TyVL INDEPENDE--NT uokà' CoUnWy'-Big .Weeà>p WAUKEGAN WEKy SN.- YUL-NO. 2 LUMÈETYVILLE INPEPENDENT, JANIJÀRY 8,1920. FOUR PAGES 01.50,PER YEAR IN OANlGe. Fann or ts fallin ce; or if iey for, a Wvis1 te ,-Uqon- LOANS.. loans in reason- ank DOLLARIS NUISE IN PARIS ,1 8 ,à Machine Gunner From Wauke-TolAS gan Keeps Weddmg Secret Sinoe t-ast iuIy. - UNC ikAMR OTOItCYCLE 18 Hml WsKnown, to PraOtoaiIy Ev- SIOGOlo Wairy Man,Wou Child ln W ucai ré ItHAD INTERESTING «CAflEER. WUlaib, . i(Lnce7 lui Ats.v collectatno, e0mai. (IHe turned lunhiulafteiàrtuy md14 cotats' Tubday-.vMalm et 9 IÉlCI et is hoaie, *8M noth ,Cenet Street. Unele 991, thé. mothod" tbe cheerful, th# bagestthe PMB tuaI. the ilbfa; hcolied ait thr go ,tilI.dI ett he agi tO rii bt trthr 'lèv«là ofEmployes Sub- da oigJean . i etsrer la ai 4%»to >Fuod to Circulate Sort in tsaryandIlle,. uovi o -m*se Pet.'ýion. bis parents to 0h"mobmr, la.. where aam . th lho bame appren- lbeed 10 a prnter at -tb , > Mixeren PARDON BY GOVERNOR mahary, or 10 centsa week. ourn i- whIch ilie turnts"hle bs owD tovela - mmad m&os. He ~asthon 17 yean . mPloY ette o ElFgin, Joliet, iner hebud took bit tuOhio m4a bIt e l in ub.rtbo d , flnaly ho came tb Waukan aearly <us sai ob inexes.of 3,00 a hait centuryao. Of fliàncingthe lb eufay , *ais tIih toeaite î belenbecr. aI et >1ryriIle Mo., ltodeateay, as ml. Ie-f here he deWLied tu renlm A4 bIt *, ai.td yhéi asn e whoye a lotb se foroinan of th mgchMiloe tuaiMb.sal hoVmson.vbodepartment 01 a Maryville * »ews- xo ~ r Aw 3 71 -,1tsoeey y : V-ôi4igi -eouseI -,or naer. whleb »à te itIiIdb 't ,ut B;sn Who vas convlcted 0f pBiron A.D un uore nm 1er n cnueîlo vila b. ook fo bae. . vs l BI. NW T i f th e motrilO lie% <taMdi lky enough 41« 3 you on landi.g.st 9s iit wveave.k$ go of John Si-oosfo by. ewa InMr utt h e aPOY i the J" I1n's etiwpioy for elghtn t.e ..Sa mclnirblch .asrrlvdf0'i lvlm 3 pud.oacry -fraf 5150 an e:npioye ll. ou tiiu 4 . I f tva bouts 1 millon, andee*fefSISOO tva eludh rdrc ut a84.adSmtt.d Ihat a fond la being -onthe 1 :21116* ioea Min., IckSàoi Ptadbt @aid h. did net know ho Waulcegan (RagidIt, v*lle*lMr. Dumw ..qE P * rg Ifl.The Sua» inormant sald Ovned I. ap tntU» tii. Al. the.nowe- ý1 MPM0 li been subscrlbed snd paper valso»M to John W. DeX&y u . * * IIf .1 hbaüIt employez ail along the lin.e b Isaeaaee he as- ~ - u Wa mm&nad Joiet hadtrJeanneAnna DeKsy l hi Ohagi. a. VOf, M O TH ER * riç i g àUftbe4 innov caIngc mauy.vtde seeron. 4»$y.-Orvs' Motion for s new triaii. Ieand bMr. ht9 ip looaemidofAUTOQ UNICNOWN 1» 111e argued la. circuit court n i m -f.Atsvxfrmaac eio oW asBm k S a w f On. naIfthemeionle0ffme thamcaneSl mae dnt rar B cshod -o 9M018wi8Ifllintr umot 5 d 1&91eti 893. taO U f ail the fnammes ta temory dear Ofbl.Thoenepenalty u~eaifor agj . Abut that tinte mr. Arts vent te. -EIS OUI Theghany atel me RIn sareiner an m deeoeilaie sentence n flelweln. Jova., vbere hi warked W lT i shah ever be te e are ti taeP1tnir ffiie.William Reea y hheV8haqielvem bc theor uuma <o ut. I twomas aill 4and fft shop Foron MY beart's mosl sacred place ()"M Plans tu circulaI. saplie. Of bis