CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Dec 1911, p. 4

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LÂt~ fiOtTNTY r~~I COUNTY INDePENDENT OFFICIAL. PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY russ Toiapbose No. I.franor's Resàdeose Telephons No. iti. Llbertyviiie zebiflgt azur" a& bePostone eta lbertyrtfle. ni.s e eond Can Matter mu" waziKt. .aufon-rtstwo RATM NÀO5 IXOWU UN APPICAT'ION. BU88ffliPTIONM PRICE' 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA94CE W. J. SMITH ................................... ..... .........Editor P.C .8M ITH - ..- .1.....-......... .. - ........ M anager *# L. MUBBAR . ... ....... ........ ..... .. .......City Editur FRIDAXi, )ECEMBEL? 15, 1911. THE FAIR ASSOCIATION MEETING. Interept was keen at the annuai election of the Lake County AgriculturalI association in Libertyville last week, d espite the tact that there was no con. test for offices. Those present manltested an enthusiaarn for devetopment of te annual county event and whie the association has had excellent officer, in thse past, it i quite evident that the new set eiected are not only competent men but men who wii be untirrng in their efforts to boost the annual county el.snt. The fair le an event of the people and as such deservea the hearty1 support cf everybody. We trust that the future of the fair association wiI be even brighter than .* paut; 'w. trust that the new offices willi recelve evtn better co-operation in the futurs titan tht retiring ones did in the past, if such a thing la possible, &»d .everybody realîzes that toc much heip In such an affair cannot be given. MAIN ARTERY 16 BLOCKED.a A deplorabie faut ia that thse hlstcry cf Waukegan bas Shown thoughtless.t ne« on tIhe pari of cty officieIs in begnnlag street Iteproyemnents ges in te that oftentimes Important streets are proctically blockaded during1 thse wihtetr, nt à lime when aide roads are neyer in geod condition., This fact la now true rsgarding Grand avenue. That main artery t0 the1 ýcly tram 1h. west la Impassable as a resuit cf tht atwer work sarted there1 lat fI. What ls the result? Persona comlng intc town from Gurnet or j faither wsst, have te drive way out around th. golf road in order to keep on 900d roade or they have to switch off 10 tht South to Waahington street at Spauïdings Cornera. Tht latter rcad in cf 'dlrt and seldom in good condi- tion. Thse pint sa, that, if snch vwork wcre started and finisheti durlng the am- nier, thse aide roadi, auch as tht ont eading from thse corners to Washingtonn street, would te in passable condition and the shuttîng cff of Grand avenue moud fot b. ao Iard on traveters fromn thetvent. It acensa no dîfferent tbis year than in many years of the past. However, itlas an laconvenience to tht public and, to a certain extent prevents farmersi miskln trips te Waukegan as freqaenaiy as they might therwlse do. ýTAL E ONIPS on septmbe 30 of TdB 1 Yea, PteBimble and Mary Thompson Wed. Groom vws Sou Of King Of Gypsy Tribo and Bride vsMember of Baud. Pote Declares bis Father-in-1 Law Took Bride Away, and Kept Monley. Rruggling blindiy between hie.Ile htrlîed Romany Instinct, teling hlm that whats-er the ftiher of tht family dotsl mnut be right and ackulred lcne- iedge that t'niîed States iaw might lie seme irelir te hlm. Peter Bîrubie, 25 years omd., 61l:Xes t Twelfth place, waiked into tht Maxwell treet police stationr ýesterday te aso Irf hi. father- in-lac corîid taire bIs wife away freMi -hlm if he so chose- Lieutenanlt Darrow ,îimrîrmîfeu off hie chair. "\What do you mean?" te asired. "01r. i hought lier tref i hm fer $2,- X\ark,'r~'ay lrce itiaisi aslied .11i Mll subacription accounts for the INDE-. la3rPSoir1 PENDENT