CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Oct 1911, p. 8

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x Nwés o aukeganad- mt s OLD RESTAURANT SOLD Zme C. B. Goorge8 Retire&. John Ward Bus By s decl whiiicb as cloeed Satun- d&r, the, restaurant canducet an 'Wasingt-on street- for the pst tveu- ty-au. years, navu as the George rest-aurat-n, cbanges banda, passing t-o ithe contraI oi loin Ward, for t-b. patmsen yeas a travelIng sales- mssu but tonmerly a esitent-oai tua City. Tii. George restaurant- vas stai-led over fity yeaS cga, dovnunoter thbe MU v here t-be Chicago & Nrhhvst- arn ralroat station ov tands. It- vu ois of thé regular riirad eating bossas ant psaaenzara on t-be trains ataivieth~ le restaurant nanduted by C. I. George for thir dinners. Wlea t-heservice on t-e Nort-iiea- p* ja" changet, sud lie neet ai a -i#M>6a4 eetg bouse l intii. cit-y va. bo&w aêB5 pp&revt-, Mr.,George rnovad rl estsursulta oWashiington treel ety-olsa years ega, vbere It- bas r $lM remns.ned. 13pS thliedeatb ai Mr. George, sev- ersi years aga, Mr. C. B. George con- tuct-ad tha restaus-st until Sturday, vian Mr. Wai-d purcbased lie restau- gant taklug posseselon on Montay. Mr. Ward la veU knaWn boe. 1-e v e l a4ii It-b.puble achools of Sthia cily sd I.ter of tt-be igb cbool. »s wuvasaloa emplay.d lot smre Urne ut CQe Yager cdot-ing t-re. ber., ieav- lpg Ihat pxtilon to tAce p t-be varh ai traveling calesman. Doiare statement Faise W*sikagn fihrmu dspute local eeid ai t-he floviug fror t-be Chicago Buulug Pot's Saturdey tablit feat- -t Xt A «»Isrvat-ively tatiratedtt-at- 6~lO 0,000,000 sud 70,000,000, P"moai ffreah iSsiiare bandlinl !,Wbbevery yaar. No figures are S ou t-be sait sud arnoket van- vbib tn veii up lut-o t-be mil-' e3w ~ t-a % lbt ansd saumon pratucet on ýPe cM tot-fe001ai-emaiksted veny la luheb mddle veat sud Chii- -i iasl consumes vont puant-lUes. Ssii ara brpugbltbi-ougb ln can- livreftgnatarexpress, operW ~ t~ peaeugr achodules, so t-at M ff elh i" mar-ket- lu prime o t4Ua, fen bing even Stetten Uta shppe It aimallen tavul lie «mr. af lu4lply. Il lnaa ë te arhat u larrit-ori aeyer- bWodreds miles ai Chicago Sund Il 7i>,fiedvsntageous ta gel fieir %#V," ti-oitgi t-bicty oving to ;s,IWW àperlar faclîties for senving ~lsala a couming amut tht-nb-1 lez"y"atiia cent-en. .eyfflUa large quantitiestof fiais ver.' ia#W lu loeer Imite MiuWg«u. but F ieNeesv thbe gravtb ai t-be Cit-yvit-bt Ib tbaussuts of msnuoacturing andt t-h., lutustial plants lunsutdflear il '14Ms se affete thte feedlng grounts lun âte hLcality amd cMornmtiey ev, U Ato ratahafounu. True, et- cen- 'atau Méas ofa the yei-, particularli' 1 dUrug lit-e vint-en moutât. fiblng ap- ,let ame carniet on trom saine of Ieo aauthea upoints. but- Iis la tope ffe felo the purpose oý keepiug th. 'mý S eu tistsmployadt than Ion t-be1 tgobe bat.A ghoffler in Promoted »Y at-t-las vbicii vent t-utaeffet- VOUMisi' li u-ue lance a0 lbt-bu-he. U5t b jut ilt-int-i af t-b.Naori aeet-nic cornutsy, soon ta be a* o psth e Pubbce Service Coupar- aSl n iter a reorinmien ai eiac- lziu-l activîi-ea about- Chicago, bas boe uUualtitet ant promotions have basa deail ont. r oh 8nl . teamai, te efficentt su- ~POriatet- of Dstricts A, B. and C., «M one».of the. bai-test-vorklng meu IlilDli, hi' due vai', ntin lu ii HWnlarpo l, vii vas reoeut-ly asisata upententesit, la ' Z 531.asistbatt-supertntendant- In cbofl 0f Districts, et Evsmsin, Ill. Q, *Y Sefflar. fermer chiai clerh t1k »M >cI Norttiishore Electnic oM- OUAs4lesf, and villa lie Company' re A 40M&M uPeInteden ofDitrict F>ý weakaen seten yeais iltlte W,ýýtndbtebieInltspectos, la ý "dOë blai cerk vice Biieffien. are pouding. 