ovu t Wetut* loVa.o 'TisIUU'*l deeper graved Iban u«y <4er O~tetd t In odnslg Liva e TlfyNom . j-Nor nauigtil irom Ibence shall e'er , et".He oifas b. AXffltethe lreyMr. ednaneaàmthr. Cl IIIeaould b. lttie dlfflcuity b~utéa bout thîth, ima. - o,«ns *rD~I Upon Sacritto T ergseMssRSDUOI ~3U MYeItiaouaaud am.s ou &.ldes tbls vider aBd du« dtgbyhe thers for ound ni te.Ms laIc I" u o f : Headmllted Iodai liaI XMyIIe, h Isla I*9d 1O ttWa «Maeb y àto fr Lbui ia hailble ralaadby cm. brtr.. radid, 6 <i«. t - hi Clden W MRSAOTtRR ot ounnz 1aed 0f the.road lu tuflDAnce thb. and Joi e ofWelltntoa. o, ______ -i.AFDHE I'SA OTI R ç *Witlo of1h1 poîliti va auana" lU f.. mil.*le vanslor t develeps thatrlenk Day. th Bv Y H ESTER L. RADFORDShesotenorouVoaaird Wauega an ~,au.Jiel, ran aaslng5id bîxaly orayrs.al ing case appeared ID 1h. coiaIIlîcourt W av IBU S M N "Uncle Bil" bod itngîilt Conti . M*eitt Libertyviile mee , ve And vept for me suchbibtter'tears, house Tuesday arteruoon VWhbe a dance n ihumansnature. »umtey tliOuch ho W@ netotut he <fumerai That tlhroaagb Yo aith my faltb g rew Joseph F. Lenzen, ai Round Lahie aged OF IT111. tbcrlt Orbonstyofnthrw- ifearlero hi hoe nqrbibetyyeaeR oundLake and aged 20 procýured U I TPFIN I I rosa b î nmoe i a .ney ds t ud 4 t é cO te e riv d, 'I o Fr nkv olte pa h ai doubt and dread I17 C am oo mev---- DATINi AWORK rielr-lnWeeanit J fou wir ~~~ ould flot let me valk alane eral years Saovas one.ai 1he. princi-- vilioti nda h umrip.s But prayed the prayers I loft unsaid pal vîtateîkes on te case vb.n Mmr, -Of recent Ysear- hovas employaMo ie n etpo hi* place gong te And sougbt the God 1 id dlsovn. John Richardson of Vetolobi e veral A jury in chir cu rt early Tues- as colectoir for the (lobe DépartI Lbertyville. Mis fermt je outh aitrding e n a rail hea ryng of day et-so.ug t rmd a vedit0f nment Store, lb. Wakom OU 0'1 ui.o'a iscorners and quito. à distance you gave to nme no yard of blame chase ber ont a ravilad Thscase - AgItltlCag osa.0<Militexaha- P an h Wskga mlyOslt.freit Miwaukee Avenue. Btwape em yu ae chbelie r out of îionvid hist lla.elnme and durng te laut le« m 004. hie iButlea lov e i b ur ed ni> An ief alo. ed se Robis ng Ititîtoftil-ey Sun. éana orking for W. J ha ur- m Saedme and latgged along ln the Courts af Lake daedSm olao. n ml anofmd F G. i9mir hlaî vh iret fiw.,, Frank Dey. wveathy ononfaiMrm. And let e wortby of >our grief. Counly untili sfew menthe ago *bon dm-(b AmerleenSticot ad Wir, cotfl the Gazette, Duri gtbe third aifaa Ellzeheth Day, vbo vas taken ta thethfiaselen vsmemtr leuy Ti, vrdIt va seledsndcentury he ivedl In Waukegan b., Lakte (fonty poor faim while hêr won Moid ln cout mth~aiternmn.aivays lhat ork thal brought hlm îlnebidren wrangled whaa abotld takçe 1 AND STILL ANOTHER the Raymond asIateliai pai thelb MObinutlotitlthejury that hbe. va îbpIoIyeey~ car. of ber and psY thlburiliex.AITHR1Judgment seciared by Mr.e. lRichardson Bttewoman and child ber.. Wben -b.c eseuldnlittn er funeraiUHO UNKNOWN in lier suit for dait1ages against the ou- ~ ~ Wr Ca oef omtpany~cie amk alcii m h Tuenday in Wauiaegan aI the Halland -*4thhn she undid ber haîr at night, delendanls. gr b ,O ~.btit a shoit cul persan at the door told hlm ta o me Undertak ing Pariorai. altbough thle '%bout the tinte for lying dowu, girlW wRIl5lO&ta o~ -thé cemetery. vhou me Wv t. alute ieh a ha~services vere deis.yed thalt au bour She came and knelt. t vas an emaîl. Vas working ln bleRichla toi. ab* 0taaik, he a s r.sn unpunctusi as a cdock. tAch, 4 O m ak l. rmrkdAil over me, ligbi. gaîd andi b ti. 0 bcstore, selz s. m.Rîçlarduan *ake lu $ 0ils bad drew. Bill always carrledaltti. edboeI) "He < I f.l asle.aasnld berpraycrshe BatrOnped ushsad an s te V,. enroule hie body lavlîlab vas rcrd iev éelo, nue.Who bal been sent ta ascertai 1Her air young fae p( off il j Y - hsbndan sw ho - tefi èùmIf o- dd nt ýIIecjd.whenzoowheher « Mr far Yung face(e t carry ber. off on the rUag amInhter 'Ibbi loigm B Ii ll i~.et athéjvhtitMin. tht' h Uotld 5arrive. Tlien a eemis). tdumP berinhoa a 1111e pond ot v.aler. 111ku Che t, P9c n théieeat vamunt t red orer w s"Ore. of perlons presentitidAing lier girîjsb .vaice, lierkiases eveet, it vas Ibis gIrl Clara vboin the »prShoriff Titi'U ttlfltlG aistant. M. acier vent to sloop QonWbere repoeed 9il ltaIt-mWaa ùrtai asd ll ee&.crigmahi bi ae @P W admltled te, tiemnt unftishei daî's vok - te 9 -Year-Oltt voman. On ier bier Ps.ýý,wt i nocamn nc nti ae *0 tah" tI$ aret that IDe bad a. ALylFîen.--vr eea lrlea.dreains. ,Tbis girl ClarasaactuahlyàIe ilar teIsUmdthatinson. -'The Rev. S. W. Chidester, Preai»' J iîness for tb. state n the entire t.eMled ait1h triol 1AIII.Ough lbe recelved On'y -a tiran, huitcharg, ar the service md And vben t voke lit merry Maria, Voilarailriding case.I vas the wbo 4* laZ d net tireatenci Robin- modeKt salary he alwai5iaysmane ' 1< aaid a beautiful tribut. ta mother . Throug liter goid bair h miv theldtitbmw the vonten came toe «pomcb . 0s0 e a , dollarsaepenid tek I ~Flloving a PraYer. Mr, Chidester SUnDof lbe store for ebe vas eniployed "Ys ID ien alndeilte mli <lei, tat itehonS ieW e cd itrend lbh varde n te Gospel or. St Fiame ttrong, sulne gid. and glorty by Mfr. and lira. Rîchartsog. 5h. tu, ialq éca e o W'maonias f hi . le okdamioua. nTegra éd o .Oh ee f. Ult easeh acu*htitre iithvorla ed mb awtiiJohn: "1 go 10 prOPare a flace for1 h ra odvrd eer lId bow yy eîrni 1rs.. iebard- iviu M sidheYQu." Thesagedi aa1. Itisa r- -c BIjon off the pli r2t ut bha onà pokadfrticul arob nt atalds er cbd oaunaae aind an Forget ber vards. "My darlng lraIl and-carried ber dovn throeul 1h. - ifllaaag - arkmm fr nmn yei~Wi inlltsearuuly blame among-ebr'four chil- -a«e!" s5igle street ai Vole. T' liâa, great. .141fér,~ qïi« ai offinance foe thle lcIsiglOrfPytha. don. --- y excited ang, nerest.d la vbat Thé m ýet YWlsen be, becaine AM-»e lUi is.- The. minister touchbed.tutthe b.Ps- Ab! checkered years mince then vas gains gon. tld boy abe follavd n!p e et TlkJeffers, on.eaifibolce of going to e.uffit&rl*nfor. UbOe of moliers *»0 o oten arc -have crept tb. lhrong ai vome alali: the streot o i b ifote rl i ion, î Io ot or heslnluj'bore.-'He catpelled bta M« no.