-. - r - l- . ,- IW LÂK1~ COflNTY ThTD~'ZEDIIWP. F~LDA~. OUTOR1~R 2.0. 1MTh H ere 's A arr Miers HERE'ls YOUK CHANCE If you have aa.arkof iinto own a farm Several Lakie Co. Men- Are right now investigating tle merits of the Yellow- atone Valley country in Montana. They decIded that If our representations were correct the. land at prices we quote, wus the bost bargaiin western farm land to be ob- tained. They bave gone to see for theinselves, and willl find THAT IT I8. We will gladly refer, you to these men, who left Tues- day for Montana, upon their return. -Wother party of Lake County fariners and pf 081>0ct- ive investors wiil go to Montana in a couple of weeks. Rates are cheapt Plan to go!l Let un tell you about it! Phuc, Cati On, or Address for Information FRANK H. JUST at Wankegan Daily SUN Office, Waueai I or Lake County Independeut Office, Laibertyvie, Il PAUL MacGUFFIN Over Lake County National Bank, iàbertyville, DI1. We have descriptive literature, priceza nd ternis W mail upon application. W. can take you out to the Montana Lake Basin at any of the frequent periods we have arraniged, and you will b. best satisfied to see for yourself. Descriptive Facts few x I n s xxiiitii i (ading ab)out the opportuiiities anîd iîlcal conditio oS ofthe co<untril) ic e llowstonie Valley, kuioxx as the -Inîke Basin," in YellowxstoneC 'ouuity~, Mon- tania, txxelxe nîies xest of Billings, oily seveîî mules froin Columrbus, on tlic Northern Pacifie R. R. A. beautiful oliiiiate. (rîîp failures îîever knîixn. U-moxcniiniiit repiîrts siîoxx' Ihat Mlonlana puriidiies the liigliest ax eragc gra iinîîîrstof auiy Stal cii hie LUion, ini itllquality andi qla]ititx. Thile surface oîf tie sîirnountliug country is varied, siinoot h to gentix roiiing farîîî land, 801 per cent plowalel. Auy and ail of il eshîcciatix desiraile for stoek grazing, beiîîg ail heax i l cox eri'<i xxi ti Buiffalo ani Biue *Joinut grasstheie rnst imt it ins grasses know n.Theland bas, Non un isd titi cars as al si <ek ranchl. Stock thrivcs lhere th liccutrire p ar on itheu opeu range andirnay be siipped to th nuuuarkei. a fîtistitîl prît utof jprune quaiity xxithtut be- iuîg fel grain. Thei'l otof tlits regittu is lhimeotst phienoinenally fertile anid îîrîtnubi c ii fi bu xxont, casiiv cultivated, and wil t îodîî ce iii arxelm<ts x eids of siiperior quality of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Flax, Corn, Alfalfa, Melons, Sugar Beets, Vegeetables and Fruiits, ili fact about everything raised ini ta iqii~t tt i iiiaieuiit e t hei iii is olaniîasli, wliichis riih i n A thec soit inii Lrrd cut Iat îtrmoiiiplant growth. Ni> îîîarsh or swxauil)totî reeil iaraia andi sickiless. The w in- t cS arc ideai and luitt sex cie. 'l'lie chinook winds sweecp o\ cIllte x aiiey diung t ic xx inter niîderal ing the teilnpcr- Climatic Conditions i% i' t indl thcesl t etitotiof expressîng xhat t he cilial-di fYe.ii xxslontc îîîiîtx- k like is lt referfto its pres- i iii sali a ifuit groiîxuug section. Atlte xvarionis St att lis ai i at the N ationial Apple Shoxw at Spokanei this su lii w'vas axanitl nin A i t pizes for the mqwtr- îîîuîtx ot il-s alus. ssuait fruit dbrcis Te rou illte.Ourlaids rclocatid itut six cri 10feu utiles froitiî soof iIttelei- ulaîlu traits in the coîmty. 1tiftle uiays wîî :ltilatxii t liîi oecupliîs of tiiese I road a(rues t lwi iliiit and docktiis wnore eft Wto n and forage for thewl s h-.t iîghmiltttlie cnt ireyVeau': the iîiîisuîîtî ixet i iîaol tut t 111)uauuy wiuitifeet foi. thîeîisitk; sali il n0iii xxiii iiuiiiàtth i îat latitude iN itstîeon!x t lluioluizlu titiaue Ioyoitle chiunook xx iiîds hit lreiWi<itlxsw(Ycli ix n ttexailix andîliitoiîîls dîining thle Lakte County National Bankt Depository and Custodian.1 xxitîter season îuelttîîg ilic sî îoxx'aîd ex pi sii îg the gr'asses for davs at a finie. The average nx fi iii the Lake Basinî section of Yellowston c conty is but twenit inches duriuîg the eit ire witer, and at no bine is there sucli a depth of stioN as to fîiteî'fere with teaniing or mnake it imnpossibile for live stock to uncover the range graisses. The spring montîs are usuaiiy wet and backward; tîjis is eompensated for by 1 lie late fali ani long days of warnith and sunlight during ic sumnner and fait înonths. Yel- ]oxxstone and adjoîniiig coiites are dleiioniiîuated as te -Ileart ' of Montana and froua t he nuanuer iii whiefi thei great railway builders are invadiîig its coiffines tlits seenis <juil e an approl)riate designatioîi. Government report s show t bat Montana ltro(Iucesthe( iiighest average grain cri ps of anx' Stal e iii thec Uniioni, in botli qiality ani qiiaiity. Average. Production Comparative yieids lor 1909 eompiled from the gov- erninent erop reporter. Published by the Secretary of' A gricuiture, Deceniier. 