CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Oct 1911, p. 12

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~J4~. ÇO>~Mn ENDNýr Y,91.4 condition and management of the. ~V5DL5Z ~ County P'or Farm andi the care of MOTR MW ON IS RIT VISORS' RZÉORT. itii.Ilimates thereot, and la fullyad qedluo uh aters: BeIt Resoived et the care and maaeét of saidl IR BY  JL TC Rfuan.d rom Page Tiree) irm aud the. lateathrcf b.fuliy A DB ÀT L IC ~that the Te- ~ approved lu everyparticular 'Mi that ptd a vote of thanks and appToval b., ex ectPtawaàu dcte tended the Supertendent and bis IN SE I Û 1 S Chor& ofCm viteMr and Mrs.C. XA pjley. U IS f E ,lOr Clarke,sCheirmaedtern- Motion carried and the regiolution se~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a inceauntedUc adopted mianlrnously. ifmiaI, ae outy Superviser Maether inoved that th~e New York's Créck Pitcher 5gecn bicf t Lakervisora . sept .rrCeuty Cierk be dlreoted tu extend a tax on the. proper valuation of thc Throuch by the Phil- Bafan anid Gentlemen of the vers.l Towua at' a rate that wiii oh- adelpians o f Supervisors: tain the. auets certilied by theê ev- Finane Comitte te hemoralItaxing bodies accordng 10 certi- Fnandcte crmlteo th limites of Levy on file lu hie office raithe mtt of te r er and that he ho drected to extend thbe Ltter Wins by Close Score te. apentesof! sald Coreunupald District Ro<id T5.xaccordiug Tret w ctr emnnng year. bavlng hte .th ocad arrsant ereln eysG m nier cousideration, beg leave qucnd Ovfftensessd h cli- a'sGm >K that tiiere should be levled qctTiteTx _________ *wug um eXmoeyfor i Motion carrled. *evnt sins on elorthe Sup)erviser Kng submltted thc tel- aftruction of bridges .. .$14,000-00 Rapatîn ud moed ts N YoTrk, Oct. 18.-For thc fina cary and g..e,'l el- 40adoption. 7.500.000 Whei'ea, For many years pat time on record the. Philadeiphia Ath ipematon f ,uftY ff there bas been a standing reward of- lotion aolvcd the pitchieg of ChristY rntfarandootI ad ~ fered by the Board of Supervisers of Matneigia nd boit hlm at the Polo « ................ 40 Lakte Ceunty for the arrest and con- grounds, altliough it rcqulred elevez te charitiesl.. ........00 0 viction ef horse thieves, and r sd coronrm feee. 10.(M-0 Whereas, 1h 14 nov deemed Inad- Itinugsetaaccornplishte et tating redth ,.nd ý 1vable hy the Buard of Supervisera The. score vas 3 te 2, the Glants Mary... ....... -14.00ý040 that sald reward shouid te offered, inaklng cniy thre uhts off Jack ~tng. liglting andmin- the coud itions In Lake County havlng Coorniis and scering a run ln Uhc last s= o ceuntS buildings .10.0400 materislycagdans4tet ,t?,0ffl0 0 ycane îne UcU n ig hyhn paiyi h lI3ï-athat ths reward wasfIrat offered, iun hyhn patlyl h l13000 Therefore. Be Il Realved. by thc th"n periiod and held the aivauta rCommttee vould therefore re- S oard et Supervîsora o Lake Counti', until the. ulntb lnnlug. vhen Frank ai that the smîm of one hila Illinois, that the standing reward for Biaker, wbo won Mondays gamne wt] MMre Tbousand Dollars $101 - ithc capture of hors. thieves te with- a home run, drove one of Maty' (being the aggregatp, of tjh, drawn andl that hcreater no anch re- s'anto fer ite the rlght wlng cf the item) be levied on ail the. reai, yard will te offered or paid. grandstai for the