CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Oct 1911, p. 3

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n-Qbi Hughe are weIok' - * £brvof a ia ttle daugler i l5S-Çq &Daes entertaiue d ber1 . ieis 4" ofci cottand rani Satur- e M"s. Jcho Oiinhr etartalned ber ni-1 te Ïroi Iwkj»usqnday. " 1* white sud lilas Mary JattlsOS ~ Atloh, iited f riende lu tis vlclnltýy ondai. "6a . tBtes sdcompauied ber couipto CInoGoTueeday as sit ehif t that day lter herdeen. &Setiand. 1 lir. Bqpb wbeton o! wbe6ton, Ill., @pont the veok ..nd at the pai-ouage. réturnlig honme -liouday aSompanjedj by hie vile sud so. Mir. Jeppe Jupson nif illinge, Mont, returbed tu Mihburu Friday aud willl1 sîseod the wInter wibh E. A. Cannon. Misa Annie Mecedie of Waukegan, cpi-t tihe week end sitît ber rtther sud isiter. Engoee trang ai Waukegau rall" iou relatives Bnnday. Aimm boïn Oct. 11, ta Mr. and M ro, John Buse of ix,-e.eter, Wia. A danghtler boru Oct. vm ta Mr. aud lire. Elaber Polck. litsl $Wy tu laie mt with mie. ma».rie "o a0[àLoftt tiis veek ta attend chool St Mt. Car-raIl.lad. lire.Campbell, mother aofire. £d- mimd (erry. dled bere Fclday ovenhngj very auddeuly. A eroers inquust was held SMurdn.y. Fanerai held lionday. witb hurlai at Mlilburo îenetery. licKORy. Mir. aud Mre. Ed. Gilîluga and daugh, r er tasHther of Waukregan, tir. sud lMre. Frmsk NeU M Z01 on Cty, lMr. and lire A. àdUlerofiChicago, sud Crtis Wols of AU&ocb. vlsted at the home ai Jim Mli ouire sanda,. Boru, t Mr. and lire. Elmer Pollock, lbst veek a danghter. MieJO@ lianu, Wbha. been with ber lire. Ausbin Bavage ail aummor, retuiid ta ber home lu Hebron Snnday. Mri. aud lire tCwpeyHoleubeek aud lamilY vitd the formera bruthoer Ca rl, aé Wardo' corner Sudai. Ai Lladies interesbed ln orgsulzing a csnsstsy soeity are requested 10 me; at tàe cbureh Friday. October 27, st 2 p. n. lilas Mary Podiersenof e Antloch, visted ber Pacst hmrosanda,. Bles. a"evas eeutrsalsd a& 1. B. Wobb'e Saiudal sud Usuday - lir, ànd Mrs. David Pulien sud iamlly vleisd at Toins Kdd's Sada,. gundauoeIbol vili begl as i10 > ua. sharp hsrsAts. A Iar.r atteuidatice à@ d«alr. Every chili should ho ln Sua- day sebool vhsn possble. RUSSU± Tb@ ladies wili hold a bassar Non. 24. -Lok for pastientr lalter. lie L. bd. Banner iso.pending somp lime wth ber siter, Mire. John Baniner ai liulIuru. lir. E. P. iner sud Ai- spi-t jart of hat week in WaukegaIi. lira.6. A. tiver aud iss S. E. Brove caled on th. hiowe iantiiy junday. lire. A. tC. (orrne aud Laura were Waukfgau vmstore Ssturday. Mri. and lire E. A. Reenesd raliai u lirs. Nicholi on Suuday. Minnie Ree e tertainedf a Young lady front Oui-uer lunday. G. A. Ohoru sud iammily, aisu Mr. sud Miss Foimn. father aud 8sitér ai Mire. Ochurn. apent Sunday at J. Rl Coiri'. Hency Lusk ai Seattle, Washington, vimitî-d hie nIee. lMm .1. Il trro, l]et Mtre. NMelville spent Suuday ut Willl Julia DeFurris la epending a few days wîrh lier brother George. Mir. h?,,dley lit Iso valuable yuung colts ttundsy nîght. Thei-. wanîiereî! away sud 9:uui auto the neW