1909!: STATE .m onhta, Missourim Kansas Nebtraska M innesota Wiseonsitm Mfielugan 1 diana.. Ohio .. NorthDl Sîttth Dl Uuniited St. ... .. . ... ..I . 16.6 8.0 7,8 .. 1 4 .....> 1..13.0 29.0 10.0 1.75' ........ 19.7 .0 28.0 17.314.581.54 .......18.7270.5025.715.5 8.1.35 ...... 15.3130.5 23 .5 16.5 .. 1.40 ....... t.159132525.917.21 . 1.43 kota.... . .. l3.7132.0 21.0 18.'31 9.3 1.37 Lkota ....... 14.1130.0 19.5 1594.) tate8 ........ 15.83.324. 3l6.11 9.4j1.42ý Topography and Altitude TlicLUikv Basini is a geiitly rolly uîpliidf or plateaut, xxifi h leue aî( ivin re .c((k lied or depressioii inithe forn ofi a gtIIlI. t ms an elevation abox le iiX'lliwstoîiî riveri ot f siiuiiiSx hiiiitlfect. 'liîarc u it plyî'lolstri-itîoîis lu its easy and ecusîîîilicailtia tion; ativ and ail kinds of faruni nachiîer.v v<'a n1wemnplîx i i wvith a nîasoniale î1niolint <of power~, eit ii.iauiinîiiioril ii <'hanîcýaI. 'l'iii average altituIfflealtox e 11iii' evalc is aboi 3ttt:,5x) feet. Kainfail and Moisture The Lake Basin experinîcrital farni at ntulxix gix es the folloxx îîg record for 1907 and i!19<1. Recoirds kept at Iilhings forî a period iof twi e x cvars arc substaili tiaiiy the sanie: Anmal Meaui Teiiiperi~aire ..t>1 .6 1reeiptation, aver'age for veau. 15. 24 ('treatest Monthlv, Jiine............ 4 ý32 Least Monthly, iUcceiier . ... t,(0 TIotal Snowfall.......... ............. . . 19.3 Niumber Rainy Days. ................. .... 80 Number Cicar 1)aYs..... ......... ........ .)01 Niînhber ('loiidxvami Partlv Ctouid.v Iax s . ....81 1revaing Direýction of WKinds-Sotltli W est Tt will be obscrved the greatest rainfail is ha<l dur- iîîg the growing montbs well into midsuxmmer; with practi- cally two huîndred and eighty-five days of clear w'eather mil, of a total of three hundred and sixty-five any and every kind of plant life should deveiop to its utmost under these cliiiiatic conditions. Transportation The importance of transportation in a ncw country is seconîd to no otier feature ini bringing about success for the heginner. The best crops in the world gignify but littie to tie farmer, tinless he c-an get them to ruarket at eost that xiii permit a good margin of profit on prodiivtion. Otir lands are lo<atcd in a "V" shapcd corner, with a transcon- tiiîentai line of raiiway on the south and east sides, distant biit ten and twelve miles respective]y from stations, with a idown grade hai to cither system. Tt is only ten miles to rPark City on the Northcrn Pacifie and txxelve miles to iHesper on the Billings andi Northern Raiiway (0. N. Svs temi) ;ini addition thereto there arc bright I)rispeots of thie eaurl. building of another railroad. Timere is located at Bîllings, Monîtana, the second hirgest heet sugar factory in the worlil. YoIlow- Sstone eoiiity raises thel)est siigar heets in the w'orlî, andl the Yellow.ýstone Valiev lea(Is al -Montana in Iinaliily ani product ion of sugar beets. PAVA Rî r It Is Because- A few Lake County farmers and business Men 'recent- Iy availed theniselves of an unusual opportunity to secure a large tract of fertile land in Yellowstone County, Mon- tana, every fanm "renter" in Lake (lounty bas this oppor- tunity. These mnen will retain a portion of it for theni- selves. They will seil a part of it. We are authorized to offer the pick of the tract until it is reduced to the ainount they are financially able to hold for themselves. It was a big deal at "big deal" prices. You can get the benefit if you will. There is not a "renter" in Lake Oounty who can af- ford to let pass this opportunity to own a farni. The price is low! Our ternis are easy! i e