CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 3

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WIDE TIRES NEW AUTO LAW N!~CESARYEnthusiasts Worrying Over Wide Tire Law is Now in Ef I xmmtonRq1e With the Faruners. loii einjejt of the ntew automobile f aw i the niateofrIlinloi's ad IDin ekel Wagon Tires Must be Three jTt s the quetion whiîcîîi dis- juches Wide for Muddy îturbing nany drivers of automobiles. Roads IHereafter. i s cent,, ni cars ans] automobile manu- failutrr ii t.ils coonty juet flor, fol- lotîrtîte whch ounsiste of the St Ihirty-five Hundred Pound.s -loi ig î,e ancemit thof thea t the Limit for Outfit onfl se chauffeurcans]tw as tt. Good Roads. mould gise the exasnlnatlon for alI - ,utoiniohie drivers ln Chicago soon. nI 1%e foowng front thte t.sîî,tes of Accorilui to the staleetof a lo-p 1011. regmrdlng the wldth of tires, on (ail'man this wekit it l clalmeti Wgos on ighwaye. la pubisheti that the enforcametit of te aw villIr ,utlrN, ays tae Barritnton texiew do aaay wth women drivinig cars, "Au ac t t protect turoikies. gravel and aiso boys drfving automobile i or macadam roade, an.] to provide a along the streets of the cfty or thetu VMOMI for its viofation. Wldth of roads of the state. l UruM regnhatettal Power to art-est on According tete rovîsions of tht subt. iaw. tari, driver of ao automobile ta De lit enacted by the peouple ot tht requlred te pay a license fa. of $6. o gai. cfetiMinute, repreoetteti in the before balng grant..] a permit bya etu e nhf»Mby. tiat It shall ha un- tht state ta opet"te an automobi le, buffl for gay penDu te haut over any and that hfor< fiis fee la padteci %WnWke gravef or macadam rond, at ontes-ho wouid take out the licenie la MF <lue s-liet. rois] la thawing compalted to paue an examinatian an I 01011 s or by reoms of wett s-ath- te rudiments of automobile drlvfng. «Ir R Tu la condtion t. ha cut np or snd aiio on techulcal parts of tife en- I , 0 - by heavy balng.àafond.]on glue. tnalr care. repairesud opera- MWuhide s-it tirese fesa thantree tiane. toba inwldU the i.combines] sefgbt The sprit of the lf a in of uIch bd and vehicle inl"dlg lmed at doing away wf 1h à large dWM @aLI IMe maire tus 26M percentage of deaths wicii bave ac- 9 OUMb or Me»Yw ebhie s-th tires quradinfthii tta lu the.put tes-1 99 U tbaltre e la ia wth. thé. yefld» eto the fItcrumiedDubet' ;O@r or miy vohice sitb tem cof of idbWWblfe drivera, aid mia. due _t. q utIuigs o.uMh l ba driver the. tact thititii. meltontaf tiie driv'1s MR - 018Illte Umet lma ,O ore kuos- bos-ta stoeer tue car, but *W âcesa» mmUmetsaove InciScent telAltae carburetat from the on "Mot te oomwm d tgit off hetmaié. _ 10001là R& 111111lèbam" drivair aalli be Tt buemasfouad tiiet many of!th MMt J Mund@ o:r cn any ve- deetht were unavodabie. bad thtea à*" lfft tUfl RfI e le or over lan driver heen experieied lu drllng thtep 116011. <be U hla ei elg o vIticit car. knew the. rulea of thte rois], and] bmg& fbâc * d lriver. ahafl hamare te proper care a! bis engOue. " umPouvais.TItne s-anis] ha e ew -amen. s-ha. &XV « vieiimng as>'provia- siuia ai a rbude " maristefulidv- lmofmceglu.mco f tUianset iLi era, s-atnd bhablhe ta paie the exami- M c YisXý ha ud ne lt lemi titination on the. teclinIcei parts ofte JF W BO"4t1-S" ~for each fonasol enigine, snd tbis &aeaapplie ta the buge& boys. Tht latter application o! the f -Azy rn supervumor aid upariu- tas- might