libme tat ty Ytet4r- iqou thse 4 Chicago j rIcm tise> trajusei ytIlng IIAà air a 'au. the affaire i bocet- I Be. & do thia. trday lu an churois ,2heih- pper r4 pperal gi~ .n, and/' Pe th.u 'WOr and -~ -~ --s..- M TTL--r- kAVTi S.AT ~ 19i11. WlLF PR,Ô:NER 49,5: SI,ÇNJtiITS, a TOR DIED WED. y Athough ho Mitd Boen 11 Some OP' Litio'Timne, Doati, CaMe 'A Ami Surprise s s_____a_____et___ Served onBllread More Than Forty Yors;' Pousioned SeveratYoars'Ago Mr. Knights was, Very Promin. ont lue Maonle CirleS, d Holding High Rank James S. Knights. penmloned conduc, tor of the Chicago & Northwestern rallroad, dlod at fil home on FranklinfI street at 1:00 Wednesday. fron dîsease. fron whieh Mr. Kfllghta bail been 8a ufferer for aeveral 1 monthe.c Just one week ago Mr. Knlghts vas compelled to cesse hil; regularm walk and remalu In bed le ate at bearty dinner tiis noon, and about ten 1 minutes after. ther memniera of the1 famlly heard hlm calli f0 fhem. T'hey ruahidtobi tide and foundi him lu a seerloflcondition. About 0 rttén minute lter, wthout Pae, ýai gently au though dropping into aéep- land h. explred. Mr. Kightz vwas one of the bst knOIn M euft f Waultegan. .wterq 't. PMO Three CE CONTY NDEPNDENT Flil>aY way froux tolice headquarters W ýth, e~ ua. Rameey arrested on compiaIuL of Zlla oehitr, the ciY's ntav-Hj %ey bad siapped bis face. Rautley, t E1O IY la çharged started t10]ay soue oft he eiVOaproféit abereip6n te foo- W .~ q job ;F el ta Memers 6t t» 0aucl veut . tothe O fla2 8a 4s ù* ~Presont arneo ts %E~y Iis, piorning and State <kiUI a-â lin in ordored Uil or1X ta b.' aowpdutil M e C< dd thte contr&lltOV. Jqhnb staf.aiuesaa nov foremn olut tle anilet ho cty insiste tbat it viiila- jallov RantseY t0 ontinue ln ho Ztin th jo.leven «m n -Commit- asked tijat he 1>0 &»OlMd tO crotinue U mCo t*Y as foreran no tha4tbO Wý 44 III<1 Ot ho retarded but&t WP .hÇiUY rMUWsi 10 doý Thrisla ltheeffoid tlm9 tlýt a toreman bits beeotS ke frO;a bo N.w A&yIUM, to be Located sewer job, t4 firaf lua" y u r sa1 m kt ryilng Nsc Of log wlten NMr. Çrog8n d151at*ciW ble ftr s t f o r e m a n . a m o ' M O Ç * . v is bas entered a su1-agaluat.Éhlm. Caim- Ing that ho vas ln parterhp ad ot e beq o th at e b ar merely a toreman. h . ebrço heeae or itA -- Jftaffl cWu.MJVA ' th ransorttao oftrops nd uppiesjoins WIi. The tend la poor and la Ou refurnine (oelshomo ho re- CAMPjIN M Rgrown up with CanadianItilistle8. Agri- JA imed work vith the Boton & Maine culture laCe Partwoeb thand ram- alkroad Company, conitnulng on Ibat mSUMff~Wil tha or e frdacé. 'at f t on ont! until ho had corupietit flitteen a>ILI la> miIteast Jleteltr aoega t ok earé service for te rompant bý,In.iaIslE and cfron the lter sintha, e Rod ia,1866. hoe vent t0 Chicago ehere NOW OUI.' -' Eor thé ruibne in olruae.Ilw en aecured employmt it fh the Ci.i IL selin il va tou ba e. [ ýago and Northvéètertt rsllroad con- asnumée itenar teh e unytam )any andS rau thé Ciret baggage train or the new peule r ieletl~tFo n té enohahrnch of tisat line Lake County Named as One int conideratiOu.-Joiiet News. Mter runnlug as baggage master for with ExpErirnental Sta- Ix years hie waa made conductor and tion for Soil Survey. CHICAGO'S PLEA DENIED ,Ontinued lnlu (bt capaclty many yeare fter comingtf0Ilîlinois ho made i or e» iCiatMto nLn hmre at Lake Forest and aie JuiY CutRfuit rn oinnLn 1, 1881, liled ai Wamtiegan Fourteen Other Counties, and Short Haut Disputa. On the lai, Of laY. 1856, 'ir Also Have Stations, and Waahintoe Dec. 6-The commerce Cnlghts and Miss BtfaY .J. F088a aceO Others Will Soon Have. court deuldà I motion te diaia fur- ited lu wedlock Iu Lawrence, Muisa the proeaelun before that trbunal Four rilidren were horu (oteir and- IL thé fanions transconttinetals and In- Mra. Kigirts, three of ahon acitt i termouritaiu long and short hsaut laving: Charles Walter,.tbe eldemt. About 40 Acres of Land are treighit rate cases. F ied lntancy. the autto imtg -- ~ The motioni vas made by couse1 CarieMar Jan JanesIleber. equireu im Open £xper 1fîr the Chicafo Astoclallon Of Com- He'arri, a r J n J aes of tbertimental Station. 