- long under Pait bier and me, and ve have ad even tlId lui court sanie, ai tb. oonlitai e't mPsecd Otfai.sectd-d t g the tle tu- t.snn0 he-fe> m o - konIinga the vamen said! and dds lire. OM9ark unéeslat- e maflo ram-la ci- hnsts bhe viaure tii0'bais"' "cOMfort it a'Dt Sa1nametI.îband.- Some sorrow and mach temperejd lehcaison vas carrieti alou*. sb -< ut,Éj1 .t efes aeted as intra m~ci e t. e."OPho-aad. ama- fill 'nlmahr love gt.es trength, JOy. aiea vas iler.mted euougb to foilov, .Osoouqý tvey oue.ancle a ntr Aî .r-uims hoickd ts er 1.-verythîng for taos, io r IWrhno hod )be îy, 1h.crovd te tbe 11111. puddle of valer orfo, tebalc. is confart every day o1. bis IÙOMIbught.outel lit hg thromtb ber hiaad. And lier gald bair snov.vhlte Is vbere Ihey finali>' ddnped Mr:. aRlb' Befaçe he dfed big tequesl W55 ibat 1Ho* "lie ManIer bas is revard blovn. arion and servait ber vith the vart ',."BQ a 1 ott l nd. everyth i s l l t tuton, 6Mo." ti Il-ts'vo hb~ flaver and - ý ng ha if she <i d toileave tnvm h* Bon",Ruig ous ' H va-saima a *e*ii Of the libat lut beveet rea." H1 tThe varid bas cbanged b>' slov de. wouîd lb, treatto acoat ot.tar and, a od, aln oseKghts of h .M. obm 1'he g5ye thanks for té mnthebrs' h grcs feathers. - tuneral.,vîli be ield ffldsr viSa ho efthét, brl dea o si. And as old <aye recede. aae.! Clamr rturned ota h. store-greatly 01110116Tsauary 7.-. Pytiaa i n charge, more deffulte ar- deulsi.'- -go 0Muci of trouble bave the nov, excited-over vbat bhad bappéeaséand M , ,îh ecb va elia agments le . ah o tiUcod ,In- lr. '1ilàlg the -irlef servIce. ai tb.; Those rare, far Jays grov dîtjir l.deasrlîdrelî ube sai Usbolen rate a building on 11'(oebody wyul .bsie«t n e fIta2, 'bPel, tb. body was taken -10 Lin- hbroiugb to he fnerlb. gvýyom n oer dltti et treet the other day s quart lit.. for burlai. 'ilsilard la -iVbere ertyvllle cometery for Interment. Sdlmsms lrubadre o n latecnt e n lb. camgv,0f eta bouded liquor at voîl inova most af lth elattfl or0<Igrs. Artls "9- "ihiau'es" of litis unusuai tunexi Riglse.. -ncitlng riot. Sitealso proned: of lin- :. pulng dovti so,plath aide. lier stir', Mrà..-Welter R.>'-ve. nohalb BtJs -toîgpo'aC aeralrteve ,h o.truck dne of lté work. noMs 0or <at pi. eO'rd"ltuWti- Thel'e vas b$biI been-Butvjusod and- fineti vhup lia..e - ýtic head and dit! not break. kega% yentea'dow viacu II'ie ol vr yltvmnbd > Hdv lovlngly myitI hps ete kissed! Rchardson slarted the tbesuit "1alr a pînt, baIlle, -_parliy of 1Mr.'Arts. 4Si9oti uidAoê Mars ltaI miht have Asued. (At IHov cbsstened and clear the sun- vbAcb evenîually brought lber a Judge- -tabled from e aiatad vas White Uncle 8111 vAS.elnotiator for ail everts, non. vas seentttIckie llght shoile mntnî against lb. défendants. Sine the 51er>' of the dis- tbe Wankegainevpenh hddv a liaI On teI ar 1k oi-u t Ilas generlly felt eI the court ba been çoseti &round * an eydboya àlto Iter home io Tiaore vas no enotion on the part sv bouse durin the sensatiquai trial tItat - mn ae 'lanIngta ~ iWauepi's ]eadin.f uslnesa Md of aiT aiof hé.iaurner., Inin acîit a. Aharf Imcod isle AI îna lre7 u aCa' elno bense rainlg, biBnqs. valna l 1menad- M4 n.. e ia.have &arS solenin and quiet ocaIn.. - tat' the state vas able to plocute - aelth ar "k'tu esubastparta af rhelaaUbsrers ver-@ al Young#Tite Si. 