CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Nov 1911, p. 8

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LAME COPNTY TNXEPENDE1M, FRfl)AY, NbÔVEMBIÈR 24, 1W,1 News of Waukegan and the North ShoreI TH1iEB PRiICES5 FOR MEIAT Waukegan Butchers May!i Âdopt New Plan For ihoc-, .110hohave ithe 1ead> .mon eV ' and the nerve to carra a ,large Package through the ktreeoi eutai lie cieaper next year. Fur -tiiose who bave thse s-ady mon- ey, but Mlothie nerve ho cars-y theis- Meaf. i wil lie a littie higiser, Bat fors-tose vso have nelther thse mone>' nos- the nerve meat wiIi re- Main on about the saine level as titis l'eRr, or a littie hlgiser, according to tise mar-ket. At least tisat was these atemenit of a local butcher titis morning, and hos etsted that lie wus to try it out ln bis rnarket fiÎStanid beUleveil that otisers vIii £olow thse Rame plan later, the mane Plan tisat la ln opesatlon ln other etties nov. TbePlan snbrbs-f la thîs. Tisere vii1 b. three counters. il wth the Rmre Clse of meut displayed, and Mas-led -et diffes-ent prices, At oie coqnter for thse wbo puy cash for their meats, and willi carry It home thein6elves the prîcee wililieo the lo- est of thle tbs-ee. Oitenother countes- viii be meut foýr thffle vis are vllilng tc, carry is borne, but vso deire credit, aud iere thej MOsU viii be a littie iigiser tisan on thee dret counter, because tise mer. chant-10les-QurOd to vait longer for hie money. Then a third counter ilii cootain thse same meut, but thse prlce wiiili e a couple of cents a pound bîgiser, and On t-bIs counter tihe custOrners viii ga- tiser *0o cant ties meut delives-ed,k but viso desire tise merohant to deliv-1 er ILE This plan bas been worked wlth t great succese lui other cities. Tisei Merchants have dlscevered tisat where1 thbe wagons are compelled to deliveri melits tisat soucis of the profits arec 101K, ln the cet of tise borse, wagon1 and dellvery man.i Thenà, toc.,visen thse merchsantle1 -eO«tned to extend credit. tiser. leaà1 sli et lWmng nmorn f tise acounta, andi -ene thougis ail acoounts ar-e gocd,1 » it COnsPelled to wat for bis inoney,1 and fer' fear of loiug tise patronagei Of àmre, la at times oiliged toaoaiq ctedt liail!, thereby paying a high. i er ps-be for tise MeILt, iecause lie la1 coMplied to loe tise dscount whisb la "M mgontfor caspaymesstB.4 la Rocerd. Ii.., t-is pan lias been Ina opeamion for mrniee by on. of tise packers of tise dty, wiso aiseovns and OPerates a number cf retail stores. Here, It la camed, tise bqtdwae socsdIscovered t-at b. could didfflesevutiste services of tisree deliverY beys, because tise Salives-y became lîglit. tise peope dealrlng tu, lave Money bY carrying borne tieirj purchases. Tise accounts on tihe books, toc>, ver. rapidiy being leesened ansd tise merciants drew soucis of tise trade. becanse of tise "Casis aid Carry" coun- ter as fitls named, isevas able to of- fer meut, irat clasa, t a ps-be lover tisas otisera.ý lit Ocats a isstcher neas-Iy $5 a week for tise feed and cas-e of bis horse, ise Pays a deivery boy frorn $9 t-o 812 per week, ad tisose viso vîsistier meat delbvered muet psy for thiîsout of tise Psi- eOftise meut. Witiis expeose eltnufsated, tise iutrisers are aliowed to discount a smailsaum ftram tise price per pond of tise meut, and tise customer reapa tise benefit. G. C. Sherman Dmes, Wble eGorge Shermsan cf wauke- gais was engagea lu taiaghlenlng up tise affaira and estate of bis motiser, tise iat-e Mrsi. Atisea B. Shsermsan, ale' Of