circuit.Thia four a, ralircad. teiegraph and el- And tie Resôl1utcai vas adepted. property ln said C MIn tv as ao- Superviser Welcb moved te adjouru hagger tied the £00re and prompted Lfor the Yeur 1911; and liai thieto meet at Fox Lakte Station, Satur- tLc vll4eat kind Of excitement. y, Clerk te direct cd Ioeretend da), September 23rd, 1911. The. (Hanta partilly crumbled unies eni Uic proper valuation at a Niotion carried. tte heavy cannenadlng of the Ak 11mb villI etiet the abovel lettc a lutle leventh, viien t1h. , nt to exceed. however, sev- SIXTU DAY. paundisi Matty for three its, vhicb àr. cents on caei eue hundred FoLae.ii.Sp.2,11. vtaerr yMreun flro 0valuation. FxLkIlSp.2,11. wt uosb ekeadBro et wblch la reapectfuily su-'Beard met pursuant 1u adjournament nutîci two i-une. Jus enough ta vii L li'with Chairman Graham presidtng ani for in the lai hait Herzog madeeno T. M. Clark, hie foliewlug memters present: Su'- for everal bungling playa by higâ n. C. Ed wards. pervisors Chittenden. Clark. Cnrad, ot a tva bauger. aften vhich hg prvlOr igermevd tu Hi Deaceu fEger, flivarda. Ferry. Gra- resched the. plate on a fusible by do, a e ii gs d adnt e ud1e- bainKtng, Matiier. Welch-11. lion. lgt te orderei te extend the, Absent, Supervisers Brooks. Demo- taccordance with tie report of reat, Ficke. Horenterger. Kînraciner, Mathevn acu a. ound for nine bite sannttee.. %lever, Prier, Simoes Wynn-9. but hg vas battei much harder bisg lie carried. Minutes of prececding meeting reai the. score Indîicates. Me reccîsci mai rvisor Deacon mec thalte sud upon motion et Superviser fEger niliccut support frntm Meyei-s, Scyl r in regard te an appropriation approved. andMi uray, who helped hlm outo li Like Connty Hisherical So- StpervUMrCaDMma ni, that the iaumeraca tlgbt places. Ceemnba u» bo laid over te the December 1 Swsmp Land matter te ldd over te terrifia spei sud pitci with Wou se the DecemUber- meting andt ibM thi enflcniec.MyssdM MI carrlei. Statea liotfed te pro- etle Une.MyradMi ý *dbvtng bill waa submtted tu cecti lu tii. IWOWermannmes'th remeve hewmua bit hlm aafely lu the thlî mlvi for- ther conalderatien: tic parties iu possaulan of saitwinag itter vhich the <lants wer Waggikegan, in., sept. 15, 1911. swam p land. and notlfy them te re- tlples until Herzog crackcd eut hi Lake County. nieethe buildings placed theron. double lu the final noud. To Edvard Conad. Dr. Mlion cariled. Tic gaine vus cxciting andfille 14, 11, te R. R. tare for Superviser' Deacon meved that eailh vith sensatlonuliIncidents. Numei *BMueS motiier and 2 chil Superviser take up tie proposition oetou, close decislens vorked orp Il ý. t. Mto..............$80 causiug, tic varions ralîrouda lu the ~itaor Dernoreat moved tint cu..ty te place gtemen et the differ- lyranthcowe heulg ai.tluspeuded te shlow the euot cressingga viere Uic rallroads ail wve emineutly fair. ~i the saine te uloved. cona the htghvayB, viti tic sevenul Iu spîte ofthle colu sud thresheni t e arrled.