CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 7

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SAVE HICKORY TREÎ8 troy th~e ro tuebee A S 'T O moe. IuitrndWRENT CL AIY -they beffla tu enirge. son. NEW FORV1 at2. The hickorytrses wthIf ani are& 1 Thoe neer WasanyLi ng tyrannyS S NEWryOe MdloW s or several square mile, that dled dur- INÂI OT equaa te, our trust tyranny,» ml M.(Cnnudrm ge) Effeta ake Ôlllty ng he smme sudtat 511 ths. o - ilIr. wth eny individuel; they wiliIb. run rtrictly accordinq to our owcm.111110 N.w iqForm of Governimefl An important movemeflt that hm bsn Ig4ellil îeoudbt.oM1 hc ato i ftt te o ad 1..W .Iflado hca adandtg p he e t lit-. d u onclset obrvta ny sedteInvduteln. r cla forCuat fl a u t~ lm, Dilatntfrom Ooenini- begun in the East and has at lengtb marital wih whiteo int or otbierwl'W . TSU é%idtiM wh tôn dd a» l ~7 fit th w NAiillNt CPAIRIR tO £flyBthoin die aor clame for we Uv. u 111110114isAdvoçatd. eached Indiana may yet coue to this 1 ~nthe marked dead trsa. and Rules i bIriWoti u BeliteANANWSA. tirtaiavo nbdeIe. nbsy tate and c<ufty. out out ail daad branches ortbp tope, - ad faeterieaS. iin n h and k.or t thae n ouranmbition*wlaeed eltJl oukffl W Volur, f R 'tha or arilofe a yo=,emandWbushe r;cause pengUnopleambtion lethis lamagoalWpu eg11*9 Intand "U&a aCitîes lMay oon Be t la te gave the hickory tres as a of the remainung mar4ed trageswbîch BUÉDIIIIIIIIIII3 Shal <> u oa rlcpe fayugW sdbee;t as eot atil hat sg paet v nand e Alowed to Change Porni commercial produci. s jl hyrg sule,ét Tlg tQ tnke R new from 1310d, man Whotg 5 mpefld te ,,joe bard lmîfi fGvrn mn.In Lake coufty. were te alisCf whtbraànces. -of 13 tiert' bidrm. for $5 or 18 a week rft1ithe lttulag n aur new venture, w trust thet wu shah have t,hearti O"ea.oprt ofGvnen- sttlers to arouse f rom their sleeping 4. Dispose of al lnfested trunke tomptatlon of aael moneyt always lie- the public at large and lei retumrnfqr Tt.w. dedfBrtetatt thet the pffl4ffl ro idsfor moction of if-places and take aîlok about, they and branches ln ucha manner as teNoT bc cnu a wl fr br o nducted on Idea tour ovn8-Iàwitl'beconducted for tibeet a rVLED would gasp with amazemeisnt at tii lIthe overitering brooda o! the "Amerries teada the worild p diias-ofWaukegan and Lake àounty. Y W*maji pOR thé.paparln e U Uahep.. kib. tien for Mayor and Coun- disappearance of thiaiturdY, commer- b 14 l1 the-batk; (a) by uttlizing < trial cuaUelt an d Topa behind other tering the communlty and' *hall et *1% -4"we 901<th de thot Whlob la beU f01 cilfo Cîi~. ral~ vlubiehlkory treea. and tthe heswZdfor cmeca6rdcs n Id in ipn3er" clvllled riattonsuln providing fer the communlty ait large. epat UOtWuegfanLaeCer latmpli.mNo 5Teman' of today sometimes starts te hnrning the refuse; b). by utllIzillg -workingmen'e indemnity Insurance ionever vie con and *hall endearvor #eahI IUm*N, t.avold eeylii thiiiiiiho i