CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Dec 1911, p. 7

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LAKE couINTY rNDF.PENDENT. flRITAV, i(MBI S1911. INiHAN KFULNESS Ir~alfude For Mres Enhance ibeir Value. amINE BLSSINBS MANI, Fauter Russell In Hie Thanksgiving Sur-w.n Sa"m Unthanlfunen Broods Ii Discontent and UOhrninte Happi- neeb-Tru. Christi*anit Accept Thoir Ut.e's Experimncs Chterfully, Know- lnq the Lrd'.blesur to Be Jusl. t New lHaven, l'ostor Ili-eteli. <f the Ilit cîilyn and L.ondonc lerna- dles, ,cilrH"tHl large i c.d Inter- "e reixirt lji-tdis- course ou 1iian ks glvlng. lie 5H01: COur eXîerieîî o lx) lifti re tu a duosderable ex- let wt I we makie lheLn. llile tu- dents s.hauld be pbllosopcî-ca Cicry one oftem. Why' Bccaune the cx dam .from aLw, i e n A- oblit 8i , inec ami beo nauruction. Aà st. l'au] ,I.clares. 0t tends ta prornote the spirit of a "oexnd iud-.cnd a som ui -1 1"c. sîtc *marily a 1îbioophical ont-. Murrmir- Yex ud complaînerm are n., ,llccc iNvine prov.idenceo and malce ourselv. t' nid everybudy euew in our eo'.ii;oumelit True Chittts people Ilu etry lawl ad under ail conadJi1on* hale- -ui, penly ut cause for titankftilt-', *'tveu titough tlhey bave had 1,-lt c-lc.r, c r mo4e, .of lifc's difficutles. N-r 1--a c!, thâtilfuill"nesa ecuge tley li.d îî.as1. r ed the 1>1. 1e phllosophtlà'] ciîcudr- «tood te .hy snd 10tuhe hrlcc ie' ,fth,. preuent r-ignu, ofsn and eih Til., cepted tbeir portion of lifes jois a...I gorm-nws b>- foi. blîevircg thitt th-lcir portl ion samnacasured inlu li.-,. lv Il. aLorcî and Iiit fui[ ae.l-ccc i. -U!c niî-,icc. ci c lvleerfuine'. a sthle. r CbLt) For Unthamkfc<iness. We arer ri-dy lu conele tLtat lIce trîi. aii i,ni-ug tro t,îi sI.,-)u-iil' pt-rtIil cà.o flice pol c iau ii-adiiy On' -\ceusesfor de.-llocicg t., h. than,i l" I f ive Ifit-ti î onm-clt--c tii,s'e Ji vcri 001nttl it-, 'v a-, of - îl Stg thiti-i illIer te schow te ic-tianlk ii ii-ti1h01nt w, ilZiiutOc-l ictî mit lc do ntI gre,- 11h IL. Ivtue c-ccl'intu liem te te iteter cours, of tli-.ikfunnt'4an sd jproportcin ate 1 " i-~ Tiitheir c-cîmplalmîl that te>-have fc-ttr atdc,] inaler 1siessînga I luîn 10r mor,- i. i-l il lu uagh tsars, ae rcincini.theu tilclthe poor 'uithtll a fvcred [anc iiuttîîcl ciate mure Ibm.lneta culti ti,. .- t ri litammlcul saime of t l xiOt* f ciliuc' landls. We rt-mInc tai under tDivlîin e iccg upn theu Il iad ttit i liiiccc -' ing upi)n itumam sîil ccitli.m - anti c-imicrts hboit- tttiilitiîvd l,i'ui n ao tiuat ltce commulopraileutciiouî liud [lave homle c.amtrtsandici(-c. vectmh'uces umiedcuatlioui fi. ilitîca anti purksanaîd libraiLes.,11iii cciic aud lgiteti treetut antid ciiitans- portation suc cas aerete .1,1 cIt cmi or lu our gtautfatlt' dua. "rcicrti joyud even b>- thcericith .- lt s110t1 grreedil>- sak more oiong tiluce li-cm unti me have fully oiilreriaOai Icuriat eut pt-iilegeitanti lcietigicand rc- tuniclthainks titeretor. ,,I," says une, -onrtfr ithets were uuperslîiîfllll>- tltokfut, cîndi ce must avoîi tiat. TOc>- guae ihiinka te Goci for te sunutiine andl lie tain. We bave enaed taI ltecie tire provi- aluns of nature anti ae lhanl-cîichodY fortliem. Our torifatiter-.iî aukcd Goti for escape- from feudut siaier>-, but me ute htit lac> oniti bave te- beled againit tentiallutm and boutb Iielr freedocîtithilt hur oitn courage. "Out forefntitrs titankuai ;oi. If liii>- ere sIck, taIt tc>-dii nut die -~antigo ltelerimal torure. IWe ire colîn Iag ta the rtlonallatic Idea lic t e>- slmoid have thanked tier pbyli-ian for refovery frolnalkness andi shûunt nultibave bllieveol lu an everliag tu- ltue ot torture, heeoaue 80far la wî Mao sue tttelcciang la ail Ocîmlcng. 