CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Dec 1911, p. 9

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KE CouNTY INDE PEN-DENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN LIB~KYVILE LI~EUOINiXIbI?'inau UDIAL'W)fi ,ltl $1-50 PEU VEAR iN ADVANCFu-;',' THIS K&N DESERVES 111 l lffff DOES CO. NEED CARMtEGIE MEDÂLWDE IbL HOSPITAL NOW? SèVes N. Wruier Prom Cor-W9 1 Query Put Tkrough Suni by ti Wreok by Quick and ne stdSbci r Iff eroie Action_ _ i a i T eSUN' recelveti the f Gi tving teita score o! Waukegan People rather interesting anti tiineiy c'mm"-î ove tisir giv« 1to te ptuck sud qick uut-atîuen Ibis week sud referreai it to B88 thougt of a man namnet Val UntiSI- MYSTERV ATTACHES TO DEMENT- Xlisas ýLitia SbumwaY, prosidt St o! hefemi a foreinan lu the emPloy Oi the htsplta association fotr aristwer. R h.tlaCkago & Milwauikee electri E D5 WOMAN FOUNO CItRIST. Shui bas answeret iit and both ,,roie roitroad, Wiso preventati a serions MAS DAY ON STREETS vryisterestlng artlcles.-EI)ITOR. wreck ou tise Chicago &' Nortbvesfern road at Wluuetka aOn Tuesday after- - 'WHY ODES NOT LAKtE CO. noon, i tnot beau for bis quick- lis AOF AÀ DUVT1JVR TYPE sl, Ni E aoteO AMpiaidln' iis alureplaciug a rail vblcb bad s r itfiifUuit-lm 50thaaieed1 beau torm from place, tise filer vbich your liaper au article tua th* effect psacetirougis Waukem ait 2:59 luDjtt-at Labo coonty did not need a boa- 1A Lisefternn o the vay in Chicago, CARRIED $31 IN MER PURSE-EF- pitl as rich sud poor coulti ta cared would have been throvu frum lteb OT.SIG AETOL- forcat the Jane 'McAlister alike Nuw D, Ixacis, A large uumb.r o! Waukegu FRT EIGMAETOL t rouies under tny ob9er atiQot that people wer. ou the train andi not onfe CATE liER RELATIVES, unît-,s cou are able to paY cour way. of blec realizea how near they came voit canuot stay at the hospît l. à,. le heaginE nuret ln a vrerk tuaIlra- the rîînnty does uat afford ibesi-. ttbably woulti bave resulteti ln many mystery la attBtihed ti- a wetl dru-ss thinco Arn 1 right? th-deaths as lise train traveIs by the eti sud rather prominet îitiie-aiinrgl \Whlle the Jane NicAlister ha, boih tepont of dange r t s terrifie steeti. voman of about 35 saur, pîahle sud gvîlling nurses, selt t has mog] Ralilela Olplaceti. on the treets o! Highi%,ut-taiChrîs -sauRFtio haelf itsipporling. eoiieq e<l t day .wileshedos n* sow es met -. alf. n se oneti-t, A aks- $trbsvln,ç ylcd 0= la luth e -iMas pargluin lev of poto on the unBmdai- .Iiiscrtyviill,- S-diuking nm ,»à,pla=edto t msp bi 40t auta atise lWactlt-c Oi su-, *wa 4 o'cloc s dug viaa ducb u ilàV 1'adeibofen la a sectin fareman in Lthe emploi !b. ecrcroati and1 vitis a gang of Jew az empioyeti riSbt next tua the Chicago &. North- veelteru tracks on Taesday aternoon. .As a train paseeti his -traineti ear detecteai a saunti that is mn toltti hm abouiti not have been ther-- Ilke tise tearing o! rallroati ie# or the tcsring lbase of a rail. Attr the train passai b. hurrieti te the point visera tise sound biati corne !rom anti vas borrifieti to finut tb. train iat trou basue a heavy teel rail. He, knev the filer vas atO. sPP@-eitl> duse tecorne aln lRafev 'nuutes te roua. im asuc sud ho aiso