tAXE OOUNTY DEPT RlADCPMBM'Ib, -193i1,' ly This Sigo yoU know that you are getting the y one prepa- ration ta bas stood the test for over thirty- five Yeats and stili re- mains the Standard tonic- food -medicine. used and reconsmended by the rnedical profes- $wua the world over. Emula ion is the embociment of ekiments tbat make for go 'dealth and Mz eoegtIM $eî Vacuumrît ci-aller is tire cortesi ' ROCIKEFIELLIER DEPARTME NTI c.>ize tib lie ë lý I. 1,!rlrirau neit W Welresday, leri 20- T. F. SWAN, Correspondent and Agesrt SI Chalude htacel irîýt rtrieii iii rarest Iwo seet alter -iperiditii t1 uinirer rionibe VI worriig fi-jA. orri a lîîrbr. 1ie Mfrre. D. A. Ayrsley was conlinM ia few W. H. Kniggre bas Insialleri a nese Wm. atdîrliîlrrTua litrnIpfict fo" davea iîs n'iek wtb an atiset of pool tableinutbe barber sboi an d i la Kansas, Wednleilay tni iI-it thirueider îlearlsy. -qo fent ibat rnast aithtelioytihad toa' buother wbîî n eriti-rly rII.Frank Enigge wlro bas bren iii wftb learir ailtriver again. Mr.andMr. Ilrry Kaierofpueunronis Ias recovei-ed sudwsiib bise The funerai services of H. F- Houas Libertyville. ahi-nI Surrilay wiib Di-' famil> toot dinner witb Mi-. anrd Mre. were held ai Dianrand Lake nbnîrcbh at Fuller aud mrtléri. Nis. Stria Fuller S. A. Ki-amer Snndas-. 1:30Itat Friday aitrerncoan uif intîer- The bazaar of thi, nitionilS ie aiiii' Arthur Taylor ai thre Sheidon schooi ment toat place at the D)iamrînd LakeL Lakeelde pn lruiast '[lir-dîny and wro lbas bren conducting a training cemeier.y. A large number of relatives lrriday éveihgs iniri ythie yotrig clages lu Indianapolis returneri this werek. and fri-mde wet. prefent at these theà people of the haît iîtircliti iiced a (George Jlott of Mintwonaga, i lasi @ad rites of the depat'ted, w ho seasC grand sucessa Ne pi- gi-enies ere sitb 'Mn. and fi-s. 1. A. Ayu8hey Tues. go bighiy eteemsd by ail. Tbe Liberty- reudered each evcrrrng. Thu- varionS nia>' ville camp ai Modern Waodmeu couh- boothe s ert iiettiiy ilîî-u.raied and ducted tbhi very impressive sereines ai 1resided uver hîy ietiy yrlrung ladres Mrs G ridle>' bac reiuneod ta) ber haine the grave. selo diepenseir -fri-rrihretoth api-ane lu Liberty'nville. Ber &jeter. Mm. Lydia I ari fanc>' band mu-k. Richarde Of Ka&neas, accompanied lber John Holcomb af Bope, . .,G.jeisviit- I We rîaw Iase a rin nir.emakerin l for a risit. ing sith hie fatber,J. R Bolcomb. Thie towu, Antboiriy Airbane, tebriwami Glenn Knigge, Gardon fRay'and Ira is bis tiret risIt ince he went weeî thi-ee iormerly errplo.reib hieu brother at Nebrlich attended the bigh Iithiol dancve ycuroare go and iebi friende 'are ait Leryil.Héa a a drtr-ri rnce ont- ai Liretyville lasi Fiiday right. delrgbted to sec hum and congratulais Lîbatyvrid im on bis succei;@. John 8a3 s tiere loi insu and le netilng wrtli ine enrcurarge- Nexi Sonda>' morning Bei-. liair ili noîbing deinite as ta, the lengih of bis ment havirrg alil te wîrkirevan (I. aia u TeUlfs hit n nste, but ses hope b. elmate h as long He bas bis @bol)rin thtelBaas bqrlrhrnig the eveuing bis enijecis will be i"Ail in asporbe above thre barber ahoi. A il.', 81be The MysireWorlera beid their -anmal Ars. AI. tîset le enteriaining ber Idinoseri aibis at Hbryslhsbcr sieiio lat Wduisda an r'eletne Motter, Mrs. Ward ofi Bassts, Wls., bas