CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Nov 1911, p. 8

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E'~LAKE COITNTY INDEPENDENT, PRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 17, 1911. LI~N ews of Waukegan and the North Shore, OTIR er John T. \lcWîfliarna. and ligtefi L UURÊME 01 FitrING8R 9, U ~ bobbing dangerously up and down ln I Ihe turbulent se-a, were vaîniy trying fl to reaoh the boat to lîghten the cargo.;01I O)WFTF iMiISSING ck[w 8F[ They aIv.aýs returue-d nt night of CretWlsLtee j Richard Smith is Be- -y-s n--r l-aving the. w.ste- of wale-r Angle Worms who Vent- c lieved to be Last Person1 in front of 1,,,,,'and 1 kn@-w corne-- ured from Homes. c to ee ostBoa. hîng haas bappe-ned to them. They1 to SeeLost oat. have been l in the storui,. 1arn sure. Scores of Snake$ Aiso Per-1 bat,~ ~~ 1iCrwo Se e rtar they bave been drowned. MY ished in the Draughty f laot, ithCre ofSev neplies as in the boat, but 1 do 001 Men, Left Chicago for the be1 n eIai-e eepahef heiW'eather. Local Fishingy Banks. again. The Evening Star passe-d the life- Cernent 'Walks Believed to Were Sighted Far Out in the -;a% iug tation at Evanston Saturday. Puzzle the Worms and Lake, and Shortly After rnorning at 10 o'cîock. h waas sghte-d Snakes ini City. the Storm Broke. agaiîî at Il oclock south of Watike- gan IHu nan be-loge were- not the only Ont- îtAie -arie tuîrdav e- Driven outIlotothe lake- b>*thî-eaie- Last Sîghted Saturday. 0 of Saturday olgit and almost dead <altalu Richard T, Smith of Wau- t bu oold, se-ennie-. give- oup ast legan saw th--e-fl t i 2P. ni.' Set- de! iby iheir faoîlîiae. lande-d fate- day and sînce- that lime- ail trace nfIý Bumsy ie-ht s mile-e north of St. tie- boat eand cre-w had beeu l .Jee¶sh, Ntilt-bater a twet-sfour Tht- Lous Pahlow, towing the- De-a beur battît- aith thtt storin.te, le-t Chie-ego for Me-nomnee-.Nfie-b I The- me-n le-t Chicago Saturday Salucslsy afternooii et 3.30. The-y forning ýiltoard tie 76 foot gasoline- weatbered tht- torm qalurdas nie-ht launcb FNeniig Star Thet Isere se-e-n and eans Sunday iorning an et-f lst ori the-ito)uage- t ' oclockthtaIaf- le-mjt was mnude to rtech \Milwauikee. ( aarnoon pasuine- Waukee-an. A few As the bIoats ne-are-d the- harbor the-c bonne fate-r the- torni broke. and whe-n toss tut- lurtefi antd tht- Delta vilh9 the launch falle-d to be reporte-O ail lsewrt of se-en me-n drifte-e away1 "ay Sunday the- occupants were fron the- teenier. A foresalI was 1 given up for 10et. holate-el hbe- me-n oit the barge and1 Il was 2 oclock next moring -be-n an effort vas made- 10 follow the1 Captain Crland o! the- Chicago lilf- steanmer 10 port. bail the- storm drose- savIng t-e-w rece-ve-d a telephone- me-s- the- boat out iîto the- leke- sage telling o! the- fandine- of lie The- boat v-a soon out of sîgnaling launch on the- MIichig-an shore-. distance- front tht- steamer andelie CAttain Carland and bis crew were captain of lie Pabow eite-reel the- N Il- m&Mng preparetione to aret et dawn waukee harbor and lrnmediaely noti- fe a croise along bothu ahores of the lied the- life-savinut cre-w o! the- perif lak. bIite-fnlife-boat. Sorm Waruior. the- Delta wae inStations aloog te wheu word was recelved fror N MichI- Niieigan Coast -e-re- commnnîncale-d CMu thit tihe hunt for the nîlsaine- w tb and s cerefuI lookout malotaine-d W=4 eIýroulI b.unnecesary. for the- barge-. List ot Mislng Crew. Itv-as thmaght the- boat cotîle not Voliowing are the members of the- weatbe-r the- gale v ith the- one- fore- es'e: eail and eipplng offic-e-a Sonday Capt. Oscar Osmondson, 322 Monti-v-e-e beginne to fear disasler bad seslo avenue. o'ertake-n the-m, v-be-n ne-vs neache-e Josephu MoGfnty. Chicago that the- Dela had be-e-n *John Liti. 4030 Sedgwlck ttreet, a sie-ted off South Have-n. nsrtll r of Jo. Litz of thislacity. After the- trugele with the- sîorm Joseph LIti, 1430 Sedgwick etreel, the barge- ente-re-d tie-barbon. son of Joe Ltz of thif city. Residenla of South Have-n and tic John Anderson, Milwaukee. police of that city gave- the exhaustee Thomase Farrell. crew food and furnlehe-d the-m wlf b James Goodmran. cie-en. varmn e-bIbine-. John Devis. Telli cf Fiee-ce Flght. B arge Masters Stormi. The me-n toiti a storya of a te-rfibc While reports werc be-me- rece-ive-el truge-le- for lîfe. Severai times tbey bJaeang that the croise of the- Even- almoet gave up thue fieht, but, urgeel Ug Star, wae almost one- of deatb. on hy the- hope thet tbe-y were ne-r wordcame tbat tlic Delta, a barge, shore. they lebore-d to ke-e-p the y.ached Sout Haven witl sîl cre-w barge's nose- Pointe-d e-atward. â&M after partine- company with ils Then wbe-n they sere almoat fnto Ww, tihe Steaci Louis PabIow, of the Pot camo~ie the fieht whess the- foresalI Kte Luinher Company fie-t. S'as tom !from the- mast. 9even men sere eboard the Delta. ,MIl day Sunday se-ach was made Chow Foo Hun Trial, NOV. 20 fo e ii. saine- boatf ansItil u -S CisoW F'oo Hun, the Immaculately Uîou-h te Delta had shared tbe fate dressed Chine-e e layer v-ho afteî *At prohably bail ovettaken the- shootine tv-o Chine-se in a Chicago Uvenine- Star. cale. eSCaped to Waukege.n on a rid- Crippled and ice coated. the Delta nIebt train andl bld for tbre- daye In lmue! tto pot, the geeat te-w fine- the front cell&r of the- Chinese- faundry dragglng over lbe bow. the cre-w tSon soutl Genmeee-!, la to corne totrial exhauafed to bolt the- heavy cable-.mgt soedWak--n11lhv Pat o! the- foresalI ha d heen- tomn a sort o! epeciali nlerest ln the case- t he we-rm we-ather. The angle worm and the enake. ha- lsing instinct, were buncoed by the weetbe-r fer vorse Iban we-re pe-ople, and the re-sult was a slaugiter of mil- lions of tie formier and scores of the lattler. 'lue worrns, it appears, -e-nt ired forth Fride-> night as l their cuatoîn of nie-bts and be-carne rarooned on ce-ment agidessaîks whîch still retained some warmtb. v-hile the enuikst he litîle common grass kind, broke thir wînte-r hibernation bo corne forth aiso, lune-el bv the balrny air v-bich probaily pe-trated t-van their re-treats. And both ste-cie-s of crealures per- ishee. On the cemuent walks we-re buan dre-du and thousauda of de-ad angle worm, froteo stlff and v-lth ail the v-iggfe gone out frorn them, v-bile e- observer Monda> moroIne-bound on the v-alla in Weuke-gan many de-at snakes sshici utet tie seme fate. Oni v-as e-îgbtee-n loches long. The ce-ment waîks eppe-ar 10 be-il dern the things that crawl, anld Il is be-ie-ved that the strange, emooti e-ut face, lmpe-rvious 10 excavaltion, ma: bave some-thine- 10 do witb the nes conditions Ibat ceusee the 'de-ths.' NAVAL RECRUIT MAY BE SOIUGHT Tbree Racine Mon are Ar rested in Connection witl Charges of. 14-Year-OIÉ Girl Against Recruit. Cbared wit4 contribotine- 10 lb Oelinquency o! -Nehie Larsen, a foui Se-en ye-ar oId Racine girl,.v-ho ha be-en living in Ke-nosha for some time threeyoung Racine me-o, John DeIzii of 1318 Carlisle ave-nue. JosephB al ze-r of 1227 North Wisconsin etreel anod John Colet of 308 Main streel were laken iâoa custody lesgt e-venin by Assistant ('hief Ne-vhoue-e o! KE noaha. NeileLarseo, the girl In the cas( accoîopanied thse office-r to Ibis cil and! identIfieO lie lbreeme-n. Thue case Is creat.lng qtiite a se-os ytion in Racine, Kenoshe andl nel rbarbe- cilles. a oumber of yotieb l Inme-ixed Up init. The girl bas lt 0ofga number of allee- assaulte upo b e-r, one In particular in whici a rq ncroit f rom the naval