CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Nov 1911, p. 1

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KEKGN U VOL. XX NO.(' TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY. R 1911. ONE TO EIGHT $1 PR A ADVANCE. g e rn a n d re l, a th a oe t a rorrtreh e N v e o g o through the m1ti of the courts, whichi n-ik Bilakesleei stnograph trows a heavy rburdn of Cota on er thn thetzel buildi ng d May Impose. e nn en Both the state's attorney, and the Peo b u to arrive at the naval 1WAUKEQANt 8ALOONISTS attorneys for the defense hav ased Presdn Gree byrng Thron ofThousands ase HeFlilsiFOMRYe-E I O for a week's continuance In the cases tiTWO HUSBANDS DIE GEw ere alo tt o un y fth e t r First Important M ission in Chicago Vicinity by ý(ls iýo i isdn.HERE Judge Perry L. persons goes to ning Nava Training Station soews ae hi colors and l'scriptions, and back of1IVS GA N 4D TH DAYWIES A BIG Yl0TORY un° y crt "'" k of' J° u •th ga a banik .f ferns and palme, Counycutwy fJdeLM at No t hc g ar rangedi by Theodore Meyýers, a Io- Reckhow of thattcity, whois hearinglrlfoitiK 8 emlaTlSo n theargmens t qush he ndit-Placed about tire grounds, at a dis- Pearleu States Attorney Ac. mente in the Zion City alleged illegal Between Prteen and twenty thous- interior as well au fromt the coast, so, Pries7,ent TFait was in high gni n- I an of abouti2u feet, stood the seni- Cidents COnnected With vote cases here. These cases wetre of' and people assem bled to hear Presj- that the whole countrybmay. feel that it ure Wh' he wscleupn to mk tries, recruits fromt the satation which complishes More Than ented Monday and It ls probable that dent Wmdam H. Taft deliver a spec Interest in the navy that will nerve h is address, snd the characteri, ie wee assigned to aý post. There wa s MyStery Has Any Predecessr the arguments will continue throuigh dedicating thre United states Naval'it to continue to mnake the niavy as ef Taft smille, and thre face wrintlng hard!y a font of ground at the station, out the week. - Training station ai N;orth Chicago fective as possible untril the tis preual ith good nature, were with, the exception fteprd rhrHioetCiaoplc Attorney Barnes for the defense OP- Saturday. shall comne In the Ideais of omie of, featur es of the day In every respect, grouind, which was not covered by onDe ma1,wo died unelxpectedly at Mercy Promptly at noo.n on ThuRday of ened the ball Sionday, and Continu- The president and party on their us whren no navy and no airmyl may The smiile won the hearts of the 1e- of these sentries.omtl!s hrsa.i o nw last week the arguments of the attor- ed throughout today. He tondk for hl* special train steamned into Ilhe station be niecessary. Untilha time pat einatladthcrw wsob Evanston Boy Scouts There- to hîave been involvedi in at least two Lot Bo~~e On the state and defence lin the position that the alleged attempts of at two forty or a few minutes after. iotismn and prudence .dictate,,that viouisly, wild over the advent of the _ A bout 20)0 memblers of the Evanston Io,,, affairs and the authorities are ait ip, c~ase against Timothy Kelly, for alleg- the Zion people, had not gone far Instantly twenty-one guns, the nii we- shouild have a Davy commensur- nation's chief mnagistrate. Boy Scoiuts, headed bhy a bugle and a losas where tu seek a solution of nx ~~ed Bunday opening, were completedt, enough to constitute an, attemupt to tonal salute, based oni the magic mul. ateý with the dignity, wealth anid pres- drum corps, marched fromt Evanstoni thre mystery surrotmding Is death. ý1ul and the jury retired to the jury roum vote illagally, and Cited! Instances. Hie tiples three and seven, sacred nun- tige of this country and have our nav-, NOTES OF THE DAY Io the station. arriving there about Mrs. Louise Vermi.lya, with whom M I~~o agree on their verdict. eilimed that In order to makeé an t- bers, boomed out fromt four 1Dreggs al stations so placed that they may in-I Tw enty one guns, the national sa-c l e olock and