lnNewtege gensi scpesudtie am f te Ihthtnklng BeriotlY that te old days the wood of the tronks and branches H TEN COMMANDMENTS F0OR roV1ing for wbat la known as h fteplneu s of thlnuts fo fel;(e, braac n hesg n Whtamrlparadoz la presented social or commercial etandpoint. aSrO.Ithinfgt uns bc*tlofti iead, conem sR astelug .8 lisee aor ' fcmunicial goveu- oshiagain. water and burning the b a ch sand 1lnt e p cace of a buoch of distin- btter mlot only stated but .mpl4selxed ý. W * hal try nd use aur boutt Jus. Fuglawers me t e r"ofvmunil oy tr- The hickory, like ils brothers. la tops; d), by removing the infected 1I. Thou hat flot corner te eo- 1'glshed business men furnishlng cor- ment e ta the use of the prerogativea. .t, by ment a t ppe m eing cf a iter-raîidlyvantsing Ini te advsne of ibark froin the irtinka or1oga and Pie. itreati. ption rmol e o their attrney to , We deile t thnk the public for their support in aur pat navPWeppePa.. repregaenting varions commercial Or doser setienîents. and i. no longer; burnlng it w th the banhe o a . ho ss.tflt2.tmoeonThouecr afrncislortaeitb rlenetrl tpaoutrtd rutmoreurfuur efrt wlIhlasilnisdoe gaiatos !liestt, nssson at ,onmmrciatti valtiabie as a product Ifuel. 19bel1titan there la lu the cao. when no one of ttent would thlnk cf eult.producinq for the public. gaibe Commofera lub. se here, nuii a few hundred specimens 5. it launnnecesaary and a vaste 0f Thou shalt flot coin te bioud 'e!dolng sncb a thing personaiiy!" j In succeeding Mr. Just as ownor of the lwo papes, we reelize that a Ilad The committee. whiie voicinglai >being lefi. and these are exposed toltime to dispoae of trees or branches t ilneigihors cild 10.10 gold in or-,_________- wper man ie retiri"g front the Lake County field. Mr. Just hm. bon irailgeratrm ofte ov-the av ages of the hickory beetle. whicit have bildedtweive niontha Ider titat thine own blidreu nial ;.waiidwt ewpprwr nLk ont a er n u,« The cam agn that lagofngmaerofhehormore, be ans te rooda of the asu-"']tthe ranks o! tite Idie riiii. Grand Lodge 1. 0.0. iP. Novesntfe thnwpprwr i aeCut ayyasadh. i mieut whicb bai for its purpose gov- h api ihtl o ierteo oe ecueteh tian made good. He hua bulît up two strong papers whace weight 1hé~ti in akd SN reote 10 , nation te gave the iickort- treesgsve destructive beetie are ltne ite oud 4. Thou ashait not underpav thy le-1Aliter having iteid their sessions lu commuflity la second taenno. Un the paut wo naturally, as competitare, *ois ernrsental efficient-y amnd teremioval wit itrees there are left and add te ln sut-h ireeas.mailempioyea 0ta ie educiSplgii o wnyfv yaa h gog. ihhl aytig n suilyards ntett.t ef cty govenumeut from polfier;. dld theni persistently and oosistenthy. Spray the Tops. t elhtrviu.GanLdgofIiosnepdn mre things will mlot likely bo what hie would have baln. owever deipie . 