CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 6

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g Cw hsceoillat for sanuen tws - un abwsutli" to nîlilorsala sme usui " iha t Me bOtoy oetireasure iuntingr -at the lairet news trom tisean. lm airnot upset tise ttltiional dit- of the dîrectera of Lloyd's, lbt Sfguos maritime insurauce corpar1h- ttienlaite viose iottera these reeov- -areS niillions yl Sfow-eftei- iyiug for jur an iau bunilred years ai tht - httons et tise Zuyder Zee. Beseed about their table madé et Uic recovered ruelder of tise Engills figate t.tie-the treasure ablil vhleis sankln 1179 w lt 1hcargo ot nsari> $6000,000 in gotd rnd olver coins andS bullion-tIse dIrecWMOrZe Ubyd are iavlrîg ties aisfacten of bnndllng corne hîudreds of coins i-e * oterS fi oni tise wreisk, while gumiC cana«n ball, tise butile'a anchor, saie epittesand chaîne ad bits ' vùouStram thse huli, receitlY.reoiveS, turther prove tisat the bottdt of t tir 0aean off theliia*nd oe t rschei Uts ls 451bMtsg ii<ed Iu valu. - Tiree alge lftngs tu tise Loyd'a qè%etiat '"ipay, tlen newiy or- l4Jý nureS tise Lutine and lie Itumcrnge and dul> rmade geod th [ou ba. z* his oniy reccntly, afler a century i et siiassnic efforts-now and then grni ueasul-ife recover tise timure. tirat Lloyd's engineers have devised adequate mechanicai means -te etempol the ocean beoite yieid up th .'fflO 0In tain anS brllion os- , Xpýtéd t he stili buried in the sanS. %M M 'ioruivage solip, carrying tise _*" oomplicated Wyecking anS dredif- âspegrtus yoi deviseS. afierses-- ýýw-M ýmoulus ot prellmmnai'y vo-k, la aq tuli tooch it viistise ee{siy bhild j" or f the aid Lztne, heneat i scl .iasgst"I exiet Jise buti et the iong t. O0f tresure. L aeümous Miève bas iseen erect- 1 raIlgirler aM Inlto thsthe. lu- -,ruireisand ireamutre are lu oee Immensne stream. Tise fieenongis to retan every lus-gr tiaihait a soverig, la about ties ie o ui-nickels, ý_,ieensequeutl> ihore la couaidon- lusl orkto te b doue On tihe leftInlutire sieve. ',j 1 Ajs huil ofthtie Lutine mut long b ' bboken up, Ih la exoec"e Setdpvsu penlodtiçaly te ew ukidagClay trottesi vblci bave clearedof eusnd viii cf àrthe i. nsng bas-s o! -te bb. nuched I>y 'ue.t othmn biug lovee-Sd Irectr -. Itue'sooé s ve. - riteds sboVfibat the trea- ý*-os tie Latine vas nuttire làa&,heggvetmea«t le as- Mutine»tirett- t-e e t bo7 t1801. frthkeof-sie- ý1ke arcit asuprt4sbIe trs 'i -%yO! vus nobligeS te postpone - Ui' N"golémns vaslilte aoUtity. Ixg Hellsnd'ae dam te laI the Lutine M!yelt--lnte'fed vitiS Ystems±lic 'OearcIs ut.i l1858. wheu divers again le±dtic vreck and brougisi dp tise ~)0f thre old frlgaie--wlcleioa in#tgl .%b. cornnitee roun ai tjep.O!s vlthrler- relira. Tire Dutoir flsrerflk werte so ei- ç-ltâd oer en iis reuewed tocatius.tof t b# tesare tulk tisai tiscy awarrnc ,'Iseut Ia ell maried boalB until tisey b$.ad tlie iris-en off by ai Englial ~gm>met. Tise work of salvage yent tntil 1861 wth an addltional iotal o! $110,0inoolu ~iotn recovered. r- tnangely eennugs, recrdas sowing Ub>te azsonni ot treasure cesivied til r-tbe Lutine baS disappeart,. MW UAoy«s vw» ludebled to tise lugenuitY -of the Dutci slsavers for Infor'matin viinally pros-lngtisai 5.000,000, ti]l g *rUatns t revart preaest operatiout .f theII-slaid of TreriýseIiln«. The ]utel geulus bas-d iis ettîrate Oni lia act r-lait the bars of ssi- erait ,IMalready recovered were stamPed - M - -h ertain iciiers and numiiers. in - -1r4iatiug a complete 8erica anS tisa ;-* mot.einsni numnbers ana e i ic ;,#egldk show tise proportion ofthtI r-il pmre tll resng lt Ithe bottom or - df '-:.aer ndingi have rerlfied ibisaes - 44,~to.-uiowlng usaitiser-e vere li ~I-*0go Id and slver -bar-s u thi 't,.4zbolS Acordlngly au inter 0ut.,b uated staiernent o! thse Lu t>0 tmaesure as ht stands tods r ý *,< th~ Ie treaBure revaIning l tbte setucin l$5375,5n1. - wev et é i, attrf moretisai ýÇ.