1[ntelîigent peope of lte cionu have Bo more Inwtetige titan ourieltes re- Sperlînti a future, We agreavit the colege proesertu ht ont race la, progt-esItng b>- on evolutlouary lbm oI nature. andtittGoti bas noîbluti te do 'Vltia I, andi hat tere la nu future Bfe for uut except lute sense tat wec In te future, milI 0e represeteciou I biher piauleoutliîvng. t>- unr evoluleti ehbldreun. yu wmut perolve. Ibereorue. wiay wcronsîder TbIinkiglvhng J)ay a piece of medieval supcrtaltiou"* Replias le the lJnthankft. Our rupî>- lu Ibis reiuoniag nîlt ct t aluni.' f in ui-: tirait hlos,iitlo aeeuncî, aoccitl oai- (Ji Are not Ilese hucrecsiuciy rg. nlumîccrs of Iiuluhelle and ii] cîictl evulutionjtli nuptlostpllco h ltyoad. m11it cuil1the v have talfflga fat lai liond anytOung kuoavn tetelr fore- galtbera, uni tlie>- admimtttart mîir un- tutppîneas ias nresePdtu laproportion 40 titese bleqiaga antirenoinggtre @paetlng tent have been ldthlved. Wooid nol a rue philotoph3- taiu themi taI If happluesa llm telr aoaanod île- mire, therl asu happînesa la not due lu the inrreîciec llesîngs. but 1,)IlIce Improper andi nnthanktlti man--t 'm4 witici te>- have receiveol tem, - Would nul philosopit> alune. afcrt trom te Bible or religion, have waru- ed Ilien itaI. even If tIlcr teorle-' ci-u truc, IL would be unuistlc ulii ville them lu Iheîr omu inis c-cl;t, te ucluds ofuthers? (_)I Let usnuw onlyze te foret-elitc vomip.ilulis. Whio can prove te us ttcl Ihere la nu h 1.141 antd truc,' (bd-Ct - tere la mereiy o god of nature, oblaiiiid force? Who con explaîn 1u us hIl power wcibethoidaq"r eirtit lu lIa ior bit around. te san. and whlcit lica glven ns summer and wlmcer. roid cctcl heat; ho. glven us montolus sud % al uysl, hbis and plains, ln pleaslnsr vor,' 1>- aud loaded wlit minerais Mtitosne tui to us anti merely walling unr h0.- en-drectled genîn. lu brlngtem ott i for te besng uf unr rare, sud I-c make of eorlh te Porotilse of (Iod 1 M-bal phiosopit>-eaonprove tu is thatt tOute thîngs have itopiened l i-y choute and tat we are wrung lu ic celpting 0e ScrIptural tuggeslluu, "D'Yc unlo day utterelli speocht oud nigîi unto nîglit ahowetl- knowletige. -and tere la no place mhere thier voie.-1,-' nu« hearl" -prolaliug ln Ail 'c'cc. and beîîeiceeu Creator? Wt- kuow iltic the i mldom and Oonelcence uf -' Creator ci-re bitdden front Our meicil vlew la> unr superstitions asudi irratico ai-crei'da of te poil. luit îcw. os Ilce elcctre lîght bas supc'rcedc-d te laili.. candie. se Goda Wordt otliY la sitcu lng torlt lue 105e wito tave cyca u s-- ls beani>-. Let UR nulot oat «Zce 'cs is î"'3 sesseti ut %o muach gr.-c -r c c,,rilc-bil-cc Iad mone lu feudal tîuac. Let us nctet. on te colrar>. taItte pattott wlicitdeluandeti aud guI te Magoit Charte-of ounr Ilitrtica. mas as nolce ond courageouas su>- ibat ve have ltiuy. or more au. Ont freedona fromt seute outhlie snpersttionsa of the pai la the, reult ite spread ut edcc lion, anti we musIthank nether unr- selves nor Our forefaîhers for ibis wlde8pred educallun; we musIttcik te Lctd for IL IL campC urkoa the worid ln «.IAIe outhlie opiî.ualon of the ru' bl and the ludiffeteuce cflit e PoOt. IL caie bit use G;oda due ime for IL hall arrlîudý l'bc Siricires tuil> asýuire ns t-il itlmh a slîcecal mark or e..ideu,-à tiath ie Newi-Erg cof Dit-ne biessiîid proffliecsiud lunte Scrl.ures long aga It now lit baud. Ciltar.--SNI Peler- coi i Acta litI 1-2IO i citi.lIe %Nord-, of th,- l'rccîchet Dai etli arti]xii - t i iiiglitlyii> nîcd.tcicIandistc, i- tic ct>- catguiments iat'd to iiliiici?