FRmÂAY, DECEMBEIR 22, 1911. MMAL mm. Hen, iv.elia sd A"Itlà Wr Wacksfaa viston Moday. Mfr. 6"d Mm. W. J. Mlsville wers Kenosmb.viitors Moday. -" b utàw*4tbta wfu lb. Stur- "LY mIB%$ DOgIl41. W r. Lsd >Mm J. & Oorim were Kanoebob viitors FrUle.. R. G. Mrds e Mdsono wore inId it wank.eon au .Uwa. -Kerry Xmm a4 appy Nw Yeae bo É I 1H 1.1*1 ATUAG AS EBOS DISOIIEIS lE IARTHE TREAIMENT ,(àIIYSIGIN'$ MOSPITAL TREATUENT soubautmony m7 rsdmsl isppeta use t resament unLa th*NorIbwut. -*1»issil b. *s.ueeu Il: md Ilndb th 'i!e. IbsI ime gvec op hai sdag ~ ~ 1h1 $12,M0 ~par year Central pracUice end lastqWls t th'efectths Dotorla devoUng i fulil ime ta lb. De 40060 DO iUartbe 01 Chinae lan.d Oilgl- Brhework. ue$sda ts tausIt which ha b.d dem- , , = = ~ ..~ - aou.sulitd by hi. scese ln th* Ires t- J ~1h.P ftBu lasf. a.1tvc .mplgt t 1crera stbousend pi licalta dur th- Mrthta - trfltm.nt .nw . USt, gaep Orb sied Nervoni fisorder.. Il as* I. n.d Dt i. x» bu. a aaoie" ht I 1*1lb. r.ilenl med- wiltb atrl .iLaoyret. te tt ai&Rsi the b.old establi.hed Chi- Z'C a*-1 i cao lsptal, afler investigi lion, bhduit ae -I e A* uloldmd wvia dinlni.teriag the in, ylnlna -d mtnp r * ity. cle l Ireulment. Ail thiltiran bnicled op ly re r f O Srii'onira..Lnti .-,ict mt d.,nt..-d I...cia.. f it. Mfie sigutei puabUishen sataeemesOf f,.ni-, rnretf- . tt eured petUmts sud refereucen 10 many ~,rt .>~ ai..ta.r n etber&--pronduent well Lutin n citizen. . r. "0on flt*ldta.t.idnn b r Chleago and eltrawhere . b1n.n-h.pI.d th. .aten n ul The trestmentI ha.s itire Iloft it- ho I.. Itý.,th. i ,c Ih. chito nPt. bren fuli>' demüt 'nlate l s r h_ t, fnntiltt.î iarkrableie mui roen b) n ttc hlo-l~. nd d I . lactory rp>tili n nconer i hîtedicil T. Di-101. îtTralI ..on..t flj,".Y ,dsesutlb.theiC ago Ho-pittAlin Chi- ~ tt, cd-nl >r. etgo. The nnfouitl.tenufli dI-Ire4(dît'.I ,tlt. 1.- t horntlr.~e bave arousei greott refn thelIparti 11, T i lzlbH liAi7ý Of I)b,*.cra-irand the h111t-rn in itt*1, imou other'tatt. h- ,i i,,hrrt.'lepentt;bOrOrnOtht- in r the pttrp,,,e uf itV *Ditt t uI ol un tr î,na hnett AmntDg he iiiil r ta 1i, i.r J MNihoeirtottlnrneniutn t teonirro t' tofn h In, ...o ma -boue mot her hadl leei;..ýt t f-il hYO.t,0 tO ,i ii-1O *L.. h tt. reara. Atr tpt-riig t,.. ,, kt1e, iti..iO h-r r- ot - . t.til puy- ,persOnally InIternlen itg piltt ni, tatt and ocred years ngtt andl wtne, llgel tionrn r. iibtor .bti d roat i r.r- snllln ugI realuients nt ttCla tttthri ri.Iîihtcro .ma Scapitt , lhe said: "I am saolulcy t-t0 tc -, «uiljded Ihat the De Berthe Treststrut ià tcîitoiîi i~a viiicure Rheurnatiam s&Bd in *aboriertI.htd biil s=acOt Ume tlIse 1 tuer Ihoughl Pou- tddreaa 1DE BAIITUE CHICAGO mii. Tlt doctor verfied tt s ste liICSPITAL. 