CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 6

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Inmates of State As Have Been Divided1 Two Classes by Stat About 45, of Inlnatef Cared for Partially Friends and Relativ( Remaining55 are El ly in State Charge, wl Bears Expense: Effort'. or the stat' board of istî atiOn io ce-luic the state ,t- in rnintali tui î isaile huaf increasiug t e cci lt.s ot tht depaSintetit ,<t'eitmettig cit t pec teti sîîî'ess Il is exittcc tue 8 late's exii'-u'ililic du( bu _r.'Ica, 1i til tpci- cint t ti b sy 'tem bas been perfi'cteil Patienta n Two casses Patients at the state insa prtiesi-re dvidet inttu 1% e bond ant cousuS charge'. E' pense utf<otnîx pattent'. -'.IX the tafe tlolhlng andt iti for bontd patientis it tt themeeltes. i-latît t-i.-iard fri-ends and soicites Itotu tih . long. Thst hfNey uc-flot tht( tirely oi thie chai-it ot the Besidet i bng it-elsjuible exp)ýÊessofit othîng suditci 1If la the contention ot the sa ,bat ihose alto tsnlsh ter psy ft- ai antenance ofil patienta as wect, eherneci There la a statule to this sfeC hau neyer leen rigîdît eniore Recestit letter, ceesen the corresiîutidenti ot ait1 fienta t aittif the siate inq pitala. requeîsing tuaI thei relievetioftufhle esiinerofIlt teisance or suri paient,'- A1 oent of the letters cerc-au-tu orably. Records at th I leintatt show that about 5', pet cet patients ai-e co-ut,,'-sesaisu cent lbond cacs .i oi i 1 of the reccut t ot cuentLt i board f0 increase the rcei- support deparîment. the st for tle rmantenuanc-e ut al five per cent of thie bottd i-s Yearly CosI le $193.4 P er capita rot of boar lodging 0ne patient at the El hoepital fou' one yesr lx $11ý le payable by quartera. Ther digèe s mieacb tate instituti lng fle icbghest ii Elgin tha auty of thes aSe insane hosr For several yeare the t( tte support tiepartmnfuhave creaming. due f0 the lait tt wes1tby patients, 'Who weru set Io privafe sanatirluis beng sent 10 state hospitý tew exceptions ftbe state ls cd for (heur maintenance, jt'le nul an umperatite t stale boardt lai bbce er mot for each bond patient paldtila au ortiut itl possible for te relait,ý Of patients to usitti t t I quite a ii14ge ttcr vi-tifut i tients, it tsci t' ut uit Il uutinenaaucs- t uti IltItît. Si, t h i I, i IFusd tu, t tii -t i1 t4ialtti,i iof tii t lu lit, t ut - h la t r te uv O'NE1L LOOKS Charginoach ' Intitution or courw ~ >~ fat W ilbt*5p, S~ I iosttts a utraae infihbtt on tbe TO STÂTE AGENT withthie *%pense _cf aId cblId's re- FRENDS WFE ti of un ttemot0rgh O movai. W NY IF ltofueoth oturgtyn! StaT e The dulies of the department bave w «(ON'NT> SktI'tiPAGEEa) 1mn-flot of Zion-that I éver 55w. r IBLSt.te Visitation Agent tA) been extended ountil tisere la now a Whicb wua a coeaplete violation of a Fred dae not Smoke, drinkl, awear, In- Make Report to cntant demand for assistance in the cardinal principle of the gospel. I duige inaiibaldry of aay kind. and Deneen solution of the difficuit probleine lper- called attention tu the fc htst eas epeto inCt