ýkoÇ 1 - 11, - - 1 t carif ~~t~Igî-~âI*êow ruar ,les 'Iras. aM-. - ~'tns Ii~ $~r*0~iedmay Belng abo* ta Quit, tu 1 IWinl MW$ *Sq answers topry* eho 6th of 8ep- oel et Publie 4Âuctt Ei>onthe H. B. 10 tomber wbl i be$4> two and a hait Price fari, 3% 'il0es Wet of Wu- 9,4,1 mUs t a n lmig efand 1imlle ment of Qurnee. on 1,500 e Vt.laJmigTandavenue, OU., lday, October 1,2W m a fenca mý wi4t foo struck a huil- 12, 911 eaI fok . ni,4-tie foi- brood g stock of dirlr~n atrurà way as te turn !iewing .propett;7., colit cai ti > aakf The aprain was so sud- CoMq, Hé0 igec 2jsi don ,and severe that,î toi ont. bl 7ranchrrlow5.1 3-mourir8 Holistein ai-e ea buli. 1. bto nt ZiQ e%tb150é lbo., matlhs «W ttlfôught was te a l]a man w*hoî1irown maa, 120nie.. 1 bmwn us»if remOise huit just passed In a buggy and asti 10 yoara"old, 1800 lbn., 1 bay geldint, coingD him to, tôke me holte. ot I diS flot. 1000 Ibo.,' 1 brood saow with 9 piga Perchear lus6d.-1 paye taGodforrelef,3 shoats. 126 whte rock chIlckens. 50 OWUcO Is~aitI rayd o (d fr elifRhode Iland S Rod, 12 turkeys, I pair Stwie. and then started borne.,lipng for Toulouse geeSe, 1 palS Whte Pekin unlik. 5S sibout 300 feet, aftere whlrh 1 couid iduck4 17 Gû 1tireà hens. swiga 1 Walk naturally. 20 acres doM I14, hock, 50 hushel aoie. 1il 'receiveS rny healing.on the I8th;poiOtoCO. YOifi-50 impieents, Wagon», etc. eard ut ot July. 1 bave no record et mYl _i nea' disk grain drill, 1-MeCormlck nid, 4 e welht until August 4except by cen- 1rke, new; 1 rieerlng zcower, 1i sprlng 40 hi-ai parleor. This ta a lst of dates amiSitOuth cuivator, 1 i tond tooth cul- OOWi welgts;ais dAes o phtoaa 1-tlator, 1 lr'on beani piow. i set tronu ni-k ni weigts;ais daes o phlogalyi-9lever Cdrage.,1r 14-t Sliciter, 1 truck le uder ii *Jnly 22, 130 jt.irdg. Pbotograph gy, i coi-n oheller, 1 grindatelite.1 1 wai of h2 date. tankheater new,ieflt double irarnes, LtiI 1 gl inlehanek,8 Min, COWS 1 Ii&U August 4, 14Z »ounds. hleu ity Incubator. gril otier articlesha Atiguist 15. 152 .poundB. tue numerous t ention. wagon *Augut lgèl6Irouanda. j Vui Terme of Sale. Âuu%~ <3~W. 14, Wlnot, iuctioneerP. p2 .singie S~tebe'.~ 76 puno. aulditig. Wk dube Septembo4t 19, 187 pounds. toai Septer ber 3.100 pounds. Photo- roý rînderoixited. beî'î arbout to quit tfibobsl grapli pt thlai. date. farmiugx, ejl oIl ai ç *b auctioli un1tmorh3 "DeSecen B'eoey and wife of Zion t 80h>or bealuiaus 19ujce oîr>tî nh tiom, ca wit#m a th firt th ?1a i-ov e anuS rbut 4 iudr-e wot of 2 traw hoe onw1ngs a ~b S-s tree Zinity, n ià rid*y, Oct. -27191il.cOUi- tank, . w4lh'tan ad tr. ý,Breeko of Zion mentirig et10 p nru:2 lu-ad fi,attie, r-k c-e of tomes te th, lut twOý-, 4 new teillker-a, balance î-arring iunoaa; ________________ 4 2-jeri- d but],E6 end of hornes. 1 drivoghoree, 1 bey mai-e,17,veoA olad. UtAITU I 1giay 'y >er% oid. bay hon-ew. . RACFU R 8 1 Myeae-c nid, 1 baj borse. 3 vear8 nid, 1 C.' W.Pl - ~broedmére, 83lho", veigbrt MO0pounae, Tak dvauage > ~ $Q30aooi-u in ebock; 2 cratks wild oru Ofr.aia& 12 ton taeh as.n ai-ru, viii oei cui1r~l Ote, eiogeoij rru binder, of Bocke - 4 Pietraju binder. 1 *ecoo t5wOi, bh CibaeA &i etoif exlt '.9" airPone ue t pse»dt.1 en vLoadei-. 1'Bain v-neig doa eestalfe. Tb&aI'soui- gqzraî"e r uhck vaion, 1 Bain fa"rtn Wagonî aith 5 beavi Yeu igotase y>ou if Zn o dtinx What- double box, 1 Van liront n ctar, 1 oteel ielrg , evqr . raid you asi or couti] w*,gîte wheei vriicrî, I milkwagon, 1 top geiding1 yoa u rogrr pi-of o! ur confidence in buggy. 1 et di-egu. 1 tubible ptow. i fit Coil ibe hait actaringpoaitleof Ibi pie-l#0e4 pgtw, 1 bay rasck, 1 pulverisor, 1 Deering aratiorr9 ralcrl geroW rit baornoe.,1 iingle bar- Dering W. coutld mît aBrd t n t r e musi.y n», )ravter tank, 1 tank heater. 20 12 dise, endorfflexoali *"9-T Eair Toule «sd cor.. 'lîiik1çaae, iding ketie, and rnanY trounli dune ta oIl Iseunr-s do, i it did Dot do 'rthL'rticeî r* da immurueta rueutitari. wagon ail we claime it wiLSaouiit aur 011- Wr.y ollch ae faon. Dui jtrras. witb wu oiaîsuu have .rried va away. and itexaîf - Mie, lIEoaeE BaSua. Prop. vantud '-liii fair 'Dic D fot rive "v 0e atis- GigognesVOUL. Atctiaîîeer I-f.