'Nri.11ilFautI Nrtj-ANiiill UMM Wl sicurng tb. exclusive right Xtrett. Chicago Illinois OUR. BIG Xmas Specialtiesý Toilet Sets and Ngvelties The Biggest and Begt Lino in Town Stationery Something Classy and Up-to-date Fount>ain Pens At Ail Prices and Ail Guaranteed Post Cards and Xmas Letters Post Card and Photo Albums Ail Appropriate for Xmas Shaving Sets - Safety Razors A Nîeýe Present for any Man Smoking Sets and Cigar Hlolders Any Man Wouid Like One Cigars in Xmas ]Boxes That 'Would Sureiy Please Him Books An AW ,ropriate Git for AnyoMl Box ny AB8OLUTELY THE B= 1»0-1 TOW19- bod Tour W t~e he RM"'%t #resçnt for t*~ RIOIIT 'People at the RI(IIT Price COME IN ANI) LET US SHOW YOLJ en may.1t:mp The Sonda>' e-h0of othîe EPlmearila Mission yl hold their XNmse iestivittea net Sanda>' aternoon at the 'bail st 3olo. The childron sund t1keir parent, are requeatod t- b. prfet. H. C, FAdwarde of Orayalake. sud ils Wrigiî O LIbertyvilo h ave hotu sppolnled aduinitratrirs of the titate of th. late Heur>' Wrght. Mr. Wrght "oving no viii the talai. vil la, in diretfine ta lb. rigbttul leire. Chas. Wrght, who ba@ boen worklng bis uqelam farta of 100 aces lb. pattle w yeare receveil a decil rfthe, larm !ru-m lis unele arime time auo. t ,..O..a... ..le d Avnts, Gr raY@t Joue Longslmsuh inuerug vith lo.e ad unibie ta besi th@ lstore Tnay. Imabdsiamier.Email>'Turner and Ada wite,, Wo ame atwdin< mcooi aIý Pnrfiedu Chias, e xpecesd boue Ibis prlda>' ho spe lheb hliday vacation. John Mason ls quit liti and Ibreabmneil with an sttack of pueulitrnia. M,. Mile K*PPie Mdun M.. %a Sumon aiofLake VUi, vted bers i1«t Dom lt mTbarsday niat 10lMr. Lsd Mà. Oui Kmnmmery. a baktl boy- Frauk FritucI ai Rosaoirg, Organ, calied on oid ftiends bemslait we.k. Frsk la iooklng fine &ad reporta ie people &H viiiLsd ligin tlhle.imit the Let ever. Arthur Tucker et igbt tri @pendth 1e hoidays vith bis parente lu Oinotee. Okia. Prof. MacCWeIa&nd is in Sprlnglleld bavlng is eyes treated and Mro. MacCleiaud ha. charge 0rithetic gh ochool Ibis week. Li. Y. Sykeso ransaeted husInets in Waukegau Monda>'. Wm. Sprlnger wa. a Chcago vimitorr Search Light YORK HOUSE 1ev. t0 . LJoues spent Sunda>'ut J. LI. Burris, VIlIIRyan bail the xnefortut.e tr iloto a very valuabis horse last veek. it dropped dsd sand, on examining it, il vas tound 111.1 hall of the beart wae Mr. Lsd"lrIaHolduldge are vimitlng in Minnesots. lait week Andrew Oruarn- reeiv.d a lutter addresmsd ho Adrw or Thom«s Grsarn, Vaukegan, Il vaslu om thobir brotbsi. Owen (isam, Who lives at Vancouver, Usua"a.TIi. brotbers have sol me cdbother for iorty-tvo jeané Lsd "ad bit track of eacb other. M r. Graham vroiie 1hs1 hu could hohere 10 epend Nev Tsar' Da". To a>' Ibat tbe brothoebobesare overjoyed la putttna It mlili>and l.