CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Dec 1911, p. 9

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INDIAA AS LIE O'NELL'S MAN AND TWO WOMEN ASK CONTROL 0F INFANT !BATIRES MORE \PATHETIC Wonderful Parallel to-Wau- k«ga'sMoat Interesting Reart Throb Story fharli ONeill is not the oniy fa- thSOe vr fooled Into bellef that au o- b" vw»hie own child, athough t la belleed that lie boids the. long dstance reoiwd for beot ifi sucb a Informationx from Indiana tells Of a etrikingly slmilar case xI whicb iii. real moier really did corne to daim the. c hild, anidlI whIch a judg- Met evSx moresolomonlc than in thi.,O'NeIl case tà xieceesary. Due- to Jack of wtneses the lI- dilmmpolis case bas not yet been in- .Woman In ThIs Case, Too. Cmii a person who 5aw a baby wben k vau ten days old idextity It thir- tomn montiia atterward. If he bas not @eon the baby lui Use meantime? Judge Collier of the Superior court, muât solve tuas question, and a tew etbÀ%rs before ho reaches a conclusion au to who la really the mother of the bbly vhich ta thse cause of an uintu- Uni .herng enthte petitUon o Bernard t. Batty, asktng that he court modify a divorce decree madie lat February. Batty vas divorceti from is wife, LeUD& Batty. andi the court orderex tiat le pay $16 a month eacb for tii support of is two cilîdren. At tii. time the. order waa mmade Batty bellev ed on. of the chudren diti fot belon@ to hlm or to hie wife, but It was nui soûl recently tlaat lie obtained eeî donne whicli jutified a court hear Charges of Deceit. Thi. petitioner charges that Mr BattY got the. cblld from the. Door 0 Hopie and repreeented ili was ber own lui an effort te get im to 1v. Wtt bar a8in. TPh. Batty had separate( about six montha before the chlxi vaboni. Attorneys for Batty founti the wo maxi, Who, they alege, la the mothoi of the cblld, and titis woman test] fiet, tuough ahe liad flot seen the cul( »îInce It was ten daya o Id. tbat tbý cblti vas ber own. A nurse fron "b Door of Hope also testifet ta the chld clalmed. by Mrs. Batty va an order of court. The bearîng on tie case has been poshpoîet for seeraa daya. ont il an-1 oticr itniless for lie pettîoner cao b. ireugi to Indianapolis. Tbe wvttis la a nurse who Is nov at Martlueviile. She s'as pi-sent aI tbe Door of! hope when a cit vwas bern 1 thie girl. PAT CROWE SEES PURPLE ELEPHANTS Former Highwood Man is Sent to Home of Inebri- atea, Following Arrest in Chicago for Drunkeness. a dîaîresslug confrontaton scene In .hîdg, <silverlys courtI Chicago yeslertay. The confmontces were Jutige Cuvei-y anti Patrick iLîowe, retireti kidnapper anti former Ornahau. vîso vas brougit lI yhy bs brother. Sorne days ago, lu rousequence uof Patrick'& ordcrtng a grizzly bear higi- bal tn a norti ide saloon, Jutige Cav- erly ortert Ciove out o! tovn. '('rove' saidthle jutige In a uaixet toue, 'h arn surpi55'to iisee yons ee.' \ Veli. I 'aed itio visit mv irotier frai." reflîiet (rosa. "An I tî t ook ton trai- seks- 'Yee tir' '%V'eli, wa l i suto Iob 10 hiou-' (5rowe's brother. Serue, spotie up, le siiggestedti lai a gond place 10 seîttiPal voîîid b. tie Wasiingtouian hotue. From 51-es rernarks Il vas gieunet thai Crose iad been seeing titi-le rhIlossiaurI axidgi-cen dlnoaau- rises .and 1tluk anguls.tutige 'aî'eriy decîdedto10gve aP-t a trial aitich