CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Nov 1911, p. 4

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tCOuL>T1 OFFICIlAL, PAPER FfO1 ~g O0UNT~ j0ee retephooe No. 1I Mtoru iteideore relephone No. 1141. Uiertyvtte Exchânge Entered a the PoîoiwMe At làbertpvife. lt.,&As S.oond (Clama Mtter ILCUD WEKti. &VRTISIî5G SATER MAUX KNOWN ON APPLIA'iWOD SU13SCRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST qA*( L.HUBBARD ... ..... ...... ..................E ditor ..1............. .............C ity Ediior FRIDIXN(WTMBEI1 :,, 1911. THE UNMARRIED MINISTER. People who query why churches have so strong à preference for married mnnlters may fïinomse answers ln the trange case of Rev. C. V . T. Richeson of Cambridge. Mas&., who in chargFcd with the murder of Miss Avis ILnneli, in a case whose dramatic features wilit beceme historic. . The mnister who has neyer yet encountered the braini storms attendaot on pasaronate love la very Ilke the colt that has neyer run up againat an au- toirobile. N'eu can't tell what he will do. The colt may te tagg.d ail over with registered ancesters. The rnt as- tute of trainers may have curbed hie kicking heçI a. But until heý has shown just what he wiil do when a çhugging motor car arises lîke a snortlng ghost arcund a turn of the road. you neyer feel Ilke tîking your famlly t0 ride be- hind him. Even if Mr. Rcheson fuily demonstrates hie Innocence of thîs blackt crime, hi& fle tory mnay yet reveil a susceptibility to female charms that look& rather rsky for the man ini the frocli coai and white tie. The young clergyman probably thinks that he undergoes thé moat search- iflg test whan ha frst stands up in a pulpit, as a candlddte. As heauscne the c-ritical faces, frem that of the seminary professer who ia out guhining for an errer in a Greak dérvation. te that of the fiuffy maiden Who frowns on hie cotored stockings. hie tr4nbting hands can scarcely grasp the hymn bock. But the rosi examination day comas aft%ýthe.formalities of theology have placedi their red tape ipproval on him. after the sacrad hindi of ordination have been paced on hi* heîd. The reai teit oflen wears thé whit Slow- of midenl4ed. wehose dainty leet have trod se ittie of life's dairk pathway that Il fails te distlngsith b.- tween relîgious aspiration and &ex attraction. if the minister le man enough te say things that mon wliI lstan te. ail tha passions of manheed are lecked in hie breat.. If ha se te relieve tte pro. frusienal jiaabilities sccempanying the unmarried state, hanmeda te win and wmd soe truc hesrted girl saho wll assume the burdens of the miister's wife. But ai béat coertship has caîf-lke phases that assort but protesquef y with the starched preprietias ef the prienthood. Prom whlch It wiil be sean that the theologîcal seminary of the future ought te provîde a temale sosiex by whlch wifeesa miniters can be provided with a ready made matrimninalgermvent. PRISON 6'IRIPES. The recent announcemnent that the Alants faderai >511 is to give up tej 'habt of ccstumlng prisgers ln slripes sa enaet the many changes taking1 place ln prison mthoda.1 Lawmakers and prison officiaist &ve trigd a wide range et methode cf dealing wllh criminel#. Some mecnew living can recail te days when the jail et elmsbury, Ct; used bo chein tite prisoers' feet to inon bars, and theirj iasds te Iron boomse, the quarters reeking with fith. At thae ther extrema araete prisons cf Japan, where lte crîminals are psld for thiar wcrk, and gîven such a htappy lime tat tey oten return volun- tarlly. The Japanese Ides of prison clothing is bine and brown kimopasa of tdesifortable sppearsnci.1 Wardan T. J. Tynan of Coorado state prison, a notable figure among aloderu prison managers, kaeps