CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 2

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LAKE <JOVNTY DDPN)N.PIANOYV R24, 1911. Teacher Describes How the Maie Cowards Mistreated Her. Decoyed to Scene of Attack on Pretense of Dance Be- ing Given. Escort Hides as Five Men Hold Up Rig and Smear Girl with Tar. j ~Lincoln Cellier, Eau ,No, 22,tEx l'CaousiNov. 22-The rullilsec- scpetatîin iraI Nil Nar ('I Iitir. il tinaor the auffrs.getes w as ot long lan h'cI tahrfo arn lun aking good le rWv1isee b rebegin i s in h 'oin'Iaorfrarn Itsol tctcs biomSierrililClark, . AN 'li . i lia aid tanks a~John Sc hmidt are on lritail hote iot Tiresuffragetes warncd Premier Aqilh of ths ladI a nd u t sititf rtio utc i ieiii6i aight sons 2M13suffragetiteslwere Ings a th piicli marcired tenderi! by hariy L:ondn Tireyoug tuaithlook the 'standl hbbines to varient Police stations in anti began lire reit(liocl ieîr terrile tire uelghriorhiood of te 011 I nm VieOicot heo i Ii 3 liltilt Ot011 imon Tbcy made a Miemn. t. t J. EMORY POOLE lt i- i ieî, oîîta lI lion, utitl hatfiered in tMrîscisOfi ai-ty" ait teir earlierc o cd TELLS 0F MURDER. Vihilo ti-1 Ietocrg, whîo i-dedý Titi- rogram whiî hevery (ni ofiii trai n lireiitciîim meit tefoii caud was ftrcfliii a-Mren toii letoneit tifiiiioai y, 'il i i i tîierý asemble at Ibeir IIii.tumtl'it i'ni'015lll itiiiut eal thOictors Caxtonu hall, Imarcir ta Ns eFtimngier Boy Faces Parent while tht enanti tiimenn i tisanttiad- and malle demfande front Ili,'IIctoro Telling of Acts that Led tel JIinn t nilles had bth îiroaded sud1 lire hourte.They gathetcii ai Caxton axîi asîailod hall iu goodir nubers, bol iewer thanl Digging Up of an Alleged Aller îeiiîllng of lier empioyýmntulnl on pretloils occasions, aud speeches IdaaM re am a store ai Shady liend, cite iiiuugeii were ruade 'viorouslY condemrning tire IdaaM r(rFr . flu tI h$ tory. goerururta mînhaod suffirage bil as 'Did isortio oneuailou ani k11on 4ug an uleuhtwortaaa Miss Chirstabeli1 7?" file wast aked> ')es, Val licon Psnkbîirst presided rnier this meOt- I a oN-iliiN ti i, heitreplilet lng. itesolutiona were àadopted de-1 Il,!! t t is ,Iii i, 1i i i ",,ht diiiire avo" 'lie, tokNd wIîh mandlug reaawai of tire lraniruise cior, t ii --, t - tt iý e a liie it IIaîîd Ion sait tîlliiru rghta fer bcth %scias 1iti o iiido isi- i tta"sIIwea dantce ai fieterly ant ie oaauled Thea tite choses d.utstlon imarnireai 10 1 ti l, ,t, ie1itt il i ti lleme 1e go with bina lie satd aoi,îcre forts te siorm lthe leue.of nommens Ott tatItl i ,î,cfl iic ctfi i, Irviteut and 1tid uhi ai tîh t-il o le A large. force Of Polioe lmmedlàtOiy tiiiîît1î trati I i t ii t Wuarriîcd ni abouithS130 o iik and we braite up lire procession, the meuber l'Ot li ,ilcty Ifi, il i , i, i stfirleiifor t-toi rie. cf ahicS made t ier way bY 1w« andsoo Kii-c-lcia .î iaî î tai t t iii' "Wirat dît ho ay ilavoi"lie tirreeeto Pariament square. msWat aloi idt ritie P, 1, iii, spolie abol ihe peoplie airaacre 10 Hoers.,and at ailtire apiroaches t0 i hc yo1 titi lii 1 tt ,,i i I , oatireai the daI e the parloment blMIings. severail tou- 005e f ortbis Ii t Il 1Il t i i iîiitc 'Nbai wass hiecondutil f-I nard aand people ad raiiahoed te se. 1115 tire ni laterlout'fite fe ii t i ~tiiii>you -' Fi-ltsirante cre ttbjection- fur., Tbere waalan an arryof iiPo- .a. d .f etitalithtt i nI.b iii t ilhahe." lice, probabl a couple of limitasd,hisrillaîet wl, 5tiiitt ti 1 iil,! 