taking their dinner hie boarded at 41r5 East Twenty-Ninth The state rested its% case shortly ai- tempt * vote Illegally, the one charg- Schroeder six pound-ers. ýNite the youth of this country fromnltas noiie h eatr at the grounds. The boys were all street, a lmoidt h wn We 4 o'lok Wedlnesday and as ln the ed. mst have received the ballot fromt An Instant later the train had hait- 'thre immediate ntighborhood, covering lue0 loanucdtedprur a umndt h wn rrce m .eBt the hand of the judge, marked the bal- ed and the Taft party debarked, being the entire country au we now do wltl1 P IresideTaft spokie exactly seven In cChicago anodicastatiouat foug tes orne Dady completed his lAtbe lot, and attempted to deposit In thelmet with dIgnitaries, naval school ofi. training stations on the Atlantic, the mnts i pehdatetrl etsi e oe lee ohv fore the Jury Wednresday afternoon. balOt box Hiedalleges that the vot- cials of highest rank, photographers, interior at Chicago, and on the Pacific. 1W ith the navy and the naval school. FOUR INJURED IN been mysterious. He was preceded by Attorney Edlwards ers were not given the ballot, and and newspaper men. 1 ami delightedl to dsee wha woder. 1There were six cars ln the presi. AUTO ACCIDENT After threée hours of questiceng abhe who made a strong piea for the en- hience made no reai attempt to votel ri progress has beeon made since.1 theeta ri.cnicdCpanHrigta b forcenwint of the law all over the unlawfully. Prsdn a complete speech al i of July In the training of these Grn myvtasofWuenOeLssLg.I ulCh f-cldo ov hepze.Tew. state, d'if only In Lake county, but the dedication of the naval training young men. 1 congratulate them; Il Gran Aryvtrn fWakgnOeLssLe.Isl hu. conte so theouzze Ther d d- t stated that Iake county above al], station at North Chicago Saturday congratulate the .Petty offleers who ýand Lake county hadt special seats in four SOught ' wacutdfrfu te etst should see that the laws of this state FORGES CHECK: the administration building, which the satisfaction of the police ollâeial, su ' Attorney Dady, lu his speech '14EN ELOgES williami Howard Taft, before tuirn Rossed the ba conratula helA a locrwe hwoe.Oemn Fran Ledo hc goartedhucompany writhte ci n in before the Jury, -proceeded along the ing to the audience addressed Admir- ing RerAmrfRsonhs tout a oeoe fhslg.adaoh r oo ur e a o proise tIo er samne lines, practically, as In the for-aiosag Set h ory address stated that President Taft has lost one ear, ua two other meno ute xmnainaytm h mer case, makling the fight of his life HUbn fLibertyyile Girl va o a Me t er Tretry or h'Na now dedicate this training school paid the naval station the honor of are seriousoly hurt as the resulit of an ls s"nt fer. he had secured 1in the formier case, In- Wland for the benedit of the people of that any Place on hie trip has thus south of Wheeling Saturday eing alther deathEr that have interested the stea ofcauinghim o wrk ess- M Fellow* Citizens-l am glad to th United States. a enacre egv ihgyee g coroner. He would not reveal theý bard, worked in the opposite way, hav e the honor of dedicating ithwin ag. The chauffeur for the family of Sam- and never was a harder battle wage Piefed together In completeness, the nificent training school, as 1 niow do .a praiseg toaltoewoaeouaeulIslpoehDfe fLbry-nms but one o fo th e tifat her in the courts of Lake county than Admiral *oss introduced Secretaryilbeen connected with the naval sta- ville wstkig tbr isid looin upChsi- obetato the case a*aInst Mr3 el.soyo emnHgn h lpe oteue ftenv fteUie of the, Navy voit Moyer, who spokie tion and then gave special tribute, tOo e, wathta ng e e fruied a to hi-hoa on agheTH Thuirsday mornIng Attorneys Field ilast week with his sister-in-la'w, forme States. 