traine-g statio e t Lake Bluff and a fe-male '-i' sl11ave-r" arc lipîicete-Racine Time 'SUES CORN PRODUCTS ?, f n fln-tRan n aFV q GR O FI E AT OOM j)8[IJ 0118IR[FPUT IN CAST IN8UJLI INIFRFSI Frobationary Officer Clarke f F REI IR[-Little Joe" of Tent Colony fi[R ( IIlTll Freveuts Crime Muoh tmprovedM.LEil> While the records of the- prohab n . Samuel Insuil of Liberty- u.t' eorge H. Hoit of Lake For- Another peculiar OPerafion waS $tic- ville Oarries Out Oherl.h- cour rn 10ta pros-ad fe pblcýaw c- est Bays He Rernembers oessfuily perforne-d upon Little Oi& ed Plans of Year. thein tlale ndrovwloboftha rnchof 1 Storm Breaking Tree. NMetyIE, at the Leke ('ounty Tubercu- the executive departrne-nt la created, [aeIliutaauta orig n orsHndrled i ltionD froin the etatement Of Probationery Also that No Indian Would Ia esi fta prtin'Oewl asIvle iEeti OffcerElau kCIakeforths. OtII' arkTre tht if not bie confineel l the hent board ail Light' Deal. Offier lam ý Carke fo thicon. M rk ree hatWaY day, but wililibe allowed in run about ly, the court la proving a succese in He Knew Woodcraft. the yard. t_____way For an hour and a haif, Little OWe- orth Shore Electric Com- At present there are- but three miao under the contraI of the- probationer.,And that There wus a Good wa. hune- to he- raffers althetc-cooY, pany of Waukegan One of They are WIlsI Skulif ski. Pra1ik Jus- ]Joad for Travel a Short wlîîle- a rîlaster or P'aria cast wn aale- Biggest Factors. ko and John Kuna, ail of whom aP- Distance Away. me- ,laladsabouth(bis bodri ofAthpeciel peared In the circuit court al the Oc-rntian! a avie h. ne-ch lsftht- <nt oi opnfthe oi tober termi on minor charge-e. 1 The-cection of a bronze fablet ho and head, and the littie fellow was îîneîbEio opnfrte The-se thre-e are requlred to report! mark 'The Indian Trali Trea etl Glen- swung ciear of the floor. conekldation of ail electrie Uines that their progres8tet the-probation offi coe Ought flot to paisa linchalle-nge-d, This was clone in an effort t0 sire-t-h e-nte-r or make- connec,-tion for entribe ce-r every montb. and betweeo times aaye George- Holtitlo Vale-Force-u, inith,- spîne- loto a proper poition -,iand 10 cio asaouedwhnI the- probation officer ueeps an eye on the, Record Herald. tale the etraîn off the weakene-d ver h e-ame known lthIt e- Public Service bischageaandse--a hatthey d flt I nîy b-& plty to sîtoll a pretir lebrae, whirli ladt be-corne dlse-ee- y Com pan>ti)fi)NorthecîIlîlinois wattOr. alip frorn the path ot virtue-. conce-It. but Il le3rnucb seorwe- o love-at spinal tîthe-reuloiqis. gnz- AIlthr-ewe-e urn-d ver bpr- a hîstoricalIincident and to commei-l Thenlthe- plaster cast. conistlng or The niew t'orlîoralin iciîottroIie-d balion offIce-r a! lhe- firat aession of the oraie-it b>- a table-t whlch incis! at- se-en layera fi fhantIees, wlth lias-lcraielIiil o itrysleaa Octobe-r terni, and ao have-me-de bullt ys dscredit thue perpetrtors tbe te-r of paris, w hold îîîeni toge-nier, s txof h tI.. erger of the C('icageo& one peronal report so Car. They are Intelligence o! the- perlod and tht- wau aîtplie-d b) l>oeto-- s Wtie-rgoia i% ]-au ket- îti t!î. elt-ate-d lines or re-quireel 10me-le- the- report 10 the trustworlblne-ss of history. * and H-r aneitusdit l'ýe-ad nurse-,Chcga itditrf,.SN ev *pobation officer as long as the- court 1 personally re-rernber the tiie- ailte-r whlcti Oie- s-rt-le-at-ec froir t iilti 0,nmy determine, wblcb varies In nearly wben that tre-e wag ere-et and ahen his Itollon and placet] bat-k on the- The- u. 