realizodt Ial if tise ie0010 au hoardi vere to ha saveti. ho înnst $# m dtise cst quicisly as there vas Do ,mne Ir »' ba hIc UIder-flag tisa train. NateY*le =4the Repira teBreak. ~~ He qtslckly summoneti is gang sand pom4a ,mor in almotlems tirne tan takei tu tbe rail. It vazsapiket Inlto iplace anti viLls *y b&.tbe a lt spike lien drlven - luug thle ruar of the train vas hi-rd. Tise. as a tout fro thtie vhistte ~ ldI~ to vain thse men to leava the tuack Lte %Éeuieer uot baviug beau apprIscd qMived et Im-o! ani danzer aud tise Iext momaOnt Bd t» bIiEtand the lofig triswaept peat. 1i0rMý fr TII.deed of UoeafSmay mot b. ~~ BR valsiht asesoMe tisat iave tissu 4, mOmý lmonla hites7.butthose vite Lu.: of te iniden say tut ttb@y e iliBe tisat ho is enUttiad ta a Carnegie ~j [Harom edal. Tise man livesa t Wiu- uetka and do"a not tblak tisa' ho diti eu, vry mucb anti isesaya he does nul, I ntink ik t iILla vortis mainga afuie O N SlI.. ANU ALSO MAS -OKII.L MER 4W*R HOME. XIe $ri A41C. Audrew- IIjBtikTmaeday 1i or4I blU ber ti- il ias. *=St MefflOas a 4-stiïmtboska~i a8 New Yoost . ort. g til. mi, MU etAtup t t 14tOet$0"i bis g*Uegai N4,0 ows.ay bbprat amt) iRiteiiN - khsT.talai #fIe au- e. oneaooccasiou 'ber lu 1>0 bac' hd&tths a denp gasl ha attatuke i ktsatUe, toMI1ber bt à«be tt bei vilS set r-c W. ,~ tbjprays tise*911V- - i1l1bi Irôanany- violene. iý;ZNAT-rWOODSTOCK. It ar$y ý SSday morsc 4volrd Wootistoc' loersé~ba&beenstolet làcl-t lï ea watec 'laI4 cone i ~t othtj* vseaen o G. e.9I,è a spleu .elo-t anti Abor cou rn~,a ~ou*mor 1about. DUCOVER8 VEOu DIPHTHEPUA Mma ffon, WolI Inown Formner Rosi- dent, Who Was at Point cf Death, la New Botter. F'riends o! Mrs. mille Dietmeyer I-orn, vio, nutil at summer liveti on West street, 3ust off Washbington,. anti wise bas mauy relatives ln Waukegan. will regret to bear that she bas malt bai a ge"ere attaek o! diphtheria at iser homne in Chicago. Mer condition nov la ImProveti sud tise la éntIrely out of danger, althougb for a Urne IL vas ! tubat she voulti nat he able ta pull tubrougis. the tvo doctora vha atteuded..-ier glving ont very littie bopes for ber uîtimate roe- coverle Mm.- Horn ila aiter of Bra. Charles Wetsel and, for a number o! years, vas a auccassful dreasmaker lu this City. YOUNG COUPLE TO WED. An intereatIug engagement matie publie totiay la that o!r'tis1-elets Desler, tiauglte su!'Ir, ant I'trs.Wil- lian G. Debler o! Colutmbus, 0h110, tOu Charlea Edward Bran n of Labo For- eet snd Chicago. 'lias Deshlelr isa sîster of lura. Reuusxaer fox, 1,5,) AsLor street, anti bassuted frcqîîoni- ty with ber. Mtrlîrotîv la a vo I kuowunan in businie - andi Social cir- clos. lt- la a meîtîler of the ç!Y' - moatpdoiutchitclu lilus resiulccuc at ijake Forest ib one o! the hanut- sainestanti moarcoi.iis Iluii tIsaI auburb. BASKET SOCIAL AC baert wisociaves by sho rairie Vicw band at Herccbbsrger hall. Aocrtwl bas esoi aîîd theori rde P,'airie View, Friday evecing, .in. 6, 1912. Ladies requesteci ta hisg baskets. Corne one, Corne ail. of oxtreme lnaanity. aIt, cpuiot gtso tiitersisor, w vo ato 1thakiri-l antI a doncr acconut of borselt. 