CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 1

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LAKE (JOUNT LNDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEàEKàLY SUN VOLI. XX NO l' PLUS HLiOC to STURDAY NIGHT STORM DOE8 MUCH DAMlAGE IN COUNTY - RECKS BARNS, SILOS, ETC, A] lbert Dyer, Farmier, Blown out of Buggy and Vehîcle Top Blown over Fence "t nels c c Lama il- iii* n - 'n c + l01, a firal -lli and ."s,- +- etoir t sti rev'iiitl i i eg hassd WîSat.i i Ii, t - -'+ 4.cyrlon.- tut saturtdalt ciiti + +4 pi-tati iii tii itlutaieltslits.ý +- rai-t andti c-l it , rightii 4.tiroogi s toîtl hnuse itiri i+ 4. ng tae lai 1,-c ait s ttî , .+ +. and tîtîîîig tut ar uils ahi 4+ 4.otthousas. liai tint tuti, titi4+ 4.the biggelat barnc oitîhî- uta-t' + tire 1ttîcih sas&toos-nfrenu iihefrotiof lte bouse anuitdamolishet i aiula>hi-O was atîellsitfd wite a rackt sas pi-tt-d front a wagon bY the forcei-of te wnto0and idrlseit irecil> aghtosl teairait T'WELVE PAGES fIBEIZ~'ItYVILLb,ILAKE COUTY'~i, ILLIlNOIS, FIIA'i ') l1l-l.I t. ]i( 1 - llto thtei ighi aid e sitoti ionl nornig \Viq kieg oo]. lioiiiiN -r. îýý(îal)ti al d aiagoautit Ou gît a lac gt- ou tii l,î-r of t lethun,seo ta rt- îottiof i 010rnlssltti follo)wlltg t h e totii, Tite fort-eoft I11f wInd passed to tlite west of Watikegati. lent vjiý,i-il t t î-tti a( tir-aili tinîttici Breakers Rail Over Piers. Thte brtaketv Satirduî ottct-ittof anot duirng tîe nigiti are 'aid te base rotieti on-r the î,ers ant i itnIo a leight eqati hai cf t litglît htîiio whtile te spray daahed up~ to the light station ifs -aIt andt the lake Satrîr- dat. Salîîrday nighti and Sîtîta' tavas ae siortu, s ail'tiastbeau fo,î y-ars. Nonitot'tf tIitefisiiîg tocai vheri- st-n- t ticeilout of tîte harbor eltb,-r day autd tunith, i- ti-ra NIM iltille 'ttch, tri te \VtieaZionttit\i. hak,' tiff, 'sortît C h i,-tgo, ako' f' ýtF ti111 g 1 land PIarkt. IlIliwîtuildlanîd Lakie 10110 titain gt trai ý-tîI fîcit littttie tii,"t-t ortilthe-gil- tent bere aînd eI-ewitere heing tre-es biciwf dion n. tOfine one".chats ltcoîleî ancd pi baes and ouliuses titstnged. MANY NEfW POSTAL BAN~KS Long List of New Banks is Announced by Postal De- partinent. In ail About 500 New BankEr Will be Opened in Coun- try in Decexuber. Only Two More Lake Coun- ty Cities are Annouxiced as Savin-gs Banks. Tble Pit a t Iclitciii- rîtfia.,,an flua ced a liât ot about 01i) îpostlîhtants whlcb willlbe oîîeid les îtonth. aîîîeîg slit i i(eti- fitliasud iatit 5 fîîr Illinois t ru state a ilie teb tics bari iti 1k-i emiiet Cili. suand nii litlIvb totn m h I'thti ci S-ine--a A ntîie t Frt-ahurg Ait amolli Cou trvillt t liamnps hira. Ci tIl ih Thebesý 111 inols. Decemnber 4. 'ut a iss Wiestern Mîttituit Decen-ber 5. Ni aren titi) December 6. lIrai state Kenît worttî December 7. 