CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Dec 1911, p. 14

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LAKE COUNTY INýDEPENI)ENT. KRIDAY. DECEMB1ER 1-5, 1911. before he found me, anzl thenl It was ton more lbseore the ange] woulil jet hlm take me homne, Cousin ltilldu., a girl wto l5 the reai tblng cati aucoui- pib a heap Inffteen days, aveu if alle bas broken riba. 1 aanted tu bave J ~a chat wltt that ange., on outsîde LnaI- ters, awd I bariltbres jr tour uttt, u You ought tu have seau hie fac. wsen 1 told hlm 1 baca seen hic, lbe- k ~ I~4.~Xj' fore and askad if ha didnut reiLer.ber "lut-but I danut-d-sont ' pro- tested Hilda ln a puzzled way. nIiut You wlll ln luet a minute. 1 told hlm 1 had seen hlm lu this vary bouse! Now, then!" fPil hwann't-?' ' waa't eh? Waut ta bet a $20 bat it wasn't? Of course It was, and 1 wasse smadi St YOU that t set my broken rîbs back al Of tbree daysý Dr. Charles Mortimer, and because he ent rlch your inothar la down on hlm and she skated Yeu off t0 Europe. Ob, PPOBITE each other ln 1a got on te the racket rlghf away- coy morning routa sat a 'Polly Sawell,* you are a icked YotXDS woman and a girl Of girl! Yeu use slang, and yuu l'htu W twelve. the doctor, and you mneOdle wltO other *'ow, Couin IHlda," sald peoples affaire, and-and- the. latter, as she umoothaed "And such dark eYes ati such a down ber tres, and &ettled deeP. Pathetîr volce' Aud we had bersell ln her chair, "'m i several confidentiel 'chts tugetier- ngi ohgf0bglu ai the besbuuiug sud very coulldential. Wle didn"t c'en let and ffl YM &aU about IL anti thon we atraineti nurse conte wthln tfe tt a" tu g0o ot anti buy a Santa Clauiso us. Hilda, you dont kno. bosS DfMOÇ%t lor hlm." confidentiel a girl I,ocures whe-. *tPol.lY,-anawereti the Young, tbree of ber ribe ar,- irrukernd sue WOSýql3 !lea! raid te draw joug r.aîI ' "Tou bad ilgons ta Europe. Yeu bad ý'And-and you 'ta!; d jou -me? jut jýaCked .sp andi akated as If the I' Wa dia. I tojd hit just waa1 Dpoift sers aftsr -you.Mother saîd ihougbt o 0 ,t t:,r ,,td j fuît 04 didet belleve rou wauiad ta go lm i 1%se golng tu tt.,c., a jo!alu tal tbë esst it Ile bit. but that ytar moth- wlth you, ana 1 totild it,:- or atie Yeu." r Polly sev.eal. l'Il tAs -,er i t "Dont talk nonsmnse, Poli> " ycu again- ,lcetat-,lML, I ltra as "W.oU, You skaied anybua. r he rose anti trîcdt t, jk ver) 0,fry. "4n" doat talk alg 'Yrulhse to, as . are goinsn, **Bkatet i lat slang. It ureans that dowu towï, rtgflt asy u ( you'juit gllded off like a etreak ofi e presante for yrur ,r,'s s,îOc ighteefng. Tou hati skaieti.and i.wae__de1fwanl yu u tlu [r, j,- i t tout lonesome, anti 1 Wa5 out aalklug with i souostltltg furr usr auýgi ,tortrr woor Flors,,Whan Ia boy carne alotlg- You-y.,u ca da tiat t, > Our- wth a bg tiog. He was tougli 8o Bself" wai Miidog. HeabsouttI atme: 'IBut Yeu can tell uie ahetltar the ffake cars of leur tiog! diamontis are ailt)0 K. Ir urt No "Why?- I1 answered. m rhluasto.,e, for the uigal a itIsthe ""Cause My dog wlll chew hm deep, dark eye t 5,ar tue. whiteI upi' cantt hati but grieve about pour q wu i mat golng ta tllhlm tilat Iloras death, 1 almuest wsj 1 Coul. If ie dog diti there woutd ho trouble ln thle camp, whea lit sprang apon ,poor Flora andi entietiber Ife, I ranit Uscrlbe MY feelings as 1 saw ber bresathlug ber luti.