Waukegan 1'rday nlgbt at a late ions- he recelvpd a mess&ge fsrn CIs «9age h ie effeet that bis father, G. C. Siseran. la deai] tise ta-o deatbs taklag Place leas tissu a week apus't.1 Tise ]ate C.G. Sher-man waa 64 yeura anddlbas been reslding away frorn tiî Cit-y for nasny yers, lie awas a brother Of th 15e Ms-a liens- SlyfieJ.dNul andi Warren Sisemaîs andI bas bue one1 sieL. ausvivlng, Ms-s A. N.Chus-s-bofi C111caas. Hie atiler waaa the late H. H. Shierman, ixiy tears ago a, remIdent lies-e POWt hotos ini Saloons Nortis Chicago bas coue wisat Wauu Legma commiegoners sefused to do ut thse Instance o! tise saloonkeeperi; of tise clty. and tisat it s to postthlie PhOtofraphe of tihe litacklissed iu al saloons. An ordinance ps-niintu for tise movementt vus passed asi ie ,eesion of North Chiscugo city s ot ncilis Messday nigisi, and] la inow i,, fors(e. Tise piotorapisa are te be taken ai at tise e»pense of tise clty, andi]as-e Pouted Inbeves-y saloonln tise c-ty Tis sle done lu os-des- liat tise aon kftpen nMay hauve some way o! know 4.. vse1 ae ontise lac-. l.tAis-kwb Fear Foui iPlay UUL IH r n toItcaisreaof Stoikeiî,ll Jackson 1Mas-UffflL GI[tO $50 I9JDE s lon, Ionmissloftis c- t> wbo dis-____ alîrearesl iroîsi XXa tb es, suabout JusteAtony Ba e ndFed lii. haie aîi*s-ssus othse local plilce, attreysaBaoreie $50Fela asking i lic-ni oii'- s ord cf himn, t r adt eev 5 clalnsîng Lhttu ti liiimho ha met Day for Actual W'ork. cii fou] lii' Iarrelasi i. isîîuî.-olb have Voliva Affairs are Causing cos-ked in mie.of the local ftactorIes, Highest 'Wages to be Paid Whic-b one u 1ma51uou, sai] to bave t tony nCrut resis]ed oi the Soutîh aIde.He carne tony nCrut lies-e fsoni We-i Raliegis, N. C., und] Wben Circuit court convened ut a -oIe seves-ai leesa to is brotises, Woodstoclc last AMoni]ay iu tise ad- J. W larrelson as Italiegis. Jous-ned Septembes- tesrn, sao's tise Ounisue 15 heotsoe, sated tiselei- Has-vas-d, Ill., isesali], but fea-, If any, tes- sec-iaed b> thse poice tis mos- jus-y cases a-es-eiseexd. Attor-ney C. P. ing, that lie cas comlng borne, and Burns-oeIl at WaukeiFan engaged In would leuve liere on tise Elgisteentis of trs-laos-k as one of tise Volîva alter- tisai isojilîs The bi-ohers-asys lie neysansd se lias asked I tcHens-y courn- a-soie a lier Io Stonewall Jackson îy attorneys vitis wlior le apper-arsaus 11-s-relsuii here, whic-b cas te bave opîîosng lawyes- for ais agreement not bees s-ccc-ic-il iere on tlue 16, Jo ts-y any of tisese cases at tise tesrn Thesc leties- waas-retumned toetise callei, hbtt to defes- tiseuin nîl brother. i s aiansi dati iad been open-1 ei] b> some one uni] a note a-sitt-en uni] place] su tise tetter. tise note tat- Ing htisa Bas-scton liai] lest tilsaciiy for pastasnknocît ani] tisasise bail given Instruschion for the a-sier te oton uni] relus-n ahi mail. Thse note was isot algue] but was wrsitten n a poor isani] Tise brother arîtes tisai he feus-s tise formes- local mnsbas met citis fouitPlay aastrse aaiing tise poice te mule a ts-nb hfor the a-rîtes- os-tise note, uni] te fini], If Poesile, aisese irreison reside] vile ies-e, Ârrest Six lien On comPlalut et a Chicago & Mil.