1stOuages OIn every vai' redount aior Cmpany lu- stI ud lhe Pja-masa-e te- tisoroughiy on th. mentt baste. v8as caong t-o bave an auctio n gale *hhIf aD-vilnot-let us puttyrrur KIwl o kit-avtise price. oIt-be bills a0090 In 9W iEPE5flE T, t-tu, Bs.1davSUÂln~ BRERAKGROU»W . 9PR ROSPfTÂL ContNgion Hospital to b. Bullt at Lake Forest Grouud vas braken Manday ai Lake Forest for the t-ird contaglous dia- euae hospita on the nartb aboe, the other tva belng on. lu prospect et the multiry reservation at Fort Sheti- dan and on. ta be bult temporarlly at once at the. United Etates naval train- Ing station et North Chicago. The matter la considered Important becaus. Waukegan ha@ fron i re t-o t-lau.e etertalned such a projact, but biB apparent-ly dropPed t, t-be reviv- al of luterest- comug only viien tiiere la a recurrence af cotagious diseases boe.. Not-.vortby lacts are tbat lbe nortb ahore la &aso unlformiy intalling lang- er Intakes, fitration systama for va- ter, purificaton planta for seva"', and like improveinenta, aetlt-ng the. pae for Ibis cily and shoving actuel progrea made toward gettiug moq- ,rn silation o. t-be narth shore, A Waukegan man, Davd EM Clarke, has ôbtaled tii. contrant lot t-b. uev Lake Forest bospital, vhicii la estâ- mated to colrt ab out $10,000. The baspit-al viii b. one story, pies- te, 1265 let-lu dimensions, sud viii b. finishet properly bethle snov files. Tise projet bas taken tva years ta mature, as thera vas difficulti' lu ve- curiug a site. land dontel hy the late genat-ar Farweii belng finally trateS te, privale avuers t-o get an entrance t-ostte land dônatet ii'thbe it-y an Lake Forest-. Dr. A. C. Haven heada t-be pralect. ln vblcb asoclety ls taklng an Inter- çst. 0 Chicago vhalesaaers viiiunuit-e, be- ius controlled by Ake ForesterB, to turulab t-be baspiesi. FIND LOST GIRL AT GOLFP CLUB Gertrude Lange Disappear on Misa Gent-rude Lange, 12 years aid, a pupil aM lhe Winuethe scbool. ater ai bIna. Fred Trou- of Waukegan, dia- appeate vile on ber vay to Sciieel Tiiunatey mornng, and after a seai-b ,ibich lastet about aine bouts, vas louaiat- t-he Gleuvlev golclub. vhere sbe bat taken refuge. Shas-tly before 9 o'ciock Tburaday mning, Gertrud, lett ber borne et Huai-ta' Woods for Winnetka, t-ah- ing a Chicago & Milwaukee car. In same minner, 1h Is belteved, aie leIt lie ltar aethle vrng station andt tien st-ai-t-idte valk t-e scinl. Soon she vas lest, iiaving taken t-be wrang t-On af lb. roat, and ail day vii, vante-ad, lt-la thougbt, about t-be c-ountry belveen the t-vo cities. At la* she ai-rivet *a t-be Gienviev golf grounds, and sit-ting unten a trée e-f t-be grounds, aI e ber lunch, vblcii abe bat. carniet lnor ier borne. The suspicions af t-be parents ver. arauset viien it vulearnedt t-at she' bat net ai-rivet et- t-h.acbooi t-bat manng, and a searçit vswu lvtuted. Tisa police ai Wlnnetha vere nolifled, andthley startedtet scourtht-e count-ry lu 1u automobile. Inqulny ai lie golf club developed thei, act t-bat lia girl het bteen fouat andtalken t-ethbe club bonse. viiere aie batbeen royaily an- tertainet by the membens. Sa vwas frount et S aclack lu th. eveaing bey- ing taken supper etthe country club. Tb. mathem vas hysteTIcel aven lie long aitsenti, oi ber taugbter and it vas fesi-et for a lime t-bta physicisu vouit b. necessa"i. Wban t-le teugii- ter vas restantd, hovaver, she recav- eu-et- POSTAGE STAMPS A= MUOH WASTED. Two Millon Two Hu2adred Thousaad ILetton a n'd Postal Cards R«Meved at Dead lAtter Office. Tiuty-four thossd dollars In poet. -an st-erps are vaut-et aven' uto»ti hy lie people et the UnîIW t-aIe, aocordlng te Supertntentent Tou of thi esti dletter office lu lhe pcot office tepsltmen. Mr. Tauua ya t-bat 1,000,000 passai cardsa an 1.200.000 lattaIsara received il lie dead'l*ten office everi' mouliN, Exclusive of lie conlte esou- rvenir post carda, tb. l-ce»t eampu 1uset t-e carry tbern tepraeitut uin tvaitmeut af $10,000. No effort là ut-de t-a retutu lie postai carda as liey are dest-rayed as soon as r. aceived. 