- "'Weil. dont iry to-Dnot If there's, any slang lu h". "Why, 'Hiltia. f havant salti a slang word. Yeu know how very, very parý tîcular mnother ls wtbrue No, 1 can't tiescribemy feelinge. but 1 rernember that f went for that boy, iooth anti too-nail. I bit andi seratcheti ana kîcketi anti bit, andi 1 vas doing hlm up wban-" "F011>' Sewell!" exclalmediMs Hlda in horror. -Now what's happeneti " Polly asked. "I tbld It to papa juat this wa7, anti ho patteti me on the shoul- der andi callert me good girl. As I wui saylng. 1 vas putllug iu My best lle%» when along came a tsxi wiib a fat womean ln it. Meybe she wan, eloping, and maybe she ouI>' wani.ed to Cet home te lunch, Maybe the chauffeur yeileti 'HI!' at me, aud maybe ho just wanted to kttl another girl. However It vas, bu rat. me, dowu. Yes, cousin. I sas krocked out." *'Yeu mean You lost couclousnesa"' "Oracînus, but bow ignorant loirr are for a girl of twenty' N obdy eau be knockad out vlthont losilng thelr! conaclousuea TbaCe the whoje Idea of IL Vas. I vas knocked out antd couoted out, sud vbéln I came to I vas tu the hospital with thre broken "Yeu Mean a Nurse, of Course." riba. Tbat fat womnan muteb ave have frae ribs brut,..,.,on the otbe welghed a ton. It vas l'ours and, side' hours before I came ta, andt hen--oh, It was tbrea tisys before Ctrlstma. then-" andtihtOc treets were crosded aux "Thon hat"uth" oeletane the stores packed jîke a yard caucus "The thre #s he ovelea aigalIt wae crowd aud am and push 't'II standing bauid. my cot lu tha ba-cousins badteIolink bande to prave. pitai Yeu ovir saw. Nohody kuaw rseparation. They bad i vsiteti two o wbo I vas, and tbety hart ruug for te i thtree stores andi were sf111 lu the Jan ambulance a" tatou smeteaf the l'os-1 wheu Potly sudda.,jy dtsangaged Os pitli. Andi. tb, tbït angel, cosn band antd wblspereti file an! urecicors." Watch my bike'" "Yuièn usufcus. Andt tn seconds latar she was los 1~ l. IInei a han dotorlu tbe crld.and the angel-docto He ~s4'ui~my baati. avas adMiss Hlda I'tclI 8ood face t, look j1I me Wit bhies adi, face. The>' were penu.-d lu, 'leý -tv'e e that ho bati had to lean against a show-case aut aonUa ýsdt îwn'hiz mîndý Yea. bolti their own Tltey had to tai ha à et yO-and ettri'an.d sa>' thîngs. ana by and hyth haî, .idime nase, ana Who u gel tioctur hadtief0help select th -~-la ihêthoa ws ptho lupreseuts for the Bunday sebool ch! hie te. AeI the tun ef the whola tiren andtef help Miss 1ilîda throug w.., va that 1 kuew hlm a on.ce, the jam to a taxi. and-i and- vbit haEt.. .t know me from a ida "Bal, 00w." observeti the tsselv of e-leatar. Oh, you are tteresteti. year-Old PollY ahen she madie a cal am u?" tbrae daya later ou ber cousin, "POUY. I was Juil tbiokling hOw dont daim fte know errrythlug, but trightmned You must bave beau tao Sud do know vlten to f0 bîke!" yourself la a hoeiptaI." sali the blush- And she vaen't asen asked wha lng RUii4 "hîka" meat' 'Ob, 1 seof Weil, sava your sym- patIy A liospital wlfh an angel- 14,1 niMsite dotor to'#x Up leur broken rîbE lin-t ut Hlugand of floer toIW s awIa2 ba acet 1 fI ilei nuiles foresIglitt,andi l.îlatoe meat 62 taht Ie t sthilre" 'I hava surmounted i at difficuies. 