CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 4

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IAKf (UNTY gEtDN OFFICIAI- PAPER O FCOONTY ~Uc 'leietioe N t atiotsResdenc.Te 'ietlhOtiCNO ilt Utitrtyvile Exch15tt Xasset ait'hl Pentacet Ii S beMtytie. ii sSecoid Cla tte, SUBSCRIPTION PRtCE 5.50 PER YEAR STRUCTLV UN ADvA14CE FRANK< H. JUST R« 'L. HUBBARD dtit or THE MAN WHO IGNORES ADVERTISING. William E. Gladstone once saîi that he frst examined the adivertisingd pages of American publications, becaute they tolti him of American progress, and ktept hiînin touch with our manufactures and improvements. in its infancy, advertising was injureti by a clasli of quacks andi charlatans chose reckless promises were nlt met by the deliv6ry of the goods. The rm- mon sense mnerchant of today as cut eut ail thai. His first aim sefnt 30o niuch te argue and persuade, but to state facts, and Jet the reader dra. hie own conclusions. The mani or woman who ignores adverttsing was once cempareti by tkt magazine Gooti Heuseketpîflg t Robinson Crusoe on a tiesert islanti, sur- rountled by many useful andi life gîvtng footis, but compelled te determine the value of each by laberious experiment. There sa little misinformation in tht modern advertisement. The mer- chant han learneti the perdl of it. He cannot always educate ail hie clerks to give absolutely accurate inormation, anti where lapses from faci are made n that way. the offence. whie daniaging, se ai least flt conspicueus. But a tale' statement in cetti type returns to plague the merchant for many long deys. tl s the test for discquisittons by hie rivale on hts unreliaý bility. Consequently what the clerks may say colloquially over the couniter, and what the ativertiscmefit says in the whte light of the newpspaper, are apt te bc as different as what you say in an ofhanti moment, and what you Write when you draw up a legal document. The merchani whe avoeds the lime lîght ot newspaper publîcîty, anti tries te make hie way amîi the obstacles of oscurfty muet latin taith in hic preduct. If he confidently feit its superîority he woulti be apt te proclaim tl from the bouse-tops. DO COLLEGE GIRLS MARRY! a A recent ditacussion as to the extent te whîch colege girls marry. has ledh te the collecton anti publication cf the number et marriages among tht giadu. aIes o Smitt cllege, tht langeaI cornns celeae tn the world.n Out et 4,899 graduates et thîs cltege. 1.6-47 haut aiready marrted. 0fb Ihese graduates 2.744 ieft tht coliege tiurtng tht past 10 years. anti many oft these cili yet marry. Tht cloact estimatof the proportion et the coliege girls that marry nq perhapa founti by flgurîng on the numitr et marriagea among girls that have been eut et college trom 10 te 20 ytars There arc 1.610 girls who graduateti trom Smith 10 te 20 ytars ago. and oui f thete 794 are airu-aty marrîtti, or about 49 per dent. These girls must noue be ot ages runnîng mostiy trorm about 30 te about 40. l wouit be a fair guess te eay thatet the 1.610 sti unmarried, at iat on te four wiii yet enter tht e etitetistore. That coulti indicate that about 62 pr cent et the graduates et Smitii coliege are getlîng marritti. The sUe et this percentage cili surprise many persans seho have regardeti the college girl as a thing et spectacles anti Greek rets who reptis men b>' lie offlah position en the pinacle et