*ltighway Commissionersin lutheur ne- vaher th attendance aimei E Élsr Prir movcd that thie Ipecive townships aud report t the ûqualcid that of gaturday. Tic turi 1 ntorimi ed ItIsue Warrants the Decemiiet meeting.stceothwe<at3,1pee *Ë e ea claimantq for the gev- Motion cart ed. p sci throue g the ga es. T ic grog and appropriations£ alleved Superviser Conrad moved te ad- receipts amounte'! tu 17553. meetig. eura te Deceniter l2th, 1911. carried.Motion carrici. '*olwligMIîofetDr. J. L. Tay- Lew A. Henice, Cierk. pST. LOUIS AMERICANS WII pos aened. and ounicoton cf____ 0RAer lEger thc uiaes fthte Sate of Illinois, Lakte County. os Prove Thommlves Local Champloi 4 veto aospended and the bill I. Lev. A. Henie. County Ci* klu moh aud for aald Couuty, icreby certity by Taking Majarlty of Seigrlea. 11 Lake County. the foregolug te te a truc and com- Tb Dr. 3. L. Taylor, Dr. plete oepy ef the record of the Board St. Louis, Oct. 18.-Tic Amei MUMlca ttendancc upon tic of Sopenvîsors et sid CountY at the defeate'! tic St. Louis Nationalnu il r t ILkIe Ceunhy Peer September meeting, 1911. irt gaine cf a douile-hesier by ise for quarter ending Sept. lu vitucs hene1 have icrenete score cf 5 te 1, aud thcreby won tl 8, u 160.00 Per sraiu... $3750 subsrieduîy use aiaiiedtelocal Championailp. gvsvfsther subittled thee aa of sali Ccunty at Wuukegan luin Nhoastondhetbe ig olution ni.meved its sald County ibis 251h day of Septeni- ThNainl uedteabs eeS bier. 1911. , 1ch second gaine. the last et thes lraTic County Beiri han LEW. A.,1-ENDEE, tics,, viuuing by a score et 5 te 1.j '. ca refull.Iinvturetg±d thec dent, tendance 2,500. Bd Ci an at- ig os m- [)e the Fia t Sn se Àts Chicago Mark-et 133 N. Oenesee St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINlOIS. Rocittani, 111. Racine, Wi. 5P.ANCHLS: Waukegan, 1111 Chicago, Il. It is a pleasure to us to be able to uote such Iow prices Speolal faim Satugrday, Oot. 21, 1911 Faney Native Pot Roast .7e and 6c %Paney Native Rib Roatit 9c and 7c 'Ioud Steak ............. lic ý?orterhouse Steak ........ 12/2c $Vroin Steak ............. lic =~aberger Steak........... 8 ,.ubStea......k.....9 IlW Quarter Veal......... lie IFffl Quarter Veal...... 8c . . . . ..Ch o p 1 2 1 / 2 c n I e r uH a o . . . . . . . 1 0 .......eW........ e 'Cood Luek Butterine, 2 ibs .. 35c Goutry Rol Butterine, 2 Ibs. .25c Pork Loin ............ l38 Pork Shoulder .........90 Sugar Cured Ham .........1c Breakfaat Bocan ............ 14e Smoked Cal Hamn........... 9 Boneleas Rump Corn Beef .---.8c Hind Quarter Lamb .....12(e Fore Quarter Lamb.......... 8 .suxmer Sausage ...........15e Sait Pork ................ lie Kettie Rendered Lard ....... lc No. 3Pail Lard............ 29 No. 5Pail Lard............ 49 No. 10 Pail Lard........... 9 CaIf 'a Liver .............. 10e FRESHE SAUSAGE RECEIVBD DAILY. Yrankforts . .. .... P olish . . . . . .* ' * '* * » 9 Garlie ......*****«***** Pork .. .. . .. . .. . W. W. ROCKHILL Ambassador to Turlcsy, Now In Midit of Eastern War IJARYEST HOME AT ORPIIÂMÎE ON OCTOBER 9. Dierand Program wMllb. =ed a Lake Bluff on TILat Date. Chance vM gg. G4ven to Aid Unfortunate Iumstes of the Home. Over 1M0 Chidren are Now in the Iiutution, DeRen- dent Upon Others. The anaue harveat bomne, the celc- bration vich umaus much te te lit-1 tle unfcrtunate fluisuote f the ILako Bluff Orph"nae. vili be heu ld eliat Institution on Thutuday, ofthbla veek, Otober 19, under tic direction ofet ti douconeaies cf tie home. A dinnet viii ho servi ut nooe, and! il lae xpocted that a large nnm- ber of people viii attend tuis festival. At that Urne alilare requcated (o brleg tc tie Lakte Bluff Orpianage al the od clthin, fod, povis o!o al kindsand ianythig 'chîchiles around lu the. allie efthle home, for gotten, aid disused, but vhich viii serve te brighteu mâany ef Uic long ..