1 marcs juatbelore argumenta vers, hé' higes wanka prmient tofal]itof the gun on à motion te utake permanent itasonlc bodies of Wamkegatt, of te lrlmnr rannfitetih'oa e eka aMI LJnt. rneia-Th ®riental consistory of Chicagit andi lrimnil risttatn c o This probably wvii ho granléil as bledina Temple of the tîvèlir Shrinpe mass meeting ol ho c alied wlhintiret he goveiiflt already bau appualedlc Wè a ais a amember of tt'hîkrati nexit tiirit da> 'c o td, isiia ,oil sur rtecaseou thë temporry InJunctlona j.l andor he eandexprimntf0aionfo- te the upreme court f thé United ev Font, . GA. R,, No. 374 sm i i e n xtrn Xlsitir o M\ il Sates. L Oý R. C., Division No 1, of ('til.iintaebig 'i eR cage. ent S O Mr. Kights la a modei 'a'umn anti at the Firat Natlontil liant onîo IRRIGATION CONGRESS a msn of iroad viewa, alendfa'it sud tBarr, Repreàierilties Aexander îtîi tre luis frlendi; anmdobltigatmons, Kelly aire t ,llell iii î,frniimiToB5i of Dologatea Attend Nîne- l Posseasina a groaf heart, strittg feel- -1o lois i iy Presitîmimit ftelir e teefth 409min let Chcugo. e ing and the sympatitt ot!a aomstm, Ftarniers Inatimti , iali ' \i t e .Ttosuau eon kinues aad eneoslv ie1îrml icanm ottea. 'l it< iit mlii gates gatheredIn l te Auditorium nient characteristie of hiý; nature, set mcaiecalird àait ioth.- ii"aer tetr1 f.1 l.nntetsss arilelise fraterntel fies of thte order way, elon afte irilthe ingea. Ti sé j "gv neyer prevented hlm fron ex- "~t oiite-s nîir Iiypognfthoe nlaiotcongrs. e s a teas11guthe rigbt hand of felowasbilt eurlpriied te heur liai t lcîîî proml.neflt Cletnans sud allher lead- to bltA ,eiow omen, regardtoss or ail ahIcit pays a million in raxe9es ergS. *CltcsSO*e lufereaf "iu the na-tc aociey oiligalttu vee, oneo! te seilhist n thefonal Irrigation congreua" vas Oneo smisy obigaions yer, ee oftheweaihiet lnth te suitjécts. h state, andS mos avIie ln Institute, If la eutlmatad thst theré are 5,000 i4 Piowing %Match and grange circleas. bas delegatea bere. The session yull con- h IIVER PACICET IS SUNI< nover itac a dollar for experimnefils flnue untîl Irid#y. The trnng en-s- vont. while titere are thirty-eveft sienus are te e hobl lu the theater. conties ln ahicit the snrt-ey ls ract- white the afterIooi andI evenlugasa- Pasengers Are Safely Taté, Off and iv co mpe nadtin h tt oua vill hé lu Orchestra hall. Ait Cargo MII Se Ltghlered. le maintaittîng thirit fit'e exîîerbinîen s essions are opén to the public. Caire. lit. Dec 6 -TireSSt. boulp a ttosi séayclni. J. FENIMORE COOPER DIES p andS Teninesee River Packet cotit Where They are LocafCd.J panys boat. the City of Savannahi. wl-Knowq Attorney Was Former bound fruni the Tsnne2sere ri' er te St. F teen colitttie8. lit e. Nirîn e llago, oWeilonî poscuo Louis. tank lu twelve feet of valse whifeide, îlîireau. lsauka.kee, Knox, Hwad o______ scuor iear Buffalo Island, viten &site tir ant hancoci', Tazeseil. Mrlcean. Sanga Rde1ata I. ei6lllwn unknoon oW.rutftou. nSt. (,lair,NMariotn, Salnetohn- ig am . e -olwn mon. lylg ererlyFtaiIt aen itneaa of tbree years, J Feulmore passeitgers bave heen 'taten