0f the~ leteon, about 40 per cent are ronee th -bevtens and t-base rerniig ae. eetroyet. At t-he present lIme test lettes- velgbing mare t-len balf c tonanet- a n t-hein way froDein tever-, Colo. Mai' af t-be letters undoubtedly cou. tain rnaney and aluables, but vbeîi the. avuera of artic-lee of value can uat h. faunt t-be godam si-e si publicesent-lau, sten,,l t-bousantd de lana belng realized itom tue sales. Ilflt-e sentiers af tbe lattleraaný ipackages vouit vnle tbeir naeest- 1A attresses on t-be packages ant leteri l t-b. ama vouit b. retunne te ta b senter 6y due poat-meatern l case t-b4 - adê Idcnutua be loat-et el Ç- t 4=bleb ouit avait t-be testlette, ! offIce mie. lIî[ IIIDOI MiL %J out. lnn e Igin~ Tells Fort Bheida3l Mai Ai la ver. Claim tbe ;«aldid net Break upEtyr Hme, for the sStlng. "Ail la over between us. 1viIll ot marry a mavWho Inîtu t e ,er.fully velghlng bar varda, MI"s Elole flonîn, $62 Larkin avenue, ElgIn, 0F JONCIY 301Lake 7ore4'WMonaire adl Daughter Retur to Home kovement wMl be Star ted Ate n Trugh Bur- Boon to O ane om f ope on Peèr Bent. Mon lY tin Louis F. fivfI, inillilonaire paciier, bis vif. and tva daUgbters, returo- !ndepedent Councüi lutoed Wt-aChicago afier a tht.. tatActon ToWard thla mont-h Enrapma tour. Tiey vent End ini Near Future. from tii. Chicago rliroed station ta terhome at Le»q Forest. Theipnp vs entisily on. at PUaY Are Now Buylng Corner sud real for Ur. 81-Ift and h. expres- sed hîm»Iel saflfled vlt-b the. recuits. Lots A VaaisM, Imkiofg Thie mabrs, of the.part-y wve.In for Indiutrial City perfect- haalth. .. havaeiiad a délighfful tîma and 1 l..l lîke a nev m- l' said Mr. Swift. Acco rdlng ta the tatemuent-of one "I amr eady tW go back ta varIx nov E of t-b. Independents of Zian Ciy Mon- forthle test of Ilie yesr.' c day, au effort vîli ba made in th. nsear future ta change the. namne of Zion Cty te Ploret Hill, or sorne th- wiii p or maame except thi.e oe nov> appear- ýd % Ing on the dpots of that City. a Aresolutian vIli ha intraduced at , aaklug tuat stepe b. taken la bave the. Prealdont Utay go te New post ofie. Md station names chang- York for Noyeniber 1, te ed. Tige.imovernent started vit-bthe. Indepeudents snd as the Cty councîl Se. aa Vaes of Zian Cit-y ia nov aimait enlirely lu- dependent, it le stated t-at tiiere la Secretary of Navy Invite uIttle chance but *bat the.naoms of the. PrietiS toteGo ]Eut Af- sttien vii ha cbhanged, if th. rose- ter Bojo= UHors. t lutian in lutroduced. W__ It la clalxned that the Independentz WiUi Leave %o»n After Ded- of Zlonanaranov purchaing, as rap- ication oet Naval Shoël ldlY as possible, the. corner lots lu for Nev York. t ZMon City, for, aie as busness blocks. 1 -1 Tiiey dlaimg, snd arm by no meaus Tii. preident lusteail of terminat- t secretive lu saylng, t-bat t-bey expect lng bis long qpaacbmaking trip ta the that the. church toi, of ZDon City viii Pacifiecacot- et Washiington may sSuand an - hatth esatewil *a- ring It teanauend in New York Ln or- soo eni, ud hattii esateiiedr ta reviv the. great battieiilp eut-ually revertt thelb.Chinago firrnof I leel vhici viil e aasenbled tiier. Gobe & McKInnon. Tiiay do net look abocut Nov. 1.b for a second teceivenship, but da ex-Tii. secretarof tih. navvbo vilii Pec tht Gbe MeInnn WI mlleInapect- the. tlanctlc fiait- about t-b. I>ec tu 006 & cl<inonviiimak ure, viii endeavor t-o persua<ie Prnd- an lndustrlal City, similar ta Wauke- dent Taft ta chang, bis plans accord- gan and Kenoeha, and lu Ibat case Ingiy. It la axpected t-bat be viii the corner lots, viiicb riglit nov. are grant the, roqunt-of Mr. Meyer, as tiie net f hgh vlue wlUmatrialy Cange vould not- pralong bis trip ta flotaI lgbvaie, iiirnaenilui- a greit extet and vould merely d.