1a.illing 10 do ail in bis pover f-,r the She bas given ber iane as 'day îtocd and needy, yet. if! the îounly Clarke and aaysa h'- cornes front dix-s not shlow these buill, he :- os-i Grant Cty, Mao., andt lat aise bas al tainiy Ioverless toacst- brother In Ptoektou, 10w a. 'sow ' nuder existlug cruatica She la exoeptlonalt it-1 dresseti abat are the poor aud acieand-Idi- anti bad $311lu ber pti- hen pît-ted tresseti of Our cîty to do wiù li ttà up. She wore black kd gloses anid a coutil.),bosiital tailor matie sait. Sho lias a mediain Wno wilI explain? dark complexion, biue eyes. lgbt hair. Wiil someonuo vith a better kuovi anti, whiîe cleariy oui of her mind, edge aud undertantiing of sujeL niai does neit appear lu tîîc -ast it-k. tedr, e-plain anti set us aiight.-A\ Suit Dr. A. E. Browns. i o-inty doctor, arîber exaineti ber and tierl1iios sht- is in' sane. Her remarks are- Itcoherent. Authorities are trying t.')gît iu'o rt-m usunication witb persors wîuo mttlti liuov ber eat Oant Ci' -anti fln i ui, Atter close quotloning the vo:i)ari today saiti as had a buebanit CHIRISTMAS LIKE fALLi CLEAR DAY WITH THERMOMET-ý ER ABOUT 35, MADE DAY AN UNUSUAL ONE. PIEOPLE SUN ABOUT STAtUTS WITM ATTIRE$ AARANGEO FOR EARLY FALL Sa far as veather conditions go, Waukegau probably neyer hati s Chrstmas like ibis yesr. Tbe sky vea clear as a cummner day. Tise inercury hung ahout 35 or 40 ail day. The sun shone ail day anti il appear- eti like ou October dey. The treets were tbrongti al day ~,qplcput valing anti, instea i nl g bundleti np witb f urs antiri~lars turneti 00, as etise cnstom on Christ- mas, coato vero open, furs sere hank- lug loosely anti everybody seemnedt enJoy tihe unusual veather for Christ- mas time. It Le many caas ince so mnay att tas wereo ut ou Christmas day au oni yesterday. The paveti street sav-e throngeti witb cars, the heatutfuîtday cauBing everyhody wba coulti. to get thoîr machines ont for a spin. Tisare vas flot even a rav aunti blowiug ail day, in fact it vas a incs unusual day In esery respect. The grounti vas not covere i vti s now, as la expecteti aI this holiday anti unIr - ere anti there couiti slight traces o! 1ho receut suow ho tounti. The oatis1 ln tovu vere very gooti, wbile o! course lu the country, tbey wore stl1 eery bati, causlng few persous to ven- ture ont o! the cltY. Difficuîtisof thea Mtstnruan. To obtain hiatoryi hb la teraturf anti history vblcb la accurate depeuds upon humnan qulities flot orten lourdi lu the saine persan.lie usho has the art o! gettlng at the facte ant Ili realty is qulte an art, ant i diculi encugb to mastor-somneluovduis anet bave tlîe art o! building bigs Lu'tt Into a lltersry structure IhtiplIsses perhas scstjntes, saumultitude O! ceadora L. A Chase, FelIlow ln Amer iran htistory, MichI 1iîiu uio 0 e ur let ui!w in or -4er. lîttle bit o! ee w-atihi l di. uer table nr the houdmt, a testusoago. aa jokingîr propii.lug uoi - iii tua fut womau about six tînt -iz e. "No," ludignantîy repliedti1te big s' m ai), w hbeu 1marry I don't munti lu gel a man suc emal luat l'Il Iha-sýt-gli ake tihe beti ciothues lu Ils mos-nIscg ho Ilot That eluaive hoartilug bouse vhich you basve determiniedte to nt 501E DAY miay bu ativartisoti today. Iapprecite the privilege giatel me ,o1 anMwering the