bren bnrning up the ronde lu tbls all o t r 1- ld nflacrd. Nexi-Wednes. tiis eek. vi lo Le CI At fi vf ai ec li ce ati ni i ,,r.e- n-,- -t- icruni. No uac ienuglires ai-e non Mr. â.aair... Müu. .nganaM- da.v sveuing, Dec. 20, a clase I lite lies Christian Furdeavon services neit Sun. obtainairle as ta the aninrals speed but and M rs. L. T. Bouse entertalned nela- I" 3 ZM~I~ C J-I candidate-n are to Ie lultrateri sud ou day eveniug sili be in charge ai Mimes it l8 generaily knouoserhat he cou dl beat teil f rîm Chicago, Ereatoa anrd L......... ... .. .J Weduesday enuig, Jau. 8. ths installa- Edltbh Eoffman, neho bas arsnged a his osen ehadose tweuty îwo feet lu a Palatine ovet Sunda>'. hlsîm&s snd New ears pots s at tOn of nes alficeres wil bebeli ansd the ver>' interesiing program saddrpeial mile and never bat an eye. Ilç ha been Jas Converse had tira mliontuue ta Umo ilwans. lorige ilaniarnug ou baviar SUP. AtY, musit. neNesar>' ta post resiralniug notices at have several of hie ingiée.on bIl right Cat Euatmaie bsinis urfi~B F. Licbt4iuburger of Chcaga, atend Misa Jeasie Thomas hisdriliig the intervale ibrongir Fremont ta rendier hand bnoketrlu the blaser of bis i-arn (Oip«d Tu~îesuay. tri etn uia cnu u childreD for the Christmas exercisee travel sale situ suythinlg short of a ah-edrier. Beris reporterilo be dring a Ur 'udM u.E.A Pck vnttadlIver &an addressonifratei-nal inurance. shich sili hbehldi an Friday evening, threshlng engins. Her la a irille sell as possible. Waskegsn Manday where Mr. Pinte Tonu ill flind a fine hues of useful and Dec. 22d. This, le ou accouut ai reticeni as ta tire amaunt be recein'sd lu Sei-siaI rlative firn boe attende,:. aUoad.dthre aupervisors meeting. pretty holiday gîf te at HI. E. Mairanse. Chrletmaseove coin iglon Suda>. Extra the transaction but report bas It that li the weddlng o!ftRay Catiose ta Miss Beblr asr-aine he os-Coma@ in and matre yaur 8electiona. Ahl effort hi being made ta malle theee waq.sometbinrg less than nine .hundred Lila Wlnter both aifRi-ansicu. Tbey litguit Beirh esge i oapecual orders sili be given prompt and services menorable. dollars. seili be at home ta theirfrlsuda Iu Rogc-eo Mon wth tirs Lake Zurichr Creamen.v Co., careful attcentioun,_____ Park in the future. Colgratulations »Il le W 'orkiug fon Philllp Yotug. xed. Henrry Voeling and faunil>' ooteri DANGER [N DELAY l'ANHOE GI M fPaaie imbua lse upelat fDred BaaSe8 1- _.died at hie home un Chicago, Dec. lai ai bot"ney Are Too .Louis Bacile sert the wiitk endi in Chas. Lnedke, sebo bas heem staylngnounponTe-alserburi Albert Hoeft bas a gang nf carpentere foe Duse r e TooCicaga witb hie brother. IDan and i seh F. C.Snbumanter. retnrned ta bere ud id Tomie n bothe Ca MI work ou hirisnes eidaeanad it sel ageos o lbrt-Idiana. oeadli or@ nteCd son iacmleii.vllyPole. Ngen emeter>' mcci ecopltei. ile Pope o Nglot The Junior Stan Misianar>' Sociery MisesL.1.iSclrserman isiteri at(i. frie Win (lire suad naugirter frilrî'd Wm. Tonne sill give Up is positionu hchlthii imeeinîg san-eeirnof oR. cm Snchueirnan' i'arnrday anrd i-uiday aind grandsau, h)ward Evanenua iift witl.rtire Lake Zurich fGolf Club tht lot 'The girat danger of khune>'troulhes at thetbhume of tirs h)ulpb [astThur@ MisRIma Thompean epent thre paet bre WNNdneda.v fuir Melborne