LAKE COUNTY MINT N» , FMAY, ]YECEMBBR 29, 1911., Abasket social and short band concert 2KFE L5I EP R M N IF R E ETSA wiii bie given by tha Prairie View* band pressa t. 5 E t Herschberger's hall, Prairie View, on T. F. SWAN. Correspondent and A'lBnt\ MlsoeGënetiev4 Eflnger and friend oif ________________ FnByevnng Jse . 01.Ladies ___________________Waukegan, %vers gueste of relatives tbers ~ + +.4 + O ..are requestedttabring baskets. Coulse loty a ofonay.4.+ ++ eNT one, CCouresset uayad I I ab ca t Mr. and Mre. F. Croker ai Libertyville, + FOR SALE + and wliba MriesAnna Lackhead ot Ci'ago, Fepet Ms .C tc pn ioa n l vl.. or n h erftr ibawere entertained at the horne iofLees. + .+..+..+.++.++.+..+ Mrtsmefor OaI * Crstmas vtb lber inother and brother Crstmas with reatives in Chicago raoition in %wicaiel i Usuld lieii iter ani îns.18 if go* ed.Huson duniiay ad a.FOR SALE-StrictIv fred legggs guar- 4u e1~d ont0s W*Ilace. Ca jhbrW. A. Ray and fansi!y pet iida.y . tplEdd. Haines and wiie of Chcagopeut auteed ta bo not oaoe 14 boumre . at Mrlas rvey editedutPrlereXier. Mies Emmna Knigge of bChicagof, mnade mewith Dr. ltoesdeutcber Bndftails. trile S'H A LL bermaktv riee Il .. Iauadof thlnWeaJc, nfo@, Mrs. J. Dalieninaier, at Liberty- .Fillian oi Wînnepeg. Canada, ji~shot e wt br aeneV ill Hu8in and wiie @pont Tbursday = hoe1.L.HALc 14-3ile Il. âa aecâ m -m e ville Friday. 8pendiDg tbe bolidays et tbe Camerons etSna aann e.(arr st i ilieligi). - + + +4 Mlm Dwr. n Mm. J. P. tte thaer ae B 'T e as n"e til )and " hevennng on Walter %Velchli- o pending bis Xmas FOR SAL.-A out 100 White Wvan- WANTED-1 4Àfl ar0àe IM o ofr a etdlatror UtwM. andiUns. lRay Staiey a i cago, "nhetation iii l . .Keulia, W le. datte ùhickenu 76o a pipe r 15o a Jesbbng fl« anJiODts~ ~~d etea sentUadaywib H L Budr . Etisard Drier movet ishiepossessions Jhn icarenîud eifeter ud ; ani25n bsbel pipotatoees 50 grain thlisfocality ebâidreu, wba are hob ore bsbliday Bfl saeinlehrsearssve Piinps ram rtbwestera Callege at The Cristmnas exercises lant Frlday Wednesday ta, Çanada sebere he basl ae- et a Xmn6@ party lunoir or tirir rela- books af ail kîntis. Alter Mareb Jet, 2 eara $100 vaCa ouia m otives. Ttioda preient Word: lire. Gregerheranst.HW 'bi'sMpiioaixpr 1l 1 ,. 11 NBperville. eveanngwsere well attended and gret anptMr. a position.iag, e, ebrSpioFr ci.F Phone 280LII c 14-2 'ras fifro tjipraise muet, be accardeti Mise Jeesis Ar.and Mrs. B. W. Wetmore, wbuat r ttrta hca ei Eîllr~la ivel ~ Lui Hotj a Rokeelir istet aerThomas and Lilab Mas Roues for their bave been making an extended visit withwi a oCaka aei. ia FOR SALE-Fine yaunnbaneR- "Jas. withi ricli rad Soudai witb bis parents. worir in training the cblidrea. Bey. Carr anti iamiiy, let, Wednssday for Rxils and daagbters, Flo:ence ai Mas, biers for stock &IBO a few pedigret WANTEO-, - Misa peari Hans lan.pendiflg severa erRoadfmlar@puigti h einiIlnis and son Wili, aaIrs itre. exiâsudntiAiri-dale pappies. B. J. CÂvia, Liberty- sbrubs. rom wsek with ber oncle, Dr. R. Gooti andi Gog oeat