1 congratulate Congressman In part as follows: Jarvis Hunt, the architect, Chicagoan. On bridg abInu aumoile on h who died quitte young many year ago. and Harris.for the defenice MadeAn at- one of the saddeet domtestle tragedies Foso1en bet e h ope As 1 stand here today, and look at At one period In his address hie In l p lace teaoutoa mhile fraom-h Woman Ready to Wed Biontte. tempt to discredit the t 'tioy of this county has ever had, as Hagen' lion of his labor. These of us who this magnificent assemblage of build. paused to rebuke some noisy ones In inupcteatwihwsg- Mrs. Vermilya ls about 45 year of the two governamentdectvan of la the son of a wealthy Lake county know how things are done at Wash- Ins ymn sascae ihto h hogta ahrdaotteng at a high rate or speed, turned age, but that did not prevent her trofn Martin Coyne, who testified that hie farmer and heir to hris wealth, ington can understana ini l lg.iymn a Boltdwt oýleunremit- gter bot h slde to allow another car to pass,aa badl puirchased beer in the Kelly Ba.; Hagen, it ls alleged, before hie left, ting attention that was necessgary adsrnetsynodrtolafm ndundtofrtrl heaIng arng to ary i onette, whor loon on Sundays. This was practl- •' 'rn .hsaot onrtlt d write thoýe two namne you are merely lie sala that Congressman Foss is ait the aide of was onlyge 26 Se dno ko, b eally the only argument advanced bylforged a check for $50 on Frank Op- rn hsaot.Lcnrtlt A dbiged to chianize the first fetter. thre father of the great project. eseotebdgc Rresaid, that BISOnette was caoqlk the defence, who tried 'to prove thbat eka, a saloonkeeper of Waukegan, mirai Ross thaet he lis hiere today to. On isCn..ûa os h rigi- The program was carried out in de- away a part of the ralling, and drove ing with a girl at Mantenoe, - l., owtl ait latat one of the detectives, nramed and another, said to have been for a preside over these dedication cere .a ahe ong thee ofin tiro g p te heh uom- s Brandt testified Wednesday after- ireamli o a egor ad ans- Ifa owne ie a the reauýzer, Si \ Every detail of the program blie msigteli fLes h Mrs. Vermilya was informed that noon that he had seen Kelly in the sa- tobVonSrks oeoerpr ucsfli h rhtcua n ve have other training stations- gi,,n bieing accurately stated In Oht we, smashdIng the fegof Lscwho Prof. Walter S. Haynes, the Rith. loo onJue 2, henhe astheebas it that hie got away with SUTl mor concrete Workt, for he ls evidently the trenal.One ait San FranciSco N suovenir edition, which 1s fouind hsae ntefotsa'Medical college expert who ls exandia- sied t.hat Kelly had also been in the lcash by the samne alleged process. Hi atog nodsioo odron Goat Island; another at Newport. in anlother Part of this papier. eo knameso the oters anjued re Inng the organs, had found traces cortrom n hefistda o terathfer, itI said, will square up the fui adaptability.;rHadconst tosur an h hr tN-ok ti u h rsdn a uruddwt ve h ecmtagr arsenic, and she as*ed: "'Well, what Welch trial. Ilgdfre hcs aniedda ra osrco i to these naval training stations, in his own personal party, secret service is argentc, anyhow." Thomas McCann, a saloonkeeper. No chase after Hagen is being mn.would have succeeded as an orator, gra at htw aetdyatu tadcnrsmy n eaoscago to suendl a short timie with Duf- "They may go as far as they like," whose trial for Sunday opening, is tained by officers of the law The; There ls one phase of tl4is certe- 'hy, then Insut chufer Onees pending, was put on the stand. and young man's parents are heart brok-- mony*, as I look about this great worký American navy. We bave always hadrhi aeoulowtes h eia tained the loss of an ear and another said the woman In answer to ques- he testified that hie had looked arouh nd oe h far Tefte' ista oe oet ewt ra American officers of high ideals and tion, somte famous national figures at- sustained several broken tribse. tions, "for I have nothig to fear. 1 the oucourt a n room on th etheertday ofr.Thofategreat t achievement:ome ithgwet haveof always tending.ehav alayAllni thel]theI-jrhavewresimplyoChibeen sipunfortunatemaie I in Welch trial, looking for Kelly, but trembled with emiotion .