'aie-r !A .i", dI sra eve-y csea wirlwind or seserce wind passie-t board utitil tht- îlasier of Parla har e lectrir. powe-r compinesa of chtth y o tery lae-swretepobto ove-r Ibat section and aplit and bent de-Oedthe- North Shore- RIe-ttrIe lat onte In the plceswhee te pobaionThe- Chicago & %Illw;tiikee ylecîlrii- offie-r bas be-e-o e-tabliabe-d, Il bas the- tree al the forku, leavine- a portion Wheîi ibis liait hardeiiei, (0ie- vas alodfcetlinheadsfth prove-oa marked sucreas. lie rea l t itlI ere-et and the- broken portion sf111 tient hue-kvardu. the, saine- as h e-riodtaeh tih-hnd oftt proe af thedoffice lu Thke petlyof Il as itl b;today, the onli changewa liwe-n strapped to the- board. lit courrand in an unsettle-d condition, crîrnînale froci close association with te-e-Ibt be te-ilasirsn Ohe h- di! andlwetIutru atarî ian ut-rî-wthein>lian l tke ethose- of more barde-ne-d nature-e, and trees we-re- broken and uproote-d e-i the colotiy to bise he-rt's conte-nt <5- isra o d tî h n10 ke-ep tbem from tie- bale-fulInfflu tinie- The- case- of I,Ittle Oie- hias ereaed of traction comnîpeh tl, h il alraady nh teoino Syftroa~5a nlr-teI v- h'sse.a otrobi. thusplIaing in tht- banda or e feso!tbe-stete-e prison or'peniten- Teatnino ayprosa nitees i vrt4 tt.alticl eiary. t -lttrarled tu ibis particular tre- e- haInrilghboring Maraest as well. one t-oilancy îîraî-'lce-l eont roI nt ail s 1 iar. iectrie îlot-a lu nor'trnIulîlinoi's 13y placlng the- me-n on the-ir word1 cause-ilt wae close- 10 the- rallroad and %Vhe-n he- wasflrst tuluen t,, tht- '-o' h hcg Mlakeno bonor ke-epnit cose- atch Ibease it aorvive-d the- abock. and it ony. lh * owk front the a,Hg ht-<iîao&Mlaiee t' upntern ayp-tyofndr aebe-carne-a matter nf lInte-rest from eer of the- diseuse- that lhe-cou id sî-erî'e lueo h onsotol-db'h be-e-nsave-d Croilong rare-e-r of crime1 to ye-er to note shether the- broken lift is hbead. and a îtartial îîaralvsîasati- f ht riu'saîootrlofd ,(, h hs' lie- profobheioneoffice-rontiue t"11nd"" hv -cIc""crp of"'he qi'nal ('(' I h t- le 0 t. Il g re- ie- es. Id avway by the terrifie v-be! and! one- whiti wili be- brie-, as the- Chinese ON F»UBBM PATJCJNTL~.. ide of the cain v-as smashe-e, leav gult eeems apparent ln tie- lace- o!fWm. K. Leonard of iqua, lag the ital! frozen men on board no0 preliminany heerlnge andt tyouts ga- OPls S i protecton froinithe- colO v-use!and! fi>- lare, .,E « u t t Obtain ilae- Spray. lvill be ncelle-O tiat lie- local po- $500,OO on ]patent for a ILfles'fie-tine- lirongi lie- Starmlie- lice and Cicago 0etecive-s bhere-d ln Rubbor Substitute. Delta sînandeel on s- sand bar utelin- lie- ce-lier uoar 1 fine! Hun cnoucbed aide tic barbon of South Haven. lie- Ifn a crne- ho! l aunry celier. is Cierngetfeftithe Corn Products salIv-it-h bad mastered lie- gale v-as-la blanket on some planke, hils e-imbe- compeny hbas nrio-e-d an bloris free fnom lie- rast ande!fe boatl île-t a candle, and! île fond some rie- bis patent a! a re-eipl for a proce-s erssiel mb lite-oule-n breakv-aten n e- î dsf.Be rtmai proelucîne- mulber substitute-. Wm,' lan te I fi dihe. H liai mae K. tee-tare! o!Piqua. O., Titursda>. FIght Wsy IlosPor't. a move- tepull a eun but v-as faune! flile-eut tu lie- United State Circuit Qolci seorla by lie-crae and tbe- unarmed, court boire- for $500.000 damsages. South Hase-n lté sase-relre-vante-Olie 'Te- case v-as orieinalIy set for te-n Leonard dlaims that on May' 16, eral trni e-le- nIm-t> dîahfe-e!A! oi-ine beore JoOe- f c1898, he- tiscove-ned tbe proce-esand!on at' a n en le.tie- tue-osuccedeel -Friday m inbfr ug i-Dec. 13 o! the- same year, aitalned bila tera erv fgh. te ensucekedSurfe-y, hutithIe-date bas nov- fee-n ix- lette-ts of patent. The- proce-si nvolv- ln cle-arine tht- hrealuvale-r and thse eta November 201h hefome- Judge es thc makbine-of e rubiter subelinfie Delta ente-rt-O tht- port, sîdle-saye, but Ke-nten, the soie reason for te post- f nom cornoail. sulpher antd pearan. ufriteonti h a.rsrtepe.pnmetbigta h tonyfr Leoneel asetiathfe compan>' ho nu twa m e- býtarntea be- i-,poem lbes-ttaIe oneyfrmde t10 ie-mcan accounline- a! ail euh- se v e falt attdlenti. ustheh.defe-sev-as ene-eee-d 1nanother situfe- nubien tbey have matie anti arr -lven metil-ai -, tntlo. mrde-r trial ane! coule! 