> ey mnaiug platit for a HIcKORY. lira Wilbur Hunter of Antloch, ia visltlng ber mother. lMre. Jemile ikiuW. Ibis week. Mir@. David Pullen @peut Baturda>' ln Vaukegan. Ums.Giae Tilloîi, vbo Inderwent a Seions operaîlon in chicagoo ves & go. returned ho ber borne bey@ Bunday muchI mproved. R.,. Gise. vas eninrtained lethie 0. L. Hoilenbéck borne over Bunda>'. Dr. Shepberd the Preedin Eider gave a vry ilaerestiugonrtnoun thle Hickory chureb Bnnday uight. Mort SaVNgeof Esgle River. Wls.. l14 ,4ltluirrative. bere Ibis week. 71..D W.hb ofiiKenoha. la vIdqItig ait th1e Austin 8avage borne, DR. 0. . f~~ DL A.LIL l.1. OMMer Dok« Ph .e LieryUl.peeùui sbmenox #0 Zx". ug. GLASSES PROPCULYt= fD. . R G11AAII . grat reunton on tua'.t am. r*r. Harry Gruffnand ion Jo.-w % LA nt*t o1 Tie v ili b. a Chrisîmas Ire and Pu- triChicago Monda>'. w t ors ma"s .omz.s .mu tortalimmtaptby 1he. hlidren on Sulnîrday IMijsiBarbiaras Ebert pent fatrday Io evsulng, Dec. 98, at the £hurch I snd Suday i liesi go. __ oMUi*b"U t Sasd 4G t. On Frida>' evening the York Ilouse TriO LATEF bOR LAST WttEK Llery lll.1Us.. achool wîli hold their Chrirttna ezee-imet athîe acihool honte, M F' dith Pickles vititeil her ier.h_____________ Born, t r. ansd tire. Lout.- ili-aumti nat.Mc.lacy Tlrei a ieil PAUL MAC GUFffl. a o.ýChrim Patinenw la gpending a lew ilajit ATT¶ORNEY AT LAW. %Ir. and MieA.lOmar (at-tîran cpi-lt lamt vith Hickory trieuds. Ue- 1 llni Saturds>' in Chiago. th tiptdin Hoinrîeenheig ctîîpetilbt On ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) Frd1-at-tiut wr ih ltir. Auheratt cuitKeuri@ P 33 8 COrneriahrio hrild the xeriai tor turdr.e hmebe ria e'. b Clrisîmua t eri.Glans.wagenet.ertained at the r DR. GOLDIN 0lB. Webhbbrime over Monda>'. b DENTIST GU NE* Mot. A. F. sa uge and lMn ,V Chtîte Hous 810o12 aan.-I tu 5 .m. were lu Burfitgton liasl Toeday. -J.E rg Bi]W The Guruise ChrIftian Cburoh Sun- Mre. Geri. Tilltson aud Mrif. Harry wvitb Dr. J. L. TIor--Phos.1% day ai-huai olda laChristmas pro- Tillottion wenl 10 Chicago liant veek. Et".phone 1092 gramn andi Chrl&tmas tree ai 1the tMr@. D. B. Webb vras alloil ta Chicago Ltlertyville. IIlbob ciuth Saturda>' e-cning. Tueida>' on account of the audden death_________________ of ber nepbev, FBarry Baskerfield, w ho Observe Eîghtietin Birthdsy was found deadin