'TUY Be~ea11011IY. as everyoue kuows, la the syrr "Iur d, Teyha oD trog bol or aigu of Christmas, but the oui and OUttt t tlsut adnog My atidrosastom O! uslng l la oider than Chrii anI ati 01clduded It iae a sîrauger flanlty. The Romans sent frleudl in *ee tovet. Wieni el1penati my ayes greotîngsanad aPrigs of bot yty fono an4 liart ' wtckeil at the angel-" an ther durtng Ilar s ltttr festiva "PolI>', tbat'a auxely siang!". For thîs ressort, perbaps,.it was take "No lit lsnt. 1i bld papa about lit, to stand for thte spîrît of love an and be saId thinge hati came ta a goot-wili. prett Ipos tg a Irl.. 'wih Ibrea brckan ________ rlhb t oullin't wh* t file angeî-doc- MsntSî tCrsmsie tor Who blass st theliiWhau I hati , Notb eSpiman>', vitre ithe.I ADMIRAL NICHOLSON ATTACK CHRISTIAN MeResîgneas Chief . CINEnEiIf Bureau of Navlgatlen. SIEC AIN INS.LOUIS, Mo. RoyalP q-pr.I 1llS tr -istefr ,tj(t , Ai-siidra, the do, i. 9,r -r11r-S ro fs, 'i-t:,l-aic ýdept Stiitrrueraj t e (tsa ter-e Atexandria 'tas uafil rttg s(rrr erStI reIaltIve a ih14i. oua, irt tu o Ilirrtut- tut-e outfit,- rr rii . qrriiet '- o ssprsIrurrg tfi, 1 51, Letn4ie M ar y. ti ýnttue cu of s- t 'alres rne quteti ylu titd mA. ratsIttratii-c oan ratîtara, iurrs ti r ruoyai Ssii lu thte ai-t Otn, ttc ar, tiste aus a plint tur fQr t-, t, Aridru, 51cr 505j5 Ebttlng Te (tiraagi-r.eluprass bas te negatîveseLi hbstecati. 1 be Btters iIIL" A Cie>' Caf n the Country. 1 'W .Lookau:' cet tO tae runtry>r witit ne thît summer'" silitira liai tiacii er j ust u, k froto vacation. "anti thitcst'a e,-tiotrn was esfts.ured tlierelby P,îss tas racer been any a bere ou' (if otuc srrttueut exci'pt suce vhs-n hafeil trom the fourtbt -[or> ait (low tu an awti.thg belov Our alpari ment le abot,,uf 60) baa ong user ail Ftor tieftirset ew as fiat ha i-nîryeti 'te ruknosn freedoma of a big -rti up t, tire country thea i-St tuzried us b> Iis stlcs lHa >woolti mrke ashtort run o!f1 6 cf ' or Bo anti tii-n îlotabrupîtly anti riouItsarrrIedI>' ut fie las.n ahi-ad ol biffai Penalty -e guascd abat sas the matar Ti t eut r r!n-iara tu ,, cr tua bar 'or fcar lu st id fait ofif the Las n"- The Gentle Art e! WalkIng. Walkrg like angllug, la an art; a-isicras Etisard Paysou Weston wijl ni-se: ridanou a eftreet car, being a great reifsrian. a gooti average salki-r l Lake the trolley ever'> Ljie. pros cidt carnies hlm from the cil>' pavements, atrd enjo>' bis yafl tu, titi'uirtin tir- partitorît uthe fieldse sudlanssofrItira country' Anti ah- tirough it beiuatra aka nu heet ef dis- tances or fime sprat un the oadtibs qutal:ier! sauter ta no fair sealber ,auntarer. iodas >tru ma>' see hlm yocrtotur gain bouts, la, tîrorros taeuta) srrrfrt se you lu a rai!' of tennts str'rt tire asticeabte r tg abourt hbittiei c ,cIks, abri an îoy's If ii- r. r> i."suobt .,it nan St. Louis Board of Health Begins a Legal Battie which Nation Watches Both Sides will Fight te the End, as it will Establish a Precedent. 0f Int.erest Here :Because it Affects Local Foflowers and Covers Zoin Cases. L?