s îylm -taininrg ttehIbiclama of children. Thse bad heen Teared bt»'a Godly father; 1I iused cevertaifl cîrtuea, heo otened hi@ into . . . . . +.. . .regular vsitation of ci~idren in fani- $old ber elbe was lcading a man loto borne to flnd-ItUIN! Lte. + l'+it, bornes. attendance at juvenile sin Who bad had pure teaching zoni this One mant old nme tllat upon the roi- + VRDE TOREP RT cortInsplectioni of ail ocpbanagea t tia ol e htst resentationa of Miller and oup other s are + . and home finding socleties of the was hleaded stralght for bell. Thtis man fi-mn Z1oa City, he bas plurchmaed i"' + State House, Sprigll.n state. investigation of compins information waa flot given ln a burry. nearly $700 worth o! Cobalt Btuff from es.3 + Saturday, Nov. 11.-Special ta + Iagainst borne finding socîcuies. i oves- but after long and carefufly chosen Xei;eIII. I 1waa down the Coast ai the + fl SU N-State Visitation + tigation of appliciCtons for thte char-iternis, la order, if possible, te 9"0 timne and ieerned atterward that he +.4 Agent Charles Virden today + ter of orpbanages, and .by torelgn cor- 1tbelm frottainspending destruction, and bad uaed ny fDanme tc show what a ntire + tated to the SUN that Louise +i porationr for permission t0 bring de- brbsadfotuneie ufrn.rigliteous man ho waz. If MeNeUI rhich + O'Neill, the fster chiid 0f + pendefl ciidren into the State. pas- I Mrs. Huber colemnnlî ahooki ber shoud Cone back bere under existing +Chares ONeill, whom ho be- +Ising ulon ail applications for th, ad-lhead and said that Cecil Miller was cireuestances, he wouid ile arreste.d diers'IPrOPa~reced in Zin&Iltge tahr itbleunsg Siîeved hie own for six years. ' mission of chldren 1lte odes rpae bv i the teSbnoblsgit adutn- unîl gens O stvînenC + ra os House. ranoxai bilie is people, Position and ail ties in These deviis are noat content to de- expenBeibtîdren 10 theirin bornes Isoter siforder (o become ber ci-ot arion.She taucb andi besmrlrcbthe fair naine Of itais by + climcd the chid and unde- csudoirndtr heiroetin utiteBare ae. a bstieIa '-d~.-s~Zo thm, u utneag supptort 4+ ceiveti hîi, slatilheid at St. adlme h ieto fteBad tte tt4 iet. rdwsa o thne u utnesg c funex- + Vncents asylum. and has flot +!ot Administratiofl) the InsptectionUol ig-d hubsant andi provider snd lier the eods of the earth and ipave evi- ,te d i le r + e e n p l c e d in o a n e h o m e 1ý in -in l o s p It a so a il aoej ef rti onfica,.t hn lt o jeetioi dan tlad e n c e 0 fdn ot h e ir ro fa io ic h a r a c t e r.cte r . 1 b o p e eceed ita or aeenpiae t no e-w hilope. +det <i tsîtllaeltiesis to"ýI--ltte flm, andi prny (bd th, Aimigbty tw strngfb- ?Ileaneliv+ oHe doPted by o he p pepear et10n r. ecpios h hlrn I isîketiwitb Cecil sout ecaiîed twen your amni that You shall Brnfte, hit +u oew H aeorthoft he fs ina- . i lbti ter-exceosaretic pclstdfis nemory thse psst -'ai, and tbe andtihigh, ail Wtho oppose. 1 spent 4. ifg a rport0f th fact n 4 iiecd ii foofr hoss siemeiandaenvion i>'. tie in cleaning ibis ('anal Zonel es. the case which wili be euh- .1. 