LAIR COUNtY IIW1>PENDENT, FRIDA«Y, OCTOBER 20, 1911. To Make Good Coffee It la necesay tbat the qneltty shall b. good tu tart with. Wr- jirtty-pride irurselves, on the ex (lent grades et coffre w le h wr selil They are Not EqUsfled for strengtb and aroms. and yet.ounr prie are not higber tîran yrrr tare proitv Irea payina for the <ther tind. Wr- are exîrerts tn buying and yrru get tire hnit, thats art. j.eU TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 T i lAVE YODI offla Yon umFL ARDjINESun'? You w9U neâ h for Thanks 0 * itWiIl bebeeh o sm» :"YYUi iwea.r Clothes Tailord tg YOUR order by ED. V. PRICE &CO. WLy oeLNOW? Corne in and get rne.ured TO-DAY. EVERYTHIG FOR MENl J. B. Miose & Co. SW!ATIItR 7LAG SIGNAL%,. OR LIBERTYVILLE1 The people of Libertyvîtto wili, fa doubt b. glsd 10 know Ihat a com- 1lt st ofwoather signal flags wttt b. flown on' the facîory of the Foudi Mil- lne Company who have made arrangements wth the Weather Bureau at Sprierg- i.'id, Milnois, ta furuish thom with reports **ch day wth the forecal of the *eaihor for the coming twenîy-four houri and have turnrahed thom wilh a complote $et of ftags. Wo reproduce hers à cut oi each flag and betow show ahat eacit flag indicales ýfo. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. . No. 5. White - Blue Whiteanmd Black Black and Flag Ftag Blue FIag FIag White Fiag No. 1, atone. Indicates fair weather, stationary temperatur-e. No. 2, *Ions, indicates ramn or anow, 'ttioliary temperature. No. 3, atone. indicatea local rain or enow, stationa'ry temperature. No. 1. wth No. 4 above it, ndicates fair w.ather, warers. No. , with No. 4 betow tl, indicates fair weathor. colder. No. 2. wth No. 4 above tl, indicatea rain or snow, warmer. No. 2, wth No. 4 below it. indicatea ratn or snow, coIder. No. 3, with No. 4 ahove it. indicates locat rain or Snua. narmer. No. 3, with No. 4 beltow t., indrecates tocat rain or srma, colder. Those tnteresled in these srgr-ats, we would advrse cutting ouIt tis pioce in, the paper and keep for future referance. LII BERYVIILLE @eBRIEFS LOCAL AND *ERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK To inaure publication in thre Indepen- UEo, Wheeler rrr -hraeble and Wheeler dent. copy must be in the office nio ltlr general agents t ire wMrîdian Lite than uesdy ofeachweek Ad rreuranoe Co. rt Indianapolie, je Ibis IhanTueaay c eac wee. Ader-week working i M,! tlrnry County. tiers, eapeciatly. are asked to lake audyatronOtbe25,[m particritir notice ta thia effect. 12aturday lot'ilr,, irtubler P. M.,trom be obéer ved in 1 lrtrttYvrlte as a hait (iro. A. Wright ie eutertarniig a Mr. holiday owlng tu tire rpenng ut the Comgtock tram Mnneapolis tbrs week. United States Navail Training tation at Merrlt cresut raire d Sa, jeNorth Chlcago. The iretlwe olfbusiness Issening aew df PairiethuSacket:thb- Utfi ilbe closed t(uring iat time to inome o! igmtha eew çti t1 atow &Il Iemploye- ebu wish trr attend home ofthe ceremor ier. Carl IHughes le enjoying a twu week's vacation tram hie dut iat the North Shor Electrle Cou' office. .The W. C. T. U. witt meet with Ir. Maggie Moore. Tueeday. Oct. 24. NwrrM WFýI:wu, Sec. Por-D umou Ri7 le DÉ4 i*N.1 Fu *YOUR BABY WiII "»d l ita PHOTOS: taken *now the warm weather ia hors NEW STYLES Bath iauge and *ailt sizes of PHOTOS w. can show you at Low pricos. r FiWTURE PÂMES W. have juil received a nw fne of pcture frame moutdings and caut frame your pirlures on short notice. BESWICK'S STUDIO LIBERTYVILLE Meredith Flower a'd Vegetable Company Plan ta attend the dance at the Liber- yville tovu hall neit Tbureday een- lng, Ot 26. A goud time