+-, anse a! the large number o! Ch'istian Scleutîets ln W'aukegan, anti recause the test case ablo covorsi t. Boule respects the î,tsn o! Devîa- lias nat ta ba.t madîcat sîtautionln10 ,lekune, ftha foîîovlng rofaence toi a test casa belug matie lu St. Louis la timait andi lnteroa.ting f0 Lake count>' A brrtie in wviîrioth id îes tieclare tir-e al heo necompromise, isonu le- tai-týit lii Christian Science citrrh, of ahi lrrr1, Ire. Mary [Baker Eddyi>' as foiYdiu atr ndr -ttthe heaut'bdapat tmant rotf he r ttsof St t.rri,îîsIf Iegan seit I,' arret ofniMiss Marguerite Oyar, ait athiorlzad frrfictr outhtir clrr ,for practictng inetirclue cou- tr',.r> 10 Illta ave o! 15 ýstate of! Mis- s-oui. 5Asistant Prosactitflug AttornueyWili- 'rt t atroui W etinstias Isstd a war- rani trrglng Miss hi-i-t- at ptayer. t a as tire fitst warrant rtf titri u, r esuat InluSt. Lt. A. Il.Las' cennc', special officar r inte heatth de- part urc,tptresanteti thIaesidaura lu tisaie lutv-usdeatit, on selrrrirli taewar rart 5',4 bia.sed. I\1r )> Ct- ill buve tireserijrjort tit te tirtr"saiti Johun A sisraft. St. ui ~rclresentafIve of titi'iboard of pîrîlîr ut on lu Missouri 'Thou ,rrcst of Miss 1» ier-ca s out 1r, i! abtoutt irausa tlire iteaitit Ici artrs-nt is ttghting cia,s, rtiit or icie-cri eslareti lit-Max Stiritloff. t,ll tIrjr strnrssiouar, "but 1-t it [s trrierstud bal nunctiass, cf, r or creeti iilr.iiolst, rthie enforcamentt lit a lu .îgiiiirtr i stIrs , jîrsctîrtng ii rîrr lie i i,-gaI,t l "*l a rrest la Dot an aitecit oume tiersunallb. bat on taechurch,' vas rtri-t.' ,t,ýiittua of Nfils fi-ar ,,t ts'r itr,r- S sd,ctis 'Il vîl trot rrrct me sit s idutali y. but the chitrs I MI s. liser. seho lvea ait ' f;t- 5 Iîact'ord street. vas arra'stctl \'s'd nestiay. folloatrg thte deatit of ,ecoy Harsvey,.h ,Sýers olti, 3836 tt ' n ýt i rut avenueta The boy hati hecr rader treattout t f Nls Opr. lic di--stoo Satu-dais fronrt dîpittitria. Tie lad asr.lirason o! Mr. tndrI sr Samîul C' Hurs t'. Accordngt o tha tinions' tcture tae coroner, its' Ir cama slck Nno uoier 20, aud rri, iy ratami- vorsu rîuttî frîdas f . r ,,,l Item 1.a Iun lPr N. J. lias tcv. :5t4 lits tiatrila, utits vu ws ralletl it 1frirs-te uier tI of ' n.tîs e r,] lnetrrt îy toccupa t atlie rindfortritite ciîi tthe lon, aud net (e .à h gi prfcst o! thé last stages oft'hIr disease. la, rder -Itecreat!. O 'l I 0,0 0fknos' i--îls8 1). r lizo nd bec treatrug lthettîti," saili IlItaw le.vrnt Iti e>. 'Lut viten t tount i hl)ttr sr OuaOn a rent publîication day o!fàsaicodtion t vas nt neftefbailitrur t- sessaper prInteti ouf sest. e boy tu ride ansfthittg from the a taîîîtr 1 lm saute tnor Iveive rsao! aga. ranif toidti em tth ebrhitis hatt ariresu ter f0 othe nifica and., sîit s a PcultU acakeuctl ls tht dlsaao but irut I grîn on bis face. tnurrt."if that pe î,thgîrt tihe uecLssity for sutiruxtu prr" pulnîlng to the ropy -Las asi creatur titan tite poqsIitlty o!fiiatgrsr )iaccout0fte mauritat bas bcau mur'in ,gIiing il Tire fatter sald. 'Watt, îr 1dereti lu Detasan ?- lae-as au lwi wiebfoe iIgteu toseeatlu the affirtuative, vian dec.i rt'aijiroagllgir c ,e poslllng lice cents rua nthete abte, bl q Oti " n '*iThe naît day the t hid od reark-t i. vlb anair o! self tmor Od iltanca, "WatII thut', ta> tisti.anti NI ti. H1). s t, ncterk lu tire Titr ho aut f0 read aitout hlm." liosto- CitrcI of Christ. Scientisi. As a rwac rj IlaratId titioner sithe lasutidto recelva $t tri )il $2 a jirofesi louai 515. She ws,,r,- fi Cruel andi Unususi, lasi-t on rier bonrd follovlng ber ur ve "5ev off taehautile o! su 0i, rcst. l 1toom,' says the Irarin Journal. 