(;,-i are trourid- fir iii c Itaie ccc- gratitude sod hotte for ilice fucitile, A Word ta Hughar Crtica .nci Ecca., Telwo " Le diota. . rýrr, la it Stri4plum-e We graatc liasi llhil..Log peuaple Inuit,tlitIltet-el, lOrs of lb,- creeds .formulatec.itlt- ci.Age.. reapc-ting te torture ci tht- Iccularab clsurci I nti marelima i titis mie hîcl hal Ihe>-arc' unscipturl. titat thei-> iure runjuret i) tutnder sic perititiluq fiara, anti th,tcertain symi bolic-ali icicîres ofthelit ble ciere wresI cd olu h-lelport out iit- n-.-,il dionsauithîe i mIvne ctaricler acucul ii luit 1-sîIlce reje' idli .f thoae lut acrd tiîecrî,s cîisroît- anc lulellîgent C ret-cor a cd dli riai e 1ehiblita îde' laration t1lt IlIt a tbui ut dfLoive. cnd that Ilui-e 1.,sa a elfli.iniou oý theîr,---n t teiccu. if i dccalb. anc a rtiol di ba 1,cfr itcile luit he rtiv utre-clion of lttthe cîi. nadir the tloti oua r,igcto c'i lliuel. Ilce l'rince c, Lire, mand Ilic eiangs c Ocet Ili' Einiclicm a-iiccreiy btlng ta uvety memcbet f ut ir race! Tiat te lîccunn fuil. la lu a meai andI jeptr:i cd-il icmtiouu uua. muu ally andîhi lOt- cl mmlv. la bit- cîîc dci, Pute; andileciolntlcoc'.La hacve nouIproven te Bile itncieri-cctu luiscextoatlon titot ptc-aeut wetkus4 mental, mortl andi phy8iýle. t,. procitocf tItgeuuracy wcih rai- 10 iur race h. -du.e oc sin. gnînlîr bc îeîtlte hi mtiu andcltie' 1d0 lisn'ltIci,-,iprou c- butif Il Iatibecs tcere coititi Oc mc os mach ietuind fut reaociug titat I mionkey fla a thgncmlc human asafte cimlug tOt itumanit>- are, evcluted aises. In oppoition to thitîtIrratiunailteorY we note titat mankilocIllu ceoraI, eiii Iuose of ihumble birlh. itatve organa tl tite minc wiich tite>-rsreiy use. onc wilich canant, theretorcc be saolta lu( evoluleil b>- 10cm; anti those urganr are nult thebiter but the higiter ooes the noller ort-a. Thîcue qîmohtîc t' mnd are preseat but dormant. merei malîti lu Oc equictened I mbo ctivity Tb].% tact favoru thelitelbe iew titi mankînti are fuclcu, and Ibat feit me lving ap 1t-ien the bet of te ih poireci organnlm micla tiey poasesut- Thte euolutlccnarY tlccor-. tat w, situutd lve andci de slmtal> for te ad -voneemeal ut future genenations, mu: -prove au luccnivi to some, Ot nt luo fjutigmnt titeae vliIbe teat. Of f Dgreter laleriat ili te BIbles teachIl ltaIlitetpresitIlit thc sithIi tim, 1 micla our fric-udt anti neighbors ou, ouncelvea, ane b>- one, fou ofalepr Jtdeat; andt tutGodut lofiite W'sdcr and rPumet mid Love have provlded aresurret'viun of Itie demi. bottofutht mat andcth e înJut-te jlal 10glot3 hont aaci evvrinsInlir1e. the- unit ta a glorinulicondition vert cliffercr ftom te preceol relgu ut liiand dent -undr thie rî'lga of te Prinu e ut Lif wlîlc glotliv li ctpsrtimnltiëer tna to santi >'er. n fi cpliftlug ieaednes j-Tic,'îu erimialng lirfe ci-llit- hie10e word tothe faiiil anItdittaiptt-latlvc. Disconlent te Viper of Anarchy. 1-We hove noiechtharut ti.niulntf ,t menams diseoutent dt, hct cicoiT emenus Unitsîplneus anti mIser>-. Wl 1.thon cau afford to te unitnnktni, or1 m take lthe rmd ofnUUbellef. avih@ Ur ~EtfC5. Iy leads therelia? Sr. Pool drtaws our attentlontu lthIle tact lIant mucIi o? the di-gradation outhe chenîben ashoîtici h. drct:traceci toitanline--c fie dc-lairt-s tîcîtthIh feadalaliuofthlIe AI miLt-i c uc cr vliicrenllon, oaci1H, uit ciili mccicr, are clearIyv Iiiiititillticl lic I( il c-i icccfiatuaire.d ih l(.(et arc-a tîat the beatiau ae wliiccit excuse. becauee lt3- wiec titey know God, glorled Hlm i c.;I Gccd, îiiler more Ihanictul. Iutl- clime valu l ntîtelr imagnations, anl ticeir toolish beart woî darkeued j. tessing themacîvea lu be ci-lactlîey 1c coume toollah' and idolatera Wiarc- fore G'cd alto gave ten to uueccc i(->.. lîrough thte lusta oft tîeir cia litarIa. lu dishionor thetr nain bodies helwýeu themtaelves." (Romans 1. il1c UniitanLlttis 1lu Onti wH5 fot l'it, lasheci diretliy noir threatened citic, a future punnlîhment. Acting automctl k-aiy it teparatedth ie untlcakîkfui con.