ncrtb- vectorai railroad sud-vei-e killed. A third une waé badly burt. Mre IDefry and lMce. Stewart ai KeLnasha, viited Mis A. C. Coiris ladt Tbursdliy. NesRasmugsen sud iieimd ront . Daota, are vlitlng at E. A. RLestes.' Cornnue Chame laeneterteaulung Mies Scbwab ai Milsauiee. Cîaud Nellîn was baill Sunday eveing. J. rawiocd sud faruily o! Kenosha, @petit Suuday at Entel Edsarde. M rc. %ilhlilan GYriffiu and three daugh- ftare of Iraulat ,We., lire. Douglas aud danebter ai Kenosha. Mr.-and lrs. Charlet Griffu aif Roer-sussud lMr. sud lire. Alced Pedereon ai Late Villa, nere the gu2este ni Mr. sud Mca. Henr-y Grifirit lait Sunday. A Medicine that Gives Confidente lm Foley'm fHouey sud Tac Conmpound. lire. T. J. Adam@s, 522 No. Kansas Ave., t' Columbus, Ka@., writes: '"Fac a nunt- r ber oi ycacs my childi-en have hi-en Faleye Boni-y sud Tac Cmpound sud fouud that il cared thoîr caughsaud ealds.,ij eo til; i n the lhanse aihthe -of. odaa Chicago pent a f.. dors ivtbfther Foley. Eti'tb Dhêtuweyer @aet Sunday at home. , ý lire. WâallI returusd home at Mon- day att«i.atbceemath's visîl witb rela- tives.luthie wet. Icr, Waddel is ex- peeted soan, brluglng vlb hlm sanie cathe. ire. Wm. Fondlck ofai Hgbwod vlslted ber parents@lMr. sud ira. Sbi-sng the fat pf the veek. lire. Myore bascleosed hberc mmmcc home and bas gane to Chicago for the vin er. Miesa Nabellg Lux la viiting freudsand; relatives lu Waukegsu. lire. . Tînlîn lbas ebui-ued ta ber home lu Chicago alter viitlug iriends bore. The foundatian focrbbheni-w Ctholie church vilI soon bh o otileteul. TAYÈOR GROVE hics. S. A. Shea oentertaiuod the hout Regt cmetery society sud Rai-icrans Ladie'Aid ocAeiety Wedueeday. Oct, il. Sbc will have u auction sale Oct. 27, sud expets ta more ta W'autegan by Nov. 1. Hec son Herbert w filsoi-k the tarta. Ilelativte iront bore attend.-d the tuner. siloi Lou Jackson oainBauki-gan Thur&- day. C. E. Oelllg attended te Sunday &cb>oi lconvention as il.bercyville Thnreday. Ths Rosecaus Ladie' Aid sie îeY silI huld their annal tair Lt-. f;. Alslp wiii ho pprelatîd. Mcr. sudMlie. Bar-ry Crase af Kenosbs, are the proud parente ai a baby girl born iiusday, Oct. 10. Mils Ris Eddy ai Chicago, te taking rcaofber iter lu Kriiu@ba. Chas. Rley sud lamiit of Wauuegsn. are valblug bore. Mr%. John Gohllng apet Wedueeday bere. The peapleol thla vlluty are ln bopas ta moon bave a pantor fur lioueci-man chai-ch s., tbey wili have nioruliug aad eenuîg service. Rey. Jonm ousntstt.d bere liuuday. lira. ary Hawinsaand M i ande viited relabtie ere Sunday. Oea sund Ida Lewis vîi.ied relative, bore Suday. Richard gSuilareniodeltîîg a une Ilie bousmsla Waukegau. Mise Mary Duncan spot la." vesk vlth su"ia Shea. Miese Bitche Eddy @pet Ilalindu sud Sianda, vlth ber parents hor*. '['bers v@4aa mt tTaylor .Gcove sutim eSanday mornin,< vsutlng to tu siaà bostllng plant tbere. Elua. Moore speat Snnday l ian City with is parenli. SOlHO Shes la ta &.