- yankee eie-cts-lc rosi] cooductos-, lait Sstnrdsy nigiýstsix fisiermen, ail kuoa-nit Kenosisa.cisere tisey as-e sai] te ;be a-rents on a tug nov in tise lecal iarber, a-es-e asre-tesI for aiiegeddirnking on tise street cura, Kenosisa ct-y officesamking tiseus-- resta. AU iIxa-es-e fined $1 an] Cnutu, tise loveat posible fine-, amount- Ing te $6.82 In a ec- case, acces-dIng to Ciief e! Paîice Owen OHare, uni] se- turne] te Mlwaukee, iates to coee Keneebua. SThesebais-le aese before Ju]ge Raudail, and tiseusresta mas-led tise boggeet test yet of tise la-, In tiIs state and Wisc-onsin, maklng street car and rails-cai]codunlers des-ut-y sesIfs an] glvng tbem poa-er te Make or snggeesa asresta. Tise men saul fe bave ieen as-set- e] vere: Laurence Lenz, Miwauikee anS Waukegan. John Lenz, smre, Henel Lenz, sarne.è John Zenora Joisn Pac-aaach, came. John Benuta. Tihe aileged offense la sai] to bave begun opposIte ZIon City on tisea-ay srim Waukegan t-o Miwaukee, but tise climsax c-ure ut Kenoeba, att-es-ailege] vas-nînga by tise street cas- c-sevtisai thie reporte]iottle t-pplng a-oui] bave te stop. Do Your Shopping Early 'Do yonr Chisltmaassopping 'aes-y' eariy.' This le tise pieu ou a cardi]eng c-r. cuiatei] iy tise social sesvice commit- lice os-fthe Illinois Congresaso! Mcli- es-s te beip saiespeopie. Tise cari] s-c-da tus-tisas-es fole"v: '-,CIrlalmas la ccming. - 'iili>oyenot do your Cisrstrnas shopping eas-is, vos-v easly, t-Is year? "foI bIasas Cbrist-mas gft o! love ho yens- neigbisio--fe saiesa-oman. 'Te reileve a-eauloess, te prevent Musees, te lîgliten lisisdena, ilisesis-- tl of Chrstmnas. "Knli]ymake eut yours- la ni]do yens- siop¶sbng eariy." Alleges Cruelty Nils. Viiette M. Overiy. Highland Pas-k, Ill., lae ubng ber hiueban], Chas. H. Overiy for an absoiut-e divorce on tise gsosnds of aliege] sots of- csuety, visici saie cites in lier petit Ion, ail et a-ic-is ook piacoeliefore tise isauni] a-s cornnstte-] te Elgin Insane bospl- lai, ta-o yearss go, Octoier 31, 1908, f rom Wauitegan. Ettelson an] WeIn- tel] o! Chicaugo uni] Charles H. King of Wauitegan are attor-ne-ys sos-Mrs. Overiy. Sise cisarges rnany actuetfcruelty la iser bill, uiiegng that Oves-iy, liefore decÀureal issasne, sud a-Ilesaune, boul le ic-s a-st-bbs fist-e, vitis s atchet,a-bt-b a stisckbc-te]lier, sapped 'ber and calte] ber a food andauansIdiot andi kooched ber dovu undi]a'ick un] tisreatesc-d to shoot lier vîtis a revol- a-es- asvas-ons urnes Tise couple sept- as-atesl Oc-i '27,.1l»8, lisree sIysliefore Oves-la ss iiiiînitted,] F(iru~ougiiuu5g. ilst ticse asdtiScklitg ln thie Ilîrtat i'urs-sc-sudi]ail sosghe aud coi]. taki icuc-eHisey and Tus- C (ompound. iOutainm nuts silufe. For sesi by &ai ssggîeîe. If It's a job for a vant ad DONT LEAVE IT TO A PLACARD! lise Januas-y tesrn, wvItci ls legs t-ban sevent ae-c-tadistant., For titis reuason aud lise asIded oe that other attornueysps-efer toea-ait unîilithie regulas- tes-m mouîh att-es- c-Si, lise c-banc-es as-e tise pett its-uy a-lit isvc- but ltuile vos-k todott aas exp-ected te-criminai caiendas - ouli] ise haten op au] ta-ocase-s ln abic-h ntuc-h localtiee i;tas-clt vosîulie- heurd, iîsbut tfse cili go oves- uttil Janunnsy. Jui]gc- Iounell> bas hl-d te Se-p- le-mises-tes--unopen and hebu iadis- posed of masy cases lu the chan- ces-y caleudas-, as a-el as iseari] me- lions srom day fe day. Me bas auý tldls-ated a triai tes-m blignong next week uni]lea-i li e on ban] to pre- aide If it la deerned best te ps-oces', tisoughIs t la beibevea it viiiliebisard le heu] tas-mer jus-ors, vise arenov ut tihebgist os- the huay seuson lu getting their cos-ouot. Tisea-et fali lias btes-iusted tbis vos-k t-o a great de" ~ ean] every tus-mes- visepoealiy cao viil sett-o iseexc-uaed t rom jury ses-vice. Attorney Racoleiss$50 s bey. Flfty