6. praingt.h tos o brncha o 5.Tho shit lotmaii o detro Orer of Odd Feilows. wili meet next previaus competitian, we frankly statu thast the retirl editor crtaifllycwe -m net commit itseif te attlttie detaili of The movement ta ai important te 6.SrynthtosrbacesrZ the proposed bill ai drafted hy iid- iLake county as 4elsewite, s fam-,t application of any substances a workman with tity ma-hiîiery, or yerln Peroria. fearieus ln Ilworlc end dld many gaod thîngs for the county Me la Us M4dId ward G. Hoffman of Fort Wayne. ers and resideuts o! the rural dia- a preventive laflot te lie recommend- wear out is strenglit ln building Up ITitiswas decided tîpon by thte Grand ta succoed whever ho mey eirert hie efforts and, in anythlng h. moly te» Up. Axong thte provisions vir were di-ti,ý ed. Nothing îill gave a trsesafter the thy fortune, and send bis famtly tei iodge ai Thursdays session by a rising ho husa ur beet wishes for succese. %e ï usd u i hc h omtu Treles Oying Out. main trunk la attacked by large nuo- the porou vote, over tbree-fourtbs of the mena- W .SIH <11 no pas wre hoa prvidng or ~ltlîîlit lat tn yaraa lrgebers of tiis beetie or afller tebark 6. Thiou shat divide fairly wiît by bers voting to accept the invitation dii netcage. the iitivse and the rferr eethn te o! teho Y rs a avesdfrge eint Ioepoe t onG.tneedh SMrIorTHa. he_______________________________________ enu. led ln varions sections titrougitout, 7.Tite Injuries of the twigs by tiis laitos n. allsaitflot taike refug~e bc- chamber cf commerce o! Peoons te hs * nial Committee Considors Bill. the norteru ier of states froi Wis- ibelt do itet reluire treatinent. bind the isw of snppiy sud demnd hIl the session there neat year. to24655, A oommittee o! seven willt ie p cousin le Vermout and southward h akadwo digad 10lwrWgsadentnhos The Grand Lodge adopted a resotu- I 44784 L gem.2a poaii tter by T. F. Tiieme. of lFIt throiigit he Atanic states to central isdadt trees are almi§ct invariabiy lu- 7 husatfo s ivvl itc eusiategadrpeeta- m> Wayne, chairman of, the generai coin- Georgia and 10 a greater orIl.... e,-fested with many kinda f e!larnsd director to order a corporallor to do1 talles, to the sovereign grand lodge VieIM mittée. This commttese o! seven wili tent wilin te entire range of natur- woodborlng Insects whlch can do no abat thon tltyseif wouldsî nel dc;te vole for the repeai of tite order ,IMPO TE P RC ER TCt I ALIN VO iI proe ais aconider the bill before report- ai growtl o! tthe varlous speciesThe itar e oliving frses. Titerefore. ail openly lu the sitt til, men. s Sp teiitn ming itlodiaa romsIiIrJIIL &KUIEK#thILLV Ing lit te te commercial organlc.tions hitikori forests in Illinois bas atiffer efforts sitould ite concenirated on the 9. Thou ahalt moelrcent lhey prop- passelasigsem berng Iu dsrclanoi a Kig atmnoig the itederated Commercial cd remeîîdousIy. disposai of te broods of te hickory ryt bt-ld rn ipniî,dîring sessions of lodges. Illinîoisu 8tallion Registiation No. A.'ti--)5 renewed. Vêee clbso!tuias.Acio tkei y oeteTh Eom. ark beetie. according 10tte abote st-artlwouen. or ilacklegs, nerllt"1I >a ase wcdedtoadmt ai t' heindviualclbs n iteprpoed llu-itee re evratcasescfrecomimendai ins. shaît thon pflI gnorance wben thv orpt as 10lite cd Fe tewdI OtanI s a black lhorse weighiug 190<)anîd tof tisual cquality.