à a factiotatethe user., tlîy would .loe* ectoitti conesqlitusia"dou tatei-e.n<% and>lu Having dSeeded te quit farwlieu1wiîî grîndatc suifoet u osspeiew er. l-'etaipublic auctiors ai Edwai-d Ba>es PUIlrys Woasureyo t If yonrr lie. '~lai-ut. hait mile veat of ltafihte o on, etios gil5stQd maurlg a>ot - vuNovombýr 1, 1911. commetirrleg nt 1 havé enva b-ataI lbiefai ont l le o-eu'lck Sharpo the loiiowing prapertv- I1lboi« [Zan I n(is l, troule, er'rdic-98,1 2 qi-uso, ibay and i back about fiii-a, dardrifstmnitebai govi. 1d vet cr. , 4nlkerri, 1 reuh, 4 sprtogeris, Preode 1 i-ovemit- lacatre hffgrl th'an"l ottr.wagon, wagon bo er*w, nilitOthfr a' abveupeaue bcornee oer tltîv. e,..hy rok, wagon pole, ne. Usua) te Two Sed *100- -old n i rlueiP neDow hay rack, Dernsc si;Ourise.. e... Baird toe. ockersouly ,2 uctlnm,îrg,eultivator. single W. a.,I ai oB-ueu-b xJ lons.. c cltvaser, Gale waàiag plow 14 ju-h. R- F- B atS Bond. ,doabt.bevy bai-ouis neai-Iy vo-, ingle, wag« aniansu, labout 10 ions tlmotrb> The Fo.oiriqhOn0,. bui; eu& 1504t> bbwhie catis fr.- ."es, thomble o<Pwan ewtias wir friw oseed, 850 aboee of coi-n, ne' At 0 kwmnilàlédub. ar 1«34 by a.pBaM àtrffihugi ~erpi. vbWehars-ow. gi-d o Dtoh gsad" ne00,10 Lt y~dts eikn 5 i .@& noo, 100 Jael toeba1,l " WC mll W«Itaorw ù a»-4 IMobaer, Caille dogsu ad dos boue, nSe b. tht.WBOSU olgirai 5ii rilU d Oale tribu, 12 mllk cane,ehunk tovp, elva011 t. ffoeeetie 4 swUtbest'a tbMIMs toN "ilother articlestuee numenau te viem"in ur a ggel vittira oe mneutiow f imaitei-m. ne1 &V cOftton.Tisa- tmb haP'l-ias.Jus. FLAMAiK,qrop. *th, y tove, assiioensa"flniffe-heU," but Ils ibiOI . ME YOEiL, Auciioveor. ma& dl mirae eiy uthchauffe bas takiou liIriSO t i 515C5the . iaving las Ravina deelded ta go to Caifor'ia 1 r Pltoed*'tiro -t ihimlmie on tire Ilimsir vile.1eat Public &aUctrnrtbeiornit ui et (iis lady ioyp. known as theies-tîug orns. * ile. _________ outhwet îLIWartkegaàl, % miles veSi r ~o 14th 8t rtrréel to,oat l4tli S' tl Gct'n MiIk ighiy Vaiued, on Douglias and Q-ri &faBy ironS, con bine il Tis-:i-oare.*Corct ot iotelgn writei, % -Vieoda. Noir. 1, »Il, rtom meucng daY. i ird s. i-sI expE)In, p1iO ailYoot tir: ak 9 o'f-iî's-k charp, the irllawing Cheidi e nutofgcat's mtank, for Infante d a-siW. popçrty: 130 choice boaS of ctle, 12 laoix cvall s t act theuis are sanitaritum f ljih liiicowi-, 6 spiingere, 2 heffero lpm Éli 1 areAnd Os wwerlafidt thît givo sprlntug. Haloeien buil, balance comnoln =,d t,ii'i i;hka piemtssoint »lace ln their i lacter. gr:ay bor-se. 7 yrx old. %vt 1750 4 yl V > bey maires vHimouait. wt 8(rdOî trnte gsotbgi 'rî,olmr.endýd 45cr-Infans iecause of!fiot" ' btîli 'gle and double, wt ofthtie tol lts ilm5iit1t ii <riOmPItlOn t W 0; checinnimare with caitiiy idp; 1Wet rus er',~ ~teamu work ilueu 4 large sirs, a few years1 ehaî,8geese, 1(91 elekerne, 3 t taie ~r . rriogh bay cnt lu jone, XO to-ustere boy. 5 ton aat bai'. eaorsiut for tîax I"lOns1>rdlie XiIwed un gr<ss i- ry qnagiiy oats and cori. Ià Bain vwagtrîîeIl ne y iw¶ARîykàsad.eto!mrrcuir isearly new, 8Sî-lr wagon risari new. of a r là fonr teetd &~ sagroun anS ileaîroy thse tarin wagons. narra. tire wagon(, Split s à naer- ell.enfor t te hair Let us juavtr iuc'k. 2 miik wagonse. 2 buggies, ue LI gs'acfuîly accent tfjý' Snewy Incteet 2 suri-ey%. bbh .1ég, dhruttie epriru*gure age They-ba"me xe wlh thse race w8 -ni-uk cati. br@mikuK ciart, rm vaica bias teen chabgeS hy Une anS W eeier 2 Slips, vater tankl. e. wagion Put t] s.Oi-o >ais taasaresofend a.dbox 4 et. ilump tboardà, lante bsahain narri. daufaes re oftnedandbox' 16 ft long, ià:islrae ebaie now, a noie beiutiftedbviite liait It le morse ccldiug liettie, ;waikiqgg utîratr, lanS ot 41gratetul nui çlignifir'd net te ptempi riding cultivioi-, guiOeriesi- si-alec 80M y te ripair tbe irsvages oftsf ii. Ibe. Uieushay lonsien, Bà ollad Isay loader, bay sake rClpoù mIower. Nocwsay kioe. * t)oi-ig rover, l. actio, drag, 12 Ne ýs .. uverytbing vîthin sand &bout " inch tulilo pieu sqtngplei, brunaig shos D-& t nve ws nteda taiplov. potateado g. oagebiner, &» P fui qhv bi$ tve as8icdd h b ornegasaluse egl, dhl iay W m . #a , th.. 141. Oui- own beihressDeeing grats iiptl.MeCorrurca Il ve1 S--Ad Con>fvlAàbt,érhe coifars 'and hbar>tin buder, set ireaiy helcer Sprnugs.on' u.4 -d oifl f the", areuDd Os. ailtiequre hay itipee,, 2 ,t.bie for mattesln, on-f 1 1 ttmlli houid labeur.,- - Md Moy. Eeeuomy separantor vov, 18 Saill: cols. e, t . -0'.