001 eppe-n. be bgiven profits on lie- outputl. Mc Te Strm reging over the- laie-il. - aleo asie for a purmanent njunctious sale! b have- botee->ire v-orstinluyears. Âged Resident Fasssagainet furthe-r ntingeme-Ot on bie .hjternetine- torni, "f stîuuv- end ste-e-ttt reBride-etKelly, ageel 81, ie-eldiecovery. v-fla hie-hvinde irake -iat caltioti aIleltst ntuletahem home- on lie- West 'osTh ot miot Impossible for 1i >ga- N ande- ,iid 1e-and the- funeral vasbe-lidMon- hl h ot lit wus be-lie-yod thait 0t frlz Isite-il tfi ay iionnine- et 9e o'chock from the- Weuke-gan people est up, robbet the Eve-nîne-Star be-ll bh--. o1-O bu inChurc o! lie- tmmaculaîe Conception theIn ellesoant iinqomi-ed as te te Me- " eli a. s th huirlal in St. Marys oemoete-ny. ity o! lie-goal" at-day rien te>'. John llxz. 1430 Sede-v-ek vi'aurd Thue-late- 'ire- Kelly ltave-s one- son. learne-el laI Chicago tamit deaerssas- <aptaîn Osecm Osmundsciti '>0-In or, ef 'Wiaiîiutgaiu anelfotir Osue-blera sert tiat tesuppl>' o!f mlla bas never *buarge o! lie- panly otfierrti-r î lei-iune Je-me-s tborun, Quigle>, Ce- been eo ahuiedent the. Chicago market board lie boat. Tic>'loftt r t'si-e- unid Iayes, lie-le-t tire-e ne-me-O getîfue more lien il v-anIs, andtls-t fer a fsibne-trip SaLtorday meut 1h' 't luiiîîg rof Chicago muni o! t le hebng shippe-tiback tu 7'clock, Acoordine- te custom, lt!ie iTtrt-!att- Irs R-liv tas re-siOeO here be-mme-ne and contracta lerminatoti due v-e-ne- dte-tu ene-to 0the harfuoi- t flu> i tIt tare 10 lthe- ose-rsuppfy. 9 ocloclu lia! nie-ht. Nlbik he-re- Io e-ie-t cents a quai-I. con- Oier, ou the- le-ut-h v-cnt-Jose-ph iVermîlya Relative Here sanie-na re-member, andtiis la v-bal .Lftz, nepie-so! John Idîz, JOt iris Me- h Io i a 'c tac t-nie-nIFida> Irotte-re- lie-m -ihy. v-io n i l aI gty, tv-o mn. ieme-O Ander- n and iri>r ' - !'. tfie1tie- (arles llentîhul lia! Chicae-o turne il dam, Olsen e-sele-a teau irtov-n i -RV-r"B i, l';.sn ialilt'g-in unde -i W auke-ge-n boulel bave to aY>'thelin- 'flom ' "Ployed l Ir, ,>f ire - l,îl facioc'Ies 1t prit-e- ont-men in a ratip talklne- Wife Feas aAil Lout. ln an i:iti.îýnt e-1,i-ts,-tout the- mallem ave-n unIee!aIv-bat bire u. ry L1tx. sife-et o!hun lt , lene qicrr.<l',u- t :l tutat tththieter me-ela trust, WoodtIal de-y Siday on the-e-I ,ru' Une latai- r Vu' trtuîlsu v-ho l',assorh fermera i Wiskegs user tise- foot of Chicago avenue, si-a. by lishe-vylatb a Norttîv-e-ste-rn'tuev-eeek hroue-t lie reportl thet mli aug lise e-ray' vaterse o! the- lake ltr1 frele-ilru o lutVieulu'-au p-ans ugo, wv-ctueble-y Fhîppe- teCimcao itee take-s home- by hien trie-ode Sihte- er ied,.lis faheï as'- foui play and boe en -t backfatons m tiswx" 't Iufly simlise! thalte- blieve etibta ie-osning bthIe wouîan,hbut v-as un-1l! vas net needeel, ba tbr@o t Of lo&*»d aind. big campenios a ia le-e-n s' 'o tegetevidenca to ubetantiae Imucli nov- t-mine- lato the 0", T 'ore jýLýtiaree-or backing to maie- heta rswu otbinthne im*W U -Sitbe MU.i t- bb k«N au aiuMtac bots pai- te- lme.lise- miii va. simp iý%1qwu'UIO. The- law outîles for v-bat charges Use-. There- are prohably many lit- ulu hall se-t ln $1i7(.~ ieno may lhe turned ove-r 10 the probel--sons living alone- the nati shore- vho île- vas straptîed Ioit a litiut boardi Ti'sdiaN tt, rtlu Sîiott it-t ionay office-r, and in moet cases this .re-meoale-r hie Incident. Iand retuîalne otn lie-t board tnatif Sa! 