ha regarded a neceesary tUMor contable &alal bave police ,for tht public weftrt. anti Evanstoli PPW tSa arreat on slght. m&Dy persan bas aiready steppe.] ln abead of the w1bea nomo lfatng thia ordinauce las-, sud passed an ordinance proibit- Mdstu svk-btiof athe. defendant lu îng boys under 16 years of age from «U came. thtre shall ha by the court ýdrvng tht cars. 1 ilie m ane a fa. of $2 lnu ach;b Tht agents are worrled ovem the en- «M ta ha pal theEparson makmg the forcement 0f the las-. tftti caimng iru.t2L- ,that tht ordinary man . wblit be le whmstsas aPPmovat hy Gver- abe to tun his car s-thont harmlng MMDeneen on June 15 ans] id now- in. anv-nue. at fitst knovs littia or noth- ffl force ans] effetf ng about them, aud wouid ha raquir- _________________________ed to pasa t is examinaition lefore taking tht car front the garage. Of i course aller operatlog tht car a short A ounglne. and then poesibiy vous] t-e hibe to taLe tht examination, but giv- en an ordlnary mati, vithout the right lof practicai demonstratton of is os-n jmachine, ans] titre Iol 111e hopes t ho wiii fearn thein oir vorkings o!Il j tht uitile machine. sit-i controls in 1tself, the pow-er of 30 or 40 galioping horses. i CAN YOIJ ASK MORE? BuyingTouir Monfey Back for the Buyig Asing.You Promise go.od Nothing a lt.'.. arne ogo nLl4nit tlatw a ue jewPeIry ftraîîah rn-fluf'or iidign-tu,n AttdIdcý-. 1910«ibe.a sit awiP iv-ujntm-dI,-inn-fr,-e of ail i-t U,, --ry on,- -Purrbaaing the- iltcp ki.] te a wast.- *, ni tU,tl WYr nati-li,- r.ulteh Putting ar-itil-atîîîn tto aW 1- tarct i, uruunu î.'e ns] itt l-,,it. n zeaffy gonid ringz, furi îttanea-, le ais-ae nî,nexatno pligatatdi wltalu---. i"De ai epeudîng It for i-tvc1(,thiug. urîotîîîg ,ouligatj,la,,.', .. r ueat. The ring iýsitm ti liridut-n- tîat gen. rtght bnrt -home yuu lise ai,.] ur1 eraf aPpfaralîî-e otifn-l-to dotue*e a li-h meputation ehould b.- aullI-au nnom il s-iff paY cny tua, t- ar ýonan tlii cui, suof te- g.-rui(i m of î,ur î,flnr, vais N%%e s-cnt n-cer n ii. sbu, t.- tm,,IA. And o wit (lierstitîn indignetion ,r dvepeila IIunan, Ans]su v un îthr li cli îîrm tiI c)w i,ist usr âstîS,-seun,j ,îv a1 Well. her m I ta t etItt litans ahleibot of l>nxafl livste.eia ~'li-n.~'akn- )Y no0thifing shatm-er tl doii -tl quie. theinrne ,t.anr,.] gîtj,tnt a ra'nî t'onahie giuti Ie nrt - aa .tiiri' îlottrial. waiciiîg ii u... i,.,fi th-y belin-8 an. a air ît-5..- lii c iii-tui-ulabien- ]mt ftaie %(lu. rn-l Uc ai,.] -t a ii article.ijuickly returît .s iur iiiie-sT4haven- Hé.e l a tor tiettgv.g (jj a (IU rý a set-y iilîl lUt liii.- tise e., îioiiu mn Heil-vrn-in ateyit, î ie yîî c sî thae 11(îrgana sith walti-h tie.(-()tuoin1 dear eyd ii - tiirîtiteî minm-ityn-igcea m-t- Ton rn- us t-iltuve tonie uIont th- rn-axe, i-. . ,at otftt hua Wi. tlui .-riîît, -k uinsis Aa.IUd aidi-g toîi.tiire ils- ti- ca. 25,, Roi suif j $1 iiiltmr) -,îli- JEWELER vsia ,tit tnslfaiidoul nîtnt Idbertyville Dii ttlie-tsi..fil, B. L. Tm.pp, Pr m fs] ec. R. F Ro.s., Vît- Prrs,dcsi. Irving E.Pat-ne. Cashier, THE Ci fIZtINS' BANK ROCKEF ELLER, ILL., TAsSa Baah base. Ctrtificats f Deoent .rg til reeper cnt ntrnt D.k Datthe t ot onvent a.d nn --c n.n fo1r.