1,ena, December 9. Flina-oul Onarga Yorkvile. Soldier Commite Suicide Paticik Boltaît. ri sale olit t o1i llti K, 2itîitfattry at l'ort Sheridan i- it-er coîmtutit-Osîuitide h,)tcl', tttac 110011 rodai or aciidattatl h t ihuit self suinte rIi-antttg tis riflet lie nas fotind in but, aîartniant-a oitl tthetopla'of is bt-ad biuwn îîaarly entirely cff, the shot enier'ung the-roof :ales IlS Lettes wik 1(1 Sc ot 111- ent l 'Il- it h lint utc sl rii aht ale 7ead 9c sTElsBI SENSÂTIONAL STORY 0F TREACHERY TO FRIEND AND'BENEFACTOR DISCOVERS LONG INTREGUE J. Fred Huber Declares C. C. Miller is Basest Traitor and Scoundrel. ite tigi ( ' i i l, ha' -- il'i ' i,-i - te ligiti, tht- linonî f att i li i-i- l i' itand streiciting bd ro i -r iii lt-agte-s cf o0 tran I lite allegeti deýloie- if hs hittie as sut i ltfttro ttt ii iialt1t tllt a stuc s hiclt, nidltail -. îî - wrtng haeart., antitoise il-ta t ii ili n rlghtlu an tger It i-t tii-,st-tri ii.of i îtîiau tloot a fienitt 111,s ihîic ut 'ct-le Samn-s uv dtt'b it t'unît huit IefrWnent i ii ii o, t iiiiiîci t ýii l li Iid out that th ' -firentd, ' %1aohi l i . t t t i l, i (c i A n g ' t ) t i 1'aýo v i i tire d q i n e e t ý s n l , - r t ' Zîcîn (liii - aa, ie attis h Iin-î i,,c as do hitiafrientîs. fi t-tt knil t ait aleged traýtiî as b, imrii lîlt-i tltte affeionîs of taeo fo -titisfi-t taý hitaliancil-a> . anti it-ti. ii-r diý i-tiil ft' t usserteti tîs l*iti t ifrîtti tiwt lu shýitîtîlsuda 'tis,- frinml,, 'il t i iarcte-tl otnt- of thi- ilii- tIu)l lng Intirigules irai ha- i uicon i t igiti l i te i-lint> Cecil Miller is the mlas ccused. Hîsflan-e becorces publitein etý ters of the husband and a frlertd, and through divorce pcoceed'ngs whtîch have been filed. The woman is aserted by the husband to be Mrs. Fred Huber. The principal acta in the draina. n-ich mighl make material for a problem play. ait took place on thelisthmus 0f Panama and in Washingltn, D. C. Thc slary is backed by alleged confessions of the n-ttc and of the man. There t: a pecultar intereatin the &tory bere fram the tact that the principals are ail tnown in Ibis cily and generalty in Laite counly, as t: the principal wtt-t ness, who tells the story. Tira SUN, n-tiri-bs tina Iposition 1 doi su, is lttin i tlit- ottagei citl rt-ti-il rtioanci andl lus truand tellthie alorv lictitiails of le-ters w hit sera sent lu Genaral Onersear Wilhuri Gle n Vlcitua cr Zion l'ils aut in tht t ast fe an- ta1 Thc Huiband's Lelter. The tîlisand a hitier, 1115h iiii wtrote it. ha: Gatan-, C. Z., Nov . i The Rev. Wtlbur G. Valiva. Zion City, Il. Dear Sir: No doubt you n-iI ire sarpruset ta receive Ihese fen- lises tran- me bal I wigirttaafrm you of a n-ast honorable (?) andi sable (il abaracter wbuch n-as developed n Zion City. The persan referret ta us no lest than C C. Miller, san of yaur acting mayor, n-ha tar the past fen- yeara bas residet on the gth- mas of Panama. 