'colinia - s lin i tiirnisluts. îeht sud -nie appiies only for tliit offense- If the-re-vere no living seulesses te orday v-han tcuathrei-a.ti as ai> iti.etr'ii-uîiîtiit tît> asmes The- tav-prescrîbea tiat persane the Incident, tie- the-ory adsvanced pled Il sas t-lit-st-O ai fins! lia! et, t-ie, atd>o le utîtanied te ýonvIcte of petty lance-ny. asauit ln wooîd be inde-fe-asible- lion three tue- souiloIhavet-e un-euiritonu lie- toard tire Noilit-ritIllintoisl' ,lîServit-e nuloos forme, and other slilsr af-1gerounds: for about toe-o-re-, tii! so rstpidh, ut corporation, of! s b'>h Same-ni- Insul, anses ,may b. bouod ove-r the probe-t1 Final-A Ire-e-doas fnot erow upward bt-en bus uuuîlost-înt-utl ie-t Il wastie-aif f tîue Comoniuwealth Edison ýiooary office-r. bo released front je,' b the- manne-r assumeO b>tliuns-eni- niOe- alt Ialtte- to, t-iýt,'tht'- oard .-unpatut, the' it-rg4tlîelt-al1ril- ontinue- et bis work and report tb the ter o! the- 'dlsrose-ry --Tht- broken and îlae-ee-l,ttl( )If'-luth 1'h Rtser roîad o f Chicago atud ouht-r utu1lî e, as rabationary officr every rnonth. portion of tie treo la is Itht-saule-i Rlstilt. s lit- ,'rt-siuie-nî Thie ev- aise staîca tiet the neport be-leht today as lt was v-be-n t was Tht- oîe serte-re'o!ite'opinai-i The entire- prop-rty îof the- Nonîu4 f lie rrobatIonary officer shah beie1jhrokeui %test people know Ibat a tne-e roluinn, hîci be-e e-ti"e!aI l ilsShore- Eletri(-comnety uthi:.coun- turned l te te circuit Jude-e, by dote-s net e-nov upwrd as ae-nntroublassusaegain abotttiti ilea. ,and l1 scI IaIf-.Cook, Dit Page, flan-, wbom lie is nemed, but eball net he- e-ow-5. tht- entîre- ue-o! ire lte-e-sud ar îs 1(Ie-Or. and WilI are ail suthd te titi nade- public exce-pI hy an onde-n of tie Second-Any Iodlis v-ho ws so lut- liai be-en rt-store-I Publict Srsute t'irîturatit,îi tf North- curt. 1norant of v-oodraft e-s1t ont-isc of Tht- pl'tlt-roe-st %vl, hot-ser. ,ee-ptrnIlîlinois !,r ihe sonioft! 1esi Probtation Office-r CIere le the first rnarklng a trail hy bendune- oser a lirnithule prpqsutre-fronut ecomniuton it 1.ther u<0,andtiitOis ablp - 'cutiers- mni nameel for Iiseposition ln1Lakue--sud fasfe-oneil ttoe-eround in lhe- i.roe- on tht' Inuirpe- veterîtia, ftnd 1iut, a, coning io lhe- st-ine-ot un ounty. altiotughin10other counities sIm-1 manne-r indicateeinb lus te-blet. noulel the !rte-Ooui of tht- roroids s-lb heli) t.,b, 0 <--Iv-h %a,,fit-' ttiiiîthe' Ian office-na have been appoiotad for have- be-e-nthe- Ieuehing stock o!ft-sery re-tore- the- etrt-nihliof tht' 1110ct-asel uri ii,(rder tday omne tinie. other Indien. Wl lat effet-t thtut ne-s i.,,e- oit ttu Third-The-nev-es e- practical roai, OLSON AJND WH IPP HER ai'fiî'etttu-leunpuytl POUND DRAD IN BED laeIdb ossaîlt-ns t _ _nonîhe-no IllinotissilI bave uit Wauske- lwe-e- Milwaeuke-e and Chicago, vithln glamterocncue.Afr - lIn ie-ht o! this "Trail Tre-e'elehI Visit Sites For Proposed e--1 ule ftOe.lie A e Mrs. Âlthea B. Shernian Dies pyeareaoen h-r-ven ters- e aan optl es lelaunos îuuosa, there- v-llit e nu ara go nd her wee oher et- NewInsne osptal change-s It tht- office force of ibis dl- of o!Asphyxiation ftfers alone- thet road frontv-hom the-- vsiauo, îad ir s et-spt-tflat Johni Indiana mie-ht bave- loquired lth'e asy, Se-nator Mbe-rt .1. Oison and Franîk S Iîte-stiiîsO -Ilcontinue- un lhe- ea. Nre. Altha B, Sherman, 68.,v-as it the-y hall let1 If.Te configuration D. Whlpp, Spingfield, te lutte-r chair - îîeclly of superinot-uedi fond de-ad in bd ye-terday, lie- o! the-country is sot iet ne Indiauu man of the- state- board o! administra -Buii! v-at e-lite-t I itvlhave- onitno- cause be-lue accidentai aspiyxietloo, e-se-n a huodree yearese-go or more, tienu