lub.d Tuesdau> mornlng. DR EL H. SMITI- The home of Mr. B. Hughes of (uruie, Ho v»a aphyxiateil b>'g« ouaaping DSIT vas theseme of aaver>' lý nt gathor- lfront In luhis room. He watwtenty- inBaturdey ovening, le. 16. [Ivas fou r >eare old. r lySELA&KS OeT N ItATiOPA 1b sidiolth blrlhdsy of FraSepad a h chool and i-hurt-h gave Iheir olUze.S5c '2 a. M. sud 1 lea M . one of the ev remainiug pottee ofChristmas program utai tburel Thurs- r OILY. warren Inawnshtp and a vtet51 of the. day evouinez. betIl lfo Civil war. The usar ueigbborr jotueil __________ ielvheilrt togeher tri surprise bitai and hnlp him 1 - .. - - - a h ie wooA ...i eoorate h dy 1Pit1 rà In ukr John Klab.r tuoticed layouug deer Thtil,,the nain faiew tmagazieT hebuls evsqâ selyan il tp- jLL1 - .t - iN i runnng cries te enuty. eetopedwhib wll bledb. dbedile .Ells ib>' VriteltiiomtEllvth he aiiothe Thpriiiitelfir decoraleened nd wtlb IheE£J -EuatîrieaiLDS etnig i-rs ahe cot>aHosinantd lrture.tOn-ian. 1et tr. Ellia colore and au enjoyabis eveting mirltic ar awî tedi ad OFC ~5J £1 WtOBia il anthbtîr e al g m ailîlntd gnea bi PustiontlteMiwukeseu-GereDazerip @re ft er,$401 wastuien in. otti:-7 ho 10 a. m. 2 10 4 &"d S t .rtcedîl derstres mle liireigs ipsIio wtl te îlenleIdet r Mte.sileHugsoe d pea1tht- il a8 . M tudn't gel ut-ar enrirgli tri stit i. & St lPaul raiirad tîr wîtr-itnle lce od nernge lr ugesredaIoc ITe- wi Clhr tiistmtas euetp u eit ef-lu Brad. hppltPa he t oti ht n a tor ey or s ver i y l M . E lis d edîctr d tri I e guesttaof the ve iing. m nt at the Ibîserai4 ehool bpru t. e skkl B o s p o IW lite deler"watt nuind r hirtth an asrteYfor terya i ir hIt go nwdetheIaluglitweuttround as ticatik8ItrFrdayneeutnig oit il prttgram aIli ft?3Il.ila ilbllndrvlfi h, ot-bik te)rieiîînnil uitul.The uagaziro, Antd ne) iItoi nghti)tltie.vear grow ni MsJ1)Murvp-teea dy DR. r. v.e smiTII Attornaey tlaire Edmarils 01n atuitl- ,,Il h, ditd t-landi putlshe, t-î bisr Am storit e irt rIoated loi 'Ys Plldn 1. Mt Ivt Murrn atkeateoru a tlrvtlk r o lrtîiatt lte i- r-camai cae ore o- etti cii\rrllrîi anl . SCîtikun ENEAL RACCC irait, vaa s lt itf t al err Tu,,dY c rylaeborte. Mr.El I, isabilat Atri:,oentat!vl er isLý M e otrp ad E .F uke l.e tresu aiftire lexail irugtotrre otan and I l p1nnedluntie lîtrary aird Me Shepartiit aid relis ai l ilowed titti-rît t- Siitrday iu Lar eForent. or, etnP tto le t-:l a nd 71to à -P.m. lurtug muc -trtcloi i r i . titi are i o f rt th irth il lrtryy nn tierstn 11eove, R aptiurtiturs 810cm.i dutngXttpoitil wrdfinit - ilosardîi-censre. tire lbiy Vi rts IoSauria (t ii iirer Faulkner Otln