- E Os bill vill be reported te this commit- 1 11i1 order 10 Insnre te protectioni of agent pays over Iribute froi te tîn-homte ai Lincoln.1Hs boitlsew ur an hge re ftevryW ws MI 'lt ereote 1 itscomt-te dflo f filie trees. Ivestigatiornste rcmîîniîîg liîvingtrt-es. il his m- lerworld. M lvP. Milliet-of Sprlnurileld H iiab«»tl sui. ar adhs e reo hev tee,.and the committee aise wllie i-texpîerts cf te United Stites tîa îrtu lbIaIt- lremjrît i io hatfo utlesa-s.csr-lrîdsttesrellt R-jhgi the. f rf îîiîl. H-1. îri. htla * the one whicitwill lit te proposaIitltIe onoorbt eveaied thte cf te dead and îirtiaily dead lufes,'l,,T poîrtajtidges, nor allinmdal erecl e i s'a'- ssetvlI l te se-igri y' i rf iiiias t saIOteta before thinl influalei nlg offilie fI- tht hehlt-k0t-bat-k beetle is 'cd rees fonit wvîitîin an etire ccn-vi l bllt 1 a T.Iîiilfralo rlt -îî., thefl fedlerated lubs. w hi' h vil irîte llaiite t nasifdecîrîîdlîve in -c et-I untvo sveis maites I, I.Thon îhllot lai'--da icuniao c'-ii em iie ln Indianapolits next Ortoter. If fa- ol.i i li iiinr r cfof -o-e -th m- t'oe f ttt lge scsn r-' na e hr o il liri ttv.! d \tt-t lai' . 'Millier, Iltle- 1i ci e. surtr Fiorableoson tue mpari' o! litee fed-o. a Vi l hr o ioaigflIola liîýkird o!fllccatir tr 24 Mrs - l ri1, - r .-il tut at, tir weekness voalaction thept e - idanase cf te dv*inc o!fte reels Thicior,- îheie cto'iid bu con art d su tink hliteteî rewhen i" bili It. c ieig of îlot-t- 'c". -iil1 etrti peated teuth e lisl he 111 i li'riirrlitrc dinz or falint- of a fe act-ion b-,,ilc', rrscf hickoryirer, ess. lu silk bat sud itroiilit t lt ' thora Si.Irite cf Fig-t in,(i Aecond oneler lf 'p%,ticlsd in J'- l Aug t 1 Ou atceun t f te vaitne o!fte ic', lat-iite taw. b llotîîi, Nr'î -r , .t- f, . Rîc-t:, lfore. lu rie. te bl rt ie foi te h h aetbelsfdtgo h :ofrsarradn t 0.I h icia board of ddreud untf for bmmv r-tnthe lis7e of th ,eaf,-tem., If toc". the elcten0 iherdtf itcilrsetti ia h.1 it lss t it ls îcm- f~ 1riiwocd troducîs il la improrant i Rev. William B. 'lîiarît of \lortan Mlr,- -:iîinia oririif itii i0 ck F---e-aplarte te sta m e m ite ra . i n ta iti rit iico d e v îd i, lire r fe - rit- d i n o tte a k u o t - 5th e p e o pl e ofSad h li-n itl dteîcg r00' lie anar itaI lietpeeneet a comnnicort- Park ('ci]~'gtnn -i--tdlvtcit-s lieIit. i,,i'ittis- tb ale thednofies wcf li set l itileee ite main îrîînks tili ru- t[Yor stalle, wt'oarc n n su- r l'-a germontlu lte sýitasetflen -on s' ù - tihispowrteo!pdirtri ail ,e and'Veil cai -îîinis ciilliedeille hitrewos Ilu tlere-î;ed lunltte protection