- itwing by .. af, a-e procurble Lent Yn,-r .dmi ke<l.,5 mc cosgai i i.ited. We offeramasple Secr-iY, u tu.n>.dnet].;lifty. PARTNERS AND ERECTO)Rb àl. L Tripp. R. F . Rouse. r-.g E. Payýna em Hl. Miller-. J. t.. Taylor. J. S Gr.dlty, IROCKEFELLEP, T. P. SWAN. Corresp Tht Ladies' Cemettry Aseociation wiii givn- a sertes of dinner.., pt-oJ9 edsbe h ued for thn- bt-u-it of tht Lake 1Bluff Orpbauage. Tht llret o-f tht stries s-ili be bield Tbureday lin-. 7, the rtguam meeting day. et tht honte of Nire n-o, W. Slichn-il En-r.'body Invite. A large enppîy of petron-unt î-îke nom lnn-îîg unliiiaded. S. L. Taii'. lok- ier. tv-i0-1 WEST FREMONT Mites 'so rtsutnttil.ho ha.] casiîght a'ta-l ii tof wdttlue abltuto e out agatoý Mrre tlolînn'rand uUinjoî-eI-ul ause d tym iaitsi-n-k ssth t-n-attv-uian.] tuu-ues at Mlwaui. Ai Ilcetîer te hmnking cornî tir Aug. M.-yir. tito Ne-' peit Sundav at lit. boite ber. %Ir.andI troi, Juliît lifatIt-r oenrt ont day las t wekt tIi icr darighti-r et Mcfin-ury. CIIILDIEN INJUE iOrdinary Cathartie and Fis and Harah Fhysic Cause Distressing Complamnts 'i, . mu anotleoct-r-ern-fuIi n tht es-fe-tiou o-f itindi-ýtue fuir chiîdren. Only the very- gi-ent liosel me-li-me shoni.] @er Ieslis-gven. n-au-i-lit nu mreîîy i-aa-. lirdinary pille. caàthartirccan s purgatives art afît ta do more hars i than ioal l'bey msycause igrfping, nansea an.] otIa..m ,iaste"bng aftem-nffecte that are tcequn-îtiy hn-aith-dnetmiîs ing. 'nIe is-rwoalf! econrînenti and guar- euit-.- fletaf irderi" eai tht safept ans] ni-ct d.;s-udablt ri-nntdy. s-bith we kniis-. ir î-înntîpatnon ands] sociat,, i, -f e iorderu 'An- bave anebelimute fait, in tht tnt taie of thi e mendy that w.- en-il i on "Uor guaateett of mo0ney tsa-k atr evmy n,îaati-e s-hre itfeuis t, Fgo- t nluire snatiactfon, au.]Ive urge aIl je. na-s] *,f sun-t, u-dinn-to try it at our rismk fis-ati trderiiee are teatn jouit lite ti-sody, at-e farthcufamiy prompît ans] aizr-.ahîe in ai-taon.ia>' be taken st aoy tît.-, dnsi urtiglît; do> Dot nansme or rhuita. li.a r Ifii., .ira ineri 'ru,.-vhavos. aver>' mil.] but positive rsutriI,n p ititw organdi wi th w hîîîtIi-y i' l-in,îtait aI,FSrat-l y actilg as iinl4 - o tî, li-in-.tipt) ,tup ovr- i ..uîgs--itrna aril aiiitu, n -iil,te tei. 1-e-le Uii îî'îu.-vIgiiUn liýjii unathî l-Ii Ai a utrd.,.I irnawitr. Thqy aiae t- i ii , eh 'nt l. 's..a.l o f cn- . j tui, takiil' liîaiti' ii fin-n-p tih, fus-~n, uîie-rInnnin îî,i ntit Its-Zuif alr- f,t'in ljiÀusi 1,u. i.u-rty elie. fil a miiisnnr o-f cour**-toc Uta>' GEl' 1W. TFREX.T Ff>IN eTIfS PROPERTT l(f'rO<>STlo,<9IN "4Tila CITY, soi Ithis>'LEAIIN tiîgi gsaivii fi MA. r- t J4EN- .t' Rlobert Laimeno tpeiit Sunday m-ith friends in Chicago. Mr. and Sirs. F. C. Knigge @et Sua- day with Mr, and] Mr@. s . EUrauier. A few trom here attended a surprise party on f..nw furdlck at iabertyville Saturday ev ening and epent a delightful eveliing. Otto King returned lest week frorn Iowa where he bfi been vworking wîth1 a excavator. The rold wetither corn- pelled tbern to quit work fer the»eanon1 Mrs. R. F. Rouse returned SaturdaY1 from the Jane Mchili8ter hoapitai in Waukegan where she bas been conllned for snne tilDe. Ber condition il greatlY lmproved and complete, recoverY le but a matter of time. George Bf att and hie uncle, lVm. ltlatt of Mukwonago, a pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrw D. A. Aynaley. Lovedali and Otto King attended the dance at Waukegau fldm.y evening. Mira. Chai. Babcock and sou Af vi, of Milwaukee, spent Baturday and Bunday with ary Swan. lBert Swan and farnily of Libertyvilfe, were also borne orer Sunday. Quit. a crowd