Up to December 1, 1911, are due and erioe m -W atal payable to Frank H. Just. They may be paid at Sh ns the. INDEPENDENT office to W. E. Davis. many o .if irour ln for subscription due, if flot cer- aecure ad tain of exact amount, subscribers may pay as ber father usual, senti in $1.50 for one year $3 for two Jdg Ivr,-a years, etc. Whatever amount is sent in excess thîigt tei of that due we wiIl be applied on advance sub' cocsoled. Binirli, scription with the present management by me. aîrts of t The accounts will 6e turneci over after a r'hairr, .ci trrry ire. reasonable time to the Sprague Mercantile er Irot hi] Agency of Chicago for settiement, as 1 wilI flot Tirerce sa be bere to attend to themn. ~1dr Pay yours now, ,pcr'ieak FRANK H. JUST nu iSlat', tr in rriJr ltonir.'rrr s a . Ir~e' rr.t RAILRi G] Detroit ÀNewr2k 'f emat.l R=a ebo poed and R inviib. i Hb. C o n s o lid a tio n o f a ue g a n Sycamo e di Wo- stoc Linos Head Deal. In spee.klng et the eiectric merger which wam prnted excîrîsivel)' In tht SUN a few days age, tht Elin News et Monday sald: Coensolidatien et tht Woodestock aird Sycamore electrlc leterurban wlth the Waukegan. Rocicterd andl Elgin Inter. urban Saturday makes IElgin the huIt eof a network et eieetric îlnts whichi web the entire eortbern part of 1111- Maren go-Harvard Route Secured. Tht Waukeggu, Rocirtord anrd Elgin lile is belng but frem Waukegan te Woodatoek, taklng lnr ail the villages Rec~ord bus npt LosL the ha a gan. Oodlettee viii fot Select a it qrat Leat Two Weeks. Benator Oison bas not Taken Asylurn Into Randsanad Sent it toWaukegan. Tht state board of administration will prebably not uive aaLy cenuidera.- tien te the location of the oew Insane asylum for two weeks at ieast. Sev- enty.eight Cilles have asked for the 5.ylttm andr Coi. Frrank D. Whipp and B. R. Burroughs, ttso of thtetnembers ot the boartd, have vlsiled al of them, says tht Elil Courier. Lawrtnce Y. Sthe'ran. Thomas OConnor and Dr. P. K. Not'bury, have aL nuchber te vis- it le tht southern portion et thre state. and ne action Ila anticlpaied untii they have looked lto thern. No elimination ef sny ot tht pro- nw hoe wants her teck,"was en route. Tht Woodstock and Syca- Posed sites bas yet -heen made ln spite ln doubtfui English. more lice. naît, n operatlon, connecta et atornes te the conttrary. Menibers tnt Darrow was properiy with tire Elgin and Belvidere rosi at et tht board dens' tht sltatemaent at' and quostiontd thtetmae. Blin-%Iarengo. Promoers cf thte'Wood- trihuted te S8enator Oison tirat be bui l a South American gyp6y et stock andi Sycamore have 'aloi si- toki the asyiem away frem. Rock- rtraotion, with but five Yeara quired tht franchise and riglit of wBy tord. that he bas seen the membet'5 ince et American custOma secured some tinte Igo by HamUton er tht board and secureti tht location -en hlm. sald simply: "I Brewne, boad ef the Elgin and Beivi- tor Waukqgan le bis own coenty ef rte Waukegan sOte SePt. 30. dore, troin Marengo te Harvard. This Lake. There le aise deelal of the r-gypsy religion. Uer naine rlght Ot way enters Marengo over Its stQry plublisi d l a Rhetbyvlle paller oipsen-ber very pretty-18 principal thorougbtare. Tht route balf that the location bail already iJeen : t pay $600 for wedding, bete graded anti the rallroad la beleg dacded on for Rangannnn ceuinty. ither hie make me go betore rushed te complet1on. Col. Frank D. Whipp telle se ameN- mid sigu my naitne te $1,500 Consolidation et the weodatock. ing story ID ceenection with hie vieit 0oW tie ant girl hack te gii't Rocirtord and Elgin wihtht wood- tea(Charleston bornebtme &go. Meta er man and friends tell nmt stock and Sycatnore provIdes tht coe. bers et tht board were