o! titis mîndrirwrts tl u îsinessmen SîînîlrIW UKERA o rul Viepoerleapoit oatr udthe tîark sud g-oted oit te surface ofîss tliels iouid support afn rl-u itbtbefore a large audience. i.One or t. places a. . MII WALKfor Isis aloliS1 teheasiso! different ideîîartifiens. if tl: ttoed. Thite arete bitroýa re,'edteffort cltcut-nilte hicikory Titis tas te fiflt sermon o! a srrftioa.sui mt titlKN 1$~ oisr andase te power insupiervse teof s-u belsand of titeir rntoi il mPVO" K>1Pu,-tI bat-karbeelle.tlciis n witcit e gave conîmaudmeits ic jp Aiiî-tî-. p.thjl enis (r fixng o! the tax le.'Tiîe civil lier c- iîiofutcoinze grîds Tite girdîutll-_____________________t_____________ 'ice system amoi niiirriîtttt e fflet- of t-eegallet-elae'hat 5~ ilts -~lut-n1ih1if ployes aise, la provided. te Ireet Run way Halta Hike. lu-e. 1 e Party Designalion Dropped. HeraeNvltine co et iutel3 l Ttsl provided thîl lite direcors wite lTie roods o! ihebe tle tili pais on a pracilice iike _Nlonday tureat-4 holdoffce or ourycaî, itahn th e litetlter lunte tark of te trees îered tanen. ou sout Genesee surf-cl. is-l ehosen on halictes conîsinint- part> htdedrn h rcdn omrahrebrm rztndadbýe designation and It Ila pecItted tita l titsl. ddurIng lte recedîn-s 'elrlao her but-a One rl-teu and bo-eai r itoasS pc il t e s'. . - poitce shaît nt enter mbIb te s dfaIt» C h r isite arm ava f miIte midt On reruitt-llite poinmen oftfi adinitraiveoff- Marci sud April tev comilete their intolite wagon sud antother gratîlca poinnteut ! lte dinnistaile ofi-dealo e thie adîtl t inge ri rr te botse il te itad Tite rec--l ces hii a udreithateo!to hiîuî. îîurîung 'May sud Jîrue. eémerge vere înart-iîuuin.uclose formâtio. .i a. ducting ciy business. but muet{ repor'. ttsroîîgîîcmiii round itolea u lit e bit-k iothe iî.dit of te srel___.hca la the direclors. Thte pier eseto su l otte liinetes helte TOILET SETS OJRPost Card Albumisme .l any of these directens for tanse la pro- and fi- lte t ivg teipdulis hytehae 13 i, vlded for lu the drafto!fte bihluI ftelavsadtne br n o-Foiey Kicney Pl l -. l otViitllien Ihe draftillIt..t-et-ailircf dîrIl,-lar..b... t 1 licaI. aa md tendlerlirar eueudIcou the datt tre, erallof drectos by centrale IIIli te tark of tir lîirs and T ci fti . 'l,î1ui-L i o ý- i hi ia y Il hvw the people tama provided for aise sud ,-îî r-ol ' 01 ia-I î,t tIl i st-u 'e l'li,,-,-1 la" îlNi :lIl Ng l u I t - t litý iýItA 111- i a ins r«erndu,,forfrachi,,> odinaceslarge branchies et seme of te 1lit) iugo referendu ifors anrabcretiseeo vdtnaucear uI.t l- .îîte r ,r;"dyt t~'lIlhhpl~in r oi' Z______________________________ri.l. ieî'îfront san it ylato ifnrlsoe Ylîiulitirs u oeiboiiite 191 ceîué. Nf-i lii ouumi mretl- ill'hi-.lmu*ro-rl- lb, dan ine an th ain I iiacsb bark 10 excavale theirshort vertical )risiti-l. Purîtriîilr.ll'lie w Poparpetlin gt-gallerles. The et-g'.are deposiled lae, ure slîîteîl te aI ailb-t. Olu toutk ns t-fssi-ti ii-i-Iaiuiraiti-hatlin -firiieîf.ia a altlvthke nrCyral rî e i il frhet'lalre u aî eyi. ;tri t urabl. nuttf-1il>a-t' ee'av.iuec O Hea .a- Ps. . Ot .. 