- crase lu Prie, and bring the boider iay bis arrivai at- Hot Springs, viiere of t-be lote good lterest on tiie roney lt- bas been snnounned, he viii rest expended. before renumlng bis executive dutiesc What-ever rnay aris, In this connen- In Wasingtn The mobilization of the vesels ofI tion, t-he indepeudents plan te boni atitbe Atlantic leet viii provide an ex. least one shaft lu t-be direction o! tiie cllent opportunity for tbe display <ol cbw-cb by takiug avay the name te 1 thedeveiapmeut that bas taken place luInthie navy lu the. lest yean or tva. cburcb gave ta the. City. aud place on Salemn, Oregon, Oct. 12.-The FondÈ tbe signeaiath-e depet and Post Office du Lac Incident, t-be maslt urestlng2 a name vulcb viii nt make plain te connected Wt thei recent travala Of every one paasing tbat the cty la a president, was officially deciai-ed1 close on oardthe a peciai vb.n1 ruled by t-be cburch, t-ey say. It atapped for Beveral bouts boe on Then, too, the. indepeudent st-at-ed the vay ta Sacramento snd Ban Fran- today, ZMon City bas been made hnovn cisco. President Taft la loohing for- ail aven the varld by resson ofainlts yrd nav ta bis vieiltet Fond du Lac. Iu tbe louargent st-te of Wisconiin, connectIon vltb t-he Free Levers. thevitb an iterest greater t-ban htet i Glît of Tangues. sud at-ber lanaticalinlu ny at-er city on his 13,000-mile cuits, ont-Il it bas been given a latier tineTrY. rg.-ipie aptil. Tii. indiciations are tbat tbere viii 6e a big urne lu Fond du Lac an Taft If the. namne -Io cbnged, nie clairned, day, Oct. 26.t rpeople vii lorget tbst Foreat Hill, or Threatened ta fBar ChiaI. viietever the. naome ray b., i. ln roaf- For a vhiii. t iooked as tbough the Ity tii. aid Zion Cit-y of religoos gates af the. city were ta 6e cloeed agalnst the chie! executîve ai t-be 1n1- lan, andi may seek ta iacste Indus- t-lau, ail because lt-s officiai, tiiousbt1 tries there. It vas Osbkosb. viien it rdally vas ________________ Appletod i(,aI want-ed ta b. treated s littie more lib.raliy lu thie division of the presidenta time. ln order 4» give Appleton mare4 equtable treat-ment it vas neoesaary1 ta Fond du Lac. Thia Causaedthbe 9 gaui-b ires ver, kept bot vith mes-4 sages viiich cbssed lbheprsidentil Prevalence of Infantile par- train al t.e Way froin Cheyenne ta alysis Lea& sto Poùle Te Pafa coft Fond du Lac an- Action Seon. nunuced t-bat IfL ond du Lac couldc -net- bave Mr. Taf t for tva heurs and1 a bal! lliey didn't vaut hlmn at ail. Mothers of North Shore ae hs oisonapaa vl asnt Thn~~çO~nngngth her teierains sentu i hePrest-1 dèurân Home. dent la camge te Fond du Lac, even If - il be auly for a ev minutes. Two Lake Torout «Women Mr. TaIt vanted te oamply vit-h thbe latter roqent, but lier. arase t-be Auxtous OverCondition ques tio ipoiliceProtection, ual for of OhUdcren at fchool. lb. prealdeut, but for lb. crovda et- traclefi hy bis pesence. sud liera 8'amiy Confereiesvere ldlin lu 4odotbtas taeviiet-ba de4late P- seeerai boules ai prmient ed&ts 110e arrangement-a eould b. mde af Cicago anti suhubo agost-weet vili lbe. mor and Qher City offa- lis oppoued ltettbe moeetig. diet iie hher th" w ould; ujtlldav Suddoui thle vind sble, the t lier chiudren tram et. Mark's pivate Storm cloutis ver. blovu aaS, and