aiyaeseidigterbrei iIlni.two lutile daugbters ai DesPlaines. ville. p-14-1 ste. <300<% or i~mily ai Chicago.'the wesk t Abs J. B. Ayneoley borne. mise Frances Smiîtb ai Round Lake, Chas. Raoght andti le wers goodseo~fORSL-1 ce at nteo et AN, aiso .F . RyofCicîuage at. lml hae W. A. Shaw andi *amîly spent Snnday anti ber friend lMisJamlson ai Liberty- relatives ia Wankegan Sun FO ~ Rt5SAiL-ac~ rae.ora ne oti, iii. S £ t D.F.Riteualr nd am. hveandi Monday witb relative@ in Waucouda. ville, epent Suntiay witb lMr. and Mmr. L. dy 1 s'o ot Go(,LkeC),11 Of Weftg r eMmov Ad on ta the J. P. Rtzentbale r fata Mr. andti rs.Chas. Kapple ofGrayslako Atdresli C. SWÂssnEllnîEli, Prairie WANTED- t Long Grave. Ras Amvorti ai LaFayette, lad., vited A. Murrie. spent Sunntay at A. J. Rtaymond'@. view, 111. R. F. 1) 2. c.12-ti ou farta o- t-swekihbs aet hr..Witbot ia F. Ourliagame of Waukesba, Came tbMwewt i prnebr.Ar. anti Mre. Wm. Tripp and son ai Mr. Hanson la entertaining bis brother ibis office. tiown to @pendthtebolidayâ witb beto AMr. Bnd Mmr. L. A. Marrie @pont Bun- Kemp. Iowea, andi Ar. E. E. Eagion ai irona Green Bay, Wls. FOR SALE-Hawtboa Perfection No, det fteï e n ôeboirlaie nLkeDwesGovvstdBaudyad127342. Tho ful blooded Berkshire A EU aîls ons, Wh ince sttba the ty ir land udnda e. eaiesl aeSnyet Grae, ome t ippravan N.Frostaaa>n Arthur ofKengého, 50w sireti ly Royal Prernis Na. 1608. cWA nT mather twa seseke ago, bave beoursay-Vlaat on&ae atayB b on i tTip peut Xmas wltb relatives bers. dam Columnbus Qtn..en No., 108260. 1c4i."TT- A"en meri with their grandparent., AMr. ad John flelomb lofti Tnestay nirbht ifor AMr.and Mlre S. L Tripp and Ar. and F icasWm WI. RaWnga, Rockefeller, Uti i&i131R.H rtla Mv .E. Loomie. bis borne la Hoie, N. D. ire. E H. Blnnbm epent Cliritimas day hmrned on is face and arme Xin EnsWAT oti Airs. Arthur Peters iast week er. Vangbn ai Chanîpaiga, lilnoi, M'tlie. Trippe parents, Mtr. andi Mrs. BWb oi iFaî iolins i O AEO XHNEAI~ ant pai. no ot te . . asOn u'sewa i twnSudayenroteto vnbe.J. Richards, et Prairie Vise. clothes cangbtllre roanoneof niecandile tra gondi dean 40 acre trn Wli tait i'<iTEals,J !u X 1OND A I - d yJ . itntae.on the tres sebile hi.e was giving tbeclilt-I buildings anti sonnefruit, splendid wR . SA. C. Richarde, sehouderseent aun _________tr.Ladai___abe ToMle".. Mm te. e.Mrray let for Kiefer, Okia., aperation an oeaf ie yo a we VA 10E L DLA.MTTD LKE was calleti and tiresstd the haras and iLe evs'r grotieti ronta station. . Prices + ,:at 'u.say fra lhaviitWt egtgelang aiWelasm heexpeet- Fînennan ns nettinoe along vers niceiy but ti il $5t SCi part tires R. B. Dixînn, Ctrnee, + + MeadM.Frank MurraV. et. imanyfielldbapelatespeady irs. Nettie Smith ofiGrayolake, spent lit. adMrU Wns inan dpene bsanietinnebelote be is able ta Iravii kyl M. aed lirs.. P. Blanckanso recovery cd bis eyelgbt Mie Myrtie is afewtiaye wlrb ber daugbter, Mir&.LueL. Christmnas witb the latter'esîsiter in the hanse. - - -_____________ STRAYEU ae.plitnrty and snnday witb reis- spendîng ber bq!iitay vacation at home. recnty. Chicago. Artbur Staniarti anti sister Mary . . .. . ..