Beau-b, ithat tiry e>' gi rin lrîi(eliuroe n ofMal H. e iras been wtb the clnb fIrr srirei-rsrgslizeii them. ieaIhiib lias enening. Ater the bueinees meeting meek viertrng sitb fri-endsinlBatav-ia, Fiorida. bosrten eatre sehich ehote Mi. Tonne graduali>' uîrdermundei. Bectauhe, a lutich sa@s erve'd sand thre remairîder 111. __________ was a trnstyworthy serv-ant honing the headacire. nern'rinee, e.nrnea-i. dre- oI thteci-rinug aas epenuin piayîng MieBarbara Imaiun niitîrneil frountn akne edc e-uuns Positin for hat legth oftime. nems, lumamego, uriDrary ti-oubles, d mipsyBcah.Haace evuns ~Oetio fo thi engh o ure. giarci aid (tiigiuîs dseefollo ganes.AIl remport a itre mm... Chicago niandai-, after spendirg two Sienue dietnnd.rm îdre e lney Ail oui- merhante bore have ibeir la. irrreilcss aurecereian. h>un't nugleni Frank KtniggE lias liera iMi vith mets nlth friende there Kimey Plls e b elprdtýuinigubaii; showseidoses t.i-mmeri up grnung a -our lrîdgry.n. HcIp the' kîdneyr.icwtb prinonra thre fantt est buteai-pornnrd iee & Cirepu I unir>'Co., -ar-r- îurtiîîg tbr e Il abi ielp 3u. frr. W. S 8n oiahepaaie.Yuwi fu crelialleand Pe einely. l)oaaîrs e utile bteci-bt ae pan.Tboiirîhuin, Kantaker'. 111 , same.-h a.a &luelieo huuarties iae Yur mfad Kidney Pille, wlrublires nurind peoplelnabo as Iîntti-iultim icu thu rnnykrli..r a r ng ail~unu i s-tche sitalefor X rra rghî ein this lîcaui- fMinesMar-t-Panne @pont a feni duys A'udrewi ttniîur frount RoundlLake, trun ale ere fparri. intu raiel proléttrigbt ait home. Peirroinuse lhomne Mi-eJ.lF. Krnîtc. 424h River Si , ERIcinti tue[)r ncre, fire Smei- Jorues ehittI>'. ,p odywl a yAnnadarnd bhudier ainnaut tiriesfeit a sharp trade andi heIp tht people huidni) th, 1I. -s'i -h nae itn i- healtb foîr a setfmrd~uiîi are'!nan ai Miiiorî o eoebîl.II loîng tirn- ai(;ulîulnot tnow %nbat nias '1 he Sudny Meniîuil wii gi-e as amiy. dm11 ina hri-be icaly liie rruriiLad __________________ the luatter. 1 enrfinri-d cariilerauly lriiuri ClirrrstninAe nantureet thre hrira-nbSatîrr- fInsr. Lofr an l fire. Rihtter andieonaiaud manasepeckeo liîanirng behîure iru>' erre TH-ESE MAY WED. bc'm'e nî taîaiii mi tuilas iini ai- t-i-i-triag, 1lier 23rd. Erer-vime Bari-ard, retai-neIl hone Siuie>ua, nal trîr rl-'KuîuyPlsa s i iler-eltaItii toattendi ta ii> iouse- nelcnue nid rie re i kttu în utrI l lo nr, Je" a Sniag, Mlwaukee..... 17 sort Tht nat exnrtiuiîtii-cilrite anidI tp-îmrlng a lent tirteinnIlI sanihnl-n- guru t lun rn-e ne If1 Marice Engsaig ne.1.......23 rat strengtli and erurgy Icît At 1fihari MitnCrsesn aie.... 1oftren hard aborut hinînrus Kldîucy lr. Very Severe 'Xin.d Stormi W. Weber, Jr., mor d arr tire %w. tri-.<lou sr, i ni t rI>' i-cu1nnitlunuii JmHineChrlienanRne.... _231 inall.y hrgan nmrnug tlrcm.1 fl1.. tuit t a a long tiare since Waakegan Gi-cber farm lact M1iidnlaiia-sli u i hiîglt Jaispmne Dhizal same.......23taken thenn brut huu-fI.ië 1I Iinnrirelinf bubde- iîr io- uavie JnWrzaînidtr nalib Wlbnr Hanlu. city . .... 19m1 s Inrtinnrrîtire ueu- oi uhiniremici>. 1bshl u iwn tr ssvre Jh it tece h tc£mo Mabel Schruman,. saine ........ 