of youDg fol ks were out on Lake Eas Suuday enJoYlug ti skating and a big lime in, pfanned for Thaaksing. Beagtaingnext S.tnrday &Ad id De sa. t feset nti Cktitum we wWl Premant - to eey delfaqumat sub. scruter who paye up a neaty prlnted recelpt for the amount prAl. Thoue ruceipts are very ariftleaily Lottes up »ud you bave no Ides of the. aMount 0f plemmure tbey wffll ive jon. lire. Tiff te Poulton vliited a few days with friendo in Chicago. Mmra Ed Mitchell of Chicago, caled u] n friende here one dav fait week. Mir. and Mrs. Oeo. W. Mitchell were Chicago risîtore lait week. Mr. and lMre. WM.Einemau @peut Sunday wiîh Ed Bl-ockmrnnand !arnily. DEPARTMENT~ PAATINE jWILL BUILD E DEPAýTME T 1W ord carne- Wedneeday evenlng th,t NEW HOM ,dn at AetJamnesaIter, eson of E. F. Baker ofi pondentand Agnt zPalt, Wh,")aeu@heen a rider in the Aurora 1Ldes of Odd Fel- &ýe t h age mette a ounther of - -- eare waa injured at Louieville, Wednre- lows Plan to Ereet New, Mahf 'ebrlcbetendd anocalday afternoun and died soon alter. Hi Lodge Home in Future gathersqg at Lake Forest leest I-rdeY cnan eebogi e nitnra nagt .wai beld Sundtiy froui the M E. rburch. Idea of Home for Lodges lias '.'hatever elte ou do> fontfultl itret uteemtr o h ifie Suceeeded, Despite Belief is the betat reat the Cfiritae ad of iWatson ,& A. G. Smith vieite.] hie mother wfi, le: of Former Years. way to per Druce in thia fisse. very if I tt Evansfon, Suadey. - Vomen anc th febkai heLaie' idbaaa we scoueFormerly Thought the Home sie r Make placé tii attend teRb nai TetLadies' 00. Wouaad Faial and Private erai p lays at the Lîbertyviffe towvn hall next etu82.Wol Fa ndPI t -w kal Tuesday and :Wedneeday eveninge LouIli euse, wfîo fn recovet'iîg f rom) Parties Gain Control I»,. n . dho 5cad3c is evore hf nesse u ehorne Fridey. -1.Opiatesa Dec 5 d 6 Arnfslo 2c ad 3e, Henry Freise and wife nttended the The Odd Fellows of Aurora are go mixtures are Howard Terpnfng of Park Ridge, spent fand show lu Chicagd lesit Tuemday. lng to fovest $50.000 In a temp'le. worthless, Saturday and Sundas- wîth hie cousine, Wben a fotige bhe and there hegan vate the ty Russell and Paul Rouget. Invitatlone are out for tbrne Tuante t on prmnn .oe Io e h Ater a short sojourn in tbe bead iving weddiags, Belrman Wente ands] nt yeare ago, manY Of the wlse hat Min Af oa Wtt wera marrieti Wednes. hnehoetelrhedeanhwea o wbere ab@ recelved another patchint UP~ day evsnfng, aligo Charles Haungart moldnt hakttechemeoud ound r oe. the "eleyen spt" was returned to ni and Misa Ida Helfogt, andi Misselara falfure anti that eOme Prîvate IndivIs] S ol' mrning. But nie olti relie Only Tbies and lMr. Brown were inurried on îîal wouid ulimateiy get tht property s o l ieted untIf Bunday eveuing when @ho Thankoglving ang Bu luU mute. SiOIten was a&Wu overcorne bj. oid age and badlfrasn.Btt hematm, srn ef ta bo carried geSfy back to tbe rip Mise Oms Dean bai been very ilî with r»auy fraternal socletfem in rnany body, imvig traek. If It were Dot for the incon- lnflmrnatory rheumatisut. :ectiez have acquires] bornes of their buMis up. venlence suffered It would ho arnualng ta Mr. and Mr@. Lawrence Ryckian of Own, and the movament mema onf y Ilesi t wateh theme atternpta at amnateur Bructon, N. Y., visites] at W. L. Hlcks#' to have hegun. In the neit twenty t. » si"is rasil roadi Dg. reeen f . .ýyears there la golng to hoernucb more e beet. Lnml Sunday alternoon wbsn Charfle- building of horno. for lotigos than ha.