-' front thior Creator, andth leir cccaie biiome dowuward. degeneritte Thlic prlt ot unthanlkfulnemss a-. c mclady tlireoleba our preseut -iI!7za lion xvltt deotit- Year by year Otc-i sentiment ia groavlng. cnd dlsccntlt. , wlaen fclly itatcited ot. ciil c th,,.- riper of narchy. for chjose litc- Iliere la no bumnan remeal> wr llîank God tht .itîuil ,- ccci il o inreiha toretold i1, c ea r -c tiard. aud la beyccnd tlaitclai a iiiy i c Oi,.. W», >et Di. lue Lovre hOaspri ,cl iseil b Inerrene te ave lice uinhaîi fui wo-rld by te establishcment ut tic' Messialic Klugclm lic coci et aîc.l c1 great giory. for the bief4iaiof 111ail"', famîlles outh1e carlt: fr te makhi,- straigt t fail thle rot-cipillisa. f. r lIhe Oî.euiuicor.thelIce Ys 'cr uoer'claccc lng. tat ailtasaa taite Trutit Thte Thmnkegiving of Chrstian. t St- Paul, oddreatlu'c(Oiaias a vs i amnanuer uof -,cn 'uglit mc i. lae Smlori>v. cie tinitlî . H t earneRt s>a.aiîhd be the ttîinagllg 'f Cirstinis!But alo-. Trlicink-.giviIcci tDey wth us bas lneiv ofthlit . lilous import lnocin tlu nr forera thers. Notwtbstandinid taise dcix- trlues inctieoled by- naricmode cre-ds.ý Lour forefatliers beiiec-ed tîhe Bible r.- 1 rci of maai gom-igîmosl erfectilit. Oc-ci Itfoai lto ian d conîdemnîatloti. the r.-- ILdemptc.aun impi-hdtlirotti J(i-aci- tci]arestîcro IIon tcc iii c ict liili maîde posasible. T'aesc ruths c-lcii ttuti thle fcîncaicctn for a living fait lu (od oîd led tlîem ta gît-e th'ilîka fcir the harveo th ie 3car. ocvoîiiii inc; ltatiIf eer>- gcccd c d perfectg. it conces direeîIy or inidireetl>-from tli 11,11i(jcof lb c,îitIl aould lie recela cd ;11 1corciiily oîcd sckiiowiedgett. 'p.I-Iv we bave tIc-- oinn 1c(If Iodl'e-ca avtiout the pccwer, b-- t uI.ilie 1rêtIou% faft basbIen ct lihi ul.trcycd la>-t1e HIglcer Criti-- tîîî ý.l PI chltilits. wlao for tîce pli i bfla yeziîta lcaae bei-n laboriug c-oc c itit', tîiaî-cid, endl illi -otîclc- fu -cc e Nc-(1iltcc;cd ak , Lt-liîc ,e 1h.- ý(ord cor Ni,- saogte, ccc ci Oc.-- t1h,-.%rtmfJic f aaiitaih n h Bicliesudcllas ;' d .- herefcrelict te tic i-t ccc -p.l lie fcrîîî f gcccliTcc- cil 'ticout i, c -rNec e-lbpeea ., i e anti there n lu cl nalîccliaandi ail sec'ts orf1 ci- " ' tiare tcc le fround I0)YýcI -ýf ,f îr andîc ctng c.ct te (icI for firtlo iht ch, ..c.d cîîcre- cîttîîg îcnd gv- inrct2 ilcc,af.., Pe ra-ie-. c'.eon I ý-lccc iiiî i u'- dI, ci c, ider-cand te piii.a.i icof Ih it uiciCeleice The Marrtcng Star O0-n. si. letet ii bt,-, tthe mci butai r c tiî,- 2.ectwIc of-o-ii t , lc--,,abai Kivigttli cil be ici- edeci iy the * u.icricg m-r. chi, ill cii hne .110 lice ie,ris of G,la taîattifuli peoiple lu tOe .1y d:i> .1c n. î.a le rccici lisa ail roachý ,rTIc- Sunaof ltigicieccu.icc-i Oic tot ici otî-eii. but maly cf t cda îce c,,ie ÉO ncclig h leairiglit tcc, ab.îiiîicg nîon in lice 1tiillce ' rd. adiare reccililcît a,îcat it cornes froîcin iioand tliaI lie ýy lit icelatlngtI-tii. tcrcugh cI bellOt f icilcr-,tindcccg ocfthce Itilei,. luIo :1,t clizile tlîe gl..ricM us lici gt f liince oic«,-t. v'th,hb )., Ill mcccii iiercc (ai ti he ii stiworiciland siater the dnrkne'-a or eun ha slîerstctlion, sluand dept. r Anîd cc, as ave cet lIceroiliet rightI? dlvided before our mmidc, -cie gelt th trac ttnderctaîiiig. lice îcc-il etc- ightenment needeci Ii t icr a. uc, W. Ty are enabied lu righty dIvde te Wcordl n heter ltitn dldounr faticeta, cu that t1 of day me can sec, a ont fuhera diii nit id se, thc e ching of Goda Word re- CH aspeeling the "'ihîg la -iig *acd "teattl la tution--10e apirlortliconlf tbleus g ing for thce Citrch. and the hunîcii oforion of bleacclng fortihe wotuci. W. Y aise se omelhlug abliît the imues and ty" suuisons---cchmch appîr t)t..lIe (hîcrel at on d hicrh u lthe blessnlof uthlie cioril. te Wce are nul lu furget Iliat the Lord m- promîseci that Be iouicl -tiile tulacoen ple lunte way of tîce Trilt ad show ,e tem thînga lu corne We are îî id- .,t tlu show outiePlve-, pproved- "'- y tud>jte doctrine and eréd..cctr t. our havaeoutr course ot cinciahrmuulz. or wcillit i-atmdy lu perfcctm talitfuiiy tOc agK duties of a loyal sodier ofthte crois of Iu Chrat. ad Titese alone are able tu gîte thauks lu lu th l cgitest sense outhe10erma.bc 1acatuse titey. better lOin cilîcrs. appre vh isle te Divilue Program mid cou full> ,rendorste the ciorda utfutîr text. i1ttrgi ut a Il of tlis vînsa f0 Ilc-verytlhuukful ntI iiuglng and making ince!ociy Ilu li IIlit ura lthe Lord liitreaiý(c-el l ol ir. helr affaira. atnd wiiing p-cntity foi 1e - _ . eeulmu u ie II 77I4~*NONE RECEIVEO D FR LESS THAN I 25 CEN-S JiI 4' FOR SALE FOR SALE-Wi dc c -lu-c i,'c. -~ 2l FOR SALE-RWbite i't ii l 'UR SAi E c, I Wlr.- having -c-i - 'cc -ftI hi-cpiaomtula th. FOR RENT SAYS HE KILLED WENNESTROM 'c !iýRavicni a Park c tci l- l icccci ci.ll! H ho t.- . -- ,j ci w-tljiiian I1h.' Stary Told Oy Ma.ahooi. Th,- iscintimme' ,> ;, -!'i ai n 'cackgai -c c- 1 1 i,1 1i,- c.,,. ,ers cf 'cVeilic ;> J h. a,îc horltieî- c i lI l" t-ccl 'c ii ago -c . , ,.t t aail ltaikecI i .cs bcccc, Entaici -c compaion l", 1 . r 111(-Tcc îc- 1c ,iic--c-ia aw 'crclii , t., Nir 1,ci' e wculd te.'c' ii, ci, f 1 ]ic tien itou kîlleci ".uin-(]ca. c 1c rccbl, id Ravixla Paic andîie p.-oit ie,- atIliighwood. Il-iIc, i'l Pccilin Fuit, that tlicc.c 0, cii ccîed1 ii c he round of ryciclcc c ci -a lii,dcs n a saloon in Se% - c, Pic trsîrocii ticar (Green streel., c ip a-, cA'!(cic horne ic only a aho, c ci ccir.- sciai NIawhoolcic<daHlt\ 'c i ci, - i , toI I ý Ic Knaîîîi Mtr t a, i - sc -h.-a tll iro uthat folIolucc cc !,c.iiaicrl i n dragged fron th1e c crita, 1waic,-rc i c. insensiiulllty and 1.-lt ()ii ice c 'ail Kiiaîccs ai ury coltii, cu ctch t hein c vos: galion mode Ic.c-cc. ihort -c- ali.-r tOcfilnding outiv ,il Allen Alon Queslconed. niwioigave Jo lii.Alien, n lac,., andc icld liii acdre. c iiwas ar retaed and t alen tccM \ s \i i cc t arccnacin t e tu Blrevoort hct, ilî ccrvt of KnapitandI Nlawbl mecl ir, îicccii n î and hocadmllted h1w Ici., -i ici i is Nawhood s voua,,. Ilii atiîde icas qu9, andc,f- as 1' laicen 10 Woodstork ci icicct teiîig book ,cn a charge Ilu i 1.c-.gcc I ni. Hienry cobol? tye Ib ciargeccl ' 'h iccîr der. 'cViici Nlacibiood dc arc -c hc- c%,-cc rix in ch. baud ofcc i,-rdc acthorirtie-c. elieve t'cl i tlcc .i crc- ici lalli and inviDive oel'.ciac iec-a s'I'cA'clnkier. miot c. acl parItiof loi ý SPECIAL ASSESSMIcNT NOTICE 'cvIII and TestamntuofutLacy-Stohl. de- I erfctge ici etrtait Obiscprcsoncliti-i il- 1i t7, i clIIcIIffQ 1 )C 'cSpeciai Warrant Nu. 7 .eîsed, clîl attend the Count>- Court eiai 'eara lic la on prs i ion, thecNuc. lulîc-cclct- lc.rirgc -collttsuîn> ale -n thereof te îceueniarî at Jarhiicci. NMcc l TH ESE MAY w ED. tllit thci'i uititi 1-'ni . lie hoîden ai the Cout tl ouse lun'Waa- -ccc ci 1h ai ocithee ight l ucic \.c cin l,cciii li a-t r, ci 1,-el i cdgetitnt 1,cr ci hectanin lu ald Iotnty. on the frim icirairocîc cias hIliied, hlic cc , i lcl- i sl stiiii l lc~cipoit 'i c ciî rty bln- 'cioic day of Felcrcary nmext, 1912, whe a t w le rlic K iii ,c I tcacc eî ~p' iuetc uvcccC i i-tnI-<' and cleeai lierions hovlng clat Atici. ciistn, Iliuhliin-i* i'g-trr 'itI ii.agucu talt ol state are notifieti and Aut, lie.Itciiaci1'ci- -ti, cl uc iluit ccici l ii e tc e mclpurt-cent the saime e lu al l-c-ine Sciceoni lChicagocc-ciici- 0tci 0. r u I, tI..liIol cii d Cc c i,îcc.ic cccI icl't cciic-' ci-., ciec I ALBIIRT .1. STAIcll, Ettecuter. ci, t icat ~c .hi(î.c acc' cc c t i i,, ca'. lr itîti h'accigit. île.