1 arn glving you lbe fohîon-ing Infornmation ln order ta show n-Y mother, Mn.. Nettie Haber, that ber son bas becs hosorable andi ba& ls rtght In IbIs matter. A short lime ago 1 foand Oh-at tbis C. C. Miller (n-tom 1 trealed as à brother, havlng met him ln ZVon City in 1903, andi about two years ago met hlm ber. an tb. Isthmusi andi nha alitah-ad the hospitality of n-y home,n-ha n-as aI perfect liberty ta break bread wlIb me in my bon-e at any lin-e and 1 even Ioaned hlmmnsy la help hlm out cf debt. Ibis mars n-es lIienating the affections of i my wifc. Just 10 ttlnk of a mars, i wbom I Irusted as a brother and - on. wbom Il trusted more than 1 any ane mel because of bie train- Ing ln ZMon City toacst ln Ibis marner. Aft.r I tound tbis lnfatuiltnB ta exlet "0 -Y" ?wif* eedpMî., * that coutd befali a gord vioman. ws'"ch she Was unt i ts can met her. w1 t a h wial'îh te farts. andnheohadltcmoess that *tney were true. He then made the promise te, hav e nothi ng Mers t-' do mtther and satd he would do allin'this pow-er to bring about a reconci lia- tien between My *wîfe amd mnsi 1 took him at hi& word at-Olet rny wtfe go on ber vacation, but on the very boat whIch site eft thte sthn-us he hall a nman present her 'vtth a letter fram h.-. After 1 ieamned of this correspondence1 went to him once more accusing hîn- of the tact and he acknowl- edged tl. Ail this tîrne 1 controli- ed niel and kept n-y tonds off of hîn- and It sa.jast as 1 told hirs That it was flot taI 1was flot -an enough but or, accounit of the love 1 bore tht tle wo- m-an thotwaa tryîirgto hkeep it front being made public. 1could stand It no longer and finally left for the States myself n-th another promise lt-on him that he would not correspond wtth her ard that ho would do ail in his power to brîng about a recoin This hàppened about the latter part of Septemnber and the begin- ing of October. The other day this C. C. Mller had the nerve te, corne ta, the isthmus again in or- Jer te, resumne his former position andoabtedly flot knowing that 1 itnew he hait been to Washington and the reat of bis beautîfui vaca- îlot,. Weil, the outcarne s that he t sdi have ta ceave the isth,-us or I. will take it ta, the chairmans 't office and tbis would gîve him a d very bad record, go he says nie * -tilclave. He has broken att ny hon-e, wrecked two young [ives. because 1 arn now sueing my asife foc absolute divorce in the City of Washington, and has laid the 0 foundation for a downward career. At one time 1 thought as much of tn,& man as 1 could of my ovnn brother and there was nolbing t hat had that he could fot share and ihis leOter wi ,l show yau t he appreciation he feit. lorc -0choc-at on af thîs ici ter. He i-as certainiy acied the pa rt vf a mnn usIis matter and trîed tao cry t-ut ie Zhoenteacit inga by t-ytng te influence bath Milter an- y 'site toward dainuj n-bat n-as rîgitt and -as esecy n-ave n-as ta brt'tg about a recon- cîtiatuon betn-een n-y wfe and n- self, but as yoa can se., this n-as neither satîsfactory to Miller or my wtfe. B. C. Miller, lb. braîber of C C.Milter tnn-ws .11tire tacts bon- they itappened on the is1h- n-us, if he citooses ta tell you. Tcuslîng yoa n-ill use lheae fan- liras te ciear te reput±tion of a broten hearted boy, who ha&:al n-ays endeavared la do wbal sn rtqht in tht5 n-orid, I resmin, Your very sincercîy. J. FRED HUBER. Gatun-. C Z., Panama, ONE TO EIGHT $1-- PFA ý> %'FiL iN ADVANCE. il uni - titrt 1i l ai r ADELIA KONECNIC ACCI i i-1, i,. -ui-' t iALL DENOMINATIONS IN DENTALLY SHOT DY GUN. FAIllER IS HEART BROKEN Group of Children Playing tWith the Gun the Cause of the Accident. 