- * D Schnc wAdivngluo he tretfrin WU lfl Conduota Iqury fore. No douht, the Aurora Odd Ftef. Sehack aadrvlnintotheatret fontI.oeaadolng the wfse and theWo p- te drlvmway hetween the saoon and Bupe nendent Wilgi, bead of thteor thfng. the barber aboib.ormade tou sharp a Maitkakee finsaine aiylnrn, le now non-1 turc, and the bugg overturDed and dttctlugman Itqury a ta the auiy orf tiirew lhe ocupat out. Thte horst. 'm ig rk of Wankegan, wbo 1 Deslaines in Dinguie. + bwm rb* adrnmr d W"i coDhtftted ta tinstnittution 8Ite*.etkwlnb-up-pe. + BUTTERJ becante&yrr&h«snd sud rau awmy da- g ed wwfUi anding ging tse buggy loto the park and black mailliaglatter ansd thi. qulry NoSa wîea.,butL ldfn+ Butr4 afmot totally denoliebitsg 15. Fortu- will be contlfud ,'tmti oCey cliuaw. ot a Adux isse rte ive.tht + erg-8B naWy Do oceWvri nju red bejyani,l w wltOhuM.8t t6àdtd a it cfflfmtrtAuctly frrve.eteebg,_ 'scrtceo. cf tii.m"il nt ow.: c rueÙmthtaistste m ACcoiglng t. tte etaitmnet ithe weet cf bae. tityfeb Tiiere wfiU bu s douce at McBrlde'a bal Kankaka. hootai Frlday monlng . Theatt mau ie. splceo t + Then - r Bsturday nigit, bec. 2. Oood mui Parka. while fDot dangue'auily fusa»e, er at blemes e. or + Ea a and a gnd tin. auured. in 105 l ti 557 coiditIOa to tiaeriver vea '"Èrivao f ti.te.""or Aux + pmerai Caro of bfieoitnd8.4 ven tbougb lio Plain«a. In the. yerg that bave pais- lae.roci A large supply of peralenrn coke now were, freed fram the aaylum, it wasld ad titis han beau iacalized tu0 0'PlL .+cofte-281 benlg unloaded. ISL. TiuIpp,Rocke. ha neoeeaary ta koa awatcb over The informstion 1u tramMa n+ Ptto,2 fefer.c-1-i lmWhlte'a new bookt.e Second Book + of thie North Shiora. V&M Weêlth Wanted.....I... PA E R Aooardlng tothelb.Amrlcan Machi5 A KamasBelle. 1 Z Z h~ h Z Z Ut.It bus beau eatlmated tuat Anee j j, chi~son gilfDuvet bas a ,neau. eP Alarge suppfy of petroienrn coke now la focit anunaIfYmore thsDa u rasaa hacbee-fkm=arpTobves1e befng unloatieti. . f. Tnaa'c, Rocke- and a bal hart-el, or aIl b>' the. bars- idI> the average young man can'i but tu behabale ta feller. c.10-1 t- fi .11 .1 _- -r' 42 acm m the whole igorates and get scorris- Ium d mlwaym tAND £G«1. j Ogata à pound. cents at doues. se the prioeu t- hi<ber lu tmeG Ing 39 Cents. G te, 45c-4Sc. G Ie to Soc a PeCIL G piilopiy. we W want, sin tlbem, rdo wltboititPb-e r mnld. Vou Can't Select a llore Suitable Holiday Gift than a Good P.iano Just a f ew weeks from now, Christmas will be here---and At is none too early for you to plan your gif t offerings. WhMat could you choose that would be more acceptable than a piano-something which will be a permanent andi valued possession of the one to whom you gave it? If there is anyone in your family who is musical, this is your opportu.nity to make not only the coming Christmas day most enjoyable for them but also the years to corne. It will be easy for you to make your selection from the rnany fine instruments we can show you. You certalnly should see the Conover, C.ab1e, Kingsbury, Wellington, and Inner=Player Pianos Which we have on sale at INOALL'S JEWELRY STORE, WAUKEGAN RAY'S FURNITURE STORE, LIBERTYVILLE You need not pay the full price down for you can take advalitage of oui easy payment plan. The piano will be held for delivery at Christmas tirne if you desire. Keep this suggestion in mmnd and at