hie men in trîpas for six menthes. After 1hat ~1aha takes off te hated badge of degradatîon. q - "if yoaw wil give me a square deai," ha then sais, -l'Il give you oea. B% * honset te me and yoursalf. * TIsas hi puits is men ln clive green kaitki, and takes lhem eut te ltha prisen camps, whoe they labor on the road without armeS guardi. Theman thilve piuysicsly, and do good work. Recenty soeafree men hava been .mployed on road jobs near by, and Tynan'a cenvics beat te frac men botit im Mthé, quaitty of thaîr work sud m basabatil. Thse matter oft dettes mayt.oeea smare dotai of prison management. Aetuatily it muet panetrale a long way lato thse coneciouaness ef every prîsener O! asy intelligence and sensitivCe. l-umanitarism ln thase putty hasarted daye rny go tco far. Wardan Ty- sOs*Iede& of wearing *tripes for at eat six months is very likely a wise pro- ,.-Won tu make tte iron qf disgrâce, sear te vary iteart o!fte criminal, tînder hie meltod te graduathl>e from stripes tu kitaki may ba qulte an inceitiva e u005o beaior. ln sotur as the prisener shows himself willing te live te norn'al ite et work and service anSditarmoîny with te state. he may well b aiiowed te assume te normai dresa of the citizen. jANY CARPENTER Ï *IL *-m - - .ldn .ýio Home Lumber d uidngMseru O t> Ittvi e, I . .T..i i O tWeR obu.., ild Autosî !H m Lus m nber CoXt iu. Teny * Libertyville, 11 HL PHi-.-«im 12L b 42 and esteeni of ocar felloîs nations, la lte prayer taI slioîd arise lit aerY i thatiluful iteart.b Dasignates Day as Nov, 30. b -Wierefore. t. Wiliam Howard TaftI. president 'of te Unted States of America, designate Tituradar', te lth day of Noenber, nexi, as s daN of ta&nkegiving and prayen. and 1 esen- esuly cail iipott niy counîrynhen sud upçO lal Ibat daveIl under te iag oft Ouîr beleved country, titèn to nteeî ln ' their accustomed places of worsitip 10 join lnt ofering praise 10 Ainigit>f lied anSd droýz t tinits for te iovi'igE inmeelas has given tb usf "In ititeas titereof, t taie itereito-f to set my baud and caused thte seat of te United States t10 be affxeS. -Doue at thte cily of Chicago, ibis 301h day of October. inthlie year o! olîr Lord, 1411, and of te independencceo! lte United ti Sses of Anterica te thclie îrezident. P. c.KNOX. -Secy O! State" OBITUARY 0F HENRY HART. 1 M-enrv Hart. an oi re.hl"nt of Round Lakte. died and Sas. bite 1led-( net-S,,at. l rat-sake- Set <ieO, lIc hulite cffiiatinc. Mtr. Hart van ho-n !ni relanti. litît ,6Slanti c -wItA mewr't.ii1M49 snd ç,ro-.--s. 1c - lit. 'lant ox tearn to Caillot ton in 18.7tt) dw- îg ttc zotI exclemnent. Il marrefILu..e Wi Ison tet ti1 10 d s-ttt .ettlIed in l.alîe rcint,, wh0.b jas t-ccp his nbogeie r tirice A at td,v anidti w. ciltirtil sniret t. .irIhr I11.r f Rond l:ale .tîd irs. Nia-t- t-abI- of Lakte Villa. The tarze aîetdauee51th, runeraI i!ts tet etrent lit whieb j.ile-iat sas t.ed le sas an Iboiteptinr.ti trinma. îu !;c Ettiilýd nman, a'ho -as cur re.tîlv t Ime k ackofI eicry Pa'tpîrovemcuitntinth vos 'o-r he ccc'] cf te cotimunvlfl ti1c. w. v a ftar]ecns itn tIextireenalu hisettlînt sanîd is lIndignationti uîld flatiie ont 1asail arOtir dOIlng. fil avas 1',dil d eerra(to0hetp h s iîî-itgh'-ttt vAnS btal,rla lait.Bn .t jîI bis ire. ne cas a miMe readur anîd avei posted uÛpon titi stl lecîn <'te-'r fut anSdtltheartrl, 0u -v.'. i tit -d on tlite'darit aIde of life. 1-le was ne t oftbr ie-pioneera avio baverro-ed In- * tti e 1h ie RPe1,ili irtlid'ig tîP lie tîtale plgees sud icakýn lc Ie u sO n iosqoltt as lte rose. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Not-ce sle bey ieotitat on lte 2 dtt -iv of Oeiot-er, A. D., 1911, ut a 71 Eet:ltg Of Ietiîoclhcldiers cf tite tXakll,egan Atestraitt (,o. 