educatiotial culture. Furtkiermoreý the figures show that tht percentage et rollege ginls who mare-y israpidly ncreaeing. Lot us gn bacC cti further in tht Smith statisttos. anti taCt tht girls Ihat tatal lot college trem 20 te 30 years aqo. There were 489 of these. anti onlv 2M5 have marrieti, or oniy 45 per cent. That in, alîhougli Ihese gau'ataes frem 1882 le 1891 hat Cati ten yeara longer in wlsîch le finti usantis, actuali>' the number of marriages ceas four per cent l10« than ceit h.hegirls that graduateti trem 1892 10 1901. No doubt the earlier type et coitege girl ceas more et a book worm than the *tudenaî of teday. At that ime coen sattentieticllege more te prepare for mornme schlariatit work or te gratify slrongly bookish tantes. New t in fanhionable te go te celege. TCe f Iuffy anti friliy offspring oethlie Smart Set fuieleIlsat shu commAnda a higher price in the marriage market if she can sllng arounti a lUISIt French anti Latin inIe the ranks of ler awestruck sutto. Pti unt ai aIl surpnaling thal there are 38 pet cent that de net marry. Mousof them ne deubt have feunti appinest anti usetuileusa in pretessional Sit e. ROMANCE AND CASH A Merîden. C., man recently sued a girl for meney il itn entertaining her, a N-ew Bedfordi, Mass., man demanded i Ci presents back andt rusteeti the girlssIlr for $29.16 for somethîng overleOketi. The newspaper paragraphers have hati noed of fun sith tiese business Ilewains. It mîght be saîi incidentaîly that their matter of tact vîew was ne more commercal thaîî that prevailing in the uppet- sirata otfe-'tty. There marriage eten doies rot take place untîl the money basis ofttire Irade is drawr, up inte bomit preof tfirm by tee sirrartest iavyers. n what might bit calied idole clans Amherica. the --a-iej hi tqround et courtip has freq.,ntly drt.pped out of sg,t-as tir as il, coni5iteriitt money lovin9 humain nature. Tine ect n-o's' v emo tst- ireproot the teroaniisf ie debi tante for uanly, tleater ca's andt ,iil cuitanti carrnare dr'ves The of ne g ri cf tr peî 'od wan sti zc,! a feue years age by the con sGrgn* f eni t nci i no ohey e.r etdr*t n' r 'und - Anti yel aile' '. inlis i oe ne eans n1 mich a testinq et the desposi c,f the mothi tia' fltiter about uer t ire is ierr.-itlcd ta lhe girl ofthte periedu. A host ot suc e5sfland 10ovrable "' n ale ex eedirgiy rnian to tt'e r sives on the e oney F-de cf l e, il neyer entrrtheir h-ad that tu-e woman ls taîriy entdIted te a cerain defi-iic ehaiu cf the famiy it large or smaili Where the r urîrd useren his i rcp',ui 511 11cr Lent riy ly tegiog for ter per f,- i n ' le ieqeal pinîleerhn o1 tne Conne beczmes shoty a fiction. Itils ot en- .iai lia' lie jr V heie [r0 i lt, tres a utIle abDout the .attituide other scîlors o,. Inese îialers. The teiiw aho dteesCi courliflg on l'e O.Aci re. I assis ceEevîdeh e finifln- e e ntt infor lermaneel buceh m On tne et ti rnardthetic r i te pevea jrC.