Files Slartder Suit: Wfarrirs Misa Niai-y Kovcv-irof Waukagan, a t oint'ly tlittrisu girl, hasut a ni-a nrcordt iîy lii g a etlander suit fer and itttii tî ttî ug ititrriedthi otsaine dat. r eterday aie fileti a suit for siuiti 1i r uctit!Mtary- 'onen, aleping thut t' ittîti- uit itpivtti a one Asurit Ait r în î-îîtitî-I te li-r %iici. eut It m i[~is (itithe'On i i wtut I t- dali t' r ()lt'hisi-c s re tilfthilut Vîtlt dau il ,iaiw t' t tuttiliA a'tit u fat Repli. A ou tîtaAut ritu or lit Kallu. Ili., lt otîotra itise' o se'lth(igirl and ithe c t'ttty torit liait 1 i-ua t Rtepli Insait flottelîtîsu bî (u t heie n Who jiltbet Mita Kuirtir . icadlngtîgI Lie siander suit to senupes dcsperatioitNI y sif. rarefuiiy r sent tn, tiare ttc-rr anti my cousin. rny favorite cousin. seemedte teb ancv ay for lie owi wcre ausraring eacli oler. (lui- io 10gel eut. hables uer. uear lier. Ticra for seut trat iaysatae itou- iîmî I becante insane. i mn in tice'bas t-at lite wntow. bliîkiug !t. woodshet lu the- ruai-aud seizetiaa buge eues. shi-ltiarc tracticals sigliti lumberman's baud ax. 1 rettrnedt.10 less ti tayligh!. tînt initelt Ileatttng. tbe chamber vindow vilb ry only lit souit suc-ni, fo te aaterby 10t' en tiougi 10 avetiru uyseif. I ravled some sîntou ant Iici it tut. lI unsect ant crulit towardt tent. 115 Several o! tie oulgibhomsave cia arm sBtrengtiened bi tia sit. 1 [emped Io frît sonnîe sîiosv a i, cholulteti off nmy cousins hicat ahlc'ssrfotlocked. anti open ia. 10 aIlot tIi-t blow of the, ax.lie dît flot more .%NIr. Ousiistre,-îlutitut so tart noue but te soiind o! lie blow arosîseti mv have haun titi tîreet, andtd he ual i vite. Jas mon a Irtexier as he wouit lic Il Womsxi DefenitisHersel. hu acre ii I i t ic te atide t'eu t(if Shu starlat iti anti fotichlsac a 1enitentlar., agelyý She buggeci forgivencus, tbrow- Onteofthelie msunts Mondtay inomn ing herseif on litem knees.'iai vas tbroogli lie Paliur, if tie owîtcm îtf tîhe the endi o! hem. l1cr efense hati pre- builinig sotti l ot et- orne thlerescuie ventadt ha fatal llow, but iciîîay 0of the owi anti optet a window thatlihe lng pasture allowedthle as ha swing mat tlie asu oit bis noctumnai cxcii-- freety. 1 was mat, but I batl sense siens ant i ie free, enougi lefi 10 avold strikine tthe baby. Il ta baliethat tle osi lit- down wich my wtt. batl grabbeti op as alse lie cnitxtty ant into te houa. sougit 10 tefent be-rsel!' tirougi0une' tf tae tore pliihaies. Nfarchest, leavixia us victima. walk- andt hen 51111 tîaiie te tuindlire- saute e4to tise kilcien anti wasedthte lplace ant ili, oitý bloond froîn bits face anti hanta antid______ tien ilokbis 2 monti-olti son, Nyltrael CITY'S EYES W'ATCHR f romt tie beti wbere i. lay beglde tiha WAUKEGAN COUNCIL. litelesa body o! bts mohar. Wrapptrsg the infant lxi a bianket. Narchesl El*n Commenta Upon the caried t 10 tise ihome o!bils brothier. n o Frank Narcheal, anti relurnedtio lie Foposed Shearing oif the scexie o! teati foi- bis taugiter, Jo- Powers Anong t~he Com- sephine. four years oIt j Ifissi0flers of f sCity He carniedthUe 1111e girl 10 ttse homet___ et bis brother anti again returneti to Accordig Io aslvicea fronm Wýatîke te house o!ftieath. took tise hafciet gan, lier. lasri!. andi tummoit on tuf silnt itb tbe blondof o!ils veiImaboardi et counisonera. andti h.eutn