promised. Miss Emiiy A. Bush le epending morne bime vistting relative@ and trienda in Chicago. Mise Biude Rogers et Mlton Junetion, Wl.., is viiting ber graudmother, Mrm P...Aleman. Tminat meeting ut the Vernon ee- te"y oocity wRI lbe held at the home of Kru. J. H. Westertild Thursday aiter Ray l1uiUr, ot Ailcel Oregon. la vibit- lng bis gradmother, 5u-e. C. bd. Fnlier and otihor relatives ber.. Thes Ladies' Aid soçlety af tb. Preshy. tartn chuucb yUl met st tihe home ot MmsGilibert Luice Tbursday aiternoon, IOcober 26. Aime Camp Nu. 1703, Modern Wood- men of Amorica ot Lberty ville in one of the ive campe. We are gotng ta hbave nom@ gtod limes aiOunr meetings Ibis winter. W* bave engagrd Paul Rocher, Assistant Deputv Head Consul to solicit oew members for nia. Have joui Dot Otten wib.d ta be a member oi the M. W. A.? Now le jour chane. Go(lub vithithe big clams adoption. Dr. E. J. Brown bas leased ot Mu-s E. S. Warren for a terun of fivee yeare her- tarin nortirveot of thia city and wvIt take poemeôuon as suon as the premiso are vaSated by the present tenant. It le Mr. Broyna intention to cunduct a chcken ranch1 aud capon tarinoui the place. The contract for Iaying the sewer pipe tram Orehardi street bo Park avenue on Thtrd street,,lIz=u Broadway tu, Park avenue on Plut street and tram Division streeita oPari avenue an Douglas 1avenus and toti alng700 test ai vater pipe on Douglas-avenue bas been avarded ta Jamese J. Cralg etf W nnsitir I'Th.. .....u .nt ni 55. Cr isesbi fr The Libertyvile Mysic orkesi vi Thetoa ao S sar uaK s' glus a harvest dam n I their hall Dait the sntire iita0 Improvomeuts. 1. Tuieodasy evening touavwing there guitar 02998.81. Work will commence as meeting. Ail Mdystice am-sCouaual]y souri as materlial raecbeo the ground. request.d ta b. prebont. At the fair grounide lait Snnday alter- Mu-. Timothyr Gibbons Wednesd^y ni- noon the Llhertyvilléi Ramblers wound ternoon, trom three tu six, entrt&lned up the seasun ingreaape hy carrylng about flty members of LibertYvill and away the honore@laiait gains ut base- Lakke Foreet Court. C. . F. aud aiso bal wth the Rondot boys by a scoreC Sieter F'oresters Court tram Waukegan,ol5t What woruies the Lihert>- ai ber home on flurtbutt Court, thie ville tans re why tise Bambîcre didut, City. tart tu earlrer in the easion. Heres. where the old adage "-a poor beginiug Misa MaYbelle Higginm lmit Thureday s a guud end ing," prove'@ 1t8ecî. The allernoon, gave a house party 10 a nin. batteries were: Lîbertyville- Seler- ber of Lihertyville and North Shore MtalieY. londout-J. Moren-T. Moren. friandi. Rereshmrntt were served and TeIntd~ae ii evc oa ilteinnsedeseut a vr'erai n isdiuu auiouncethaton Novemberl.8, attenoo wa epnt.1911, aI ibertyvllle, Ili., au examina- Ray Wr-ls@ Monday ehipperd iirouse- tion will liefield for the position ut dlent. hoidfuniture tu iiiendive, Mont., abers in the Liliertyville post office. Applica.- he wilI wort onoshar\,s on a large ranch. trou torurari dinstructions tei appli- While wn are sorry tu lusée Mr. and Mr@. cats niai lie olitaiuied by apptt'>rng tu Wrlls as reidentà, thre irst arches uiftbe le orreM. Ta 'vtrr, et the Lihetyvrîle post cocnmuaity atteumd thieru uîrr their oea offitce or l'y addresstng Peter Newton, undertaking. :th fluor, Federal Bldg., Chicago. Ni Johbn W. fichelt ut lradrllrta, l'a.. 8Papjcrtrrru di hebc cepted later îhao general agent ot the Connecticut Mutual tîhrrrîr (ilrrsoing business on Novem- Lite Insuirance lCO., vîsitedl Fridayand lier8il "<11 Mure detaited announce- Saturday wit. bi brothers, S. L. and J. nmentii are poiîted in the Libertyville