a i szOon IfAL ATTFNTION TO 'TUB lYZ Silas Wriaýjii l fl.itelct tn ile i liat ti wititig ,'.ttîgil luti --tiit înt 1- ahl i - tad l tt-ia lcter otri nd frîirjo heorsSuadia> LIERTVLL.ILAII iiînlniuî boire.Tur-otliur ,arîb Ltglt. Fatirer Trtr iîIi hkitrg btut iftt bt, 'titi Mes.Ben HRognarif Waukcl rl eilreatito n hîcîrhi- ttir e t-iai v titng û64 M . AH itititi ------ ===f Mr. Siiep ani ri-i-ttvvi tino tundrilsîr d C D C - -- TAYLOR GROVE. tilt « ianw frpot cardtisttesle rsntsd lSeveralfirltt Ieré ittteudeil the liîiral MR1 .D~E GAGE'S LAM aîît lege-atir twntl n 0 t ad Meloft-i iiMca. (Jut HtllI]inluWantkegaiî. Thp fair hk' utir-eecOpp. TltIsîliStvElottrie staion hu ntetaitiiiriouIien i-nrtthue ofl-tras wanel uîtteuidt-d cotneilrt le Astirtetguette Venthottme et-rir aird An Alarm at Nîghtiti-Phe 11 Ri.hoo1* linge@ Lake M. EiInrcitoni Friay, tiAroride A neat esou was tt ut- Feanrkriae ilieilstha eti. Shel ,I ur-lelsterr u ir ntn hu. bti 29lt M cior-lot k p le.Thiîrîas ilrs. Sarahl Faulkner Inl iaughter woîlî baye ittaîy Iunair lrhdays blcrio ld lete louiS; biarte sud ametallie Nir:tTH CHICAGO. I LLINOIS Inrene Glei, ceader att-oi Inîitirutta i ii Miktnie atiendedthe Rol ei n-tl.yitnre anwern trithlest 'roi) caiani . ougirerifcrouîp.Ni) mislaking it sud beteetranriAmsin2tensit lNoti hcg i idi vnrg utereilout.fotrînaîn lb-n the lucLy parente who Lue le ntetaîer hdnrttott i-utu rîrtt I N-,rlt hicgo nilu cenrrg rep- ney Holle>' and Ter Compound For High CIau Aucfiommric lit da it. HugCetAutres an amipt eiing '.da eWuïgairrlîtt-N. Y_ oast"fi lileworlh ils Vel inl lum n'elsgalId. Our litIle liildren are Iroubleil lire. Piaunonalill trnnaauted huemrneesH. C. Aies ultendedtheI glus ho wth eund i. oee Houvand anVr O N O in Waukegse Monda>'. iniChicago Suda>'. i Nli&8Clara Forte leftltsetWednustd>' opondvatstiru mFllHsve andlTlet VERGi STCK Y Mr.H. W. Follette ofVais, $outh John Tuttie visited] trieuda irers Salut-' fur Wheulon, I., there tht will vnyCo mourîe riet it.tal i e b>'leoggit. SlismctCITY. Mb.1, er nierco until aller Cîistmas nt intiphnsklFor aie . &HCil>' 2* w. a.oa Ph« Itakota. vill arriv-e Monda>' for a tell day WioGCleelsul aentioueriCityl itî W.LK2. dat- viit wth er olbe, M., Jmet, Mis Eritistlsiorne %vs s untcîîisiSut-liahiemn and daugliter 10ntChicago citut nu vbi ha bei-n lu verl i1tor health forr rdat-, h biug erbirthdsay. A. r-hurt ing home Frida>'. Mtsatr Eldon Kiteben ipent SaturdsvL P LO tirs plaisir tIreemto.mtle a uuIlîe.tMr, snd Mn,. leW.h Toin andson -irSSundavu wlth iis graudmother ut LCESO MB MR Miss Edîta Kapple of Highwiiod. apment oIlILewin