+.+ .+.++.+.ta ly Iplae .1ý,iBdvm taCiagoAr. and Mmr. F. Mitceenstertaine t MmUt. Miler ai Chicago, bas pnrcbased Mr. anti Mrs. Jus ltrockgom andtei miy pnnt Suaday anti X mas et their lîîiii + FOR RENT +payîng for Tb# >Xwmdaegiviatthe OaklO»ao fanIIyCbrstmas dilner bvniz as tbeir tire Bekwitb miii ant i ntentie reniotel- ai Waakegan, visitI Nirs. Wm. Roase hbe. . . .. + . + . . +. . . + + + + ill ci ia ey ,ving stas largely gesetsg their chiltiren troua LibertYville ing it into a cottage. over Cristmas. l.vE ai LATE I FOR RET--raj hns1Aqsreii SRAE abunt0oplblg rsandamMise Blanche, seba le bornis troaM Ar.anti Ars. Richard îad.uîes are TbeChb e auda vn ORRN-- -t os-nuie' TAE niriliniaseservice SatnrtiayeievenreserM. Sable visiteti ber son Johln au und PTISSlisenll. ç1. i ~t "»d* !ie time la reporti. Cliego, anti Ar, andi Ars. ER. L. Ciion. vîiting relatives in Texas. log wer y _________JOH ____________________1_141__ d hîffr, ' .Wughsstraufactetl business lun Ar.and Air. Jas. Richards biadt ae MiessRosa Simnpson i. qaite iii at the Word %au receivied boe ofithe e etb GSnîl i01Chicago, speut Surfins FOR RENT-Ilalieî on Scîool s;treet ta identid W.des*y.their gasate on Cristîas.tiey their N'saa 6pia uCiag.Lbrlr 4» il&t .iast aiaa sitlinCicu. fLouis Hockerneyer formevly ofai*' flliiîi01ilAVL MAÀntTlllii, .Lnberiynnlle, Lake. Pli cltrnatgrantichiltreli ai Rockefeller as the guest ai bis isters, Mesdiames c11,î . j1eainnuel lntau"a4on and banquet cide n Ail the Young peaple seho are away Diamonti Lake. Stattelti anti Frost. -1t b.gienbithe Mystie Workiers anti Prairie Vise. spent Christmas at hame. G. W. Michell v(itpd (rantipa Rouse MieaneEtgr irtrimlFO RET in omfacn LOST-Fe Kuo eu eda veang, Ja.Srd. 'ThensCbristmnas entertalament t the W r eroanti ta o. .atPr RdeFrdty ~IWdedyJn saesar aba htBy m ,tPr iieFlin.carrier is taking a twîi weeks' vacation. herry Ave. L. E. Il;A%, Libertyriis esnî the $op.u tb Attorney Prairie Vlaw cbnrcb stas weeli attentietirpa o 4,1"ba xete u ep. vban h eiie e codd otedo' Dais basmreelganaspastor ai thechurcli John Millet andi irienil nere Dianionit ludi e iloe fth elpon -t f Day, Ill. ,t44ivar an adtiresebut word vas receivei wbere a lavas number vers obligedt abssuisBoh eiay TeLde eery.soito el npiyeee nasestatiiînieilat ingleside. e_- arvl I n oald ho stand tiaring the axercises. hesui@a h einr.TeLdeseeer soito iwe a visitot in aur toisaSunancr.- wms »b e rlnd o e a filleirsWiiiacti Beach le epending a le w gins a dinner at the lbornes ofiAre. G0.W. n. <o ttnd H eer aSu MAr, anti Mrs.A. W. Kuetler eniertain- asslbbr o oerianiialiMtcel b îay a ,11, t re r. Ben Coseman anti taugbîer \iur], la belog arratîgeti for the ed reatives ram Chicago, Eranston. 5 it e o Hwr n fm itch eting îy, an, T ,e 91poe t s peuit laturday anti Sunday ut tire "ail amont 9enlayable e11ul8ganti Highland Park, Chrismas dan Chcg. rtua vhsmeeng layiUThae - ouns Une Aunal'înilt UjW.4. mut crdil Ivit- _____________The Chriatmas cantata seas gooti, and go an-thmpLaieiBltffnsjiame. mont cThe <i.In.iteciety viii3 ginsbaulurneisocinl laiit" W a i nembrs w o emjnoit<1 hbU i large anti appreiative a- body anten. co p ne tem m . 