î as 'ni e,,nil p ,s tone 'e tuese ways The g r ile odevua n$2 d neer at1the euçerr cf a $ a day man wail' cerna-r i rrtly nearly th-e cuie proporion if Ce gets $20 a day. - .JOU~8 'HE NAVY KA00 'WTUOHM£. Cleveland Youth Spenda Hie Fort Sheridan -Inlanta7 Pirut Money and Then on'Luit For Voregn- EniIsts. Aaalgnments. ,33 ratu. tN . Y..Nov. 6 avng The Twenty-Seventh regiment 0f In- honte afler a quarrel witlt the trus- fantry, stationeti ut Fort Sheridan, tees eto a smail fortune left ,hitm at wil be tht 5maI mregiment orderedtc,1 the death ot is piarents ne-temal years C'hina 10 protect Ameican nuteresta ugo, Kari F. Tionîpsoit of Clark ave. there if te war deparimeot Bsecs lil iiue, ('levelandi, wUil lie accepteti for '10 raIl out lite arxny to work in con- ervice initie tUnlted States oavv ,'junction wth te navy. fîtlowinluthtelt eceilit f a letter This la te statenietit front the puat front te liesit aîthorillee aI I'ieve- at F"t. Sheridan tihia weeit A few tiays anti as in hie age. ago te war department ut Washing- lie sait bIs neareal relative was ton announce t hat tht departrnent (Caries B. Titonîsoîofethlie sanie ad- wa. considering tht advisiitility of or- dre,6 Thotitisoti. seio Ua 1t seat-s olti, dering ouf a portion o! the- army now iiti'ieartt i etht recrutitng stationIn n btiis countmy 10 go over le China his Lîs lt owtti-s ago, broke andi andi alIntepoecllng AnttemUan Inter huiitgry lbut 'cI ci re.,sed and vosses- esttere. ing an air of reine-inent 'Wheit quts- To Pretect Amerîcan lnterests. tiond hytherecritin oficerthe If the war departittent athould lake yiîng mino naid that he itad i betîen.tti iîtiaep. te Twenly-Seventit infan- ploy2et an a traveling salesmnan for a rý hrbabenstiedalg westrn irn forFoie tmebut ir tîtîtlue at Fort Shteridan wt.iitd be ralicti of ilite cork itecidedti o eilslt i tiete ien)tercinotbeqat ias t iWiten îiesaed for fttther par !ait lite post andt aie transports te Ibm tirtîlars roncerning hitcselt, te ýouit.g ('lestilempaire, an(] tbere form a itan tateit that hIs parents died se-gadaotteitrsts fAiei eralitara ago anti lefi t iti a fortune, c ilizens andi protect theni from the whic li rold ot ouc unil e b- ýraN ages o!fte Nleanriitanti the Ci- rame of age. nese. Two yeare ago during a constultation it th ot salti an argument arose, durlng wtIich l The Twesty-Seventh was flortit on Tbompson became angry and decidedti he list of reglîmenîs for foreign as- to leave (Cleveland- He ran away from sigumenîn sonne tinte ago. Since hat boule and since tai lime bas been i nie one regment aheati of the Twen- emplosed aIiarlous Jobs. In conver t, Seventtt bas been assigneti to duty ntiOn withthle cavy officers Uin the it Alasaaand wiii gwo 10 bst province clty the Young man aliowed t bat be Inent tall. ,'. "eIl educated, but Il was belleved Two otiter regiments have been sent tat be was tînder the prescrlbed age 'Io te Panama canal t0 protect lIncle for enllstment andi the healthl officers Sst's new big dilcit at tCleveland were askeil to look up This Itayes te Tweiily-Sevenhthlie is birtit record. irst on the liaI. anud siouid the war île witi be"rne an ttpprentlt't se- department order anyofo te army tin nian along with sei eral oters, foreîgo duly ln China.,te Twenty- having passeti he reqîired, examina- Setienti wouiti fold their lents andi tioi,,n iît'missflillit tart Re ritts frotît Stracuse are asý igIteil To te,-navs i ira!ninît station aI North ( i iîîgo International Marrtages. Titirt are Ii, i hîîîret At-tricon seemen nm mii hît lt thirîtnae tive ]aîîd -:t, 1- ' Ctf si-cullet 0tbr 1cn O' t it'Io t.I'edred hvt b,'rtîdt, li -tri- eet.n,iet f Ut i No orders bave as yel been sent t( the post, nom. Ut la belles ud, bas 1h4 wam departmenl fitily dtidellupot ailoptiîig this couir. Ralîresti Cars for Automobiles. lti order 10 bantile