'Paul Raliroad Iodai An ci- a coniction becausest i h n IUjAb A!I~I8 jie o~1i W191urle ucsu men,,and not aIder mon' as mght cuit court file diagainal E. C. Hov vlltness vhom liaejury anti couirU cou- RIiuâl eu '-- b -Tlhoro vus no floral plce naarke4 demouaniAng tirai, b, remave troai eétlle~vtesl i.'ia mitab"up ln ils Ina slreaigth the>' -ý mjghtbe' tentpted lé pas up biieso à No on. can otier su>' vgld tesson afor refueing ta admtt Iese enuiuera. l orsi and suer viat questions <bey b ayn aits. It sla apatrlotlc dutl. Dy thls lime. every ope knowi liaI etheenthtteraborsare e-t vornandth ie excuse ltat lbe enunierataraare mt von aand the excuse Ihat 1h.>' are r nlst&ken for book agents vAîll 110 eut- fîce. Waukegan suffered la the cenaus of 11910- because scores ci boomes- vet mAsd. Paîriottloit* *0 Wde o thé sanie condi"ltu< aits r George Reneban et Round Lais. Laie Coaty. la having a 1"vîldti ele at XlellbouüMe FIa&, for biss ihodtlng 'anmiti a4tlugi urêci. 1usd - is froua l iteNelltaoane Times cf reeuit date:- Xeors. -George. P. Roeban. IL C. Buet and MHman Plaît gel more an- JqFment out of lhe biautu Ma ttaon any ather lire. a »W Uen va fkuiov o«la liat edUm. hlaeydent celèbnie -cot lme <bey perlnc 1 n oxtraordlaary dayofet Yot oiq 1.Ube imunt ounds,'lut ombea <bon tdo celebrate At ibocemea se- *veut verlt r.offAngt. Andi , Mlut Fr1- day tI>ey breOt la tv.. bandioaie tturltey gobbhe»'. boslýàga litumtu tquota of uoiip aid doisas, en, yMn. Renehan. vue 15la aPeince ai *à- Idameaifrioja t*I l joa hm at-ibAe Sm- bïodloa.uts.b 1 ÈO r quartqcn-à11ok 0unmce -'a-y agut, a u11 tu*eyiluner sd4Y ave. ulul. the.-sread ivalpreoaWd le AI rctter, of Calot-i ed'.*li. n-be k% in. <oipreaar.a vw t'Orb"i t. lue Snihit enayle, aise,%Ïtbwlhr uti iibo tbat goa vIlla 4 <osai Gov.rnment sels ogerting un-' <lor the. dirotnofthelieIderaI agents' office at Chicago bans boss nvetlaing OcUMndI laInWaili. tan viSa1 a iov (o umsklg aOe'îst-at radc ale preparaîory ta Ihel? -depotta lion, It bas been learnoti l%*'. TIl1la knavn -taI liiese detectives -1mw. Wue voring in #&"erbmtfor 5o!'C liteai d aitAslalit ttahe7'are abolit readî ho sage thei raîie. J o b.éala.h ni" i *tzku:amn-6mw ed5gtlaemot., 0lut )Mdtwn'u buttt -in si theelf hie beau am*. Oner viti fa e-6b *çmni a86 noue vi e le ok. 1Wautegan, ecase of ls f mo Foutil ;; îftaaappuain,1segreias- 1ev-tIei.elbd for lth leri;esU4 4w radkial and, t -tl a thu>' bne been e preadlns th*0 wpmS btoadoaat. Wfhoagitatlc ia bu e dhrected ohiefli aMSog a claiaeto vorkers suesoutim e t iber aigU. la ca tablamare ue e ie, un tItis sei Iuliji, là "Otidll . bal the. Wai*em peles -noultib. CmAl in ho sagst las hIpis 0" bas bemn folIoWed la olier ci Ilea. B8RIDE FROM BAYONNE,,ui. Altbougb a f.n' clos. fiaonde- aiof the famlly ver, avare af the ,Tact,. announcement of the secret -vedding of LIeut. Albert Mackey. son of 'hM. and lira. W. C. Mae>'y, 124 Second Street. Wai*egan hV US vas a a- chine gunner overmoas and MIsa liadelihie Givene of Byonne, N. J;, 5 Red Cross vorker ln 7rance. lecanai knavn only Iodai, aithee l tok place lia Paria. Juiî 3_61! isltîesr.