gîven a uitile law net let him. I ]Ose nectleg licir for tht former road hy banquet hy tht citizens and an olti 1 bat e wfe. Clan America whlch it wlll reach Rocirtord. Tht gentleman saftoasxt te Mr. WhIpp. lie Teillrut." final slretch et track wiillte but feared Rockford would be chosen and Slgned Ccntract. front Svcaimere te tht Forest (City vias enthuslasiicaiis ln favor etl ti seul!" cried tirelireuten- ('occect Ionsawith lDe Kilt wlIllae Charleston, atid tir advorating the le the croit extruordriIryierenradý at Sycamore.cMalinset 1 h,' eonrrrmcty. salid er hearrioft' Binrbie SIi 'gv aIre h tte tts There I trioî'emporii..n hetwe' n fore .tudge t'hlir tes ieîten-1rElgoinr et rneas teb ofrte f tt t, rrvers of thetIwrrceonnres. \Ve w. and ai'ter mureh qrestion oetork f arengo înîte ofrthe bave th' Ettrirria rrerirs Irave tire roncto rosiMareîngo.irr.exîriaine futrser ru lac tad orae tttraffir' trir'hrc'agoe wîîî crnemosîl'i1h, [loch river 'Fi e itnîraw r'.ii fanmeeriasuliit moraErer inlthrriglî Elgin, 'ra the Elgin and Bel ýhigirgrarderii ml'itra ern, h1éi'i rall fr 1.oobeor En r iere anri lire 4tirra, E'lgrir and <'hi Rock is ', iarriii, at tii"ii ilretrir isiierlfT of I.aire ceunis, cage. lasiceirI is' ie, tioýrer e ir' Tt rrelI. ie (i-f rtpolice of1Thetresh. sîrartutthelrrir' cksîrlue aater" ri anri \\ -rer A. a o , lie m roialoiml r ieosok Titrs , r.tire i'sl tirteth ir, i ru, IrtrirT't ri. ' Ioriford aud Elgin and tht Weed .1,1' et W'r tgs rr a stcck sud Sy raiite reada nitthet trriý ý tiige 'hlir, Whlen ilînrîr mmcetofplans long laid, t. A Spmrriin u, i mai ru îlot lorali s rîrn tire afilrmîatirve .udge Uh- ney, pretident ut tht fermer road. is 'Thnion vumîîst lie married secreîary efthlie latter. which le head- You 'fthe inlaw ca crtil mi C. G. imlev. The tac roatis Reinstate Canteen liave' empioyed the saune engineers orI W'smkesha Aie is tht ninoue t he r wfe ro vor tei." oail tîreir woru andthe oeRrers lbave îrcw beverage whicb e tri ticdis- , arriagelaeps gond aurtAe vorlied joretîs. lissd at Fort Shetridan te rien ai the narrige,-repled Iinille.îio: and, ti coceectron with the test- Lwlfe came for Anrerîca lac? May Take in Belidere Line. Iue e ut of the '"aie," tht SUtN iafor. icire), taher. Tiraitelao- A furîher conirltatloiiwith the El nisied an litrteresIing statemeni. nan religion." ain and 13e icji (-i. oirits salît]net te ahicr, wiriile I trOfficiai, comtesfrcec ur elfe leave', oii )ou eau be Improbable a source wicî seems relile. dis qrcc or take the lac to Accordiîîg te tht Informant. tht gos- ýr fel forcinglirer freon t ýoî,"ILLINOIS LAND!crulient tas pteci. idd te h las,' a lii, dcctartd decidedtv, tut VALIUES INCREABE' test tmade of t hi' aIe andi accorilingit atîd 'geing te l-aw" raesart ire îwelse setdlers ssere îmercedas tht Bimlile and tec as oisIliait Stili 'We Have 8ome Good amnt i tri tht aie rie, anti, if ltesý hone n c uti latce loti Land at $25 per Âcre a'titedirefei rîihse um hont onTýelt'rigiofut eîtrg d,' unkt i' geserinittîtt mo rouilla wiili no tales mor Tiere arc nmi'a tea acces ltIti l1rwrîîîitiatthori',' thelerî ir,' >ale- il a slove to aid in tIr-e iiii iis ia reto eln ru d $5 lttecnen fil moheran fe siid- ýnd 30 ar vei'ti.,land bas ad Men Immune e Pcc. týsan ie r e unnu unirwvated tathare sis etiire forrtn $I 2lBttirane Joleof thei ter e c if te Ir s nr old girl itriortari 1 ie tile iitlt a ie n flie laits;ix r 'ers, enîle r lumriti i rIertB front r the tort, tuai iiini tf tahe-m'r itrîcîl tri., lier im'hetrsr'isemen who ecre îmim ed ee r lrr huiiiianml' Iier 'toi* 1t, tiri lnreiing itre limiter wnIlththre lottire sert elle bail bce irninnre k's Lî;iirlsIii 'J exlandîlAni tir e ue i stire eheati fartai is gettîng