CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 11

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f A1 L' n T'rx rV V T- x T rs.Pli \ VT rlff A v -\N ix'Fxtr1 E R 17 . 11 3U . -p&Three 'o', by Chrltiauiyt'as nt yet ac- CifRSTIA cOMîîlla3lied ail ibal Chriat lesus fore- ,old for 1,It, s1tu11 tle' unipose and MCýmeaning cf is mllistî*Y bave been E E TUREU misuiderhto)od lThevarioUs theorles whl<lî have lîcen formulate- t le - WELL A TENDE plai his ilira iîs passion, sud bis aoeetail needti blbe recusiti- ________________ reti; lhey iuiedt i e reexamined inl te lîglît of itî reabcuo anti resela- Judgë, Clifford B. Smth of; tion. k'rom Illettie if Irtlat-ilinluthe Brookline Taiks Inter- thîrd century tuto ne Ieof Anseim estingly of Science,. nle tÀîetlî, the- arvepted ibeory was that issus hy hie sitferiuga paid a raîîsom to tht- tisîaud thus Loca Chistin Sientstewrouglît th,-îll oftt<i t (os ,,o Ima Chistan cietiss belîtveti oui it Ttei raillie .ite t Have a Treat in Lustt 1 o a>bh i i ýtili tht-lu lyqîite a large Night's Lecture. 1 iiaority or Ihose a lio protes- tih' i Clitian littot Au irditiuro lii-, ibhe riltîîîa.nt-sof! lt-vitesas ai -li't The Tenets of the Mother ,,,o lite Failieras a Church are Given in Full ! br oti iii.) fail, antIl(lie sitferu an sd Deal deal h if lestiî-twere i -tted ilatl D etail. equiivaleilt tfor the po tii-ni itiiiv ln-iîrred Ii iîittkind. mûr-iî,îîutg citii Tbe Parlahli Ibitat-on lGrand avenu tieo cntion l.âedot lcra -eii waA aisevenlng ibe at-tne ot a gatb- 'Ibrougl fitfout ii-.s si riit.- I iliîi ering of C'hristian 5-eltis andt holr ulng the laîîi-ige oftnof til ii-dlt-.- friends. the caslon hing a blte ,Ilonariel i ti intmse t-5ti , tl c I by iudge (lfîtîti Sînili B a tury, (irotisi' f lîttlaiittit t ll te --------------i ti n cl tîii lai the Mother i lîtrchb The Frst Churcl i of Christ. Si,tt ui,>lunlBoston, Manss The atlt.idtie 'as svert, -ood andthie' lecturat act cie cf tht îplilîîsianti ai the- sîtîti t tue t o,, liii fil 1ha1 P bas het-ti ths gooti fort un.' tf Weike muai tic foiti wesdiisî u btieit-for tbe det-i-relit effet tt1oinitItiers, as in tbat j..,tîifferlitg and l-i-ath ifiii.lmst wt5 tutu a t Wt- taiI. ii ii aild a. te srvettinliti-le if a n ut -l,---- -'- 1111si ill Mr. li,îgb t ýToeile, rentier ut Firal Iutln îîîdrt-tutti tit tii- a- tîttii Citarcitof ChrIst. leîtotf ilatie whlch tht-miajrit or t iritiits thale- gan. lîrodîîît'd .iiige Sîntulliesd 1luassented dolng Ito spohc- liellî oft ite growlh l b liisitititttitir - andIlnfluîence tChrlaistnSi-ence bas -sonaîlle s11a Of ilies.