--- bours for thonsevitehoave ne haone «AS MISA chier dithUiceevilch 1» pnovIded ROBINSON IIS USA ror for tiiein iy tie kindneesofet i - hea.rta cf others. Hia Machine Demmged et Whitman, Besiies the dinner thene vili be Min, Ciusing Delay. mtalo sud gooi apeaklug. und au et- lutvi, c c.t vue uee Wncna, Min., Oct. 18. Aviaten Mugh Robinian, on Utii-st lp oet ils Minneapolis ta the gui! fligit. vas overtaken b? a amgit mliaui vilc landig for gawiilual Whitmanl, thir- teen melles uetth of Wiuena, at 10:40 a. = Th ii. iled machilne "d tic ai-min, afttr vain efforts te make re-i paire, vera tovo to b Winona loy1 launches, irntving aeti.:46. Tiey1 spent thc nigit and a portion oft tday4 ici-e, vill e iabriiP vas bcing made~ teady ta resie tie fligil. At Whitmuan, viiene he vosIliying 1ev, be i-un eut e! gasollue oui was cempllsd to ad, lu doing se, be glici con th. surface cf lhe voter sud rai over a blddeu ving dsm., ripping the coveving et thc tir charnier. Radgrs Stîli ln Texas. Foi-b Woith, Te%., Oct. 18. Alator Caîbiaili Redgers, cumulte frein Novl Torkto th e Psciflecocast, arnlved here ut 4:16 p. n.. han ing gene fifly mill" eut of hie course. Be wiii appean ut the. Dallas fir taday and la expece te tesume hie fight Tiuradty ta San Antonio. TURKEY REFUSES DETNILS Porte Tefis Pawers Maximum of Con- esalons as Been Statud. Constantinople, Oct. 18-Replyls te the lent note o! tic pow crs. Turk.cî ha rfused te be more explicit lur- gardto theicdetals etf ler Proposai for mediatien. Tic Pertse ayh the maximum of Turkey's concessions han ilmaidy bec sated ' Strenger measures for thc sjnrity of Constantinopile are bilng taken. Tien. are fea-i et a rislng of the populace azainst thc yong Turks., Leave 100 Demd an Fieul l iht witl Turksa Near Tripait. Landon, Oct. 18.-A diapalci te the Cicie ftmCenstantinople saYm: '*The Italies sare neponîte uhve ufferci asaerions reverse outaie Tri poli. Reconuolteriug, they advanced tac tar frein hein base and came in -outact with thc Turks, vie gave hat I tic and foi-ced thc italiens ho neti-ea hunlediy, l.aviug 100> deai on t Turkey Resaures Bulgarie. Selia, Oct. 1.-Th o gernmeulte- clv.'! a representative efthte Tunt- lig govemnieut vie vas sent bei-e cs- peclalli' ta repeat thie pacifie asmun- macci cf the Perte lu regard lu Bul- gail. Me adici Uiat tibe concentra- tion a! Turtisi tvoops ou the Bul- garian fi-cuiter veu Cesse, Somhardrnent la Denied. Ram», Oct. 18.-The admirait? de- nico the report tram Aticua tuat an Itaienu vmsilp bomnbai-ici a tovu ou the EpWrn coast, presuniall>' Gwnea- Olive Prerna at -lsDivorce New Yoi-t, Oct. hi-Miss Oive Frcnnt*lteopera singer, abtaune'! a final icorte cf divorce fion ici-bus- baud, Ildao<inW. Sutçuhen. on Juiy 11, Imit, but the lientiti of the. Partie. vas couccaed vicu tic case vas hein ,befori iRobert É, Luce, as retere, admi ot etcoome publia un- tii nov. WEATIIER FORECAST, Indiana aid fllroeis-F'ai tçtpay si tomrrov; moderato variable viaib Wiecanin--GCneraii? fair todiy aquo *lad booutagvaliable. stronger Interet tireugiient Lakte Ceunty ln thia