'Wxhst dii yoîî aayl "I '1miii hm who *enfetlveiy preneri c.d the pre- tu'as silitîc leriiofîî i i t i iIf be', wa goîlg te ail hai natI1 cirnts of parilRme fo rm the siiglîic al .iuiaiiouî ibatid t, î t i tfilsdi jwaiied la go bocklhomne Welalikeril desecralion. A aoid, amllot- noruitoIrete sul ii iyi cxi pti n tir iie ,,a litlte.adthon -w',torned asabri- surroundeut tiehé ulin gamentIoev Iiinioloal iltiantci e-J beot tward Sba-dy ienIi approacr keptlire crniwd movIng andTh.i V tinuIti llan it'Ih î t ne Wtat iappeocud t f tli Inve8le thlie aboie procceding sitl w t i sîotc fi t i t il lionu lie wey baril t10 In ansd a sensa ai gond nelturell, emilnug iis i i i i i iii t F-t i i ir t(sirort distane. rons where you tIirneu ciplfine. So long as lirey kII mot tu s hic mi cc5 t t aiitig ti iit sarourd?""Fia, mankeut men foit kme on -loolers olgbt go snywirere eciicit prencool wtici il'tthic lie i ,, iiiii'from lire buggy. Tiree 0f lieu. car- through tire cordon ahicir wa gnon at t-: liadit i 0itIiiii iii h i ried me erounut behlnd lire buggy ftg thre pariament buildlins l eeied;a lcie Roi ler as, threw me down etan ieaeotfar oser traffIo was impedod, biltliaI 'toputed lie sal3irech iiit i aitilera utii>ti my siroîidars snd my inaer uiIa mywhere. -isiii ice t-hi11 aîîî 't fruîm a, Diliiyou. recognîze any oftiflem?« Tire suffragettes, aalle 10 ail- dia tiargc' initho aftrii crnif im "Net tircu" proaeS ln force coutl tnet mTI.Ra erY 1cr'tdsMîi î ioQ-Wirere waeRicord? A-lie iimposing ushow. The nuuel metirou of Vas over iry thre fence. aecolg aflat w«. for two or tirree ti e sis ç l nywy ta rus up ejaloala nold lino of bob- 1WILL LIMIT, HYDE TESTIMONY A à -e ddflot yul sywy bien, wb. vwoultI g.ntiy puaS ti.m i Q-Dld you oel l toEii te bnp yoa' back bte thelaigiasacreaut If thi l!IJud ge lt asaseCity Poison Case to À --Yos, lwo or iree imes course of action was perstialetiIn Olten Define Scope ofi nqiaiy. Q.-Wst irapieneuttieul? A -On enougir Il would senore an arrept of thre men thon raîssu my cl tiras ot er Tira. policemen would ire broîlitI out Kansas t ic NiMoNi,, Jtig îyiea."olrr"oruttc nm from tirer reservea lichinut aud tieyl Porleriicd s iIl no s iiîiia'i tic iower Ilinirs aud îwo anneace< If woud tp-ke lh. suffraettle@ Io tire pc-tor Il.('(ah s lyii ider tlita l t aIround. lice satiton, a eousteut poiceman. mal t bocs ache ecril 0 in i n r i',l'a e Q -iud lire Irealmeni ynu recelved Ing a vay for firam throtigirtire crowa-utrîîalîîedofnitI ii-o n ucstlcucttalîind a uitlit male yenîlame? A-il lIn ileaay 223 suffragisîs, lncuding lire jdii i"SIflit- titnaiaI c-t i-rca oldI tirree men. aere tassen tetire police. Ithitl , allut t t-ii id oi ge akltth statons. A iii -i î(,i c 1iv io In t i u ggv' A- 1 dont rer lîci Tirerewaas anc new foritîre, naine- poit i i t iscfilei admissiti ci QCi ti iii -oi plyoitt ii iae 17ianiiow smaairlg Titi lasÎle t tire i îctrc Iii Il ii ia'A Ile tid. dune b tire "bhla" lantirrowd. t(ii'nin i 10 1,1',i h If tI11 liil, j Idouî eans mcanIt inte crat vhicir wacbeII' ompoes! ci e- uil i it liii, I, i 0- iltt t lOt e ynîî une giitigic iroîk ii i nil'A spectabie. men and women, bmt ir5' ly- PIt ii t- il iTi t t c "Il w, cati Y4. lotir iiifIl cul Iag aquedrona of uffragstert Iii-1 i titIi 1t il i 1ai 1, i Q NN'ial