1 i i I 1 ' il , l ii ci,' ,,rý toý 1-' li1 i o iiîît illit ill utus. fil itîtttiîtlritl ,ittîh a Ijtti' ' l. f- titi ofi ici ii, lîttit- 4 tett tt.i 1 y ti t-, i,- it ]etI i la i l i i t p... , t ilel titan w uriS Aho ii tbeîlt t uir tati l" nateti h tii' îuterîng of (titi liit t fi i, i iciO-ii- laîtiji. at iir i rir, i. M1.1 ii l - înntle wl-ce tirtiti I il - lith l'i it t- iioitait(fi la-I -i t rh ' titi l i a t u % t aiuti i 'i- i li1)e ti ig i )iîi , atnd nittan% tri i tlti -, ,,ig-hi ci -tl i- i t(il the ti l Sud , altri'Ii tti fils v tut it- Ma( ten d t i 5tiltotitt lits hîtcrittt- u tr- i r ii-il Ilits t ithes acre Twlit ltho r, îî blti-r ia winan, Titivtnaî îit-î iluas wai hrîîtgb ilit1' lfr iIttin td gril p lied tlii one lotk it tiilhou 'ba,, t rihlen a iî i shitiiltitri g -tr i trt fiti lits lusipîtThe îiitnel-îliait cdat f l rornbis hindi, lits handa want tt lits fat e île ri ect-dhii sv,s Mii s ilit i ls v frtttî t- lit s iotrot i. v'litittîttla itsi-l ttier and tow. -r lit' - îtît fictaitti- rotias tile mt Il roc, t-titI-i-itled loto a tîttît i)hai, i- l ie tiorl h, h-- w fi- tnîl niigutitît ii tdnui h i lOfîtito t ii tilr vlt-ntlie t.aiti rit tht- iomn.n utt; 1i '1n glulaI tý%' il ti of11 îî 'tiiho id sîîil aiti îratltld a p al011w iai'lîtilti-tnte homec t ti- îm tO itll is ft crite chîld tii1 i' j 1 , 1 a tisr 1 iri t ri t -i-lOt L lIil,-,a<; anti- Tit-e iie tlioýt htait lied A,lci, Kittît tit, tt t ilt' 'tIrv <liîtitrî iii ti- t ig ir tiir-,tght tîgi- Ilii i 0 1 i it i t itotder ttîalttio i t aiiliii I jo't i-' n-tn h-t i m < ht- tinte tanî Ir- I' ,t- t ti i fuit l iitt' ig' i d, .c,,tti- 'tlandi t . ttt'itiî'rla -ti ,a.s tît i a Iii t-e inithi-et i l> i t lithetitid t thety lt tiv 1,t 11 titti ,ititi t li Inuid lî ;'tI'ti rit 't tlitî fit i, ntt.tit I i ], as tîtît b o tii th i i1wt - - l' uî - i t lît-ieicti ial - i in iî tt Ttc t t lion lie tarit in li b- iititirtîttt. egrupiiutg-ivt--teil i,ît l-t are t litaili garsi nfl liii l'e dIlli otI tf thi-tt i-ipecialil l% tiir lit-ti are ttidret in10ilii-tait> MONSTER MEETING AGITATE A-ILE ZONE Another Petition Signed by "Motthers" to be Sent to Washington lt, l t i'li r Ai---' - l iosui lIeta- lt, in h,-- Imtititotfut ata Idot, ; Oii i itiirn, tXaîtkegan. - i ilt fi-oi>t ttit as a ceitlit cf ai - ,l l ilttt it+ Vite I-onge St \Vailiîti'on te tiitont iis time i iii' lot fronttît ii ioters or tht- clty. [ii tci.