&$Md achool ln Wasi- ces ti i wtur. John Dusesa let Monday for bis nov honte. Vanue GlUIaore or Britol, formecI.y ai bore, bas blod poison lu hie band. Chas. Levina callsd ai hie tsim Salai-- day on hie vay su Waukegau. Chas. Braver etarbsd ta 1111 bis silo Monda,,but the rialu topped them. Jue. Fletcher apeut Sunday bei-e. Wllle Hogan sud Rari Les vere Zion Cty calleras aturday eveniug. Mira. T. D. Newi-l le s oon la go 10 keplug bouse in Russel]. lira. Mary Smth ls speuding sonte tinte bore. Oso. Hollaud me llliug elos &gain. CONFIDENCE With Our Personal Ruputation and ),Koney I love mî.y work-but. ah, yen Balla- ve'eo party, Tnssday ovenlng, October 81, (erayshake opera bouse. 1Joeseph LitvîlerorfaiI lse.tyville, trait. @acted bueliess bore Manda r. ton verse liarble of Fox Lake was becs rou businese Mandai. Tiie New Hub la hein« i-emoule-d on the luide. Nov abolvlng in being it. 1; stabhed sud fleur cases are boing l'ut in. D. (i. White aud vile sttended the 1weeldlug oai erbert Wilder and Mise 1Jaue Barnett bath of îaut..gan, leit Wednesday eveulng. Dou't forger the wltch dâijeT"uciIy eeiuig, October 31. ut Grayelalie oleera, bocuse. tieero Allen leit Tueeday lUr lie armn la Texas. lire. E. Jald auJ rluilulreuîtuf L.ake Villa vleited filendi here Satriday. bIr, sud drMc. hlibera, and fauttl.t ol Lake Villa were guemts at the A llen bornue Sundsy. Dont miss tbo Hallowe»en party ut the opera bouse Tueaday Peeng, Oc!t. 31.ý Mimae lvah and AIda Laitue sud Harold Cleveland anud dater, accomu. pauiod by Mies Susie Blaktf ai cîrg uioto)red tu Aiitiuu-b and Grass Luts Snuday. te.-. Les and lady frient! af Chcago, wcur glicots Stt he Bomeeild nottage, Suuday. The Ocaylake atliuiî defeated tbc Lake Zurich eant Sunday ut Lake Zurich; score 2 to 1. ite Roasrblott of Hlitu, Wis., tran- eartcd business bere' liocday. John Longabangl i-i. erntng eu tbc jury at Waukcgan. Mcr. and lira..J@eîîli Paluxter of Watt- kegan, visited relaties lurF dme wect. Mise Ruth hoolttle î,cnt Suînday with relatives at Waukcîruiiu lira. Jean Longahaiic'h tuf daugbtec Lucile arce peudîng ilecl, in Wau- tegan. P. Hoeenadle ce! .itnëem'iile, Iis. was h-ce Tueeday lieîkiîtg alter the in- terest oa ieiscuuing lc.tury 'bers. The tai-m bauds ou the Hachenadie farmne have been bncy thii' wesi hauliug pea &eed trous the St. Paoul-lupot. Mdises Laursa aud Gire@ abers sçpent J. E. Bui iliI Saturday for Gotant Matai-deansd uunday St Waukelkan. Wig. He le expeeted t.,re'tur»- vith bis Wm. Jahus traneau-tee buoinecmata auto tihs vesk. Chicgo iouay.Le-e Mddendorf avd sue et Anthoer, Ai-ch Deacon Toîl deivereul a very lnt niited iriendo herne TuceiaY, pi-eselve sermon aI the Epitcps ieii ion Sunday oengi. ir. J.I. palmer and ,lumdren toot su auto trip tu Miltos. Ilis , Friday and làira. Eniery Duour oi Chicago, ralled 8spetit Satnrday and Suniday vith bbe ou finondeboeothe tiret oi tbe wsek. dacýtrs parente. llaisiae Black of Chicago, wva gnose of biuiel Ceveland Ssturday sud Fsc!]Srrou transacted business in sonudy.1 Chicago Tuasday. Bd. Doolittie sud famlly t a triip ta'1 Ed. Wagner va, a Chicago vietor licilenri lu thelr auto Bunday. 