diii RIiord di' A - Tire, girls threwstonce iîroiîgira ii iil It ii-ii i Il 1irppe tUPlielos large -a-laiio fii lie dinireiamf[nI L i i t 0l il;Ii iiiif iQ Dii !niiaucceedinI at- Rn Il tire Westminster Palace bitl Tire. Hililoni tt. mii tt I-jig < ofree r off yoîîrirbodlyfilial nigl' ro aas fulof dîneri ai tIelimle, A_ i diionI, nrlire nextI îIr brut fartunateîiy ttirle C hilk in- ta UN OAH ISSIE ma tor Nic'oîiesi s aidhdlie *Il ma awhiI>t. amtu irakeit rahallnt-4 U 'ci I SUIE :icas I ilairakits v any of lire mc il te beau oc-ouieiiiThere tas ctarc-,ýtl RptI terod butiIitng oit ttc ImIl ide tifr aitl ait I> tI i i uryTati i-s pM-ccr of!;nid n lirecmatizdSorilCak ,quale -hi, ti iil iste le ami itvlochr Wdois la AtitI. A, N Sinmm ansd James 1 t-ellir litta C Cna i i. irThea ar office ahasswereIl owl sufitO- ti i I s iatî i^dutlirn.- s t it iirît i bSaeec ee O - ttu N îi hPACKERS SECURE NEW DELAY El 1ji t 1 NS t t i il ta Cai-peeter Sets Triai for Monday Uný iPfl tti)t tt 'lt-ti' lesS8uprem Court Stept ln. 'tii - N tii- micii ati iiif l- t iti-go, Nîtc 22 --Triai of lire iea i ibi it ti- i, , t ticd ait pchera oiargrgi i a( iolat- It t i iii'iIî ii aiInag ltra rimînal sectionoftiflie mirer- i.,tot iiiii ' ti a , i t ri' 1, 1 mrai. actî aul i n -u lu Dsrict Juiige a l titi I ti-,t i , it arIenter's coatneuct Monday moto- g lit;a it ipin ii us i ai, bi-at -- i lu-il 10 o't'iock,uless tira suîremne 1, lumultedI t 7i0ii1 tîîrltîîrî eues Tire case ivas con- t oueod unti tire laglnig ofthie week Simiiin aFriano Levei,, 0î , i ,Ctc ihe ioderai Juiige sitar tire packt- Sran ir4riiIbo, Ntt, '- 1 iCc alt her Itnuneyas al aiipeared ati o rolbtti tci Ihe haz-h..u t - - t t1t-ore tuij I ûh1mairt cf damitfa t., cIl t li tugt tiai tire pakerg willi ltelisteirtriidti lilaritît t immmdtliy enticai orrlit secra somte I t oai i mtur, sletmtii ti iso-tifn ii oay froru Oie cîprema court trIiiitititi(oiciri ompaI - t -it ti t b, CCI ilit'py ciii nia lie obligeradta deui lîî l lreet lan tse Tî tdit ,i ti igo-- i t rîilibrsc e aiti irilil asuer tire soirent. ititirspsiseii iponutire H-ai'vard Man Drowned n Argeti teh-bef i.slitem1 t ,cri--lite iitiiii I cli aa il,-Noua22 XVlliaoIf,:,t,, ' ti i- 0 tialiy of te crImInal secltinnifthe o atiîc of Hanvard, wa-li to tli Sui-trumaIlas -p-.. oit tof ilira'trgittue otc tI Gene wtth Bride; la Sisin uit il a as liitatii ed S tîtîa ti t iii i mia, Fi-' ia ,,îî 2.-Oterlakea lu bolit tinaAct ~(~-'lb- oodis a-thithe ix mouilla bride tt ii ia eitt-i (ticf ierot ' I l artilc, Ir., wirom hlae, 8 ai- IcI;îi l, blais di' nyerîl ssci front Eiaîled National Gr-age i i cf l e.1Yc hionitiie, tt-.Pel ry, a fritîil ercc as t 0.iv , -No-c i ii a - hled tt3 th"e augi o irtsiraîtiandi th te. Ilîla i - ft teGrange>sah 1,i iii ;i t tAncient Sachets,. n acier , I' - uNational tOiange, l t ss ijl - - lt- itian ladies cîrrted littit' i-iuoire iito liere, li ont t;- i i-- ctfodorlferoua tguus sitîiltla limoes îl-a lodïlktiig cts. I liii faqliotulie li inîa - 2' h I To- morrow Commences Ou'rAu~ SUFFRAfiETTES EM~yORY P OOLE ISTORY 0F TARRiNGi MAKE DEM0NSTRAm Indlaaouth Accuse i RLATED BY VICTIM4 TION IN LONDONL.2MIJ AT SJIADY BEND x iît. I lhxl.