iabove ltter. i nias cut lie able or tare to ansver thet qitesîlo W'hy shoulti Lake rount, i hase a hoptal?' But 1 eau tell 'tot acylblng the people voulti like 10 kuov about the Jane MeÂlIster boepi- ta 1. Perbaps a tew tacts vill b. o! Inter et, The ellbcflns at tsa biapftat feor the mots a! October were $1,311 :-,!e, th expenses. $1,73t7.36. For No& siiecollections vers $1,067.66, fe- î.si.oe;slf 1.Tise expenses of tise imo nîonths exceeti the collections by $924 .57 Who is vorrytng about bUt. Certaini> flot the city, nt tise couutty, shen ail la saiti, the burdeas o! caring for h. paeople vitb no meaus sud vaiting for the Pay uttl sgue-t a tinte -a tbae' eau pSy, if tbey aver do. al faite on lthe Jane MtcAllster boapi- tl ansd bas fallen rather beavili o! late. The hospilalisant audoveti. Thore la fia churais or society ln the coautrr dotug anythlng toward supportiug a beti. W. are somnetimes toldt Oat tise hospîtal la an Institution run for gain anti thereforesoutti not expert any favors. If tbere ls a gain, sud aiiy- thing le saveti, vbore tioee JIt go? Rigist hack lntotise Institution~ for ImProve- meutesud bette service. Every dol- .ar of itl Te< vre no salaries paiti o a one counertet i vtb the work a! uhe association, lu vlew o! aIl these farte, I vouiti like ta ask wbat ticea the public expert of tise Jane 1.IlcAlla- ter bospilal more tissu i laisdotug, and as a tax-payer, I vand itilke ta say that il seons to me tisatItil onîtihe ensioer anti ebeaper for tise ioeunty tu belp the Jsue MoAliter> Sopial care for its poar aud ueedy. iLu o builti, equîp anti malutaIn a connty hoepitW. Vory stncelely, Enmmati. Shusmway, presîdeuito! the Jane MeAlleter bos- p "ta asoItion. P'a Goat's MIIk HighIy Valued. sud meticai experts who ativocate tise use of goats milk for Infants sud in- valti. lu tact thore are sanilarlume lu France anti Swtzerland that give gsi-tt- mîk a PrOtrtnent plat-e ini their systî-ius o!ftareý The nijli is special- y dci oit reiid- ulfor Intais hecause ou ls cliii I ,riLy lui compoi.siton te DidnI Land as He Expectid. I tilti ot expect lu corne town this aity -'vuis Itue iflîY rt-mirk made by Josetph KIin at. tf Ttrrs Car. Nev York, jfi- r tnling fin a heigbt ot t1ti feei. sltiid acutardl ars tarit Ing a rcusmlete senit, rsaut Incd Istidîng onu iss-st' Knows NusI Wisdom. A man sebu doeflot know bow tc learu froua bit- mistakes turne île beea nerhooîmaauer ot o! hies lIe. - Ileecluer. Quallty That Proflteth No Man. Connaît may puf a inuop, but ne, cr prop hlm np.-Ruskin. *bo4CCUM ~THE CAl WIA CAUIBO 70 et HFI-C - Y*fflolti. tert Ifbr" oni,~sau Ot ~ ~ewsenChteia i t romIn pul Imil ewe t r«ox. flhIIIII'1TMRS. HITNT SUES rI.irftIaiFOR DIVORCE flflFTFfl~ Charges Wtle 'WithT Desertion cuit cutbfr' g hte.It MAN CHARGED WITH ROBBING court Frida) before Judge Whitnev Il POLICEMEN HEAR SIJSPIC# BEFRIENDERS WAS SERVINO aeIcrs M-.An ut0 NIENRER0zTOEA Lak Foestagain;t Aber hiusbnd, N CAPACITY 0F WAITER. i John B. Hunt. Tbey are colored. ' tirs, NAB TWO MEN. : Iliant chargescrue ty. ^Ir.. Il. .1 charges that lier husband: HAD BEEN SOandHRE:: re:oesone Instance tohatlOn-iBOTH LIVE 18 WAUKjW urdlast apring. At that time she! sys er hu&band drove ber