dollars a day represents t-le fees C. P. Barnea, Woodatock ttor- 0ev, la beiug Pal] liy Wiliius-Geno Voliva, oversees- o! Zion City soi] c-isnsci leader as uec-essor o!t-ebe t Joisn Alexunder Devie. Ms-. Bernes la one of tise taorsneyasffngsgei] liy Oversser Volivu, t-le othes- being George W. Flei], former Woodatock atti]sney aise. Ms-. Bas-oe8a bs beau engaged ln legal business for Ms-. Voflva tes- six weeke oontlnuousiy uni] tises-ele every Prospect t-bat ise viii ho buey tise, the baance ofthUe fali snd illely a co sid er b le p art o f t ie vît es menthes Wisen It la knovn tisat t-be ge-nes-al overseer o! Zion and i]ss fol- lovera have beesi made parties te ac- tiens ln about- 200 separate suite, an Idea ofthtie amount of legul business tise ta-eatt-osneyasvise represont bim a-hi -have te ps-are for can lie taken loto acceunt. Annual Ess-nings of Many Lawyers Woring six i]s a veel for six a-eset at $50 u day means tisat Ms-, Barnes bas already eus-ne,! $1,800 for tise mentisand] a hais- ho bas gven t-o thbe Volva legai affairsaut Wauitegan an] Laite ceont-y If t-be aetIons lisogist agaînat lise cbusch leader are psosecuted and th iseUre unticefted for their coosideration la taiten ns-, Mris. Barries' fees yet te coee a-i ex- ceod tise anoual earoings of rnany iav- Yersauthtie Mc-Hens-y counfy bas-, for ut la reasonabie te sus-pose ta-o menthe or more. bn addition te t-be tîme ai- ready consume] ln iseusings againat bbrn, wa-ble taken up hn ournst an] legl a-os-k by Ms-. Marnes. WIt-iout mucis question tise Veliva Case 0f tise Woodsteck attorney ta tise argest be bas ever 1-ecelvo] In t-be mannes- o! tees though le bsa bu a numbes- ef lurge cnes ln the ta-ent-y- elgist years he ais a-ctice]in me- Hens-y and otiser adjebning couaies, but $50 a day ln a long dravo caie for tise gume client le uncommon. Find Stolen Homs The bos-se, isarnesun] buggy, lise Psopes-iy of Robes-t Steffen o! Racine, Wls., stoien fs-cm a lias-n butiseseus- o! 921 Marquette street eas-iy Satur- day morning. vas-e founna Ps-bay nîght an a fars nous- Zion City, vises-e tise tisieves ha]diatpo..] of tisa proparty te a fa-mer vise bgi] aid $10 on tise puschas. Ps-les of 150, wvicishe bai] agreai] t0 gve for tise psopes-Il. Tise tisieves ha] driveas loto tise farm Yard t about 6 o'c-icck bn thle evening an] t-bore effea'ei]te sel] tise ps-opesty, ciaiming tlsat tbey bai] driven fs-cm nos-tises-n Wisconsin an] vere on chils aay te Ohio, but lie-- cause o! tise gevere ccii] veat-ier ha] decided to dispose o! tise pros-erty and] travel on tise raJiroesl. The fata- er docided te pusclise t-be propartis a-len it was offere] t-e bim for $150, but as be di] not bave t-bat amount cf rnoney on bis passon, if wasaugreed t-iat- $100 shouii] le paiJ dovo on tise suie asdti]tie balanc-e te ho isali] ut Wauitegun vit-iin t-aenty-fous- hours. Tise ta-o me-n abo dIspose] of tise prope~erty boas-desI aulotos-us-ban car tes- Waukegan, t-bore - prs-onang f0 mec-s tises-rmer tises-eTa-oisoura att-es-tise fus-mes- iai t-sie-n possession of tise t-ropes-t-y be iearnei] tist it bu]l beou satusen srom Racine and atui,- da> lis-. Steffen veut te tise tus-m an] securse] bis psopesty. Yen mal' leas- us ut- viat yen vaut t-c Ina- about yens- chances-to boy e borne by atudylng today's ade, 1 Bneitis ocl KOKIE CLUB Conldemn "Chain Pray'ery" IJI<IIiN hitfiK18 11Tise money a-hihla raodi aeMannyEvanstonians bave hec-sian couaity i]urlng thse holIday season fsom n YF U DN oed by lie recelisi of site enilles tise sale of Red] Cross Chisltmas seuls MOUSEBURL. .DJIn c-ail *praye-, uni] one ofrIth*-,,4g [O ag-lN it ll ot lie apeut to provîde isymnn i'edes-ickil . 