- 4 1911. cic' .i% ),1c" l fo1,c1 Il'\%'c"cct c il cicci cc.-Martinu,(' Dlefket - Attornem. 1,11eblaIIaiýici, lliùtrinld n Piiiln 'I. wih IIliý ilNo 7, nluer, 8-15-22-20 - ~~jalicca F irýti 1 iiai-cc - 2 h lil ccnee- bvOr neCcîco of a i C 't ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : I lhecI ic'al i --I ciicla Cati acciîci.c i îcccw a ilc.. ccic] ivii-cc ADJUDICATION NOTICE. c-a-i Inic- i aýice,, sarn- ' sit ,., i ,s-i c. ctcd,ic c fol~Jîiaion c chozot iil, Ii i.t fi i l,. e,.ic al-t ýIat.i.ic 'cciffie c n ciricc- c hereitt given that -cii N ci , iu' 1c -i--. u lRtr ' chc~~, ý - lc stii.e e-K cvmots outhtec Fstate ;: ilri . I c' i i -i 1'.io ,S,co il i clg ci, HrMo:ticc1l 1c.. -c Il-l i. book il f ~CaI clvinu Iîruuddeeieus-e-d.wIll et, -'l 1 ullo, % ,auiooi. :I(; il. .di n iv ,,t)el 11ten1-cd 10e C u C ot-(utrlof Ilk Col- -,- r i c.ic Z (l 'l tc,,rlir ý , ltt î.cIl t)i ai a terre thereof lu 0e hoîden at au 0I, t0 i L Iardiiiii cail, t c .fod cstIOltrrh Court Ilinue lu Wcîu]egan, nocali cidcittl -cc.d liu-t-inlu -ock te i ' i c -ci. c 1 ciui. cmtircc-Ji ti-Olail c.-,necl ,.11 i amui Coiiicy, ou tice firt I Monda>- or i- -a t îcic11: ici-i c --.~ liltt-t c-t i IilC c c Februccty nuxl. 1912. wheu and where l'c.ii5ti hccic i Iiti dcc t ' ccli" , oini- u t'cicicriy tic t'ic- aIlwIcrsuns haîiîîg damia against sai .ccc. i lli ic 'c1ia cU- I tatcc.'are nui I ied aildilretiîusle<lte -c I k i ,t ot 'ccIcltcc, t. Iiî -t 'ciyc-Gr rudr c - cai-e ci cIdvi'.. i, ail il, th e .%ilage ofal 1 rl- presecît the saine tb salid Court tfo' i-acii IlcikIey -Zcccu Ct ,c ,.Li, liis llcc a- Il i reicîî 1adjuidication. [ ic 9 iicfuii i Iiii ajcdi iii tiiii tlil retilld i (If'ilIIENRY C. DURAND anti To the Voters of this, thc 1,-hc,1a1 m'i u'Ircli c ' i,'lrtieiic,- ." cI c AitSTA I- BAN K 0F CHICAGO Il. ce or a D st it asim aci t. icsaice. lit , ic- ut. il,l Jol,,,Ic I o îtic ccu-- ccail.cgan, fler. 4, 1911. Executuia. Eigth entril Dstitr il, e'cliccic il ciiaciîcl \lieu ii--' c-cîcî uîtereîildclare hertuly No. 1An. Dec. g 15.2-2- of the State of lliînois: c -;.c0l',ieus, mi-, ., h. tcc clandli" ic i i.i t ________ Afte: baving receiveal requeassand 1it ii , c- (ra -lahk ci cci- c1 ci -ccî11, lr g -- . on, fno rog~cettromueocrats in& aI.ot Kite Leace. sanie. ltici...i -tk,ci. i .lat i l , til t e -e t otwcsip ls iis district, 1 tie i.ccg-ce ldî-.. -ci. i- 1'cl i'.c ldc Ifciiccîî the mater very cri-tel invecatiocu. aaidc.;"t Ilioomquist ity 1 ~, ii.IliNotice hai de'.ided tu heceese a canidida»te fo-11,', FCl l, .uinoc-mly repremeniative, sbet to he I ilCt,-n. u çaIreli. ,-uaîc ltis ...lrey ,ic tal ut Local wil ut the vot-ro as oupressod .nt the,'lauhetvi i)csîcur t St'ic1 . iietedth-t Ithe oardli fcilLocalt -democralic primurtes teu eh ld an iciuae 'ch lilanis, ucui,.-ci Injured in Runaway litilI;icrk tcîîctyilcoaeti g tv SApril 9, 1912. Pct-tlcnci1 îgicucil.t i IIrc >irdcî îcrîn îicult .cîLaeclt tic..iicpoe avng o! a 1 Believing that the experience and 1l-ettiDhIenu e li,- P k l-ti ccc- ccciiciai. a arcî i rugni-ai chJol ineriltcc t for iIcieI,-u t rontwrae p knlealge witcch i acquiroal durinizteKatOi- . ea Aeiii, a c c-a r"iciih eaiW.-ti-l. ofuIat ilIre hydr lomng tom-moetftourteemu yoars I s-eretias 'cul t c'agcrce. C ci. agi' -r- s amonda-rorfuttOe Ceunly Board of cl itNicMZolit, acîci- ln - 'cajrcs n asig o acu Smper..