from bed -- WAS WEARING CLOTHING WHICH athtie point of a revolver and she bad THE ATTEMPTED ROBIBERY * ~ T CAIEDHESTLE to hear ber buaband and anotber Wa-1 PAC NEAR THREIE man talkIng lni the b.d room. She PAEOCOCt0a $ FROM BLUEJACKETS. says hoe threatened to shoot ber headi ON suNDAV MORNINQ. off so that sonne one would Ïhave to ______tote" ber out if site did flot go away. C. 1,. Pliinkelt, formneî ly shis (00k At another tîme she says lhe struel, Alleged to have been caught la the ali lie Great Lakeas uaîal training sta- her many times with bis fist, knocklng art 0f eeeking to break into the fruit lion at North Chicago, bti sfo roeis- Ottone of ber teeth. lier huaband, store conducted by Tony lstzzaroni t ed a discharge without lhonor a fevduew h hre adI gt h 3 oclock Sunday mornlng. Frarik a"; * s-ek>sago a lie he as sutjected to case i"SkJnnV' UAtz, lwo Waukegau joung a coort martial and ssho Iper watt This morning the divorce case or men. were îlaced under arrest by t . charged Nw lb having stolen s largo Ford J. Allen against its wlfe, Pva local police and ars now locked up ja' aioint of clothing front îwo luejack- ,, Allen. botb o! Barrlngton the iy jail. Policemen William »&- - ets v ho vere kînd enoiîgh to share haerd. Allen clîarged bis wlfe witba vis sud Matt Staleer madie the errent&, '7 wth itini, lias lîeeu arcest- desertion. After beaiig the case Il Tbe officers heard wbat &ou dMd t¶Y- ed hv local aîthorlîîes and la 00w vas dlsmlcsed by Judge Whitney on lîke sorin. one seeking to force a wlu- awaitîng trial ln the cîty jail. the ground that ufficent evidence f0 dow'or door on the north aide of the Pliinkett was located ln a lkactoe prove the assýertion bad flot beau pr.-asore. Witb their revolvers la their hotel, vho-ce lhe a enployed as a sened. banda, ready for any exgency that' waiter, A lueiacket front, te naval migbt present Itself, the two poice- sehool baîîpeood tu stop at the botel l A E men sllpped qnletly to the mear of th in question and recoginlzed lu a watt- bilNO n srpRACEe woy c. er the former naval school [fan, abo Il men seeking te force a wa't luto a s co 1 hie kîîew was wauted Ili the Waukegan door The young men were st-e , police, 1 rised that th-ey did fltbave Cilre 1,6~ Ciion is return to the naval station WHITE POPULATION PER UNIT t3e !fib ndsbitdrl he, told of baving Been Plunkett aud 0F PERCENTAGE, INCREASED to arreast. the local police were nolîfied at once. ONE PERCENT OVER 1900. Later the police coiaduclee¶r--i n-*S .londay aflernoon Policeman 0-eneral tgto n on htts o i're -- H-icks was sent to Racine sn ud n, ROPORTION O F FORIElINERS ýmust bave beenat work at work ax ed in the evenlng wtb the ainsu B UT 1.3 HIGHER NOW THAN little lime ln chelr efforts 4o grttu.- sought. TEN YEARS AGO. tbe building. Accuned of Thefts.- In theelirit place an effrt had 4i J. J. KunobBki and F. A. Pratt, two In a prellminary report mait receiv-i made to get luto a aide windo;i h t tag bluelackets at the naval school, ai> ed tram tihe Dept. of Commerce and a short Umne the thleves rereýc peared at the IoîIce station titis mur- Labor, Bureau ýof-Cnqis, tti la con- 1u with -a short tur nbofbré the ning adpBtvl dentifled lnet clusively poe that ln"Dl' stteel door beld lu plaue by hart. They sald that tbree waeks ago, a!