anti carrild t 0tiithebomne o!bislsau not yet, says lhe Elgin Courer, urothier. vbere be roncealet IL. One report is liaI lie Mayor, wio ila In an Ai-Nght Hunit. a traveling sAaleaitan, puta lx isu time News of lie murder reaciie thlie po- ellng goudat on thb.roat anti Itee licre siortlit ster 10 o'clsack. The fore ,veryote 'Who lisit a gcluranc saam-i îoxtinued hrough bbc night - Protestaeihai il is a violation of lie wiiouti iet-tlts. The mîtrtierar Ibar] law. Tht- corututHsatouers faîl out ra lied le lie wootia *g5rtiug the egiltalten of!tliesaloous îlepv. tthei-lilaIuiotie. flter tîsar- andthle siates attorney was aîîîeaict tac te mtîmtrer's confession tou In. Il(i, cist-ilsaloonkeelters tu bc hiilitIf)lit(-lît tl.e station A tronirian- fluet. il ItItiaies-iif!ite vent t h , lacte Tiheatest reorlt t a 'a-iAile; whi-ru heaitati idden lie haîchat. snt beî'y. tOmffimiitni,xir o! publitc ictii tsit-'itil 15115 mi'oi't-mclic amtlîuiîo to an] aaety, atîtiCliarence rivai-, rom I tce Il iL .1 uti s au isiotsttaineti misusoneroff itîant e anti arcotitîts. auc Thliii' tît itti u 'totii ej ievrentoccîl 10 ire tain ted tf a largle pari t t ueir t I t. uri r. ttmorgue. A morhdly liowarshy te ot her coin miaolmncmc, tic ii.ts t1t11 tid rgi t tîlîttleturetîma anti ti( i' lti-t rire îlannfling il pro ail titi i u"t heY cro e ielî nmisa est, Il Ilb itir oAtter!,ery Itol t'(Ilt lu ui- )fti relt' rudtiioîtoftr, ie utt -lpri-etltf the- poice ioacra ti I i týai -riîs a 's ittgaîtinlafi l>lvar f t- , rm o! lie irl.ît Iltiii t r t c- ri i tît plro .agent luiy, I RpatIsHta 8t5tenentl. Vidvfmla eil îwmxt'-tive ra j Agiti e i-ud tîie ult 'ari-iî-idoI. bat tii. itiksart about *eenty it ilton reputtiiug huas tatce-îfl.isl hie "<a. -,~,-. -t--- A the. saute or very similar te the rblld tM UT DIrD Dandldn Use presence of lhe sheri niD V T C born bte eother claimaut. AYIJI J R R I.'iits deputies andi Tony SBRYANTo a Mîra. Latty, Whoils5the. motier of lose personal frleud again related al]i four citditii i a former marriage. 1CO FM S o f tbe eventa leadlug up 10 atnd fol-, LEA VE ZION 1leetilcd hat it wouiti b. impossible , i owlng tbe murder. for a person bto dextify a baby thir- Kenosha Italian Who Killed Ile had liveti ln Renouba ten yasWl ar uluho Year teen monlis after lis brli wien the< Wife and Paramnour Con- and bas actluired censtierable wetiith. to Esablish BiughMofsions person hati nt seen It etuce it was ten ~ He wa one of the leaders atrone itaI- oEtbihBgM son daya nidý The nîtîeteen-year-old grl, feestC> UflOsI. tans lxi tbe west aide quarter, iu which There. who says aie,,le liheinother o! tii, i. lîved. child. lowver. la positive thal tbe ha- Says He We!lt to His HomeC ngeain iBuz tth by e er. te touh heha fot anid Yonnd'Wife ini Ams PAINT ZION CITY RED Act of Leader of the In- Be tfor thirteen niontiis of His Cousin. Woa TksChl.dependents. A chlt was boni toe girl"oui First Killed Paramour, HeI Voliva's Bigil Sigu Board; okEetia.C m ayi ti.cuti vas7 g90,inden aa eman b io 28, Painted Lovely Coat of Red okElcrca o payI Ocoer1. 