'sose, ws-oie 50 th. Ii)us- books for, tise Fiji Islandes, 'ucas-rir- -amter ask ng If the pomisi au'litlies lea cockers for thie lobabîfants ofrlise The Skokle Countr-y club bouse ut coui] do aiiyslig ftosIt. ,po4toIl-> Deaconesseï; of Institution t'fs-ei .Gieucoe waasdestroyed b> fis-e >Ioidsy InaPectos-%Tobinusali] sial rishe îeîsi Ask Public to Heip Them Itvilii ie dsed riglit bere In Lakte nîgiat. Tiseislaze a-as dîsicovered bly ment coul] do nocing imiess a - "llrt i-n Celebration of Day. ceunty, and wiil go to tise Lake Colin- tise aatcisman lu tise lociter room tes- coutalned sortie deisiaitî for mroules- Iy Tuberesiloala Inatitîste, soi] ray lie a-bre a grate tire liai] ieen golng al or a-as objec-iionaisle luifnitssiagiags Eighteen Thousand Envel- tise mens of savlog sorte buman ]lite affernoon for tire benelfit0f a fea- gol- Il miglil le a maties- for tiee c-c'ipli- opes are Sent Out in M fror tise ravages of tise -bIte piague, fers, and tise alea rbsougist volunteer atlon of-thepritale aiissiîrles. M, nian 'W'iSC Ui. I Ont o! tise esui aeaIn by this luit-b- fiIgistere, but thises efforts were fil's'ose noas noie and Iltute, 77% ~pes- cent le kept isy thieIr- 11e. Ouiy tise bagarent a-aIlesud "M'r ingte hast few >vous-s -o hiave -cal Institution, uni]tise remalnlng 22 tiselbric-k chlinneya remaîneti cf tise ic-oa molester] hi foic]-rns-abelssflil- Ail» is te Make Celebration anda one-isaif per cent la sent ta tise $g5."O club home tblrty minutes afies-lr Isvhsfle'n-oc]lsais one te b. Remembered National Red Cross aoc-lety,ito al Inlistise blaze a-u@ i]scoverei]. c-bain. Tis a ctes books a ibsîngis i by he hid.r . tise national movemnent. lu former 13y a atrange coîncîdeoce tise dls-ec- sd lie-eu a-rlttîessy s man. Have yent by heChidrn. yeurs, tise local Institution recelved tors of tise club were galbes-de] t uhe any a-ay of s-nnnlng lise malter down At tise- Laike Mlsif Orpisunage one o!f but 66 2-3 per cent, but lest year thus Chicaugo Atisietic- saoclation'e rooma sund natilg the rrissk aWho iîs-eîîe7 the fineet celebrstions of Tisankogla-Percen age a-as raised ho tie fILtecel cvlg a fureveli dînner to President fraies thii foot sonoyasce" lng day as-e pronaliea tis yeur for tise figure. K E. Milles-, a-b salis Tbîirsi]ay wth Justice e Superstition, litie 'intostunate bomates cf thseIn- Let yoar tise local colony recelvaiMs-s. 'M1JIer for a six montisa' hussting "'If ld bard to realîze tisatInlu Iis disy stîtutlon, acces-ding te tise plans cf t- a goodly suni fs-m tise suie cf seuls tour of Afrricn, planining ho foiioaw lie uni general Ion lin.% orne bouldIl and] tis yeur It Io expecte] tisat ee deaconneisees In charge cf tiseborne,. fe saine route tisat Colonel Roosevelti dlfîtnBo suprcriîtloîis as to lie fearf'il About 18,000 esr-velopres, asktog for, a larges- nra-i lie realized. Ms-s . W o hie.isunt-lng ti-p. ot breuklîîg tise c-bain uni] lbe4teore an offes-bng for tise Inmates bave iseen 'J. Stelina os- tiis city la the ccoyoln DIrectseTalke Qulck Action, keeplsîgIt agolng. Tise îssa c-r tse-lf sent Ont tifrongiseut tise st-te of 1111_ cisalsman for tise sale uni] distribution - k lescuos dtry b lahe mmienofeflnbiad nola andI Wisconsin, asking tise public *of tiese tampe, uni]tise detailiacf tIse fise, no clubs trophlesi or appolntimenla thse tisreaî followiug