5~tiiid5 <oaIl TIN diuce.I -_________ Ars. A. J. Raymndaut es a guii Th C É wliiea i is oiabe banns aiber sîsuer. mire. Ciul n )6MtW lMur<a ir& 1( leagO, là tlnry Voe'rs died ai bis borne bars y RM aucoatia, a fest days recently. ait the home ai Gleorge Ratite ou Friiay ilg erhoidyvcoin ât home. Tnesay rnarniog, ater an iline oftoni evenugoiti ta.Js omat athe ahiag atrs aniesCniverald oaie e n gâq Mmlt , wb vobas benuattend- day.Terfu rl W@bs St a tra le ah.nsso eerlwes 9,w gke" Buins atenoon ioSthe n L aIllrd Ar anti Miss Baton ai Waucanda, spent Christ mas with the e mana iamily. R eco. a sailor on thns great lakes bpent Crstmas ai the borne oi H. C. Bernardi Ullricb spent Sanda fr e t er, a ai tJh Alq' eidlg 16v.ek'e vacation Re.Ha iniyrosIt~. _an.Mndywt ieprnsbe@roiheps erwsagoq tJh ~ ~en<e, lir. U lia. ue Slk. Distiai ber aiter's ln Arara, Wadnes.-Pye ota ibbsprnebr.Veysls ee.B snwsakn ~le nuta . lre M S 111 W5 .l a v@nng '20,1911, o aid lr.Mlitg nilttedabe iles Matigeline Aeyer ai Chicago, la for Geo. Jepsîna nsar Waaconda. la tle stW dn ltWsdnesday, Ai s. -Hg bine5&h.ovas calistu ber visiteiArs. Rd. Cook eai rayelaiLe lest ,ilting vitb ber brothere anti elutere ________ pgge> 30 asd latear wis lu th.siateir, lck ai the Rmre disae, and wuaa -thswek , 1109 i l lb.heWencnda ceeteti.etrlcken, nsyer reaioing couselionenese. lir. John Wirtx tas Callaitti Chicago ReyjAMeyer allent Cristmas aiborne. FORT FULL. ,M va s au o14 reia-et ofi(aur 8h. vas brought home andi laid tu, ret toeeitly ta .seber father, seba la qut. Adrw atne for Run Lke W e borne lu th. cty with ber buebaiid. Deon Amela entertaiig bis brother Friday. jg girmd ghter, lirs. BadieStanley, Atilpb Janke's litAis daughter vas FIEON, tormwlconein. lMt, anti Ar@.A.JBrsrsen comfr bedùrbgh«Wtung moreyburedFidayy baingpartThusdajlaATukisu.what ever) 1 , 1b'o cariE orfertriabe eciin eebur nFriatrby havlonapypart rtaai.Misa Barbara Amaun vwas a Lbety- hrte i akg a bom ohn apyNu @tsrta s ailbisville Caeler Tlusdtay. George itsnwell @pont lest Thareiay ia ba& bo ht one ü, 1_______ utr.JhnAausetXa ihbs Miss Fronces AMeyer nîitstiBarberathCiyA'J rw @otTuà ; FoWs H ossel and Tr Compoundi lisse. H. . Sebaoppe anti Wm. daugbter, Air. F. Baieerat Milwaaukee. Arnana recently. Ar, anti Air. D. H. Fleet ai Waucantia, BURY i&los "cure$ ilu &vewv case.*' Danelsen vers electet Altieetriter ndM._______ad__lre iitdlttr@cosnMm .Y.Ls Mr. jeu. àlieiaDry, Mgr. af the Seblitz annal Cauveutit. ai the Illinois Fîre- ai Libettyvilie, speni Xmas day vlb tia sle.Tburetiay anti Friday ai lest steak. Do you knowtkat this in one of the n ~oe<~OahJle..recommadsifoIey's mens@ Aseo4tion seblcb meets In ber parente. lit, anti Air. Jake Frederleka is hyis adok neraneican-m nttathveevrbonofeedt iýaoe1 uaTai Otiipowitd, ho-a-set Edwarteislîle, I., Jau. 9, 10 