10.adWnOco o 8 a 1wWie- to Get a Sidlng to Its toIt the matron of the Door of Hopte with a Rand Axe. F lor Use fIrst time ln bistory, sote- Plant Site. that ber huabaxid bat been a member !on0e paîntet Ziox itiy reti. 0f the legllature and tiat saeh eS r- 'met withi Jealouay, Pasquale Mar-; At least tuat part of Zion Cty IOverseer Daniel Bryant, leader tif self had been connected wtb soute rit-si of Kenosha, Wla * 27 years old,1 which ln coxtrolled hy the signboards thie Intependent faction lu Zion City state boad. Mrs. Batty foruerly was nuirdered lisa wtfe andi ber alleged lof 0eneral Overseer Voliva and that la and lis spiritual advisor. whoBe apleu- a member of the. boardi of trustees of paramour Saturday xigit, beheadixig a good sbart of the clty. dit vork under the laie John Alezan- the Iudiana Scbool for Girls axid ber thorau andi hacktiz the bodies wîit an Durtng lust nigbt someone painteti der Dowie ln South Afrîca mate hlm former liuzband was a member of the. as Hia other victîtu Was pnauae U, largeat aigu boardi lu the. cty a tsmous, annouaxceti Sunday te bis legisiature. Marchesl. 19 years old, bis cousin sud ncbrlgbt red, simîlar to Use sylvias congregation that ho viii return to Mrs. Batty sayo a chlt was born to naîxesake Tii. murterer la believeti wiich are placed nexIto Natures cov- Basutoland lxi a short tirne, tiser. to ber on the xight Use child vas taken te bave Illved here. golig to Kenosha ering on a froaty morxing, 1japenti a year strexigthening up tii. frot the Door of Hope but the. nurse wfttu a nxrmber of raibroati laborers Tii. paint was daubed ln liberai missionary campalgxi ln the African Who la saki te have beanulln atteux- some lime ago.l quantities fror noxe end of the. aigu filed, andi eotabllsbing a school of dance at the, Batty home bas tisap- Atter iiavlig anteredthelb.Woods board te the otuer. great dimensionls fo thie natives. peared. Mrs. Batty saya theriante tweive bours,.ville the entire police The board la located on Sheridan Self controlleti. n student. philoso- of tue nurse was l'ai-ie E. Robison force of Kenosisa hunteti for the mur- rond andi la the largeat on. extrolling pher anti sage insteati o! aggresaive andi that ber home wa lI Boone terer. Marciiesi appeared auttienly lie doctrines anti mies e! CaneraI leadier, Bryant bas nevertiiless matie county. Emsley W. Johnson, on. of vîtu bAir dtaheveled anti vildlY star- Overseer Volva.1 a deep Impression on Lake coutntry tise attorneys for Batty says he went Ixig eyes, a maxi apparenlg boreft o!Tiare la no elue to the person anti ou Zion City hlstory. tei on. county andi searchet the reasoxi. before Rov. August Bandizone, committlng the "sacrilege' andtihie He wili return te titi country after wbole ceunty for the. nurse, but that pastor of Use Italiax Catholc churci, affair la treateti more as a joke tian year. Hlm churcb, that of the.ln- b. founti xohody o! tiat name. andt tld ti hoaIbe at done., a serions offense. dependents. thse net te the iargest lI Thse- weak lîn n thUe chain o! evi- Fearu Vctimie Specters. In i egard ta the. charges tint the Zien City, the Voliva folowing belug doese prîeented iy the attorneys for With momlgdavn. he saitiecernent sitiewalkao! Zton Cty are tise largest, bas beau sending mrx Batty la that theii.ientity o! Use vo- specters of bis heatles w9e antibils not elng put up lxi accordance t10 the moneY to Afrcan missions o!lils own. maxi Who got tise baby on tise night o! other vtcttrn tuat biat haunted lm 8pe0 latlons, Use city counceil la notably to Eider McMabon, a tievoteti October 