à scidal at Santhboro, Mass., beem5 nov lilas'.,lla ntiiing but astra-c iof Infantile iralai. vU Ichbub *> et fair feuvatheam.teau, tii.presi- ttasred jlu.theoW. ,den"tIrain sud Fond 'du Lac. L_ Nemia Rsaeasurlng. la f-ie îollavlng îaiagiem frarn Ï Newaofaigle praenea ai lfb.hedises.,Beeetary HMile Mayot Wolff, lhe litera vas reMeve ,several thym egaSialehapler vas vrilla» and arrangements ver.e made hy ev- "iii. presideut viU b. pleabed te ora parents ;o brlng theïr ahltrea eompiy vitb the viabeeaiflte coni- bome. Mrs. George Mglnlo et mille.." Lake Forest. viiose young ou, iez An Fond du Lac wIli autettain Mn. *ander, la a pupi lunthbe sebool, inri.d Taft for au. bour and a bail on thbe te Sout-uioro. 56e felegrapher Mr. ai taroon of Tbursday, Oct. 26. sud Mrs. Hobart C. CbatSeldTaylor -oa Lake Foreat yesterday t-be assuring dnevs t-bat- only on. nase bad develop. Spenugh City's Vohloiie Tsi, ed sud t-at because olita Isoation Vaencia. Spain, faime out IlIs v.. ebe beilevefi no epidemic voulfi re. biais tax for e flet uer asules anit. te a canealouany Who la aflvefit-e Fatet la Undelàed. coUieclunder lie terms ai bls contmte "Out sono, Wayne and Otis, an. et- a soin sutouatIng ta about $8450 for tending lie achofil." Mr,.0biatgeld- emch'aulomobul., plusg about $4.06 e«- Taylor sait last nlgbt . "We tels lt-ci et ica alsis Lt graphedtetaSout-bioro hhat lbey b r o h. etteCa otis ,Sent borne et Oue. bt yaterday via» Practicalix ail t-be machinas are haitt v, ecelved Mns. Mcyllocks tels, for OulY cltY sut park driving. ,d gram, ve vîred li, boys ta stay t-er. r& util ve decIdef t-be motet a I fam- as ly conlerence. W. may sgent for t-be Aclian saile notices, pubIshet lu le bays ta corneborne today.1" lein ldépendant vIii r«& h laimore le A inumber af Cicago chiltren a rea>estlnai ta ae ut M pt-tpli. et t-he school among liam lie deU ob trpaé lth t-muet. aimast- teflaiutly. "Of course I vIlS go t-o Chicago t-amrrov t-o at- tend t-le ueraI of!AMr. Et-nyre. i have not- ieend boy serlously Mr. Bar- 18 la ounuet." The engagement- of Barlow t-o Misfet Blitn became public t-rangh a st-at-e ment- made by Frank Biebop. a soi- tien fient ai Barlow, t-at-be Chcago police alten t-be sboating Banîrdai' ev- enlus. Aacandlng ta Miss Boumn, Blsiiepln engaged t-o Mrs. Eýtptyt'e sisten, Mise A"i ~iyt-er. Denies improper Relations. lu c statemnt ta t-be police Setu-n day nlgbt, 13arlowteuledt tbat- ils re- litionst-o Mns. BlnYre bat been suy-F t-ing liaI t-bey bat not ougbt- ta b.. He saidt t-at- be vas et-t-be Et-nyre home vailing fon Miss Bonin. of Elgin, aieu fiance.. Frients of Mise Boum st-cte ttits aft-ernoon t-iat t-bey bellevet her ac- t-on tn bneakiug t-be engagement val a bit hasty. andtht-lBarlovw wùuld b. hi ab .t "qaebl- al If havr given su opporttanlty ta explain. V-Isu I SCHQOfl.OPIXMG VIO WK Kr* speisi Engraved Invitationsex-rui Léoturea n tha to be Om n Ot. by 17noie Baptirnt Church The lait lima Dlck Lue vas la Merely te lend a senne of Import. Wgukegan ha Cama te crack a esale. and miformalitY te the.dedication of luuay mornhng Iiciiai Lane, the. Guret Lakea naval station viinviitay.noterua a rt tiens. for the avent have b..» iwelarad aid, al-,y Dlk au., ame fr. te by the bureau of engfraving a1 Waâii- feld,. peole I fuSanecyae hered ai Ington, D. C.. vilch vIii be sent ai tel t ePIatO 0hur Cii, ity, . bUmred a over lthe country,akIng the reelpient thdlDUî<. t.IBC urch, lu tthe deptha te cone tt.ededlation and do th ii. for ucane î s the. eovu s best ho eau te avaken jterait in the. an inchruan *agiateo owiasi praceedingo. an* rduRW cobadrary n Tiiera iii 1,. lu the neiguborhood oaIManailron a man *iiose speclsity 2,00 ofthee Pintd. ad-ey wll vasw cracking strong boxs. sent ta the. aenators sud rep Lana laM tid the story Wmaell Sun- tîves Of ail the. tates In the. union, and day at thbe ISaptiat cbchoy he. te the sacial anid buainess leaders in Came hors te loot a treuaure cheat. ail citlle D t-lis ecUon of the COUD« wualitlu0, viien avery One hee try. v- talking. var, going la ver, or Iursved as they are, by thie same 9o0a ta vax. mn» ho make Unei. Sama green- Lane asyahacane ber, and veut backs and postage stamps, the. invita. inte a store on îrrth One.