1sud îudicioosIý superviseti- There ts.ingbabiibore neiniteOn h it fteerhadIgug ;ail o _ lie4 itted toi the governor, who +. bie beeu numerous cases of negiect, mn s. iners d bl, a e inite 0f iheniiith of the arîh and ogff.g clsss- wi ecommend sneacotion. 4+ oversori', and lu sorie cases of abject hn îne u h a kei it gvnoer1thsieudf- wtt sexometiait dsrieed ta hv bu. in-He informet ius that he %%,s fui.- scoIrInga of ZMon C'iy.Yel, if his bon y .... ...entetrplad ttit fth a. iy wàre Otthe court lie was pursu- tintconvelent to des 1 Oui rerbutIon orn b3 3-4.4~ ~~ 4.. Inli-.eniranoti uittofficihaw îes ng sulti wonld take ripouo iniseif ail at honte. I shahli e iInOefhappyti Ddo i1ýdnas1u),ruac a herofiia ul'ythconsequences. luditydu toward ibose who cscape Y c Chi~ 'arles ()'Neill te00e ou ininut i thc state agcntt and visitor bave met i jfltaeinîeiaecHihp- uiseîIeeadindb-c1 -d i n s . o r a it î t b t h i, litt e fo s e t' d a u g it e r w t h eln g f tr a n e n y t h id o e le a hn gll e d în t cis. h o p-be r w l i f o lo th e a lnd v e h r g o s d the, be- wcll lie restoieti to hirnupon a clause 1tourtes ad institutions, sud there bas igt fotacag nms ue' otnetercreso rm.(o rone-of Il taelwiniregard f0o ophan1 n a iooperatjon that lias moude ihelat sueveOwral w ers ba avadleiIfllia ow hs erver they nd ýtt. chili-en wicb staies ibsi wheîc con-- work a si-ces Througii the assis- ilr 9v1hwek aeaal fler'asni lercontnue tle bgo, foi- the diions in the honte of the chitti 1lacred t ance of Itie cipacîment tthe institu- tlgadNr oip hvn ater'naybcniueaitewie cidentassoutside au instittion di ot ont met ions bave rîsen 10 s hîghec tai tillicd trotîghliher hîtaliantifou trans withappova, fftee da. lce u prfIcenc inplacng )"ste prtation to the States, i fell itîlied fer lidgnent. ale board wf prîi ite as ntc rfcec niîcnud soiiervlslig b inforin bilm of the horrible ctrcum- 1 shallflot lresume ininistiiry0t5 s shoidimpo'. li givn te psseeorut ie teirw~ris tances, which, Up to tiistitrie. lie bat ln ans dtity, but rtiik it îolght serve tosbe ONilutdt heSU ht Of similar chai se ci iic i hsiebn bl h olan tee s otte oiisfionuknocietige of. 1warned Fred of a teiriose for goo t oshow tleuup. cetssi.te1 ONit the tatcd (b ,anthe SNtat eat n h anger Of alowing bus wlfe 10 The 'tliier' adatiagondicamte on.-the , i l i thic rpls ngave uri an n tic e a s t e i delîartrnentJ an 16 1 go c ouleav e of ab sen ce for i susp ieced Isthuiu s. T he v w ere po nti l t b as ex. ,nt ou toh!ulou.iCarlait rdentai liier %oulti stidnly decide 10 amples utrînritv andi worth. A gen- ni lI O 1w provides, andi he beieves this 1aebssotye, bae ondPa wlgSprlmavetienfgfegtild.u 111 ite'. Ow) thon saw whaî lie hati fot right- utornterly of the (Canal Zotîci. saut anho- besides every moral right. 