19 etesdivriproirdmii ai tueeearn tas that seblch vi-littd thie section ast Saturday. luilt>' guruIdfaru) otic- ientau iuc.n ~Omrge Thoma,Chicago . -cglule. ancl1yni a nch ulutinrer lrhl.Sunida> aitennoon. fi-. an iii C-uu Pizet perît a lew aîî'aa l îu cuifi icris at mur triaunus tir 1 m iirongly reutinnrid isriKidncv Thc dark. atanni>' aay ritelarrerin- dayo suitb the Iatiei-t riarrntsrtei-n-cutiter'li ni,.s. îrîîîîî Ir%,ai - t-i-b ii ne-l Harle Toman, Cintra I111I.. 9iquPilato orber kidruny eu[fn'iri-s Iro abak, blusten>'lr î".Ahtei' .iurrnnc lLanudllr Christian Neson, Antîocb. ..... ..23 Fuir amie mv ail rdealer.. Pni-le 50 hatroo ai Mies E A. Niiude,-e1int (;aturule> art,, l'one 47 ,1iiT)ý[ýF LMIR 1 Marie Barenmen, Antioch .. . 1j Fu.utee-'rIiibîriu( i uCo u.Ni--a York, w ien thre ci-ld broke loose iltare Suînîîay mith lii- r aereait [.ii-rtyv1. h-ne ___47.___ Ohrltisir Baaed, North Chicago. .42 aneagen)tsfor the i nuti Snatce. asninge. bIse dosen aigris, nIppuerUp Mfrcs. J. R iîriuiil, %mmm lies hein Cutivate a pereonal prîde In your Rnniuitr e nau[trrniuuiind ite sud naîed gencral hayon. Tels- ý idsieHaec. ane..........~tate [Itîofuiber. 12-2 pVtadtigab ie etdm iirlg wi h lii-r parnts li-re, returnîviuhilit>' ta write saintarisTHAT AG- __________________phone___and___________________________dam-_trI ber home ina Culiruia Friday. COMPLISH THINGS. ___________ ageri aus el andi ithalI te as aday * whmnh causeri 4i-tr>body ta keep ln- Thrnise homiýr i riher eabsent orr side excepting thotesebo bari ta be trd>' thet int îtl in tne GIlinnrr 3. L. Trîpp, R. F. Route, Iring E. Payne, oui. eîîrw ere loirtand iiitiMaulîre, Presîdeni Vice Presîdent. Canier. The awnlng shlch eufferrd Mast im, îuaTbree. fiai-i ral, Henr>' Piat. REOR O CNDTIN Fdamage front the slnd sas the large A. Il. Schiannnu atueuder tire rîeet. REPOT (I CONITIO 0Fshade la front of the doable store of! ig i6i the mtuîikhouldcrn ualthue hake III! CI F ZI~ S' B NI<LJ. Yager. Before emirloyeBreached Ciiuntv NeuuirtI B lant last Turesnia> ROCKEfELLER, IL.,1 een bown andi toi-n toabreds and the Miss Marigelitr fe eyr o! Chicago, sas At close afbcrsinesDecsmhei-5, "Il. brai-y tron roailsbicb hbelli h sert a visitai- bere renîîrily. LiAtnil r-ni cm i bungiag bath andi forth In sea ay> ______ Il-SurM( MMthat thre plat glane mindows esesin ICPtnfaitruk illn inn i de; Lianba Srii rn-uuitu ic.14., great danger for a tîme. Fînaîiy they NO CAUSE TO I)OIBT UDWed 1 -.4 . htc aIiiite e ar-- 2.64i 67 sere raised ari the dangernsas tiras __ Ondteldd Pruiuni reu liriemiai-r aud irlurpoint.d Tritai 21sd i24 j Ttal W.... 22.2h5 2î ea jdaiia piiA Statement of Faots Ba*.ed Heavy Ses un Lake. I. tee C Iluolirîractieg cauubiu--oluttire aboraiuued l tecdo e.Iye- w i it Te e bc iesn Ilrp n by a Strong Guarantee tiehue c staeent i nit- îr end euwiruthe btenu ii n'y kiwciranninlolerfet. h e hc h idbs po 1.i-5 C HltT.1 i. Acting a shlier the late saBs a terrifie that buge rub ulaLtaNin.icdiiwtro bl'ahurrisa sewdlsit i. of ai-enbthtAple)s1a11W'e guaantýic nrnudunte andriuetive E. HLCOB, Ntar Pubic ave dased p avir he persailrelieftota ai euff'rei-tfroum constipation. aftennoon, in faci, some of tbem be- lu ever>' nase a becui-r rmedy fanlin ta Ing s0 lange thaitbey broke over the inn tbus se miii retuuItht malue>' jd ____________________________________________________ alk iriîgta thtIligbtbonse. ons fori l. Thatas a frank t ttmeut of Tire birgsteamer Coriigan.wbicbil18ematispnd s an ruf sbnnta To the Voters of this, the tied