'antI 'Tie Ilt ses Iroutre af38:16 tuftter use Il to brusit rour torse aitit after ticut arctue, trotît aicLtltaheo> aas t cou have beau aver lirdwlh a cotai' itîrieti Tuesday ufti-rnoon. uinIlfot anti brusb of the regular kînti Au, taine cametary, la in quaranlla. Et-s. bod ho ol uetehade brOo ti e abovuslauseotse itila cf l.Iarvpes sald sire crijietDr. N. .1lia, :o i>a turneti ovér for trea t ment by [iýl' -,(4Clvln vnuIt h ýS F. T P. 0. C. T. A. iaseitîte uIgbt refora the chIttri tiai Ilc.rto rer. il ajnrit, titat th(,c:c i Igrs\%s crifi cul attd tOut ha cou Id ntrlts Copiiey pli.i trt er tthe anti-toxîn on accorttof W'bafs bita trouitle vîth Ibat prime tire chlîlirs weak hi-art. Mrs. Har e, m- donna?" acskedthtia uanager. "She isterîttrouslvs tittrîtat Itheha susisr n-ueedti lu ta 5r>'pluisunt sud couelder- ex irserith ise iglrîortooci. -a-se-" "Yas." repriedth ie stage man Sf'irklIuf bas Instituteti ar oti tII DY agar, "buît fisa bas gotten su sit e h- te Ilevas ail tihe press agi-ut arîtas about ' heaiers" ounthe raicul supretîru , t ,a ber." rtrirag ,'ftjr(555'rttg tien to it~t tin a lunes et a pet-sou vithout a lice-ttc id Louvre's Honorable Pesnent, sdiagnoustt, or jsresct-ibes for a jrfiitt'. Ttc l'atsI .ouvre. nov tb' se rîtis fineest art gjIIer> - sa orlgttîatiy a avroyal rasititeeeIs the ci-igu utftago Wk p i" rbcdt, ahut the- yîar fît tof Our gaae p Nc, lIl Nicola Naumoit, the Ruselan. vio lof bas Jîîat reachai. t - e o! 2i - vIn9 ti Evet-ythlng Put Rtght mrtrdared au Insu suýAtces r a Se- [te "Fttle- the duke liras propeseti, anti ductîve tountees r i, )mai t , 'euîCe. tri aa s-attaul'e arrtet iImmetiIately h as, l lite c' f i, rels:ýd boa the "Allrigtt lIera',, satittrîtfut your thîsinotorlous dainc crati a Miltlesu>' re milionTelal fiue 1.t af0sbep lu anti o! axtlngniahing ber cigarettes on bis Lil'Il gîte hlm e dollar to gai lhe Il- bare flash lîîsî 10 eo hlm -Iuce, as 6r' j ttnae."-Luisvilla Courler-Journai. - abalovat i hm btal aen ha«ittifereti s il , - *ha Imagine Il,, rr rd a glati lîgol comans ÂT a8islto thae e"s jo! the vonsan' ITHE WiEi± Ii SSUEJI w..HOW about yourseif"' haoaketi 1I -TIt, s s,, y ot, , n'htu .,' art, i a on H U NI¶VT USE ' Bister," laugitad EIdins . w ere 8 trike up au acquantattre'. I s ( q P I an luterrogativea glanca at.lis ______________ Sylvia aicdqulckly utWalling- ford antd a deeap bltteh mf'nglcd ssth Meeting Held in Chicag on ahegiov lrum th, fi,,,l In !t. Tuesday, Outcome Being She axplaîneti the c1reumest , s and ~m , . allngforti vas qulekly mdetofeul uuîaerenly hxplaineu. hat haehuad come a lte rîgirIbouse,_______ "Iwill stay undar ona condition ony-ha salt irfln an sd 10sf le tiat OeSasi ~a ouail avlil accept, vîthout profeel,On Paper asi W sa teChristmas gifle vhlch i brougitî Great Success, while Oth- formyRiseranti ber tamlîy-wlth- er Says it 'Was a Prost. bhere v-as a moments silence antid___ ADbeu uy tu't el:tn 1.11 a t l tgblnly Moverent Launched as Pro- chn u aatyhc- So t vas derîdeti elor anti accustomati to has ae nteOdr bug every tblng ha vautei, r 'Too bati sale cauldu't gel haro," Rte inheOdr the clrcumrsfauces wojId renrarlted Elkîns., lafer lu the eveufng have saemed leus of a lihen, thtemorait boy havlng beau As thea matter of raiîg the rates calaity.tuceatinlto boid, the three sal about lte Modern Woodman of America c o alamît onhie ay h lazIng tire. la just 110w