- leazt, there bas beau ne race suicide have been practically làposIX* ter Plunketa dîsharge be came to durlng the peut ten yeara. 'The next effort wa uade; et lS tbem down and ont aud that 1953' took Illinois ln 1900 bs.d &isOW Whte leading Into a Iltt» et str* 1-i10101 ity on hlm, lblnking that possibly the Population of 4.734,873; lu 1910 this gaXve way qulte befoa'e t» att.0*« charges agannatbhnm were not true. figure hall been iaufflente8dby il. put. i and the nëu t tt&t.W"~ They sbared the roam wlthbinlm and Of tbe aboya 1900 figura, naive parent. jbbi.g made Qu the dccv thst OLat lt. 1ý on Deoemehr 6 he dîsappeareti. Sim- age repriaested uearly bal!. or 47. tb%,,th ftipwôer. lit vwu t tls jus. ultaueoualy Kunobekl risaed clothint and tfeu years later thse pareutage pro-ture thât tic policeméft 9ut Ilu u --M and jewelry to the value of $90, elsile Portion was but 46.1% o! the total M M1 Prattltaissedl belonglng to the value wbitea, uowithstanding the fact ihat This la th tbldtme that au effort of $1,0. The matter wss taken up duriug tais perlod tihe actual perent-baben adtorakutti l- wI1h the local police andi a searcla vas age bad increased 14.%. rom thîsa tuîeu detoesd boak to tme, li- instituteti for tise !ellow, but without It wîlI beasBeau that witb a 14.5% ln-Ic sutces uti Mudy.crease lu native parentage, snd l.187 salon& thée attismpt8e won ,Uce> sucesuntl 3ondy.fnL A large amonut of tobacc, et A little over libres weeks ago It was 11n total vhîtes, thse 1910 population 1gars ad pipea vere 51:010n ke!or»Ill chargeai Ibat Plunketcame to Wau- Par unit of parantage wvas 1% hîghit a ishtle h eater ~~ te kegan and sougbt to purchase gonds ibsu lu 1900. lc-ietdbtasrl ieuuo at local stores sud sought tu bave Foreign¶ Influx. plisreine-selts a siu e befo re llîem cbarged to thse naval schaal. At tlespite the Influx of foreiguers, ta0 __________1_________ bfore the tlme Plunkett denied this. aIl parts o! the Unitedi States durlngD le wîll bie given a isearing ln police the paint few years, the abave mention- DQ T IN OR L court today. Wben arrestei Monday ati report indicatea tbtt iln 1910 thse Pliiokett was vearlng n suit sud oser f oreign percentage o! Illinois' î,tai Dedîcatîon of hMonumeint Ith MemorY S coai that Kunohakliieutified ase bI. iolulatioti vas but 1.2% hîgiser tlsan Mra. Chas. Morrîson Hold Sunday. Plîîket va gIon abeaingtody for 1900. In other wordi, the teta hefoce Polît-e Mtagstrale Taylor anti Of 1900 sbowed Illinois as liting ai e1iu onmn umms hoe vas lsotnd over to the grand jury foreigi! white Population formlng 20ýy, o! Rebecca. wife ot Charlas Morri'som, He was unable 10 furnlsh bonds and orf the total, while lu 1910 lise corres- President o! the Globe Depertmnt wilih boiîged 10 romxain ln the countu 1poudng figure vas 21.317. store, bas recently bieu erecteti eu jai urtilthenex sitin oftbejur luI 1900 Illiinois bati a negro ullulaîî- tihe MOrrisaln !arilY plot ln Waldisaim tioti representlng 1.8% -o! the total: e to.Ddiaonxrcgnw T ln 1910 Ibis figure la 19%, abowinf, a observed Sunday, Rabbi Buginalai pro- C. H. lbrecht Dsappears gain