aP ai the Western Coal and Dock tbe &au rd rs u, atnjmt plant, rouie the storm vtrY nîcel>'. candy, are partiîulrrî prompt sand Eighth Sentorial District in fact rncounttred no trouble sehat- m greemable inr aiir inare'b. talion ai o! the State of Illinois. mu I ern The bai-bon sas pietty wtli arr>'tîme, day orni- ighun; do not cause A .7 UEdiarmihaea, nanusma. gring, Pehneesii-e After havi redelrequest. aud * stirreri up bat no darnage reslted. Iurrrenees, or un ber- utiilriralule effeu:t3_e. acursgsrnent ni moceata jiniost ILL HON 26W'2 ihid Mc litens rjusnaiTbcy bave a net>' trrrh i tpoerin'v8eel- township lu ibis district, i gave ROCKEFELLER, ILP O E 6WfnidMnInet usclIitrumant actran apan the organe wiîb "nbrie hney thi. mtter very carefuli iv«aticraandl An exhibitionrofa! anes invention came lu coîntact, chipai-inul>'acftg as have <iscishealte tiscome a candidate for self i be gi-en tint aftei-noon at te a rcgulativd rtnunlr p uuurtiereln-axednt iinunty reproestative, aubject te tthe ,Th1e S o e of M any De4 hts f.. r il>'Joseph Gamnnn. a man sho te blinO cîîmlng ieaknse, ant iduirig to i-etime lenocr'atic prhi..riea nu haie boldon Tht Intenuthon ftautnese bail wth vin, eiinnel a .iriîn.r.anirut Apthl 9, 1912. I~I*lin itarbcd andthe înugs bt Y i.I Belisving that the esipeTieuce andl Il itce, n tesrig f bth Rr-exall Odr maeunenrpapealftknisil*ge whicli i acquireal durinv the X MAVI S aere sru on tiresasme hoard. whlch5la and ieai fowr tire use of chihlien, r-Idaln.g tericf tourteen yers 1 sari-rd as aoeintiel iinw s ia n irtiner-y iriteanridelietc pi-irmins Weatnot a ursaber of thse Ccuuty ourd ot TOY, OCKS C MES D LL, LE S, harps.-'(an Firanclaco Cauliu hg lyreutrrnmnl thein tri ail Superviseasof Lake Couuty, heing TO SBO KS G MEDO LS SEDufois rn cru) jont a)itieIpatiriliCirairmn thi& ter, as Weil as Ciairnian and ic atedat enit;Tfarei>'s i-uc of th.e Berd ut Review, ibotter qualifies STATIONERY, POCKET BOOKS, LAMPS, - bkoirfit in ý.v do nuit ierre inrue me to serve and repi-esent the people of tilEUri.IoE Thr-mizfs:12 tableus31 ibis district iu the stalle legislsture thrn PICTURES, CHINA, CUT GLASS, iflflFI36I ) t cie25 lette arud 810tahîlcie s. nubcisahsenet irsltl3e benefit of w UHE UMIà¶R n-uIerS rMîaî-uu arsircirexperience in public affair. 1 teed WATCI-ES, SMOKERS SETS AND Dr. Whltehalj's un li- mi . ',i-r r r ile Ontuînt iconfident cf succes,and if efecteri ta TI-OUSANDS 0F OTI-IER tir oficeto hics asire i1eulcir * nn urn T!C ~ ME JY &ttt'iOhulini> cii-, ii il ue li ilas. or faction mitii ___________________ tirsemcc7oratic pariy. as il cill bc my .. .ARTICLES . ... For 1 ysars a Standard Remer futFR AEoniy d.isretli serve .ai e aiefra fRireumatim, mm sFR oElsktevteao t itrc o hýut o reslii15iC. h (r (rpkHcin ale su u irer oaof o! upen rsra CIGARS, XMAS CANDIES, NUTSF UTjonsIlqikyrleethtuvo(rt pl ih:o.matmmeofheBrd fSprio. 0F AL KINDS, FRESH CELRY te Pisn forth@èYtt ol 0 neDt ,tDFRunîrVu9drLIA, il o,,. Pi , o .