28 can net b. estalahbeti ail night, bat driven hlm te bide iunreadiy te tare up the suatter, Itlta man Wbe bas perseveret Inlutue liait posittvely Tii. matron la net sure the basement o! the churcb. I tie sait, and force tise contractor t0 con- wtt the resuit thnt mauy culettains Mms. Beatty vas the woman, anti n no- tiarknestt*ore he lmagined hobo bard form hoe the spectifcations. o! the. native tribes bave led thiîr peo- tary pubitcWho vas caileti wben lie the. xeath crieo of bis wtt. anti saw plhe te Cliriaîtanity. ckilti vas relenset testîfiedt tit Mrs. the borrit heatiloe forma o! personsi APPEAILS FOR FREEDOM Aunouncernant of lie Bryant icar Batly was net the weman Whso got rushtng at itutisrougb tise blackness ixig came as a 9hock o! surprise toelîts theil te musceas mrigm s people, anti vas lie subject of monh Another Hsaring Posmîbl. came fatniy te ils ears from Use audi- M roe w rue n icuso mn ocnrgto Thse nineleeui year-olti girl Who gays torlusu above he tiiongi h. dIsin- terest in Waukogan. yeaterxiay mornîng. ysie la the. mtier la anxious te get gushedthtei. omis, -Vengeance la It is oniy an owi. one of the commoît Cook Plant To Hava Tracks. the chilti Th. atorneys for Mrs. Mine, saiti lie lord." hiarn apecies. but l!ta arousing a Tise matter ef a aude ti-ack ln Zton -Batly refuse te permît her toetail t Tiien b. rushed fromt ils hititu great deal o! inlereat n the cl)i lO-k City front the main Nortbwe6larxi lin. dthe. baby, Jutige Collier toidth te grl ptlace, went to tie home of the parisi ýon northhCanes.. street ho tic oit printlug plant. vu-bh the thlb ouiy way te gel the baby vas by priest anti aoîgbt relief un routles- Tiie owi appareutiys -oîght te quiet Cook elecîrîral cotn lstela10oc'tltt, means o! habeas corpus proceetings. sien. 'qsolitude o!ftie vucant housi'a! r,12 ta18 0w up theiNortiîaeaterxirout. v-If suri a suit ta bretîgit. the samte Tulti by Murtierer. nei1 otk itivi eîelcltu taat ig testnîony introduceilxilnith present " I wenî home ia'tt nîgîl earîîer titan beauî3 nap durîng te day restiîtg u thlie igit over the companv betaea-n 3case wli be gone over agalu. Eten 1 bat expesteti. be toidtih, priesLl ifron tasîrenuotîs 'nîclt out. Voilva anti indaîtenient leader. Vol- Ithougi Jutige C'olliter decîdes the bat no stspcion o! my wfe'a unfaiti-1 But lie bouaelu lite osi rot-t seking Io var tîte comîluar 0out ,baby isaflt MrsBeattys chilithle tuines. but 1h51 for fun I peeketi lu .lie elabNrînth tt te recan ai- fth!lbcity as outianders 'Plie c1te girl coulti not gel lie baby without at her b.droem window I vas9 driven ,rtors oif mytttoiogy, andt no malter lvta council, independeni, ias grantodthte nf ýk 1 id br ti. id e8 n .5 6TH ArNUAL EXHIBITION Wauliegan and La1Çe County Pou1try Show tinder the auices of The Illinois Pouitry Fanciers Association wililbe belti In Battery C Armory, Waukegan, Illinois january 8 to 14, 1912 Sigier and Setter 1T han £ver This Tear The Association 0Ovns Empire Cooping $1,000 in Cash Premiums 15 Silver Cups 5 Competent Judges Sent for Pemijure Ljitt your birde ad briu rx 11ttt titis ROSI CO'uNOLYJr., SCxy. - 'v t' v RIT ORÂM VILUI ROT« Wf CORN PRODUOTS TO SHUT DOWN Will Close as Soon as Present Corn Supply is Exhausted The L'orn Produets plant recelved orders a few days ago that as acon as the present stock