\fonday morn- force. I see everywhere evidences of had American shi pis that have accomp Lake couinty was out in force and .furd eetke oC ie people dying auround me. My Btret tht helate wsnot there. ing as hie told portions ofthe story and: municipal bride and public spfft of cago In another automobile, and there LWith this the case closed, and the hie declatted thaet hie wouL not have the commercial boies of Chicago. Ilished a great deal under the offleers occupied prominent seats on a north cared for. !ubn a amra ed imatter went to the Jury. the boy followed. "He 'as, shown 1That they should desire this institu- who commaned them, but not always terrace to the right of the president. As the result of the automobile .himself to, death, th!ough 1 feel anh=un.- d wat e s,"sad te athr ad that tion to haebe1ihnaraoal under American men. In 1897 we Somne of them are personal friends of smashaip near Wheeling yresterdiay. In .ed to admit it. It was this way, JW The end of the fight of the statie and w hatlel, ad disanc ofter hat reat itis no sur hadl onl 55prcn felsted men President Taft. There was a short which four men were injured and the-beaevrcrles nd oln' the people against the Builday opened laenough.- native Americans. Today we have'and snappy levee held right afterl the .ewlook after things, and we moved bo saoos f auegn ndNorth Chi- News of the elopement was firsti prising; but thant they shoulId have newtrin elsedal $5,000 Packard touring CaR be- tonadsatd tr.Mte s aloono Waugan nd r told In the Kenosha News. The contributedf, fromta their pockets, mon- 90prcnko nitdm native speec. longing to Samuel Insull was demoli- twnadsredato.Mttr cao s n igt.' ei SN xcusvey ol o te llge e eouh o uyths it ad ak Americans; 6 Oper cent barn of natur- Following the Taft address the for- lashed, the chauffeur, Joseph Duffy, 1s :grew worse, and I decided the faLrm Granted a we-eks respite at tbr SU rilles y itdo h algde poui to beuse o thte gen - ar ýaIlzed citizens, and onJy 4 per cent mese concourse bronke raniks and bieing sought by an Insurance comr- was best, after all. Well, we move own request, saloon me are- todvteog foreign or non-resident. To day we proceeded to automobiles, st reet cars lay ho 'nue ie a gi back and apples were plentiful and thee eekto ramiga u tems oise- Iais1robbletha Hggnuwll evermen isan eidece f ralnptritis getindourmeniolutarlyradhwthend rain fo hoe. wy, madnsurdatelcrtaains wemadra ltnodcier ad i watth tlement of al] cases. comte back. Hagen 191 25 and the wo- and municipal genterosity that I hople ýthe results which I have toi . i you. Many remained, however, to inspect Frank Ied haCiagsffrdbrd eider that killed him. Ilt s believed from what ls said m'an with whom hie ran away la younug. this get Institution wilI forever What we are looking for and what tlhe naval station from top to bottomt, the amiputation of hi s ight lsuf rea Tells of Vermilya's Death, now thlait they will finally adopt the er. Womnoae we are getting are boys fromt our an dbuilding by building. Chicago hospital Tuesday, It is clalim. "We hadt lived together for seven following termas, said to have been We are on the banik of the great:Aeia aiis rmtefrs The exercises took place in front of ed the direýct result of the'accident.yasaddrn httm ebcm prpoedbyth sat a te os f- Immune Fro Tyhifae hr hstann col is fromt the towns, suburbs and cfities, the administration building on a plat- acquainted with Vermilya, Who was thrbl thtcudb rne:Otie ftemno h rya ituated, for the purpose of fittinf au and we no longer go to the steaport formi especIally precteß fromt the front conductor on the malitk train that ran 1. Fine of $15 and the-costs to Fort Sheridan, Dr. F. M. Baker, a well salorsfor war. Io am glad toe kno towns, the wharves, and the board- elevation and covered with flags and NEW JUDGE IN through Barrington. After 1 was a be paid in each caise, Including the known physician of Waukegan, ts the thsat thoug thin te bodter so Ing hous8ea for our enilsted men. butning. ELECTRIC ROAD CASE w-idow for two and a hialf years 1 mar. Welch and Kelley cases. first to be rendered Immune from ty- u toreakrn hn wter ndaita \Vhen I tell you what results be The naval station never appeared ried Vermilya and we moved to Chi- Eac ankee pe Ind bar- phold feveir by means of the agar urnoter e-bo, Cna tt ngbugt butylanbtieognt etehavntgetantda, ht atyCe Iliggg a o rn oJaevie tenerto ak th pedg nope aar erm ijetios resried i ineror. Wer have enotnre fe n z the t horaough manneort bt is ben with the sunshine, the cold. Just snap> SuCCeed %0T fU r-Wswe ebcm l n ewa court that hl@ saloon wIl ho os- the army treatment. 