( iain i l 1i,,11-u large.i oftu t tte i- ti ;ixx - s tuIi i r ~ ~ a9c i s . pecîîc-ioai -, iSATIN DAMASK 59c -LINEN OAMASK $1,00 PIE D AMASKS (lit-h AI] ili, lhi ut uaak in gr*4. Bçbteh. iristi anii gr o Oef'man denn sIc; i n rua tifltiitflhi. e1*t us 'M rus 1-1 Îltfl ià nak andi i rlli i g êxc1gae de uîe 'on'M" 1.00l and 7tlpcbes aile, ard i £ VV $"' 'Sn 41anî, $1.25 me - Naplkjl l O t iil, ozen "<pktn e m t chI ,b $350 3,00 to $598 A llandsome Selection of Pattern Cloths, ýLoWlPriced Pattern Cloths at $2,50 iîii'hiliit i ttaibi1i t tii ilis sttN u- t. at.-i -i.-ti2.50 Patteru Orotht at $3.25 t;iiî -lot-its iii64x>f) inhi itîli))lCiibttý o ll-ýt 5J Exceptional Values in lluck and Damask Towaie Linen Huck Towels >,ilu ' tili ii i t ilt li I iid i i fi ii itlitlt25c HUCK ANDI DAMASK TOWELi i accu- iratti etti'it n t h alai n 11k Px l -a izes rigiýtic o o ii itit -ai'e a 39C TIow'e1s at 62c A1\1nulI'i i iltitda ilý i l t li a î lî'ilixv , i ld I . i f t ftiti iiulfi-- i t ii62c itOW- Ai T 85t- ti %i k, i, tra :I ti o i .it ig iuo f h'-uit d ea tr 1iii e $1 0P.ti ic .- ,o h8 5C Rare Values in roweling Euck Toweling 28c i - t i-'I ltire iîî iît'huis t i xxIiilîg i plaitoi Iii iii lu-it'- i î p to -ilsi.;lt i gI t 1 * i't'iti it i ll l ii i N-tt i i I ilsv i-t'til'-tftti - pt utiali 8 ut -N lli'tc HUC5< TOWELING li5 i ii AMASK TOWELING~1ti tîîaliY til' ut i iit oweh iit-t t nt- itît - i i ii î'm ti- i iit - id , ist i,i'3fo tilt t li u, 50c ,11f l, 1 ý Dinner Sels at 11.50 th - s t i s ei l , is i 51 h al Il itii t i il IliikisgiN iiîg tf Sale of Centerfiëces Center Piecos $1.69 -\Aiar-ge - idvC'z lti <t t i tfflut iontîî(ti 'ls'\iu'llî band d rawn w'totik <'iii hi titi-s t til out- ii x it-h n-two'rth li t'i-uta n a i d I ti iiliîî aiit-d as 16 imî-l tit-i as lii-i îî u i t txoetlin ___.6 9__ 11 l 4t , li' li,- N ii1 il l - s'.. . 30 Inch Center Pieces l tîtîidIor squaretiurr quai iitx t i xx itli tattractiv i s h -h etli ii Rogers' Guaranteed Silverware KNIVES AND FORKS- TEA SPOON6Si-toi ct1 TABLE SPOONS--t,,g iýt- tiarliic ý,I , X Rogleit-ra ls-slsur î'îa Brothoersa' ablte 1, i i1 t y am i , ,v a lttii 1tt' ;i Kli X c ititi n pîoons lu varionsa standt klitta'c'ianti fi-ko. setolfl urilo uialndtior stand- un ipattensie.raviiy sul 4.981 a('dlpM1.79 Um xfor 3.25 Coffee Perculators Carving Kniv'es Nit -uni uIt'tirai ,tiltii iît im iist'ltil. Att ctt'enlial ai'ticle for lhc Tharukot-t il ctlbS i t litcup , tctig hly t îk< I ai o- i ut-tati e - se ol nsisîtaa ofiikuifa'. fork ag ~Savory loaster Ynîur Tlianksglving îîîr- keY wil taste tuuicir btcuei If prepared lu a Saooory Roaster. Tira Savory Rostier la air tîglitanu self bast- ing and t lavorlag andt mokeastira meat aswget ansd jiluty l'nices $2à 9 8C PA« FOU* Sale of ThanksgîvîngL*i111ens e a lu'h tvi ix l owv wh u itîuslt i-ati 1i ien. Thi alet ni in t l to r a thee otixkgxuîg hot pîîle i i i illil îIot n d aîîi l I i lii tei l saNiiig Ifoi. twit i pr ive1(*11ýi lýi ýel N i i e niad' i x in h Nî )l x i 1 u r t I k i i, aj 1nt î ni __ - -~--~NotabePrice Svings"Pamasks r ~Damask at 50c it O Lini~ aà 70 ineuh ________________ un~ io amak, 61 ilIciwý ,îan bçaii s~' Militant Women Attack the English House of Com- mons in a Frenzy. Smiling Policemen are on Guard and Fend Off the Invaders. Two Hundred and Twenty- three Arrests are Made by the Bobbies. Satin Striped Pattei n Cioths li1l An Advertisement placed in this paper is read by the majority of Lalie County peoplemm=and SELLS the goods - 1 1

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