$1 lke~Ue ind ruât ouit " grindatSo0Onv,, *pale dguble, ]artnae.. et dem. itire .' e t,am s or -on 2 singlie hanse..OK et, iwuebiaksts va ri tit Md eém te e*rybdýgratIn'seks, g raçk, guan là y store YU efe a a uteuffl la hd> ooel and a- kisdé o ilettois; 2 iraigi .e WioS r-a.i.3a eissu flu tclcoî'ke%, place par-oi' uuetJo ail!b.d artis. f~ ; 21 t pN th: withblbain mGttYeq.. 2 With M*erlirc* 0i pring aud n*tîre4e> trot and l MenldIy Thr- vi wmmi-ior. srn&Ii dr" wihiimiroi-,chor- commode, lI-u axbeffl,.i boaf« as et emYla the Ç%bh1eS Of Imagina noir, Large cook Store irÏagtbewaâmertUo ,U- tien, the. treagMY otouie, the re- heater, sash msilillro, h box, large '"L$ SIsrsy et coence, aS the euncil. barrai cis-,a0lnt '.bannai-aph , thiéi lu chantier of tiiosrgt.-Bsslle. vitb 27 records, and Other jamleis teeclKent Cor-k teOatCne. Usuel ter-me. Fr-es lunch at Doon, ton'.> - - - Cntr. . DUMCMrtisPnop. *is naraid Weihu ban ut sight, zo0<s~ teiht 1,10, 1 15101 - - Dld Ocolts C ilngt #U 90 ndI1g ote. Thogo culte moue oiS r e a udrehe- W, épaisc. ~ieperot acknoe 4ea p4WOtiie balance gi-aSed irt-% T1 ghedof catiii,40 mileha ttluiugt HlstinmDirbani as là ls~ioringere, 25 glvin aulr~ m 3 vearu aid, 1 1 oin DuBaibena 1% yearé IoiitelUt a olad, 9 alois'. 1% le, iDfi-raikiet n ertere ' lai, 2 siluirn cal ase4 0 mîînr-l i-ade oruim boifers '2 yearc oRS A af bosse, 6 fat bogs, 5 br-od 29 piga:2 moîrtbe aid. ILl1lî atuwei- 7,-lt, eut, iliar riigi-tii-ut lme,, 1 àleCloripick bai-seraie10 it culky plant,,) tlootie sa-crer, ing Piesv, i1i-Octi-,ii drag, 1 2. 1drage, j1GCorn Kimang -ndre rt, r Loyestoebey' loader, 1 rp aide delivenv rate, 4 il-r-ci i, 1 rnilik vegea. 2 singleimaw, le burgit#. à-,2.aaed euntr,% ,b hoakriela, 1 »et iit bernes.', r- liglilu issinme, 3 bar rai-k@, 3 , uliivatoits, l cingle inlivatîre, o iler-,60 obispisg tilk can". ceigise; 100 tons of ha>', 50 tons i., 2-- tond pland, 15 toua allaite, nwiid bey.60 touri nieat, oti e ts,481 A. i-arn ei-at nu tir .nter wueitekrr i galruvizod 10 irarrel etii-nplanter and tnumero .uî ar- ie b pble en2mtsws JefllMt i nsea of irmsp et W.abo, kSTas th. DIanik )a <oqur-,. 4i6.'t 191, c m P& ocic.Lvoigver'c ows .voroue ts ea-mu hei 80t5I atinr public autn 2mreswr-c ef5sllor mide. 1nerîh o [eamos, rtin yona' N1o"y6. 3 l ei, 1m gacrn ind te ly i ler,5 fn wmoyven, 1 bay rate, 1 pulterizui- !cern planter ucar>' new, 2-e- ari-ev, 7 foot ueeier, vide tirr Ë li viii h box. py r-ai-k wîth vagoo, muit wagon, set bobo, gai- dbon*e rant., sbonî 10 tons@iai- ey, mixed bay- n bai-n. 745 ebocks th bandper.di cans and coea. 1 tone, 175 0 et of rope, 2 hay lrrk b ad torner, 30m) huvhero oTt. be Sig$eu. jsWl box Leal iew, 2 r>' basse... i set buggy fbarr.-rs or., S é pisfly net.-, ier-acri oa. i laSSet',1 it, 1. istove. 168 bot et, table near>' mt", 20 gieee i-Siilidtosrpoue-anstmention. trmnsFP. .unchai noort. 