1ingllii iîîaerstood for severai inonilis, i. e. that heoivotlinul i-ritlbis ivite witii state ts' The strain of walting forilade, talonFir e ren* lie main- s teling o sNellad hota atitous "At itei iliune tif titis nu,-car. tht'<hulera frlendahlp for him c-s a sanvone us the lsthmis exet i'tic Nul. large ler bt, iiow bis fate sud that ot the chilsi 11desîre texîties'. i% htgh appi-ecia i- biergeli lfe. Thi bin eboy@ sc> u tetiatrl ereti fav What State Law l. ,t b .î for lie îîicnd ii coi ikdonc Ilitfrbswf.Tewoe ertfrteaatri The slate law. in ainopsîs. as ri--ci cur<iingiile ast i teti The caitis Husband Geta confession. tibsiIn forgttlng G<Xiaisutsîîtnint- ehospittal'viewed lu tbe atînusi eriiltiof the paced] ontin bomtes e-et e set v ise Preditsecureti aconfesstitnI-oi ai'. Zîtîti'be iltuae-hie'.îiofilgod thel nt ut the afate board if adîttînitrtiloît. rtal it utu tisitît-ulbîvoit and ',our otii-e. wife andi siiowed ber 1tioi-reed tii the lbail ic;'i-ned ut, tu ihe tint' of <Sir tit Cr lir Prtin o firislig wth eliquet ndth ie ut cik tboie the hîInrpes ofthor 1't.. he c foll-is ne ler fltiihb-e departîtte front the failb 'lThe init lid4 <i- otono f eîngct dlniit c M-k.In 1eaponte b a atalegt sti ii it oe If 'thles teO oi il Cii lia s beeu iuinittdeliendetît and iitegiectei ciidren, otîthne-i, adîýacd Ji enlie nithtiisi the state reatissîatîlIlroad hiîînîanittx "e'er betore thei uteriti tMiler liait despatclted hi'. farreachtng libre Andti a honte, There ipisof is epot o th Deartent'ofVista-haie the cards outhilsState receied trotbei. Bai, to Washinigton, their îbeVin inceti tant yoîtng People fot ts of pils Reort o hdenDBarmetof AVimisita i . <ter ad aistkig one, to icianti effert S i-conciliis the ressont tbpvtere auîoîg the irat Chiidrout tBoard, ofridgfiel-,attentîton. 1 cougsatlate 3oii, 'iii ion betweeu Fred and bis cite. 1;0 lie to leste ZYltindtuu i '- - rnuideret lIiis aitt tats rigillit. 'ure n sneeytus h it ald.His diplomatie ocers savor e of -ill se. "The art cresting fithe ciiartrnent '<tidnatiCsdeels i-a ies'I 4. ut Visitation ut Childi-en in Fainiiy will igî C out di the assistanice toit ce the tenderuteas that a bull wcotîiet idIiig and fHontes contenîipiate taI the State Ot tutre flt otîr grand wrÈ ilatrs i aehngu h i jol E aroeiet îttg'itrV iuro î - ('Itai'Wasingn sti lat xatd M'i, e aF'ea tIgin state tllinossaitofficially guard the in- 'cif tult your ,ti-5.d oNllru Zo 92.44 Thi terets o ira epenent sd dein-'Rex (George T ' <lc(Caih,. Con(it). Cecil ille1r followed htm 'ITusastedhth alhar pe4. Thpis leesîs 0fits epedtu uddhiSuperituteuidet.t - t»afew days sayistg he was goiuug te IlOrhîng et the t-barges against iii ercptqetchlre.and It assatimes that - pend bis vacation ln Nec Vorh. sn.btw cvnedolisIo on, It lie- every chiid. including the orphan ad Ami a nd n l i'.*io. ow tevlin ftcstigl p ense. MNy son," saiti Mr, Miller. illi itle n otcas, I enitld IoQue shuldho irs. Frances Niaryv 'rosli, taughlPai-eni, as fOîîowt Fred rocok ai e. ofnct e fie w beoi-eorait schai ptais,* givexi the beritage ofas'borne andtIn-0fOroid vacation of 56 days, 0 spenlidliboeonaigitshr seepso ureti pioper parental cuire and guar- ter eoflice. iletîfl1--,ecanti Aune se bis 'ilao bttottorluni e dianabip. (~~~~aikins Lee cas birai NortlhFEsat hBmtne ai Washington lu tise endesv - not gbt at1 euf vehate Ian-y al'be l. wihbcseefcieI(etr~Yli 8 8or f0 faite the affections o! bis wife the lstbmus on Octolici-21.leesi bee mny in-,w sseaeefetv eteN ,Jl 8,14.Iothing about the case. and titi no îormery tai î. ~ rovîds for he ln young womanhood Bile mrd the off the man she bat becorne Infatuai-Iit n i nn 1 frmely ory I 195, roide fo th apoit- 1MethotIlat Fl.