iusls enucelveai by to eip te Institution muke tise sale viiili e Inber banda. savei,' was lise meesuge 1 h tise u-a mind whiom thIe bisiots c' il*' h Tbauksgla'lng day of t-lie yeur one1 It la thse plant to es-pcf a bosshh In i hors fs-oiacC.loncoe resident. dans age- c-îýiuîi looki7si s-it ecos, long te lie remembei-ei] iy thase wbo fise pont ofide for tise sale orfrbe elfesos-etise lst course lethtie tas-e sempth have no otier siseltes- exc-est tisat..s- o tamîls, uni] al stores of tise ety a-ii 1-wel dinner seacbod rte isans1uc-tl'Home sealîs sgo î utsii hisi sasi clded liy tise ini]boas-t of cbas-lty. lie psovldei] citi t tem. About 100,000 %%aus s-olved luto aaca m l smeilng of' iîs-aer c-tisuas adsir'ses tui,, Arragemnents are licing uiadle for bave iýeen os-des-e] for tiss ounty, an the dîsectors, a bic-h sse-edils- made tises-ea-as .'mbsnsied Iluis a siite-nif- a ineret#te om fr husdytissnumbes- abllli e dlats-isîled son gI plassfor a new building altisossi oic-n tusthe ellec-stisatilhwan recomues-de-i aov dînn,- tha*15e homedy for Thusaytise vasloua cîties. Tise Federallon of intes-s-sptlkg lise dinner, by the bisis.ojitf tise Protestan[kl tise cblldren ut tiesebioct a-es-e t-at- 1Womena clubs ut Highsland] Park huis t)emonstrallng tise resous-ces of thest ci iurcb os-Chic-ago, ast inssii ed toa afine Tisankaging dînner, andtuken hlod of tiese inlutisat cly, jelub asoia ifs ity to finance a p's-otises- pssayes- ihat Il vus ecomiisess'] tise celebraioeisfor titis Deas-laha spedal ni] as-etrylog f0 mule the record outposition of tissmagnitsiut a sort ed by tise bistso! oftise Ps-oieata-st ta elilpee tisat of formes- yeus-s. lest yeu-, a-be-n Highiland] Pas-k vas notice," sali] Dr. Stewart, a-e as- ePEpiscorai c-bus-s-bof Nlasahr-iqetti The orpisanag-e rlglit 00W 1lu greut accos-ied tise prvilege cf namlng ý' reai]> to repsortIltisaibide ailho s-e Wroea Bimisope. need Of. vasrn vîntes- clot-ing for the OPa- cottage by elIsg tise las-geaiýcelved for a new e le)iosse as 'lOtiS adulressedtih rtisoffs-e'cih cisidre. a] tse ubtc l ured i usmbes- of stamtss lu tproportion 1th ustise ascisiect c-an ps-Plire plan an sd 1Ose-stau]recelve] tise s-epi h usaI'bs- tisose In charge cf tise sciool 10 seni] iopuistion. >seefications frontflic' sketchles ansdIlbai]been aîîsoycd fos- ycas-s 1iii hsi allclthng sh« ndprvison ps- This plats -i liebcfolca-pi] Ilils N eus-,notes made al te farpa-ei Ii)atendies fs-uni uni] fiat thse) ha] don- aIl tise clty aelilng lise largest- ui'quel' meeting. Tis eucw clubis iust- gvryIsnutieis- toes-r to l i sible to theise».boI. Thse envelopea i1nuni a-Ic-h bave been sent oui oeil nothiîng ubles- ot tamts to tise pltiton W pwil -ilibe ut conc-s-csc-asii]brick c-nt "Vîssic-su tise pstssal de)tssilas excpt Tiaaiegllngcsferlg f-e bcisalloa-ed to namne a niewcottage sîs-uctlon andoi]alit coui absouti 150s,001)i to end tise tiîng?" tisose vhs, are tbsnkfui for home.,ipas-r- he wiliibe esected aron.mes-i]fo $700.Tise ps-user sentt Ms- Vose tend]%,3 enta~~~~~~~~~ a]cretebtsioevou-uReiporte fs-m Ilas-vea iPourrit, cri'.follova, Isl hi-meaistrenfîy wantueti la- enta ad care te blli, toee wh are'Near Sighted. os-fte club sises-es, a-ho realîbes 1 l i 'aman' rPiiain nsieo h leas festunte lu lite. o o ntc-nng. Nl a-s41lpkln." u dî-hoi fle0 tc Tise Nietisodlt os-ihnage ai Laite -moli]saisas-ban ladiy wbrc la ses-y bungalowal uttise ei]gc otthe atissl;e ni] it a ies-kli iît]i-'ng'hua Bluff la one of the countys mont