« treat tion, viii ha real vanks of art. At eariy anae maaung, offering a $20 or a the top of lhe Invltlatiaua, viiich vilii $0 bill In reliU ft r.a doll.-e vortii b. prlnted an the flun~t kiwi af parcii- eacb af sugai snd cafea. ment, viii be placad the fiffa ai the Tii. mercbaul took the, bill back ta Sît-pea, entvIu.d. sud t-be vardlng af t-b, Invýtâtion viilbe printed ln aid Euglish style. Thea. viii be sent out fram t-be nv- ai station t-ét-lte govemngrs af t-be ad- joinlug sud uearby states, ta senat-ors and repneftntatives, t-o meinitens oi t-b. Chicago Chambar af Commerce. vich institut-ionvas intrumental ln iandlug't-be naval station for t-is sen- t-la» ar the. ate, sud t-a members of t-be naval commit-t-eof t-ha bouse of repnuentatives esacialiy. , The. invitations vil net- iontbt-b. fact t-bat th president of t-b. Unit-ed Bt-ates vilU forrnaliy dedicat-e t-best-a- tion ta t-be UnitedtBtat-es gaveruneut- on Otaber 28, sud urge t-bat- therecip- lent- lenit bis aIt in mahing t-be ted- Ication ai t-is grestest uavel achool lu t-be country one of t-he great- event- lu hiat-ary. Tva or thi-e.mavina picture Si-ms bave ari-uge toW aEnd represeotat-vez t-o t-hte naval training atation ou Oc- lober 28, t-he apening day, eut moving pictures vililte taken of t-be cere- moules. Tbe pictures will shov t-be drilleansd nevlew of t-be recruits. 6e- lare t-be grand sandut. viere t-be presi- dent- wlll spealu, sud at-ler reret-on- The. Chicago cnt Nort-bweat-enurail- '-ast bas lesuet one of t-he Mostat- e t-ractive bookieta een lu regard ta t-be naval stat-ion. The rand sent a Young v ontan la tth. station a short- Urne .aga. and ah. vas contucted al t-rough t-be grounds, and plctnree of the varions buildings vere talen. Tiese picitunes yen. st-ade loto cts. vbicii bave been prit-tted lu t-le book sud lhe et-ttire book fille i vt-b text vbîcb shows the. 111.of t-be eCrult et t-be station. Tiie foyer beds et- been covenet with a lrame vorh. pre- pctsty t-o coveuing them up Ion t-be vinter. Navy Bleview Oct. 80-Nov. 2 The mobilization oi the Atl«ullc sut Pacilflcfleet et- New Yorh snt Lois Angeles, Ç«t. 30 t-a Nov. 2, vîli mmark th gatierlus of t-be greatesft naval fou-ne t-bat ever floatet In lb. vat-ers4 o! tuis bemisphare. The navy tepart-net- on Pidai' mate publie the full liat- of t-b. ves- sels ta ha assemblet lortht-e gpet Te-4 vieva at Nev York and Loi Angeles. WbUt-lie enumbter combinet tees ute aquel lie 135 vesseia tavievet lii'tlet1 Germnan eutpeton et Kiel lIe sommer. the, 126 Ainerlcan shipa, vli*iehber tresuedous tîsplacet-neut of M.844 toua, ai-e realy more povanini than the, German Seat. The Alant-c lefe.t viii comprise 1021 vessais of al classaes, viii etotal dis- placeentofa 577,e99 tonsandtht-e Pa- cifie fleet t-veut-y-four veaseli ai 116.- 245 tons. . Rayai Pliategvsphom .WinmsO10 Reward Like brai Mate, que Ms.Alx.Strngcf64mntt Bue- tb. dat-rager empîeii ar Rula iau n .Ae.Srngo 4 ot « adaIsI et- piiotagpha-. 