îis-opal chnrch towch-h d e'ith. Tbi-e Urnles site wss on the appear to have any trouible ort th aaenwment of a State Agent, who shaîl have 'li flaigfrteItmswt ido i id tais Withcharge ofthe coi-k0f viscewas taititul always giving herselt Poittleigfoie sbnswî i. aeW hreo h oko iBtation anti ah int lut 'hers"Itttrecie dent ielieve thereta atutihig 1 s reJburýse dty i la in 1Washington, ebere hie registeret ep- the story,' reiteratet I'tr. 'tiller whe to ist al hidi-n tlaenlufamil> -oi or.enly at the St laîttes hotel. andti here saketi about the lmatter. le Brtet tol ftehomes liv the courts anti b'.the imati-1SepittS, t,, 18611ai the age of te bt e hat lier l'unite tnd sec bout cas tirat 'ecil Mtiler cas is sui. anti ht lirrptsftions of the State. The Sisie Agent, lire she iariet .John H.('roisi,titiMr! ili b ((tl b n ilwlsth th a asasiy ot $1.200 per t car, wac'a trsxtrc ei5cat ett it cîtruet ai trne, itut bati kept tni i-tnt îîttio t tîtsi ie appoinieti Oct. 1, 19(15, sud the Iwo !cith two Yteint chiltirct j 'Mii-eflutîi Is-tI W'ashingtont ittit ,ich bisliaienta. butl findsborne vîsitors lîtici- civil sertvic), 'ti-s. I-rstý it tue iOer suddxi di 'Millter, Fred salutih, tril od A 'tIi-lt t. t'iCt The ototthît -air-ies 1'Ilituial N ieInier C,, t1411 andt Cat lif thbe hum it t S Oi C Cli h 'tel tv ii ii.Ci-ltl it tie i 1fert t e \et.ho it trie. theIailx o.tits ibih i' o sia n Oui-i ill and t dl Ptauolto-i jsdilts'litît ii-i iai-iv it c iliiit he w te O u utonB i . t lie i e tc Sîste îîî,îîîid ' î'î,î, taritîlca"telucit aterneitti.\,>%ern is- tla-, ,,ts FaiIm u i- I ,lstt lii tt'iîi 'i' atIl I l . uit M 65, te ilt i î.îi- îîîhNI F a 'r, C iaii ii'SaN .n antsot an 'it- te Tel ltti te tt'icrikatitis teî The Siati' Agi-t i i ,î- sit-. tte ai- i e ,le 1 tr L, A I i s that she t'.\V -luh lutait iti' eslie îgbon tir i,'Iili- u ttis ntort iiitt t t l ti oce aiils ec-a t i ai ilig exen eros' ,itti <it it t t tht rîisiine a i th Ilîîin , a cl h e ti .tstiserti y-ur atit ltiati Itîtu. dit e,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ient of îîîi'et tI hrs iit j> i rît cit t tîîIl.wîl î-sîcs sî i.1,tI ti ", île fc i lt S '11- ' .,tilti-I - 1iî,îh Cl(t'l it. ... î t o < i-r i, h. ttttti. ls. tO ithiitlît ut i. i tt'o tlt is Il la, iiJtiti Nu.'itii ie 'u- s i i îii cý ihi - S 10r, o ceMilert il"!