over lthe white inceas of lt-. sidlng. The Chicago police bave boea re- ________ A large nuimber o!f fs-nd8ensd rela- .queeteti ta searcl for C. H. Albrechl,' tives resliing tu Chicago and Wasule- ,o! Prairie View. soutis of Uhbertyvîlle, FIREMEN RECEIVE gan. vere present. . Who bas been mlmislg sînre Nov. la0. XMAS PRESENTS The shaft ln o! witbe marble, al-out At thal lime ise bas In Chicago. HIs Ivelve teest ilu elgist, cepresienhfint a friands deelare thaf there vas no ait- Every Firemnen ln CItY Racelvea Fins ahattered oak truuk, surmou'ed t'y parent reason whî hoe eboulti remain Wool Shirt Front Modal Cîthing a dove, Iaway from homne, as is finances were Hose as a Chrîismas Present. bln good condition andl ho hall oo do- meair rohlo He la 44 years old. )Iembers of the Waukegau lire de- lacrnment store sirprlsed sud d,ltlt- A.nnenuncement lsaimate or thea, zs. -il fi" Chri-stmais morning Whoun te gagemeuat Of Mlae:Çilatflild-Taylor to rChIlIds Request- I- Bohhys sarihadt oiýenbrîiughti hlmmails lîroîîcht lo eev mombers îîf the Mr. Whit,$aan Of »dptou. Miss Cia- orne ri uv chocolat, ciite, v h ch s dtit ii ihent, frotîîîthe chief down tro fiell-Taylôr, 4 eug4te i et th m ulU-ul- a îbrikl sery rniich i f-ioîr heu sietic Ciii I n'în, orientes- n luai, c lo ,a,- lioflilte Hobart Cbatdtd-Tayler, la Uilt i tI.ii: ,j.,raa c. tail as eitton ttorte ofo!Lake ForeaVs social teadaga. y an i ci Ai 5 iem ai-Sitiivy au utiii-ii--lbut puaI pou t- to Tiues aitiMr- W hitman vas the recîpient o! bu i,lii i ii u-c t )o'i lc 05e \ t-o hinboits-on 'V i't(>,,u iii y hearty conrmtîîI-i ions weeti s 1 U) rais" -. ci-i a-.s a litit gft t,) ar jjîî cfriînds learneti tnt is suit for tse i rîîî ttroi tti of ,rIl, i- i id of aebcutii ilaccoinplisbhtl Mac's Compes Maseup. M-.. AXl-hlil,.ýI ci l l Tomr- i bellie badiI- i it-reusfui. Miss f Tb, averiage iiiîi Ili lt cliii huiase t ibal illd-Tayi r ;n ntarrying early. la 1niaut- il lttr t t tiiis of ictandiU-. one foliowing it li, foosteps ot ber uotb- gpou"I cY saît- t-t lit ricieît tir M, Ma I n i lii -,fer. The wpdtl i ,whicb is planned for 800 ' t' B !(t,7tc. ti irtnto - - -- ext i.t ai It- e 1Forest, willl be the kti iS~ iil ii- 2Qsii i n "l-~ -lci t-iiliiwtdn big uii -the season ln veti- Et, u- i ca i i air t ii c iiiFclic i tut-n it. i e t i li lil I , il lotl"I do pt~ Iaiî st n1sa uu~u'Srt Attenids Teachers Convention Dat of Cotiis lumbr s' - ,îrh. - e î To 1,.t ii ot l cîilti tof 'ir. aîîl t-rsoiid (i il- . i,, ti -t at 'idm.t eii-fut o1Wwotb iti Siperiutaudeunt of Schoole as ii ,I,1 plat t u- it t tIl .î, l]rtî hit- i oIiun 'toiiiluty. ltwortl i '. su!ii n pson, lias gone S rn ame h ai-i 1,i-0î ti nla it- iliNio- t i(ityn t. L to attend a îeaobees 1436, otheti inIii Il i, i ,- lcdtite ___________tutitl, .te8chera ant i nstrutors * us correct In- 's 5c lu tt-ceof age Cutlivate a porsoual prîde lu yoîîr rOua lparts of the tate vilI b. pres- wben ho disci vert 4 Aiitrica abillty to write -vaut ada THÂT AC et. Mr. fllmpen la dowia for ou. of COMPLISH THINGS. the numbmeron th& progracu. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS,, FRIPA 29, II)l 1. 0j fE ti tf a] h

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