1 CRAsLE8 Bavas, Prop. rr-r,,e, Auetuanoer, lqous, Ciei-k. idw lHe Votai. adcurcir court a. Vanitr'bd te m a delicate quesiona. Ulum vuiS estrange nom of iris oc]. &voteS 'niai liquiL" wb"la l lent teasakirg te bu excuseS, it day s ceuniry Sciegate vmu boy Ibis Pasier bed voteS <-m exed quetion. lie muid: "Thre dId net eeem pteaaed- la act teq, that Se 515 net like it" rall Millions e1 Vente Oid. setiied pnehistorle smiii embed- atis esrioeta large plot. et i etue, vas Sizcoverod a few ago b>' quar'ynm ovrklug at ia CIll. Waies, upan saine beuldseoefstnue wiehis ero roed la the landslIde wvisci oc- d oene yeara ago. .Tbe disnto- 0 îshIncU>' interestlug to tisa glats on aiceouni et tise great age e ind., siuated upon a verrY stra. ,It must -b. millions et elnce tis nahi limeS. Legal Qualificàtions. eerna tise;. a lawyer la sornethlug 2arPianter. He i-an ie a bill. a hsait, chrop iuogIc,-dos-etail an a- !nt. mnake an entry, get rip a case, aau indiciment, lImnelai ajury, thin lu a box. naîl a vihioes,. ner' sJudgr. bei-e a cort, sas-e 'e grind an axe,"* chie a client Dter, like tinlgs. Loving Friands. oer ceci asiate your frIands If b>' poacliblity you tan retalu tuera. i-a tise veakeat, tsf speudtlrift fe- au. drop tif turougi latten- or let eue pusir ansetier ama>', ve o si-alof froni one-turougli r ealougy. NWoUlO yonus-cvo a diamond Secause 1h acrati-hod 1 Due gond trionS la n0t ho b. aSe agaluat tue jewels cit tis Work on Stifts. îsrsanda ot mon lun ngIaS earu living i>nring a eetssid.nable par- et te year b>' rhoin abîlUt>'tu suad vos-k on tali etita. bMont et an %;éemployed lu tise iop-field ot tand other dhis-ricis. virere tir> Sdlaplaced tue isigis tep-laSde' %Olin lunue. Duns5tire pows iging seazon tise otilt-Walitn. 12 fr-cm r-he ground. pertes-m tue v ils case and vItueut hesmet0 Do' moation. A tnlial stlitMan do tise work of feus- gi,)Ye MMn king vitis stepffldoee 1 Nature'& Law. or omerytiring you have -tlasd. yen againeS soeting à f« o rtblng you gain, o*'Om oem Peoter PRussil $aye 1heSuppesition tiret thse Lai-h sWii Us maieS ta Un te--Wh&t ie Muant Ilu ise! Deutruotion of Sin and 1he Ovr-- MlrW ot !vil-Foilowing the Syrn. bello'Vire WililCorne s Blessing te Marikind-G&d'a Sçhc.5ae ofSa'evatlerr Explned andu Made Clesu'. don Tabernacle," r Luancauster tt, - W., wrs ci-ovdei- ioda>' toehiar He soae oftvais- i-talien rotielii re - te end of the - oi-Id. Heusesnt- f- t ed bis audience t iat 'tire eûrlh sisIdei .foeeer." -and i-mimeS ci- trte uere btiUt unumlnter-pretations orf Ucipturea. W. report hlm on Ilevelation X, *1. Tas f<lovs: Oui- tait. vtts etisherlipturi-iltate- mentis respocting tire end of tue vei-5 (fer litance.,Bt. Peie-'a tatemneni, "The heas-ous b.lng on lim sailibe diasolved">. bave leS Chinatlana lu genes-al te aci-ept tise tiscaiy tliai Ged bas Soir-seS ubat siai-ti'. or' at nams lima.e us eart la te b.e huined. The ear>' Cii-ci oxpected andi prayed for thsesecond comlug et Meisa. te ectabhilltue Klagdom ef rigliteens- ucp. te ovsi-tisov sin andi te refuase mankinS from If* bandage and veak- qtes anS tram the power of Seatir, and thus te bissa tise visle earth. restorlug ail hirings te tb. glorious conditions represanted tlia minti'clunBilen: man ln perfection,. vitu a Paradis oroe.- ActaeiUi.19-21. But as centuriOes passedti îtsnt tbe manifestation ef Mcaslals'a Kingdorn. thiee empectattoin ylelded te suothet suggesiion- namély. flinti lesuruisa Laitn n'.eint ,-ba ru il I 1r -r - -,: !- n[eant thaï: thre Clniii-hh ,buld inaît therori-d.nSers- sucpervsioaln. Sur- its a peried ot a thousaud ycars. anS tirai tiren 0He ouid come andti gse tuei- vos-k ERiestamp et appruval anS murS tisinga np b>' taking ail thre »Indti> esavon. seing lare ta tise eait~rhotees'tlaly consume Il. Caeies andArertestaittteMuels Cen- ' fueS Bouir Cathelles and Protanta have houopoe'athin bai-ney vitirttia ei-nite00tbrotii Cathiodes i-llimi tisat thre Kingdom oet ldeulani vwuset ap lougcg an a" that tire popes an" cardinale sam.repi-usentatlvus of Jas and tire Chu-i-b, - Tise>'daimtisaitirhe Pope in Christs Vice-gena-that la ta as,. fie neigna fauteuil et Christ, ais ElaWrOprentativ. Tise>' daim tisa- "tirdàtheusaad yeant" la ai-eaSy ln tue patAsino T f79.and tuat vo are nov iu thse "itW iemen" mentianed ln ttevelitlon Xx4. lan viici sBaitavas te be looset ahtie close ofthtie tbeusaud yea-a Mais> of tireu nderuiand tisai Prot- estaiimlb gonefal, aid. particularly, Beclalleum AntiFr-ee Masour>'.arc or-ganisations et Satan. visicis rlU "on ho Sestroyed ln tise buri-nlg up et tue wvend. Protestants ai-e aise mui-i contissed