anti 11. anti family. Frank Fry, baving decitedti taremaint i@PylePdoketrndcm mnahthv vrb nOffl t ~ sagi i vsr cae. hae uet A m-In Engianti bas anthoristi the undier- pany irom Grayalake Christmnas Day. Nfusicians who have uSed many diflei *4 "4sdl baxe rscommendst li ta maoy L. T. Roeugesbas recoeret tram is Adamn Behai, ebo bas been antier the ignedteislI ai public anotion ai tbe lMr. anti Ars. George Wataa anti cbll- sa that for ita priase there la noue thi O*Mo Wbo bave sincn toit me oa i tssenisenere ilineu anti is able to table tactare cars le able ta be aroanti. S. Aieher home ans-hait mlle north oailtrn put Chrstmnas Day sitb Airantid l id KNGB R 8 h ,rg. tutivi po*ar la dises. ai the phpaelube eW ni b C iLibertylle, onSaturîiay,Dec.8O, 1911. "wl idKIGB R S i h 1 opt ug"Fo Hcub as is lc cammenaan BnWgeradnDhwCaene f cing t Bt1:00 o'cock p. rm. the Are. Wll Dllon near Vola. mnt - -t sklaed le ffecive For gs aedh Mmt. VanBath antid dnghter Ba" Wauakegau, epenit cnet Xmas sitibPhi] acowing osatigoi 3Ia e iat lr.FakDnya h co mni >1 LiB rafglgeu vistlng lu Pal le, lia. Wagner. steads, 1 vooti beatsde, 2 maires"fspes Sna u odyatIaI o r oero ui e 'iK 1-u one n -e izi pn 3 dresere, 2 sonlistash stands. bed Swiib's. have on sale at hore recntly. Chritmnas ait Geoa Otenalis. rouaa sare, 7 bed rutim chairs, 7 crýM- lr. anti lis. Lyna Mrrie iii Boche 1111100rt Ilevais P.tally HUt. forters, cerpet anti matting. Coach. Pottsvilhn. Pa. Dec. 26. - À went- Foley Kidney Pllaie Morris chair, renter table, 5 rockers. 3 !ellet, epeut huntiay stitb Aire. Irrîe T ia bon»A trohey runina hsrtvien A eescafcto eome yn otaechaire, 2 dining tables, parentse, Aranti AirsIra Smitb. .LLgaIJ.s .Jew'elry torE So*U avinad Pottartili lei issaicinbe hey LOST DAUGHTER IS BACK sunieli table, cabinet, floster Miss Florence Wilson ai Chicago le ex- pff orerBlckBridge, tva ileZSIaIV@ dotbs vork. J. T. Shelnut. table, newse s.stng machine, 2 carpeta, pied over Black Bre men, Ga., saye,"saveistonand Alen Fisher Glatident Parents hy R& 4 email rage, inaeuý,j0 kitchen chairsp~e eiedy~o~~lîtets FUI>3iueSr *i~I Poiovhle. ers idai Pile vtb rsatatiiaclanil.i -- ...w -- t. 4 lampe, dtubes an jase r, tish the ek ,ith lier aunt UMs. George Iillaêp- menhers la the car anti 16 le sae tbat seven or them are atally injuroti. Warm Westhor ln Connecicut. Wlnsiod, Cornu. Dec. 26 -CaUiles r"ê c&nooing on Highland lake. sehens Inzt year they eninyst skating. Fruit tree are ln bud anti rose bushes anti tuuntain laurel bansecaibat otb new Ieave« tour nntbs abead af tirne, Turkesud Araba Coucentrato. Borne, Dec. 26.-Wlrelens messages lav. been secretlY receineti ram Tri- PuOL Reports &ay thai the Turhs and .&"ab$ ani coceentraing la Trte ai lltiobtas, vitb ithenîvdent intention '1atcugAnIRa. foant mjuore relis! tram ttîsir use tuan irom aay other kitiuev medicine, anti lvs aImnet ail kintis.-1I enuesrtuily recommeutd them ta ail sufferene for kitiney anti hiatder trouble.' For sale t'y ail Irngglsts. U. S. Civii Service Examination. Ezaminatiatl for the position ai Clerk p. O., lu the poet office Rockefeler, 111., viiibbeiti auonIan. 