n. 1gb. Motion carrieil. 1AFderns. stk.................4198 State or Ilnois, Lake Cotint-y. 80. landt Park and Watkeg1i, We finil Silperlior Rierleoi.ià, Total...... 26258 Board of Supervisera. Sept. Terni, tbat tise East-Banou MeniorIl.ot t-be t-y of Wauk.gsa *W ..wo . Sept, 14. 1911. Olsurcis vasthse owner of lots 13 ta ut1mu=Il pas patientas e M HererE. Jerviesseon en eC.79 M.(hahrosauanti Gentlemen of tise 123inclusive, block 11, Beelver' -ts eoie s~g Heny ueker dyvonds nd loatd of Supervisons: Subiision, Section 27, Zion (lt-y,ho- Mution carrled. gr c1 .le ................ .2&o.H Yoîîr Cunitttee on Misacelianeous fore h. finalt day of April, 1910, and SuPervison ClarkCa "eo E. lrrr. 'hurlait ($2300) Claioss wouid b.g leave t-o report that tisat sali property Is exempts from tax- Committe, on ]M.e.o cisirct......................... ' * 20.0 they bave exsmîned ail chat-usapro- ation. W. ibeeeure recommond that folowing report: W. F. Dahmse, grOver-les.............0mg sent-rd hetore them anti recOmme'Outhe-b St-at-e t-ms of $1,10 aMd Couti-i ax Sste utIlilinois, Tsk Vemon. the ayment o! t-be!olcotving, and ut $0,66 h. retundeoatilb. PiseeBad tSprea Li79tisat lie Cierk b. dinectedteIissue of sald churcis. ani hat t tovanions 1911. Home toumber Co.. fa.>......... 4 rondens for the several amounts t-iltise taxing iodles ot nid to0wn vd=Wd ta lin. Chaîrmau, aidGetlemMS 0 Wos. W>ircnd. et......... .111; severai cianisto-vl: stiTrusteels $13 tovis t"x; $1.12 pBoard,î tf Smper-v.o Coricît & Fne>erisks. groceri- ... 16.217 %mounict .Xîourrt Rosit anti bridge tasc;14.40 Cty taX; yoniaceom t-. o Total. ...... 7.60 o er, F, itCcst5icWi$1.65('lt-y Baud tsi; suid $8.91 DIs matter ofan ap ~ tlon OsOro,,dCc,.snîg naît ... itr1 010-00 $010s0trîct sohool No. 6 la..Bluit Orpiamame il R.0'nnfuel ........ .........77City f Waukegass B. A. Hanitit-on, ilentist-rv .... 3.50 Wa,r -r,-so.... 288 55 38805t W'e furtier findt that tie se .5t0.o! eave ta repolrt sas Htimtler & Strîton. grocertc o... 18 866NortShore Eieclcie <Co> W. B. Wreunnvas doublj' t.segeed on e, ttailly «toaio5ed