least corne and seè these inRtrumients and get partieù- lars regarding prices and terins. For those who do flot play the ordinary piano, we have the Inner-Player Pianos and the Euphona Player-Piano. Anyone---even a child--can obtain fine musical effects from one of these. Special Bargains In Used Pianos We always have a nuxuber of pianos which have been rented for a time or taken in exohange which we mark at very low prices and soul on very liberal terms. CHICAGO T. P DURIN, . - Special Representative. TO and quicloest erfect health- ad girls who simply weak 1over. and alcoholic re worse than 4 they aggra- trouble and tstandard of Emulsi oti .1 vil <j et Opic An #,ontra Iwlo t runnel emnu terday bere lette. ii Ihi berg. lailes srnugg Whf bis p Vas a xoý street, tte Co mi Mc ai met,. co' yester io0und ai Vii the hi Trtiof W-ho tlv t rentrE the set the w dei)ve Sai T la l'h Rat gang ?rom fug t At du't" tes-nf found. hallei Chiot than T-ast- lieva front A. G. Maether an.] con Lloyd visited. the landi show at Chicago Sonday. A. C. Richarde viiles] in Chcago Saburda.y. Uti. Wm. Stanclifl rnturnes] home rnncb improved Iu bealtb. Mise Tilli:tchelf tpe.-: Saturday and Snnday in Chicago. Mme. E. M. 'nthach ands] on ttobîn- arrive.]bhrne front Kansas Tueeday alter a visft of six an-n-t witli ber parente. The Misses Olive, ltina, titlli- an.]Ben Ritspentbaler artici-.]bitrn.-front the Northwnetnrn cieeo b enniThan-s- giving witb thn-îr parents, MIr, an.]Mr@ %litue lyrtîn Rtcharde of Chicago,, le openiîng tht Thanksgtrin)g lîîîida. e wth lbnr par-nt,. %fr. anti lre. A. C fitcherdm. The Rosvai Nigil,)rs tender-, a cor- priée party tsi the- bideru Wiodinert at Herechhn-rg-r hl Saturday ntglt. Afttcî as eniînyali-i-i.niiîg tpe-ut it playttg carde m-freli,,un-us -nrn-enrvn-îlIy thie ladies. M. and] Mcc %ýil ii Iueand chiltiren of ltockeellIer, in-uit Suaday wil their parents, Sfr.aid ire. M. WV.Knedl.r. Mr. an.] Sire. .. A. Marion liitdrela. tires in Chiago Wndoaday arid]'[brt- day. An Aarmn et Night Titat strik" ert-or to the corire bouse- bols] te the- 1usd; hoarce cris]meteilit- congh of iroup.t No mistafiing it ans] fortunrate thii then lucky parente a ho ketîn jleyin.' e ione 'y ai,.]Tir Ct'opîund lin bans]. H. W. Casefmen. Canton, N. Y., says l"ilenwctb ica-nittn goiti Ont- luitechldren are trouble.] witth croup aid hoarsecnes ans] ailswe give the ntit Foltys Honey sud Tar Componnd. f aiways have a bottIn- of it iD the bouse. " For sale b)y ail liruggiste. Storm cash ail iaenmade to orirer. BrIng jour missure, a-e glazi.] of wîadowe wlîîlcyîîî anit. Lti-r-ILTVsttt LtuinEn'o. C-9-3 Royal Pisotagaphera. Like ber eilstr. Queen Alnxandra. the dos-ager etiître8s 0ortusea sau i adept st plttograpb). Once i.ueeD Aexandra 'vas eDapping corne of ber relatives whbue on a vIisita Windsor. ans] tht dosagir empress. producing ber camera, n-u-ayed teo ottain a pic tare or the iinconnlous itueen Stie ws preparlng voe nap when Qun-en Mary. then the princes of Wales. came qînfciy tn-ilnd ans]. aistng bnr as-n camera. ouk ber royal anrti iu the àet. (in the sabre pinte s-as e picinre o! Qui-i-n Alexandira. si ep shottîng. Tii, titîager îipres bhas the negttîci- s tilt-b ae cait -The Ot ers 1lut.- Caméin-f oi.listr ittiElTi .1.VI LUMPit co. -2 1 ln$ )f -il wellis. 1 1 IL&Ov uD wlth ber-Atchkion Gitbe. j -eeorgt- MacdoC T. P. DURKIN,

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