- 'il,; lt-ati ataialetiln receni cears ,aîîî alto ex to 1te enieritîned ish lito gitte pue itialnet te orîglu audti i-tase of thet- ors up yreading ti'et-it-tofut izî board cf lettaresIt itl, of iî Ot ie t-t . Science front P'lage 497 of \lra Cburc. Lddy s book. Science andlileaitb Otr lit 'as ateti thatit s t ltY Of tenets are notlilmlted Int Iis i-liitt every orgauized yhurî h iii hase ai lit îbey it(i-lîttisIlan stîi yul oit leislons e-tre a peram-ti thet-luiiserve Thes are as tollua s bers o! the boardi ot lt-tiiri-but arei As adheres- of Trith, 'ete aite expecte-d to toms 't t-lti clled "PT'to he InBpiretl Word et tht- ululie a-t-our aned ieliver-ptublie -lectutre-s, in order sufinceut guide lu tetruali ite. the generai itbilc it a 'tai that 't-lis itest Imîresil ipon t, nuiIoda t ht-k people. Judëîe Smith, tîpon lits iîîru,dicion Il announcet i bs aubjecl t ,,the esenuîîg as "The Realimari anti (oti,' sud aler i statlng that neariy ever> tianrisil a ed lu a Hîgher iteiug than bima-If, t tut bati not mKtwllb ihesera8lîtihai1 aitpeaied especilly Io hîm, skid t Sorne peraons are not dsîtosedti 1 coruattier ibIs bb-en-e tsriouissI-te t(snas i wa8 nolt ibres treti * ivtlier a pby sicai scleualt or a îî-i' tor oft(il s nIl i But t Joli, fr instant-e. vias nt graduateti frotnt a ilueciogîcalt sehooi. andt bere lm nu reat-oît whY the'- vsitatofo!spiritual rt-ahii stotultiroute1 te tobe ecietîsia a hoît rtst-art hes are cenflued te the eletntti l roler- iesaanti pbenomeua o! tnu tr, Il I mors reasouablt 0exiîî-î- i1iliii itîtr standing wiltorne lutl to- aho ire galnlug the Mtnd o! Cînu - Fo-tr thseereasons lit-tl v suiuiît alînormlaiin the fattii i-111tdli hla gaimut-ti an a<its-iut ar iual ktmedgette I hrtîugh Iiatlr ittiiiy Site ssa.s broigOt tntil, t-i îîns1hu sulirame sud Iiniute(lotI \N e c inowletige litsSou. one ('brîsi tht- -loly (Ibost or disine tuomiorler, anti marn lu (It a mage atîti ikene~- .3. wNe aciiîîowtIctici ilotis toregite nesso! siu lu thc-, tittu<t ituttof S-tt and the spiritual ondertitanittg ai tasta OUI ssii as unrt".lutlItle It- lie! it sin taistînîshed su long a-i hl heilef laës 4, xVeai hnowaledtge Jlt-s" toue ment a-i tht-c- tl-ne ft u ti-î 1 tiStilitti oseitnloilng mma 'suntI 'tb (odtihroigh ibrit e ts.he %Ntav-shua er -anti 'e aîknoietdgt- tbat man ls t-ast-st i lrotîgit ChitI librougit Trutît, Lite atuti1,01e, as dle utonstraeti hi the Galileait lrophl inl healing tbe att-k antI ot-coîîîiug 3i n anti deatb .i xe acnuotslt-dgft- lai thlirt lîxtoît ur jestîs ant igbtsvt'uirrt-tiiti t-trtcd to uplift taîtb to uttuderit atî eternal L.fe. essu the ailite-ci of til Siit andtihie uoîhîngniss of iil- "f; Atîti a e 'tmnit 1promt~ise cati h anti iray ftor iituaij(l tO t- t1 t1 ti 1ti ttîtth.-nsil s 'te au titihbie item -i - .-j il) e t-rt itIuiJut Of pie - v and -oi tit. ai îersad oU IiiiUii.J n i ie necili*.ts eti a Nets .i-:gliiîîl l..- utan1soani jpure' centur airo Fi-ontuIi lit ," ite-R~As in order ntîo hâvii- bt Chirst a profound stiîdent of i. ýSt il,,itretIesis iiuglitilo ai-iom ,îltsh il la ter She 'tas t oniplassioflaic li si , str taîttN ist eo ,on8idr 'hat hie Ihlmi itual; Ahle 'taha iChristiannth ole he't t-lt said abtout Ilusmission Probalv sense of thai natt1e s(>hi .d let-otue the rnflOeideliierate satement o! hi s accuBtomed to ponder lire larger pîrobIl lIte Purpob s lale e found in the ac - lems of hbuman affaira 5h,- iad grossutf t Is final meeIng wiîh late: lu the love of iod and i, o.