of corn was ex- hausted, and othar Affaira brought Into shape the plant would bo closed down until atter the holidaye. The reason for the shut down as givexi hy Stîperintendent Charles lth- ert of the local plant. la that the pre6- ent state of tbe market and the fart that the production of the many li NOT IN THÉ QILTRUST New Head of Corn Produeb Reflning Comlpany Maires a Statement. E. T. Bedford Resigna Di- rectorship of 011 Trust to Taire Presidency. ~aýys Corn Produets Refb- ing is Not of Standard On Trust. E. T. lietifor d osa i-.atgn.d froMtheti planteaofthle Cr rd sCompanyborofdecrsfthSanrd( was in excesof lie demnanti, that a Company andtihlb premîdexiclea of tb. relranchment vas xieresàary, andti uat Betford Petroleum Company( Fraq the, local plant slhoîtit b. reatiyta the Colonial 011 Compa» y andti km close dowu as soon as lie present Borue-&crymear Company. Mr. Bel. stock of corn, andti laI aleaiy billet ferd, whb as bhem a directoir of l0. fer Waukegan, anti on the ay, w Standard 011 for- th. tant ten reus. exixaustet. anti bas beeo connecteti with il mr Thiswlllprobbly e, M. Ebabouit tirty years. la alao presidMt stateti the let or 2nti o! Decemnber, p0îfytheîlrii croration mlii noDM- depentlng upon conditions. Il la ex- ay hc cr>rto wl o e pectd tat he lantwil opn &ainrais. more of his attention. lIn m- pecetilia 1h lîantvti opn aaînplaining the. action Mr. Bedifordi sad: about Jannary 1 or 2 of next yenr. de- Wt hmreiaios1ra« pentlng on lbe market anti Otiier tIrai- 0u1 0f tl iIl huidîiife elrept an conditions o! the companly. "No or k.1e tiers have as yet been recelved vIch, s-For hierls w er yfi* willshe an liht n te poba letîIn"na xicoxinection vibli tietaadmd tîme o! reoopening. 11 opn aehnlmtdt Practicatiy aldp -et f titios, o! an ativisox vork viiibe affectetilby the. ahuttiovn wn te maketlis statement a. anti only socii empînyses as are nec- clar anti su5iceing as possible, fer, essary in watch the buildings anti te i pt freun otaitos h I ak, the. necemmary repairs vîl eb. li ape o restxexiltherorratltom. Si Ttatneti Tise abutoi, ovismeansthat lle 1 assta leConrdx* pracllcaliy 1110 menxinluWaukegan viiiiresltlent, laor wvsIn morne senne IL hie out of work oser lthe holitys. substsdiar>ý e! the lStandardi Oit Oom- 4Ohher planta of th. rompany. Iti (ipany Tial coiniany xicvcr batil i- sait. arae10tereltse inemcortere rectly or indtirectly a rdollar lnvestei anti a generai suisapnston of business i i lthe Corn Produirts compaxiY. nom- tif the Corn Produrta tirer ltahe ili 1 excîstinît nîysei'M las. tiioffe*p i dare vii lfellOve a xcîtidîng myseif, hase thia.,p îîany hati an ineere«t xin(Corn Pri- dioate toexcaeetl5 "r -ent tof Ilta@* Fined $50 for Âssault ta tock"* eýFrank bloraîn. an Ariiîanian, Naval Band Enlarged- P nnet Sititand rcits lt Police N'lira Attorduîîg 10 orders rrelývedetat he j traie ialtpr Tas îr in Police fl rlt ;rea Lakts tinaialstalutinf'ltay. the ý;,Montay îîîtrtîing (in c arge oflia.î t ir l-tatlteaviuialKallon i nay b. li- assaulltd uel fSmitht of t ha lhitiii ---'-frotî es1nîai tCi o 0thir- born f au iju-siki~ t twetif a sîiicti ittntrier o! r.- , boad oftrade whoe wok il s t "' r -,,t, t c'i, îstt'tîI tiî t -att ta'se, 1.sixat îiî t-ar bolrs ton tai- tf i mn rt-i rîtIli ta raîtlis îf the hoys aI ifor lathe'omrit l'medt,î' t R e fimtu. tioi le t ti0n Ypane ' Tht- irdîr s iri Isas mstt'vked t!