- e e'etaisietkars durlng ilit ;itlertii)tii \ Nia ct' 1i lusI t-sat tif tit-w i -C1' t1'. ittroducedth ie ti tcjii Xl:iktt-r4. ti f tire Fist llajtitt chitrîih aus the tirst speaker. île ItîtO hiot îtiolilandt Proestant "t h, i- ci,,tuti unitietifor the fii linic iii aitt trganizeti raiiîi)aign agalngt iltý aloton legave ltatiter G(3551. lt the I('iiitri Io f ltaeImmaculate Cen- i t ,r' acîl , , titi a ilnl it- SuF'e ie ltii vZone agitaton and 1, f i -illiai r ii i he-tthl tirtil sialil lihai Futher Cavin bail also ask. ii ii i--l, -hit1i flt-si d i-i ut,, tstart a peiion smong thte Th iî-nîlîîînît iittictluu sîti-il itll vmenof îth, cits suich Mn.. Keougit. et ti icjiitheIlicshoot tng,ien s estabtirhe maln speaker cf te day, woald lishtîîgtirliafat-t iii atTony Ititt't. ,iircs% in Wasttngton siir baer wiieu htiardar ait thioiîit - itou en hîtnttng rtc senl. ini a fan ý- ufe diicks, attdtutton lits reltîrît. lht-ltb- Father Gavin Speake. '-1101 tîti, loatit't landin in tthelati] woî Fut-er Ilaîtoarose, anti in 5aL-w [rii t roti t tîcl. a mnu-ut-r etc iti watt i-ho-a-n sertis. itrodueed Mn-s. tu sic i tpa-i it' -iidlutiilul itei- n Issuuuit. as th(,Ottalser ofthtie arter- tatu- ofrti' hictti-eitetIril a shot ring j ,-tt 'urst Keotigh. ho axplining wity t> il atuut tutu,, going 10111 t he s tict. tii-t1 fit. a wetliîi.n-as so anxIous fer te ýoiii t-tiltie Niai> i itg letui n the itasisaie ocf the local option law, traced t -c.itiuli 'ucouigli ihe tiiart 1ihtrtigit btstorthlie Influence whIlch Titi-,g,îîî bail tîceifilce t a ilose s en-enIradth-ad upon tae politiais and rriaîe. as was svenîtlîs lhc stîtînti hhsiocv naking epochs. andi statefi titi-eewas a srn-al t i-oit uttole tiJ i tat titere hati n-aar bt-en any good c-t Th titroutuahl ii- it'urt w ti-ee te agitaton started. whlcit iati nc4tfor lutas i i tact-t- of o 4 sho',5 tt ît-Il>t' foundtiton. a somio, anti a molti- coltt- rn love. Iilii u) ateibîtleand rîti -natlrc t-nd dhe sitosselthowtheltanioeanost bail nrnrnTrn nrira~rn"arin rintany suien lte Kaiser -e tl w s a lonîg lime ueinre te c.oi~ ftI< RK~! f taî t'OnItI i luioveret ltow greal l- o tftritt l t-arq 1lotriraSfrutîtuh , ..-a. speri-t-itage ut dealirs bat occuîred i n I ii-.tai ilu itIs 1 W fnî. iiun ro littuherrîlosis and cancer. Thte i iifot 1Fa cuinacIe-t j 5.ljj* K.aber sent thrae of tire greatest pity- lfi wieIiththeLI orO ill oiý41iis of tire land, site sait, 10 dis- Ilîn îs ue. sutb ire hi c 'unt tii toter, if possibtletira cause of t-sa Ilu nei-ltliibo ro uîîi tb îa i est tan.î t , asl -Io 1hlîî the hit itilihaulluiot A.thu -., 1 .Atwot Oeases and statd bat titey bai 1,4,!h i-i ccient, bt silie txArhurom ,AlegldDesert1tra rked if harkts teracenturies of -i xrc ltth,ilanaethi i i hOex. no o Fort Sheidan, ijeXees t rlnticg, t'eut a-t tht-i ssiic,ttth1,1 lIlui eoacd Returned to Post. ' Plea for Naval Recruîts. i - iînd,. of tit ogrif îu' -ss itart tirs. Kaotigh mada a pieu for lthe bo'IIi Had Sought Old Home, Del nýI astat tîcion , st-n-trai cf n-hom Le ,ai.s lIt- liil 001 lin-VIit 71 nnd mo- flIu-rk'n-a e te ndan t rlnthe mts. n lit:t!tin u-c ";g t',i.i'li l i Ii FIfIENO TELLS STORY. -îiiiii i-îuu ,tit u oftitl, tluu ir tîlî,r"ilsi t-- l t itu N tt. i un ii tit- 'tiit- lt ntl.utîl itîs- li iîuuî-î' ii' - suit- .t t'ri liit i iý hi' I ui , isliui lite tire iushanti. trotit I) f hi 4t -t,, i ut1Il' l, ,,ris ý froutu it,- Istiiiuts In the gi-lue i -tit i- Iý fct-,lit-t c hi i t - i tlui c .. a] cutirsee utu îîhiii' r