-sors ut Lake Cocmut>, hibg Abti J.rî illiilziolf 'clIiiiikI,c 2. acS a rci ir îadi Iear chic iil adtii-tal'ai iicî.va .-àIg andtudrou Chairmuan titis weîi as Chlairman EriyMI- otg,\l ae lwtli rvngaogfi ltuteAo ru h wter enet -eandl represemt tbe peuiple tfr,, cl i en unaulie mcarnter bis ici,seterinrusIlici ctht- sçsteîîciii of st brun - eue e serv c îcv, .ar uitply follesitalcc.y coustructed i- bis district inutbe tite legislatuice than 1ALLEGED ]MsURDERER ii- îme rgiuîeci candi hoitecl t ii waikeAive-,candi tram titences Pa mata who bas ual hadthe beneftla of 1 ;~îcoigMiauu ve 7 isuch oupenience n public aftaum-s, î teeî SAYS INNOCENT. tiucca,cu aai ibîccn lu tOe gtoiiîidti-I ttic-l alcicg a Mic aukeAv. w7 confident oft sOcce, and if lecteti tai andci ciacluat-t-ofor sontie dis ta'ccie aîc i fa- ita liie eutur l io a tbe office lu w01'.0 1 aspire, I1till -iace paacî.,îo c îc h-ci,%ii conm aicir il.afareci h.icOallI im e iouiic'y 'clii.' a--A,, ,aidi villagelo calegiance te nu cas or faction witlinJ.n iti ai ct ciiîccuîc ij lu icehe acident atîcimalae Iis liet ii,.aîl t cm tvn t th. Deemorati. part>-, as it will lac>- ivd n.tigi.ii Ictîc-î.iccIIuau rci r leaantd bmîu ner(on-romc.iilclciI1lJ aloci te ie- h aîd ittarde 1on1>- desire ta sieeeailae^IrPsu, rc itlitsaeike, yto frm ous par by,, < cm l-ic)e(tMli d acClveiher A. d,1911. 1 ask the voters ut tlis distm-ict l Ing nincrt i.IlanosO'h \Crlneccici ccance meiecîutucî. ciiid 3llwsofontîe MIciciardf il LocrA.Im.ro91-. i study -my record et tourtee yoars as a le îletr, l a-idàcf ut ctgumule 0 cuanitathe as ait ar d ofLuOeoualt> Court e mendier oethIe Board et Supet-visoma - ilCliolourdcerte'co aloitict ., entbisck The duuctutresponcîdd nditimîcui l il l jai,.- Icuity, iiuoii, un te 25th Ilfrom t e wnship anal in the.cousmy i a alIn (fNoeaeA 1.11,acri -thicb It-as bottaandl ha,, apnt m-y' îuilic',ccccct i cli i c <ciifilm hier dulicq - igationici itcnci ihal the trila imI uc'.iNivtît-- A t) 111,a er- etrelite, and upen Ithtrecoud 1 saluel cîîvsitinîocf ICiii- a, 1 lutcwaannociîcc1 aaîtaiecla Icol,,it),nu.anditiii-c H I - ..thoulirg o at hsaid al o lie the. supporto e oteato thIis distril.ct ic. , icc,, 1ccc eaiita 1tici- i H-cthctth ei cc ah e,îîenuo lltebrgma"r"lac R S E . ttuG R A H A Mr s a 'c a d jo u cci l e a r i g o n k -c-n ice r n tI t e v ai s, r t r \e d ic ci o is o mn e a n d i l la c f o r th e co n s t ru c t io n 0 1 t e II s@ m e , a n d ti h e THOMLAS E (JLABAIM Tlhe icucleq ofi lis ccii,. iveeir sctaicd btaî cc-injuiesc ate nolt ert- ttdth olA cearlng wdli nehat on 3 ed licttie cliv cerntuc-tv I enusha Oua st h rlio h illo ning 'F icre w as oi1fa . lu tate ci therein, t le C cu rt H ou s 'c-0rucuIntcl-aitcc i umthe Uity ofi Wkegati, LitcouaI>-. le C h ristrn a s 'C .a rd s F re e f ,.îcct a ndf n îci c-c i l, rela tive ciaA DJU D ICA TIO N N O T ICE. Iîhcîo.con tue I-ui av of IIC-ew aer, ut. cei t ai lice ici, ciet,- lu cietc(ld ttc U 11 ai tli '.I I- 'ic l.ain. or as No ha rsheu 0Bati itt r -c 't-csiciOoui ia Pci 1dm-tîcu elu Oreit>gir.- cithat 1 cf Oceatî a I eflcCeO. t lifthe rlen g ticaict etic. c etî cet N nu niaImrutIt ritec cotiutw mii pt' l 'ci l tersounsdemiriul Cl oCir r rhdiitrtr oft(, u y ie cîlliatucici i-iaid Coturt belote fut Ofls at-sa,- ofSarah G. ticiandil reeliaedniddcc ad o-iuiii,cp-dr un lte hearlocg c io'. Eartdî, ilil acî.-cîd 10e ('onyCourtt uf Lake ama ici , diIi-1cIl îa cii t. rtn. rît t. -c-r t iilc ci ic, l~. ccl,,c .1 I lI,'f - mcciuiv, cul cml ternii hereof 10Ou blold- Dltttc l ( I .Ii i .,lc ,-. Ihinise . I 11t oFe d -lt - vev2,41, dic, .N. c-ii.. 'c I 1911. t.. t I, Ccc -c Ii- . 