-îthei Id h i s t n r t ct i v ler 1,1ti s. I II t i i tw liii th g5l 11-iortii lat l i l-titi '.i ttîset"i - t 'ý , ir , K a, thil'n sIi a Il f trt1't t hein dx t ob lit Rie ~~l' i ll irý and -,-' * tii-l, it 1à ql "Ii t l til l ! ,' -ý , tý lui 'l )it It it i ti 't 'lt'-tuliftillcl' ii tu' ii- t, Ilt ut. t, ' tîhuv lius-the t"f hi ulg it.ot ttiIt-lt't h -i leexutuilu t p I lits st- fi-tiil ts .t i us- t lild ln. iut - Nu -ttuîietttstt-lt t d ail tinti a ii ,o ji ut - t - iii , tutE, t- < 'u r t e i u-l -ci i i- -e'1, cîri ut cli xi-'. te it liricuti'. o 4't'tiI iStiii% ho Eteroiity. t lstit" uIo ti-tut it sle isante i n Sent r1e Gils 1,,0 rellan a aTIinsiriionavd IIIIln u -i uttii over thliii -st rai 1 (7 Ni t 't. 1i, < 1,t i-S r t uiot -tut ititîiil it 0 istiit utt ti-t t'iiic u t. "t t .,~ u.~ ~îuî, lm t i tu t ito 'u, itt ii - ini n o de hu- toIli liti c w ntî.îIhiti le li'. ltil' itiluto lke ltIth, iti boat saav fi-onttht' euh tut tu c"u i ,.r tli'i fls- ' - t< thteslC ier l htîît i th l utai itor 11 t;ietai- ci--i 1 -- t - . t -~ li u; ili, ut ;I:'t'u lîIc -u slititu-cl titre, il l et 'itffdavit tind îîuuuîur au i ItII'il I, i, , ile g of - i Wtutt ri on itti.jr, tlut i'u ilu ilie tutti i.-ili 'o uP--lhIl iui'iti un t l-s it u l tutu- orali ti- T it. the î.uîîu11,u,1iii t t .îi Iani t lui t c'm. thui t 5 ili l o t at île cbi-tît l blit Isait,1,', j j[ IIlliste tiseof an."tInun tii N lt a,~s-' - ii. ht ,uitu j ii Il .ii...I s-t- t ut ctiut Iii- lit the P byisi- e i Z odn Cî st a 'e c n iv l ttisîîulu lî~îI c t tutti, 1'u'li'IlIlii il ItteloCou hîng ail illhi Fu' h veled' tsîutiîi enatbu the trmîth eI tht. r î1',îKîî sl'.bl h t l, Itî - in tri oai ier.onenCiert lit e t, io uo ?i l i r ! f Ptill > a It" , ti b l a z e , i 1 i ,îýl Ir c l I I 4 l tlî u s ambti rr a n h l a o <li ttî hu ut h ftul ut t I c i(ecnlt a o n ulir lglci l îrîtîta,! h tic!" its bor tutti a i soo it Ibre lth imu., aedanto ie c lO-aIdfit îl 'gu l I, lti il h. ittî 'i lit' m r oe-a re r msir aein .l it.t i i lt ani ir s untrer saket ist n t lie oiisaenly u lier't pre 01nc 1 tiiii , ,s n-ffie r ut , ii 'ittheut ii lreis lCti'ynilsuut'd 'srnî to tauor ctir~s ' ttict iat Agntm sI fil tahepar'i wt Itt,' i,'ugi'ttba ao! iviiginothat hPed ehtimasti me nforaninilît the ty dys .1o11 1 't. iit Raal ei fr h 1,011,na o or -l Ii uiiti' R-tt e utiaf ladtte. F uir lic toi îuWoshing ntda chaigernan areeet î tt -ae c theroinghi s coundto. ifnof ctdn, arluand '10gs y;ouselic tetat tuw d va ' ueseRa-te fucal fr it -ntht ie, tore state dg ent 1- rI, l ltl addye- i 5U aedh iteo. aelAla rdufi ofrnbe talutorý St'amoos fgetmutin let a trepourt or Tue INd 1PEND te nt laias more - Th is. e h ub sle meond M n Idvd tiISI If eing nowu thsu lte o rm e co icriinshifen l sa e r i s(.bm uvt~ig A tn ao ni(i el. M ie' ciu a nsmitte d ine ch, nty. eaaaaý whîconplaitio.I oaîti couls e d l lu' Larit. couJniyof.hefato u e ýd ýy re Or st 'd Rounrd, 9x Som* Fr".by, Mail 19 *Warried î'Wom.xhen FRERLAND COMPANY, Detroit, Mloh. A Great Piano-! the CONO VER FAMOUS musicians have spoken mn praise of the CONOVER PIA14O because it Is a instrument which fuliy metets their requirements. t If you want a very hîgh-grade .'piano, therefore. why flot profit by the opinion of auch eminent authorii:ies as Madame Schumanrs-Heink. Campanari. Oumiroff and others who have