u - ntic ii i NIr f'r-dIlItifua. of Ottan, cal-u ttha tl iii' lii- N titi e i t ii Zou-. tha-s oiIiitt-erei tie Informîatiloti 'tttI tic, il - ui itr-tai ,- uit thuit linesuas t-oInt-to write pou a el Griti tt' niloinIh.tic Oî t ci ter saîtinti forth i'traIîo facts. attd t ci-il tihe ti-lui luitutu îtî-îr iti-t t ashted me for ct-tacInitiais, whicliî u amurt i h 1 10 lii' tii titirs glatit> sapplid.ejt' t lîîi](rî'îu.a a irtut' iitti. Sd r NIr Hibe'ý lder uitn Iiit ti' -ue lcîue Tine t itttes, thie( Nî H iies olir sptin i t ehIf. '(ittortisiiuikii tuand t iti iit*tttirig, anîd t cf cicirai- Thi- ohject cf myit-lier îî l iî-rîvuîuî î.tîîî tntii-i îîutI itant tut cerroliacateI- ertaih tacts anti îossti :in ir1ectitg it ghtl hhy ehtcidate attb respect f-e a matI'.i- a bld, for simlon luiraes iiiany edltit .,t tu i uit u urî(ron rut t-it t tîu ofs 1 anythîn nt- n tuseshetlence. ,atitk gaitl -îcuucui ltheî-uuuIîlui lhi- il ct-ne- u titi attention latt Jîîocý>ia adHr iiielaii tai Iet l iler anti Fret Hutir" ieteinusnelldSura tulle tain-adea atentative engage- orig n 1r (ýc fzea muent tonarr> ionditioiaed on thaeluira reoito lit n- ia n i n i-OOs lia sucessul elaralonwhih ibl hoedecole- tantIt> Tht- ht- sband sork ti i 10 st-cari froue ber iruaband. Thaîr -iut'ot hcg adaethn liiifaftiatieg foreaucirotiter bailexiste thoNrh hcg lad-ipat shie Octobar of ast year. Tire Oestre The tfour chîttican. sitir twc cf thei cf ibis wnal00010bhaln Mileers cin.ui(tani rhd of ihi- otitohm as tgin tce pan>- le-O ber te go 10 Colon.,nwt-eehafotlr ftecimnrsdne is staîtie, Bo traaiueoîîy f-at îtt e :Adilitii s ailu It-il. Soîît'of tire rame tire tait cf frenta Intîmate wn-hh cittreit alo to tire sheil ttbaro tira principale, yat no 0ne susectetIil rge ota-l oebre the ral fato.iot gun. Tire entira hiui- e near tira eal tctsthe gui,, plavint wilhit, nheu suddi- Secuned Confession. t ut itexîhuated, lire shol tearînt- a itote W'ien 1 bei-an-e po-seaaad of fhi-ýIir 'titoth ue heart of tht- lttie girl so ilîsi formauion t securat a voluntary con i setived<Ibut a fi-wmonerts auler- feBaion from Mga. Hub-cr. In tii con- t narts. fesion Site sald lber infatatilon for No one kto as ut nîgit w ahtati Miler was sncb titat il vas ber a-von-- puledthtbfritgar, or Il anycue a ia e& Intenton toUîriy bim at one fu -_______ ture d" ~I rmmonstffl wth n One of lte places advcrtîsed for fr w ba ot bo* u , tarent today would amake TOUR KIND About the City. 1e staterialt hti ertngr tue taftihie coittrol ef the future of Is Beieve to ave eft he sho.ttId ril se ln a way would be n.- Post and Gone with Ring- %Ionsibin, lie-tanse If It I ti t ling Circus. it wnmtut-tti t irotigir te m fat or mîoral tuaaknaef f-bhe mens. Sut ttii.ti,,, ti orkIiit ritn anO trotat-, tare blnuaukegan, itad D o l v a i i i r i u s o l e p a ie d t ia t i t h ir s i r p a ih b w l c it vo u l t i tinte ptti,.ils, arresi, d ai tir e uIti nî"IY tend 10 niate tire men' piyslcafly, î>cîsIaianis. aFrîitu> tus >tarsitl at (-menlati13anti noratîy steak. 