îuiyurc or d o fo u rhaesn -y s aI o tdrgit.47. Doian bli î l uduit. rf c12.1 cti-e lite. and upon IlaSrecord i solt LETTUCE AND QYSTERS Wko efr a F Ma 6408____nex___the support of tise votera cf this district. Dr. Whiteholi Motelmin. C If t'.s alob fer a saut &a DON'T iRaspectfuliy yours, 158 S. Lafeget, . ssth cessilsed* JLeAVE IT TO A P.AuCAitDI THOMAS B. GRAHAMI Rti.S(IC U L an d tuineuiiuliuti SiS. i lu- e$11 ui. Il. iUid-tir ii-un - r i-rraice e rU e lunnrec li il ti iia-e i s Pn t ai avcuiBarrk ue.uu152 i 60t tnue. !Seinucii. ecii i iuurun FI it. l uururun ca Fianicea1.i711 .5 Iuluu tua ml- ni-Ina-nu aiuul ili cri,, I uirnirutluu.i-utri-iuc$2i49.t0ii iA iicilIl 1105 Ceiet ai- c aille t Mrurii.. re..,].1- tant t Uedisîd-miPI-att.lei-sFa-itarIdan latte emI .S...n N atiluii-trLtNiiic5 etanduec . ... Ilottn Dlue te Siatc andi Prîvate ruanki and truikera ., - . ..1 . i flit8 Inic t le uprîc i rluleet tri crin-ci .34 O ii ni teucrrurt-tliof mn nitrii8.6d3ni cu-unuen rccu~ .liSlM ur -.aed Inls -iureiuinu- . lnt i. -ne i-c , ii-tira-r ... ........ Touil, Î2Trutis STATE OnILINOuIS Ctilt itOF crAh h. ti 1,.. . nulîcuiuey tashinr, c.of the aur r ameni b-nd. de tiýniili-ear inat the airte j, aînrîuuiruoe e Li ii'orfiime keoleder andni n-rut. n. s rrRIDtr..Caiir. F3ui)rietd au and nnu mte fn- ne th tI nueday of tni-cnutuii-011i Cuurerrt Ateit:- LY ELL H. MOttES. ottuy Mtt. BESN1H. MILL.ER, J L. TAYI1OR, W. WALRON3. Oiectars. VOLO Mrs. C. 0. Buon and daugbisr Marion, ras guest.s of Libertyville friands% aturda>'.C Mi@@ Naomî Vasey wae a Chicago ietor thuraday.t Misa Katbryri Front and Lillian finger @peti Tueaday in Libertyville md Wankegan. Ed Lnsk and wile spent Manday in lilago. (ira. Eatinger and famlly leave ibis1 eek for theirnew home near Alexandria, a. Rogers of Waukegan, wan ta>eni îddônly 111 tant waek, ls§daughtir, MrlA ,bas. Rarrgbt wascailed there Thuraday.i Ut ibis wrtlng -rhe in some botter. Mma. Dr. Stevens of Janoivilie, Wr,.. orterly Misa Gertie Wood of this viinity died at ber borne there Sunday t th e of01fifty-tbrse Years. Ber oid cquatntances sl be grieved to leurnr of er deaib. Pari Paddock -was our ruala mai cariner Tnesday. Mme.Swayer sel epndeeveral roanthe witb ber daughter, Mms. Branniman in Bryon, 111. - - - ~ drlvr 16 bande; 1 gray cbildpoe s0 D1 EFUD jand iiiviigpany, 1 cheotnut tboV0,h --~-.~.e bred rnning mare. 8 yrs old nat Mrs. Asenatb Parsons @pený> the paît the 1110ney; 1 mui le cmîug àd ir'oa Wek villjing wlih ber non and family in 1 bai fam mar 12, yr old, la foi, Chicago. 2 gond roaIdtiri-se. Mr. and Mrm Fred Horenherger were Ustial terme, G miontîbe. Free lunch ait tire guesis aiofMr. and Mré. Larilte lu '100n'1- Zblcago Snnday.RF.osE J. B. Mfflutiv, The bazasr of the Ladies' Doaia A. W. KOON, Society wea seeli aiiended and tie ladies Proprietort. cleared 1126. UIkrr.XoOEi., Arlîrer Mms.John Willmau iL vyys iii at present writlng. Counoil Prooedinge A number r>f people front Deerlleld P.exular meeting De. 14, 1911. p'u-. attended a barîaar lu Sîrerinerville Scbnaaebele in thec chair. On roil es» Saturday eveuing. Boyes. Cleveland, Dolleonair. Ellawortk and Faulkner answer-i ipraillet. 