'la corporfin 1t otf Ilnois), lte nainteof salit cor- utltwas cbaitged blit at of Secur- itii. Trtte & Trust C-o o! Wautîegan. ,.tîut tt ilie 101h dat- o! Octobier. A. D). 1911, a ertifficate of aucit change ae- t ,r.tng 10 law. cas telit inte office of te, Scretar o! State. of!It be Statcf Illinois', ad on lte 319t day o! Octoiter. A. D. 1911. a certificate Of stîcitchange ces fled inthtie office Of tht- Recorder o! Deede, of Lakte fous- e', linots WVaiikegsn.tIlinois, Octoben 31, 1911. WAITKSIGAN ABSTRACT C-O. tly Tbeo. H. Durst, PreBident. 4.Waîîkegan Lýaite Co.,.filI. + 4. Corporate BSa] 4+ +. Waiîkegan Abstract t-o. +. +. 1+ ............ Oct. 31 Nov.7-14 Mxsh 't"d on Lake' lo.V*Iuable Now Freeideift leues Proclama- tion Prom (flucago Prestdent Taft Mondayinli the texn* porary capital ofthlie United Stalom-- "htcago-lisined' tis ainnual Titanks. giving proclamation, raling upo thlie rîlîizen8 ofthe United States 10 cete- braie Thiursday, Nov. 30 next, as a day of titanisglving and prayer. The ptroclamtation rends as foltows: "The people of*titis land, bavlog by long santiton and practlde. set apart towerd the close of escit passlO.gyear a day on whicb to cesse from thieir la- bers and assemble for lthe tiortose of glving priase ho Him who telte suth- or of the biesslngs thet- have enjoyed. il ienrny duty as cblef ececsutjve ho de.lgnale ahthtbs tinte lthe dav for the ftultlilmenl of titis devo.ît l,îrîose. Nation Signally Favored. Otrcouîntry bas tieo slgnally fai %ored in imany ways. The round of lthe seasons bas brotight riich harvest. Oui- industries have thriven far be. t oîd our dotuesie needs lthe iproduc- tions of our labor are daitv Oinding en- largel inaîkelea itroad. We bave been free fron thle corses or pestil- ence of famine and of sar. Oui, na- tional oyte. have furtitered lthe eause of iseace ino olier lanîds, and lthe spirit of benevolence ha.,itrought us lnt;> doser touch wiih otiter peoples. to the atrengtbenlng of thte ibond o! fel- lowablp and good whll that link us 10 cuir contrades in lte universal brether- htbod of nations. * Strong in Senne of Rlgitt. 'Strong intte senne orfor own rîglut and ineplred bv as strong a senne of lte rîgita of otiters, we liva. th pence and barmnonS wih the world. Ricit inthlie priceleas ptssession and abundant resoiîrces wberewitit the un- stlnied bounIv f o!id lias endowed lis, ave are unselfishly glati wheu oiher jueeples lises onavard te prospertty and pence Titat the great privileules we enJoy xnay continue. and titat eacit comlng yenr may see our country more firily estaitliated li thie regard lin ente places tiînyrar's croli cas sot au good as itut 50 per cent of an average crop was harvested. An average yield la front 501 0 te " buabele aq acre while titene have been big exceptions, 'citen front80to101,000 busitels per acre have been gattere! front certain localiies. Pricas tis or wti3t the yellow and wMtte Iso yen know that lesy Vtabutsa oft ml 101 lefsi w oîad coal), *ltboià lii bononoý utofonl and siooe. àsql gietL@ lire a e vy littlie'alr <a top, vb o he6k lte stovp tM' dagipar îOo clowely . Uèe Pyrolitp w agb.êd ?qut. Toq Zyel ,it, from thle Home Lisusitr Conu- bas lleds olocely. but lightkV. :Mid eat'e .ongh air sase lttit o ra Te bursa Ml tue gaces titat would olbarwiae make soot and sotake. -t Now la lteMineote)li bave your repalr ag done. At lte san ieotuls D- oil yunr tarnais for you. $1.00 per Set toi' double harnea. We tguarante. oalJ w ork. .I1LucE &Cto. c46-tf. ONIONS! Magie Word. Dont belteve Tt? Rare'. tte proof: Port Clhttetv.oct. ,,i-whiielt, union wlth Its offensive oSai' t. itany persoue Is vary repii5Ve. tg otitera Tl bas been one of thte moat attractive smd qulekest mnseo! se- curnulatlng tortues. Te ta