posit 1). Sehel. Mr. ficheli vas iu attendance ottice and uther couspicuone plaee in ai a convention ut Lite lueurance Under- the cty rtera held the ture, part ut the week at 'harles Kaiser bas terted wor on thehbotel La Salle, Chicago. thre coueîtrurtion ut a tbirtv tout addi- The dates tor the entertiniitent course tion on the rear olfthe store rooum 00W this jear are as tolluas. Newton Weeley occultienl by thre Lyrie theatre. A -rant- Gaties, Friday, Nov. 3, 1911; Nr-d iris fluor arîlie put lIrand wben theT Waodman, Monday. Nov. 20, 1911; buildingis couapetedlMr. Rtobertson will s Emerson Winters, Wednesday, Dec. 20, install the regulation operau chairs in 1 1911; Jane Wrate Co., Thursday, Feb. place uftihose low in s ue. The ceiling e,1912; Tbe4.Tenueseeeauie. Friday, ai hb raisr-d. the interior ot the roomn Mtrch 22, 1912. 'rho&e holdlig eason redecoraed. litter ventilation' affordnd ticket@ may have seais rserved for the anrd fves rear exit@ vIlUbe prurvided lu entire course wben they reserve tbem for the new building wlille there nue,- existe the firt entertainmônt. "(jet the but une. Titis wilt Incuese the srating Habit" ot watching the paper for addr- capacity of the theaitre about une irait tional comment concernirig each ot these besides giviîbg Libertyviîle a toure attractions. modern and aanitary play' houe- I- SEND IYOUR MONEY 13V Banker's- Money Order. BESt AND CHEAPEST. For Sale at T[le First Natiomal Bank 0f Libertyvillo Next Croor ta The PoîtOffice Open Saturday Evening M. C. Farwell and tamlly have again returned to civilizatirin remnovinx trom the hack Woods We-stout tis City Inte our mîdot larit wretk. Mrý Farwettl i Badvertising manager trîr the L)aily Inter ROcean, Chicagor. Editor A. B. Juhnson of thre Antioch News and a parîy ot trlends have juêt returned troua a two weoe sfiobing trip to thé northern parts otWlsconoin. The editor, knowing as be does how we enjov the @port utfhoriking tbe htnny tribe, wa L.jind enough tu tantalize ris by sendinga pictaure postal card ebowing the three meinliers ut the party and a string:ol about lltty of the hineet loukiiig 8gbitqon paper) Wr ever saw. iruse the botluîin ut the pictrîre wae 1rrnited "One dayem catch at Lake Potegarra, Wisjr.," anrd un t.he reverse ie it eard somethirig aborurt serding duwn sixty ponnde andritirng lack eeventy.tive punde. W r. flatter uurselves that we know Editrrr Julrusrrn pretty Weil, brît huneRtly, titr. ew, dîdri tink ilat <rf yrru Presbyterian Services On Ort.otrr 22 ttre serviees in t Preshyteriari rrrrr h 1wit ber beld ast t usual hounr Murrirrg service ni 10:. Subject, -The Purpose of the Crus@ Eçening aerrice 7:30. Suiject, Asliameri of the Gospel. (lu Wednes5day evening there wil field the regular prayer meting of ehnrcb, at whicb meeting we a ii ma a etndy ut the Psalms. (lin Octuber the sacrament of the Lord Supper w b, aduinistered by Prof. A. Baye ut Cortiet TheologicalSemtnary, Chîca4 Al tliuse Who teet su incrrîuerd are imvit tri Jura ne in the Maters wurt. The Woiuan's Gnitd of the Epiéeoi ehnrch are planning a bazaar and or peu to b. hetd et the town hall ont atternoon andl evsniuig 0' NovembOr Watch for iutber annotinceunu. Evyery Item aoflnlormation Wh' yan gleain acoenlxig thre Cty whlch yau live thraugh yotir a& zv.ring tripe viii hoUSEBIJL yau-perhait. ia unexpected vaji mvery Item af Information vi yau gla concerning thre ctY wici you Uive tbroutghyaur ad- svering trips viiib. USEFUL ta -peu-ha». ln unexpected l viys b)o you know tlsat itsà easy to bt oit coal, (il tt's god c"a), wihout annoyance of soot and amoke.J give tLeetire a very Bttie air oan