vorthieit ot charities. There are nov moi-e <han 130 cii- i-en lutheiensutitution, sud mothers vie anc compelci te ont in any heurs et the day, uni tan into thc nigit ta, prepure ton tic tii-cc on foui- litte ues cf thein evu. tnav viet a gi-et amounut of ventla requirci ho cure foi- tie 130, icv msuy boesa tieY viii veut lu a pair ef littie stecklugm, aud bew many chier pairs viii ho uedcd te repace tiose vbici have beenwvenu out. Bei-e tgUth ii-st chaneeoft t-be ses- them littie walts, Who am, tbrown up- oni ýh6 goc Wini of ouhik Reqiemter the date, Odtober 19, andIif unile te attend in porion a chance viilb. given te douate orne- thing to the little onea, wba stand in such more need. HINES NAMED IN 1 STEPHENSON CASEI PL"PN4iTOM JUMPS RRIBRIDNB INTO DEE1P, RAVIR- Regimn et Belvldo0e Street d Desiey Place, Ainoyed br Noturai Visiter Milvwaukse, Win.. Oct, 18. - Teal- iouteboider Chafus Mus On- mony that Senator slephenson secozvd te Foot BêIdgê,ý But Ma% le Zoli h .pndtr o 10, lumps Unie Ravise 0Dit, te mosabeta of the Wisconsin bu- IiluM ,$50.000 of vhI lcaisallegcd te have beau ocuttlbutci hy fuyard -Numerous Reports et Visitu of si ? « % he»nWril omite. by PpqTeui. are R.pi>rtsd ,rhum" Moris, lieutenant sovernan LitTws Womks ofWlscon#& .Marris testîfiai . ai __o_________ been lsoflm'!by i Mr, Cock, a Part- uet o! Mina, that th. deal vas Put Pandoracurieslty tte vau throNli bg IRobert J. Shields, vhc vent lu a certain litti. box, led bannotoa te Wasingeton AnsIt etore the Wis.Ccn- lot cf trouble, and the curloaity cf gin legilagura met und secured thesoin, mai tae.eUicheIntenior oaiboues maney tram Uenater Stephenson. lu tic reglcu of Beli der. street Dca "Cleai toMd me tbat a fev days bo- fors the. letsialire met te elect a 187 Place, Holàe avoes, South W.ab UinitedSMatease»nator lu 1909, a aur atreet, and other atreets le tlut la- o! mcii.>' apptximateiy 8100,000 vas ccity>, la likol>' ta Icl hlm te a cet placed la the. bande, of certain men, le luthe. MeAllater hlmptial, unies» hm cludlug Shicidi," testifiei Morris. nacturnai visite ta the. homeaceaue. "Thia ion,1 - vas tcld attervard The. man.,T il laiimed ihm bee a-. vent ta thc tbree DemSuratlc e mm oYiug thi. uciglhoeri for a couple of bèe who hi' abaeutlng tiiemaeives cenveeks. "P.eping Tom" kt la chimed, March 4. 1909, asaurci Stephengon's mute, Uic rcuniscf certain bouses "Shieldsiwventta Washingtnand neanli' evcry ulght. pceriug le dia vin- toi& Stephenson Il veauld e impoase,_dova, sud frtatteniug the.vomie and hie tcu eleet unm unîcas he raised a chiliren. ertain ansi cf meney. Shields sali A fev nlghU a&go, anc mae, on go Hlues, ithe lumbermnan, vas illelg ta Iug tetae Uickotor discocra he put up hait cf tic $100000. An à?- man peePla ng l ne cof Uic bedras rangement viasagrecd open and the viedova cf, ia t.ealibuip dcii put thrcugh. Shieldsafatenvard apnoaching the man, vie vithin a few demandai $15.000 for puttlng Tt yards et hlm, vice Pepiug Tom look *'Colt h m i Ii u sy aruing undilied. thc lieusehalder ln office la lt.efRookery building le Chii- pur ut. cago. Clook&amaid tutatarthe The chai. led te the one of the.tee Blaie charges vere filedgi gai.t Sou- bridgea, vtiich spans the. ravinea'nd ater Stepbenson, Mr. Mines veuttholn the darkueas thc mai dîsappeMei Stephenson and represuted uthat Tt Tt la thougut tbat ho ciimteied civ vauld b. impausile te elect hlm b.