20. 1912, com. rnencing ex 9 o'Clock a. M- Applications for this cxamigoion munsi b. matie on theprescribetiforlii sic, sithasessat> instructions ma> b. obtaineti lrom the cî)nnisiansa local representatins ai the Roîckeeller,.Ili., postnfflce. WILLIANt Kisînua, Postmaster. 3. L. Tripp, R. F. Rouse. lrvi.ýE. Payne Presldent. Viae Presideni cathier. REPORT 01P COSNDITION 0FR THE CIFIZENS' BANK ROCKEFELLER, ILL., TIs Bank issues Certificaies of Depei drawinng hrec Pet cent intereit Bank Drafts, tihe ainsi convenient eud econqrnkcAl meane et te. M~iilng l'y mail, are procurable bere. Tout Saningsensd Cheeki,1s an- Ul unbaminvitai]. We effet sample Securlty. Cunvenience andi refiability. PARTNERS ANOD IRECTORS: R. F. Rouse. J. L. Taylor. rving E. Payae. J. S. Gritiey. irying pens. 9 or ten pictures, washinuR St. Paul, Dec. 26-Alleen Fishen. tbe machine, 2 stash tubs, wasbboilen, wasb Mn. andi lre OD.N. %. aite entertenneti miesiag outea-yean-ald of boardi ant inager. catrain rode, meat lit, anti Mire. Chas. Wante anti aiem ofy o Mn. aqd Mrs. Allan B. Ffsher, vhose cleaner, pony, cent anti harsas. Cberng, Air, anti Ars Oliver Nisb antip dîsappeanance a week ago bnaugbt Termes cash.. deughten ai Racine, anti Mrt. Amanda tsars tai a borne. tarned goom inutu R. P. ItonjEi, Prap. MrilanitageniCicg, vn cheer hy retutnlng ta bier parente. The GEa. VaaîuL. Auctionear. Chrrltrnd augtrofCiag, e girl appeared Bt ber home unheraldetihisms anti as mysterlously as slle bail sap- Haning nisciuiet totin parttnereslIp Mies Franes lSmnith, sWbo le aiteatiing peansti. the audereigniet ivii ssI et publies chool et Liberty elie, le t borne lor a Mn. Fiaben Issuen th etnewapa- auctian on the iarm huasta as tbe ita steeaks vacation. pers a patbstlc appeal ta bis tiaugh- Bal-ick fata,il miles nortiveet ai LongCBCobofhia, ter. mplorlag berta carne borne. The rave anti I tlle otheai i fFairtsld lit, anti Air. C .Cmea hci sas bi sppel, on" Thureday, Jan. 4. 1912, commsncing speat ChritLuas wtb ins. C. Conube anti adaugbten a fs pea, edIac 10 c'elock a. iM. sharp Abs ioiiostiniz son .lba. kîssetithe paper an whlcb It seas print. teseribeti property: 19 heati ai caste, Mran s.W teyk nitii- eti and tfumet] ber teps tovarti borne. 8 trem caws, 6 jeavy apriagers the reat liatltsWltrke netiil milker@, 1 bull. 18 beati ai borses, colt lire. Satine Meadie anti cildrsîi ofiiraye. r $1,OO A IT caiming ans vesar aId, mars in boal. (Sekhe, aiea M rs. uykes lfatinsi, àM Ilusoi. $1,00,00_AA__ FT gooîti arrn bonses. lb eboats sti about iél-aBlo.Ciitjê Lo150, 27 fali pige, 7 brooti soya, Chester sud sieuer, Mie iaHeu lusne Deughter uf James A. Patte Getz White birar, about 100 chickeas, tiser. de>. Christmras and BrIdai Prisent. inutcrn binder, 3 mnwsrs. Oshorne __________ grain lintier, painerizen, 10 lit han raite, n oalo 1ouIiwyili a]1 Chilcago, Der. 26-Oas million dol, canin planter, 2-se tian drag, t ronelin li uialuw ui. di>sîutbell' larn agalt isleChicagos