gtral public IL la oct ktOa taItte shtores of Lake Erie are being reclaînudadiSltat thous- anSde cf acresetfiarsit land, wlytch haS ibeau co nsidere$ practically wortb- laees, aWI T ew brIng front $126 te $160 an acre. Much oettetand lies ln Lu- cas and Ottawa countes wvierate ricitest anlonfilelds-,t inte coutnry cas ba tInda. Bono la kitowas anOnlon Town." TtlaI but neveu or eight mites freun te city limite of Toledo, lit Lucis county, and lias sntme of te largesî %vealt liroducîng fieldsin te United States. G. A. Howvard, vuiose borne la lit ('Incinnaitasb 13,000 acres of uaat landS, il of titenureclalmed. Fvaeboi- dred acres cf titis williacon ha ln en- ton flaids He now bas nearly 300 lit cilllvatlon. Henry Rleno of Toledo bas 1,006 acres, of wtici 300 are ln onlcoa Ha bas receijtl reclalnied 4311 acres anS bas tipeni for dredgflng anS dling on bis farni over $12.000. He bas over six miles of dîkes. nie Ohio Farming and l.and Co, owndra of several Ibousand acres, have over 300 acres in onlons J NI NlcOee of Elmore recenilî îîtithased severai tbcqtaand acres of niaraitlandinSlt 0- tatwal coitty, avii1, ilI te dIlueS and reclalrned foi- onion culîture. Titere are rnany oîlier fields of exten- sive ares. vear baie been ver3 goed and are front 7-..,t 5cents aitusitel la car lots. A car ailI boîd froint 450 ta 650 bus tels. Reno, duo was one or tite tiret t10 venhure Inthie enjeu industry. tarted avit one acre as an experîntent Bîlteen years ago This year te avlib aye. front elgbly te one itundred cars. about 50.000 busitels. Ha bas a laite frunlage o ofotmites ciits a arber tor btoausfor itauling (mieons te U&P Toledo marktlands torage ibous"p. WlbIthie rolui- uiassabta, as they batve ieeîtt i l al. itoals are'hauiling front hwcu tn. ttree car loada nt ose trip. Oer $75tit t1 v, anssxt Isat u-ar on titis farni forti îtngaîîd drainage. A purnîtîng station i iaIalneod to lceep thie aa'er froint fling lte lands. Dites tienerai feietbu-h are titroava tîî, te k-et.baathe it- aler frornlite lxe, Canais avtit a 5<-ltit of!r r0r. it(, tI-oin el and a width cf tvîl-ti .t n-;ibt eu otlect the wa:-. t-t s lte lantd, anSdtem î1ilnIun.4 s d -tek inl<u the- laite Ti qottie Ont t tt , aviene Il s uitŽeesary ri t. i 1t. -.Ier j.. jtsî1,cd front lte laI-ctIo tIlt-. fjelds. Thtinaiut2I t itIs cf nor h eri Ohio -lje t 1_ i t ,1 lite geowlt o!fteon- fotîlîti tn tr (uteait Ie tînetifor mlan * i t1, tort- losîltu ' oilof On 'h . tî n tfain. hi- I, a tariae - id rItt:. 9. P'ni bIti,!Il hA1 ru itt .- -- eighty i-a - TI,)rp' are tIWrht, îlisliving utfi)i-rili boutses oriti Il i truc -nd ai tites I lre arce as oncie ittndred 1tr-.ons worl.lsng itth icîds. It je repcrîtdtbat one gros er has. laLIi £îîf -,-, ,ti-lhitfront bla lwo-acre1 cpatch, n. ir !i.ctuFt Point. in Ottawa, ccînt. ilin (i. N lucitofetihe nuacait land i i, I ,c-elcn was bougitt as Iow a- $5- n acre,.btlt ould net te rc hn,-1 it I$125 ait acre. On Mîr. Ren-,,'. farîngeuteral farmîng ta à!so t îrr iti ti. Onue seas-in citen te uiAuona fi:Ie-, le marketed twcntY-8lx cars of îtcI He bas alse taken froin tfour .11 a itaîf acres of ground $1,100 ini'ti. teason for potatocs. avieal tll t t.frqxn !ox-ly te lfty Cornt ha. lio. tht big relilcis. cile busiteis Io'the acre. Ou the îlot. jîtifarttte tiiîolii rop cas not sat triat titis season as te excesive set aviather caittieS tomis Selay blnIi lîarvesh anud la causînIf hundredti cf bitehels 10 rotbli te fael.The- tc1. avilI vu-Id about 460 bushels l4t1licat ne itis season. aviila Tant yeaîIl te t-telS avas 'P00busitels. Onlions are fflanled fron seed placet! ln te groiind about te 151h of Marcit. turing the last seven yeane ltae seeds tare bean planteS by ma- chinies calteS dillts. Previons te tits &it work waa' one ity hand. Titeyouisg plants are entivatld and cesudeS by band. ThiIs dork Is doue hy mnf, Wl- men anS chtldren. Tite lîdrets csnt earn 75 cents a day. teavonen$1,26 and the nmen $1.50. On tbe Howard tara titane are penteralty 160 employes Buying good jewelry lasa senaîble, as îýate wisee inveplnent *prrasngut ct.ap kltud in a waple. Felg s raaac&&"D"ble a&Mount loto a ruillv good ringj, for injçsce, ta ns visa cm speoding il for ni-w ciothing. Thte ring ^a-simia ta produce thst gon PraI appearatceofutwell-to.