1 rot le'mtintg iii- usas ctirgad wîîhl 'W a> tackt tirotighthf-e years." sai ierîtî iifriitiheîrrgilar srnîy etfNIra Keotîgir. 'suen there vere neer- ttc- UnitedS Mttica utishal Fleucuttît' 4.000,0t00 negroes in siaveny lu tiis tool itihîllul, Foiri Sheridan Maturîla,' oîtîtrI1lice1sand fate county sent niornitta aluiru' te tîroctihitlt - lt-i nn 10freeftem. Tbey ireard 10 te fader-ut,-uîinianiiîiiint ai ftaiu at ictrebstmircaln ioint, as a a tti a i-i-lant-e tect oS> lakmter al Ciao illistoliniithle falarai ariiiy for ht-r chltren adO loto siavary. anti FeIlucIi'uti -0hiialu tAAithet, tîte cf fet tr Idltrn. W'tivan You not hi-i-tiiw"îî-u ili-t-a- iis atdres hiesrtire.rIllic î wehite rootiser. lie lu'itaî I si- assigoadti.toCo.yor aiabr uot-scpsly i 1, lut]iliiit, atatru. otîteaduîar- osn osbl tacs. at i1iiintoniîo. Tex1a. giiti is bh.eoen solO loto a slaveiyde re nge ait 21t i-ors ai i 'tiiiue il iras atibavier iti tra tutfte Afrîcait lie--t icutiti- ioulit'atiti ider 21 mtirera cIiur'î mt xar a lt-aitif atut-t'eas go itt'iltiifoltui nt bIt-dasertioti Vul tit oe on Local Option. îtrtut t Itue iluutn -r> ot lt-iaI - lt i, - ' tiiteult tat noct wtstandlng y iiunuugi tthics tutehuirtt e on tire uttih.îu -utiathear, tiraIneari, a t oout ri i nltîfit u-ro blilen-edti iat ttu-i)e lopaaittiet lte toet- n-IýiIuiii ii.-sartleite tuent w-h t he îi - h nî-tirty attrv seat lte air- Ritug glîîtruottuei, a ciriisaandti s nos 1 u itct Tai usa afit "rw-tc, ui- s-uanttîati as hteiîuu- . hee & a9 e!at frertu f-t.riiut'iî 10 tht- ii i-v. A ci-w-t-cIlttilth it-iil-ehonby those preftnt;, of $5t- s otitir cd thefuagecernu -,tilutI', of taloti were stauncit erpoat- 10 alto oflictîc'foc arrastiîg di-t ttir -i cral i oln. titd it-e sainîe l ai-s'ate piid lt. tu liii> île delîseredti t an au iii i[,,- Ft 'ýi-c io telonger aîuy doubt b-ut R\i hi,- enr-cts and aggrcssiuu lils ý 1 lu1-i ibis qîtatitot i viiiha otoMght op lbietwaiuursili o efunt$50, i t în iini-t prnlgel rin, A pcl lit 55anti t $5011101 sottire required numiser of slg- Ad-reaters ireýoma borne-nten. as inatau-resitail titat la ssscessary le a ma-her cf course-for titey GET IN- insute lire pacng of tis propogitiOS TERESTED IN THE PROPERTY ontae ballot andi tises. vii bestawtM PROPOSITIONS, INi THIS CITY. andiln pienty of lime t lnaua'e p tiser LEAN tbIsngs about rfflqUa-ta. tI-ib«r O! siabtu À rt-at t t itane L, il 1 losreIt ii Ii lnidtg racaîl - tlIt tut sIe,, welot (>ser the i- S-stlli t tIII tha volllit - n te negilioîttf li - leir andi Diatîtoîtd 1iPu a n aii lag g betw n-n Illie lirîîtrt iI itiil evlng lanls watt-à anIos ofii angled wreckage, rtî,ft-ss lts I)t, ni-r lurneti sheds Thte iat u!lit-sit1n1-t.Oit iIi'a Rile ltsu tîtItit îa i g fa Il ..... ai li- 000cr> ai tai-rîlilt- 1'irt- ut ril sfrai-k iiilfli ls îifil"t' F'ii, auîi itOw' ,tt 11-,ii lc11 t- lt. ait-l Ue danage Sa, do)ne 1tinti iil01r1-ut i lien (IfIlii.