- vlîlintîl -To tiis end *as 1i lorn, andi for this ber dýiire and aspirationi -r. luheai Casetcimett1 inl110tire tonld. iai i and to sase. se ite al itriidavay ahoiîld liar watllttes toto the-Tît from uatter lu Sprt sili air inoasual Nol% a v. loess is one alo turut-tqA degree of understandtig lni tese evîdente or proof. tht-rtfor*e cremuit stantesi, te nrmoal ojieratlon thie great Teac-lers purliose to tirniiiii of divine law enabied Mrs Eddy to esideni-e of tie trith; Ioi prose the diaceru the true nature , >f(oti and trits nature or iliod andi man. to att ltus tiiset, lncliiding oiiandt t ite realist f IteL'lîti Toldo lti le understandtirlIe proben ieti ttiietl i itieti hotliwortis anti 'orks. lie tore the apptarenti existence out t-tuin Avi l atisas unto te initflot ont I.V v of Ininile good. v.a lia e salitibattrly Iata lit did.. The attitude of exisîlng ,iiiîircliea to Wben lie desroseti sin, siî-htitsvîand ward lier message matei; tîI-Cessarydeh lie diti Il b demtolîstrie thelr for Mrs Etidy 10 found a nii-a î-îiir-lt. ýunreality; tu prove that man la flot butlIt CItirîtof hrIt.Scintlt.reaiiy subjetc to evil, 10 show forth bas theaini mef Crstnlieastise ibe eattuai qualties aiàd jpower of Man who have cone tbChrisitan Sciencelaslt o tGt Tetta oiî have gaîneti a bettler lite Surely cIng proof of al the tcrucifixion andý there la nu causef for offenset- ln t iIs resurrection 'tas att objeci let-.of lit It l9 the- objet of ail ci hrth, and the Brlence or belng. it aits initeudeti nons o! them neeti feel as losa-heu aýtO gise us an underslafltiitg, triât we macSud luChrstin S-ltni a 1almlghl know lite as the- realis andt lie coulti not, or even diiot, flnddehashetnait il a e eiaewbere. sîgnedt o destroy dealh, taI lis o Ray, MNrs. Eddy neyer aoîîgîî .a Personai the belle! lu deatit, and 10 gise us the folowlug. Througouttlber wort< as k ssldgeo! ite the leader of a great religous nose- From tht-ee remliies. te (orOnc ment bs couislentiY turueti the a,.- tloOw that 't-at 'tas poilie for tenîlon of Christîan .ý ,entists away ýJeans O! Nazaretb la possible for ev- from herseift o the message of God ai-y man ln the- degree oftlbis under- to man which waa spoken through1 standing. The faliore to grasti ts ber Her alinad hoise, as site ettenltact bas Rept Chrîstlatt front îaklug sald, were to qiicken andi increase tbe necessary itepa- 0y cuuftisiflg tbe hbeneciai eteoots of Cbrlstianity. man wiîh Goti, tbey bave kuowfl nel- tScinece andi HèaIhh, page 3617; Mia- ther tbe true nor the ideai man, and ceiiaueoits \Yritlugs, page 207). The- thua tht-yliasve falieti to gain tbe lire