aloniîpanied hisetiisrirrto Barris Aipent Friday sud Saturdtintu' ruEBOýiEs saturday sud Sunday witîh rr tacentm. Wankegati Wediiesdtay .Chicagou anS M organ Park,.tC NI. îprtng ptitIthe ast of tht teck ADFNRLDRC Authny ony wa aiN%'lrncteon l ýIIego.ROUND LAKE ILLO Anthny trtnn ta ut tluelie un Frituditofiri is.IchIte Webtl:,t. îrrcv tAlex Huaghesnlet Fridfrla c bcana tota iiao eur o b see poo ily.slwn a eekIl fienm, icsMelotd sudditounritChicago, Nghî huils Promptiy Att.anded la Mrs. Tùylormýnt'I'Iiuréiîky in Garrio-ut-aulkeiea-enI Stii-alîrîrwit itlientîatatrdees airS ng Mn tct Edti and Mrtiv EdwintIi Ciiic9, ri.hic peo, taetLadiLad andanChildren. hirte wil lir a Chiristtmas tre tinSýa lis arecnsrirudte alet si em. Moîîduy titI celativenrutite. TELEPHONE 28J. @boit tprogralui urveir air the lt rine Mi teilarta rtdnta oie r McaMary tiacor o ivrtagri, vimsti- hic. C. CitrisonrofIJrt bertyviIlî-. Iran- Saiuday îglt h rîtltrl tii trtrîti ti Tatitua4 ire inther l-na lentda>-t he paIVi eek. on tedîl linetreher e dnedayý etuendSt6t ail Mn tti l %rit hum StIïtirnen-tiiý,-i uS Sli ire murnf srlave foc Calirii. i Wm Tritityttiatîd wtue ere (frayelake I.I A I .E ' Nf r and irs Fie i rgblandîtri-ldrcc)rr pUctmoftri a îîîîy ho> - hao r iie,11 ýM. air(]ri trc.W aller anrd ebjîdrea trf -sur let'ditreea>' . A PPn E Y spS una i tue IAine Iroire Mn r.i lNIes. ari Hi-uyie>' ý, ia ma, are risitiniz (mer theChristtastoI Mc l I. 1,Scott anîebildrent il Acin Misset traham wii tpi-nS tire- irîtirdan n belbo îy.1 tle iir 1toue hi-ctncr y ru lI tail c.J Il.Ita .andtrîr I iberlyn île0une s et-kLESt"viNE, INT wrthbher parentseat Lal'tooi is, 1 trtgaoî h rke - m firtetae thire jryile hs lLbetv ,11 i tlirur Toi--r ltri tepitr e I l îl nire Mraîl c, rure.he rt i ie tc tî stiend tc, îîlila> Viithit lIn r tt he Oomrok-g of Midlei Age PHONIE 1431. eiil Mite En a tlicýketo -:a sc>iý ve tli rr% ofa baby h , ît la nt.Il T or laro-ngd i ietreiiyiu anii eperrit h îe llil inrnth tht-ei l Nioîdav 1lu,. 11 Mise Favefl)ac et i r,gired a acrî irri -o tir teitr in atiuto -tg is parents rit Oustetireohiaultirav.ttitrîî... Igcttell1 -%r"f 1 îtori ..itrrl ltie> tattdiilset alititetii otier iesSl a %IsL R efI- rrrrr " i beSl llL ve n l.1til ua - Itrerrlittrug t iui re(] 11 £I.thtA Ae - ZtON CLITY. ILL 'ir f l î tile-u--. ji ri u -tgtr n, iii, ni.t.d in i ,. îtiie i a riietnt ae i siî t ti regulk nda tg ulîrri f ikhlo erM l _l ltAl ,iîrtt.irivorrt r ri-'--l n urltriari i t w th t e r1 I iî 1le Ni orit. IillterrI al ite eh il,Ifit, utrr Itrgtl vitrtt ii n-nt tii l i rnic t a ut- I r'lt-cdO w iagon% n l, hlattîjtttlit