'Onc Quem Stait-rondst iday brou*tt t-. ia- 4liihfdm Wu as naepin u-i 1saof r ait-tg bIs.G.RLyons dIament toach relatives isiile, eniat-lait 10 Windsor. vaui et a$850. aud w cil».911N sudthei davaqeff empu-asa, pu'ad"alg taàn-i te aWANT A f«ls'thé héb nera, » eî ume*dto abtilua i* 1at- atk- t th*Ot-t- UN offce, L4u«. ture of t-he uneio ul ct-te», ait-.t-h. Lions identifiai t-h. luiocas 55lt-a vaa Prpealug tIDsnaP ves QUOOD tletGOU ars utna. Bt csou W.uIIifor Mai-, tuaiti the moosaofWaRaglcu$ caaq4latl ffliln ajué. ralaluz ber ber lieki' Std.1 ovi eM*a, oIr- ber, w,-l sattul8v h" altutdet sa- hond t-h. aiu- tét-b OnLG lie sanie plats vas aale it-oooh WetsueidsU1ytag lu picture of Que.» Meara m isoa up. tte gou in a t Be aseei. !rb. aiiot-llg. The doveger empreas abuoeon bs bSa Wmýtug o.anl a tLie negative, vblcb .mih»catis -The nti, turing mont aorcb t-in. t-be Bilons Bit." -reaai-t ,beia.0aSsed, but Mm. Strong wnàt-beiqgehI' fnter. Perbape. A Ponnsyt-tania voman995 yaara oit h - tecovenuz rom n pom ,n r4nta Chaâge of Venue for appendliAi~. Penhapa ahé it-a, Accas'tug t-o an euht-t-=te an Ilved no long that iier tabla oI con- thse dOit-rtes-da daitii' utItng, tanta l sufficlout- vthdut- ani' eppen-Judge Penny U. Bornst a bscOcsty dix.TroyTirqs.bas grant-et Volve bio rapt-stet dlx.-Tay Tl».aa.ciange af venue M» lt-e case SaI-ai - leget illealElion Oity votiug aÈélnzt At.-oadtenalicame bomoavu an a folovers, sud Jndge L.vls R4"1&*w s malçr ai couruqt-lfot tbeyGl IN- af Rachfhird, viii b. ber* Octobar TVMBTWD IN TR..iO11T tlt-lt-t-«hiileu e lu t-be alltawft t-O PEopogM'ON&I - itI ?.et M se4mupu the motion by Voilv Att-o,- fiai' lt-N in lga aboutréeal tes-t. neyat-o qu& istlndlcauts -"pouding.. his sale taoitauge Il. and t-is vai yul Lau, vsl loohing fon, as turing t.he vit marchant-a distruslsd banks sud huna au4t l&r cash. lRe bad If figuret ouItt t-b.emerchanf vouid make for t-heasale. If the menuisant- bcd neeaciietlu bis Incide pochaI for a vali.t iustead,.,'Lana vouid have tumbiedthtit be kept t-be big vad at- bis home. But t-is merant su ent flacl ta t-be saile.sut. opening l, displayedto et-be bulgiug eyea of jane, vho vas t-bau atnitt-ediy, a yeg4puan, a driver fu ai coin sud bIlis.wvile t-be sale fonr vas strevu and packed vit-b currency ai thbe reairn, at-leaat- 10.e Late tqsat- nlght Dlck Lane, t-be aid Dick, vas bard et work on t-he rean ahuttens aifie store. lnylna t-o effect- an entrante. viien s vilous brut-e af a monsten black canine scared hlm svay sud b. badt to aba ndon t-ebejl. The sale crachers of Uncie Dicks lime dit flot-bava t-be boiduesa. the finesset-be p-t-o-nuff met-ots oft-ha scient-hic yeggl aif tdai', sud such things as dogs neallY botbered t-hem. ait-houglu a pet-e man of today would cbuchie, lune t-be dog. poison it, sud procreed. Lsn. left- tovunlsgt- sway at-et bis att-evpted sale bloving. and SuutaY vasut-e &i-t-lime be bas even been back, lu daylilgbt is t-lne,. Snely dregaet. a bafined. poilaet. sigbtY pleasant- oit gentleman, vit-h a!h of talnly viii ual mai-ny him. Miss Bouin steadiet benself befote aha cant-lnned speaking. 5h. vai evldentiy Jbat recoverlug fnom a great abock ocailoueà by the, nevî ai t-he tragedi'. "I- vas thnougb Mm. ]Bfnyre's siaten t-bat - .,rlov firet met Mn.. Et-nyre. i Inli-otlned hlm ta Ada, and liter Ada Introducet sme la Its. BInyre. Did Mot Wreck Elnyre Home. "I hnav liat he tid ual vreck t-h. home of Ot-nyre. Et-nyre aivaya tréat- ed hievlfe crueili' sud vas manuel' jealous ai ber. Lest Fobr-oary bknyre ashet Mn. Balyweut mysef t-o din- ner et bis bore nesd turing t-be dinnen be beoae e nsaneiy jeaiouea!oflier vitbout any ceuse Whtatsoever. "I idt l nov t-batBarlov vas vlaiting Ms-s. Et-nyre in Chicago. He came ber. lr.quemt-y t-a see me. bol lie neyer mentionet ber naine. i dit not suspect anyt-hlug. "Barlowavndut1i ereengaget