stlractlng luterest or ever>' HaSnF a1Icota s eu ouhrist "Vas va ve oulti bava madie a jolly member of the ordertrougitout the wlih bis favorite marrlati istar; anti quartaI,- sal& Sylvia. land, it îsleuteraatlug t notaelte di- mldway, ln the most barren demert of Walllugforti wa almost guilf> of a tae country, a bridge hart beau swept gasp Tite calta, unconcernetiva>' lu versît>'o! tacts ai printestlu two of awa bywiner aie. Ha dstia-whlcb she remarkati that bar hushauti Cltcago's leatilng papera. the Record- liaon hy lufer gassilas h ea dstna-vOutIdhave cotoplaeti a quartet on Horalti anti Tribune. Waukogan Wood- fIloucu nerý t ssîbvoitavech1unC lusneas ave hat ihe beau able to get muofficirs say the Recorti-Heraldes Wl h rîsmas a wa utovar there. vas rathier dlsconcertiug. vrsonla neerer correct thauntae theaiegtotetofa liglains outhr Dlck Elkîns s&rose anti lett the room Trîbune's. Tako your cholce. ouly a tew scattareti sbacks f0 break tagel the boys f oys. 1The Racord-Heralti eald today: ihaîr andlese vaste; anti thon ha "BrIng tiovn the sultcaae lun I What hati beau heraldedsai a natIon- looketi hacl. tn hie bulglng suit rase 'rooto." criati Wallngford, He vas as a ovninl rbe gis h The tateet sud most sotiderful to>'s 1excîItarias, a boy a ovninI rti gIî t lie oul fin lnthe ityshop wee 1"Yott vwIl ot regret havlng prom- ralalng of the aaseeemeots o! the Nlot- crowdti alno tîrat bag. for bis sistersa Ised In accept shat 1 bati bougitt for ceru Woodman of America yestarday oulv bey Thron, not carlng vitether iny sieter' W'alllngforti leanaiprrosedtiaf ho a gatberlug o! thlrtylive or onut a hitghwuyman nsîght ha iooklng fuliht y oard Sylvlas gray tirese men represenllng as many campe in lu t hewluow0fth palo crandIlthrough the strantis of ber golden 'the suburbe o! Cicago. hae tock a small box from bis valet hî nift ai uhmht tu When the ur of meeting lunltae Ho- coat peekat anti looketi sorrowfutly gle hefora quenchîng thelgbt lu bis tel Sherman arrlved anti C. Nîpple of ai a ring !rum s-ilch, Ibrea aiqulsîte ownayas. It vas te girl hersai! vboMain dwhbsletepret dîamonde laseb teck et hlm. was unabla ta bide a tramer. 'l,'oi tt, lobsldbt rts W aiîufor lenet bak l b1 '~promise." she gald unsteadîl>'. Imovament, iare"0 tacaIlie fit-st soi- chIrantirlu mginatoctur eti ,Is But It spems-otiti 'aeton ta ortier lhafaced empty chait-' chair n Iarsg inin ~lpcuretharing Dlek returneti, staggaring undar a Te meeting e-s poqlponati attdIr. sistr*sjoywhe %lppig tat ingloati of toys. Thon thay ail jumpati Nipple anti bis assoctates repa:r- te, soîtiehlmfongr He cu exta an ertiglatyit> lto the spirit of Christmas. the corridors fa waittfor the a (1,. O. scol himfor is etravga forand X ihan m>' îu,,b', lvnti," i'iifer tinte only thirty-five iha'ia citait hlm for havlug no oneslt ylI aoitbisa u tu rvfor. îpl im Ce Iter vhom to bu>' sach hauhies. Ha sghet id Yvaa b indU hyrvd i.Npl aeb h anti raturneti It fa bis pockeatranch faithirrl anti tectaredtihUtaCouvention as hae tiight have crut It to the dapbhs of of the se,; h vottit do hum as murh Thte Tribune saiti: gond there as Ilb oult Inluhie pockatAnIsretptyassîtî o antiar tha present clrctimsfances. tninrgneno!tipte bodem ttooii c- Walugford vas raconcîledtiaf0 BtAe ra. f tloeri ian Wtin .1 ' Chrstmas dinuar over a lunch cou -2'C ca'-"'lansscaIon othNtionarr.i i, ter sahen bis e>'a caugbt the name e!mn' sscatoIoDhe iL Vaukville. Taubvîlla probabî basai- rW'od men of Amarîca, .snd ;t rh ed a uear-thousauti Initahîtant, yet first convention Titetiar "Ti ;I, r' i,- Venkvîlla also suggestad fhe nams of rShearman, Chicîago. Titi lii ir Everly-Jack Evarl>'. Whan Wallng i-' - are faken at thte cousventron ýo 'r ford lied tast haard ot Jark Evari>' Wthea cadiuslinnîo!ratas onu us ir thte latter vas locateti lu Yankvilîe ,, ) sce vblch le Rai toa eplanati hh That sas sonne aîgbteu montits ha- "teieicapIîemein etle fore, but thara vas no reason wh>' ha h edcm l smeiga h shoulti not ha lherc stll. r tta Sherman nexl meuth. Il seemati that everyone lu Yank - 1 The "lneurgeule" dlaIm that saime ville knew the EvarI>' homesteat. i. t ofthlita bad officori are lu league wlth vas the onl>'crie o! an>' proportions the "olt iln Inlsurance companles, lu the village,, thaf the latter are attemptlng te put The red gîna tram au open fit-e -lltae fraterual organlzatlons ont o! bus- vîthîn cheareti Wstlingforti s numbeti ' Inees. Accordln.g ta aome o!flte tiel- faculîles as ha rang lite halt at, the agates. the contemplateti ralse lu the EverI> dont-rates woulti mean the end of the On lte tace e! ber saho opanedthet -' otmn rir 00cr. surprise vas the principal ex- ttideor e netoncoei h 0 pression. For, Wallingforti, bis six- eo h ovnincoe h 0 feattwIo ancasat iIn a great fur coat r.',deleataes, sai ta ropreeeuf oa-ar 500,- alt tiaugîîug vltU gîîefenîng sov ...00 members o! the Woodmen argant- beatis andti hbautisome gîovlng taaf acelion, adopteti a constitution anti by- Ieoklng trankl>' bnta ber own. vea a Iow a. Thte efficars of the new organ- surprise for any oy>ez. Izatîon ara: She ilti ont watt for hlma ta explaîn E. E. Whlppla, Marlon, loi. pt-est- hIseart-anti but vltb the matronea prie nîeiHmm taWrnho dent. Ilaa o hopîtlît' Ivîtti lm ntoHoua. F. 2. .Jomeou. Vînlon. la., secretar>' the varmth o! the boue. The sitates reprasented lu the con- Itt vas f oo coldtti tsanti outaitia," stocklng, "ha always spolie o! the day vautIon vere IllnoisMichigan, mndl- sbe axplaluati and valtati for bis vben ho coulti do thitI-" The anti a ho W oon isorMn quest ion. oflber sentence vas tirovned In the n,01,Wsosl.Msor.Mn 'I am B13b Wallinigforti," ha hegan nlatter o! a huge box of blocks drop- ýnasale. Montana, Iowa anti Nebraska. meeting thte easy cordial expresion plng ta the beartbsbona. of bier bIneeayas. "I am ona of the "Cheer UP."I sali Wallngford, Immense Phosphsate Deposite. Pelateti passeugers of lie bridge lie- 'vootiso blocks dont break,"- Phosphate lands whlch a yaar or np anti ticitiedtu f0 n over ant eieIf He stoopedta bpIck lte falion to>'5 tvooago vere vîthdravu f ram eutry Jark.,Cverly vonîti take plt-yonu a antisontierati Il te oman pinnîng for settlement by the faderai goveru e lti frIand anti-".up thea sfocklng traîie hlm boarti due ment, constitute. Il le salti, te great "J"ic Evsrty loft Yankville," a tttumpiug o! bis heart. A ornai box st kuovu phosphat e tiposît ln the gattle playati about baer lIps at men- found tiîe a>' bta Sylvias ai vîi Thasa lautis comprise nearl] tien o! the llustrIous village, "seme "Mrs. Vals, I cau't kaep Ite s aoth-l Utaioe of Uuta rout>'lu Wyo six or savon moutbe