'onv eas eknwflet an doc py enough to make you sru Ijeton pesrie l Iteifeelbae ofotthat oce, Ibroughtogbmanr t abome thatuh amaocvotfelafternoon.k f na-brugt oeIha nurs-n 1aua ogq every Sunday while Dady la He suffered the first Injection of the dn In becaus wiein know the is n ne Salhwrtepre the fall Is here, and the mnilitary sur- Vee Rog Cfa0 Wa ed himi until his death. Sagte's Attorney, and closed right immunizing serum ten ,days ago and dhat ngeind hat dron a aes of ithsps was31pr th centg e ronglROdAÎlS Mysnhdmrie io n and tight. alscod TOnay.Aohfnitshemig.tht udeendd oreren othsdesof it wa oly3½ ercen; he iseOe obtelpctrequean speniddivrcd hr efre isdeahan Meantime thsresy o uh cand Blanchard, r pota urg a to illustrate the 'possibility of neigh- tance was about 4,000 yarde, and the features of the entire occasion was Uinited States District Judge Carp- thats how 1 got the $U,00 insuranos cdemned by the saloonkieepers, has Fort Sheridan, ls being rendered 1m bors living lpi permanent amity and great'gunsa were shot but once tn five the series of drills by the entire re- enewoihrtdtecmplicated monteytahsetteclcedfo been succeeded by the "wet" spy, and mune at the samne time. The Wauke- ea.mnus. Tdyagnsfrdevcruited force of the naval school. ceofteCcao&Mlukeee-the Home Guards. 1 am a solicitor Mome of the saloopis are keeping open gana man experiences no 1ll effects T'his training station illàstrates the 1ery thirty seconds; the distance has The drills were without armns, with trie railroa&d when Peter S. Grosscup) for the Home Guards, and 1 made my 9uhdays, or did last Sunday, while from the serumr, with the exception of growth Of Our navy and the chaliges increased to 15,000 to 20,000 yards, tiny flags and with arms, following resigned fromn the fetteral'bench, gave policies payable to My son and he t wet spy watched all who went In, the expected smrayptoms. of Its character. No longer are we and hits have incerased to 33%" per which the enitre companies of enflit an order in the case Tuesday- madie me the beneificiary of hjs. the, ad eresue tat he Itishigly roabl tat r. ar deenden upn he raitinalol cet. When I take that into ac-' ed men passed in review before tIR-6 He authorized W. 0. Johnson, op- "«I knew Smith was married when ad M~~ire sale. ,A system. of raps was ker will Introduce use of the serum sailor and old tar, picturesque as hie count the increased number Of hits, prefsident, who sndlied broadty and ap- erating receiver for the property, to hie rentedt a room at my house, but 1 1»d,# ls asserted, and no one got a Into this county. was, brave and courageous as hie was, velocity, and Increased distance, we preciatively. , purchase two tracts of land In Wil- didnt consider that uinusuial, because d"lk "who was got pledged and fighting man as he was. The men are 1200 times better In fighting to-' Out in the field the companies ap- mette anid Highland Park, costing re- his wIfe and family, were some place bounuden to the saloon interesats. serving In the navy today are the star. day and hitting then, ton years pecared to bie g-rown men. Wýhen they spectively $18,245 and $29,500, settling In Iowa. 1 saw% a picture of Smith ta- This, by the terme proposed, will 0 ling youth of our country. They are ago. There are 45,000 enlisted men apporoache(I the presfident they were claimis of right of way n eotdkni nauooie u o' e

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