spirittiai vtalty of ber message la which ibis man exemplîfit-t Iinstea-t pvoved by what Il bas atreatiy accelît et giorlfylig hlm tite people bave de- pliabeti; but ibis la oniy a torelaste o! ied hlm, and tîutulhey bas-e bat the -wýýat wilI accrue to humanily as tbis affect et bits exampie. icIig la more widety understt)od »d ipractised. Jacob CGolsmith bas oid bW Atto-- The Mission of Christ ney Alex Beaublen, a trark of land lun- Onie reucun-perhapliste ,iai.n rea- this clty for $4,500O. Saturda'y is the Ba'nner Day of the Great Manuf-adctutrers' Outiet Sale c1: Vou've only got another day in which to takeadvantage of this Mighty Manufactureys' Outiet Sale. You'll be doing yourself an injustice if you fail to supply your future wants while these wonderful bargain prices are in elfect. Nearly every man and womnan in Waukegan bas experienced the bencfit Cf this zale through the savings it has brought them. Do flot let to-rnorrow, your last opportunity, slip by i thout realizing your share of the many bargains to be found in every department I~Y v ry Girls' Coats $2.98 -Spienlilv Girls' Coats at $4.98-Stunning inad t ' t wtax ,x kerse y c'ltlî vith etats f oi girl-, of ages from 4 to hatî- 111(1 îtlaran i l ent with 14.,htavv c1îiltd lining, remark- liiglit-tvollai-, agi. (; R abl l itxv prit' I f r this C 14. saitl pit' ..i.... 4e98 ood Luek, po=nd r oid, ap« uncolore4. oui for 199 Vbie over tadards, Il au for ... 9 îranti, N*wi for ... . !S lu laulk, # pouds .25é Orange an# pouîtti . - . lige lice ttIle Of tucia for 21. tu'SI ail fIAV. or -.. . 25 cggsê, t resgu- for .. 23é d for ..28cý E~vaporatA tounti --. 4 ,rd, 'À00t 1 doren càM hetl -Read fr k a fo soli Men-î'-, tinet ShIS tîîîîl thi-aivirntan ti t l --ill $1.001 saupro ..69c ('10 od îiaî uit l ir 'f f 's4 sw e a ter mîîîîts fi . ,(I $,ti 1 it co ats, kuit fro rn a 1cr x tmîtlct i a ' g t , qalitv of t1 1eîlity. jicihià, 'saru, g r isa n d hlîlle andîc brot'tti, $1 brown , V ne Ik, .5 vall69c sel1ers 95C Ilffir Goods Speci&lS SWOCCH ATr $3.4r>- '6 îtnd 2 lut-b ewtches.- m a de o f son t lo tg i a t ir îtna&Il aa des an ti co - ors q xcept grîtl -iate .... .....3 45 MARRYMORE BRAID-Tblig turaiti i- ma-de 90o&as 0 g coni --saround tha beati anti an b.- seti ln Most i ai i lir tres a 1tiishades. s i, t i' 2 i ncet5 - . ... 46 C LU8(lIE R PUFFS- ConIsta of 30. itirgif- tfsmîade o! heautlfI8.1 wl ayy litHuir it hou a- soflt oiudatioflwhi0h L ottttsre.adliy tote be hea . . . .. ... .. .. test ,pers Wli CHILDRENS SHOES--n tutu Il' SHOES llwi - 79c BOYS-, lItE - ir-----------a.