autoîmobiles tu Ilii.several ralro1kde base adopted new style of freîgbt icur, haviez dooi thte full wiith and t-ihicit i- thei cal o e n ar. STEWART Stoves and Ranges, Base Burners HOT BLASTS, OAKS. THERE ARE NONE BETIER. Right Prices. Corne and See. ýIHNK~U1~1 BRos§ -"--a' '-*'*~*a'~--'* n~itn4t.n559Sî?.t ~AN Y Ov er co0ats 'L' $10« $12 & $!4. rCAR PENTER Luit î ii"-k isitit cuior itateni il i-] i n l i l- li ii' set tii -n lit 'i atiiik lK[touit Lîtr auî niBuilitng tar itpust bîm ii ilece tii l I'et il heW tithvpat E. W. PARKHURST Home Lumber Co. SCRANCK BLOCK LIBER7TYVILLE, ILL. Libertyvle, 111. NEATLY DONE AT e Job Pirinting A Tll OFCEý»* toktsa aMy Ma *QdOLVqtà Tb*Id. Z w Wb Bf gv _ç" o aelwu* oa re veut à * tnity. end tbey point a ruSMUoO QI târ Anc4efli Mal hlm tu it,-IUdwde i*Water, water. everyallSrtt. Dor drop te rn -?oillC iny aMan res Hia Success the BfldIn tif a bôtet because it bas sarveti a@ an anritîr anti kept blutin aa__________________ atraigit lite andf asay, iosa' Uly. Irotu the many "gel rit-b quit k' seetnes scieititare iao plIentifttltotiay ant i , @suo ten Buyin g Inean riches tînly for tht- suooth tonguti prointtora thereof By invepting IN YOUR HOME g o TOWNyîiu are dealitei witbvalnem anti peopl ie nt wlîîîî uiit are jewl ry aéquainteti-p.-rivie setit are lui- teremtet init itur eslaîtin lw. Ia a ensible. at-i"aiese ineeatuentt causeyjournuî'.-esutcana tht - -1îrchâoing ta. rbeaitkinti19ta a Wlt- SiitCt5 tiftittereabot luîting a relsat-rabie arutiunt mto a tht- m o oe aort-yîtti.anti raliy gooring, fot lr instance, te asmscise theimore m imftil citizeits ILtocen as ipenditig t ftor itew e otbing. ean hoaI iof tiýti wttu'r pisce l t 7éhring îiwsSt* t.5iiprodut'x titat gon. wiil lie. Ail-helit uniber cee have' trai appearanre tif el-to-do'îîesa seh- ln our yards wag ptfieîaasd with t celli p&va. nN tian tir wo,îîan eut-ti- the vise of giving itur cus-toimers vatie. boutaIt values. anti seen yoti de. Anti no with otober ewelrY. ride bu Ituild wcs-cant t teit you WelI. ht-rt-la astorr ltaI baualisolule' mole abotitittr intittitia 1le thlnog slitever to do w' it ques. got0(a i-tre fi5a store that le fl lus n air fo tr a*deiendale Tie e sa gîttîtideuanti nus for utetilui nat't Ht-rt-n Usattire titat gives yoe te ,tuare Size bouses Cett tus', bat-e tinte atiy tdtalvery day n te vear. ftir [att saitlit-Se us ol6ýivbd LibertYvile Lumber Co. A. IIUSS PHONE 47 JEWELR Dwnby the OU D p I LabertYville 111 C I il LIFE The Pro blem of Lufe Second to None Bîîy the protection tlîat voîî îecd and that yoîîr family îîeedsF, as yoîî wovlY huy \ i iîr fîiii or yoiîr fo idtl ti' tar-ýihîg awlî frc--itiug Jrocess îllay toltow as î'crtttiinly thie neglect of initiative in the one case as !il the other. Who wotild besosifisît enoiigh tii add, -Maybe so. but tiot to me per- soîîally < THE UNCERTAINTY 0F HUMAN ElFE ANI) TH-E VALUE 0F LIFE IlNSURANCE:- TIhe late Mr. Thomas G. Doran, Belvidore. Boonue (ounty. Illifluim, applied Lo The Old Michigan Mutiial Life for $2,000.00 of Insurance which was issued by the Company ton May 1K. 1910, his deatb#occurred in Sep- tember of the Raine year, anîd the claimi waà paid by the company. We have a policy holder at Lake Zuirich. Illinois, by the name of Mr'. Peter Lindzy, whose death bas hcei reported 1(1 ne and bis widow is calling on lis for ON E THoU,'-'AND I>OLLAR'-. In a few days wheii the draft in settiement ie rcccived 1 shall go over tii Lake Zurich and jîay thc 'eaim. and incidentally. close somerîew busieicss for the (Company. 