of<an son and Massax -haNe ltotlm eaîtri 1 Cooper la deai nt lire homne o! Mre. 1 et tef St. bouis by rail. The iteavy mietntal grourtdR and a soil stîrel tý Cooper'. arnt% lu titis pîacý. cargo viii hé iaken off ity a Iteet of was sitown that the domn stafe colin Mr pr. v asrir.elh Soveruttefit boat ot on their wayfies in te 80 rsied 254) an-acre 1,itilyears old, vas itoru and resred In te render assista.nce. There %as no hall shared equaiitv ,el-suit th' iow oadrcylins îevsa ot lits. er fier of cournîies aitere the ]and raduaté of thé Indiana Law 5-ihoolt alos oof s. tthe claeseof 1896 and vas prose- _____________aimot artbesacuting attorney of Howard county, ré- - aisuhooda- A rollimpiîortant lit o' 001 C iding iu Kukouso for tw e- cars. be- Palaeboods not only t- dîsgrfe witb die (c1981eil n thint ctrnCict l î1njg ele 5 i 9 ee tire cloué truthg. but they unuslly quarrel simong situation iti Cookt mitntt, abere itor bis térm ho bail bedg au Invalid- teémacives-Webster. ýoreman Ramay of theý 3ewer Gang Arrosted, but 9 Brings Oheer to Hoboes 1 as Interesting Experiencet in City Lockup and Syin- pathizee with Others. pinds Them Feeling Blue Because Jobs ares Scarce, and Hires Three. bat. ater ai, 5001v 9ood aonwtimes tnîa groin a mati holng IOCked In jall. wag iluaîrated fOrocetlî laat eveoing, aiten, as a resuit. of George Ramaeyas belOz arreated on a charge f assault and battery tbree "hoboos" who were tound tbehobis companlons In the city jaau aere ibis morning giv- n jobs on the north aide sewor Job nn whlch RatttsY la a foremnan, In speaking of being locked pni)I jail for the first firne In blé lige hé gaid, ahurtiy after tbeiulg released: -Weil, it waa the BraI timo 1 vas ever lncked îîp but, 1 had quite a gool mime in tite jail. 1 met a fellow vite had walked down from Racine and tie vas quite loferesting. Hé bold me te was fo w&ik f0 Chicago today and said the going vas pretty rough.1 bhen aslced hlm If ho didrat thinl woricing vas botter titan waling aud he .-.alimi hat ho couldn't cet a Job. - -et a job?' saliS I (o my conl- Ernet P. BicknUS 5 f wm g i panlon ln trouble- 'Gel a job? 8S rotP icnelo ahntn a-bVI. i uI you roaliy vant one? Good . Wel, totaedro t r e 'arl. es . ias > . l. - just drop arourrd at the corner of of Washtington, erta! ié en oc ~ - p, ispital for Grand avne eand Jackson street luintbra lu thé execulve comnslttééaLSO vl~a.a- - bb o= thte mornlng afler they lot you out of vere continuedin i office. Thé nov Vmadle-bus.1 U.--Asidi POIL this itel and 1,11 glve yon a job for nembers of te hoard Of lucOriso&Wrs Thton@, 'boar f. stise ca- son fie.'are Thoacs Nelson Pa"é of Washing- trucçàIind utttrf>U of stîcis a Tire amazed irobo asked if ire ment and lentb Clark of St. Paul lîoast wv o yqeîçs !mM le4 Unie wok t and vonderod how il happened that __________la ta 1t« . ot tis abiding héfore kt a fellov prîsoner vas lu shape to give Nt ull Grief. viii t ready for tise ad 1 ttance of Pa- hlm orlc. AniS. lalorbInte evenhutg, «"rnsd a luvéry strict n ber IdeRs tiet&. the foreman bired two otirer men 10 about tise appropi'iate toucb lu dru&s" go t0 w ork on lte Job todaY *118 sher , And they sas' Il made qmite a pro- "Bo much no tbat vison ber halI ais- - eg juJ,. cession titis mornlnc viten the lbreter dietI aisé youdnot WOUa aubut I. poilbilq vua IxsýezWe4 hoboee lft tite station andI made thelr hait moralng."