- thc riliing. and loee hirnaelf lute ecause aofithe chargcs andi soggeshci Ithe ravine hi' manns of tic framc*rl >tht if ha put ln $50.000 cm eswul oft-he bridge. putituasmnequai amount and use theAnothor lu the. samnedtgbcnhcud mo»y te brng about tee"tion. daoee h a atngt e 1vas told tuat a fermer assistant daoeedti.ina igi.b sergeoht-at-aimseoftheiiseneliait Tom' disapetred. vonl tali C. H. Crovuheart et Sllpeniot lu and laid his vite et Uic malter. sa Wii.., thai h iiinovleige thît part aie Informed i hm, tbunthse iii dis cf tic noue? vent te tic tire. Dae. covreithecmin pccviug lu the vis cmato memberi o et i.aaaemhly vbo icys on Satnrday night, and tuat an valked out." of tl b hl-cen hai boen frlgbtened. "Lion" Brand Yarns S Art the highest quality yarns. Y ou art sure of perfection in the j' niade up garments by using these long fiber yarns. t takes an expert te tell the difference In yarn Un the skein, but in the made up garment enUy " Lion " Brand long fber yarDs give perfect satisf action Why 66 Lion" Brand Yarns Are Best to Buy Thei. reS aiways lemain tic same-.e yen ose match auy coien purcbasci at auy lrevicls tlime. 1The tastncas and iurabiiity efth11e colons la tetter than auy othet y8i-n, regariles eft he niice, aud ls tuily guarnueci. Ext-h atein la fulvcigbt, wicu tiiene ai-e 16 akeins ite a pouni, eccsi ewigbî une ouuce tesidea ils vrappings. L.ion Ya-ns i-un moi-c yards toe cponi han uny tien yarna. Liond-uiYarns anc maie et lic lougest yoo fier obtainaile. Tii. iengti of lic fluiB la ulhoua lihe maie up ganmeetB togetici-, wihjstands bai-i vear aud vash- lng and gives amootineas uni ligitucas te lie garment. For tbis reason Lion Stand Varns stand tic fr51 of satisfaction. Lion Brand Yarns si-e re-relei-tbStlela reeled a seconi lime, luspectci sud cleinci, se liat liere vii he neorougi on veak places, aud tic yuru viii i-un off the stein when yovaut teo uee il iticul mttlng or cliigiug. The absolute satisfaction we know these yerns wil give makes up the slight ncrease in price over other yarns and brings guarantecd quallty. "11Lion " Braq«d Yarns are quaiity long liber yeans "Lion" Brand Germantown Lion" Brand Saxony 4 fotd or,8 fold Grman- O 20 akeins to the box, ..1«75 town yarn at a akein ... o A box for...... A boxof 20skeins 7 A skein of Sxony U for......................5 .. for . ................ o IlLion IlBrand Germen Knlttlnq Yarn "Lion " Brand Shetland Floss 3 skeins in a box t 4)016skins lto abox ....1 -à-0 for.-------------------------- bo for----------- U A skein35 Each 2 for ................ 5c kein ........... ..,2 Lion" Brand Eider Wool Each ikein of "Lion" Eider Wool weighs one 5 ounce without wrappings, can be had for ...15 A box of 8 skeîns 11 for...................................1 Soie Agents for "Lion" Brand Yeans Sole Agents for "Lion." Brand Yars to Ik )d ut ut 'j' OreMan Commiti Wipf Spr of loti Les j1(Fnnm Chicago il t.a setnh cii ber-f th( Nars are sulpasciLa suedai'. (X siting et 1 w ilI b. foi Onthe foui Fonyrtemu la the. cotu trailiOft apningg. 17, tvo el out as the3 J. Burnhami JC. Way th olora sougnla .. . . . . . . lb . 1. . . .. . . . Vealëc 8

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