1 Tueedsy. M. . Abveilisud vile valleave lu lie hics. WuR. Jahnes peut fsenecal days lu near fuiture toc Jacksouville, Fia.. wbore Chicago this vssk. as a gueat of lila th07 viii send the vînter. ;Katte Moyere. ' Harvard Âmes, vbo lae enployed at Dr. E. F. gheaKer bas the excavation lte Bidînger eboe stoire at Wankegau, toc the baeemnet ut h is new houas qtsptSdy st bais about completsd. kOUND LOKf HILL Ada Whte vabagueet ai Lily liaitan Mca. 1). V. Wai speut Fiday in lu Autiocb Frit an sd atucday. Chicago. lire. Solder nad daugbter fiom Bur- Born,. 10 Mr. sa lre. George Fuller, at iipgtoni, Wil., vere guestna a the Lit- baby girl, Oct. 11. sielIer home recent;y. Hierbert sud Traesy Davis veut 10 lire. J. Troefldusi- ioni Chicago, Bri-ttoi, Wis ,SnndayonTraoey'smotor- vsiti! d inda bersTburnday. icycle. Tbey ,laitud GoeorsDavis sud Henry Harn vas takeo nconghyilîl ou'.imily. gaturdaj'nlght, but lna light4y im- Mr. sud Mlie A. J. Brsvsr. aco- proved st prean vrltàlng. psuled by Mri. sud ](m e. uaKiumrey ai lir. Grands, vile sud ivo daughtse (ra yaake, attusaded FMel Day at Lake irons lberyIIe, vere guet i fLeo Zuich.c Rondes a"d tsuily Buaday. IMiss Boas Claugb oM Wameadai, vslted Mr. Dobris sud vils aif Chicago are vie-s-taLusk Bras. sevecal dsys let veek. lug thei- ni"c. lire. Sam LUlveller sud Niet Anderson sud tas.lly elntortaineul tamily. frelatives and trieuds trao blChcago lasI Abert larv tram rayalko. vlelted Thursday. bis brothere bore Baturday. Harry Luni and KatbrynDowbll speutt Lucy Dunulil la vlisitng ber ilter Ire. Sunday alternoon ut Lane Zurich. EHi anfImasfora iev das. Jullus Bairus ita@takea np billabode A good eravd .tteuded the dance at 1au the Bauey place, latelvscsted hy Woodmsu hall Tuesday eveuîug. 1 Phil Flary. BeieMliodansd Francis FIai-y w s elitel h3euweil le havlng ber bouse Me Rcucry cahIers Tuesdav. rîîdeled aud a large addition bmilt Mr@. Will Hoing sud CIscs Molîdor theceto. tOrlando Richardson ai Gruys- si-re Chicagoa viitai-s ruesday. late, is doing the rarpenter yack. A pacty oi yanng falke front toswu en- Mr@, Charlie Wtait sPd cbudren of E jaYed a nery pleasanüt evening ut the Chenîuug. 1Il. , and Mi-& Oliver Neisb anti home af Gea. Benehan rýce9ntly. Tbey ,l th- daugh ter of Racine, Wls., are vîct report (George sud vife rayai enter-îmg tlieir parents. ar, sud lirs. 1[.V. tatuers. Watt, thie oseek. _____________Mr. sud Mrs Ed Bauman aud - ~ daughters vî.icd rlatîtes 51 Roct-lullipr M.. i lss Aunies iîutd ha bas Ibei- The usual deightlul tnte was emjoyed epending geveral oAeets wllh ber emeer. bv tbc Ladies' Aid tiocjety et te *homle 'ira Wtll Aîîîann, lias returned tut lier af lire. Allen last Tbursday. The- itxthIoneiucùeiar 'tfcHtiry. Tasylor ou Thursday ntorning, Oct. 26. Eri-rybuudy weconte. U. -AitU-rs in -ug"fc .,i,v We ai-e ca positive that we rau ie- M.adM.SlâWih 1Lbr lieve constipation. no matter boy ville, cpi-t Thur8day with Mr. and lins. ehi-ouic it may b, tat, we-r ta fui-.Chas. Wrighit. is h eicinje o piaIlcogt if eWc laîl. We Iint that k le worse than useles Mc. Bave Carleau o! Wau-gan. ta attempita