puncbasiog couinittee- Fida> pose-tf iîtîîrovenîîs for ibis ctut> u a verdict te thîs effect having e-ie-n would have (boue-ht of usine- e trialmonfev-n-me ta othestnuntcren T-risodoitbt returne-d. runnloe- ln the- direction iodicated. ho- train by Pre-ident Theodonre H f)trsl that the- North Shore- RIe-ttrie t-onu Mies Coca White-, a a3chool teaci' ceuse- mt voulO lead birn int o roue-h of tise- Weke-gan commercial asscia- pany pianne e1 constrrt In b Iis rite er v-ha naaned et tise Sherman bomse and b~eavily v-onde-e!country. travers- tion, aiso connecteel vtut the-Nornie-rue- fouir slory office buIldIng etaie the o- lIf te place- a! 7 oclock a tune!ay cd by ravines and le-aline- nowhene, Illinois Industriel oompae. y W. B. ne-r o! Madison sIre-et and Shenidee andi retnrne-d et 10 oclock yesterday v-be-n be cauld fer more e-sally have Rtith, le-seIng mian and e-o office-r in rond, extendine- 00vn te le htffi e-nd Site faune! the esidcncc colO and we-oi folfowed thec sand ridee and luept out belti, andl olmers, and v-e-rt- escorteO aiseotw maie- numerous extensions on firn roote onooc be-arIse- no one of tbe v-oods and! the- mud. te an automobile- shich coîuveye-d thet-hle- power bouse- he-re-. abou. FnaIy, ookne-tinug ti- 're-n- ae- anyothr n-e-onsv-bt-h wthe varioots site-s norti and soulh If It lexpe-led thal If tht- stocke of open doorssay of Nf ne. Shermanes roornmIe-bgt boe-byie-n for isceditlog tuis of lie- clty v-hlcb Watike-gen offe-re for i tht- ne-w compaoy range bihie-l1 value-. n ho sav e vIcttn lyine on ie bed Invention o! a hitorical e-vent that th propord new mitlon and a at! iat ie-se- mroencnts ud possiblv dead Dr-.JF' C. Knie-bt vas calleel, ne-ver happeneO and comme-moretmg dollar Insane esylum. evanereste-n ones wilîl h.,umade ber., but Mm. Sherman had be-e-n dead fo ton it vlt a table- thlaI must occasIon i Tic vieil o! Wbllut marks lie lest butîsbotld sonne- take possession or eou fi ime, ridicule as long as il existe, of a se-rie-s of vIsite vbii he-e-ny me-n-tie- stocks, tien sorte- lmpno-e-mente Wben lie- physicien ansd othe-ra ex- bar o! lie- tate board bas palO to lie poseilv ils-sl e etirtaIle-e amineO lie-roorn. detectine- tbe-odor M"8. ODENBREID l ocal e-îles, ail aofv-hlcb le regardeela-e- Accordlng 10 thet- e-rnis o!lie-0e-e-O. o!-sta b&e fliound aa et turne-O0ODIED THIS WEEK ia vastîy encouraglout aie-n foriithie e-North Shore EIe-csnic compeny Ity.turne oser 10te-he Nonthe-rn Illinois tieterte -ite but ic escpfne- ioldu iiorWauea o a, Pre-ident t. Y. Sherman. Spring- Public Service corporation twenly-flve her hewhsle01th ecpig ii-Piner 'a4g.. W mafiele!,Secre-tany B. R Burrughs, Kan- tracts o! le-nOln lie- varions surroune!- minant. A ele-t lus andfthe- jet wae 67 Years in State and 48 i kalue-,Fiscal Supervisor F. tD. WhlIp, be- couiuties. lie-Se lande probahly bo- lite-nd re v-obeoie.on-tht Wauklepii, SucclumIbs Af-Sprngnf-ield, 'rhomas OConnor. Peorla, 10e- the- tocation o! the plants.,si- Mme irmen (outebtliasie- tad ter Brief Ilness. and J, . 1.(re-n alie-nist, Kankakee-, stationsanaud othen pnoperty o!fie- oie mrs Shrma thugt tat he adhave nov- aIl be-e-nbe-me- on officie-h vis- com paoy. tumd hega cmpeteY ff wenas Mms. Cathterine Ode-nItid. belove-O ils O! Inepection- Whipp, Gne-en and Tht- de-e- el dateO Nos. 11, bot v-as ajet eaeof fa bt onliai oth&tcraheof sife- o! Charles Odeobre-ld, ie-oon OConnor are ai membena of lie- pur- noctfile-OtniUl Tuesday. ho censnecios le- cloe a btur nie-thecashofie-Wedne-aeay nigil at 6 oloclu at tie chasine- commîttet-The- office- ot the v-Rh lie miegeer of lie- eîectric powr thet c coe ! ld i east asep te. fsmily nesideoce-, 128 iMadison stre-at, board lein Ite- capltol buildIng et rompe-nies, tiche-y