1 ar n ot afraid bt prescrit the eîîbject of utifeiisurance to aniy livinig mail. Why slîotild 1tblhc it 1wit ost heitefiovîi if hîîrnrîinstitutions. It distributer, hiîidru-ds if ii in-,tif dollars ami iîigîdiws and orîthans: c er y vear. A il icli aei ilit ts im portanîce anîd kiîîîw fliat thley shoîîld carry an a(Iequ îatc aniut. Porttuadiiig menî b iiirti thir lihvos isj e!g- i tiniate Uiictai limiotrable bîîni tics. a hti t i-"ta t ilies more J'or lîîîîîaiiity tlîan aiîy otlier. WlV1iiî 1 apîroaî-l a ma;î i ii the sîîbject of life îîîr iic it 1-. Lit ti .oi(-t a :î\'ir luit to ii iîîi a subsîtaiitiaI tîerîeflt uii hin iidls. I -hall su -i/ u't-iy 1piiîtiîîiîtýtii lrgi-lift- iîît-îiraii'c îîîîîîî uîry iTaii whi,asileù t.> it atl il y for it. Soute moin iat's ii iliisti'irnce:tlîcy tîluit bai c iftît tonce. icmviii ouît of tell fia%, i e ît as îiîicl as tlîcy shioîld lhavc: tlcy nîist take iuîret- îiloce. I 'are iiot lîow impîortant the îrapc p icii jliî-aît liay blic.1b%4 euusivoc lus biiiecrs. lîtîr liiitv 1riîlillclit lie ility lic i l is iiinîlility. Mly 115lu-srt ssis as rcptabie tas]lis, atiis doiîîg fat' luire fîîr tbc wurltl. 1 arn ciititleil tb liold tip liy hicail îtit any man h i ig; a uit 5slng ls I axî a genîtleman îianid uly considerate of the, riglîts of otliterit, I shah ont esi- talc to prescit îîy c.auîse a id ak a rcsîicctfiî I Ieariiip, iii al lipriptr ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN BETUER AFFORD TO WAIT Wieto Your Michigan Mutual Lif e Agent to-day. Founded in 1867 Have laili tt Pulicy-Holulers si lice organii.atiîii-1 ,tUn,;.7 .A recordi of actîtal rcsuhts whliîtu1eaks foîr itseif. 'l'lie dcfirîite 1îoliey con-. tracts itisued by Ibis Comnpanuy appcal to all tteai clio are lookiîig foi.tihe best at lowest rates pcrmitted. SOME LUCRATIVE FIELD POSITIONS OPEN FOR MEN 0F INTEGRITY AND ABILITY. IPresent Chicago Addres 431 S. Dearborn St. JOHN HODGE, District Manager MED WOO!)bdAN. Noted Carteoniat ard Hnmarisl 10 JudFe- Keneats \linunlti'. iandi agninsi iînth tîiiilarîi Oil (o_.anti whîclt cracsu >ilti' u. lcl Neti\'So-,Irnatt(î î,i lI: tretsa sî-ry fuîtîîy cr,î i .rce Satae 1,itu hl lon D i, f iiupqide dîawn and oliakir,, Sitati(Otloui of his hcu-rlis tn-a large Cviii. John 1) is alto loii utig ti, c-g in tht.PIC- litre. svlîci , n I ll ian 1- -i'-îîial[ îlid r-i . ,' t u-ot n -inlihebt in Ihat leC, ' ptii ns ckIe. Lite i ut mt bardl lit cv nv ;- thiti ket! on nosi - tnu-le Sant e r"'îîl0at Fut il dieu-nt ' al .1t-vVtoi man bas ctcrd manv a one s'ic( then ant iutaie i-lt toizo W't itreni. li s a cri' cPinaitioli weit, hittoorist. zntI r .,t,,,,nist. and lry." asite u-."1 il Iir " m [v ar he ceas crnloni- on 'lie "ChicaLi Intcr-(uni-an" and '-irît tiiýr(-raid.' ant ui piîmir1 asl- annýared iTl 'Titi-Ram's 1l1i-n '"I.îî em." 'Jutige. anti otier publications I usi sealent ite gave over one nîmrt and fift3 Lycrumentrrtainmrnitl. At liberlyville Town Hall, on Ion- day evcnin$g, Noveniber 20, titi]. Ticketée on ésais@aat L-elil' )reDg Store single -iiiisli.R)0 cenltts. -'--n r" 1 N U RAC * * * -1- * * -s 5 a' * * h.t. ni * ~ c. --'I "t- 0 11% l 1 1 N.- Wi-t - th. Lint.

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