1-ccv, - . cc i -cI I,, i dli ccc IalII'. ýv en cit ic,' Court flousu ln u Vakegan. -fi l i icamE' t-~~~~~~~~ iCclliticcti, etl a-i~I w ' ..ciccu di'tid ),, I l- 11r t lSaolCî iontc cIn the flrsl 'coniay E , i. F. WCCH, cii .itucî,rt-îc aci ldcifta ccil c--- iid c-.dci- cmcci,,, u -cIrr nmxl. 1912, when n sd 'mi cc A',a 1 oI i ccîhii ciciv c- i îî-,îIoi. , 1-lce.icd cc, c iccdv0. lec- ci prions Oaving daia i c. i.Ici )icceet-ca ft et 1.1Il iicis-il tiJ cc-1 i, - ci. iîc t- llf tl r oîi ccî ' c-ii icl)c Ii.libi.îu C-10.-2 rthe higl gi-aide vi Itit" i t t il ..coifc, 't,. -i.t -i-i ý lIl-ci-i 114 I rci-ccvi'd o ro-ta 10ae nsamfe luandi e ciNccY.atccii'ic> ccii.,c <ilicrc, ffi.i i c,i,'i BEN IM. MILLER. Attscaay Tt (I ,IcCcT. ccciv, o , t Admini cai d i , her' t--vi c-an tst h i uic-o 'INl liiY. ARNT!Th e.. tclXncaa (aIltutor 'ciii, tau, lie.4, 1911. -c.cOucctsccthuce lcliUSe OsR.e PAET i-iiaic-icciicNo. 4-m, Deg c ---c-j.cci. t,a,'ý. uua i tmu1ta= Au Ha Underaleed IL, ,tiviic,,.cc.,uti, c.c enut heIiii it io &tltd lb. Ka A COinese boy, wiao mas lear-i i --,icc rc.ii ccc î c----------- _______ici.-fflcaidemi il th.cro t-u-sHosla Wa1semu. ýb Enlgilsh.cime acrossotli assaoge ln c.î ti"- .ciADJUDICATION NOTICE. i-'i.l l'it an Vcgisi.sî enos a lé-' h< s OtTestament, 'We have PIP&J Unie10 lova ,ccîî at-t-. icecli 'acc-i,a.iccel ec.ieit.. -t ite "sme lin said lFt he yetn, andt ye have nut danced," ren- l TH1,t," aTIIINAlvi-îIcIc - M. WCotce19(tX. Admultall-ilst -dered ti lthug: We bave tout, l ton ia lati,îi. 1-4 tlie Subocriltet Executor ut the lail Wskecan, îcîi.- Norembuti27. 19."'ef - to you, what the mattr vota DO Jump. --c- I SReal !statc Irantsiers,? 1 iI 1 c l'c i, 1 '1 -'i S l .i,-cc,. , c 1 , and -i 'It i il , 1,c i ,ic i i clo c'i cii cc. 'cr cof -cc,cin ' , - c ccc -hip a,- i s', c-. oc, i -c ii ' c.. ccc c I,ý i Skc t' Cc t i G - an Ici - t S, 1ci. l Ici ut i, 1ec , [t e;a ndci ci the eue i ,ii citig (,lci ci. C,iC$1 Ann Mi.,ii cUt c c l t c111 i\Va cc!, .-'- c 'ci.,'Icc's ofaMokci11i %V.tI cit a, c ociit i k - 'cc W 1)iclcc $cc. (i,. . i l «i , i lc I-, , rcli nItirI Sadcliî.i, ot'cscc-l, i.. and i - blckci cidi i1. a ndam 1 il, mcilo oftL ae , f 1, i citao , c- 'h îgc Ictlvlclo tis a Il andc c 111;.(j t - $ e tace S S. ,-ciNV. ,c-c1).l c. Atinci ci i-hai-c ito r i E .rc- i I l Sii.ît ,icîcl 'ilc- ci iQ..Uiiî$ c Drecer s mu d I-c . o-cl , KIT.i- 'och , Il $ nd :ccc-lnaQ i Il 'lo 17cii k.,t c.. itionc cc nI lcke Prk-s. iccu' of 'cc' .W1) $ ictieiAtoIika il ('hc . clut ChaH SlO., 21 ou, lnuc. 1cr l i'l i-c 1Prok 1e. LPark. lauef.QiChch $1 $ Chicago TitI.' & Trust Clu o1,1i7A'(c -'71reo -'PIl BERT FO R R E N T SIX - o',- ., ,c d r 'OR SA' E OR RENT t".vr fll'..iipr ,l-- c'. , . t'..'inquire I i .ccz- , il Pcr lparti lnp FOR SALE-H1awtîhrn 'erlec'ot .' '.214.2 Tihe ltil bloc edl .aI.. ..le.. k. .. so -'l i'v 11cal 'r-rcî-cNo. 041 iv,, kV. 1H'.,. ce No. 10;1,2(;1)iIer, Ii+ e.-Il tif . . .. . . . FOR SALE-iîx coom lIouse ai F,97, WANTED iv Inari ithd twenly yesra Nort h lictriel. cteet, 'ccackga.'rccle , stiri a-t 4reran or ferm f-t ýtp an gis tw o I 'r remort. Bliuoflreerenees furniphad er'sh ds: Xilf et . l er a p if, IWa c.c. '.cdrea,,or citil thics cIIce. î1. nnc- k... lIr-t ho-cccaonorth of Oocîa-e also double flat on Jelferaun avenue, WANTED-H,, -I.. ninz r, do it one, bIi,, noticih ifcI ar lire. lot SCii-c vi t,rtc I, h, or day. W. l"(1. no.' -oldc. i(cntract a in 3- 1 I .r31 H %%i -l,11 -Pon per mniîc pice i 0.oiet $600 Oas II - bceet.palcl otn rnîraci WilI oeil con tract disc-unied 4% ucmakng a IOe il- WANTED-God igirl for genral boum.- vestmetl tqulreof Roy R. Yeoman, aacrk itc1re Box 244, l.bertville. Wcuukegan, 111 . w2t j 111p --

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