drîrnir goc's. leneller ir .titlmi' tin' a I i A l1r i lic"'mi'al'îl 1h, ' t ir o gha 1111,.le oir ili fefilit> a, vitir Issrrds, the-\l ihait lîee'n "accinasIe-i - ý1 li fo ood Sh l'etIw r,'eseet scii Itiiiethots rit tatill adîhr' aie - woumîdn't taire le huit1h,' itrînîi, o eire i a dh sm l Tilîr are salî tu hase driirir tll lic Iflir fa hemIr '0 1-ic de t'r'iîesrble eietrand wehen thes liai tfir t g mih lun-i mi m if 'niri\ lIj(n ut tire it.te. lshed, no signsoflitdriinkeiiieEs cvcri, Larîl ans-eriîu. thm'aliose rieci', t e ba ectqon any oetbIem, Aceo-ot OAD MEN ition i-r-sat - îir i crhe v ien rpar, ngyttc aie 1iroeei ut t t lail 4VEN AUTOMIOBILE h i' slte. c j' our wiii' gri ' are;i prrmreîi 1 tiIl 5%as net air tIntoxicanut mntimirgaîi Ili alndl ij, iilo - rAnd: iîasing mpassed islbmre. ut Manufaturer ends1 tests, tth' aIe c-as ormie'iirîIsîcll i L M nufctrerSenS lire at-,ieniiandriis nom rrsailatie te ine this Weeand â11 \trieit1-li I rîttIrt'.liiimi ---. t is lia pfuis r- .l Cliz rimml, r In i' u l i ils ir'i l a tt e ceeu relortIr cItira? a igir cris applness Now. etî'.inig t- 1. 'I'l,ýo1I of thii . rîiniic~ îrr ie îîîmîaîîîiailLe aon i rfiont of tire r atîteeîî liea, r lir si 'r all er lieuti-r rlieciri1r1\ iean însholg these corda - "Get yentr beer be-ce br igitfileiifrtiilý liae t r ii-l. LI tiIui- i,omii!s are toiid !il ci ce s rre sl î mn, filiielyiChi iNV. C. T.11'. leorcesîý,l r-s ri Nl. I em rrr I h ioie a-mI lIti:ha d f-eg tsottrii,)r( tnie,ýih biri .aIionce anîd irlie an insestigat- Palk, \pIiiiied i full ii illni a orge lant i irî I tfimm' Soin licrn g.c im te o in o o sd rd inf; th lliehliid Pai Pre is. 1111110s Penitcriî ai, ai i't'îr, 'hii i , Calhart iari- cm olva silt Ili'.tati-IotimileIr- t ileoi heefet rinkrîseta 1' 0 s -rîlî il lî m anagel' r 'Ift he. i) i m nsfsi 1il there tir tai rfe le aie anrd sic j III111 Il(isece ttanrg'r îtrir Irllti' tî ls ii f11ei 'tr e ,l r ics bsat It s lite. i rrîl 'i I.lilVî '. \lis li.iiimdi d iit r tia cm. rf'iî t 'wr 1. Il elm iltire 'aWie escîi un cran> I 1iiiimg. andîlOh- m-e ue lthe ,i i,* ciwhrie îpeopmte sriîldîî'tlire caightt :fi lý, m li ti ausan e Io hi-' thie Illiois s alc a Il .ii ihi- 'imilîlOlIl hîîîîg beel. !i l î riil îrîli' se îîîîî tmr îî' r.' irrtirîn bting muni 1 .îaiesîr îîrrtt mît ral, hu I., it îîioa) ii e , Ii irîtierrI tii etf'sIrgilmirij BJSC..RANIFA.M h iiliair il il f ,il(,i ulor's BU1itYiîa1c aCiii.'hmigui itaibene0 I, I 'i rI isiil ic'1e ti ie iii te seîîth amii i ig ,a Iriiti cl- A i i 111i ii1.,1 ii l I-l nansimd Itra ire t ar lnirr uI.srîisemuici dolph Anderson cf Waukegan Pr I i r'I îri i îî(tr 111inîg Ille ,~ en I hat aoctIi'irlîlîtrwi s itld lisse chassTwenty Acres of Omar Car- ilin'iis thse v I a tiil ciIuatm', ayi I ilias. man and WiII Move On If the First 0 h îiîM' tI hr jThtriri'h the mid- i'anrtre'arc grei fiî liii moen te rat. cf March. 0 al lI' l eiîantî int)riolith11e ir... le. ttc moelle ri the ieîar, a thitg utof th rI ci tiîîr'.is, ic',rîthtie tiecaitljgreat adsantage t o 1lii.,tociren. TheCtirild mi lii uig, thlitocail real 0 lu iili iisi eh cielîruls t he 1rýini iittd are id salir-c(ii î'ablîng thIe gar cita le fimni, have iii trelu iueted a lii.' 5'h Ih i1-rI 'il i i ciri i sent dentumcii to gel i oilt,-iplois early rînsi ssheret>' twenty acres et thte0 a lîr s'i, prItrlil-ifccI rme- and rodue vgetaiics tat sali for a Omanr tac man farci on the ttIlle'il'.ce0 gooed price on ttce-atly carkets. Ttc road le sel te Adolph Antiereon, a chealit t]andIn îttire rtate le that ccli inown Watlegaro carpenter re- HoviiiHt Vctec. Kthf rrmieî bihll1anrd designattd as the idficg on MuAlitr avenume, tht cou- Atlariirri l ucrrtamrilor bail teOzOasri r ountaice, aind il le uîron thîs olderation belng $5500. 