isoststgliied. *Yens- usisua]muat bs clubs tract Indicate tlht teise bu n :litstyhe: wos-tiy chas-ltles. Tise esection of tise sers foui] ot gas-deniug i ses bits, tise building snd aîutointtteîisa m"its An Ancient Ps-uyes-. itea- $20,000 concret-ehonte te replace the ns-st1itub] ersy mt.nsnng down ut bers' lociters, cIsis suputIles, euc-, ail Oh i -, i itebseecis The-uslo i- t-beoh]Hollis builing a-hc-ia-~tise bottoni t tise gardes Ansd boa- ggregate $26,001). Thissoutsutua-as tînci k,,,, is fr-omt ahievil Is% Tis pr'- theoldHobe' uilingwhi a-aW il be looks' labe sure. Ms. imP- repos-hed tusle $17,000. c'lsus blonsd]an] taiteusc i ils - il it', destroyed by fis-e ltesaInter, habeenMIn ssIanmesI tise doos- In ler neigh- -__________nity a beavy task utton tisose lu charge of bcs's face The :alter vent to ellTs-elteint tise vos-k, tise deaconesesos- tise In-lier daugister -Ani] yen sai]. snothes-. -Pesiape. 'hie sur se Who viii flt o 'oî stitution taklng tise tank of ralalug tisat t-e-tite thitng lu tise 0050 lied A Petnaylx.nIa weinan S9 >eartulu le day, ahi meet astis shfîsttt tise money upon the-seîves. vas ber isushari]'"i dld-*' -Abel., -u oh] buns-Proverlng srom an sîperallon 1butthe ounorle abus ahi soleo-. Iii, l- 'lhose viso are unabie t-o offes- any tisat expîsîns the mattes- Wis u for appendicItis. Pc-sbas-s aise bas i]a>a iscglnnsug use day sec-s'u-c-s, tsi aid In tbis mattes-, are nov asited l ook for Ms- Sîsoskins ta a scare-bIve] au long tisai ler table ofpc-on lunîrirelaya expiseIse someîs- &î beip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ai ie -nt aets iaiscrow.- TII iBits. tant-s le sufilcieut aitboutt sny as-peu joï,sud h isc- ietîei]frontmec-s ilal bel i hycnt aleteTak-dix.-Troy Tîntes.I- , givbng day for tiseItttle vaifs ose toi ise remembered. EMILY K. HENDERSHOT DIED SATURDAY. Widow of the Late Perry F. Hendershot to Be Buried Tuesday in the Oakwood Cenietery In Family Plot. Emiiy Kemups ienderasot, vidov of lte 15e Perns- F. Hendes-siet uni] motiser os- 'ra. Stella Hondesiot Kraft-, passe] asa ai t t-le home-os- lier sister, 's-a. Wilbus Re-ed, ln King- ston. Pa, Stur]uy mornitg. Nov. 18. at tise age os- 68. She bai] be-en lu lui beuit-isfor corne urne but- only vitisin the lst s-c-a weeits bas be-s- lie-se been conaldes-es danges-ona.. Bshe' as a meînbc-r of lie Chitian cbus-ch uAt-le Rock, Aritsnssc sud belove-d b> ail vis0 inea- be-s-forlies- cheerfuineas und i]bni leusted a-aya. Bshe ia susvived by be-r ]augbles-, M-ra. .~ P. Kraft of ttle Roc-k. - ais- les-s, uni] a bs-os ier o! Pennayivusla. Sbe a-ilho bus-led ln tise famlfly lot- at- Oakwt-oi] cemetes-y, Wauitegas, ho- Bide lier hualiani] L. IL Eddy Dead Le-a-R. Eddy, 40 yearis o! age, iied ut isis home ut Gurtsee about 1 o'cbos-k Tuesday moruiug, trom, a comiplcaton cf dieuses, tront a-hic- helie blee-n 111 for a year. Ms-. Edd]y was iorn in Warren toa-n- shb us-btissc-unty anti bas resided ho tow-nship bIs ent-ire lits. Hea-as liesn In 1871. Me- la asvIve] by bIs vidoa- an] ta-o children, Mnute, age] 16, an] Clarence, age- 7. F'uneral as-sauge- mente bave not as yet heen compliet- e]. an] sosouncemont o! tise servis-es a-lilie made iaîes-. Mrs- Eddya-ho halie-en filifor sorne tîme, sua-ule] a severe sliuking spelia-hon se leamne] o! tisa eat-b cf ber hualiandt] eusaas-e entes-taine] for ber ecoverv. A physîcian a-as summnone] srouis W'auiegan Meui]uy t-o attend Mss Eddy, but It- la feas-ed t-bat tise shoc-k 'or-the desti of lier boabani], may cause the de-ts