îI i unosuall ý11 , m e a tu-i irîsiltuttti ii l - i ndgitemovi O a11 her s oi bby This is Weather for Warm Furs Coney Set at $598 Avr l fot 1.ti* t1l vi l li l titi11 titut(Iit, it vsi lis i tolla ahi 5e98 LYNX AND WOLF SETS Al gray Hudeo n Mx il 1ùnî îîy su, large sa l1Wr'" tiiff.a set ooni ni ut 995'I' to iOi ae ptii 99 Sale of Dainty Dresses ~îcva» illw .v us7.98 Fashionable Gloves M WOMENS CASHMERE GLOVES-2 tcaspit'cvetior sc~ ~ i nti ti tît w iei 4 5 C WOMEN'S GLOVES ill ii flus toc a r tain bnlack andc-or, etiJrîmnu:-il a~Iih ~r~5e anti CHILDRENS GAUNTLET J GLOVES iieasy lieut-e lin WAUKEGAN'S jàAKE COUXTY INMZýr-Làu-LINI- 9.85 for $15 Coats 14.85 for $25 Coats A ltitt ( - î.ilc î-î ofiilgurtiilits 1)ii -s lo i ixîwli inul iltt ,lilt 11 t-cliai', xxhîîlîa ithlc11;1ait- 1 will ti i gial-l; ittc ild - -7 ttti'c1-t4i:1.).0 i 'tl' garm t t -i 90.85j485 ci. shil-t- xxilii i ti iiithlttlw ~ ' -il lic-eh\\. x îî u uit i il! il il and iii itî l liti'. xx \\ il I l Ia,t t it* f ,il w x et t-i pt-- lta It- iii) t a A Men's Overcoat Sale That is Without Paraflel 1vi t werei i i I li s a nli from the At - la i i t he lt PLiitic you WvItldfIl find an u icrt-tai liaîgaiîi that w-otld dis- coi- i ntbis oitii anti it's niore than like ta \ o wt tili avi a liard tne to veii d11*liie - it. T e i ga mî ets iverc hi n glt i itilto a New X'oirk-niaker at a tr eincîîltîîî'-. -a tr tjtî. sî thai is wx1l1Y tht-v ai-u ofurto tivil "o w Iv îîi-rfillv Th ii-i arîe aito tilats. storîtw ttt w itl hi tttiv erit ihie etllars, and 3'l leifftliî oais uleitgatItv tailored frorn the tinest tot k îe-e s, -h v t , iîîeltoîis, 've-lo irs and f .65 f-a-x-ixtulr(es legiu-15 lu '.201)i'2 i and WamOve rcoats for Boys . 2 .ýIstrtulg tffer cof bo's ___ ils' riefers. ags 21 li-,t 1),6 5 II)v a s It.............. 6 LD UITS OUT. Liquor Dôhm- ainst 9VU4i 1 Station Thero. *v i iquor DeaIlra' th- flgbt to a naval tîrai4g ot of 1 a formeli iha t tb qbO. de lilpIt lii e recruits -Wd f'em ail sa.98 g te tha a-so9b. 'tys the Kenàlla iy enforced. -ge number tb andt (at thý sg- t long cbhncep lu n. In adti io e! the saloon muen c- f lte rctr.4ta nuisance anuýor Icometi the agtgeO a Refnlug Coip- la t about $Q substitute manufst3q croin Becau~ 0f tie circuit CM't tard te $506~,o V K. L*04r ' , Sof ptelt uijft te caseh decId.* j troduct COMPh.iit t oua year woi~ be compauy's pi'.' The Manufacturers' Surplus stock of Wînter Coats Must be Sold Before Close of Tomorrow t F ien st il a4hii- iH fio tIfb e I t iands i ats, which were purchased frorn the n a W lit îfacturî-îs ai a i nînst ri ts 1>)ît tttitt- , ef t for tomnorrow"s selling. Theyç%will be all S ~~~goltciv tlîc- ile a\ is ver and e e ry Li% xxit iiis t vie i l e a bitkv ersoîl. for not a garnent ask fol, th(IIII. A Sale of Women' s Shoes at $2.45 01w ot ti te i l(if tîli 011-11 ahnd p i .111itlî i ,t -I 6.98 for 12.5OCoats W niti it is s îandjunor i-c cuts ilIli vctmnixtuires, cara- titi1s andi phushes, well tîlade anîd Niii fuîvîtt'ali orpare ivitlitgar- lîietitt ttt 1tti eiscwere FOr, $12.5oi; an ixielletit bargaili at Chldren's Coats $1.49- iatlî-,i- a gto ccItlia lit t iîI m iti i hi i - 1t i' itfal s ')vticI

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