se- cretiy. Na one hnew oflIt sud ve dld iLotInt-endt to be mannietlin-medi- aotely. We were flot ready t-o an- nounce aur engagenuef! yet. t-ut Il- le ail at-en nov." Wîi Not See Barlow. Misa Boil presented s st-uty. AI- tbaugb site aaid lt-at ber engagement bat bain broken, abe atl reaint-et any Intimation t-bat Barlov bat wnech- et t-be Etnyre borne. "I bave not been lu t-o ses Mr. Ban- low, aut 1 don'tInt-endtota" sihe con- ualiniy admit-ted Thesday miotong ait t-be BiglaNewav, t-bal abe bac! broken ber eupgaîeeltat Corporel lisyford Barlow, Ooepany i, Fiea Uni-ted Sltas cavairy, vito vas shof sud serlflualy voit-ded Saiurday ntgitý by Isaac Étuyre vbil. lu t-be company ol Mm .Oua Htnyre. Nover - supeed U arlow. '«l den't cae t-a tieçuss t-be t-rgg- edy.- see antiued, hen voice vav*r- ing a bit; "It Ia terrible. 1 huav ev- si-y one caunected vith ILi neyer 1 - aI hlm by t-b. refining Influence ai every tay Chrietîsulfi'. Lau. neformet il on. ulgit- ln lump viien. lu Chicago, Wo dodge t-be police. b, enteret a lightet atone, t-o Sud it- t-e le itpsciSc Garden missaion, t-t Rock af Agafot mani' a Oicagoas aI the t-lue. once Iluiee became couvent-ed and iral al desire ilonger t- lie a cnooh. The vaccine tbah vit-b hlm. to, 0 veli t-bat be la slraigbt. dean. boneat- intustriaus and well ta do ail t-be WmY tbrongb, froi-th t-b p oa istlapolishet site. of bie bat. Ha'a 11mb- si-t Lana n0w,. gley=a, eanhau ë- t-es Amendcait.. Il vas seveuteen yecnlacga viien t-be st-ains ishy i' u-le mission orgen luret iira nsmale. Mis firat- »b w oua t-bat dom- mandet $7 pen vit-h the Cit-cago Rec- ont-Heu-aid, not lien gains iii't-bat name. lievwa& ailor lu thbuild- ing, eut vhan the veeter eyes ef four Other Isultara 1itf oa»bis cft-bhat lime plug Ugiy fan, liey abuddered a"A quit-lu a bodytetehlie ovuar rhat refuaedtolaPuttheii.bODti ta ia. Unâe kept t-tait ponrWlau, ClinublUg. Mv- Ina. Nov ,'b. gaa aboult leCtil la churci sud Oallr andtauam, Pr- Ina ltaI lié Saviur 10 teai a"t-t nea sud imarclitl. tatklug OBI' b ise 6- Penses- Rchard -,&» doem't seat mi' mot- t-hh e axpeimeas. - - lgh4 atavslsiOMlYeom 0aice.» 11lit b. ba&seayed éuoeb ta keaP hlM. peupla gasasd ',bnd- ihotleY1 liesi- le a-y drastMidv-il spoken 11111e M.,ia lu-boy lt-, e» lut-o Cim»ciooE Wtt$82.000, maney biovu Iramid aes sud ua fort-b. 'Hems go difre"t nov. &rreSt Pt. Sheidan Soider Churles J. Roberts, pv'lvate. Tv.nty- ,eeut intfaut-tv.Ff.PL eridan, vas an- netet Salua-day mornnng" at atane. af ilbt. Grisa., t-uYa-- *lI. Hlgivoot, vbo charget t-voattacha. T'he case hbau entnlnuetutil On. nexI Saruumiai. ,The 'soitier enliltet oui' a e evmoulu ega0 kt Clifnnn-ti eut la notsa t dam'maný. ExMayes- Moganu,Ma-ou- sevemrï, MerobaiHUe& ahi, sud tva boy - ituaise, vit-l ot-bot, vais liae tntfrmraLgbvod tlit YOL. Naval Dei et Cle0vi te E Comld Nol lai1y 1 Thuub F And b. Oesel (Prou t-he SUN). aM-anhedt4t Lian ln t-ht chance ta lie vont', nid t-be u necrt i- mer brauci suddeuly( et bvthh mti Cleveland vwit-b Chics et. An unc( fan t ut-1 tte r prospset vb. brake "aIas ahi set 19, t-be vilasa bave lot allpâtred j lus abatiot- Tbýràsdy lm self ta SE cause or oarps la1 &coq* on cau"l. z Harri' Wl and 5»w f a tatoa D char. qu amop, or navsr ber sill.d t-bs t-Sou iera day for fi prom Wilon v feterai hi enisatinen M. S. cc vhiie an fa« tt-at service t CorDlng's This ti-ltS- ceived t-b service s Tii. e 1praceede. proeffl f puints 0) data wvu finalsacc fiuget Dr palt-4 toandud bat des Frankinu ordering Piilisdeli uet been "Me b maid Dr surgem ioyes "But I1t1 bave se les t-ly 1 j ana mr. ana mrs. i. o. Coleman "vm get tue bulamiL 1

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