-d-ess vicit yuwil pay any Man or Wo0man to culi. vate. AnS @o wilth other jaweir7. Well. luira.lma a@tore that blia bsohule- lnoihinir bustpeir to do .wilh que@- icmnable 1goonm ia. Bes -a's otu>"that WlieVPs in a !air pries for a ilepenidablo article. spela i corpa tIgises you'sa quarp d-ai every day linthe viti-a. You*ane lvilcd. A. liIIss JELWLUR Stoves HOT si-ASOOm CAYt THER ARE NQ)NE BETTER. Rigbt Prioes. PROM IAN( IT'S GOOD Coin aind Sw.. scuUAU BROSI ",VELOI" 24655, 44784 IMPORTED PERCHIERON' STALLION Illinois Stallion Registration No. A8625 renewed. Vole le a black homse weighing 1900 and of unusual- qualltyr. He is ab«io1utelyseound, suré, and hie get are of the vory higheet type of draft aninialo. He lm a horRe that haî; proven himel.. Velo wlll make the, eoaon as utual at the Hanson Stock Farni PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. MILWAUKEE ROAD FEE $12 to iftsure How to Make a Little Money go Farthest Buy a 20 Payment Life Option Policy. CASH VALUE AT MÂTURITY EQUALS ALL -PREMIUMS PAID IN A New and Better Way of Savmng This Policy Contains Many Privileges with Very Few Restrictions. If you $ý100. 0( in a savinge batik atîd shoîtld thei N takeri by deatb, your tbî-îîeficiary or estate wotuld thp.îî reet-ive but olti huîtdred dollars, with a few dollars added interemt. If,'oit the other hand, yoîî deposit the same arnount with lThe Old Michigan Mutual Life Instirane Uotnpany on this savings fuînd plan, youx lsetîwficiary or eitatd wouild iit the -'vent of your deathpecelve imm'ýdiatp,1y jhoiauds of dollars. Whilh is the umore prudîent anid beueficial for you A goud batik aeourtt is.of great value,- and musîît hi' çalled otu to lietp outi, outt whutî the- premitumd are liard. to pay. Wltat woiîld lifie bi without soflît- utruggle luat the- great benafts to be derived from thin plan inust hi' apparent to every one-. If is ndoubtedly the- b(st forut of polit-y for the iîtsîîred ever it-siied by aîîy company. Why flot commîîenceO at once t0 create ait iînmediate estate in this practical, provideut way V oni know better thaît we (Io how mDucli yon can save each year out of yotir incomt-. Vou.n nomp the- ainount you cari deposit. We will di thte rt-st. '11E OLI> MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANGJE COMPANY was foîîuded in D)67 and ujow bas assets of nearly ýI2,0000.0>. It je one oft the sturdiest and strongest finaneial institutions of the- middle mtatet. Lt will carry out any agreement or obligation it enters, itto. Write to the undersigned, giving your age at unarest birthday, and you will receive the details of this ideal savings fnnd plan of insFurance. ANY OTHER 13USINESS CAN BETTER AFFORD TO WAIT. WRITE l'O-DAY Present Chicago Addreas 431 S. Dearborn St. JOHN HODGE, istrict Manager Reliable and energetic agents walited. It will not be necossary to dovote ail of your time. lixperîence not. neceesary as asBstance will be given. What we do want are mon of good standing wbo are looking into the future. We have an exceptionally good opening for an exporienced agent. 'I-C i. * + tir $ ** ~ir .1- ut r J -.-- -m-- - -t -~ 9 j( P. rue Ila t-c ar 1

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