0 wayscîicie'.rsgî nai 0flii iok.range tbat banîer fruit bas beau As part paymnect 'Mr Anderson waY oiid etrane sineof lis loc. grwn or ears tunedin hi. resldeuce on MeAlister So lie vsîrl ri' nnliqilt,' wiich la I eqitri ti .iiîig tu te excused. A survey efthiis section et îow avenue for $4.000. Mr. Anrderson wiiI Tire iiixt (1:13 a n îrmtry delegate wa priciet land, sirees tire ond farmers meve iis family te tht faxt atout tht asiret tow thins astor tati voted en are mlng frote 20 io 40 per cent on first of March. lire vexeti question,.Ht e aid: "Tb,$ tht meney teveeteti. whie tht man on rise titi net scenà pleased. lu tact. tbehlitrtiril land fi; truggllng for If it'a a job for a want ad DONT- lie votedti hat te tii net UlraIL " 6 per cenit. g LE&VE IT TO A PLÂCÂRDI * Chr-tmas u' ,Be liere Befor You Know It DO YOUR BIJYMNO W NOW. Begin gour dîirstmis buqimg to-da15 Whether gou buy ofus of mot, dm t put off gin tili th rush and crush gets lhem M o ur Christmnas goods ore S0w on lmjm and if gou Win core ne nomw yo" un have ni Choioe and Plemtg Of Otime to look at evenjlhlmg. No other gi cordes ne much sentiment or fleum of appeciatlo M s ewefrg, fier Je it " mter choose expeasive jewels and geais. The import. ont pols I.make proper selecdoIN6 Ou, r pcs are, in e as,. thon haiuewherne- la imStae quw fi mdthuower. Everg arIcle in or sock s esokdq tataiWd'o le Juiotna r Pretd. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelrj, Silverware and Cut-Glass A.Huss JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE - - - - - - - - - - - -- SPECIAL RELFSASFE AT The Ly ric Theatre LIBERTYVILLFE, ILLINOIS Friday Night, Dec. 22 "FROM T11E B01T0M 0F TUE SEA" 2000 leet or Interesting and Exciting rilm The Sc ene s 'aIdidn the U. S. Navy and a geni ne submarine boat was pLaced te the disposai of the film manufacturer. The story is beautifully picturcddin which the Lieutenant's daughter sud the young ensisgn are in love, but thei, attentions art objected le by the fiather who wants hrs daughter t0 marry a French nobleman. The Frenchman provee a villiaa by stealing a valve from the submarine boat. The boat then atarts on * n educational crurse. There are rmiamy scenes of the evolution cf the boat ubd shne finally sinks te the bottom, car. vrng the lieutenant, the ensign and the crow clown with tl. They watch the guage but find tl impossible te tise. The yorrsg ensign then shows his nmettle; he inits on being the one *Ihot through thet trrpedo tube te the surface wf-ere he swims te a submarine boat tender, -hî,zh quickly responds te his cal, lhey pump air te the boat below, anrd the v,'ssel arises anrd tht crew is saved throrigh the heroism of the youns o fficnr, The .- renchman is suspected of the trrcko.ry and is punished; snd neediess 10 say theliîeutenant re-moved ail objections te tht marriage of 1h. yocrng ensîgn and bis daughter, ho mlvr happîily eer after This is anr educationai pîcture as tl shows the government boats and hcw they are handied Dan't Miss the Specials We are Running J. T. ROBERTSON ANY CARPENTER" wilrU11 ii s itRat 500 rai t dro good rmi 55 iltlî ro .tera1 If irru oril,.rplate building or Lu-ber .»d Bui.lding Material ~~ it îpa e toinvemtlgate sand* werr', rrt rîrvrirtgaten. If you ne,' lurtir atb Orsi gles or tîrlur or- utdo rpu ponoes ber ethe aedt buy every Home Lumber CO. Libertyville, MI. 0 STEWART Stoves and Ranges, Base Burners HOT BLASTS, OAKS. THERE ARE NONE BETTER. Right Prices. Corne and See. FROMSHAU SCIIANCK'S IT'S (100DBOS à LAD Tol ma *u F* aa e* ug Chi£ Mani Hran Fanc Hmn Chc Job rinting >1/l~ C LE A N %W O R Ký A FULL L'COUNTI 5BOHMI< L-

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