cure constipation sit vîitsd relatives becs a few daste ast cathartir. drage. Cablartiers May do oi the vcek. much bai-m. They Mtay cause a reur- tion, irriale sud veaken bbcehavi-le, Dr. sud lir. McClintoack sud lDr. and and make constipation more chroule. lir. Brown o! Chicago, wece -msiturs Consipatiob le oten accmpauied sud vitb Mr. sud lire. Keller ou Sunday. niny ho caused by weakousoft Ienerves 96îid Muscles af the large intestine ai- Mr. and lir. Ashicon and Mise Eva color. T~oxpect acre you Muet there- Tncker o! Havenevood, spent Suuday tare toue up aud treugîben those parts et Waltei- Beat 'e. and retoro tuen to1 bealtbler actmnty. The dîscanei-y ai tbc active principle ai Mi. Kiugsbory and Dr. 8uodgrisc ni oui- iemedy invalved the labor a! stilîtul River Forest, were viitarsa ai Mre. ceseai-nb chemnios. Thils rpumedy pi-a- Chai-d'a ou Frlday. dures resnîte spch as are expected fraun the hst ai the best kuowu intetinal lira. Haward Maouof aIJl.brtyviile, touie. and itlah psrticularly prompt lu atended the eociety meeting ut %Mrs. iti requIte.A We waut yon io try Rexaîl Order)ile len, Tbureday. an oui- gui-anise. Tbey ai- e xcedug Mr. sud hirs. Chas Thayer snd fantily If pleasaut ta cake and are (delafor uhil- ai Waukegan, weee Sumday vietare wlh dri-n. They anpai-ently act direcbly on lir a Janse the necten sud musclese afthe bowehs, having If vuld seent a neutrai action MieDlla Mai-ah oif.anton, la an other organe or glande. They do isiting ber brather, E. E.'tiargli and ual purge o aic.useeInconveiniee. If lanily. ~Itey do unit positivily cure chi-onlc or habituai constipation and thus relleve Et. J. Wright le viîîtng n mec a. tihe myriade ai aseoclata or depi-udau _________ chronie aliments, your money silI h e- funded. Tcy liexali Orderlies et coui Alter expasure sud wlen yau les[ a 1 riek. Three izes ai packages 10c., 25c., rdcomiug=outakre Folcys Houeyand 1and 50c. Retuber. yau rat abtain Tac Co ipal. lb checks and relieves. Rexaîl Rentedies in Ibis contmuity auly Use moia bttuto. The _genuue in a at our a10,e--TheRexalStore. t)eekec& yoo package aissys. Fac sale by ail FBaud Drugglste. Mies Ane 'tlan la spending tîle week vuetîîîg ut Father Thielesutý Nîlea l'enter. Mc suad NMrc lite Justen oif fepnrni, anîd ir sund Mcc. Jate lMay oi Joine liurg, wi-rc pleamant callers at Will Aioamns Tlursday. Mes. Cura Walinsley sud sou George, whce bave hi-en mpi-ndiug the summer ut Round Late, arc ut the home ai Mes. Walntev'c parente. i.nsd Mjr@. John Antans. Mr. sud Mme Pnîre ai Chicago, came out in their automobile Buday and were clicia aitbthehome ai Fred Converse. James C. Dad<mam,, 'Cawboy' Mayor of Omaha,. Throws tireLariat" Mayor Jas. 0. Dalmn started lis careras a cowlîay, sud la at prei-ut Muyor of Omaha. and baf the followiug record. Sherif <i Dawes C. , Ni-b., bliie tenrus; MAayar of Chadran, tva ternus, DLenocratic Nati (ammittfeman. eiglt yeara; Ma or ai Omaha.,laoite antia n 1910 candidatefoi- Governor of Nebraska. Witing la Foley & Coý Chicago, Le Baye: "I bave taken -F ol-y Kidncy giîîoansd tihi-yhave g.