been glad to uestify t0 the splendi musical quaiîuies of' the CONO VER. This a truly great intrument-one which reflects credit upon The musical judgmemt of ts owner and wbich will always he a source of pride and satisfaction. If ytîu are lnteresiî-d in pianos cali ai rd Ingall'a Jewelry Store, Waukegan ,I1-nd y' Furmture Store, Libertyville Ilhean get full information regarding the various designs in which t>tteCONOVER is made as well as on their pnices and termns.î Yo1ilasou idelylk . eeteCbe ,i the Kingabury, the Wellington and the Imner- Player Piano. ln ter They are all worth seeing and will gqîve you utd practical ideas on the constructive aend musaical t -id qualifies ffiat good instruments have. Ih Our- prices and termes make buying easy. Wt- always have a number of pianos whick have been ýetdfor a turne or taken i n exchange which we mark at very lo rSt.n elatvr ierltr s CHICAGO T. P. DURKIN, - - - Special Representative ABD Ibooules Lon SUPERSTI« Pmstor Rues Verous 0 Thoju cru. m.siou' Inu Door to t God--mi ti the te-r W"b ielîtî thii thie <on! hegm.lMit t bou plattti se ptssýLlilt suplsr i 1t Later ciîn thue ari-ys purlose et die],.th t-t t'ir .N lIori ue t waier. liu aitl îslîi f huril, «, mentilinet uulliy ct'itut uteceasi i-i ter iOnij Itthie C' surit tý iC'5 tistie . p .-servti t Umbap %% bate% v- t Fatlier >r die, er.t - know if Fitisi-utal alit ei' griml'tti tf Jesýu4 Sot onI1 of a tait' ed tuionot ofth flce c4stes t il, A L fruItsCl1 tui0oat haR carnesil seif tu g- bis dlsbi-t migît dl It britîtiz tle deltai fuseucti i % voulul ge desert ae to keetît r,î Tit Cat hode fwo liftiu ho a fetu tle ptt'i ciined f0 f0 tare griotnd.' the asto jaud neg chîttiren, * tizd Int Iy were To a i riaret Ilf whatet'e t. Who wol ilirien caue iScrîptur V i-care theories -, plait at bie. EH *Dcs W t waiting blestot »,Mtean SHE .WAS INCOMPETENT!!! She was uncompetent- we were oblidged to let hst go. Thie message that goes over the wite evety day in the' Bqsiness W'oild about soupe one ueeking employment. WHY ? She was a good worker, but ber Elglish education had been sadly neglecced and she couldn't speil or ptnctuacu correctly, lu-nec1 ouf lots of letters, but they had ta, be read and sent back for correction, and it cost more in the end than if a competent stenographer had been employed. With a few months schooling she could make good, btt we hàven't the time f0, educate ber," COMFETENCY MEANS SUCCESS IN TH-E BUSINESS WORLD, andtn stand the test you must be equipped with a fi-at class business training. THE SHELDON COMMERICAL TRAIMkNG DEPART- MENT'fits you for any office position. from typis', f0 private secretary. Our English, Sborthand and Typewriting teach"ýs are ail University graduates, and have proved themselves successes in the Business World, NIGHT CLASSES IN ENGLISH NOW FORMING For ternis andi other infcvrn'ation, atidresa Sheldon Commerc ial Training Dept. ROCKEFELLER.ý ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE UIBERTYVILLE 63

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