1. A queer acting Indiridual wandered hollaird absent. iOta on. aithe Deerfieid business plaesa The minuteu of the tant meeliqç wes Monday night and wan arresred and road a.nd airprored on motion ol take tu ighlnd Prk. aulkner sud Eltesawortn shlcb o&rried. take taHiglan Pak, ies E. A. Bushi and F. Nicistar w@re A large nurober of Deerlld people arm prearni and aulted permisision to fier maitlng epecil trips to tosen tu viâit tcraraos wer main un AVPIiy Aie. Sana Cauëan tocomlet XaB lte a iotioionitwas la over ta Saut Clus nd a coploe Knasthre next meeting. shopping. J - W. Butier preeintsd a nslvplat ot Tbe Xmras entertiamuent of tbe Butlet'. second addition tu o BtIê,' 1Preebyterian Sunday scbool will be held subdivision. fi belng found correct It lieasrouvert by Fasulkner and"a Ttnursday nlght, liec. 21ât. AUl are thé plat IN> w-epited, Carrled &Il votlng lurvited ta attend. aye. Ilve by Faniner and Boyos 1bait Tire mini-nage of Isls Aima Jacoba and t'Ibe bond i i J. W. Butter for *»00DWs EdI Segort seul taie Place Saîu-dav gu-telinthe ti street be aceceçrted. Carld alternoon at the borne of Miss Jac'oba. ail voting aye. lite. èr lot uerdayfo a otr dss The ireasirrer'a and clei-k's repffl Mre.Cjsk lis rreeay or fe da e seread and and lied by te ir asan. visut lnhcoa i ormlîttee sud on tiroir favorable report Miss Sarah Dempsy o Waukegan im were aeepted on motion lit Bolieumakir and aulk ri hcaried vlsliuig witb Mrei. Bd Bleirnehi. Tho foiio)wiu bills liera (0. K'd. ii _____________the fiance r-oînmlttee. Moved by Dollerimaier aird Ellowoi iii tba tire ACTUAL STARVA fION bis ho allrried aLd warrant» drswu on iri-repective funde. 4(aild *aN voting aye: t at bu ndgsin~ Lake Cao. fnriepndent, piiiitiugz..$ 12 96 , Facs Abut Idigetionand Public Servi,,. Co.. 11gh ' ....... 69 )Il 8 Its Roliel Tflat Shonld Ludlowe Valve Co.. valure on Interest You Jenkins Bron.- repaira on engins@ T7S» -(lould Mfg- Co., bing. on engins Il 81 .8 Althongb Indigestion and Dyspepuia Wskegan 011Co., asli 29 46 yare at) prevaleni, mont people do not B. P.i'iiiglbrry. etrest work ... 51 50> thorougrly understand ibeir moans sud 0 E Lestcr, etreet work....... l? X cure There in noreagan sby muet Rd Quentin, street worl ..... 2S850 apeople should n<ît eut snything tbsy Johnr $Vwdatn. etreft work a n deai-e-iltiiey will oly chew it carr- J.-T Davis, draylng............... 4 S lily and tbororrghly. Many actital.y L. A. Hoan. r-anrt coata. ...10 tO starve theoselves ruto oicknema throngb J I.. Taylor. prof., servies . 2M(00 fer-of rating etcry good-lookiug, gîîod. Vaut Ray, flilgatlng............ 21 Te sî mrielliirg and good.tasîîing food, becans W. W Siridpr, surveyor........... 1I !p yit does not agree silh thetui. EF, BCirrlpttr,expressaand freight i1 15. Tht beet dring tir do is trifit youri-ef E. C. Yourng, salary.. .... -...... 66 Ils hi digest any giour!fi)(,]i 1)rilr- alary ............... 65 004 r re elie-.'r Wr van re.lieve (lyppipsra t) liinirrv. flirîin alany.,...20 (00 ftWr are M nu irîlidrathI s fart tFat se Altr a diaeailî,r, ) a o hibe gsaintmW garanti-i'anîd prirrnîse til) sujppretire Cr-et i'rflitrliairîner it % amoed by ii-rh lire fi-eofail cnit toeve-.on@ aile iEllswîrrtr aud (leveîsuil to aîlow Mr-. wii Ump t, 'hIi,[lo t îs'r.-ttl3 eiieni 'oruo e .pni'v dalla-s forfive nionthas witl tii.riirlîUtýIiwlîi-lrt pi iiu,'ec M", - -CI.'eelid and Eilvwoîrih. Nayp-- eait i,,, promriees, rîpîuî u ra e ilrBoîy-i, Fratliur, Doîlieimarer. Motin aiîy rrlIliguit.i liaht.-er i noilirî,h 10Ir ' igeurIieldiii arer. arr aeirigli r M tii-riby Di)iiinrallier and Birype tirai m; ue ad rirr-p mttiuetr..rr llriutti- tp iie ueridi 4et i ct lrmirsionnsj I N ro rofi, r, nirrii ail iryiiri rvî. ri e uatcI--ry ()neîroulpîj.