-n mea great deal oi rent'y. 80 I rleariully recoimmend Ihet. Yaur à tly <elgnmcd JAesC. DAILMAN. For sAIe hy ail Druggise. Oneof thie Places advertined taor ieut taday wanld mate TOUR KiND 0F A HOME. perhajis. O<YIO'BER 20, 1911. WARREN The Ladies' Aid society met witb li. Allen on Thursday, and the followlng oficera were êlected: Premident, lire. Claphani, vie-1reidnt, Mir@. VanZandt; uecretary. Mire. Widdicoimbe; troasurer, lire. Dunlap. L.slie Lyou and sou Frank of Perrys- burg, Ohio, have beau viiting relative@ bore. We are iurry to report thé very serions llnees of Henry Shepaiîd aid lire. Eva Tucker. Mrr. and Mre. Eawtio e oetSun- day with Mir. and lire. tunlap. Mrm. Rose Dunlap bas returned froni ier r(iit vnuit to Kalainazoo, Mlrb. lire. Maud Wîddic,îuîbe bas tajeiia littie girl front the Lake hIluff urpban- a-ge. Mir@ Elvira Baekum and son have re- turned to their htinii (llwein, Iowa, liter viitiflg relativese hire. The W. C. T. 1 . wiii mreet witb Mr@. Leach October 2, Mir. G. P. ltoc eiýu tCi i heit again. Mtr. Heury Gage of G luntte, rame Tueday tosep, hueim urther Henry ithep- ard, w hue e iailingraîdl 1ev. ItL. Hlandiey, 'Yreauhled on Sun. day in 'tieigani, haviig exchauged pul. pite sNith a lriend. Mr. Panzer and daughter returu ed home last Thureday lrouu Europe, after a four roonthe' vnuit with relatives. .%i. Samt Mller is reportpid now as sneil as he haiq been. oin Wedneeufay the Warren einetery association met with lire.Ada %Vthit- more to sew for their bazaar, held No- vember 10. Mir. Ueo. liuUollo)uh and L.t.. ii ilr wentSunday 10 Minnesota. Mr. Liphards s@ale was qulte weil at- tuqdPd. The communlty are sorry to losb hiroeni Ibir nelghborhood, and Mrc. and lire. Lncoln will »nonoho mov- lug ta their new home. What la War- roue hase wlll ho Lake BlutFe gain. Dr. Jatnleeson of Mulbnrn on lionday accompanled AlherI Panser to Chicago. where ho wlll undergo an operation for appendicitis. We are glad hMcs. Clara Book waa able te, attend the Royal Neîghbor meet- ing on Baturday. Mli" Zera Sherman bas gone to Cali- laruia to visit ber relatives. Mfr. Nahan Lamb le ehowly improv- ing. iss Blanche Chittendon vas unable tu teach the paît wee. owing 10 a Der- voue collapse. The Y. L. B. C. at the home of lire. Mary Lake gave s box shows? for their Dow bride-lire. lio Flood. ding to rocoot bereavemenis lb wae a quWs &flair. Mir. aud lire. John (Ilseken, formerly of Warren, spent Bnnday with Mir. and lire. Henry Thayer. The ladies of the Warren Cemntery As - ffoeislion are planning tu have the la an- anal basar san aystsr eupper li the near future. The society yull ho pleased to recoive donations o! mono, or. sale- able articlee ironi any one who le inter- ested lu the ce-mobery or the yack of the society, as thoy intond ionclng Iu the new thi-se acres af the cemetery tbis faîl. Misa Lois Suiith vlcqited at ber home at Union (irove, Wis., Saturday and Sunday. D>avid licKelvey of Chicago, was a gust of A H. Spaneuburg the laet af the week. Mr. and Mre. Wnt Gager of Irving P'ark, and Mîr. and Mrs Shrepler and daugitter of Hyde Park, @peut Suuduy ut ['r. Younuge G. P. M-Nantara of Roi-IlW wae a Visitor lirre Ilonulur. Mies Evelyti Huiiford epemit the latter part of last wPek with Miss M inis tItrereet etRussel]. 