-Balifli!n J. 8. KNIGHTS. Who*$ Death t 445i bome in Wauke- gan WedneadaY Afternoon 1lAa Sliock to Hia Many Frienda. he h ad itedlMany year8a liewu. prominent lu Maeouic ad other lodge cîrcles. end hi, cheery mîiie and vol- coming band, endeariug Ihîn 1tehunt drects of the îeouleoOf te (ity james S. Knlghta éentered te er- vice of thte Chicago andi Sorthwesterfl rallroad in %May. 1866, and wag Pen- gioned nttner the pension HY ten or the raliroad, February 1, 19()6 lie wu the aecond rairoad man of tis clly ta receve the pension froro the1 rat lroad. James Scott Knighlts. a veteran~ rai[râad nman and for j cars one of te popitiar conductors of Se Chicago & Northweotern rgiiwaY rot5ally, waR a native Of Boston, %iaës, , lita irth havlflg occurred on the rhdaY Of Oc- tober. 18l isparentq acre WiI- lian L and Catherine (Scott) Knights, ala natives of Boston and membera .ro ,; ew England ramiles He was repred andl educated lu bis native city. recelviig bis1, education in the old Maybew scbool- When sixîcen yeara or age bc began hi& career as a rail- road man 0 ecoming an emimioYee Of te Boston & Maine raiiroad compériy. Beginning at thébttat Otof the ladder as a cleaner of trucks,.lhe aorloer ie away upward being promoted from ibat position ta bralLesman and thence ta depot baggage master, afler whicb he was made conductor, O)n the breaklog out ofthe ci(vil war Mir. inghts was oue ofthebcvery tiret ta offer ie services in the defenaéo of Union. He at once enlisted ou thé2 fhrsIt aIl of Preaident Lincoln for troope, whicb waa made on the 15th of April. 1861( and henaume a Mlelu- berof the Sixth Reginient, assaCho- setts lnfantry, of titree MOnthz ser- vice, under Capt. John 1, Pickering. He wsa with bis command when at-. tscked hy a mod of Rehel syiopaithit- ers wWie pasing throogh BaltintOrej on tbeir way to Washington, April 19,ý 1861. After four mnthas service the regimOltf retumetaod1Boston vhere the boys re-enlisted for nin6 Munthe and were aselgned to dty at the Ré, iay Honse betvééfl Batimtore andl Wahington. OuL the expiration of tlleir torm Of enlltmeut thé3F wee rOù«tered ou and' vet te their ri- lo>ga jttopes. Whfle3 l the nine motl aerýfICé Mr. Knighit faBdetaled' 4n goverumont rail'WaY er/jce wbere is ezgr10loe vwu ma"e aveilable Iln tbe t,4i il Il low prices interest you BUY ail r clothlng at thIS big store this month-We e bult.our business on giving. the most valu r the le'ast irÎey, but the radical price redu we, aire makin!g NOW put ail past bargains You can buy the best $25 overcoat ~ youMever saw right now for $20.95,$0 on fê $16.45,) $18 valueés $14.95, $15 for $12.95, ,à %_ forý $985.m- Boys' $5 suits, latest full Knlcker style We have just receiv d ano--the«r 25 do'6 blue chambre 50,c shirts to selI at 39c 50c heavy rib bed underwear 39c. $1 heavy flannel shirts, blue, gray and tan, 79c A heavy 15c quallty canvas glove loc We have succeeded In dup1icln our clos- cd, crotçh union underwear-come in at once anid secure your size for the milîs cannot fuma- ish any more PRESIDENT TAFTd RED CROSSIlEADI Preulderit Taft la Eîected Again Head of the National Organîxtioni of th. R d Crocs L ea qu e. ln W lngton.t Presîdoot Taft preeiciod for a tew minutes Kt thé sévent h annual conven- tion or thé Nalonal BoitCroshère tociay and later msade a brief addres praielug the socley for efficiet vork dnring the past year. The olé!affuera ver. re-lectd as follova. Preaideut Taft, rIsmhdet; Robert W. DeForest of New YorX, vice preident; A. Piatt Ândrv Of Wasblngton, treasurér; Frederlek W. LEI LAK Pl p C personla beits commit- 1icoC.IIM5IId OIetrdoy. CocB uaty t À.on u D t'. i J~to be. ý oubr ai- by çntSea ooni#torne or mort «oebi li~e oa4 f téIaiuinameOv- érrlo g4 og4"Maipatienta are,-1* buitThé prob- andl Ds lmlEadaII Ing~~~t a1Ie.W ~ oodato tihe sieady, nluU . -1* ;