Dont check the @tove pipe damper cloualy. Use Pyrolîte Washed Nut.1 cam get It tram the Home Lumber C pany. It beds clool, bpt ligbtl-y,1 àsaves enougb air spaceIn the Oue borumaiH lues game.thet vould otheri rmake ooot and âmake. lo Every Item aofinormation vi r veu gieau n mnrnIns thee City- the trch yau Hva throgh your ail-an- werlng tripe wiii b. UBEitit to yon perbaPm lI unexpected valu. vlany a Man )wes His Success tothe Building of a homne because it bas served as an anchor and kept hlm in a istraight lins and arvay, pose- ihty, lrom the many "get rich quick" echemes wluich are 80 pleutiful today and sshleh @o otten mean riche@ only for the emooth tonkned prometors thereot By investing IN YOUR HOME TOWN yun are dealîng witb values and peuple with whom you are acqluainted-peuple whu are in- terested lu yo ur weltare be- cause your surrese ineans the surcee8s ut uther8 about you, and the more rueemssitcitizen@ a tuwn eau buagt of tihe lciter place it mtll be. Ail the tuorber we have In our yards wae çrurchased with the view o! givruz iur cuetomere lirrerri values, and wben you de- ide tru build we ivant tui t.!l mure about our retîruds. Thlre i a gorrd demand nuw for medium ize hourer, (jet burr'v, have une ready rrr fli sale. See us. Libertyville Lumber Ce. PHONE 47 Dawa by thre CM Dopot. ELE CTRIC ITY Is juet what yon need in your boue oeharn, naw that the nights are growing longer and rah light ie needed at the right time and place. liandy, dlean and oîlywbun von need it. Thjnk about it nuw anjdie cide. Auythiug yo. waut in thre Electrie lUne. Estimates at once îipon ru- ques. SCOYUHAVEN Phono 131 R. ASK THE MAN Who Checks on this Bank Which H-e Considers the Safer Way to Carry Moncy- Cash in the Pocket or One of Our Check Books The CHIECK BOOKTHE ONLY WAY, When Safety and Convenience are Considered N.+tTIONAL BANK AROUND RF-AL ESTm' 4fP W. have but up a goneral b.i..s' ta obraces Fire ad L UIewmO lus MortMaes,Loan aud Resing. W. ha, the. CO.fA...ce . ofr cutosn b«Me tlsoy know we tlsoreougYmy moês the. Rosi tato Daush. lin 0.iavu" fliom. W. sau ho p.adsi~ you boy, soiR or .xcàag m e a *o country proporty. Schnaebele & Wheeler Ruail am.&'aaco ros Office In Lucs Bid. Phma 8LstWu WI-EN YOU WANT THE BE95r. ;B UTTER ON THE MARKEI3 0 ET, LI BERTYV ILLE, Ionce more with us, 'ourI Failand Winter seiling season bas begu. ln earnest. and the coiler weather goods are arriving dailg. One inoyation in oui stock wuiI be the addition of a Oine of fine IFuis and Misses and Children's Coats. We have chosen these gar-ments with great care in regards to style and ma- terial and belleve that an inspection will convince gou that it is unneces- sarg to go outside of Libertyville for yjour wants in this direction. Ladies' outlng lannel gowns of ~ qood qualiti cotton flantiel ami in ample sizes, neatlg finishied, each $ 1. r The new velvet Cordolier Bays handsome oxidized siher [raines, long cord handles ami complete with coin puise, eacfî $1.25. We have a [ew of those 95c umbrellas lef. Get one belore ther're ail gone. W. W. CARkO"LL & SONS CO. TWO STORES Buy a Home and Stop Paying Rent Wu tel heuàe on mnonthly payements, sante ai paying rent. We .11laloti on wiritl paymante itttria pries apc withosst inter«. i ons rmade. t carrent rates. Fini unetMaes for al. e cu.d on Vilflage ilfarm proporty. Uo ciet nlFr aoae soliciked. Rsntinznd ilcollecing. DYMOND & AUSTIN Pisause26 veetment a whAte. t Into a te au wim em whieh n te cultS- 'lrb qoep.ý tors t4t., 1pn~r1 V el* pality, le- Very ilb h» o... T =1 lot lb. V j o o o e i e i r. et'. 6 lês. i r - a, m q«Iî ee, 08 1 offlS la > 1