on tue aubject. Tire>' clim tuai vo are la tise neign et Messinh, but tise>' are net sure misai it hogan or visen l vrhll enS. Befene Lutiser's day tue Catisollc viesi- pres-alied, but accrd- lng te Luther'a pirai-bing tise Papa] cias vere taise. and inter tise Papal syauem vas' brandeS as Anticbist Since ihen Protesantics are lu cous- fusion. Borne r-ecognize tise Cisurcis ef England anS lia kingl>' bend as GoS'> Klngdom hlntise cariS, but tise>' admît r-rat it bas net yet couquered tise car-tu, nor»- 15GoS's mîildoue as r-n irone. es-eu lntierenitIishf aleet Tise Cisurcis of Russmake a sumilar climnitu helag tise Kiigdom of God, an« booai.tise Pape as tise relgulnm r-epi-esentatlye of Messlais, Emperai William etfQes-man>' aise bac un irI colas lthe iegeud thit 11e la reigni "b>' the grpc e t OoS";-tint bIaking dom la a part et Me.914lab's Itlngdom But cil tise- tieonles Cahhelice and Pr-otestants as-enem Ignortim In lu ir lighr t eus i ' nouestdate preacis guei- tirfasIfsWith preeent-fty enigîlon- ment 1h seemu tacuhite Seriars tirai tb. marlous klngfoms ofet Bsiopé ar 'M.esaWn Klagdom weuStisaItute> si- oiaUbUlisg a ri-agss t i-igisteetssneoa The coul!>' preparatlosfri vinmadi b>' tises.mer>' 'nationis dsaciedIt entire J>' tise elais tisat tise>' are perte el Meesilir'gieit Llngdom et rlgisteous nusaitdlppuce. AU dSenomlinatns engages!la mis rsiona->' mesk are pi-otairlng tsi 1theagît tisaI soucise verId iii hi ,cornes-led, tiraIt te second corng ai 9chits viitheofte place. ansd tbeî vwl cerne r cousumaifetn, anS ti rbtirting et tise venid. Bey sti-ange behoIlegicaf Tise heatiren, accordini ate reliaisto gos-crrment stalltitts, ai- twlce s numercus ioda>' rs tue>' ver a coutu->' ge. Six isendred miiloi tiseie vere trois; there ai-e ivelvo hi-u MOeS iMilleons no. Hem long wop 1., 1roquure, irî brIs rte, teoaos-et tir b. eorld? Andi If tise liatuon more ieu vprWted te sanse condition ef cl te lthe -0 NUIL n.e "MW ~ e Squ# relt#0 bat img isrosISl a.rps-e.slauiýp o tl-cerent, b qbrtpBoI. ojO ' e- Ns m ey ine *111 ii *»F#or ry longue oouR1.wr e hé'ir goiýr 61 <15. Iali»-day tise r-istou sbail Clé%- li «pdtieevldoére oaaS 15eeut off. the faltrful clinrea lo4er S*gla iter loreu re.nnn.ctien, ts'it1w#Rosai-' i-gi-hon, te glery. houer anS d mottl t,>, Wifn b. Risasiociate klngsana pilsa.te relgu for àa horiaud ycars <Revelation x8. rire Syirrheole D.str.sieàtierr Let ai eagait eione =t t de hl' seeram te eiC Ctisi ir e.rtb viii bu destroyed by lOr-c. te note tiraItimey arn symb&lîcaL 'Tirs" la fraqnniîy nse<t la thse BrlpCrecs a Lcymbol tsf destruction Thus thse Curcistalecx- horteS te mortify or kîli tihe flesbi>' nature, and 15 telS that theIlIer>' trials offle It ii assiat thcm lu thia vork. Tise opposition et enesuies la te be Sestreroed b>' vers etmeri'. and kiaduece, which, Oas r'ativety, viii be "reosis of ti-o upon tiroir bqado." Et Peter mnetions speclal triais and tribultions cemiag vpeu t4e chu-ch, desigrued te pur-tf> hou-pus-goeut and eoret-eti.dres, s. eoyos: "T7ini fi nat sauge cenceronth ie flot'> triai vicli te te ti'>'Yen, le thougis nome iltangc tihag b&PpfOud enMW yen.-i Peter IV, i2 fit. Paul notera te speciai triais upea tire Chuuein therb.end of the <lSPqd Â5ce. vbieli viiiconsume taise Soc- 4trie.. buman traditions. etc.. audaili taise failli, bat vhilb viiileate un- scatheil tire *ite ltlrand urne char-- actons. Ho tym,Ifi*DY>'mais milS ufflntibis toonelation gelS, cUver, pi-e- clousesooe, e& Sod . a>' usisie. 0v- eey man's vot shail bu made mais>' toit, for tire dey shali Soilare il. ho- cau&e Ih shali b. roesied b>' are; anS thear s@halli rr>'aer>'Mmous vos-k Of what srt 'Il in. If an>' man's ver-k ehide vhicli le bath bulit phereupon. ie e»bail roi-cire a reverS. If an>' man e von shail ho burnedlte saat sufer loue; but ho bfnsehf sah b. gaveS. yet no as by dre"-i Cotte- tirIons 111. 