ag--" et- minuta," Wellîugtord sali. Mnlg anti portionseot Morgan, RIcb Embarrassaient, tlaappointmeut anti "Oh. 1 sa>'!" exrlalms i Dck vbeu rantiCachaecuntlies lu ?ta>b, anti of sut-prisa mîngleti equally in Walllng- the fiasbtng tilamont i rng vas un- I Beer Lake, flannocle5 flr,iam and ?br's face anti dt escape lie vrapped. "'You shountt xpeet te Pt-amont ceuntîeslu Idahc., makint la eyes o! Sylvia vas.Site spoke vili makeaaie take-" al about 7,500 square mlles o! terri reati>'tact. "Yen promîeti." The syez o!ftaetory vbîcb sR more or ]lesuntierlalit "Taka off ftat great coab, aitywa>, - Io men met anti Elkins knevteon b>' phosphati rock Besîies thesa anti comaplo the flireslde, îî'a no andti it-te vhal Walllngford's IpO vail naturel tiaposîfs, iH le potuteti out nighl to ha out.' voultiBspaak. tai the- gsssfrom thae malters am Walngfot-t follovati the slitm gray- Wltb two of the oposîte sax againet Suite audi tuaconda, vhlcb are ver?' clati figure lu a dacîdadi>' hoaeli er Sytla hat ituIla chance fta mur tIilurlous tu vegatatlon. ena>'lha matie state o! traid.Mînglati ith bis eam- ant ivtit a tlngliug sensation lu averu ta ylald slphurîc acId for the manu barrasseat et havlug vaîkedta lta oerve she stîppedtihle ring on her factura of superphosphaute fertllzers an absoluta strangers boutse,wvas tae rlgtt banti. 1_______ sutiden attraction ha fait for thbia girl if vas laste lie next nlght yhen the1 S outh ,Deicola A,teslsn Wells. viiththlie 500 11fhair, Somthlug-tlse c hîlti hataganbn auuchati ho be4 to East of tha Missouri river lu South combInat Ion perbape vas maklngblim dreami.o! a vondarful day lu the king- Dakota more thaon 1,000 arfe8aswavtIl feefl ite a tattgua-tli ebhoiboy. Itdom o! boye viti t trea grovu up pao. nov axIs-t, drewîug thi aveer trom sas a mosi urnuoas.]staeo! mînti fer Pie 10 play wlth hlma, thiat the tliree the~ suppî>' carrîtti b>'fte undarlying Bab WallIngford.~ ~ again sel about the open tire. 4naoefrain n upsdt Thara s'as a patter of Ilte feet " nvr amea tplrChit- frunsthe IBlackli lle andti he andtialin>'boy o! bbreyeare tht-ev Inms. li 'iugod eia itRock>' mounitains These vails, useti Ihîmsealftnto Wallin&torii*a arme. rn lIi vIenill for Irrigation purposas, are "Ohb rayo Sut Can"'ha Nor 1 U lu nDîck. Vale missed tram 500ta 1, 000 feet deep, anti the crîtti gleedulli.î"Ithearti your saîgitagoits alrgt"h aiit le>pressure o! valet- in the oastaru pari Oelse anti sav your big '(uzi>' rose tIr "Sis anti ber brother-lu iav are of the stata la suffirlant ta gîve a sur' Mamm, tat haSaut Clas"' ulte siniîttan - Anti unavare o!filhe fore flua, except on the hlghast landis. 1 Tite chîltie moîher wvuîtihave bvrh ai raail WllgodsOn- all i-i eltis 3,292 gallons a min spoenbutWailgtod' aas leulheert ha book bis daparlure for beti. ute atio furulshes pawer for s flour spknbu aligod' ys l&-leavîug the fao ln silence. miii f.v de>' anti for an electrIc Itglef eti for silence But the sitence vas a comoteaons plant b>' nlgbt. The davalopmneut of 'Von young rascal' Ton reughtt -ouaIlu hlch spokan wo'ds asud ibis saut-ct ofvater suppile Io till go, oId Sanly tbis titre, tiltint you? AgdO fhoughts vare unnecessary. Aller a Latg tn-rtir ha camne aspecîali.y to flid out abat moment WaIltlg!ord leaneti tnt-ard

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