- itnt> silt lt i-hy am siiai tKiiiii 11511f Tore Top Off BuggY A tiffiîar fi'.ttIîrt- iltht- %" î am itru t cari ti'f ll- ttiotff nfila titiggy filer Alhart hi-t r, a taciî'-r sa., riil culit siong hie road wsien tira- tornit mInit bisa Titi-forte tif tt, slnd tretth' top frol lîIlii Ige) -caridit if tiany Zro, 1 îhroIit) te air. 4tisirltirnati the ?111, leanti ei Mc Ille tr is î ai ut i-cati-h T.ok Roof Fram Barn. 't ilie Vi 'llitai- Ztroýn tarî.t'. ile .nid tîîth, --ratf ffthi tlarît, a dr - c- t i i - - - lt-n ttn' ciriei l i *vier 1010 a it-iti. sirere it rashed ta ttcrittilîertcisted At thte liIti tifarcni a w ii. ' llw o bic n Iot lit coutd. cter -a!i tige Jl islt t li,- ;lttyard i son-r riii ,d frotît ti, rIt.îtit tî i-ttri Other Damage in Counîr. of litsnîtotit A nuiritir ou oit-n-s This tarot appuranfir suffered ibe tut the ito-ti are iiow invftgattng le mest damuage of any i h ie s'1tinitY datli- nhalbri-r l sas a ataeof sut- *ý the Wililisnm Ztritt- farot the rouf ci-de or aicdent. v» a aen fron thtieharo anti a sîtîti Bolian wsaitoYoung mntanti nu iilant i sîi tosun tieno. Tire sitoratiese tkola ifor stuiride. was nmaenIf woot, re-enfori-tit uit steel ircoisi anti several ofthiesa boopasut-rot broten iry theforerafotite Breaks Su-n 'Windows At tae John Krtii-tO5-t' arot inw William Gahuney. a pruvataeofthte owed at y Samuali iculi, b-adtiheria27tr, PLtShianta, Monda>' nighttnear Ciommonweaalth Edison company, a 1130 tirren- a iraitbruck throxigb tira shsed wnas ovrlurttfd and Sasintiittisoath ir litits of tht- Sun office, chat. b4F!n bownc ni. Insuli carrit-i tonftetiog thiriîg plate anid an innar Flor- »dg i jsorancc on this place, an un~- antinea st-no valuati at about $40. al uguat featitra for farinera I Ibis vui-m toit. Tht- police think Gaiunay titi ity. s ho have tirent-t litte Ocfi- the ai- to10gaf a dishuncrabl itiatiiarge d4ocas or laie ypars. freintha arnil. tut ha 8asir awss At ttc t-eur> Hefer paca about trant ant i 010neft kosuhat te was fiteen lo-Os of icmrnsirucks, tuti-b deint-. Haen-ilprohatin- mata ar- vert- standing hontire fiait, n-re rangements te setIe tiretiamage. blosun ait on-er tire furin anti a coupla John NacIntyra, aise a private cf ei scialiit îlultt5biendOtinn tire same ragiment sas arresteit bloc- Johnî Huîtscirng sustaicadth te 10B8 day for a t-t In tire fus>' Beo ras- et rn-oiai- shaOs anti rainith ay. taurant, tut tua caner ef tire raie as- laenc> 1e-man lest fn-c shai-is of serfs that taen-an is nettof0biamae, ha-y, ahi-h afra hican tusun, and andti irt twc civillans goadet i hm tten srdaîl h veIr lrth arm aîd on lto lgitinti. Manyotiril turis f th irenItty Pare Kisataty, a Great santet In shdsa.wtOnnItl-ihay sta-ks, anti crn Sirehoyglin for tefis eofctimnt trom tiocts sera hioV"O doniaIer Greets thare. n-as caplureatInh Waukegafl Escaped Hanm. f-is it>' Sonday,. ant Nonday of- In spte ef the tact titat go niai-b icrB trainWisconsin teck bim vîit êmna-aenas dont-, n ne it. WitStled, thent.- W, em Injuned &aafar ua couiti be____ "T~sE lb storniri, lu Its forT e a poreousJ plde ta leur 5~~V~IOlgfl5. bt the win4 a1iUty 10 tttu Vat a-I Ta&T Ac- t. bmir av*M gali 4 't Il'~ r m

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