12-15. :i" rnt.u rr tîrltures donit prose itathe wuriid voulu flot be de- srroyed b>' tiri lailteraliva>'. but lte>'do pr-ove tira '&We"a V*Y fs-e- quonfl>' mentioned tu the Bible ta'o figurative or symiseicai mIuner. We mightiurnnftily the instanes; "Onu- 04din l a censiailns ru-- regarde everyting centras-y te iigbteoowee these ymbolico l"Waie etof se." lathe boock cr expladteaMr nlfy tire Second Deetir. uetac estmu- thon, vitrant irofetrecoven>'. Werld Uurlag U..iptueaL The snpplti tiat th. e rtWi n be dutroed b>' Oire, oltirr" W>or aven. vouid b. contrai-y te thu-f'tate. ment tirat "the earth abldftis fenerfi- anS thre daLimitn tiratil 5 tes-ueSi net il a in. but formeS 1h te bu fin- babiteil. (saaim is-. 8,>L One .1 tise ver-y etrosrg pamgasse icli ucema te teaci tiraitishe eoas-wil . behodevenred b>' Os-. e tusnSln 7Zepisanisis iii1.l8: -Wait ye upon Me. satiste Lord.u- ti that Day theu i ris. up te thec Pi-O>. foi- My Selerrmlnstlon la te Cather tire nations, this fmn> assembhle tire klng- doms, te pour upon tisem Mine indig nation. evea ail MYtier-ce augen: for tise *bie arth saiboihoevoursd vitis the fi-eetfMr Je&lOniY"--aset'. Tisaittli r-e otGod'a anger mincir vii corne upon tise vorid WIiDnt do- stre>'tise physical cai-Il i, vus il ias ln"sblfanMa but wili deatr>' te ev'l et proientinstltutlona. la sioub>' the sureeediag sentence, viu e eciaica: -Tisen wvii1 turu te tise people a pure Message, tisai tire>'mnurai al] RUuPOn tire namenetftise Lord te serve Ii witis une ceusent." If tire ire eft tis -teit ver-o literai, ithe cartis anSdia Peo-i 9pie vouS hbe no more.,bui as 8>'nbol- t Iraliris-oIla percelved iliat lhla d buru- aIng aganAst unirigbteauiszs,.-Inniut>', jsin, tise eveitlrcof etail Institutions et Bos-Il, and thse- awsenlng et mankind r artd pr-prlng tiism te limai-tise Volte ef God, tise langnagcoe the Tri-tis, the DIvin. eesegt. What ve bave ceen pi-ePanes usfor' a thse sameviat more diMcuivtatoeen ôf Eft. 8Peter- "Tish )'e t tisfte loi-S w ifiine as àA iin thueisnigbt, ln the ti*Wlil ths eaS-en ira"I pain away v1tw" a great nolsér andSte le lmeAtti a uhai melt vitir fer-venutireat; 1the Osrtir ial»5. anS tht er-ira. tiraare thrtrin, gMsha b. burned np. 0* 5The isoaens. on fine, shaîl b. Sfsslved, ad rtireeMeoments shahl meit vitu ferment h eat. Nevertirelois v; acceidiàg te Elles propOse, look fer a 11W ev 4esu e and a )New Barth. miser-olp dvlletb nlgbtcaaaucss." -(fU Peter' 1f.i, lo > tToeisanmonlpe tle. w>vao 'l5 ler vîtu otiier Bibile slalpmneBbs. v muet toasider thre '44s"'oraem nlonod te -ib.e ymbolfcaL Net onli>the se satIsla te b. consumeS, butt lie.bpavensale, e Tise "iseaveis" i~' l tsg!*¶k Obrstand ,f b. dissolve&. A , V a Wisal boas-ea sirall ve suppose ai-v e, kerS nefeir-OS toi-ual le irlerai, star->' non es-en eur atinsplicrle beriensur yet tirhe awen etDiv-ine e, kr-ence aid gion>' Tise i-uri-bais-s sterni, tueeocelaatical povero< are s ymbatlcaiiy ret'el'ed te 'as tire 'he..v- foe,- o$M W MM 44 11W ~ Ae , . vrdi *llçuAC eII liesof eriBevprse léadS uno .tô c tirUtnttodoaklve ç-glautlecimil attempi rg a ttirof etise Vo tirrugir falisif w ur pelilcai ma civil poer, and Iba àe6àtldarale meagure oft ucuIens wvii bSdte IltxI- catios on thre subject aoit an aftempt te taire avay th. lîhetie. efthtie pao- pie outisel>'. tierecu.eit etfvsich l ii b. a gréat exploilbo, os- gi-ont "eri-r quak e," la the symlioîicrt lent"" ofe script6r-. It viii b. thon liant tise becs-ens vîll taliC Or'e atS b.consum- eS viii a gmet.noise. "rmon.le4Wis acter, etc. &nS tise fbnSxiop viii li-cluiSe tire social orde.' Th>e eleusonis viii mdlt mitir thbf Iit.uty et lire he o h tIntq,>,whieb is r-hdeu b. engndeed -Te lemlentf i tsociet>' ai-e tiras. maIul advastage;' an s- slstairceof etgeod people. uporu vIsle tise etabilit>' of gomernwnnet rosta. Tie Bible cdean>' intiuaates tiraitire condition ot affaire .pnhbfedr b>'the, mltlng of sociel>' an" tb.eilsltotgna- ing of ils iicsntelolu tire V0«C hast ofetrite ah that turne viii (butire re- sait ôtuanpertWtiooandl tuer. Tb@se nt vii b.- sînar-cli>',onras»e Bible de- chases,. isovr>' man' s a" viiiie against bis neleirlir.