wcompany, ifla isý jen e lson nde- then eurvtsae. Waukçegan, aller e-n iline-es o! one Springfiel-lO.pecteel, v-IlcontroIlie Chicago andi tise vscon,v-o v-Sherelt-eman trvie -e-e-k - 'rie-board bas ointee-nInstitutions Milw-aukee- EIe-cîrl rellv-ayandi ai thBiddlcms ano Basel o! Ibi cthy. Tlelune-raIv-as be-Id Jirid-y mon- onde-n Ils supervision in addition 10 ri-other raitroads entering or connectne lise le- ms nd a.setmaiofv-as v-Il .nine- frorn the Chuci o! the- Immacutu ending e- 1the-selection otfeasile- for v-Ith Chicago. Tlae Nidbleheepecteelanti e-r laIe- Canception, CouotY and Waeer the ne-w aaylurn, and bas sites offered Se-mue-Il Inenlo! Liberlyvilie- is the- knon ad hghl repeced nd sI re-et v-tt bhurliln St. Merys ce-n- In seve-nty-!our 10v-0 t0 plck tram, be-ad oflie- ne-w comparly, and hie t dathcano aglom vera wdeýci- 'è y Te- funterail v-s a publice but, sethout bIlne-ton sane-uine,-, home bas be-e-nmentioneel rny limes Dm oiilhdated-O(e 1ae and and requiem hie-h mass v-as 'cal commercial boosters belle-vo that In connection v-îî the- settiemteOl of MDr. KSir aifor be-art teblane!cle-hrat-th le- selecion is narroseine- Oown e-nd lie-affaIra o!tbe Chilcagoe-nO MiIv-au- mmie-bSOs-i ermnfo etetr-oubead eThe- sun'vlvors, besides the huitie-nO -tiat Wauue-gaIi bas e-se-n a shade- more- le-e-.The de-e-Ot iIgneO hy Samue-l Tise laie Mm. Sherman v-as te sel- Charles Ode-nbre-iO, are tv-o daugite-r, te nes- ra.Isii r-ieoeO Jh uik 0v-aI ielaI Ntbaslel itermo, lOMrs, Boy- Sommeme o! Chicago and AllieO viti ther ,iae- board o! ad. secretary. lIme notice- ef the- peace bIb is cîty- Miss Maude 0IWui-a n n-o iItetn yle -- ett e Saloonkeopers Pay Finee- Sit- vas tieln o Mr. . i. Bd-Citerlea Oleone-lO, Jr. of Ce-dan Rap-' narîrnent of vIsIte-ion of de-pende-nI, tilhecociaFute- r rs M.P.B 0v-e, Iwa delinque-Ot and ne-ele-cIe- chIlOnen, te SaturOay afle-moosu William A, 'riec .Te- laie- Nf n. Ode-brelO v-as 76 v-it-iCie-rfles ONeill o! tibis cityla18 eana, iead o! the Lake- County Liq- -yeare aId, Site bas be-e-n a re-aidant eppe-eline- to regain control o! is tos- "Or DeaIe-s' Association, turneO loto leFor coogiline-.dryneus eanO ticklioe-1te Of titis state- for about elxty-se-yen er chifO, wbornhobu elieve-O bis 0v-n lie office-af lie- couty cf e-nilie aura atetrai aroe n i colOs aie ye-ana and of WaulaeSan for oser foty- until September twe-ty-seventh. Rev. of $2,452.80 for lie- fine-s and coati) of an oief it oley'ei. Hone-y andTi er eleht ye-are. 1utythree ye-ars ega Cbarles Virden. Spring-field, le ste-te- tic saloon lue-epers of the cily rie LCompsound. sitsn pitq Frge ras unlle-d n marriage- le Charles agent, RtelIe-ine- A. Ual lage-visitar, pIe-ad guilly and! vho wv-e-founti e-il-. 0smie by &U1 DruWtltu. , otienbreiei ln C(hic&"O. Site carne 10 W. R. Bfeciweldem. Visiter. and! Mme. ly of keepine- open on Buîniay, ines. e w oifcr a <~ ifinola trom iJett.Mie-gan, Wilis Iate M, illingalea, stenoffprapts, ail asmeso e rv-ie pé.1d te iMr. Desae-lue! If" obfra » 1«Vm»,Wo ol in eamoi. ihOOo tth tte -Itd - med0e t h Iut. ÏVOL. xx. ~FRI OUof aua 64 liv..t " îuand that Chui bis dcath byi The Itemi Many Who Jonfson Wbe. But ho wui cago mactar promii.flt a ail.g.d wiien w«a hot off Weiir.' lLa Weimers coi ane. Waimers dead--and tii flVW.t. r. demi, but l: *wr came tu Thé day Jol l«M he i.Circ ou made, ho notd for hi& i The Judue p oner. Theret ln hi& appeara "Tour Dame **Chance JoI nie Johnson wl W». oIk ln t1 la' Cicago. for "T«,s.Judge vith clownmc. "Ton are cI steon."'I lowly la 70e-r ples?', 'Ouilty. Jud. Ooerwith &hai The Judge * ty-ie year.' "I Ibave kne ouft pbie N of tihe old C d*~o &H 1 191 PIIONR 9 y d 1e ly ?r .y al

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