'dut- - ionylivi tri iduabe ai' n is athe liai ai il Hoi n t g andii l llr- - iiiti i- re h t-îi , î fond -îirt-cs t' ich t- Iive a teat deal. yî iiiDnîy tr.k stime. -Iii ir ' rtc rs i aIuc .ar-t i iBuit l i r tre e Ir b rq ýý- i f r i l vu o .1 il, f o lk -,i t i l ac b . I r. i le . V iiie llt,"n gp e n t Lijaititti ii I '.îitî.î, îui2 I r utiule lîî t-e, iIb-ai aref Ho t -igt t . e---. i5ivetit y 'Iohu -i-urtarreignf. anu Tte INDEPENDENT hsmare suao.'int Prince. u"of- scrihers andtisr te 'est advet sinur Ii 'ii- iîitç iii ifti, lie-trii .rirna le 'titi . t-.ii, - i t oi - itît i - ai ii r Ithi îl . aeanr ittilto nediUr, i Lakec co ty is îî. c- ndiît l 1 u~ Ite fl i,-I., ii i.- frIl- ltttte i jl iislier ir-ulet-rle n lntief. ut ii 1li î'.t rc L' I$10 7 <>Prcetl 25c 1 $1.'75.- rindri Titan r-cii 's iii il ii-. N.. i.' ta ru-- i -' I l luirs le îompletclî ilItfore -doue liarue---r- li- gritiur,,-rî ,) l otatt i -I'l fil _____11_r -____________orsîys tlhe Il ltz tuli -- Wii-- . r-I NG A ER oun a.,.be îul MANICUIRE SETS Il.ofr- ITi t i ra g 11 nd I ' îilu t uII îîrtelî. te til i: - -. " - U I N SALE~ finir.] and 11- l il. I. t'il ii, lt-st. i. o ti ia irI hefijt he e t fou -1t itsu, o 1l-I llI i. f , e . ..l %%il) l.-tii.elil iz4 c c a-irnt Ha co rt D r the spirit d I..... laa d I a l, urI, i. T e Wt , a i It vvii-ii,î,iî, 'l ,tî 5 v iî chearty ce' liit.iiii.i -,i ieriiiti , a tiI c a-revu i ii' rOidi il l ,ý i ýI-il al lr s 'The unri fi'l-111ti 111. lr;1 - îriulii If ii v , h nl'11-.1-it-tit te. , eslstrt it a '1. i l- n d - i. m e m r a fi tir i i -t I iIii 1 t-l- îîpti t-i ttr.g ii1- -1i;.g t tI, b lIr d Iii i, i hf :lj1rIýI t They doi -t- t-u~-~ I-. 2 li' n - res o! - . i - iiu '-rs.. ri' : l .rtî I ri- n-l t- -lt.i twru a, rcstt-less trIi 1 itient pli fini il,..a- lIiritiloto lte. Inslna T .- i-.iItl- tii iîî$1.25 to $5.00. 25c eto $1.25. aud leecii Monday -ii ' c'ttli nl. i, IIt. tu al ESThe wr 1912, ai lio-I,îiiri , iTt-.rir-v-Iîl t tt:gîl.-î LITAY SETS SAINs ofWng1 * o lt * O uY court 'l .l~I V il- l1rhi tii-t. "ltîu - itier,3 is finlairiloi a n t i îtl .îk iFiiirt-. .irl.lit 2 itti uîî.v luit-set ia îde- witit os w l I L l f i-tIt-iivi prit- bout tîte hav bte te sa lui- i~-i t ii i tr t.tiitt rtrbe hr- i t uî. ili wih tasteful Iuiier lite chargod. aidtti ieIîî-i] r7,iten i ilîîit iiîîui'ii- liin i iir ~2.Ilîg eluîîy t-r quadrup il 5erissa eu- tled sud (cuZstiu an l I , 1 i.' - i t- l ilt- tc .l ii ta ttl t-ucîs1r, aaen i t tIl e Ir and obJel late oui ia ii i 1 -1 tat:-I iii cIl sa. ii 'lrtît. i .rk rr i i s tirefir. 2i lic.ks. Seleit d it T ES ur I gt h bBust ff t ebvntch(,1 o 2-~Ir Datefi il. iewr of the Lt' i liesAet nre cbili.1îi i. t.rtiît- havîttoîiltor

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