îi stii Ii lin lrkîiî-r andBoyes thait it ticIi geetàit rr c i vi-s rerriii ii an)iirforiii j M I %i nig ler il#t -ried tri put ia p roiuis ti i Ui- iiti-i-aulv ui% a liox iofrî.1îiir i taih i i-iilillg on L..ake St. Allillitaf.;u a falrta Tru rL, ri Brai i ati Courîrt.-t heu *v Si. aird] 'iui.n riy i lu-.. ili i- tireur ai. ia let r i.r. A ir arInde i~iv,-l crIi eigon Ssrmed arcii -rrrg iiii in-l r rs 1 wî,if Uni anud froad wisyr Mt. Critldalvtn >atr.el I-ol rneil, u- nijigi-r> Iui-riiu- a, c The ra t lc ire ei-ry ul.eai)t itat-, Miie brIl%- 1relu nd su d ((iirtete. tIrey aid tri...... teanIriritabîlee tIoiifi. ij. ourîti ii ioaN, îl-11. ai Mrp. m. 1;) Mt retli randain lii rni e tire dig.- lici tri irs ii iîi, .oIt-a tiraui . l iiiL ,Viiage Ciert arnd rrinuraill lii r,-i rrrri ti a liaiît I______ ni, p.-'Iri nul luir)t' i-tii iiiandr A 25.-lart "ifi tî-Xirl l Detrcîîrîa Reprt of Cnnnulltlon o Tui Ici,, lurnirîres 15 ni rrairrirt Iri of the i uirdian e' àeN. thi. i elir-riritiio pro- iii tIIî ririte i zhil , i vi il t - a- i ti 0 ,N it $1 rieii l 00i.. lic ,nIcir 5. 1l911 Ilemetr r ii ail ri ltai n It xi-.aI hu n.aîi i-'îiînt Iets ild i c n rh. ,rriniipii 'il[,îr li t oa r r rd ' ri; nr d nuicr-iI i.4.11 rt,,-Ti, Rl-ýir I liir. I )n-g r& 4urriin i Oir.. eWsiii0i0sa air, iii in.'9r, W.117 90 ou 1-u.ori - i ilPf- H .u4tikî un A action Sales. sar l1 er- u- B lincrie Aeiitî lei "ýn ra te i ni e ut.. isi71A Ifil nt1 ciraiv miiI-i a i 1 ri-iik . ti Iedn plne1iiZ6.t4t1 irei chai. liii- ftari 1, lng nlie pr-n I21 it f-i rin Bausînk, 2%0.1 ina oalfi livaet-rk,5-,0initile, 25i fr-ehi Tn Cia em,., iwitIîraiolces (y ciii,, 20)licIilirairlMC lieavy cpWi igele. ;) lirciH, 29)h Irrîsa l] Caillai 1151k raid lu ..... 50,001)te ru iposîe, 4M hrgi h Irîîd Ciraa hrares mai-c1e1.ir5,000,00 - .. , air ljndrid . Otre, irai Maienscia-dî i clrrenîîit gchdinig, 12 V ears .aid. 'ra-circifi .1 - 1937006 wî 14100. lhs., good farta hure;Naional lienk ineuic, ianiilg. 40as0. 1 liratrar il ,3 i-s old; 1 2-yr-îir d 810i i ~r~icic:tacek .8559 'iraIt hll-y. 1 I rlrldraft mflc>, Cifieîi rliu 845îrdeier 90as blarck carrrige lirie,. 1Cr iairds gi-nue Totl.. .... ...... M "- foîr liadyt' idirite, 1 nirCe licrlr uigi-Id iii- 'lste cuit CIii iiiîy criLake, se Mer tle for ladin-asîor cillii iii ta rnide u 1I , r P r uiir Prilieii unithie hste irrIve; 1 i.roringellirig. 100(l lis., 1 t cnit isrdi eriar a, btritO&b.- :stanîcîîî imiatiita- btc .1a .nrknawrc'di irui]hiri-e 0 ir te rirrîtri-, 1 lioi i Muanrireler 3 3i.iihd grliîing, guiid al griiiv; 1 liai-I 5'P YMi>ND, Prcclrlet. -5 i- aid mrure, a gîrrd nue, 1 2-j r-ouni iubcrircd and iW.u,. ta fle-emetalais m daly o.1tecerirbe 1911, mririe, 1 enlrsîinut ronamisîr, Sii-s ald; liLilUA ATAPLES. Notai-y Prir 91 pair hi-own n eneic.l purI-drue- eiss, Cernet Attend 5oalri6 'ire fîîal, nt 250;1) ai ar(i. A.WitIIHT. iray coriilnaiin lîtîr.ea,.7a:d 5 yrs l li, C. it UALLOWAY. greIdrng asrd rrare-. Tisle a hig Dtreectars ii1a-s pair (tlif ases, gônd drl-. afraid of rrorhrig:I i-ev tro ronéd nia- 6 That eluslve baardlng bouse wbieh t %- ni od, t'est rond nia-epoile;ir;lacir Yau halle determinei ta Sud SOMS a iedlurg 19 Vi m rnld, jgoarifaraily rider ard jDAY ma>' be advertlscd today. Report of the Condition of The first N~iational Bank. At the close of Business Tosday, December 5, 191i. A-Bw We RIO .ni PI