* Selflbne.s vii ha tise predo-inating, rnllug princple. Tihe syrisieoire Uaows. Tisequsiono ras-a..,Wby asimula GoS permit tire fai et bas- Ciarlail cystema, whlcir cestai>'ir ave.Ions dwurirtirai la morail> aalitfe-te thre venid? AnSdvliy a uoiti eromit tirs evetlrow et,lbe ps-entordas' ef thinga. wvih i-enviai>' la mmch.mor-s advaageons tirOir sas-ch>'and déis- os-dot'? Tise Bible anaver la 4bt t Qd lu onettforcng As hl u..but la merol>' allovis'g mankmnti te vot hles., i-suis. Tise trouble and Olster wiii came as tihes'alunai rasait of Igusorlag the princlplea af Divine 1ev. Ucclesl- astictas la uisatbireadtoetciel'.thai lt LisGoiFs lKIlgdorn. lumeeted vitb Divine power aeuS sthrft oll raie the verlit Thiafallactle And aStire attempute enforsie It vil brlng upoi 1h tise *i-e" vhieh viii commas, Thp wvend, negiectf fus e isGoldie Rule. ad beying tire taise standardt tirat "usglsmaie. rliart,"U6vwer thirrovunelt>'b>' pxuoIpatà% oo liébulveun thre ivo e Pedu- tbfs tautise. - kluQsud peincen oe" uébaid. A . lareins a"l tire, mases on tire otirt n. »Ach vli foui tint u a dctit avge bas arriveS suantthat qe attlle mu eb teagItrE. acir viiW unvanaatslly seif-conn et victiâ. Accocrds«g.e tire 514bh t e resait viiib.e cou- ple v-ec tet OUFPOM .sa oulul', ymboiicsl>' pletlited aus -" But tire Lordthvgo hétireProçuie Zepsianiah b15o utstW a raI llovlns Ibis tins.etf'Ire" anS troubile,.viii ciones ablescing te tise esstb, B lisae es Silas-es tir-oasis 51.Pte, tiet fllovlng tir. lymbolle fine. vl Coes "a Newv Bavee "ni,a nov ecrtbly condition, tise basic principle ef whicir. viii b. rigbteouoais: .anS thes Prppb.t Zephaulai s aye liai thon Goda Mas- gage, la lls punit>'. sraii reaci tire- people. Beti statemouts are Une. On tiere inset eut' pi-sent civilia- lieu,.viren nmankinti vin ho icir et hoart vir-istise failsie etfvisait Ua> liaS couslder-e4 te b. tise Bi-inala.4 lirey vIl bo to thetlotnte vboire tise>' siould have lbolzeS sones-, Tit viii penceive tise conslng reign of rlghh- eouanemaend wmlii as>. rLo tilla eur GoS, vo have malteS for i-Hm aid-Fa& viii Seliver us." (Isaahi xxv, 9.) Thon thre Prophet Seclar-es. *'The Stire ef al natioens*han came.," <faggai l11,1b> Alil nations are Sestrnug ble*slç. pnosperlty, anS GoS Sesires thiat AUl shah hbave tise ever>' tas-pr-, anSdtise> vitI b. ebtainb hietragls Mussalie Rlagdom. Thon tire beuing et man,- kind viH biegin. The MIliaisié King. dem, Invisible but Al-Pverfal, viii bc iiroronglily mnustu l is Sdatila andi lis r-lgiseoaa ludgments iiihavs coiti-ol. The. blesng wl* «ço»t tisionghIsriaed, cxteiffing te a" inl- thiqlag "ALIlthe faminL Une. t" e aflh,Z Bey gi-aSd th.e.tirauit tiret 1he Nov- Boas-ens viii4etire aav ecdlai- aslitai powor*-"tie iorbtM Chancir- chislt andS131lo rw1- Lu n& n pewer. Tise Nç, u"1 ssali Sb> lire Aposdis1yul ha tie novorganis- tion etfisunanu al' sogitthe, lnos et rlsteouo-th.e lOn RnIs. We have, nt- IWgdttb durnt' tt Wisat wva bave elWli laise wit it.I Wlîresthb Miiquof oesword tae maie lis rnMpigtu clous. Tire if>'- tory>of et (1gS.visei4aobeu kept se- -cret fi-arntira tnUIdatlçor Sthe avorid. e a&'l fb. ues. eMletted,,nelonger, a ms'sesy. "A.nd tire arigei svare 0 s e Usai tise lime shoult b. no langer [deia>'od]," (Éevelallen x, o, 7.) Tihis.- tu a nefnoteacto tihe end eoflâme. TMmie can nover euS. 011hr cr s-ptni-es phov tisaI ve a.lU ils met'>neas- thinOis, the compta haon oethte Cirurcis, vhlc la the "iLym- tes-y." (M;pheslns Ig.,8; y, 8ta) Wft the11.compotlou u t lie:-Chus-d (1tire "Mystar>"> viiihegis tire friMi- ment et ail tue glas-iona sxooliet the Bible reopeclni tirs ilftg oft tie eus-me frien ib rast: and tbe ffJuta blmies upen- Ah ihtsi> (lia - .-'---, r-- - - .7 - - - -t FOR nom FOR FUR Bb" l. FOR 09109 FOR euth FOR ville. FOR Folle boit ville. FOR sr. E Cent, FOR fur m coid FOR colt bal. Put -rfis r. tah- Wer. Il Olu T Ge( Cou Bow lai' lai (In col Otis tel! wil Col Co, mai dee

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