- tt i t - 1-,ti-artmi- t al i allov- î.lotc tum ' k k Stiiil tt i c t t' -d't'îi . ni rani-.ssid liaI apturentica The. t WI.tne, td"oon * lsix « tru. limorta Wil tInn ha ; b. Othe] Ajùton Krrapp, Dlavid monsiat tiroxi Obarleo vire, rc jolixso Thse li ions caret rtght 0f way rover an alieyv tor "s w'h a l er bolle, sueietlie t 1 -dXIl o,. io-,- le- rclietii ttxH switch track, aud the Northwestetn o an igim rt er one of o iors. [jltis In muc Th,- are lto is. rated deenie bgo abeat or quti tttniins. scconfl bs. and mlxat forat flow dcd og Redo ut ichard Haley çiead gi1! ttt,)!i4qitalfy harge of site tu-ating 'n politte c Fr,î l'e !httgh tlie r, irraled fasu W+ Enthusiaam Before Ail. thts tîtoriting anid as inssi $2.- ul if [Ht rio ai station I'îcttitii )a ,e k-,pt ai the mtdtion t,4ro titan one Every good and ,. ttd ntove» cogs. [ilis sife sas tinatale l5tttCtt ar, v hi n thev suaitl I- -ptit o. ment Jn teaunal, tf Ill'sordith le rtIitsiitu. as a raout t t a i. !ourd tite n.-tr-st t rainin g shil> TS trttlumph of -Ill i. reat of the heattng. antiwhen thea case w ý,ord,,re f1orilti t he invreat.e of the baud wle% aI t about to bha o iinOtedt art t iirty-1 wo tiecea. li- wae t ac t cotinxcdil ic' icc ies tii'1ttltlttasîndedl inay ie gnç root, giiy and was fined. kept u1sitn theapaptropriation. Aga Chicago Marlet 133 NORTH GENESEEMSREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. Rockford, 111. Racine, Wis- BRANCHES: Wauiuegan. i1111 Chicago, lit. Evorything You Expoctinb Quality and Undorpricîng is Hors Speolala for Saturday, Dooember 2 BEEF. Native Rib Roast 9o & 7c Native Pot Roast 74 & 6c Rump Roast--------..7c Porterhouae Steak..1/ý Sirloin Steak-------..l1c Round Steak ..... ..l10e Club Steak---------..9c Ramburg Steak .- ..8c Flanir Steak ........l1c Ox Tails .......5c Corn Beef SMOKED MEATS. Breakfast Bacon-..14c Picnic Hams .........9c Boneless Hams ..121/,5c Frankfurts---------..c Polish Sausage .....9c Garlic Sausage....... 9c Liver Sausage .....8c Bologna Sausage ....8c Summer Sausage ...14e LARD. No. 3 pail Kettie Ren. . 29e No. 5 pail Kettie Ren. .49c No. 10 pail Kettie Ren . 98c 70 pound Tubs .. ..9c Rendered ....... lic PORX. Pork Loin .. . l.1c Pork Butts...... ... lic Pork Shoulder ....... 9c Porir Tenderloins ....- 20c Pork Kidneys ....5c Pork Sausage-------..9c Fresh Side Pork .. ..1c Short Spare Ribs .-..4c Pig's Feet---------..c Porir Steak ........ lo Porir Chopa .......lic Sait Pork ....... loc LAMB & MUTTON. Mutton Leg--------..0e Hind Quarter Lamb. lc Fore Quarter Lamb ..7c Lamb Chopa ......12e Lamb Stew -........5c VEAL. Hind Quarter Veal ....- 9c Fore Quarter Veal .... 7c Leg Veal ... ....... loc Veal Chops 12c Veal Liver..........10ec Good Luck Butterine, 2 pounds for------..35e Country Roll Butterine, 2 pounds for ..... 25c Young ChiCkens ... 121%c tÉta ns Attorn. vere i1 person A fo asexi People tyvilie James torney vasfil lu I lie ha taeney ,Md il reiurea I t the ro Wal o Wh Altori for hi Attx Mavi i*snrg. murtis vas fi The broiig ed se. This vlien been On dlock raîlsu rnaMr daugi iti$ifl a 14m. i attexi gurua Th anti wîsh' ding o!fiC o w gan, ooup vIn 1 News of Waukegan -and the North Shore ........... il

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