os- Ms-s. Edi]y. Ms-. Eddy la alao sus-vive] hty tîao lisothers, Jay uni] Be-st- Eddy, isotis o! Wuukegun ani] one- sister lis-s. (Chas Barnstahle- Cult-laat-e a personal sride ln yons- ailIlty t-ovs-lt-e vant ads THÂT AC- COMPISH THINGS. Hugo Lîked Ponctuation. tu oeeut X'ictor- Hugoe lettes-s Io Baudelaire, le da-eils on bis passion foc- 'es-foc-tpunctustlon. As an In stance o! thiss Hugo mentions tisaIise ma is s -sInters fus-nias im vit-b 11 revîses et tise prs-cote e!LA Legeode des lecies' thbe ast ten o!fa-bic-b a-es-e requis-e] osly bunes-des- tbst t-be comma s igist le pus ln tise rîgis places. Thtomas Campbllh aas equiy fastldleus lnu IIs respecI He once walke] sxmlleb to bis pruniters hai] six miles bac-k agabol 10 bave s comma cisunged loto s semicolon. Siily Saying StIli LIvem The- suylug tisat fluli le tise iat- brain s-coi] corneso! an oui]long t-ogne a-Ii]bug yeurs ugo suying: 'Tisougist ha Impossible a-lt-bout pisos- phorus. So s Salas chisit, kuev ing lisat fiis centaine] pisospisosus, put ha-c-and thao isugethes- soi]brought soct-b ssaylng thisul ili neyes-dis. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monuments Cemnetery Work of Every Description Xtalc s aiais]nda-sliiisa11. su Inth ie lusa> Ps- - île nîsot bc-4k tise c-has nîsllsj, aIgu. Women as Jewelers. Wotns'ss.. slvesmJt-ls asoi Jet-5 arase creastog la nuittier. uni] mnaoy are ahowlIsg beautîtul ansk MisbroeClarke oft Landes .baë dose auinders-si aos-k lu tise ts-eutmens os- crystuls and]un mouuitIng ameubyste aises- oh] Fhorentine desigris MIS Vyes sud MIesa Remington sisosei] lu latu)don secenlly re-mas-kalile uigne us c-c-lias-ependantseaenidoh] Clves-. Correspondence bolic ited Neigbo, Iy, Any-iea.. Mai-Selutesi-igu or rnaybe l* {ieneee St does Slooktîssny so see ailtise prias-i 116 Gen se St1 s a icatglanons bangssp igutis,t diniaîg tcuurtasfo1r sors --Ne- Waukegaîi York Mals Stenographers Wanted Young Womnen and Young lien Fi t yourseives for work that wili bring the iargest and quîickest retîîrns 011 the mniey invested. THE SHELDON COMMERICAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT not only fits. you for a good paying position, but assiste you in securing one. You are iooking for a position and sean the Want Colmmue of the daily newspaper. 1 1Wanted: A competent stenograglier."- 'iou appiy and are given a test. You do not get the position. Why? They do not tell you that it is iu- competeney. Possibly you r failure waz due to your fauilty pu nctuation- again you may have speiled a word incorrectly, or your Englieli was bad. Not ail business meni use good English in dictating, but ail do require that their thoughts be ex- pressed lu goodl Kugiish, correctly punctuated and speiied. Competency Means Much in the Business World Goodi English, puinctuation and epelling are essentiai, as weil as ability to manipnlite a type- wsiter. %'ou cannot accornpliiih ranch vithout theue business assete. Our Corps of Rusiness Teachers Have Proveýd Themmselves Successes ini the Business World. Ifyou cannot attend the regular day sessions, write us and we will make specia. arrangements. BEGIN NOW! GET OUT 0F THE INCOMPETENT CLABS THSheldon Commercial Training Dept ROCKEFELLERI ILLINOIS. ITLEPHONE 1UBERTYViI.LE 63 Odd Bt Acce reflea- os-des-, buy lai- lng do' Jumetu office Ther Tise omenec FOR John Of pl ls Stani Wafl litais, Dms Deole about couc mati canaê Mr lnnnfillionr RAIM min 1 . &"%à e -a à ý ý. . .-

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