- . The romance la said!Ib hve begu whie Lieutenent .Maei Sas look- ing up delails aifliae deali 0of Leut., Homer Dabringer. Waukeg9n young man vho. test bis Mfwvile doamsj dity as au mrial observer over th&i <lerman lhies nearmi, .1,Lieutenant liaclie>'enltting tile aid of lte Pari% Rd Cros bureau la bis séarohà. ThtoIrid vws n Red C-ýffs-w6rk In Paris for a year. Lieutenant Mackey vas a guannr lia MaohiaC (;Un Company' No. 333, SmtitDivlsl. Aftor the armistice wumsisgiaed Lieu- tenant liackey vwas traèer.d ta the millhaty Police section' sudas-« sigiacé ta dut>' lniParts. lloth the bride and ber haiabmnd are member. -of Unie Amerlcan Le- gion. The vedding <lretiopy wvas vt- nesd by Leut. Athel't Woodruit. Ih wb as Lieuenant MSCkeVs éant front tbe limethbey -vere, Atralalasg ln Camp Grant, and a cousin eft1h. bride. . 0 1 Lieutenant and lira.'M.atbyijrte la Waukegànata riait tbelr -pte durlng bbe holidmîs anm Md~t.31 returned to Iheir homne là Iotrelit W here the >'ouiig m manla htlt*!edh ,th. Zi. H. Hussey ItAumbe O ýny- Census enunterators i Wuk.san are encounterng mare or leua delaY tbrougb flnding Ibat man>' people -are not gt'bo6e when tiaey eal., ln mani Insaces lie peoploermatir are aut but n tbe niajorlty ai cases i lbb I leved <bat the hausevivet deliherate. j h refuse ta anseor the suraimans oi lb. enunieralara under lia. bellef that tbey are book agents or cannaiseso f sanie nature. Tht. book and blinis carrld b>' lie ,nuiueratars evidentl>' Isatia 1o the erroneoiM'amresion. Unhesas le enumeratr semib ý«to 1h. homes vhere héh bs b ble bo gel an.ansver ta bis sIUgMS enO- sus figures of Waukegsn -Ail suifer. Il meane a Ilof ai Ae 10 lb. enujat-.- eralors 10 mate speclal 'tri e baci ^1 these houser and unless 11e>'ar e ex. treniel>' palriohic and have 4 personal deaire tlase. Waukegaiaspopulation puais,.ian. 7.-baeusUaut, fo $eres Ça tpeiem.vte.a Metac<tck I , l-m neius Owimlt, lallerslvsfo ot evp peteri. fokVmpe= t Juaa.Lover Calloruli. The ouil'exëeploe ý" O vs, Iýa Unve la tholenala et lteebaIle, hr pontier beluenavllluu te- Ifileen rounds ,acd rsvmlag tut, De îsion la accept Ceffrells e0«, ,et a $400.000 Purs. cani 51.1'a Iff- dmswulltan vll. kfeuch pM loa atio iehelatter expreoai AalIN t *éet lbe offer 4; thoe idsi ',-ýDescampe quenra te s»uthe Uft4fy-ulainlîaotpe.bst lae- JENIKO S OT ALLOW&O TO qè mAel<TOcJMil- ln Pub&&tte IMb!a ffl aulabod yJ.O cle iiour liwicipl *0 unlol téoaatel - - -Tbe Asaiy ud ity "Urs At salaorIe pu feraitt J. 4 '1 moyd ete x h- «"= s 1< vas>-fouati that blshu -i tz ,:* IW troue n1e 'vus .ll aot, 1-- tion and ithon vua io p, #Da a00 La Crosse bai but cote doUlla a b pockel vhen arrested. -Me -- 81.> ralgncd Iha polîncouffrt thile umowah and vaî fined 97.40. Me iWe lhe Ofîcer. coaamidemae, vs lsbed. 940 out of his bok andi bis fine.' lie saneomucetithm <tkg o vas goint bac i n-be.b.ho ba bis iuor se tiat hocoaild 0llua sdIio& uppli. -- ANYONE t you can g wei'ries. er bour; k f 1-4',