9ku acrount ofi cirkegs in Mis@ Chbîttenulen s roi un, pritnîary se bool w as vlosed Vinda ud nîMlondiy- Mrs. Chandler and con etartcd for D,.adwood, S. D., adt Tuesau. STPADIVARIUJS VIOLIN For Sale Excelent oue mid s Cher ecndi- 3ion.collent u on trdial. rte o iss Berthd e dW. nMari, Route o5 Rosedale, Kas. SEE RUJSSELL kumber Yard FrFi gures on BUILDING MATERIAL liy prîce are rlght and grade@ good. Wbetber you buy or [lot get Myfilgure. PREP;AREI) WHITEWASH: f. S. MIEAD, Prop. Owen Paddock and Robert Vasey at- tended a bail game in Chicagotiatnrda.y. Peter Frot and sou leroy were guests of relatives bere- Tueeday and Wedues- day. lire. Chas. Kapple ai Grayelake riittd ber parente bers recently. Mir@. arry l)uuuill of Chicago, esam s visitor at H. NichaIs, Frida.y. ire. lPaddock and eau Leslie were Chcago visîtore lionday. Otis Miurray oi Johusbucg sold hie Ford machine ta Jason Waltan. 11ev. ReS vas a Chicago vnitier lmo Tbucsday aud Fridày. M re. Frank Zoaledacf vs. taken ta the Westside haspital lu Chicago 8aturday wliere sbe underwenî an operation the lolloeviig NMonday. At preseut vriting Josephi Jueten aoflicHeury purcbased. tbe A. J tRaymoun d fai-m. Henard Wagner and fantily have le- turned lrouii Norihcrn Texas vuieretbey llned the 1îaet ive years. They are stay- iug with 'trb. Wagner»î parentéer. aud Mie. Jeubu ttrewii, huer suthelpate mac. lng tii MeHeîîry in the neur future. Mrs. Cbarity Raught, accontpa.nied by ber ejeter,'NI rs. H. Kine aiWaukegan, are guesteaif %ra. Kines'. on Will and lamiiy of Jane8ville. Vils. Mrs. B. Roinr sud daughter Auna epent Tue8day in Waukegan. lir. and Mrse S. Blo)dûgett W. Smîith aud Major Hawkes ai Wank-gan Sun- dsyed ut the Paddoeck bomne. .14cs Smith accoînpanieed thei hck for a few daye' etay wîtli her farnîîly. he wil ce- turu toa sit in .aing for ber, motho.-. lire. lR. Paddock. FOX LAKE MIes Ethel tipring of Li bertyvlllevlslte relatives here Wednrsday and Tbnriday. lira. H. %s. Kiten tranaacted bbsl- Dma at Richmiond Thursday. Fred Gabler retuned trm Chicago Thuraday alter ependlng a couple of days with relatives. lIr. and lMr@. C. liarbie were Chîcaga passengere Fridsy. Mr. liarbhe being a delegate to the Deop Waterway conven- tion. lire. Bennett and ebldren returned Tbursday alter spending several a"@ at Bolon Mills. lire. W. Thatcher wae callod 10 11w city by the serions condition of lir. Thatcher, who lnat the St. Luke's boa. pitl. licre. Wm. Nagel sud daughtor, 'ce- tnrned irom s lwo wook'a viet i vll relative$ at Chicago. S. Johnson yen a Groyalake C&Ulr liondar. Mire. J. Gaa retnrned to ber houe ai Lous nglue, C.A. 5h. vas accpa- nled by' ber mother, Mre& J. B. Contea Mesdames Chas. ?aadlops, J. B Brown and John B"ey vens Uhlcaoo passomre Tueedai. 