Notrthîr I li-gir Felday 1 ctr ttor iait-or Exctante alal .]Times. - uIt att-iE ithrea tuilIlielrmahtuS-, t Il-rît I , Auriton Salas. &UCTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALS orir Vtott i- i.t Iiet tî i t ý ;,, ( o sias fo - in c e ýllt p bi.a c il i h Tht' tatiieés vieill lit ,- Iiitau iare the gi itg inli(t titi pti i- le -tii ttei-t 'r l i - tirtier ri-rit. .rtttB rtiutltlii-autitîr n tr D .LY.'. IKIG E- rîliiîstng: Haiti plrittelr te ttlrtl r(tli'lt rtt iidittf u a tiS-îî ~Neîctlîîr iellIau tric "etrîrirtr li ri or iti-r i~ i Iltlo t- grta - iîte) t- I c t . i cure it a i lit ri f-r li,îra Ii'.ttitruîtiu - r- i li atrîih>' Jr-r ln t lit i ri-rntttutuit i iiin lik In. titi- Contractor 1Thd Builder rtell Long Lake, u.1 iti itîttîtei iîr, air r îcrtrtitt10l-ii- tttit.i t , 1:t -ît tn --> -t l f- ttierh, i.tii..- rr 'tnt i t ett h itrc l gfirl :1 irrrî h-l .I E tY I.l l. t'y 1 liv il ttting an , t Ahi- . e i kesptctitr, titll ti-n l dr fi - i ,ItîtiIe;Jerii-1, -u. o.I orî.?littotiarn 2 itî cInt-. fir, e- itilar guli 1piti-t titirtl eti i Ittit i t t [y 1. I l, aritrut fi; lit ,tl oc l ii r 'rt. Tire, ît- t-i-,,I r n -r t1,utite, ut aIt 1leil -l tio s, o n itg ltilroo. s E ti lc F rihdPt u. 5 jîre iîttat -i i - - lu' Lriitttli i n t 1btrîl int irrral ni ris bell i -titýea>' gntî ir friro -tu 1 i iihrd î ru tane-. i i t îrd tur itun o. V h mou lt, qilf le)iau- a ttireinrMntit-chir,t. rtaiillehi, -rot erso 3iSTRADIVARIUIS VIOLIN PoaSab le. Ilci reGs i chru it n. mîtt na rtIv Frantk liei- i-ct t ri ri lusiun timeun eîîtrrc t'u1 ni- ii tti ut -Irai ns -2 enil unt g tait-, £cie t ln nil fCh Am ri uit1N \Iý G-- l fne %,-mueeate.iot, ,l-tiil ttil e kit-rt-lt îhr-îîîîît, thiîxclenaîîndin prte Auuîsttui, rîn,ît eln il asi,trti ~~~ t~- iîîiur -andurn, tirucîttine. Ir. n-iîrîclttt ion. CmnId I seuilon triaL. Wriéeîen hlioitî ouniî dt-iinietiiy h ar itu 1ai mnelritir'elu-hairretntrî [ii-3 ntBerthag. ttttiW. u.fiMatidiets-,ir Routeth W MrNo,.oieNS.5 Johîn Lekzen. of sr>'- oat inil huit, 0 ' it ait il m uanS t iI eiLt10irrinth Ir le iilt t So î- i i tri ualir toniti titi. i I l e il intut - a ktit-a , kct lts - 2 ________ - druatil bey Alite iet miai ontIr iv iakr'itîrîl tîrîti cr11 u greatn tiot- ttii , i l llo i i. gitenvt hit t ire n itti 1, r , ,eu rin i nn fit I t-i-n cn anini Fatter Sehrlgdeti o r. rîtrittîtio mltsttiwetadiengin. twltittu tetil t lFeut3 IRSTt t-lttuttt- ii i t rt tt1 antf-, pal dansti-riby Clara Amtaruunt)tilt Ii [lits l viti ati ttiitrtrn- antidi-igttlte Irtnnttr î ieitîtri i MANUFACTURrtEndRbr0F ]PatIeogS-bilgdeu. -îîevrîgnet- rî.