chaniîuntdrag, 2stalklngcnitieators. sulky pînue, molus tii îeu.,iîcbeNuIIii ths rn-uni, o Chnimrns gti. he nînent it hus2 malaking plaws. -seetr. No. 2 griader, 'nuslicine. Tae' iilsh Kiiinlle 'Iii Chrstms lft Th rcinentoftý i crn ebieller, hand uitien press, fredcartier.' lusy gise qiici. uia nittoilIlu i iu aain pressi le lias AgneslPat- narrase tireti luçaber stagon, ironi kttis, ilariil. s Nuti ru1risilugliîuliîe test, daughier of James A Patten, the 700t bu. oatq, tons gondotisnuînh by,,l For sali' ly ai]lurnggiets. Evaneton milllonre. 700 bu. oate 40 bu. tariey, i50 lu. Ailes Patra tic rne tlîe bride alwlisni, 500 bu. set corni10 1li. seedi Lawtrence Rusuli \idr ies corn, erackicorn fatider, atout 25 linatie Widr AIo Annun i Iisuranice Meetîig frindaof tthe Tfaii, saie's that ',ies oc,ru l aksca , 3 inch tirs tegî)iii. The. iîînitl inn'i ijc (Ail t Xilii Pattn',tatur aitcliun er nîlk wagon, ight rnik stagon, top tioi iiiinîf.uujei iiiii i Patten's fahýr liad' !ýen lier uîtr,bey rack, wagon box, Iuiik tank. Ilntý olial ý1 " 000 ab & ranitl i 'lChristmas anti Wei-.2 ste touble bariiesls.cattie tatik 'nngîr tli thlIr nraoi l i i ii, Xi. i lî. i i.a ding presertt. util tbiît ber tiances liarîsens, 1200 Il> siale, bey ripe. IiilleY e il ii [uta, o n iiSaui . a îîî ir father had i ililiteti the gin, anti iirkm atou t 10 ionstimotliy hbey q 6 îî2 lit î10:30îa. l i itu'il,'t bu. bouïwholti gu)i, lite range, riai, 1icnrlo ouaytiteld Prevented Sleofîse. hater, di ng roi ni table, chai re andi i 1irtilorlu u i vi iuuî, i iii i 1t'i John Tosten endeavoreti ta selsiI ie iler thinge tao nurneralie ta iin-itin. tii ay ijiuiii'e'Iitîit ilic pu.uiîi]y le wife Flzabthat ucton I Lod saliquatit Ittto. Lunch serva-l ibriiiilit lelore tii, iii'i'.tiiig, fir ine Cns on sual tirais. ieu'tdion ofaI al otfiiers iuliiiibeiui peHe ln Juins. 1817, but the authorîttes piro. 1 Knne sE & NEuaiLicii, Pnuup. i[ted ventet i ie sale. jWtt. PînginS. Auctioneer. aten u14-2 A. G. ScuwinàN, Cerk. i ' Jaux A. THAi~N, Secretany. .liy an aid rpllablsk rrinaîRItb, rlgbt ric Bnovn aowU -Cihidm maen tt sa, ins, rnn rap u .i ley. BRON 4ri% D.biacb aNtisYork. tv144 Li -,tilertyine,Di emeChlde olita elfo wlhte' e en-k aniO U»eai bsI' r rbs.i r. REn . 8uso 3 "D.-Back ad whie -la-iz ,Yone sa~~ mIont popular lnstru- the publie? eront m&kes Of pianou hat ia botter5 and you boit homes of eorY' MgaSBURY Piano* we e, WaUkegan LibertyvMle Play on them and notice theïr fine musical quaitios and. then examine their fine construction, au d you will meo why people like them so well. While you are there, also look at our CONOVEP, CÂBLE, WELLINGTON andINER-PLÂYER Pianos. 'You can buy any ofthfllon esy terms. SPECIÂL BÂRGAINS IN USEI) PIANOS We always have a number o! pianos whioh have bom. rented for a time or taken in exohange whioh wo mark et irery 10w prices and seli on very liberal terma. CHICAGO T. P. DURKIN, SUBSCRIBE FO~T The Independent,.. $1.50 a Year 0. L.'Tripp. Se* H. Millet. Petaaeral Reopouihlity App o i aey$ 0,0 00 - . Special Rei