'lias Ad& Sprlug of Libertyvilbe, tran- sac tedbnsno ebre Wednesday. C. li. Sprlng vas a CIlcago peage r Wedneeday. J. 0. Brown vas in Chicago lionday. J. liller vas a visitor ai Spring (Irove Sunday. Misses Grace Sayle suad, Florence Gecretien, weu< 10 Libertrvillo Tueeday, where they bave accepted a position at FouI des Milling Co' plant. Foley Kidney Puis Supply luet the Ingredients needed't1o huild up, etrengthen and restore the natucal action of the kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for bacï ache, headache, nervouenees, rheurnatismn and kidney, hladder and urinary irregniaritice. For sale byall Druggiots. 6 Cultîvate a persanal prIde In yaur ahllty ta write want ade THAT AC- COMPLISH THINIIS I GET YOUR SPRINGI AND SUMMERSUITSI MADE TO ORDER 1i 500 &Hail n mnipies of tIhe atest clesigns to chm050 fi-m. ¶ CIeauing, Dysiug sji Pressing neatly doue. Prof essiomal Carde DR. 0. F. eLrrrEEFIELD. VETEBINAUT SURGEON. A55IITANr STÂTE VEEUYAUL&. LlbortyvWie. M llus. DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physicien and Surgeon Offie oce Decker & 1Bonde tîruff Stoffe Honnsi to 10 A. M 1iw.7 t.o&P. M. speci attention toe, EveEs, Nome and Imatm GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - - linois DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, OWTICE OVES LOWVELL'5 DRUG IJOU. uOUnaF-trom 1 to 3 and 4 tb 8 p. am Lbertyvllie. lilluala. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT ILAW. Lîbertyvîlle, liluols Pi- t881 DR.GOLDING *DENTIST Hours 8 t0 12 a.m.-1 to 5 P.m. wihJ. Eli Trigge Building wth J. L. Taylor-Phouc 19 1 Re&Phome 1092 *DRP-IL SMITI-L CVER LAIL E VOSwy ASNAL PASIL ouua-s te !à a,. a.and 1 ta p 6 Iiberylle IILois DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OtticE OyES 1. Enu. lTmq4g BLDO. *ouua-7 to 10..&nm. 2 to 4 imd fI 8 P. M. 11ldenae -ma Bro.dya". oppost*.Pak tattyvl. lsamoi. DR. !L V. 511111 GENERAL PRACTICE Rou- 10 tol12, 2t0 4 and 7 08p.-. 00 over LynchBrs. tore. 8PECIÂL ATTENTION TO TUE SME ' UBERTYVILLE. ILULNOI MARTIN C. DICE UfficeOpp. l8tli st. Elotrk c àm*t Office Phooe58U Bp-. fom sow -k NÛ:TH CHICAGO. ILLINOtW ý For High Clau Auctiooig P. B. JOHNSOM flONcrry quad&kC" Phu" 20ar m, . a ROUND tq Laiesand Cldua. TELEPHONE 28J. W. M. APPLEY Auctiofleer PARtI SA4ES ONE PER CONuT 4' Libertyville, fil. PHONE 1431,- tnry Sine*s Salt Bam iteidenre 2W8e Elisha Ave t Al Kind. o0f Homas. Harucs. Wamon$s and BflO ries fol sale or Exchasge et aul Tices. &UCTIONEERING FOR PIJBUC SAMf B. F. WOOLRIDGE Contractor and Builder [BERTYVILLE ILL. Estimates Furnished Phoas 151> AP. SMITit I l Piano Tuneèr PIANOS TUNEO AND REPAIRE I Headquarters at m. ahfs TILOj GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOI School Supplies," AND SCI-OOL BOOKS' Our School SUpp]ieie are Unexcelled-Our Rtexa11 .School Tablets. Comîposition Books, ete. (atnot he Equallled for the Monoy. We also carr> School Books--We cati get you any book you like oik short notice if 'we do not have it in Stock. The Rexali Drug Store P. J. DRUCE Propriotor. 1 £ .1 «--It r- - -- - - - . 1 Il Ir 1

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