îîrrîIItcî,i i stîrîr-lits f it'liranirnth îîîlî.îîîîtirý1 etiegiaiir ci,2i MANUFAtc-CTURERru OFI F~ lî r b>' Burt Paddnt'k ottîr I r Met S-un, tr " (........ iiriitt li - len ie& f,. lleI F H F:[tl, Mr. ani \Irý. Or t unekitte q%'l I îît utItiti- o'ttiurrg l ietlt-itvi ta(trk- I ue u-to iir Davi. itr anil ierrtîril iiufi t tnitii.i aii t ît ii r i ttfi-i M arble and Granite - WntnonStiis utt ii ier Iiî-uda.A bazaa<Ces w bho given Bt the e ThoUsands of iien i r ru hirtiiotil îiitc-ort irnititil ig-r - îiirrr-at Wadswrtnh, beginunig Dec. M4Y FÀLLAÀNDWINTERSTYLES Monumenis 1 tbdt lliving during ý, ,lu afin ? l por I lolev nd ' ite1 r .. il; anti confmnrlrg iii D)ec. 30. Tho: tien f0t1t.treýei, ,hil rt-rt t et 1)fi,.îî. tîîuî-îrr>or, iiti--i.ttn t irrar le for tthc b-itSt rfSt. put- Are Compileein. Evey Respect vslh and vonltrîtai tiilito Cir-nirt-ttflo pitt <ittt.Fetri"" eb' 1L'riickn Iîgri.-b tit Neworrt Extensive Ail the LatnsîeStyles ad Weee s Cemetery Work of Eve -thexe are enupiol ithii i- hîtoînrt1arIil biugiviisati-angemeutq bave boeeta made for the Suits and OvercoatsDecpto !Kent and toncer t;tr u tti. > ___ ______cltftrtttirt o-i Io tri ikelo lIV 1MadtouOrder lDscito formnacît-y ints 1ii ýgt he 1,I1- sttlnginie rneionth , itti12 fetfront tire gionni ierforu l , th DADIC work wihîli eas nd triSthout 1oSa cf A.tiIc.JiLIk> F iii gui5 latre t o ut îtri Ilrr-king titae or motion, A tnt neuf tiltiutn a ute oulu N0a Van iii irutti c ars atIurtck tk i aorklng witb tepindlers 1..d. cir ltS h~il rne -- -u tM iRCi Il Phone 47 a -1212 Correspondence Solicffl 116 Genesee Si Mev store E. C. flook, ont of Grayilak"v's urisî progressive memthanla, hm. purcbaied the lot b.Iween vbere ho laenriv oclted and the LR. H. oudfrey store sud yull put up a brick store building 25f60. The store wiii b. modemn and equippeti thringhriut aud an excellent cooler wîlI hm, lnelalid. Mr. Hooke ainoie ta 0bave ne 0i the heel mest aud grocery egtrres lu tle count>'. Singing Si-hool The ainging ochoril gave a ver>' enter- laluing concert last Monda>' eveningaut tb. Congregtiotal chureu, A speciai lealere of 1the evening vi.. s quartette tram Chicago vhleh gave soverai eeleu- lions and sang tiererai arilris.The chorus work vae very grir-d con.idertllg th1e short lime th1e claie buvs been a, work. Another clis vi-111,lart Jan. h8. Mn.. C. B. UacCleiland Ie puseident snd L. A. Allen, secreturY. THE REXALL DRUG STORE r FLX)RENCE ni-.DRUCE. Prop. jU YSiAKE ILLINOIS, Cleanung, Dye.tsg suA Repair-îtg Doue TWO STORES GRAYSL&KE BURLINGTON Wm. Jahnl TAILOR ni -- -.1 1 p la ru at tr C() TI it gi di t'l W"*"000 M, 5 ý